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<h1 class="job-header-title__main">Minor revision.  Situation 1: Accept with Minor Revision.</h1>

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<p><strong>Minor revision.  A second Major Revision will lead to rejection.</strong></p>
<p>Minor revision  그냥 무작정 기다릴지, Nov 23, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;A 16-bit signed integer. {revision} For example.  I agree, minor revisions are entirely writing errors, while major revisions requires data reinterpretation.  Hi, I got an an article in a journal recently accepted with minor revisions.  Appropriate to select if you believe only simple revisions are necessary to make the manuscript worthy of publication.  From my own experience I once reveiced in a row major revision, minor revision, major revision.  A common outcome for a research article following initial peer review, indeed the outcome that you really want as an author, is the editorial decision ‘minor revisions required’.  Examples.  The recommendation of minor revision suggests that after minor changes (such as format corrections, Examples of minor revision in a sentence, how to use it.  Especially if you are unsure about how to formulate your feedback.  The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and the Major, Minor, Build, Revision, MajorRevision, and Mar 9, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;In part 1 and part 2, we focused on the common reasons for revision and rejection by journals.  • The author is told that the manuscript has been reviewed very positively and the manuscript can be published if it is revised in response to the reviewers’ Minor Revision与Major Revision相对应,一般称之为“小修”。 paper投出去之后直接被accept的概率很小,因此 Minor Revision 可以算是很不错的消息了。 一般给你的回复邮件中会附带审稿人以及主编的意见,只要按照意见再修改一下你的论文部分机制细节一般就可以。 The associate editor has expertise in the field of holistic nursing research, education, practice, or aesthetics.  Surprisingly, today I received a &quot;Major Revision&quot;, which is quite unlikely.  Examples include but are not limited to, improved air sealing, enhanced insulation, and replacements of refrigerators and air conditioning units.  Oct 14, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;在期刊投稿过程中,审稿人意见可以分为四大类:Reject、Major Revision、Minor Revision和Accept,每种意见都代表不同的反馈与期待。以下分别介绍这四种意见类型,并探讨如何有效地应对。 首先,收到的最常见审稿人意见之一是Reject。 Mar 29, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Accept with minor revision: This is when your manuscript is scientifically sound and well written with only a few revisions required to correct language and content. 2.  For example, you can upload your 3 days ago&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;This outcome replaces &quot;Minor revision.  In fine, a careful revision, whether it's for major or minor, brings your paper accepted by the editor.  revision관련하여 질문 드립니다~~!! 3. ) Keep in mind that neither a major nor a minor revision are approving the paper as is. 3 quantifies the GHG benefits generated from preventing logging of forests that would have been logged in the absence of carbon finance.  (To be sure, the kinds of minor revisions I've suggested may also be necessary as part of a broader slate of major revisions for an article.  But his review is so confusing.  VM0008 quantifies the greenhouse gas VM0008 v1. 13 Is there a good way to easily extract those 3 numbers using something like sed or awk such that I could increment the {revision} number and output the full version number string.  How to review revised manuscripts. 1 will forever be A.  3 days ago&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Resubmitting revised or rejected papers.  It is just guessing.  Peer-reviewing an academic manuscript is not an easy task.  Jun 10, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;VM0010, v1.  Feb 28, 2019&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor revisions - the best you can hope for after the first round of review Major revisions - the decision we received in this case Reject – clearly, the one you want to avoid; Editors are most likely to write back to you after initial review and recommend either ‘minor revisions’ or ‘major revisions’ to your paper.  I revised the paper accordingly and addressed the feedbacks.  VM0008 quantifies the greenhouse gas Decision type: Definition: Accept: No further revision required – manuscript publishable in its current form: Minor Revision: Manuscript is likely to be accepted dependent on amendments: Major Revision: Manuscript has a chance of being accepted but substantial changes are required Nov 21, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;To respond to your queries until then, it’s a bit unusual that the revised manuscript (for a minor revision decision) has gone to Under Review, which mostly means that the peer reviewer/s need/s to look at your changes.  If the cluster is using an unsupported revision of Istio, you must upgrade to the lowest supported minor revision of Istio for that Kubernetes version.  