Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/ |
Changelog: v. 9.024 - 2023.11.10 * Updated GEO databases. * Added a new column to the statistics: SQL errors (number of SQL errors in the antibot's operation). * Reworked the operation of counters; it should count more accurately under high loads. * Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined index: REQUEST_METHOD... * In the Check List, the search for the script connection point of Antibot has been redesigned. * The Check List has been improved to run on hosting with restrictions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.023 - 2023.10.31 * Updated GEO databases. * Added statistics on the percentage of visitors with ad blockers (section: Statistics). * Fixed editing of "PHP handler" on Windows. * Changed the admin panel authorization; it will log out after the update, so it is important to log in again and complete the update process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.022 - 2023.10.24 * An error in the checklist has been fixed: imeException: SplFileInfo::isDir(): open_basedir restriction in effect * The list of conditions and situations checked in the checklist has been expanded. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.021 - 2023.10.22 * In the Check List, compatibility with some versions of PHP has been fixed and searching within .htaccess has been improved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.020 - 2023.10.22 When saving templates (tpl.txt and error.txt) through the admin panel, the newline character is now always Unix-style and is not dependent on the operating system and browser. Enhancement and expansion of the functionality and information in the Check List. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.019 - 2023.10.14 * Fixed errors in the backup section (due to some database names not being deleted). * Added the ability to block by TimeZone in the 5th table. * Added an additional type of buttons: ReCAPTCHA v2 (without additional buttons). * Added an additional type of buttons: ReCAPTCHA v2 + login button. * Some text changes on the button and check page. Removed: $pt['Antispam:'] = 'Антиспам:'; $pt['Choose a similar color.'] = 'Выберите похожий цвет.'; $pt['Choose a similar picture.'] = 'Выберите похожую картинку.'; Добавлены: $pt['If you are human, click on the similar image'] = 'Если вы человек, нажмите на похожую картинку'; $pt['If you are human, click on the similar color'] = 'Если вы человек, нажмите на похожий цвет'; $pt['Confirm that you are human:'] = 'Подтвердите, что вы человек:'; $pt['Go to website'] = 'Перейти на сайт'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.018 - 2023.10.02 * Fixed the error Call to undefined function shell_exec(). * Added logging of the blocking reason for FAKE according to the 3rd table of rules. * Minor errors in the Checklist have been corrected. * The ability to block all hosting or bad IP addresses (in the config). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.017 - 2023.10.01 * New parameters have been added to the Check list to verify the correct operation of the Antibot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.016 - 2023.09.29 * Minor errors on the "Check list" page have been fixed. * The operation of the whois page has been corrected. * The error occurring when launching the website through CLI has been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.015 - 2023.09.27 * Fixed an error in checklist.php: read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=21 Is a directory. * Request logs are now not retained for more than a year; older logs are automatically deleted. * Updated the links to the instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.014 - 2023.09.19 * Corrections to the checklist. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.013 - 2023.09.18 * New checks have been added to the checklist. * Fixed the processing of the page URL with duplicated values of the character: / ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.012 - 2023.09.14 * An additional setting in the config: specifying the path to the PHP handler. * A checklist has been added to verify the correct installation of the script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.011 - 2023.09.10 * New settings have been added to the config: Cookie SameSite, Block Iframe, IP re-block period. * Set the desired value in the new config field: IP Block Duration 2. * Errors fixed when launching on Windows 11 (tested on Open Server Panel). * Cookies for inflating behavioral metrics (Secret GET variable) now also apply to subdomains. * Paths to the directory where the Antibot is installed have been hidden (partially). * Compatibility with PHP 5.6 and 8.3 has been fixed. * The situation where a check reappears when an "allow" is present by the referrer has been corrected. * Header: Expires and Cache-Control are now present by default in all scripts. * The Cron task for deleting old log entries and clearing the ptr cache now doesn't need to be set up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.010 - 2023.07.20 * The JS redirect function window.location.replace has been replaced with window.location.href. * Corrections have been made to the texts and translations in the admin panel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.009 - 2023.07.18 * The blockage by fake referrer has been moved, it now triggers after all the rules but before the Last Rule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.008 - 2023.07.15 * The Whois page has been updated, which now displays the history of IP requests into the cloud. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.007 - 2023.07.12 * The import of the log has been fixed. * An error on Wordpress has been fixed: Cannot modify header information... * If a visitor has cookies disabled, they will be notified to enable them. * If a visitor has JavaScript disabled, they will be notified to enable it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.006 - 2023.07.09 * The ability to block by fake referrers (without scheme or path) has been added to the config. * The "I'm not a robot" button is better protected from bot detection. * Minor changes in the block page: * The block page template has been changed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.005 - 2023.07.06 * For GOODIP logs, a description has been added as to which rule the permit was triggered by. * Fixed: GRAY 3 tables were triggered as ALLOW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.004 - 2023.07.04 * The code for vertical alignment has been further improved in the tpl.txt and error.txt templates. * The saving of utm_referrer after temporary blocking has been fixed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.003 - 2023.07.02 * Error corrected: Undefined array key "unresponsive"... * If the cloud subscription has expired, the script turns itself OFF. Then you can turn it ON in the config. * Added the ability to enable Antibot only during specified hours, rather than constantly. * In the tpl.txt and error.txt templates, vertical alignment has been added. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.002 - 2023.06.30 * Fixed the admin panel logout issue (the "Log out" link now works). * A new "Without JavaScript" icon is in the log, marking non-browser bots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v. 9.001 - 2023.06.28 * All links and references to Antibot have been removed (links, JS scripts, server headers, directory names, and cookies). * The visitor's browser no longer refers to external domains, your PHP scripts are referring to them instead. * The number of JS queries has been reduced, overall speed has been improved. * New settings in the config. * Additional data in the log (time of operation for referring to the cloud, ipv6 to ipv4 connection). * Recaptcha 3 also works on local check, not just cloud. * Local check filtration has been slightly improved. * When the Antibot subscription ends, it is automatically disabled rather than blocking access to the site. * uid - the visitor's unique id has become more persistent. * Removed: re.php, upd.php, gray.php, upd8to9.php from the Antibot directory. * If you press the button incorrectly - an IP ban for 10 seconds, unless a longer duration is specified in the configuration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changelog of old versions: