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Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/www/ |
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API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. It has the same restrictions as other casting spells in that the trigger event needs to involve a keystroke or mouse click. More The auto-generated API documentation now contains a pony. TargetUnit("unit"); Parameters [] Arguments [] ("unit") unit String - The unitId to select as a target. Resources [] TOC: 30401; Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources; Global API [] 3. GetUnitName(unit [, showServerName]) can return the combined unit and realm name. [1] The event trace debug tool been rewritten. TOC: 100007 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Official patch notes: Dragonflight: The client now supports loading a MyAddOn_Mainline. The goal of /r/tech is to provide a space dedicated to the intelligent discussion of innovations and changes to technology in our ever changing world. The C_TooltipInfo APIs now return data with all data and line arguments surfaced, removing the need to call TooltipUtil. GetNamePlates([isSecure]) Returns the index of the player's current specialization. Changes the current action button to the one specified in the arguments. Enjoy the list, and remember if you come across a function that is not documented, WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; Upcoming 2. Blizzard employee slouken interacted with addon developers such as Community MVP Iriel who consolidated many changes into summary posts on the forums. ie. I at least know GameTooltip:AddLine has been changed as simple functionality of The World of Warcraft API is a set of functions, provided by Blizzard, that allow you to interact and modify the World of Warcraft game through the use of addons and macros. This activity peaked between Patches 1. Will work on "target" as long as it is equal to "player") statID Number - An internal id corresponding to one of the stats. Pages in category "API patch changes" The following 98 pages are in this category, out of 98 total. See also [] Sends a chat message. Added Region:GetSourceLocation() which returns the script name and line where a Region was created. 0 (2017-03-28): Added. Triggered when an item is Right Clicked. OnTabPressed(self) - Invoked when pressing Tab while the widget has focus. We are pleased to announce the newly added Item Appearance and Character Transmog Collection APIs to the WoW community! Please use these endpoints to explore ← WoW API < GetAddOnInfo Get information about an AddOn. The Event Trace window for debugging events can be opened via the /etrace slash The client has pulled in a subset of API changes from Patch 10. nil function ActionBar_FirstPage() ChangeActionBarPage(1); end Or for a macro: /script Arguments [] bgFile string - Texture path to use for the background edgeFile string - Texture path to use for the edges tile boolean - True if the background texture should tile, false if it should stretch tileSize number - If tile is true, size of each tiled copy of the bgFile tileEdge boolean edgeSize number - Size of the edgeFile (i. The guild finder embedded into the Communities UI still exists. Early API changes were communicated on the official World of Warcraft forums. scale = Region:GetScale() effectiveScale = Region:GetEffectiveScale() Returns [] scale number - The scale of the region. Many bag container related APIs have been moved to the Use the wiki. 0 (2012-11-27): isCastByPlayer moved from #17 to #14 after isBossDebuff so that the Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. TargetUnit("unit") CastSpell() TargetUnit("playertarget") This will ← API types Action Slot IDs can vary for some classes and are completely arbitrary to the buttons they exist in. TOC: 90001 Frames no longer provide any form of Backdrop API by default. SendAddonMessage API and its logged variant now aggressively throttle traffic on all chat types, including whispers. An OnLoad event fires for a Frame during load, allowing it register for these event messages. Attributes are typically used to launder values from insecure code to a protected or ← WoW API < GetZoneText Returns the localized name of the zone the player is in. 2 are included. 0 from those I know that have beta access. Returns the currently visible nameplates. 3, action slots 121-132 exist but are not ← WoW API < GetFactionInfo This function was updated in patch 3. 7 onwards. Hero Talent Trees are introduced into the C_ClassTalents and C_Traits APIs. GetSpellTexture, etc. Returns nil Example MinimapCluster:SetScale(1. gg Redirect extension for Firefox, Chrome, and Edge to find us easier! This article documents API changes made in Patch 10. 5, some changes were performing beyond our tuning goals. 1 as cornerstones of the Lua API were built, such as CreateFrame(). Yes, this behavior has changed with patches in the past and may do it again. toc file and otherwise fall back to MyAddOn. It's officially documented in Blizzard_APIDocumentation which is accessible via the /api command. 2 (56311) Aug 23 2024 Relates to AddOns A subset of The War Within API changes from Patch 11. 0 (2016-10-25): The chargeModRate return value was added. The WoW API is available to AddOns and macro scripts. For a general tutorial on setting up event handling in your addon, see Handling events and the Frame:RegisterEvent() method. The auto-generated API documentation now contains a pony. shiftDown = IsShiftKeyDown(); ctrlDown = IsControlKeyDown(); altDown = IsAltKeyDown(); none Boolean 1 (true) if the given key is currently held down, nil otherwise. 13. 0 unless otherwise noted. x and present within the Blizzard_Deprecated addon have The auto-generated API documentation has been expanded to include many global functions that were previously undocumented. 9 yards 4 = Follow, 28 yards inRange Boolean flag - 1 if you are in range to perform the interaction, nil Sets the font instance's basic font properties. If showServerName is true and the queried unit is from a different server, then the return value will include the unit's name appended by a dash and the normalized realm name. Collection-related APIs for mounts, pets, toys, and heirlooms have been added. EquipItemByName(itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, slot]) (itemId or "itemName" or "itemLink"[, slot]) itemId Integer - The numeric ID of the item. See Dragonflight Talent System - Hero Talent Trees. 1 (47612) Jan 11 2023 Added (146) Removed (65) C_BarberShop. I do know that a bunch of addon’s are non-functional and erroring in 10. 1 but could have been way earlier. lua Community patch notes: 9. Addon messaging changes. Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 11. wtf. For example itemID 17 still returns true for C_Item. The "color wheel" popup calls this function to do the actual work, once the user is done with the popup. The measurements recorded by this new profiler are always enabled and do not Summary. The IDs 1-72 are used by the six default bars (see below for the button ranges). wtf as plain text. Added a new reusable system for dropdowns that configure list filters. name, icon, skillLevel, maxSkillLevel, numAbilities, spelloffset, skillLine Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. With the /console slash command. SendChatMessage(msg [, chatType [, languageID [, target]]]) Arguments msg string - The message to be sent. 3 (2016-07-19): Added nameplateShowAll and timeMod; shouldConsolidate changed to nameplateShowPersonal. Patch 5. 0 (2013-03-05): Added new return values: hasBonusRepGain , canBeLFGBonus ← WoW API < SetRaidDifficulty SetRaidDifficulty(difficulty) "Difficulty" may be any one of the following arguments: 1, 2, 3 or 4 Difficulty: as of patch 6. Patch 7. DoesItemExistByID but ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT will have success:false and GetItemInfo will never return information, resulting in ItemMixin:ContinueOnItemLoad never The Event API and the WoW UI are built around these messages being recieved by Frames from WoW, through the use of event handlers, and by expressly registering for messages for a frame. Fires when the player enters a new zone. Returns [] nil Example [] When the player changes his target there is a small delay before the global variable 'playertarget' is updated. 11, World of Warcraft allows 120 Action Slot IDs, numbered from 1-120. 6. 2 to use a mixin-based approach. Strength Sets an attribute on the frame. 2 Get's details for a specific faction/faction header, you can only view information on factions you have already encountered. Q u o t e: With this change, any third-party tool will be able to show the specific appearances an account has unlocked, allowing them to better organize and show what players are missing. AssignPFCDistribution Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. WoWInterface. UseContainerItem(bagId, slot [, onSelf]) (bagId, slot [, onSelf]) bagId Integer - The bag id, where the item to use is located slot Integer - The slot in the bag, where the item to use is located onSelf Boolean - Optional parameter, if ← WoW API < TargetUnit Selects the specified id as the current target. This new function returns a table that potentially contains multiple regions This page lists archived summaries of changes to the WoW API, including the Widget API and Lua functions. IDs 73-120 are used by the stance bars of some classes. scriptCVar String - First argument for the CVAR_UPDATE event, if none is passed then the event isn't To explore these endpoints further, check out our official API Reference documentation on the Developer Portal, located here: WoW Game Data API Reference and WoW Profile API Reference. 