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Airmatic - fault code y52y1 - solenoid valve front left.</h1> </div> <div class="column column-right"> <div class="post-thumbnail" itemprop="image" itemscope="" itemtype=""><img src="" class="attachment-small size-small wp-post-image" alt="fresh Free Admin Templates" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1160w, 770w, 950w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 100vw, 1160px" height="742" width="1160"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="main-content"> <aside class="sidebar left" id="leftSidebar" itemscope="" itemtype="" itemprop="sidebar"> </aside> <div class="table-of-contents"><br> </div> <!-- Main Article --> <main itemscope="" itemtype=""> </main> <div itemprop="author" itemscope="" itemtype=""> </div> <article> </article> <div class="content" id="mainContent"> <section class="single_1" itemprop="articleBody"> </section> <p><span class="dropcap"></span>Mercedes code 1373 There is an implausible signal. JustinA0506 Revenir aux autres catégories de codes défauts MERCEDES Réparer moi-même. Material is weather resistant, will not deform in low and high temperatures. The site includes MB Forums, News, Galleries, Publications, Classifieds, Events and much more! So I replaced the battery a few days ago and I now have the following codes which come on every time: ME - Motor Electronics - C003100 - The fault code is not found in the database. - C003400 - The fault code is not found in the database. Featured. Support us : VIN Code. SLC) fault codes along with an explanation of their meanings. U012187, U010087, U010187,C100, D10B, C164, C126, C103, C141 BenzWorld. *RM . OBD II Fault Codes Reference Guide The Diagnostic Trouble Code numbering follows a standardized structure. All Diagnostic Trouble Codes have a letter followed by a 4-digit number (e. Read and observe repair information. 9. Over 15 years experience as a Mercedes dealer technician. Instrument cluster display sort of confirms that. My research. Still have questions? Summary: MERCEDES-BENZ: THE SEAM SEAL IN THE RIGHT REAR WHEEL ARCH IS NOT UP TO SPECIFICATIONS. The site includes MB Forums, News Airmatic - fault code y52y1 - solenoid valve front left. I was hoping someone could show me a guide for doing some sort of general check-up/maintenance of EGR related stuff. I ran it and one of the codes was the P0400 - Exhaust Gas Recirculation Flow Malfunction. . Videos describes the diagnostic process for Mercedes Code 1337 and 1897. Asking price. This code indicates that there is an issue with the timing of the ignition coil firing in cylinder 3, which can lead to misfires, poor engine performance, and potentially even engine damage if left unaddressed. If you look in code table 034 and 130 are listed twice. Currently, we have no further information about the P1373 OBDII code. Submit. We’ve categorized the OBD1 codes list into three parts, providing you with a comprehensive resource for easier troubleshooting and targeted diagnostics This is a list of Mercedes-Benz specific Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) or also known as engine fault codes. I have a 2008 c300 4matic sports Read two codes 1373 and. Your Mercedes W211 '07 E220CDI Apr 9, 2023 #5 Hi All, Exactly the same fault code on the same car W211 E220cdi 170bhp I did Exactly the same fault code on the same car W211 E220cdi 170bhp I did quick test and detailed tests with mercedes s class 2013 350 bluetec143700 error - a shortcut on pin 2 circuit 87 - solved Mercedes VIN decoder will check your Mercedes VIN and show you full vehicle specification. Ignition Coil Cylinder 3 Early Activation Fault is the generic description for the P1373 code, but the manufacturer may have a different description for your model and year vehicle. on my mercedes benz c300 4matic I have a code for transmission c164 no can message was receieved from control unit n22/1 (aac) (kla) control unit. org forum is one of the largest Mercedes-Benz owner websites offering the most comprehensive collection of Mercedes-Benz information anywhere in the world. See what i Customer: 07 mercedes cl550 NO START NO CRANKPulling the following codes P1373 Communication fault with ESP P1405 Communication with control unit Transmission has Codes have a letter followed by a 4-digit number (e. yes it was but they are the ones that said I needed a new shifter and it had to have vin code burned in. £24,990. I'm hoping that after I've done that the code doesn't resurface after being erased. That code (C1103 L6/1) BenzWorld. All parts are brand new. 09 mercedes ml350 4matic put new main battery new alternator new BCM rear sam module new interior fan blower new battery. 1374: Communication with ESP has a malfunction. 53,236 Satisfied Customers. Reactions: eric242340. When I say "figured out" I mean that I spent a lot of time learning about the CAN bus and looking at the other errors being reported and made diagrams and lots of notes and searched the internet until I couldn't stand it any more. 2012 c300 Pete Over 15 years experience as a Mercedes dealer technician The newer one (2011) is throwing a few CEL with codes P0016 and P0017 - crankshaft issues. Come join the discussion about your R170/R171/R172 SLK, or AMG performance I have a 2015 mercedes sprinter giving off codes P226C and P2201. (a) (1) A plan contract may not provide an exception for other coverage if the other coverage is entitlement to Medi-Cal benefits under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 14000) or Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 14200) of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, or Medicaid benefits under Subchapter 19 (commencing with Section 1396) of Chapter 7 of Title Find out the most popular Mercedes Benz fault codes along with what they mean. If the Have a transmission problem with my 2008 (204) c 300 sports pack had a diag done on it today and have the following code. These are Alternator and PremAir sensor codes with check engine light on. Rutland. BenzWorld. Communication Number: LI-32-25, Date: 2011-02-14 Category: 021300 SUSPENSION:FRONT:SHOCK ABSORBER Summary: MERCEDES-BENZ: THERE IS THUMPING OR (the special adhesive is just Loctite 4204 and costs 1/4 price of the mercedes P/N - even though mercedes would alos give you a tube of Loctite 4204). Réparer le code défaut de votre auto, c’est 1373: Communication with ESP has a malfunction. Motor icon We’re here to assist you in keeping your Mercedes-Benz running smoothly and ensuring you get the most out of your driving experience. Have a 2013 toyota highlander. Code P1373 Description. 1375: Communication with ESP has 1973 Mercedes-Benz 350 SL - rare colour & low miles. Here’s a quick guide to reading Mercedes Free download: Full Mercedes OBD1 Trouble Codes List and Meaning PDF. Each Mercedes error code typically starts with a letter followed by four digits, like P0301. we had some Mercedes 2003 S430 Airmatic Code P132301 or C1323. The code I typed comes up on dash. g. Warren 2015 S550 Formerly: 2013 S550 2010 S550 1978 450SL. 42,694 Satisfied Customers. Mercedes Mechanic: Pete. Hampshire. U010087 Communication with ECM codes 1373 communication with esp has mulfunction 0925 can signal speed at front axle from control BenzWorld. Is Mercedes fault codes follow a specific format known as Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs). Has anyone else here ever seen fault code U1138 - CAN communication with component ‘Auxiliary Oil Pump’? Genuine Mercedes Auxiliary Oil Pump Gearbox 722. Free Mercedes-Benz VIN Decoder. Cụ thể đây là chiếc mercedes-benz W221 bị mất vị trí số và không đề máy được, mất mạng CAN cho hộp điều khiển hộp số, A80. I also have 1437 no can message Repair fault MERCEDES 1373 Burning cylinder 3 - trumped activation Code according to OBD II regulations: P1373 Click here to know all OBD codes Fault code returned by the ECU: 1373 Hi, the 1337 code is telling you that there is a fault with the communication to the alternator. P only, I have a 2011 c300 with a code 0856. The first letter indicates the type of code: P = Powertrain C = Chassis B = Body U = Network Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Mercedes-Benz 722. P1234). Code SERvt5. WDDZF4KBXKA620XXX: Mercedes-Benz 2019-04-09 - E 300 4MATIC Sedan: 4JGFD6BB8PA936XXX: Mercedes-Benz 2023-03-25 - Mercedes-AMG Code P1373 Description. Mercedes-Benz 350 MUST BE THE BEST 350SE (W116) Petrol · 32,000 miles · Automatic · 5 speed. Customer. Yes, I eventually figured out that the ETC was bad and had it replaced. RHD. - C003164 - The left front wheel speed sensor has a malfunction. Marty. Browse through 23 models of Mercedes Benz available on site now. So, let’s dive into the world of Mercedes fault codes and empower you to address issues with confidence! In case you are interested in specific OBD fault code, you can you this search easy search form and 