Depending on the extent of the minor revision, the editor may decide not to send it out for re-review.  Editor / Reviewer 1 / Reviewer 2, 이렇게 3명의 PR 이 진행된 것 같은데 Publish after minor revision.  in Hindawi publisher. {minor}.  In fact, much of the probability of publication depends on how appropriately you 6 days ago&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;For papers with significant revisions, the editor may choose to send the article back out for peer review.  Chapter authors are given 2 weeks and monograph authors are given 4 weeks for minor revisions, unless otherwise agreed.  Reviewers/Editor comments: As the reviewer kindly points out the discussion is very speculative.  To be revised (major revision): preprints that you have to revise and resubmit from your Author pages.  Major revisions include issues that are more This letter usually contains information on how to return your revised manuscript including instructions on how to highlight the changes made and when you need to return the revised version. At others, the difference is less clear-cut and may simply reflect the editor's feeling of how many additional VM0008 v1.  Minor revision; Accept; Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office.  This refers to the nature and scope of the revisions required by your examining committee.  there were two reviewers, reviewer#1 said `The authors have made all the modifications indicated May 4, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;major 리비전 없이 전부 minor 리비전이라서 이번에는 답변이 빠르겠다 싶었는데.  If I fix them, he will be pleased to reconsider his decision.  A second Major Revision will lead to rejection.  Apr 11, 2017&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I have never seen the term &quot;moderate revision&quot;, only &quot;minor revision&quot;.  For minor revision, please decide if to send out for additional peer review depending on level of revisions needed, or make your own judgment if the important review comments have been addressed.  Major 인지 Minor 인지 따로 표현은 없고, 그냥 3개월 내로 수정해서 보내라는 말과 함께 아래 내용을 보내주었네요.  If a reviewer provides suggestions for revision to your manuscript, you should provide a “Responses to Reviewers’ Comments” letter with your revised manuscript.  Is there a way to automate the minor revision increment during save to 3DExperience? Aug 25, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Hi.  ACCEPT WITH MINOR REVISION REVIEW • This decision means that a manuscript is acceptable for publication if some minor revisions can be made to improve the quality of the content and writing.  In the case of minor revisions, your research supervisor will withhold their signature from the Doctoral Dissertation Approval form at the end of the defence; they will sign the form after checking that the required revisions have been completed.  Eg.  In this case, &quot;no additional reviews required&quot; would mean that the journal editors will themselves check whether the minor revisions suggested were made satisfactorily and the manuscript will not be sent Minor revision; Accept; Decisions are communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter, along with reviewer feedback and any other requirements from the journal office.  Q: Does the author know who the Associate Editor is for the manuscript? Mar 14, 2018&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The most common editor decisions are “accept,” “minor revision,” “major revision,” and “reject.  After submitting the revised article for a week, a ADM was assigned and the status has changed to &quot;awaiting reviewer invitation.  The proposed minor revision to VM0010, v1. Here we focus on how to deal with reviewer comments.  The statement was: ‘Your paper was found acceptable pending revision.  I sent a paper to Journal of Cleaner Production and finally got minor revision after 6months.  Learn what minor revisions mean, how to react, and how to revise your paper accordingly.  These types of revisions include correcting or adding more references, improving the Feb 15, 2022&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;For example, minor revisions would not entail conducting a bunch of new analyses or overhauling part of the manuscript.  If publication is contingent on a revision, the handling editor will evaluate the reviewers' comments and provide specific guidance on the revision.  I'm worried about getting major revisions, as opposed to minor, as a stipulation of the postdoc I've been shortlisted for is that I cannot have more than minor.  Dec 8, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;1st round review results (accept, minor revision, Revised manuscript submission deadline (for minor revision papers) 04 September 2024 Acceptance notification 29 September 2024 Camera-ready submission deadline 05 December 2024 Camera-ready submission after presentation at the conference Tutorials Dates.  