0. Note that you cannot access Blizzard-provided AddOns through this mechanism. Patch 9. obj:SetScale(newScale); Arguments newScale The new scaling of this object and its children, relative to its parent. base, stat, posBuff, negBuff = UnitStat("unit", statID); unit String - The UnitId to get information from. The documentation of the API is absolute garbage btw. name String - The name of the AddOn to be queried. 0 and 2. AccountData + FrontendChatSettings = 15 Enum. ChangeChatColor("channelname", red, green, blue); channelname String - Name of the channel as given in chat-cache. See Backdrop System Changes. 7. inRange = CheckInteractDistance("unit", distIndex); unit String - Unit to compare distance to. Summary []. Expects an integer 1-6. 1 (2018-07-17): Now returns a LfgDungeonID, in addition to the previous returns. Returns the index of the player's current specialization. 12345 itemName String - The name of the item, ie "Worn Dagger". /script Summary []. API - List of all API functions documented by volunteer contributions to Warcraft Wiki; Blizzard_APIDocumentation - Blizzard's in-game API Documentation; Townlong Yak API Documentation - Patch changes Patch 9. height number: uiFontHeight - Size in points. ← WoW API < EquipItemByName Equips an item, optionally into a specified slot. Details []. TOC: 11503 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources ← Widget API ← Frame < SetBackdropColor Allows you to set the color value, and alpha value used to tint the backdrop of a frame, as set by Frame:SetBackdrop([backdropTable]). Each of these This article covers the cumulative AddOn UI Customization and Macro API changes for Patch 1. distIndex Number - A value from 1 to 4: 1 = Inspect, 28 yards 2 = Trade, 11. Added various APIs relating to cross-faction player co-operation. OnTextSet(self) - Invoked when setting the value programmatically. 1 3 10 players normal 4 25 players normal 5 10 players heroic 6 25 players heroic When the change occurs a message will be shown in your default chat. 0 Consolidated UI Changes Early API changes were communicated on the official World of Warcraft forums. ; If showServerName is false, then FOREIGN_SERVER_LABEL" (*)" will be appended to units Has this info been released yet? I have not seen anything published from my regular sources and have not been granted beta access to explore any potential changes. GetUnitName. Specifically: The color value used here is meant to tint the backdrop ← WoW API < UseContainerItem Use an item from a container. GameTooltip related APIs have been significantly overhauled. 2. red, blue, green Number - RGB values (0-1, floats). Added instanceId to GetSavedInstanceInfo as the 14th return value. TOC: 30402 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Official patch notes: Wrath Classic Patch Notes Version 3. wtf SetCVar( "cvar", value[, "scriptCVar"] ); cvar String - CVar to modify value New value of the CVar - This value is stored in Config. Below is an almost complete list of every function provided by Blizzard that you can use in the creation of your addon or macro. currentSpec = GetSpecialization([isInspect, isPet, specGroup]) Arguments isInspect boolean? - if true, return information for the inspected player isPet Patch changes. Fired when the target of yourself, raid, and party members change UNIT_TARGET: unitTarget Payload [] unitTarget string : UnitId Details [] Should also work for 'pet' and 'focus'. 4. The details of this restriction appear to match previously implemented changes for party and raid communications. TOC: 90100 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Deprecated API: Deprecated_9_1_0. 0/API changes This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) ← Widget API ← Frame < SetScale Specified a size scaling to be applied to the object (and its children). <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Blizzard Battle. e. 7 are included, as well as Cataclysm Patch 4. The following widget API functions are now restricted and may not be called by insecure code while in combat: Frame:SetPropagateKeyboardInput ScriptRegion:SetPassThroughButtons TOC: 100105 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Official patch notes: Dragonflight: Fractures Many global functions have been moved to various C_* namespaces. 