Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
/* eslint-disable */ BX.namespace("BX.UI"); //region EDITOR if(typeof BX.UI.EntityEditor === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditor = function() { this._id = ""; this._settings = {}; this._entityTypeName = ''; this._entityId = 0; this._userFieldManager = null; this.additionalFieldsData = {}; this._container = null; this._layoutContainer = null; this._buttonContainer = null; this._createSectionButton = null; this._configMenuButton = null; this._configIcon = null; this._pageTitle = null; this._pageTitleInput = null; this._buttonWrapper = null; this._editPageTitleButton = null; this._copyPageUrlButton = null; this._actionTypes = null; this._formElement = null; this._ajaxForm = null; this._ajaxForms = null; this._reloadAjaxForm = null; this._formSubmitHandler = BX.delegate(this.onFormSubmit, this); this._controllers = null; this._controls = null; this._activeControls = null; this._toolPanel = null; this._model = null; this._scheme = null; this._config = null; this._context = null; this._contextId = ""; this._externalContextId = ""; this._mode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.intermediate; this._isNew = false; this._readOnly = false; this._enableRequiredUserFieldCheck = true; this._enableAjaxForm = true; this._enableSectionEdit = false; this._enableSectionCreation = false; this._enableModeToggle = true; this._enableVisibilityPolicy = true; this._enablePageTitleControls = true; this._enableToolPanel = true; this._isToolPanelAlwaysVisible = false; this._enableBottomPanel = true; this._enableConfigControl = true; this._enableFieldsContextMenu = true; this._canHideField = true; this._serviceUrl = ""; this._htmlEditorConfigs = null; this._pageTitleExternalClickHandler = BX.delegate(this.onPageTitleExternalClick, this); this._pageTitleKeyPressHandler = BX.delegate(this.onPageTitleKeyPress, this); this._validators = null; this._modeSwitch = null; this._delayedSaveHandle = 0; this._isEmbedded = false; this._isRequestRunning = false; this._isConfigMenuShown = false; this._isReleased = false; this._enableCloseConfirmation = true; this._closeConfirmationHandler = BX.delegate(this.onCloseConfirmButtonClick, this); this._cancelConfirmationHandler = BX.delegate(this.onCancelConfirmButtonClick, this); this._windowResizeHandler = BX.debounce(BX.delegate(this.onResize, this), 50); this._sliderOpenHandler = BX.delegate(this.onSliderOpen, this); this._sliderCloseHandler = BX.delegate(this.onSliderClose, this); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = false; this._availableSchemeElements = null; this._dragPlaceHolder = null; this._dragContainerController = null; this._dropHandler = BX.delegate(this.onDrop, this); this._dragConfig = {}; this.eventsNamespace = 'BX.UI.EntityEditor'; this.pageTitleInputClassName = "pagetitle-item"; this._configurationFieldManager = null; this._commonConfigEditUrl = BX.prop.getString( this._settings, "commonConfigEditUrl", "/configs/editor/?ENTITY_TYPE_ID=#ENTITY_TYPE_ID_VALUE#&MODULE_ID=#MODULE_ID#" ); this._canBeMultipleFields = true; this.moduleId = null; this._restrictions = {}; this.eventIds = new Set(); this.needReloadStorageKey = 'UI.EntityEditor.needReload'; this._attributeManager = null; this._validationEnabled = true; }; BX.UI.EntityEditor.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { this._id = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._settings = settings ? settings : {}; this._model = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "model", null); this._scheme = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "scheme", null); this._config = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "config", null); this._serviceUrl = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "serviceUrl", ""); this._entityTypeName = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "entityTypeName", ''); this._entityTypeTitle = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "entityTypeTitle", ''); this._useFieldsSearch = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "useFieldsSearch", false); this._useForceFieldsAdd = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "useForceFieldsAdd", true); this._entityId = BX.prop.getInteger(this._settings, "entityId", 0); this.moduleId = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "moduleId", ''); this._isNew = this._entityId <= 0 && this._model.isIdentifiable(); this.additionalFieldsData = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, 'additionalFieldsData', {}); this._isEmbedded = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "isEmbedded", false); this._creationFieldPageUrl = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "creationFieldPageUrl", false); var container = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "container"); if(!BX.type.isElementNode(container)) { container = BX(BX.prop.get(this._settings, "containerId")) || top.BX(BX.prop.get(this._settings, "containerId")); } this._container = container; this._parentContainer = BX.findParent(this._container, { className: 'ui-entity-section' }, false); this._buttonContainer = BX(BX.prop.get(this._settings, "buttonContainerId")); this._configIcon = BX(BX.prop.get(this._settings, "configIconId")); this._canHideField = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "canHideField", true); this._canBeMultipleFields = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "canBeMultipleFields", true); this._enableShowAlwaysFeauture = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableShowAlwaysFeauture", true); this._enableVisibilityPolicy = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableVisibilityPolicy", true); this._enablePageTitleControls = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enablePageTitleControls", true); if(this._enablePageTitleControls) { this._pageTitle = BX("pagetitle"); this._buttonWrapper = BX("pagetitle_btn_wrapper"); this._editPageTitleButton = BX("pagetitle_edit"); this._copyPageUrlButton = BX("page_url_copy_btn"); } this.adjustSize(); this.adjustTitle(); //region Form var formTagName = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "formTagName", "form"); this._formElement = BX.create(formTagName, {props: { name: this._id + "_form"}}); this._container.appendChild(this._formElement); this._layoutContainer = BX.create("div", {props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-column-wrapper"}}); this._formElement.appendChild(this._layoutContainer); this._enableRequiredUserFieldCheck = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableRequiredUserFieldCheck", true); this._enableAjaxForm = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableAjaxForm", true); if(this._enableAjaxForm) { this.initializeAjaxForm(); } //endregion this._restrictions = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "restrictions", {}); this.initializeManagers(); this._context = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "context", {}); this._contextId = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "contextId", ""); this._externalContextId = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "externalContextId", ""); this._readOnly = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "readOnly", false); if(this._readOnly) { this._enableSectionEdit = this._enableSectionCreation = false; } else { this._enableSectionEdit = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableSectionEdit", false); this._enableSectionCreation = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableSectionCreation", false); } this._controllers = []; this._controls = []; this._activeControls = []; this._modeSwitch = BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch.create(this._id, { editor: this }); this._htmlEditorConfigs = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "htmlEditorConfigs", {}); var initialMode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view; if(!this._readOnly) { initialMode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.parse(BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "initialMode", "")); } this._mode = initialMode !== BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.intermediate ? initialMode : BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view; this._enableModeToggle = false; if(!this._readOnly) { this._enableModeToggle = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableModeToggle", true); } if(this._isNew && !this._readOnly) { this._mode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit; } this._availableSchemeElements = this._scheme.getAvailableElements(); this.initializeControllers(); this.initializeControls(); if(this._mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit && this._controls.length > 0) { this.initializeControlsEditMode(); } this.initializeValidators(); this._enableToolPanel = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableToolPanel", true); this._isToolPanelAlwaysVisible = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "isToolPanelAlwaysVisible", false); if(this._enableToolPanel) { this.initializeToolPanel(); if (this.isToolPanelAlwaysVisible()) { this.showToolPanel(); } } this._enableBottomPanel = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableBottomPanel", true); this._enableConfigControl = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableConfigControl", true); this._enableFieldsContextMenu = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableFieldsContextMenu", true); this.initializeDragDrop(); this.layout(); this.attachToEvents(); this.initPull(); var eventArgs = { id: this._id, externalContext: this._externalContextId, context: this._contextId, entityTypeName: this._entityTypeName, entityId: this._entityId, model: this._model }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onInit", [ this, eventArgs ]); }, initializeControllers: function() { var i, length; var controllerData = BX.prop.getArray(this._settings, "controllers", []); for(i = 0, length = controllerData.length; i < length; i++) { var controller = this.createController(controllerData[i]); if(controller) { this._controllers.push(controller); } } }, initializeControls: function() { var elements = this._scheme.getElements(); var i, length, element, control; for(i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) { element = elements[i]; control = this.createControl( element.getType(), element.getName(), { schemeElement: element, mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view } ); if(!control) { continue; } this._controls.push(control); } }, initializeControlsEditMode: function() { var i, length; for(i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { this._controls[i].setMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, { notify: false }); } }, initializeValidators: function() { //region Validators var i, length; this._validators = []; var validatorConfigs = BX.prop.getArray(this._settings, "validators", []); for(i = 0, length = validatorConfigs.length; i < length; i++) { var validator = this.createValidator(validatorConfigs[i]); if(validator) { this._validators.push(validator); } } //endregion }, initializeToolPanel: function() { var buttonsOrder = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, 'toolPanelButtonsOrder', {}); var customButtons = BX.prop.getArray(this._settings, 'customToolPanelButtons', []); this._toolPanel = BX.UI.EntityEditorToolPanel.create( this._id, { container: this._isEmbedded ? this._formElement : document.body, editor: this, visible: false, buttonsOrder: buttonsOrder, customButtons: customButtons, } ); }, initializeDragDrop: function() { this._dragConfig = {}; var sectionDragModes = {}; sectionDragModes[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.names.view] = sectionDragModes[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.names.edit] = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableSectionDragDrop", true); this._dragConfig[BX.UI.EditorDragObjectType.section] = { scope: BX.UI.EditorDragScope.form, modes: sectionDragModes }; var fieldDragModes = {}; fieldDragModes[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.names.view] = fieldDragModes[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.names.edit] = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableFieldDragDrop", true); this._dragConfig[BX.UI.EditorDragObjectType.field] = { scope: BX.UI.EditorDragScope.form, modes: fieldDragModes }; // if(this.canChangeScheme()) // { // this._dragContainerController = BX.UI.EditorDragContainerController.create( // "editor_" + this.getId(), // { // charge: BX.UI.EditorSectionDragContainer.create({ editor: this }), // node: this._formElement // } // ); // this._dragContainerController.addDragFinishListener(this._dropHandler); // } }, initializeManagers: function() { this._userFieldManager = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "userFieldManager", null); this._configurationFieldManager = BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager.create( this._id, { editor: this } ); let eventArgs = { id: this._id, editor: this, type: 'editor', configurationFieldManager: this._configurationFieldManager, }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, "BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager:onInitialize", [ this, eventArgs ]); this._configurationFieldManager = eventArgs.configurationFieldManager; }, initializeCustomEditors: function() { }, attachToEvents: function() { BX.bind(window, "resize", this._windowResizeHandler); BX.addCustomEvent("SidePanel.Slider:onOpenComplete", this._sliderOpenHandler); BX.addCustomEvent("SidePanel.Slider:onClose", this._sliderCloseHandler); }, deattachFromEvents: function() { BX.unbind(window, "resize", this._windowResizeHandler); BX.removeCustomEvent("SidePanel.Slider:onOpenComplete", this._sliderOpenHandler); BX.removeCustomEvent("SidePanel.Slider:onClose", this._sliderCloseHandler); }, initPull: function() { const settings = this._settings; BX.Event.ready(() => { if ( !settings.pullTag || !settings.pullModuleId || !settings.canUsePull ) { return; } const Pull = BX.PULL; if (!Pull) { console.error('pull is not initialized'); return; } const entityPull = new BX.UI.EntityPull({ editor: this, }); Pull.subscribe({ moduleId: settings.pullModuleId, callback: (data) => { if (data.command !== settings.pullTag) { return; } const eventId = data.params.eventId ?? null; if (eventId && this.eventIds.has(eventId)) { return; } if (data.params.eventName === 'ITEMUPDATED') { entityPull.onItemUpdated(); } }, }); Pull.extendWatch(settings.pullTag); BX.Event.bind(document, 'visibilitychange', () => { if (document.hidden) { return; } const isNeedReload = window.sessionStorage.getItem(this.needReloadStorageKey); if (isNeedReload === 'Y') { window.sessionStorage.removeItem(this.needReloadStorageKey); BX.Crm.EntityEditor.getDefault().reload(); } }); }); }, release: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { this._controls[i].clearLayout(); } this.deattachFromEvents(); this.releaseAjaxForm(); this.releaseReloadAjaxForm(); this._attributeManager = null; this._container = BX.remove(this._container); this._isReleased = true; }, onSliderOpen: function(event) { //Reset close confirmation flag this._enableCloseConfirmation = true; var eventArgs = { id: this._id, externalContext: this._externalContextId, context: this._contextId, entityTypeId: this._entityTypeId, entityId: this._entityId, model: this._model }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onOpen", [ this, eventArgs ]); }, onSliderClose: function(event) { if(!this._enableCloseConfirmation) { return; } var slider = top.BX.SidePanel.Instance.getSliderByWindow(window); if(slider !== event.getSlider()) { return; } if(!slider.isOpen()) { return; } if(!this.hasChangedControls() && !this.hasChangedControllers()) { return; } event.denyAction(); if(BX.UI.EditorAuxiliaryDialog.isItemOpened("close_confirmation")) { return; } BX.UI.EditorAuxiliaryDialog.create( "close_confirmation", { title: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIRMATION"), content: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CLOSE_CONFIRMATION"), zIndex: 100, buttons: [ { id: "close", type: BX.UI.DialogButtonType.accept, text: BX.message("JS_CORE_WINDOW_CLOSE"), callback: this._closeConfirmationHandler }, { id: "cancel", type: BX.UI.DialogButtonType.cancel, text: BX.message("JS_CORE_WINDOW_CANCEL"), callback: this._closeConfirmationHandler } ] } ).open(); }, onCloseConfirmButtonClick: function(button) { button.getDialog().close(); if(button.getId() === "close") { this._enableCloseConfirmation = false; top.BX.SidePanel.Instance.getSliderByWindow(window).close(); } }, initializeAjaxForm: function() { if(this._ajaxForm) { return; } var ajaxData = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "ajaxData", {}); var actionName = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, "ACTION_NAME", ""); var componentName = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, "COMPONENT_NAME", ""); var signedParameters = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, "SIGNED_PARAMETERS", ""); this._ajaxForms = {}; this._actionTypes = {}; this._actionTypes[BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId] =; var defaultAjaxForm = this.createAjaxForm( { componentName: componentName, actionName: actionName, elementNode: this._formElement, signedParameters: signedParameters, enableRequiredUserFieldCheck: this._enableRequiredUserFieldCheck }, { onSuccess: this.onSaveSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this.onSaveFailure.bind(this) } ); this._ajaxForms[BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId] = defaultAjaxForm; BX.addCustomEvent(defaultAjaxForm, "onAfterSubmit", this._formSubmitHandler); if (ajaxData.ADDITIONAL_ACTIONS && ajaxData.ADDITIONAL_ACTIONS.length > 0) { var additionalActions = ajaxData.ADDITIONAL_ACTIONS; for (var i=0; i < additionalActions.length; i++) { var action = additionalActions[i]; this._actionTypes[action.ID] = action.ACTION_TYPE; var ajaxForm = this.createAjaxForm( { componentName: componentName, actionName: action.ACTION, elementNode: this._formElement, signedParameters: signedParameters, enableRequiredUserFieldCheck: this._enableRequiredUserFieldCheck }, { onSuccess: this.onSaveSuccess.bind(this), onFailure: this.onSaveFailure.bind(this) } ); BX.addCustomEvent(ajaxForm, "onAfterSubmit", this._formSubmitHandler); this._ajaxForms[action.ID] = ajaxForm; } } // compatibility this._ajaxForm = this._ajaxForms[BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId]; //Disable submit action by pressing Enter key (if there is only one input on the form) this._formElement.setAttribute("onsubmit", "return false;"); }, createAjaxForm: function(options, callbacks) { var componentName = BX.prop.getString(options, "componentName", ""); var actionName = BX.prop.getString(options, "actionName", ""); var elementNode = BX.prop.getElementNode(options, "elementNode", null); var formData = BX.prop.getObject(options, "formData", null); if(componentName !== "") { if(actionName === "") { actionName = "save"; } return BX.UI.ComponentAjax.create( this._id, { elementNode: elementNode, formData: formData, className: componentName, signedParameters: BX.prop.getString(options, "signedParameters", null), actionName: actionName, callbacks: { onSuccess: (callbacks ? callbacks.onSuccess : null), onFailure: (callbacks ? callbacks.onFailure : null) } } ); } else { if(actionName === "") { actionName = "SAVE"; } return BX.UI.AjaxForm.create( this._id, { elementNode: elementNode, formData: formData, config: { url: this._serviceUrl, method: "POST", dataType: "json", processData : true, onsuccess: (callbacks ? callbacks.onSuccess : null), data: Object.assign( { "ACTION": actionName, "ENABLE_REQUIRED_USER_FIELD_CHECK": BX.prop.getBoolean(options, "enableRequiredUserFieldCheck", false) ? 'Y' : 'N' }, this.getAjaxFormConfigData() ) } } ); } }, getAjaxFormConfigData: function () { return { "ACTION_ENTITY_TYPE": this._entityTypeName }; }, releaseAjaxForm: function() { if(!this._ajaxForm) { return; } var _this = this; if (BX.Type.isObject(this._ajaxForms)) { Object.keys(this._ajaxForms).forEach(function (ajaxForm) { BX.removeCustomEvent(_this._ajaxForms[ajaxForm], "onAfterSubmit", _this._formSubmitHandler); _this._ajaxForms[ajaxForm] = null; }); } BX.removeCustomEvent(this._ajaxForm, "onAfterSubmit", this._formSubmitHandler); this._ajaxForm = null; }, releaseReloadAjaxForm: function() { if(!this._reloadAjaxForm) { return; } this._reloadAjaxForm = null; }, getId: function() { return this._id; }, getEntityTypeName: function() { return this._entityTypeName; }, getEntityId: function() { return this._entityId; }, getOwnerInfo: function() { return this._model.getOwnerInfo(); }, getMode: function() { return this._mode; }, getContextId: function() { return this._contextId; }, getContext: function() { return this._context; }, getExternalContextId: function() { return this._externalContextId; }, getScheme: function() { return this._scheme; }, canHideField: function() { return this._canHideField; }, isVisible: function() { return this._container.offsetParent !== null; }, isShowAlwaysFeautureEnabled: function() { return this._enableShowAlwaysFeauture; }, isVisibilityPolicyEnabled: function() { return this._enableVisibilityPolicy; }, isToolPanelAlwaysVisible: function() { return this._isToolPanelAlwaysVisible; }, isBottomPanelEnabled: function() { return this._enableBottomPanel; }, isConfigControlEnabled: function() { return this._enableConfigControl; }, isSectionEditEnabled: function() { return this._enableSectionEdit; }, isSectionCreationEnabled: function() { return this._enableSectionCreation && this.canChangeScheme(); }, isFieldsContextMenuEnabled: function() { return this._enableFieldsContextMenu; }, isModeToggleEnabled: function() { return this._enableModeToggle; }, isNew: function() { return this._isNew; }, isReadOnly: function() { return this._readOnly; }, isEmbedded: function() { return this._isEmbedded; }, isEditInViewEnabled: function() { return this._entityId > 0; }, getDetailManager: function() { if(typeof(BX.UI.EntityDetailManager) === "undefined") { return null; } return BX.UI.EntityDetailManager.get(BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "detailManagerId", "")); }, getConfigurationFieldManager: function() { return this._configurationFieldManager; }, getUserFieldManager: function() { return this._userFieldManager; }, setAttributeManager: function(attributeManager) { if (BX.Type.isObject(attributeManager)) { this._attributeManager = attributeManager; } return this._attributeManager; }, getAttributeManager: function() { return this._attributeManager; }, getHtmlEditorConfig: function(fieldName) { return BX.prop.getObject(this._htmlEditorConfigs, fieldName, null); }, getAdditionalFieldsData: function() { return this.additionalFieldsData; }, //region Validators createValidator: function(settings) { settings["editor"] = this; return BX.UI.EntityEditorValidatorFactory.create( BX.prop.getString(settings, "type", ""), settings ); }, //endregion //region Controls & Events getControlByIndex: function(index) { return (index >= 0 && index < this._controls.length) ? this._controls[index] : null; }, getControlIndex: function(control) { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._controls[i] === control) { return i; } } return -1; }, getControls: function() { return this._controls; }, getControlCount: function() { return this._controls.length; }, createControl: function(type, controlId, settings) { settings["serviceUrl"] = this._serviceUrl; settings["container"] = this._layoutContainer; settings["model"] = this._model; settings["editor"] = this; return BX.UI.EntityEditorControlFactory.create(type, controlId, settings); }, addControlAt: function(control, index) { var options = {}; if(index < this._controls.length) { options["anchor"] = this._controls[index].getWrapper(); this._controls.splice(index, 0, control); } else { this._controls.push(control); } control.layout(options); }, moveControl: function(control, index) { var qty = this._controls.length; var lastIndex = qty - 1; if(index < 0 || index > qty) { index = lastIndex; } var currentIndex = this.getControlIndex(control); if(currentIndex < 0 || currentIndex === index) { return false; } control.clearLayout(); this._controls.splice(currentIndex, 1); qty--; var anchor = index < qty ? this._controls[index].getWrapper() : null; if(index < qty) { this._controls.splice(index, 0, control); } else { this._controls.push(control); } if(anchor) { control.layout({ anchor: anchor }); } else { control.layout(); } this._config.moveSchemeElement(control.getSchemeElement(), index); }, removeControl: function(control) { var index = this.getControlIndex(control); if(index < 0) { return false; } this.processControlRemove(control); control.clearLayout(); this._controls.splice(index, 1); }, getControlById: function(id) { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { var control = this._controls[i]; if(control.getId() === id) { return control; } var child = control.getChildById(id); if(child) { return child; } } return null; }, getControlByIdRecursive: function(name, controls) { if(!controls) { controls = this.getControls(); } for (let i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { if (!controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorControl) { continue; } if(controls[i].getId() === name) { return controls[i]; } else if ( controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorColumn || controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorSection ) { const res = this.getControlByIdRecursive(name, controls[i].getChildren()); if (res) { return res; } } } return null; }, quoteRegExp: function(regExpString) { return regExpString.replace(/([\\.+*?\[^\]$(){}=!<>|:])/g, "\\$1"); }, getCombinedIdRegExp: function (id) { return new RegExp(this.quoteRegExp(id).replace(/\\\[n?\d+\\]/gi, "\\[n?\\d+\\]")); }, getControlByCombinedIdRecursive: function(id, controls) { if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id)) { return null; } let idRegExp = this.getCombinedIdRegExp(id); if(!controls) { controls = this.getControls(); } for (let i = 0; i < controls.length; i++) { if (!controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorControl) { continue; } if(idRegExp.test(controls[i].getId())) { return controls[i]; } else if ( controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorColumn || controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorSection ) { const control = this.getControlByCombinedIdRecursive(id, controls[i].getChildren()); if (control instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorControl) { return control; } } } return null; }, getAvailableControlByCombinedId: function(id) { let control = null; let element = this.getAvailableSchemeElementByCombinedName(id); if(element) { control = this.createControl( element.getType(), element.getName(), { schemeElement: element, model: this._model, mode: this._mode } ); } return control; }, getAllControls: function(controls) { let result = []; if(!controls) { controls = this.getControls(); } for (var i=0; i < controls.length; i++) { if (controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorControl) { if ( controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorColumn || controls[i] instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorSection ) { const res = this.getAllControls(controls[i].getChildren()); if(res) { result = result.concat(res); } } else { result.push(controls[i]); } } } return result; }, getActiveControlCount: function() { return this._activeControls.length; }, getActiveControlIndex: function(control) { var length = this._activeControls.length; if(length === 0) { return -1; } for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if(this._activeControls[i] === control) { return i; } } return -1; }, getActiveControlById: function(id, recursive) { recursive = !!recursive; var length = this._activeControls.length; if(length === 0) { return null; } for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var control = this._activeControls[i]; if(control.getId() === id) { return control; } if(recursive) { var child = control.getChildById(id); if(child) { return child; } } } return null; }, getActiveControlByIndex: function(index) { return index >= 0 && index < this._activeControls.length ? this._activeControls[index] : null; }, registerActiveControl: function(control) { var index = this.getActiveControlIndex(control); if(index >= 0) { return; } this._activeControls.push(control); control.setActive(true); if(this._mode !== BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { this._mode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit; } }, unregisterActiveControl: function(control) { var index = this.getActiveControlIndex(control); if(index < 0) { return; } this._activeControls.splice(index, 1); control.setActive(false); if(this._activeControls.length === 0 && this._mode !== BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view) { this._mode = BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view; } }, releaseActiveControls: function(options) { //region Release Event var eventArgs = { id: this._id, externalContext: this._externalContextId, context: this._contextId, entityTypeName: this._entityTypeName, entityId: this._entityId, model: this._model }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onRelease", [ this, eventArgs ]); //endregion var modifiedActiveControls = []; for(var i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { var control = this._activeControls[i]; if(control.isModeToggleEnabled()) { control.setActive(false); control.toggleMode(false, options); } else { modifiedActiveControls.push(control); } } this._activeControls = modifiedActiveControls; }, hasChangedControls: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._activeControls[i].isChanged()) { return true; } } return false; }, hasChangedControllers: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._controllers[i].isChanged()) { return true; } } return false; }, isWaitingForInput: function() { if(this._mode !== BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { return false; } for(var i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._activeControls[i].isWaitingForInput()) { return true; } } return false; }, processControlModeChange: function(control, options) { if(control.getMode() === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { this.registerActiveControl(control); } else //BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view { this.unregisterActiveControl(control); } if(this.getActiveControlCount() > 0) { this.showToolPanel(); } else if (!this.isToolPanelAlwaysVisible()) { this.hideToolPanel(); } var eventArgs = { control: control, } BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onControlModeChange", [ this, eventArgs ]); }, processControlChange: function(control, params, options) { this.showToolPanel(); if (!BX.prop.getBoolean(options, 'skipEvents', false)) { BX.onCustomEvent( window, this.eventsNamespace + ':onControlChange', [this, { control: control, params: params }], ); } }, processControlAdd: function(control, options) { this.removeAvailableSchemeElement(control.getSchemeElement()); if (!BX.prop.getBoolean(options, 'skipEvents', false)) { BX.onCustomEvent( this, this.eventsNamespace + ':onControlAdd', [this, { control: control, params: {} }], ); } }, processControlMove: function(control, options) { if (!BX.prop.getBoolean(options, "skipEvents", false)) { BX.onCustomEvent( this, this.eventsNamespace + ":onControlMove", [ this, { control: control, params: options } ] ); } }, processControlRemove: function(control, options) { if(control instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorField) { this.addAvailableSchemeElement(control.getSchemeElement()); } else if(control instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorSection) { var children = control.getChildren(); for(var i= 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) { this.addAvailableSchemeElement(children[i].getSchemeElement()); } } if (!BX.prop.getBoolean(options, "skipEvents", false)) { BX.onCustomEvent( this, this.eventsNamespace + ":onControlRemove", [ this, { control: control, params: {} } ] ); } }, processSchemeChange: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { this._controls[i].processSchemeChange(); } }, //endregion //region Available Scheme Elements getAvailableSchemeElements: function() { return this._availableSchemeElements; }, addAvailableSchemeElement: function(schemeElement) { this._availableSchemeElements.push(schemeElement); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = true; this.notifyAvailableSchemeElementsChanged(); }, removeAvailableSchemeElement: function(element) { var index = this.getAvailableSchemeElementIndex(element); if(index < 0) { return; } this._availableSchemeElements.splice(index, 1); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = true; this.notifyAvailableSchemeElementsChanged(); }, getAvailableSchemeElementIndex: function(element) { var schemeElements = this._availableSchemeElements; for(var i = 0, length = schemeElements.length; i < length; i++) { if(schemeElements[i] === element) { return i; } } return -1; }, getAvailableSchemeElementByName: function(name) { var schemeElements = this._availableSchemeElements; for(var i = 0, length = schemeElements.length; i < length; i++) { var schemeElement = schemeElements[i]; if(schemeElement.getName() === name) { return schemeElement; } } return null; }, getAvailableSchemeElementByCombinedName: function(name) { if (!BX.type.isNotEmptyString(name)) { return null; } let nameRegExp = this.getCombinedIdRegExp(name); const schemeElements = this._availableSchemeElements; for (let i = 0, length = schemeElements.length; i < length; i++) { if(nameRegExp.test(schemeElements[i].getName())) { return schemeElements[i]; } } return null; }, hasAvailableSchemeElements: function() { return (this._availableSchemeElements.length > 0); }, getSchemeElementByName: function(name) { return this._scheme.findElementByName(name, { isRecursive: true }); }, notifyAvailableSchemeElementsChanged: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { this._controls[i].processAvailableSchemeElementsChange(); } }, hasTransferableElements: function(excludedNames) { var excludedCount = 0; if(BX.type.isArray(excludedNames)) { excludedCount = excludedNames.length; } var columns = this._scheme.getElements(); for (var columnsIterator = 0, columnsCount = columns.length; columnsIterator < columnsCount; columnsIterator++) { var sections = columns[columnsIterator].getElements(); for(var sectionsIterator = 0, sectionsCount = sections.length; sectionsIterator < sectionsCount; sectionsIterator++) { var section = sections[sectionsIterator]; var isExcluded = false; if(excludedCount > 0) { var sectionName = section.getName(); for(var j = 0; j < excludedCount; j++) { if(excludedNames[j] === sectionName) { isExcluded = true; break; } } } if(isExcluded) { continue; } var childElements = section.getElements(); for(var k = 0, childrenCount = childElements.length; k < childrenCount; k++) { if(childElements[k].isTransferable() && childElements[k].getName() !== "") { return true; } } } } return false; }, //endregion //region Controllers createController: function(data) { return BX.UI.EntityEditorControllerFactory.create( BX.prop.getString(data, "type", ""), BX.prop.getString(data, "name", ""), { config: BX.prop.getObject(data, "config", {}), model: this._model, editor: this } ); }, processControllerChange: function(controller) { this.showToolPanel(); var eventArgs = { controller: controller, } BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onControllerChange", [ this, eventArgs ]); }, getControllers: function() { return this._controllers; }, //endregion //region Layout getContainer: function() { return this._container; }, prepareContextDataLayout: function(context, parentName) { for(var key in context) { if(!context.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; } var item = context[key]; var name = key; if(BX.type.isNotEmptyString(parentName)) { name = parentName + "[" + name + "]"; } if(BX.type.isPlainObject(item)) { this.prepareContextDataLayout(item, name); } else { this._formElement.appendChild( BX.create("input", { props: { type: "hidden", name: name, value: item } }) ); } } }, layout: function() { var eventArgs = { cancel: false }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onBeforeLayout", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["cancel"]) { return; } this.prepareContextDataLayout(this._context, ""); if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.layout(); } var userFieldLoaders = { edit: BX.UI.EntityUserFieldLayoutLoader.create( this._id, { mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, enableBatchMode: true, owner: this } ), view: BX.UI.EntityUserFieldLayoutLoader.create( this._id, { mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view, enableBatchMode: true, owner: this } ) }; var i, length, control; for(i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { control = this._controls[i]; var mode = control.getMode(); var layoutOptions = { userFieldLoader: userFieldLoaders[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.getName(mode)], enableFocusGain: !this._isEmbedded }; control.layout(layoutOptions); if(mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { this.registerActiveControl(control); } } for(var key in userFieldLoaders) { if(userFieldLoaders.hasOwnProperty(key)) { userFieldLoaders[key].runBatch(); } } if(this.getActiveControlCount() > 0) { this.showToolPanel(); } if(this._model.isCaptionEditable()) { BX.bind( this._pageTitle, "click", BX.delegate(this.onPageTileClick, this) ); if(this._editPageTitleButton) { BX.bind( this._editPageTitleButton, "click", BX.delegate(this.onPageTileClick, this) ); } } if(this._buttonContainer && this.isBottomPanelEnabled()) { if(this.isSectionCreationEnabled()) { this._createSectionButton = BX.create( "span", { props: { className: "ui-entity-add-widget-link" }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CREATE_SECTION"), events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onCreateSectionButtonClick, this) } } ); this._buttonContainer.appendChild(this._createSectionButton); } if(this.isConfigControlEnabled()) { var configScope = this._config.getScope(); var configScopeCaption = BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.getCaption(configScope); this._buttonContainer.appendChild( BX.create( "span", { props: { className: configScope === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.common ? "ui-entity-card-common" : "ui-entity-card-private", title: configScopeCaption } } ) ); this._configMenuButton = BX.create( "span", { props: { className: "ui-entity-settings-link" }, text: configScopeCaption, events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onConfigMenuButtonClick, this) } } ); this._buttonContainer.appendChild(this._configMenuButton); } } this.adjustButtons(); }, refreshLayout: function(options) { var userFieldLoaders = { edit: BX.UI.EntityUserFieldLayoutLoader.create( this._id, { mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, enableBatchMode: true, owner: this } ), view: BX.UI.EntityUserFieldLayoutLoader.create( this._id, { mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view, enableBatchMode: true, owner: this } ) }; if(!BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { options = {}; } for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { var control = this._controls[i]; var mode = control.getMode(); var layoutOptions = BX.mergeEx( options, { userFieldLoader: userFieldLoaders[BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.getName(mode)], enableFocusGain: !this._isEmbedded } ); control.refreshLayout(layoutOptions); } for(var key in userFieldLoaders) { if(userFieldLoaders.hasOwnProperty(key)) { userFieldLoaders[key].runBatch(); } } this.adjustButtons(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onRefreshLayout", [ this ]); }, refreshViewModeLayout: function(options) { var userFieldLoader = BX.UI.EntityUserFieldLayoutLoader.create( this._id, { mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view, enableBatchMode: true, owner: this } ); if(!BX.type.isPlainObject(options)) { options = {}; } for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { var control = this._controls[i]; var layoutOptions = BX.mergeEx( options, { userFieldLoader: userFieldLoader, enableFocusGain: false, isRefreshViewModeLayout: true } ); control.refreshViewModeLayout(layoutOptions); } userFieldLoader.runBatch(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onRefreshViewModeLayout", [ this ]); }, //endregion switchControlMode: function(control, mode, options) { if(!this.isModeToggleEnabled()) { return; } if(mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view) { if(control.checkModeOption(BX.UI.EntityEditorModeOptions.saveOnExit)) { this._modeSwitch.getQueue().add(control, BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view);; } else { control.setMode(mode, { options: options, notify: true }); control.refreshLayout(); } } else// if(mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { if(!BX.UI.EntityEditorModeOptions.check(options, BX.UI.EntityEditorModeOptions.exclusive)) { control.setMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, { options: options, notify: true }); control.refreshLayout(); } else { var queuedControlQty = 0; for(var i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { var activeControl = this._activeControls[i]; if(activeControl.checkModeOption(BX.UI.EntityEditorModeOptions.saveOnExit)) { this._modeSwitch.getQueue().add(activeControl, BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view, options); queuedControlQty++; } } if(queuedControlQty > 0) { this._modeSwitch.getQueue().add(control, BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, options);; } else { control.setMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, { options: options, notify: true }); control.refreshLayout(); } } } }, switchToViewMode: function(options) { this.releaseActiveControls(options); if(this.getActiveControlCount() > 0) { return; // some controls prevent switching to view mode } if (!this.isToolPanelAlwaysVisible()) { this.hideToolPanel(); } var eventArgs = { options: options, } BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onSwitchToViewMode", [ this, eventArgs ]); }, switchTitleMode: function(mode) { if(mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit) { = "none"; document.body.classList.add('--edit__title-input'); if (this._buttonWrapper) { = "none"; } this._pageTitleInput = BX.create( "input", { props: { type: "text", className: this.pageTitleInputClassName, value: this._model.getCaption() } } ); //this._pageTitle.parentNode.insertBefore(this._pageTitleInput, this._buttonWrapper); this._pageTitle.parentNode.insertBefore(this._pageTitleInput, this._pageTitle); this._pageTitleInput.focus(); window.setTimeout( BX.delegate( function() { BX.bind(document, "mousedown", this._pageTitleExternalClickHandler); BX.bind(this._pageTitleInput, "keyup", this._pageTitleKeyPressHandler); }, this ), 300 ); } else { if(this._pageTitleInput) { this._pageTitleInput = BX.remove(this._pageTitleInput); } this._pageTitle.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(this._model.getCaption()); = ""; if(this._buttonWrapper) { = ""; } BX.unbind(document, "mousedown", this._pageTitleExternalClickHandler); BX.unbind(this._pageTitleInput, "keyup", this._pageTitleKeyPressHandler); this.adjustTitle(); } }, adjustTitle: function() { if(!this._enablePageTitleControls || !this._buttonWrapper) { return; } var caption = this._model.getCaption().trim(); var captionTail = ""; var match = caption.match(/\s+\S+\s*$/); if(match) { captionTail = caption.substr(match["index"]); caption = caption.substr(0, match["index"]); } else { captionTail = caption; caption = ""; } BX.cleanNode(this._buttonWrapper); if(captionTail !== "") { this._buttonWrapper.appendChild(document.createTextNode(captionTail)); } if(this._editPageTitleButton) { this._buttonWrapper.appendChild(this._editPageTitleButton); } if(this._copyPageUrlButton) { this._buttonWrapper.appendChild(this._copyPageUrlButton); } this._pageTitle.innerHTML = BX.util.htmlspecialchars(caption); }, adjustSize: function() { if(!this._enablePageTitleControls || !this._pageTitle) { return; } var wrapper = this._pageTitle.parentNode ? this._pageTitle.parentNode : this._pageTitle; var enableNarrowSize = wrapper.offsetWidth <= 480 && this._model.getCaption().length >= 40; if(enableNarrowSize && !BX.hasClass(wrapper, "pagetitle-narrow")) { BX.addClass(wrapper, "pagetitle-narrow"); } else if(!enableNarrowSize && BX.hasClass(wrapper, "pagetitle-narrow")) { BX.removeClass(wrapper, "pagetitle-narrow"); } }, adjustButtons: function() { //Move configuration menu button to last section if bottom panel is hidden. if(this._config.isScopeToggleEnabled() && !this._enableBottomPanel && this._controls.length > 0) { var control = this._controls[this._controls.length - 1]; if(control instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorColumn) { if(control._sections.length > 0) { control = control._sections[control._sections.length - 1] } else { // nowhere to add return; } } control.addButtonElement( BX.create( "span", { props: { className: this._config.getScope() === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.common ? "ui-entity-card-common" : "ui-entity-card-private" }, events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onConfigMenuButtonClick, this) } } ), { position: "right" } ); } }, showToolPanel: function() { if(!this._toolPanel || this._toolPanel.isVisible()) { return; } this._toolPanel.setVisible(true); if(this._parentContainer) { = "50px"; = "60px"; = "auto"; } }, hideToolPanel: function() { if(!this._toolPanel || !this._toolPanel.isVisible()) { return; } this._toolPanel.setVisible(false); if(this._parentContainer) { = ""; = ""; = ""; } }, showMessageDialog: function(id, title, content) { var dlg = BX.UI.EditorAuxiliaryDialog.create( id, { title: title, content: content, buttons: [ { id: "continue", type: BX.UI.DialogButtonType.accept, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONTINUE"), callback: function(button) { button.getDialog().close(); } } ] } );; }, getMessage: function(name) { var m = BX.UI.EntityEditor.messages; return m.hasOwnProperty(name) ? m[name] : name; }, getGlobalEventName: function(eventName) { return eventName; }, getFormElement: function() { return this._formElement; }, isChanged: function() { return this._isNew || this.hasChangedControls() || this.hasChangedControllers(); }, getEntityTypeForAction: function() { return this._entityTypeName; }, prepareControllersData: function(data) { if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(data)) { data = {}; } for(var i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { if (BX.Type.isFunction(this._controllers[i].onBeforesSaveControl)) { data = this._controllers[i].onBeforesSaveControl(data); } } return data; }, savePageTitle: function() { if(!this._pageTitleInput) { return; } var title = BX.util.trim(this._pageTitleInput.value); if(title === "") { return; } this._model.setCaption(title); var data = { "ACTION": "SAVE", "ACTION_ENTITY_ID": this._entityId, "ACTION_ENTITY_TYPE": this.getEntityTypeForAction(), "PARAMS": BX.prop.getObject(this._context, "PARAMS", {}) }; this._model.prepareCaptionData(data); data = BX.mergeEx(data, this.prepareControllersData(data)); BX.ajax( { url: this._serviceUrl, method: "POST", dataType: "json", data: data, onsuccess: BX.delegate(this.onSaveSuccess, this) } ); }, performAction: function (actionId) { if (!this._actionTypes) { return; } if (this._actionTypes[actionId] === { this.performSaveChangedAction(actionId); } else if (this._actionTypes[actionId] === { this.performDirectAction(actionId); } }, performDirectAction: function (actionId) { if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(true); } var eventArgs = this.getActionEventArguments(); eventArgs.actionId = actionId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onDirectAction", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["cancel"]) { return; } this._ajaxForms[actionId].submit(); }, saveChanged: function() { this.performSaveChangedAction(BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId); }, performSaveChangedAction: function(action) { if(!this._isNew && !this.hasChangedControls() && !this.hasChangedControllers() && !this.isWaitingForInput()) { this._modeSwitch.reset(); this.releaseActiveControls(); this.refreshLayout({ reset: true }); if (!this.isToolPanelAlwaysVisible()) { this.hideToolPanel(); } BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onNothingChanged", [ this ]); } else { this._modeSwitch.reset(); this._modeSwitch.getQueue().addBatch(this._activeControls, BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view); this._modeSwitch.setRunAction(action);; } }, saveDelayed: function(delay) { this.performSaveDelayedAction(BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId, delay); }, performSaveDelayedAction: function (action, delay) { if(typeof(delay) === "undefined") { delay = 0; } if(this._delayedSaveHandle > 0) { window.clearTimeout(this._delayedSaveHandle); } this._delayedSaveHandle = window.setTimeout(BX.delegate(function () { this.performSaveAction(action); }, this), delay); }, save: function() { this.performSaveAction(BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId); }, performSaveAction: function (action) { if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(true); } this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('attempt'); var result = BX.UI.EntityValidationResult.create(); this.validate(result).then( BX.delegate( function() { if(this._bizprocManager) { return this._bizprocManager.onBeforeSave(result); } var promise = new BX.Promise(); window.setTimeout(function(){ promise.fulfill(); }, 0); return promise; }, this ) ).then( BX.delegate( function() { if(result.getStatus()) { if (this.performInnerSaveAction(action) !== false) { if (this._bizprocManager) { this._bizprocManager.onAfterSave(); } } else { if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(false); } this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('error'); } } else { if(this.isVisible()) { var field = result.getTopmostField(); if(field) { field.focus(); var toolPanelOffset = 130; window.scroll(window.pageXOffset, window.pageYOffset + toolPanelOffset); } } if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(false); } this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('error'); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onFailedValidation", [ this, result ]); } }, this ) ); if(this._delayedSaveHandle > 0) { this._delayedSaveHandle = 0; } }, saveControl: function(control) { if(this._entityId <= 0 && this._model.isIdentifiable()) { return; } var result = BX.UI.EntityValidationResult.create(); control.validate(result); if(!result.getStatus()) { return; } var data = { "ACTION": "SAVE", "ACTION_ENTITY_ID": this._entityId, "ACTION_ENTITY_TYPE": this.getEntityTypeForAction() }; data = BX.mergeEx(data, this._context);; control.prepareSaveData(data); data = BX.mergeEx(data, this.prepareControllersData(data)); BX.ajax( { method: "POST", dataType: "json", url: this._serviceUrl, data: data, onsuccess: function(result) { this.onSaveSuccess(result, {switchMode: false}); }.bind(this) } ); }, saveData: function(data) { if(this._entityId <= 0 && this._model.isIdentifiable()) { return; } data = BX.mergeEx(data, this._context); data = BX.mergeEx( data, { "ACTION": "SAVE", "ACTION_ENTITY_ID": this._entityId, "ACTION_ENTITY_TYPE": this.getEntityTypeForAction() } ); BX.ajax( { method: "POST", dataType: "json", url: this._serviceUrl, data: data, onsuccess: BX.delegate(this.onSaveSuccess, this) } ); }, reload: function() { if(this._isRequestRunning) { return; } if(this._entityId <= 0 && this._model.isIdentifiable()) { return; } var eventArgs = this.getActionEventArguments(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ':onEntityStartReload', [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["cancel"]) { return; } var ajaxData = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, 'ajaxData', {}); var componentName = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, 'COMPONENT_NAME', ''); var signedParameters = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, 'SIGNED_PARAMETERS', ''); var reloadActionFormData = BX.prop.getObject(ajaxData,'RELOAD_FORM_DATA', {}); var reloadActionName = BX.prop.getString(ajaxData, "RELOAD_ACTION_NAME", ''); if (reloadActionName === '') { console.warn("Can't reload entity editor because RELOAD_ACTION_NAME is not defined"); return; } this._reloadAjaxForm = this.createAjaxForm( { componentName: componentName, actionName: reloadActionName, signedParameters: signedParameters, formData: reloadActionFormData, enableRequiredUserFieldCheck: false }, { onSuccess: this.onReloadSuccess.bind(this) } ); if(this._reloadAjaxForm) { this._reloadAjaxForm.submit(); } }, setValidationEnabled: function(isEnabled) { isEnabled = !!isEnabled; this._validationEnabled = isEnabled; if (this._userFieldManager) { this._userFieldManager.setValidationEnabled(isEnabled); } }, validate: function(result) { const promise = new BX.Promise(); if (this._validationEnabled) { for(let i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { this._activeControls[i].validate(result); } if (this._userFieldManager) { this._userFieldManager.validate(result).then( BX.delegate(function() { promise.fulfill(); }, this) ); } else { promise.fulfill(); } } else { promise.fulfill(); } return promise; }, isRequestRunning: function() { return this._isRequestRunning; }, getActionEventArguments: function() { return { id: this._id, externalContext: this._externalContextId, context: this._contextId, entityTypeName: this._entityTypeName, entityId: this._entityId, model: this._model, cancel: false }; }, innerSave: function() { this.performInnerSaveAction(BX.UI.EntityEditorActionIds.defaultActionId); }, performInnerSaveAction: function(action) { if(this._isRequestRunning) { return true; } var i, length; for(i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].onBeforeSubmit(); } for(i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { var control = this._activeControls[i];; control.onBeforeSubmit(); if(control.isSchemeChanged()) { this._config.updateSchemeElement(control.getSchemeElement()); } } if(this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged) { this._scheme.setAvailableElements(this._availableSchemeElements); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = false; } if(this._config && this._config.isChanged()) {; } //region Rise Save Event var eventArgs = this.getActionEventArguments(); eventArgs.actionId = action; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onSave", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["cancel"]) { return false; } var enableCloseConfirmation = BX.prop.getBoolean( eventArgs, "enableCloseConfirmation", null ); if(BX.type.isBoolean(enableCloseConfirmation)) { this._enableCloseConfirmation = enableCloseConfirmation; } var ajaxFormToSubmit = null; if (this._ajaxForms && this._ajaxForms[action]) { ajaxFormToSubmit = this._ajaxForms[action]; } else { ajaxFormToSubmit = this._ajaxForm; } if(ajaxFormToSubmit) { const eventId = BX.Text.getRandom(); this.eventIds.add(eventId); return ajaxFormToSubmit.submit({ data: { EVENT_ID: eventId, }, }); } return true; //endregion }, cancel: function() { //region Rise Cancel Event var eventArgs = this.getActionEventArguments(); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onCancel", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["cancel"]) { return; } //endregion var enableCloseConfirmation = BX.prop.getBoolean( eventArgs, "enableCloseConfirmation", null ); if(BX.type.isBoolean(enableCloseConfirmation)) { this._enableCloseConfirmation = enableCloseConfirmation; } if(this.hasChangedControls() || this.hasChangedControllers()) { window.setTimeout( BX.delegate(this.openCancellationConfirmationDialog, this), 250 ); return; } this.innerCancel(); }, innerCancel: function() { var i, length; for(i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].innerCancel(); } this.rollback(); if(this._isNew) { this.refreshLayout(); if(typeof(top.BX.SidePanel) !== "undefined") { window.setTimeout( function () { var slider = top.BX.SidePanel.Instance.getSliderByWindow(window); if(slider && slider.isOpen()) { slider.close(false); } }, 250 ); } } else { this.switchToViewMode({ refreshLayout: false }); this.refreshLayout(); } }, openCancellationConfirmationDialog: function() { if (this._confirmationCancelDialog) { return; } this._confirmationCancelDialog = BX.UI.EditorAuxiliaryDialog.create( "cancel_confirmation", { title: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIRMATION"), content: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CANCEL_CONFIRMATION"), buttons: [ { id: "yes", type: BX.UI.DialogButtonType.accept, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_YES"), callback: this._cancelConfirmationHandler }, { id: "no", type: BX.UI.DialogButtonType.cancel, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_NO"), callback: this._cancelConfirmationHandler } ] } );; }, onCancelConfirmButtonClick: function(button) { button.getDialog().close(); this._confirmationCancelDialog = null; if(button.getId() === "yes") { this.innerCancel(); } }, rollback: function() { this._model.rollback(); var i, length; for(i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].rollback(); } for(i = 0, length = this._activeControls.length; i < length; i++) { this._activeControls[i].rollback(); } if(this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged) { this._availableSchemeElements = this._scheme.getAvailableElements(); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = false; } }, addSchemeElementAt: function(schemeElement, index) { if(this._config) { this._config.addSchemeElementAt(schemeElement, index); } }, updateSchemeElement: function(schemeElement) { if(this._config) { this._config.updateSchemeElement(schemeElement); } }, removeSchemeElement: function(schemeElement) { if(this._config) { this._config.removeSchemeElement(schemeElement); } }, canChangeScheme: function() { return this._config && this._config.isChangeable(); }, isSchemeChanged: function() { return this._config && this._config.isChanged(); }, saveScheme: function() { if(!this._config) { return false; } var result =; if (result) { this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = false; this.processSchemeChange(); BX.onCustomEvent( this, this.eventsNamespace + ":onSchemeSave", [ this, { params: {} } ] ); } return result; }, saveSchemeChanges: function() { this.commitSchemeChanges(); return this.saveScheme(); }, commitSchemeChanges: function() { for(var i = 0, length = this._controls.length; i < length; i++) { this._controls[i].commitSchemeChanges(); } if(this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged) { this._scheme.setAvailableElements(this._availableSchemeElements); this._areAvailableSchemeElementsChanged = false; } }, canChangeCommonConfiguration: function() { return this._config.isCanChangeCommonConfiguration(); }, registerSaveAnalyticsEvent: function(status) { const analyticsConfig = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, 'analyticsConfig', {}); let analyticsData = BX.prop.getObject(analyticsConfig, 'data', null); if (!BX.Type.isPlainObject(analyticsData)) { return; } analyticsData.status = status; if (BX.prop.getBoolean(analyticsConfig, 'appendParamsFromCurrentUrl', false)) { const currentUrl = new BX.Uri(decodeURI(window.location.href)); analyticsData = Object.assign( currentUrl.getQueryParam('st') || {}, analyticsData, ); } BX.UI.Analytics.sendData(analyticsData); }, onSaveSuccess: function(result, params) { this._isRequestRunning = false; if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(false); this._toolPanel.clearErrors(); } if (result.ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_DATA) { this.additionalFieldsData = BX.prop.getObject(result, 'ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_DATA', {}); } const eventParams = this.prepareEventParams(result); var checkErrors = BX.prop.getObject(result, "CHECK_ERRORS", null); var error = BX.prop.getString(result, "ERROR", ""); var hasRestriction = BX.prop.getBoolean(result, 'RESTRICTION', false); if(checkErrors || error !== "" || hasRestriction) { this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('error'); if(checkErrors) { var firstField = null; var errorMessages = []; for(var fieldId in checkErrors) { if(!checkErrors.hasOwnProperty(fieldId)) { return; } var field = this.getActiveControlById(fieldId, true); if(field) { field.showError(checkErrors[fieldId]); if(!firstField) { firstField = field; } } else { errorMessages.push(checkErrors[fieldId]); } } if(firstField) { firstField.scrollAnimate(); } error = errorMessages.join("<br/>"); } var restrictionAction = BX.prop.getString(result, "RESTRICTION_ACTION", ""); if (hasRestriction && restrictionAction.length) { eval(restrictionAction); BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onRestrictionAction", []); } else { if (error !== "" && this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.addError(error); } eventParams["checkErrors"] = checkErrors; eventParams["error"] = error; if (this._isNew) { BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName("onEntityCreateError"), [eventParams]); } else { eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName("onEntityUpdateError"), [eventParams]); } } this.releaseAjaxForm(); this.initializeAjaxForm(); return; } var entityData = BX.prop.getObject(result, "ENTITY_DATA", null); eventParams["entityData"] = entityData; if(!this._model.isIdentifiable()) { //fire onEntityUpdate eventParams["sender"] = this; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName("onEntityUpdate"), [eventParams]); } else { if(this._isNew) { this._entityId = BX.prop.getInteger(result, "ENTITY_ID", 0); if(this._entityId <= 0) { if(this._toolPanel) { let message = this.getMessage('couldNotFindEntityIdError'); if (message === 'couldNotFindEntityIdError') { message = BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_COULD_NOT_FIND_ENTITY_ID"); } this._toolPanel.addError(message); } this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('error'); return; } //fire onEntityCreate eventParams["sender"] = this; eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName("onEntityCreate"), [eventParams]); if(BX.prop.getBoolean(eventParams, "isCancelled", true)) { this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('success'); this._entityId = 0; this.rollback(); this.releaseAjaxForm(); this.initializeAjaxForm(); return; } this._isNew = false; } else { //fire onEntityUpdate eventParams["sender"] = this; eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName("onEntityUpdate"), [eventParams]); if(BX.prop.getBoolean(eventParams, "isCancelled", true)) { this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('success'); this.rollback(); this.releaseAjaxForm(); this.initializeAjaxForm(); return; } } } const redirectUrl = BX.prop.getString(result, 'REDIRECT_URL', ''); const isOpenInNewSlide = BX.prop.getBoolean(result, 'OPEN_IN_NEW_SLIDE', false); const additionalEventParams = BX.prop.getObject(result, 'EVENT_PARAMS', null); if (additionalEventParams) { const eventName = BX.prop.getString(additionalEventParams, 'name', ''); const eventArgs = BX.prop.getObject(additionalEventParams, 'args', null); if (BX.Type.isStringFilled(eventName) && eventArgs !== null) { if (BX.Type.isStringFilled(redirectUrl)) { eventArgs.redirectUrl = redirectUrl; } BX.localStorage.set(eventName, eventArgs, 10); } } this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('success'); if (this._isReleased) { return; } if (BX.Type.isStringFilled(redirectUrl)) { // postpone redirect to next event loop cycle, so that analytics request is sent before this page closes setTimeout(() => { eventParams.redirectUrl = redirectUrl; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.getGlobalEventName('beforeEntityRedirect'), [eventParams]); const url = BX.util.add_url_param( redirectUrl, { IFRAME: 'Y', IFRAME_TYPE: 'SIDE_SLIDER', }, ); const sidePanel = ? : null; if (isOpenInNewSlide && sidePanel && sidePanel.isOpen()) { sidePanel.close(false, () =>; } else { window.location.replace(url); } }); } else { if (BX.prop.getBoolean(params, "switchMode", true)) { if (BX.type.isPlainObject(entityData)) { // Notification event is disabled because we will // call "refreshLayout" for all controls at the end. this._model.setData(entityData, { enableNotification: false }); } this.adjustTitle(); this.adjustSize(); this.releaseAjaxForm(); this.initializeAjaxForm(); for (var i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].onAfterSave(); } if (this._modeSwitch.isRunning()) { this._modeSwitch.complete(); } else { this.switchToViewMode({refreshLayout: false}); } this.refreshLayout({reset: true}); if (!this.isToolPanelAlwaysVisible()) { this.hideToolPanel(); } } else if(BX.type.isPlainObject(entityData)) { var previousModel = Object.create(this._model); // clone model object previousModel.setData( // copy model data BX.clone(this._model.getData()), { enableNotification: false } ); //Notification event is disabled because we will call "refreshViewModeLayout" for all controls at the end. this._model.setData(entityData, {enableNotification: false}); this.adjustTitle(); this.adjustSize(); for(var i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].onReload(); } this.refreshViewModeLayout({ previousModel: previousModel, reset: true }); } } }, prepareEventParams: function(result) { var eventParams = BX.prop.getObject(result, "EVENT_PARAMS", {}); eventParams["entityTypeName"] = this._entityTypeName; eventParams["isCancelled"] = false; if(typeof( !