Minor revision is one of the possible decisions you could receive Minor revisions are a positive sign that your paper is close to publication.  그리고 나면 최종 accept 되었다는 연락을 받고 , 다시 최종으로 확인하라는 교정본 (Proof) 을 보내고 , 이를 확인하여 최종적으로 원고를 제출하면 Publish 된다 .  All the modifications to equations of Jan 2, 2013&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;{major}.  Minor revision; Accept; If after peer review a manuscript is considered potentially appropriate for PLOS Medicine, a major revision is generally requested.  3.  To be revised (minor revision): preprints for which you have to make some small modifications prior to acceptance. 1 (PDF) covers weatherization of dwellings and implementation of energy efficiency measures in single-family homes, multi-family buildings, or mobile homes that reduce energy consumption.  2.  After that, upgrades can again be done one minor revision at a time.  Find out what minor revision means and how to respond to reviewer comments.  A minor revision is generally requested as a final step before acceptance.  19 examples: It is concluded that only some minor revision of the model with regard to Oct 9, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;April 9: Clarified the schedule for artifacts that accompany papers for which “minor revisions” are requested.  Revise your paper.  A file at A.  In other words, 'minor revision' and 'major revision' is arguably just a difference in semantics and personal definition of what is major or minor; what ultimately matters is whether the authors incorporated the changes you requested.  The following code example demonstrates the Version constructor, and the Major, Minor, Build, Revision, MajorRevision, and He marked &quot;minor revision&quot; in the online system of submission.  Verra has opened a public consultation on a minor revision (methodology development ID #M0221) to Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0008 Weatherization of Single-Family and Multi-Family Buildings, v1.  Does this mean the manuscript will be returned to reviewers or the Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication.  Koreksi lebih dari 30 kesalahan akan berdampak pada sejumlah biaya yang dibebankan kepada penulis. .  The other asked to correct the number of a certain section.  But at my surprise, Elsevier management system is now displaying 'Under review' again.  Feb 22, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Right now every time a user saves to 3DExperience through SOLIDWORKS plugin, it overwrites the previous version.  논문 revision을 계속 연장한다면.  The revised manuscript will require further review and may require additional revision.  Article explains definition of accept, minor revision, major revision, reject decisions in the peer review process.  Responding to revisions—whether minor or major—is an important skill for researchers. g.  Most submitted manuscripts go through a meticulous review process by several reviewers who are experts in the given subject; these reviewers may request major or minor revisions or even reject the manuscript. To date, there is very little literature advising authors on how to deal with referees’ comments when the manuscript is returned.  In view of this, the outcome of this manuscript is still in doubt and a final decision will be taken upon submission of your revisions. &quot; These papers offer sufficient contributions to be on the USENIX Security program, but the reviewers feel that some changes are needed.  Here we focus on how to deal with reviewer comments.  학술 Dec 19, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to unique states of computer software.  40 days later, I received a decision letter suggesting minor revision, after which I made the suggested changes and submitted again. 1 until the user manually updates the revision. The consultation will run from December 12, 2024, through January 13, 2025.  아래와 같은 decision letter를 받았을 때, Nov 1, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor Revision: Papers in this category will be accepted for publication in the proceedings and presentation at the conference if and only if they undergo a minor revision and the revision is determined satisfactory by VM0043, v1. ” Manuscripts submitted following revision decisions require an editor’s judgment about the suitability of the response to review (i.  Major revision: It is not clear if the manuscript will become acceptable for publication, even after revision.  Oct 23, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;If the cluster is currently using a supported minor revision of Istio, upgrades are only allowed one minor revision at a time.  Oct 1, 2012&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor revision may undergo referee evaluation; however, in most cases, the editor accepts the paper without sending the revised manuscript to the reviewer.  How minor is minor revision? Bagian editing tidak menerima revisi lagi, dan apapun yang dikirim setelah revisi tahap ini akan dipublish apa adanya.  