0 and Patch 11. Partial names are valid inputs as well, ie "Worn". This can be exploited and used for restoring your old target. For example, if you try to hook the global function "MacroFrame_OnHide" (after the macro frame has been displayed), your function will not be called when the macro frame is closed. Transmogrification APIs have been reworked. (Unsure when this was added, guessing 8. ← WoW API < ChangeChatColor Changes the text color of the specified chat channel. Previous patch: Patch 10. OnTextChanged(self, userInput) - Invoked when changing the value. effectiveScale number - The effective scale after propagating from the parent region. name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security = GetAddOnInfo(index or "name") (index or "name") index Integer - The index of the AddOn in the user's AddOn list. FontInstance:SetFont("font",size[,"flags"]) font String - path to the font file, relative to the WoW base directory. This A subset of Dragonflight API changes from Patch 10. See Also. If Merchant window is open, this will sell the item. Config. SetViewingChrModel C_CharacterServices. Patch changes. ; The client now supports loading PNG texture assets through TextureBase:SetTexture(). nameplates = C_NamePlate. TOC: 11504 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Summary []. Passing anything other than a string or number is just silly. /console scriptErrors 1 The /console enable command or launching the game with the WoW. currentSpec = GetSpecialization([isInspect, isPet, specGroup]) Frame Events are messages sent by the WoW client to UI code (via OnEvent script handlers), mostly in reaction to things occurring in the game world. Fixed an issue where NaN values could be used as table keys. Console. ; Resources []. See Enum Changes. name, description, standingId, bottomValue, topValue, earnedValue, atWarWith, canToggleAtWar, isHeader, isCollapsed, hasRep, isWatched, isChild = . Refer to the Tooltip Changes section for more details. zoneName = GetZoneText(); zoneName String - zone name (localized). 1 (2018-07-17): Removed querying by name, and removed rank return value. If Gets details on a profession from its index including name, icon, and skill level. See the World of Warcraft Namespaces Documentation for more WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; Patch changes [] Patch 7. The Config. net Developer Portal</title> <base href="/"> <meta name="viewport" content API Changes [] It is no longer guaranteed that the server will provide inventory information for every NotifyInspect request; should the server choose to throttle a particular request, events indicating availability of inspection data will not fire. Resources [] TOC: 100200; Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Returns the frames that currently have mouse focus. This event is fired when the players gear changes. (Only works for "player" and "pet". In Dragonflight's most recent patch update, there was a change with the addon API, restricting the Distance Checking functionality. ← WoW API < ChangeActionBarPage. Fired when the player changes between dual talent specs, and possibly when learning or unlearning talents and when a player levels up, before PLAYER_LEVEL_UP is fired. ; Certain items and spells no longer return information from the server. The Lua user interface code can be exported from the game client. 11 yards 3 = Duel, 9. 5 (2021-11-02): Changed canBeLFGBonus return value to canSetInactive . ← WoW API < SetCVar Changes a variable located inside Config. 5. TOC: 100206 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Official patch notes: None (Dragonflight: Plunderstorm Content Update Notes) Enum. For the common case of simply testing if a region has mouse focus, consider using ScriptRegion:IsMouseMotionFocus(). Frame:SetAttribute(attributeName, value) Frame:SetAttributeNoHandler(attributeName, value) Arguments [] attributeName string - The name of the attribute (case-insensitive) to be modified. 0) release. 1. border thickness and corner size) A new addon profiling API has been added. PointsModifierSourceType This is a consolidated list of the announced (and sometimes observed) changes in the User Interface API's and functionality for the Burning Crusade expansion (2. These endpoints Developers’ notes: With all of the changes to Elemental and Enhancement Shaman in patch 11. The namespace for the following Game Data API endpoints is static-{region}. Categories Categories: Widget methods; Community content is available under CC BY-SA 3. ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA An API is a way which programs such as Ajour can "talk to" the CurseForge backend to see things like "Is the local version of the addon lower than the server version?" or "Get me the path to download this specific addon". ← WoW API < UnitStat Returns info about one of the unit's stats (strength, agility, stamina, intellect, spirit). Additionally, some of these functions now return structured tables instead of multiple values. 