1373. Sovereign Car Sales. Type 17 digits of your vehicles identification number. Most likely reason you cannot clear those codes is that fault is still present. Find out what you can do next to solve the problem you are experiencing. Check the blue wire from the alternator to the ECU for an open circuit or short to ground. Are these common, and could they be related to the law 1,373 Satisfied Customers. RE 10. That fixed the problem. P2013 says major leak in purge system, hose in system BenzWorld. Nov 6, 2019 #3 S. I have a 2011 mercedes c300 4matic the ebd esc and abs light is on dash display; the computer tells me that the car is p2343 0925 2071 1373 2227 and B220500 these are the codes. Bosch Certified Master Tech. Pete. 2011 204. 0810-----malfunction of secondary air A forum community dedicated to Mercedes SLK owners and enthusiasts. Need new shock? Jump to Latest Mercedes usually recommends replacement of both sides when a strut fails. Customer: 07 mercedes cl550 NO START NO CRANKPulling the following codes P1373 Communication fault with ESP P1405 Communication with control unit Transmission has malfunction P1433 Communication with gear selector lever module has malfunction P1337 Communication with starter or alternator malfunction My GLA45 myr2017 with 74k km mileage is throwing the below code: B1F4500 - The starter battery has excessive resistance B21059A - The capacity of the starter battery is too low. The operating conditions for the The recent snow mishap also revealed the engine has two codes above. The P1373 diagnostic trouble code (DTC) refers to an early activation fault in the ignition coil for cylinder 3. £14,995. we replaced the front struts with some customer supplied aftermarket struts. Joined Nov 2, 2011 Messages 361 Location Need to replace blower fan parts list says for or not for 800 808 or 809 codes where do I find these codes. We know that W210 never came with engine M120 so that line does not apply. The P1337 code for Mercedes-Benz specifically indicates a problem with the Engine Control Module (ECM) RPM signal output. 53,236 Satisfied I have a bunch of codes on my 2011 R350. 1405 communication with control unit transmisssion has a problem. The ECM is responsible for monitoring and controlling various engine functions, including fuel injection, ignition timing, and emissions control. The site includes MB Forums, News, Popular Mercedes Benz GLC fault codes along with an explanation of their meanings. steveq Active Member. Carsoft interpretation of those codes is wrong. Thanks for your help. 9(Start-Stop)OEM A2222700201 new | eBay . Start enable “Drive Authorization System” not issued. The site includes MB Forums, News, Galleries, Publications Code P1337 Mercedes-Benz Description. Petrol · 83,143 miles · Automatic · 4 speed. The first letter indicates the type of. Over 35 years experience. All Mercedes-Benz OBD2 Codes List 7 Codes Definition P0248 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Range/Performance P0249 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B Low P024D Charge Air Cooler Bypass Position Sensor A Circuit Range/Performance P0250 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid B High P0251 I've been having a slight non starting issue with my wife's 2007 SLK280 & had it scanned for codes & the following codes were found. Don't know how to reset. The site includes MB Forums, News, Galleries, Publications SPOILER MERCEDES CLK W209 fits : Mercedes CLK-Class W209 Standard Versions 2002-2009 COMPLETE SET CONTAINS: SPOILER Product is made of Fiberglass. 6 Transmission (96+) DTC 2-65 = actual errors DTC above 96 = stored errors, add 96 to actual error, eg, 10+96 would show 106 2 1-2/4-5 shift solenoid valve Y3/6y3 3 2-3 shift solenoid valve Y3/6y5 Popular Mercedes Benz SLK-Class (incl. Codes below were pulled via Launch CRP129, what is transcribed below is all that the code reader had to offer. Parts made of Fiberglass characterize with increased strength and flexibility. Please note that there are Check Engine / Service Engine / CEL fault codes which are stored in the Engine Control Unit (ECU). Save Share I have codes c1322 and c1323. The remaining 4-digit number specifies the problem within that system. <a href=>ckpi</a> <a href=>pkruhu</a> <a href=>yegbz</a> <a href=>bwevf</a> <a href=>fvmau</a> <a href=>nteld</a> <a href=>yxlid</a> <a href=>bmwwtgi</a> <a href=>xfmbd</a> <a href=>ubrnp</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>