Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/www/ |
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BX.message('ADMIN_SHOW_MODE_ON_HINT') : BX.message('ADMIN_SHOW_MODE_OFF_HINT'), showOnce: true, preventHide: true, show_timeout: 0, hide_timeout: 2000 });'admin_panel', 'settings', 'edit', (BX.admin.dynamic_mode_show_borders ? 'on' : 'off')); BX.onCustomEvent(window, 'onDynamicModeChange', [BX.admin.dynamic_mode_show_borders]); } else { BX.reload(this.toggle.href); } }, _moveToggle : function(offset) { var newPos = this.initIconPos + offset; newPos = Math.min(this.maxLeft, Math.max(newPos, this.minLeft)); = "left:" + newPos + "px !important"; = "background-position: " + ( this.initIndicatorPos + newPos - this.initIconPos) + "px -1751px !important"; }, toggleStatus : function() { if (!this._init()) return; if (BX.hasClass(this.toggle, "bx-panel-toggle-off")) { BX.addClass(this.toggle, "bx-panel-toggle-on bx-panel-toggle-animate"); BX.removeClass(this.toggle, "bx-panel-toggle-off"); this._changePosition(true); } else { BX.addClass(this.toggle, "bx-panel-toggle-off bx-panel-toggle-animate"); BX.removeClass(this.toggle, "bx-panel-toggle-on"); this._changePosition(false); } } }; BX.admin.moreButton = { buttonContainer : null, menu : null, buttonSpan : null, buttons : [], groupsMenu : {}, moreButtonSize : 64, moreButton : null, lastVisibleButton : -1, init : function(params) { this.params = params || {}; this.buttonContainer = BX("bx-panel-buttons-inner"); if (this.buttonContainer && this.buttonContainer.childNodes && this.buttonContainer.childNodes.length > 0) { setTimeout(BX.proxy(this.__init, this), 0); BX.ready(function() { BX.admin.moreButton.__init(); BX.admin.moreButton.recal(); }); } else { BX.ready(function() { BX.admin.moreButton.buttonContainer = BX("bx-panel-buttons-inner"); BX.admin.moreButton.__init(); }); } }, __init : function() { if (this.moreButton) { return; } this.buttons = BX.findChildren(this.buttonContainer, { tagName : "span" }); for (var i = 0, length = BX.admin.panel.buttons.length; i < length; i++) { var button = BX.admin.panel.buttons[i]; if (typeof(button.GROUP_ID) == "underfined" || (button.SKIP && button.SKIP === true)) continue; if (!BX.type.isArray(this.groupsMenu[button.GROUP_ID])) { this.groupsMenu[button.GROUP_ID] = []; } button.TEXT = this.getButtonTitle(button); this.groupsMenu[button.GROUP_ID].push(button); } this.moreButton = BX.create("span", { props : { className : "bx-panel-button-group" }, children : [ BX.create("span", { props : { className : "bx-panel-button bx-panel-button-more" }, children : [ BX.create("span", { props : { className : "bx-panel-button-inner" }, children : [ (this.buttonSpan = BX.create("span", { props : { bx_hover_class : "bx-panel-button-hover", bx_active_class : "bx-panel-button-active" }, events : { "mouseover" : BX.admin.panel.__btn_hover, "mouseout" : BX.admin.panel.__btn_hout, "mousedown" : BX.admin.panel.__btn_down, "click" : BX.proxy(this.onButtonClick, this), "dblclick" : BX.PreventDefault }, html : '<span class="bx-panel-button-icon bx-panel-more-button-icon"></span>' + '<span class="bx-panel-button-text">' + this.params.buttonTitle + ' <span class="bx-panel-button-arrow"></span></span>' })) ]}) ]}) ]}); = new BX.COpener({ DIV: this.buttonSpan, ATTACH: this.buttonSpan.parentNode.parentNode, MENU: [], TYPE: "click" }); BX.addCustomEvent(, "onOpenerMenuOpen", BX.delegate(BX.admin.panel.__btn_menuopen, this.buttonSpan)); BX.addCustomEvent(, "onOpenerMenuClose", BX.delegate(BX.admin.panel.__btn_menuclose, this.buttonSpan)); BX.bind(window, "resize", BX.proxy(this.recal, this)); BX.bind(window, "orientationchange", BX.proxy(this.recal, this)); BX.addCustomEvent("onTopPanelCollapse", BX.proxy(this.recal, this)); this.recal(); }, recal : function() { if (this.moreButton.parentNode) { this.moreButton.parentNode.removeChild(this.moreButton); }; this.lastVisibleButton = -1; var firstButton = this.buttons[0]; var lastButton = this.buttons[this.buttons.length - 1]; if (firstButton.offsetTop == lastButton.offsetTop) { return; } for (var i = this.buttons.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var button = this.buttons[i]; if (button.offsetTop == firstButton.offsetTop && this.getFreeSpace(button) >= this.moreButtonSize) { this.lastVisibleButton = i; this.buttonContainer.insertBefore(this.moreButton, this.buttons[i + 1]); break; } } }, getButtonTitle : function(button) { if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(button.TEXT)) { return button.TEXT; } else if (button.HINT && BX.type.isNotEmptyString(button.HINT.TITLE)) { return button.HINT.TITLE; } else if (BX.type.isArray(button.MENU) && button.MENU.length > 0) { var defaultItem = null; for (var j = 0; j < button.MENU.length; j++) { if (button.MENU[j].DEFAULT) { defaultItem = button.MENU[j]; break; } } return defaultItem ? defaultItem.TEXT : button.MENU[0].TEXT; } return button.ID; }, getFreeSpace : function(button) { var buttonWidth = button.offsetWidth + parseInt(, "marginRight")); return button.offsetParent.offsetWidth - button.offsetLeft - buttonWidth; }, onButtonClick : function() { var menu = []; for (var i = this.lastVisibleButton + 1; i < this.buttons.length; i++) { var button = this.buttons[i]; var groupId = button.getAttribute("data-group-id"); if (BX.type.isNotEmptyString(groupId) && BX.type.isArray(this.groupsMenu[groupId])) { if (menu.length > 0) { menu.push({"SEPARATOR": true }); } BX.util.array_merge(menu, this.groupsMenu[groupId]); } }; } }; BX.admin.startMenuRecent = function(itemInfo) { BX.ajax.get('/bitrix/admin/get_start_menu.php', { mode: 'save_recent', url: itemInfo['LINK'], text: itemInfo['TEXT'], title: itemInfo['TITLE'], icon: itemInfo['GLOBAL_ICON'], sessid:BX.bitrix_sessid() }); } BX.admin.startMenuFavAdd = function(back_url) { window.location.href = '/bitrix/admin/favorite_edit.php?lang='+BX.message('LANGUAGE_ID')+'&name='+BX.util.urlencode(document.title)+'&addurl='+BX.util.urlencode(window.location.href)+'&encoded=Y' + (!!back_url ? '&back_url_pub=' + BX.util.urlencode(back_url) : ''); } /************************** init admin panel **********************************/ BX.ready(function() { BX.admin.panel.Init(); }); //BX.addCustomEvent('onWindowRegister', BX.admin.panel.setZIndex); //BX.addCustomEvent('onWindowUnRegister', BX.admin.panel.setZIndex); })(window);