0), just give the spell name Details. GetViewingChrModel C_BarberShop. Checks whether you are in range to perform a specific interaction with a specified unit. Selects the specified id as the current target. 2 SharedTooltipTemplate and GameTooltipTemplate no longer inherit BackdropTemplate. OnEnter(self, motion) - Invoked when the mouse cursor enters the frame's interactive area. 0 API Changes - Concise List. Returns the scale of the region. nil When the player changes his target there is a small delay before the global variable 'playertarget' is updated. Please note that this thread is to discuss the upcoming changes and any clarifications or features that are a direct result of those changes, or things which we've been asked to remind slouken of. When the raid changes, people MAY retain it or not, depending on raid size and WoW patch. The guild bank UI has been synchronized with changes made in patch 2. success = FontInstance:SetFont(fontFile, height, flags) Arguments fontFile string - Path to the font file. Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. flags string: TBFFlags - Any comma-separated combination of flags. A new advflyable macro conditional has been added, with a corresponding IsAdvancedFlyableArea() function also made available to the restricted environment. DoesItemExistByID but ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT will have success:false and GetItemInfo will never return information, resulting in ItemMixin:ContinueOnItemLoad never Significant modifications were made to the UnitPopup menu system. The new Settings panel introduced in Dragonflight is now also used in Classic. frame:SetBackdropColor(red,green,blue,alpha); There are special considerations to be aware of when using this method. local zoneName = GetZoneText WoWWiki This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. 0 (45435) → 3. 9. Large messages are truncated to max 255 characters, and only valid chat message characters are permitted. Addons can no longer be loaded before FrameXML has fully loaded. PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED: equipmentSlot, hasCurrent Patch changes []. MODIFIER_STATE_CHANGED - fires when shift OnSizeChanged (self, width, height) - Invoked when a frame's size changes. Patch changes [] Patch 2. This may cause sporadic behavior when tracking cooldowns, because upon raising SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN, the function API GetSpellCooldown will momentarily return that the spell is on it's full cooldown duration. The legacy Looking For Guild and Guild Recruitment APIs and UIs have been removed. Refer to Deprecated API. 1 (2020-10-13): The |r escape sequence pops nested color sequences in-order instead of resetting the text to the default color. The C_ChatInfo. ) Patch 5. A new general The client has pulled in many API changes from Patch 10. ← API change summaries Interface Customization » WoW API » API change summaries » Patch 1. Presently, these specific changes are being targeted for Shadowlands pre-patch. ; The returned table will contain multiple regions in the case where objects at the top of the stack are configured for mouse input Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10. ChangeActionBarPage(actionBarPage) Parameters Arguments (actionBarPage) actionBarPage Numeric - Which page of your action bar to switch to. flags Optional String - any comma-delimited combination of "OUTLINE", "THICKOUTLINE" and "MONOCHROME". ChangeActionBarPage(actionBarPage) (actionBarPage) actionBarPage Numeric - Which page of your action bar to switch to. This event only fires when the triggering unit is within the player's visual range. The TOOLTIP_DATA_UPDATE event now has an Refer to Settings API changes for more details. exe -console argument will allow you to open the Console window in-game by pressing the ` or ~ key. 12. Scale propagates from a region to its children, unless GameTooltip related APIs have been significantly overhauled. We focus on high quality news articles about technology and informative and thought provoking self posts. The event trace tool now supports ← WoW API < ChangeActionBarPage Changes the current action button to the one specified in the arguments. Keep in mind that it actually replaces the original function with a new one (the function reference changes). Blizzard has clarified that this change won't be coming to WoW Classic or Wrath Classic at this time, but might potentially be included next year in future updates. TOC: 30403 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources Greeting adventurers, As we approach the release of World of Warcraft Shadowlands, we want to get ahead of and surface some planned API changes that will impact the WoW Game Data and Profile APIs. Patch changes [] Patch 7. value any - The value to be stored. The GetMouseFocus function has been replaced by GetMouseFoci. 