Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/webdav/

// Author: Mik Foxi
// License: GNU GPL v3 -
// Website:

// for antibot 9

// ставим куки по современному:
function absetcookie($name, $value, $expires, $dot) {
global $ab_config;
if (!isset($ab_config['samesite'])) {$ab_config['samesite'] == 'None';}
if (!headers_sent()) {
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3.0', '>=')) {
setcookie($name, $value, [
    'expires' => $expires,
    'path' => '/',
    'domain' => (($dot === true) ? '.'.$ab_config['host'] : ''),
    'secure' => (($ab_config['samesite'] == 'None') ? true : false), 
    'httponly' => false,
    'samesite' => $ab_config['samesite'],
} else {
setcookie($name, $value, $expires, '/');

// функция генерации буквенного рандома:
function abRandword($length=4){
return substr(str_shuffle("qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM"),0,$length);

// функция языкового перевода:
function abTranslate($current_phrase) {
global $pt; 
return isset($pt[$current_phrase]) ? $pt[$current_phrase] : $current_phrase;

// перевод укороченного ipv6 в нормальный вид:
function abExpand($ip){
$hex = unpack("H*hex", inet_pton($ip));         
$ip = substr(preg_replace("/([A-f0-9]{4})/", "$1:", $hex['hex']), 0, -1);
return $ip;

// ip в числовом виде:
function AbIp2num($ip) {
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
	return ip2long($ip);
} elseif (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
	return (string) gmp_import(inet_pton($ip));
} else {
	return 0;

// получение ptr с кэшированием в базе:
function GetPTR($ip, $antibot_db, $ab_config) {
//global $antibot_db, $ab_config;
$get_ptr = @$antibot_db->querySingle("SELECT ptr, date FROM ptrcache WHERE ip = '".$ip."';", true);
if (isset($get_ptr['ptr'])) {
return $get_ptr['ptr'];
} else {
$ab_start_time = microtime(true);
$ptr = trim(preg_replace("/[^0-9a-z-.:]/","", mb_strtolower(gethostbyaddr($ip), 'UTF-8')));
$ab_exec_time = round(microtime(true) - $ab_start_time, 3);
$add = @$antibot_db->exec("INSERT INTO ptrcache (ip, ptr, date, etime) VALUES ('".$ip."', '".$ptr."', '".$ab_config['time']."', '".$ab_exec_time."');");
return $ptr;

// функция проверки белого бота на белость:
function TestWhiteBot($ip, $ptr_ok, $antibot_db, $ab_config) {
// $ptr_ok - массив
if (in_array('.', $ptr_ok)) {
return 1;
} else {
//$ptr = @gethostbyaddr($ip); // получаем ptr хост по ip
$ptr = GetPTR($ip, $antibot_db, $ab_config); // получаем ptr хост по ip
if ($ptr === false) {
$result = array();
} else {
$result = @dns_get_record($ptr, DNS_A + DNS_AAAA); // ipv4 & ipv6 у ptr хоста
if (!is_array($result)) {$result = array();}
$ip2 = array(); // массив всех IP принадлежащих PTR хосту
if ($ptr == $ip) $ip2[] = $ip;
foreach($result as $line) {
if (isset($line['ipv6'])) {$ip2[] = abExpand($line['ipv6']);}
if (isset($line['ip'])) {$ip2[] = $line['ip'];}
$test_ptr = 0;
foreach($ptr_ok as $ptr_line) {
if ($ptr_line == '.') {$test_ptr = 1; break;}
if(stripos($ptr, $ptr_line, 0) !== false) {$test_ptr = 1; break;}
if (in_array($ip, $ip2) AND $test_ptr == 1) {return 1;} else {return 0;}

// вычисление вхождения ipv4 в подсеть (для поиска по конфигу):
function net_match($network, $ip) {
      $ip_arr = explode('/', $network);
      $network_long = ip2long($ip_arr[0]);
      $x = ip2long($ip_arr[1]);
      $mask =  long2ip($x) == $ip_arr[1] ? $x : 0xffffffff << (32 - $ip_arr[1]);
      $ip_long = ip2long($ip);
      return ($ip_long & $mask) == ($network_long & $mask);

// преобразование cidr в начальный и конечный ip:
function AbIpRange($cidr) {
$range = array();
$cidr = explode('/', trim($cidr));
if (!isset($cidr[1])) {
$range = array(0, 0, 0); // $range[2] = error
} elseif (filter_var($cidr[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)) {
   $range[0] = long2ip((ip2long($cidr[0])) & ((-1 << (32 - (int)$cidr[1]))));
   $range[1] = long2ip((ip2long($range[0])) + pow(2, (32 - (int)$cidr[1])) - 1);
} elseif (filter_var($cidr[0], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)) {
// Split in address and prefix length
$addr_given_str = $cidr[0];
$prefixlen = $cidr[1];
// Parse the address into a binary string
$addr_given_bin = inet_pton($addr_given_str);
// Convert the binary string to a string with hexadecimal characters
$addr_given_hex = bin2hex($addr_given_bin);
// Overwriting first address string to make sure notation is optimal
$addr_given_str = inet_ntop($addr_given_bin);
// Calculate the number of 'flexible' bits
$flexbits = 128 - $prefixlen;
// Build the hexadecimal strings of the first and last addresses
$addr_hex_first = $addr_given_hex;
$addr_hex_last = $addr_given_hex;
// We start at the end of the string (which is always 32 characters long)
$pos = 31;
while ($flexbits > 0) {
    // Get the characters at this position
    $orig_first = substr($addr_hex_first, $pos, 1);
    $orig_last = substr($addr_hex_last, $pos, 1);
    // Convert them to an integer
    $origval_first = hexdec($orig_first);
    $origval_last = hexdec($orig_last);
    // First address: calculate the subnet mask. min() prevents the comparison from being negative
    $mask = 0xf << (min(4, $flexbits));
    // AND the original against its mask
    $new_val_first = $origval_first & $mask;
    // Last address: OR it with (2^flexbits)-1, with flexbits limited to 4 at a time
    $new_val_last = $origval_last | (pow(2, min(4, $flexbits)) - 1);
    // Convert them back to hexadecimal characters
    $new_first = dechex($new_val_first);
    $new_last = dechex($new_val_last);
    // And put those character back in their strings
    $addr_hex_first = substr_replace($addr_hex_first, $new_first, $pos, 1);
    $addr_hex_last = substr_replace($addr_hex_last, $new_last, $pos, 1);
    // We processed one nibble, move to previous position
    $flexbits -= 4;
    $pos -= 1;
// Convert the hexadecimal strings to a binary string
$addr_bin_first = hex2bin($addr_hex_first);
$addr_bin_last = hex2bin($addr_hex_last);
// And create an IPv6 address from the binary string
$range[0] = inet_ntop($addr_bin_first);
$range[1] = inet_ntop($addr_bin_last);
} else {
$range = array(0, 0, 0); // $range[2] = error
return $range;

// проверка доступна ли функция shell_exec по настоящему:
function is_shell_exec_available() {
    // Проверка существования функции
    $functionExists = function_exists('shell_exec');
    // Проверка, что функция не отключена в настройках php.ini
    $disabled_functions = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));
    $functionEnabledInIni = !in_array('shell_exec', $disabled_functions);
    // Пробуем выполнить функцию, чтобы удостовериться в ее работоспособности
    if (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
    $executionTest = shell_exec('echo test');
    return $functionExists && $functionEnabledInIni && $executionTest === "test\n";