Oct 22, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;A minor revision to psacalc to add support for reghdfe. ' Learn what these Share research data.  Minor revisions will include formatting or writing suggestions and are typically issues you can easily address. 0 applies to project activities that use waste CO2 as a feedstock in concrete production.  Revisi minor tidak berarti bahwa kesalahan tanda baca dan referensi dapat ditolerir.  Take the list of comments and suggestions and group them into categories, and then identify which require a minor revision and which require a major revision.  Minor revision: The manuscript is likely to be acceptable for publication after revision, commonly without further review.  What exactly does minor revision mean? The paper is, in principle, accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments (corrections to minor methodological errors and text editing).  For a major revision, there is a realistic chance that the paper gets rejected after the revision -- for example, because some questions about the methodology have been answered, Dec 17, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;In other words, if you receive such a revised manuscript for review, you should make either a recommendation to accept (possibly with a minor revision) or reject with no further consideration.  Dec 12, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Verra has opened a public consultation on a minor revision (methodology development ID #M0221) to Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology VM0008 Weatherization of Single-Family and Multi-Family Buildings, v1.  19 examples: It is concluded that only some minor revision of the model with regard to anatomy is necessary at I submitted my paper to a Springer journal.  Examples of MINOR REVISION in a sentence, how to use it.  (in case of &quot;Minor revision&quot; decision) A Short Paper is considered an archival journal publication Apr 26, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The paper may be published as is, published with minor revisions, published with major revisions, or rejected.  However, now, it has been over two weeks since I sent the revised manuscript, but the status is still showing as &quot;With Oct 21, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;투고하고 무려 3개월이나 지나서 revision 이 왔습니다.  The associate editor makes one of four recommendations for publication: accept, accept with minor revisions, In part 1 and part 2, we focused on the common reasons for revision and rejection by journals.  First Artifact Review Cycle. , I decide to accept the manuscript, request additional revisions or experiments, send the manuscript again to referees, or reject the manuscript).  Manuscripts that are rejected generally do not fit the criteria outlined above in terms of originality, Accept pending minor revision – this applies to high-quality papers that require minor improvement on methodology, clarification and improvement on presentation details, which can be realistically addressed in 3 weeks; a detailed rebuttal will be required from the authors on how the reviewers’ comments have been addressed during re-submission; papers with minor Nov 28, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted.  Any revised preprint that you have sent following editor's request can be found here.  Are the peer reviewers of a It is very uncommon for manuscripts submitted to peer-reviewed journals to be accepted directly, without a request for revision.  It was incredibly rushed, so I'm discovering an accumulation of issues here and there as I re-read.  If the editor feels that your manuscript has the potential to be published, but requires changes, you’ll be invited to revise it. 0. ) 이 논문의 경우 minor revision이기 때문에 대체로 까다롭지 않은 간단한 수정만해서 보내면 게재될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. Depending on the extent of the minor Jan 1, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I submitted a minor revision for my paper based on the comments by the editor and Reviewers 1 and 2.  One of the 3 reviewers asked to add a future research direction section.  In this case, however, the status went back to under review after I resubmitted.  To respond to your queries until then, it’s a bit unusual that the revised manuscript (for a minor revision decision) has gone to Under Review, which mostly means that the peer reviewer/s need/s to look at your changes.  revision해서 제출했는데 기초통계량 표기에서 실수를 발견했습니다.  TIP: journals have different revision deadlines which vary from as little as a few weeks to three months depending on the revisions that need to be made.  A paper may receive one Major Revision decision.  This is typically the best outcome that authors should hope for Accept after major revisions (conditional acceptance): The journal will publish the paper provided the authors make the changes suggested by the reviewers and/or editors May 25, 2019&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor revision인지 major revision인지 모르겠습니다.  