1 is the pre-patch for Shadowlands API and systems. Removed FrameXML API [] UIFrameFlashSwitch ToggleCombatLog WoW API; Lua API; FrameXML util; Widget API; Widget scripts; XML schema; Events; CVars; Macro commands; Combat Log; Escape sequences; Hyperlinks; API changes; HOWTOs; wowuidev; Patch changes [] Patch 9. When you use this function the saved instances will no more be reset. 0 (2013-09-10): Now returns an instanceGroupSize. wtf file stores settings mostly relevant to game startup, such as gxMaximize for the screen window size and locale for Articles about World of Warcraft API changes. See API change summaries for a list of API change summaries for all patches. Macros and the macrotext attribute of SecureActionButtonTemplate have new limitations: macrotext limited to 255 characters (same We are excited to announce that we have released an update to the World of Warcraft Game Data and Profile APIs that includes several new endpoints. TOC: 110007 Diffs: wow-ui-source, BlizzardInterfaceResources A new C_AddOnProfiler namespace has been added with functions for querying CPU performance metrics associated with addons. chatType ← Widget API ← FontInstance < SetFont The function is used to set the font to use for displaying text. txt files. The client has pulled in many API changes from Patch 10. 1 (2006-12-05): Added. Next patch: These are the observed in-game global API changes from comparing the previous version of the Global Function List to the newly-generated one (diff). toc. The below list of changes is not conclusive to all of the changes OnInputLanguageChanged(self, language) - Invoked when changing the language input mode. Each registered prefix is given an allowance of 10 addon messages that can Various API changes have been made to optimize range checks for actions and units. 1 (2020-10-13): Added MAW filter. NameplatePersonalShowInCombat - Determines if the the personal nameplate In this case, the script checks if you're in Bear/Dire Bear form, and if so, casts the spell to change you back to Caster form. . ; Various LE_* enumerations have been moved to the global Enum table. ; The player's form or stance may affect return values on relevant spells, such as a warlock's Corruption spell transforming to Doom while Metamorphosis is active. You The Keyring was added again in Patch 1. As of 1. Event Trace. OnHide(self) - Invoked when the frame's visbility changes to I am 99% sure that you will not find a better source for API stuff. 3. Not blaming the people making the wiki, just blaming blizzard for providing an API without documentation. ← WoW API < IsSpellInRange inRange = IsSpellInRange(spellID, spellType, unit) inRange = IsSpellInRange(spellName, unit) Arguments (spellID, spellType, unit) OR (spellName, unit) spellID Number , the number of the spell in the spell book spellType String, "spell" or "pet" to identify the spellbook the spell refers to spellName String, Alternative (since 2. 2); Result The MinimapCluster and all of its child frames will become scaled 1. Patch 8. 2 times from their parent. New API: GetPhysicalScreenSize, GetDetailedItemLevelInfo New XML frame attributes: intrinsic, clipChildren New frame methods: frame:SetClipsChildren(boolean), frame:DoesClipChildren() New CVars: NameplatePersonalShowAlways - Determines if the the personal nameplate is always shown. regions = GetMouseFoci() Returns regions ScriptRegion [] Details. Wowpedia We have moved to Warcraft Wiki. We’re This page lists archived summaries of changes to the WoW API, including the Widget API and Lua functions. Also added a new possible difficultyID (14) for Flexible Raids. Many bag container related APIs have been moved to the C_Container namespace. ; APIs deprecated during the lifetime of 8. TargetUnit("unit"); ("unit") unit String - The unitId to select as a target. If only a single spell field is needed, try using one of the new more specific getters in C_Spell instead of a full Get Info: C_Spell. Game Data API. GetSpellName, C_Spell. ← WoW API < IsShiftKeyDown Returns true if the shift/ctrl/alt key is currently depressed. See UnitPopup Changes for more information. As of WoW 2. Fixed an issue where newly created characters would have all addons enabled by default. 3 (2016-07-19): Frame Level may be manually set to any value from 0 to 10000. This is equal to f:GetScale() * f:GetParent():GetScale() Example []. 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