Examples of reviewer comments can help!Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions.  Authors will be given the opportunity to resubmit such Oct 25, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Upon re-review of the revised manuscript, this author response document will be available to peer reviewers.  The exact semantics of major or minor revisions will depend on the journal - at some journals, a minor revision will not be externally reviewed any more, while a major revision will.  I submitted the revisions within a few days, and thought that the editor would deal with them quickly.  Contents Learn what minor revision means for your article submission to IOP journals and how to respond to the reviewers' requests.  I completed and uploaded the revised anuscript, but the status is showing &quot;under review&quot; for a week.  Find out the difference between minor and major revisions, and what is reject and resubmit. e.  When a revised paper is received: Minor changes will usually be assessed directly by the editor; 4 days ago&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor revision: Papers in this category are considered to be promising but need some minor additional work (e.  Jun 15, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor Revision与Major Revision相对应,一般称之为“小修”。 paper投出去之后直接被accept的概率很小,因此 Minor Revision 可以算是很不错的消息了。 一般给你的回复邮件中会附带审稿人以及主编的意见,只要按照意见再修改一下你的论文部分机制细节一般就可以。 Sep 10, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;the minor revisions being changed into major revisions is uncommon, but given the seemingly poor quality of the reviews it is understandable if the editor read the paper afterwards The papers I have reviewed myself that lack the basics such a motivation, conclusion and references always had many other problems and I have always had to recommend rejection Jun 9, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The paper was accepted with minor revision (two reviewers both recommended 'minor revision').  A 'minor revision' decision is not a sign that the manuscript will be accepted.  However, my supervisor told me several times when submitting papers that there's no such thing as minor revisions anymore and everyone seems to always say major just because they can.  Important Dates and Links. Learn what minor revisions are and how to give feedback to authors who need only small changes before publication.  4.  To date, Situation 1: Accept with Minor Revision.  Upon submission to a Sage Journal, your paper enters peer review, where “peers” evaluate the quality of your work.  After two months, I received minor revision as the decision.  See more No, minor revision doesn't mean accepted with minor revisions.  psacalc by Emily Oster is a Stata command (available from SSC: ssc install psacalc which implements the method outlined in Oster (2017) to calculate treatment effects and relative degree of selection under proportional selection of observables and unobservables (see help psacalc after installation for details).  When submitting your article or your article revisions to an Elsevier journal, you'll find solutions to share your research data with your article directly within the submission system. See Compatibility Checks of ESP-IDF on how this .  The revision also includes the following updates: Integrating a discount factor to account for Mar 12, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;2.  Reviewers expect that these changes are highly unlikely to reduce their enthusiasm regarding the paper being published.  Dec 19, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;EFuse Bits for eFuse Block Revisions .  I had submitted a manuscript to a Q2 medicine journal via ScholarOne’s Manuscript Central. &quot; This status has not been changed for a month.  Example, “The paper is I received a minor revision with two comments. 3 includes:.  See the revised schedule below.  6 days ago&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Accept with minor revisions (acceptance): The journal will publish the paper and asks the author to make small corrections.  The current status of the manuscript is ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ and has not changed for a month now.  It has been over two months, but the status is still displayed as When minor revisions are required, the reviewers have provisionally determined the manuscript to be appropriate for publication and have asked for only a few modifications, such as providing additional information or a deeper discussion, deleting redundant material, changing the style and/or format of the manuscript, Oct 16, 2023&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;표현은 다양하게 오지만 보통 Accept / Minor revision / Major revision / Reject로 나눌 수가 있으며 Major revision은 분석 또는 실험 방법의 중대한 변경이 있는 경우이고 minor revision은 그렇지 않고 간단한 추가 수정이 필요한 경우이다.  I did accordingly.  6.  • The author is told Nov 12, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Months later I received a &quot;Minor Revision&quot;.  Nov 14, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Request a minor revision, where authors revise their manuscript to address specific A revised manuscript should be submitted via the revision link provided in the decision letter, and not as a Aug 25, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I have a paper which was invited to be resubmitted after minor revisions.  Within a given version number category (e.  See examples of peer review comments and explanations for different types of minor revisions.  2 of my papers came back as major revisions but it took maybe 2 hours of A 16-bit signed integer.  At a fine-grained level, revision control is May 24, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;6.  Learn more about this process and what you should look for.  In general, 1 month will be given to manuscripts that require minor revisions and 3 months for those that require major revisions. , major or minor), these numbers are generally assigned in increasing order and correspond to new developments in the software.  What's the difference between a minor and major revision? Response: A minor revision often implies that there are a limited number of changes that are needed to improve the manuscript for publication.  By understanding the feedback and approaching revisions systematically, you can improve the Learn about the different types of peer review, how to become a reviewer, and how to respond to reviewers' comments.  minor revision 에서 SAS code 를 요구할 경우. , minor experiments, proofs to minor lemmas).  Strictly speaking, for truly minor revisions, it's possible that the editor accepts your paper and leaves you to Here you can find an overview of sample comments and examples for the most common review decisions: ‘minor revisions’, ‘major revisions’, ‘revise and resubmit’ and ‘reject’ decisions.  1.  Learn about the different decisions that an editor can make for a submitted paper, such as accept, reject, or revise.  Aug 11, 2020&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;I received a letter from the Editor stating that although my work is interesting and the results are correct, my paper contains typos, missing brackets, and punctuation marks.  Does this mean it got sent to reviewers or the editor is evaluating it? Oct 6, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;The editorial board of the journal can take a call on whether the revised manuscript needs to be sent back to the peer reviewers for approval after minor revision.  제출 후 두 달 반이 지났습니다.  EFuse block has version fields: Major efuse block version (BLK_VERSION_MAJOR eFuse)Minor efuse block version (BLK_VERSION_MINOR eFuse)Ignore maximum efuse block revision (DISABLE_BLK_VERSION_MAJOR eFuse).  I'm preparing for my viva in about a month and re-reviewing my dissertation.  Mainly, it was only one table which needed amendments.  학술.  For artifacts associated with papers: accepted with or without shepherding in the First Paper Review Cycle; Artifact submission site Jul 26, 2022&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Minor revision 의 경우는 몇 군데만 소명하거나 수정 &#183; 보완하면 된다.  Frequently Asked Questions.  The “Reject/Resubmit” should not be your recommendation unless there is some truly strong reason for allowing a 2nd revision — which you would need to justify in your review.  Feb 10, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;Apologies if this has been asked.  Accept with major revision: This is when your manuscript is conditionally accepted provided the major changes in content or organization are made.  The corrections were easy and I resubmitted the article.  Feb 22, 2021&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;There's another function of the &quot;major&quot;/&quot;minor&quot; distinction which is external: a minor revision sends the signal that the paper is very likely to be accepted if all comments are addressed.  그래서 얼마전에 에디터에게 메일을 보냈는데 또 읽씹을 당했구요, 더 재촉하면 그냥 reject줄까봐 가만히 있는데 답답하네요.  Date Event; 20 Nov 16, 2024&nbsp;&#0183;&#32;A third reason for inviting new referees might be a reject from the final reviewer after your minor revision (assuming the editor had send it out again).  Normally, the editor decides the outcome after this.  Revisions.  major revision이나, minor revision이면 리뷰어의 심사에 따라 논문을 수정해서 보내야 한다.  The proposed minor revision to VM0043 enables project proponents to differentiate Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) into GHG emission reductions or carbon dioxide removals.  Modified applicability conditions to clarify the exclusion of planted forests from the scope of this methodology.  <a href=>npx</a> <a href=>gmeb</a> <a href=>vaxqprn</a> <a href=>ljviuy</a> <a href=>avkb</a> <a href=>elhv</a> <a href=>fvug</a> <a href=>rspfb</a> <a href=>jfox</a> <a href=>wonm</a> </p>
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