== "undefined") { var slider =; if(slider) { eventParams["sliderUrl"] = slider.getUrl(); } } return eventParams; }, onSaveFailure: function(response) { this._isRequestRunning = false; this.registerSaveAnalyticsEvent('error'); if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(false); this._toolPanel.clearErrors(); } var errors = BX.prop.getArray(response, "ERRORS", []); if(this._toolPanel) { for(var i = 0, length = errors.length; i < length; i++) { this._toolPanel.addError(errors[i]); } } var eventParams = { errors: errors, }; eventParams["sender"] = this; eventParams["entityTypeName"] = this._entityTypeName; eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ':onEntitySaveFailure', [eventParams]); }, onReloadSuccess: function(result) { var eventParams = BX.prop.getObject(result, "EVENT_PARAMS", {}); eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; eventParams["entityTypeName"] = this._entityTypeName; var checkErrors = BX.prop.getObject(result, "CHECK_ERRORS", null); var error = BX.prop.getString(result, "ERROR", ""); if(checkErrors || error !== "") { eventParams["checkErrors"] = checkErrors; eventParams["error"] = error; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onEntityReloadError", [eventParams]); return; } var entityData = BX.prop.getObject(result, "ENTITY_DATA", null); if (result.ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_DATA) { this.additionalFieldsData = BX.prop.getObject(result, 'ADDITIONAL_FIELDS_DATA', {}); } eventParams["entityData"] = entityData; eventParams["sender"] = this; eventParams["entityId"] = this._entityId; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onEntityReload", [eventParams]); if(BX.type.isPlainObject(entityData)) { var previousModel = Object.create(this._model); // clone model object previousModel.setData( // copy model data BX.clone(this._model.getData()), { enableNotification: false } ); //Notification event is disabled because we will call "refreshViewModeLayout" for all controls at the end. this._model.setData(entityData, {enableNotification: false}); this.adjustTitle(); this.adjustSize(); for(var i = 0, length = this._controllers.length; i < length; i++) { this._controllers[i].onReload(); } this.refreshViewModeLayout({ previousModel: previousModel, reset: true }); } }, formatMoney: function(sum, currencyId, callback) { BX.ajax( { url: BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "serviceUrl", ""), method: "POST", dataType: "json", data: { "ACTION": "GET_FORMATTED_SUM", "CURRENCY_ID": currencyId, "SUM": sum }, onsuccess: callback } ); }, findOption: function (value, options) { for(var i = 0, l = options.length; i < l; i++) { if(value === options[i].VALUE) { return options[i].NAME; } } return value; }, prepareConfigMenuItems: function() { var items = []; var callback = BX.delegate(this.onMenuItemClick, this); if(this._config.isScopeToggleEnabled()) { var configScope = this._config.getScope(); items.push( { id: "switchToPersonalConfig", text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_SWITCH_TO_PERSONAL_CONFIG_MSGVER_1"), onclick: callback, className: configScope === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.personal ? "menu-popup-item-accept" : "menu-popup-item-none" } ); items.push( { id: "switchToCommonConfig", text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_SWITCH_TO_COMMON_CONFIG_MSGVER_1"), onclick: callback, className: configScope === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.common ? "menu-popup-item-accept" : "menu-popup-item-none" } ); } if (this._config._userScopes) { for (var userScopeId in this._config._userScopes) { items.push( { text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CHECK_SCOPE').replace('#SCOPE_NAME#', this._config._userScopes[userScopeId]['NAME']), onclick: callback, attributes: { 'data-id': userScopeId }, className: ( this._config.getScope() === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.custom && this._config._userScopeId === userScopeId ) ? "menu-popup-item-accept" : "menu-popup-item-none" } ); } } if(this.canChangeScheme()) { if(this._config.isScopeToggleEnabled()) { items.push({ delimiter: true }); } items.push( { id: "resetConfig", text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_RESET_CONFIG_MSGVER_1"), onclick: callback, className: "menu-popup-item-none" } ); if(BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableSettingsForAll", false)) { items.push( { id: "forceCommonConfigForAllUsers", text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_FORCE_COMMON_CONFIG_FOR_ALL_MSGVER_1"), onclick: callback, className: "menu-popup-item-none" } ); } if(this.moduleId && this.canChangeCommonConfiguration()) { items.push({ delimiter: true }); items.push( { id: "createConfigForCheckedUsers", text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CREATE_SCOPE'), onclick: callback, className: "menu-popup-item-none" } ); items.push( { id: "editCommonConfig", text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UPDATE_SCOPE'), onclick: callback, className: "menu-popup-item-none" } ); } } BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onPrepareConfigMenuItems", [ this, items ]); return items; }, getServiceUrl: function() { return this._serviceUrl; }, loadCustomHtml: function(actionName, actionData, callback) { actionData["ACTION"] = actionName; actionData["ACTION_ENTITY_ID"] = this._entityId; BX.ajax( { url: this._serviceUrl, method: "POST", dataType: "html", data: actionData, onsuccess: callback } ); }, onFormSubmit: function(sender, eventArgs) { this._isRequestRunning = true; if(this._toolPanel) { this._toolPanel.setLocked(true); } }, //region Events onResize: function(e) { this.adjustSize(); }, onPageTileClick: function(e) { if(this._readOnly) { return } if(this.isChanged()) { this.showMessageDialog( "titleEditDenied", BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_TITLE_EDIT"), BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_TITLE_EDIT_UNSAVED_CHANGES") ); return; } this.switchTitleMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit); }, onCreateSectionButtonClick: function(e) { if(!this.isSectionCreationEnabled()) { return; } var index = this.getControlCount(); var name = "user_" + BX.util.getRandomString(8).toLowerCase(); var schemeElement = BX.UI.EntitySchemeElement.create( { type: "section", name: name, title: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_NEW_SECTION_TITLE") } ); var sectionSettings = { schemeElement: schemeElement, model: this._model, }; var firstColumn = this.getControlByIndex(0); if (!firstColumn) { this.addSchemeElementAt(schemeElement, index); sectionSettings.container = this._formElement; } var control = this.createControl( "section", name, sectionSettings ); if (firstColumn) { firstColumn.addChild(control,{ enableSaving: false }); } else { this.addControlAt(control, 0); this.saveScheme(); } control.setMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, { notify: false }); control.refreshLayout(); control.setTitleMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit); this.registerActiveControl(control); }, onConfigMenuButtonClick: function(e) { if(this._isConfigMenuShown) { return; } var menuItems = this.prepareConfigMenuItems(); if(menuItems.length > 0) { this._id + "_config_menu", BX.getEventTarget(e), menuItems, { angle: false, autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, events: { onPopupShow: function(){ this._isConfigMenuShown = true; }.bind(this), onPopupClose: function(){ BX.PopupMenu.destroy(this._id + "_config_menu"); }.bind(this), onPopupDestroy: function(){ this._isConfigMenuShown = false; }.bind(this) } } ); } }, onPageTitleExternalClick: function(e) { var target = BX.getEventTarget(e); if(target !== this._pageTitleInput) { this.savePageTitle(); this.switchTitleMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view); } }, onPageTitleKeyPress: function(e) { var c = e.keyCode; if(c === 13) { this.savePageTitle(); this.switchTitleMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view); } else if(c === 27) { this.switchTitleMode(BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view); } }, onInterfaceToolbarMenuBuild: function(sender, eventArgs) { var menuItems = BX.prop.getArray(eventArgs, "items", null); if(!menuItems) { return; } var configMenuItems = this.prepareConfigMenuItems(); if(configMenuItems.length > 0) { if(menuItems.length > 0) { menuItems.push({ delimiter: true }); } for(var i = 0, length = configMenuItems.length; i < length; i++) { menuItems.push(configMenuItems[i]); } } }, //endregion //region Configuration getCommonConfigEditUrl: function(entityTypeId, moduleId) { return this._commonConfigEditUrl .replace(/#ENTITY_TYPE_ID_VALUE#/gi, entityTypeId) .replace(/#MODULE_ID#/gi, moduleId); }, onMenuItemClick: function(event, menuItem) { var id = BX.prop.getString(menuItem, "id", ""); switch (id) { case 'resetConfig': this.resetConfig(); break; case 'switchToPersonalConfig': this.setConfigScope(BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.personal); break; case 'switchToCommonConfig': this.setConfigScope(BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.common); break; case 'forceCommonConfigForAllUsers': this.forceCommonConfigScopeForAll(); break; case 'createConfigForCheckedUsers': this.createConfigScopeForCheckedUsers(); break; case 'editCommonConfig': this.getCommonConfigEditUrl(this._config._id, this.moduleId), {width: 980} ); break; default: var attributes = BX.prop.getObject(menuItem, "attributes", ""); if (attributes['data-id'] !== undefined) { this.setConfigScope(BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.custom, attributes['data-id']); } } if(menuItem.menuWindow) { menuItem.menuWindow.close(); } }, setConfigScope: function(scope, userScopeId) { if( ( scope === this._config.getScope() && this._config.getScope() !== BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.custom ) || ( scope === BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.custom && (userScopeId === undefined || userScopeId === this._config._userScopeId) ) ) { return; } this._config.setScope(scope, userScopeId, this.moduleId).then( function() { var eventArgs = { id: this._id, moduleId: this.moduleId, scope: scope, userScopeId: userScopeId, enableReload: true }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onConfigScopeChange", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["enableReload"] && !this._isEmbedded) { window.location.reload(true); } }.bind(this) ); }, createConfigScopeForCheckedUsers: function() { var config = BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.create( this._id+'_config', { editor: this, config: this._config.toJSON(), entityTypeId: this._config._id, isCommonConfig: true, moduleId: this.moduleId });; }, forceCommonConfigScopeForAll: function() { this._config.forceCommonScopeForAll().then( function() { var scope = this._config.getScope(); var eventArgs = { id: this._id, scope: scope, enableReload: true }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onForceCommonConfigScopeForAll", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["enableReload"] && !this._isEmbedded && scope !== BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.common) { window.location.reload(true); } }.bind(this) ); }, resetConfig: function() { this._config.reset(false).then( function() { var scope = this._config.getScope(); var eventArgs = { id: this._id, scope: scope, enableReload: true }; BX.onCustomEvent(window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onConfigReset", [ this, eventArgs ]); if(eventArgs["enableReload"] && !this._isEmbedded) { window.location.reload(true); } }.bind(this) ); }, getConfigOption: function(name, defaultValue) { return this._config.getOption(name, defaultValue); }, setConfigOption: function(name, value) { return this._config.setOption(name, value); }, //endregion //region Options getOption: function(name, defaultValue) { return BX.prop.getString(this._settings["options"], name, defaultValue); }, setOption: function(name, value) { if(typeof(value) === "undefined" || value === null) { return; } if(BX.prop.getString(this._settings["options"], name, null) === value) { return; } this._settings["options"][name] = value; }, //endregion //region D&D // D&D for sections moved from root editor entity to column entities getDragConfig: function(typeId) { return BX.prop.getObject(this._dragConfig, typeId, {}); }, hasPlaceHolder: function() { return !!this._dragPlaceHolder; }, createPlaceHolder: function(index) { var qty = this.getControlCount(); if(index < 0 || index > qty) { index = qty > 0 ? qty : 0; } if(this._dragPlaceHolder) { if(this._dragPlaceHolder.getIndex() === index) { return this._dragPlaceHolder; } this._dragPlaceHolder.clearLayout(); this._dragPlaceHolder = null; } this._dragPlaceHolder = BX.UI.EditorDragSectionPlaceholder.create( { container: this._formElement, anchor: (index < qty) ? this._controls[index].getWrapper() : null, index: index } ); this._dragPlaceHolder.layout(); return this._dragPlaceHolder; }, getPlaceHolder: function() { return this._dragPlaceHolder; }, removePlaceHolder: function() { if(this._dragPlaceHolder) { this._dragPlaceHolder.clearLayout(); this._dragPlaceHolder = null; } }, processDraggedItemDrop: function(dragContainer, draggedItem) { var containerCharge = dragContainer.getCharge(); if(!((containerCharge instanceof BX.UI.EditorSectionDragContainer) && containerCharge.getEditor() === this)) { return; } var context = draggedItem.getContextData(); var contextId = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(context["contextId"]) ? context["contextId"] : ""; if(contextId !== BX.UI.EditorSectionDragItem.contextId) { return; } var itemCharge = typeof(context["charge"]) !== "undefined" ? context["charge"] : null; if(!(itemCharge instanceof BX.UI.EditorSectionDragItem)) { return; } var control = itemCharge.getControl(); if(!control) { return; } var currentIndex = this.getControlIndex(control); if(currentIndex < 0) { return; } var placeholder = this.getPlaceHolder(); var placeholderIndex = placeholder ? placeholder.getIndex() : -1; if(placeholderIndex < 0) { return; } var index = placeholderIndex <= currentIndex ? placeholderIndex : (placeholderIndex - 1); if(index !== currentIndex) { this.moveControl(control, index); this.saveScheme(); } }, onDrop: function(event) { this.processDraggedItemDrop(["dropContainer"],["draggedItem"]); }, //endregion getConfigScope: function() { return this._config.getScope(); }, prepareFieldLayoutOptions: function(field) { var hasContent = field.hasContentToDisplay(); var result = { isNeedToDisplay: (hasContent || this._showEmptyFields) }; if(this.isExternalLayoutResolversEnabled()) { var eventArgs = { id: this._id, field: field, hasContent: hasContent, showEmptyFields: this._showEmptyFields, layoutOptions: result }; BX.onCustomEvent( window, this.eventsNamespace + ":onResolveFieldLayoutOptions", [ this, eventArgs ] ); } return result; }, isExternalLayoutResolversEnabled: function() { return !!this._enableExternalLayoutResolvers; }, getRestriction: function(id) { return BX.prop.getObject(this._restrictions, id, null); } }; BX.UI.EntityEditor.defaultInstance = null; BX.UI.EntityEditor.items = {}; BX.UI.EntityEditor.get = function(id) { return this.items.hasOwnProperty(id) ? this.items[id] : null; }; if(typeof(BX.UI.EntityEditor.messages) === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditor.messages = {}; } BX.UI.EntityEditor.setDefault = function(instance) { BX.UI.EntityEditor.defaultInstance = instance; }; BX.UI.EntityEditor.getDefault = function() { return BX.UI.EntityEditor.defaultInstance; }; BX.UI.EntityEditor.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditor(); self.initialize(id, settings); this.items[self.getId()] = self; return self; }; } //endregion //region ENTITY EDITOR MODE QUEUE if(typeof BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue = function() { this._id = ""; this._settings = {}; this._items = []; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { this._id = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._settings = settings ? settings : {}; }, findIndex: function(control) { for(var i = 0, length = this._items.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._items[i]["control"] === control) { return i; } } return -1; }, getLength: function () { return this._items.length; }, add: function(control, mode, options) { if(typeof(options) === "undefined") { options = BX.UI.EntityEditorModeOptions.none; } var index = this.findIndex(control); if(index >= 0) { this._items[index] = { control: control, mode: mode, options: options }; } else { this._items.push({ control: control, mode: mode, options: options }); } }, addBatch: function(controls, mode, options) { for(var i = 0, length = controls.length; i < length; i++) { this.add(controls[i], mode, options); } }, remove: function(control) { var index = this.findIndex(control); if(index >= 0) { this._items.splice(index, 1) } }, clear: function() { this._items = []; }, process: function() { var length = this._items.length; if(length === 0) { return 0; } for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var item = this._items[i]; item["control"].setMode(item["mode"], { options: item["options"], notify: true }); } return length; } }; BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; } //endregion //region ENTITY EDITOR MODE SWITCH if(typeof BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch = function() { this._id = ""; this._settings = {}; this._queue = null; this._isRunning = false; this._runHandle = 0; this._runAction = ""; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { this._id = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._settings = settings ? settings : {}; this._editor = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "editor"); this._queue = BX.UI.EntityEditorModeQueue.create(this._id, {}); }, getQueue: function() { return this._queue; }, reset: function() { this._queue.clear(); this._isRunning = false; }, isRunning: function() { return this._isRunning; }, setRunAction: function(action) { this._runAction = action; }, run: function() { if(this._isRunning) { return; } if(this._runHandle > 0) { window.clearTimeout(this._runHandle); } this._runHandle = window.setTimeout(BX.delegate(this.doRun, this), 50); }, doRun: function() { this._editor.performSaveDelayedAction(this._runAction); this._isRunning = true; this._runHandle = 0; }, complete: function () { this._queue.process(); this.reset(); } }; BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorModeSwitch(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; } //endregion //region ENTITY EDITOR MODE if(typeof(BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig) === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig = function() { this._id = ""; this._settings = {}; this._editor = {}; this._config = {}; this._isCommonConfig = false; this._popup = null; this._selector = null; this._name = ""; this._items = []; this._nameInput = {}; this._usersInput = {}; this._usersInputTagSelector = {}; this._forceSetInput = {}; this._nameInputError = null; this._usersInputError = null; this._entityId = ""; this._entityTypeId = ''; this._isOpened = false; this._closeNotifier = null; this.moduleId = null; this._onSquareClick = BX.delegate(this.onSquareClick, this); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { this._id = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._settings = settings ? settings : {}; this._editor = this.getSetting('editor', {}); this._config = this.getSetting('config', {}); this._isCommonConfig = this.getSetting('isCommonConfig', false); this._name = this.getSetting('name', ''); this._items = this.getSetting('items', []); this._entityId = this.getSetting('entityId', null); this._entityTypeId = this.getSetting('entityTypeId', null); this.moduleId = this.getSetting('moduleId', null); }, getId: function() { return this._id; }, getSetting: function(name, defaultValue) { return (this._settings.hasOwnProperty(name) ? this._settings[name] : defaultValue); }, isOpened: function() { return this._isOpened; }, open: function() { if(this._isOpened) { return; } this._popup = this.createPopup();; }, createPopup: function() { return (this._popup || new BX.PopupWindow(this._id, null, { className: 'ui-entity-editor-content-user-scope-popup', titleBar: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CREATE_SCOPE'), closeIcon : true, autoHide: false, closeByEsc: true, padding: 0, contentPadding: 0, contentBackground: 'none', draggable: true, minWidth: 550, maxWidth: 550, content: this.prepareContent(), buttons: this.prepareButtons(), events: { onPopupShow: BX.delegate(this.onPopupShow, this), onPopupClose: BX.delegate(this.onPopupClose, this), onPopupDestroy: BX.delegate(this.onPopupDestroy, this) }, })); }, prepareContent: function() { var container = BX.create('div', { style: { padding: '0 20px', } }); container.appendChild(this.prepareNameControl()); container.appendChild(this.prepareUserSelectControl()); container.appendChild(this.prepareForceSetToUsersControl()); return container; }, prepareNameControl: function() { var container = BX.create('div', { style: { paddingBottom: '25px', marginBottom: '20px', borderBottom: '1px solid #f2f2f4' } }); container.appendChild(BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-ctl-label-text' }, text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_NAME') })); var control = BX.create('div', { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl ui-ctl-textbox ui-ctl-w100' } }); this._nameInput = BX.create("input", { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl-element', value: this.getName(), type: 'text', placeholder: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER') } }); control.appendChild(this._nameInput); container.appendChild(control); return container; }, prepareUserSelectControl: function() { var container = BX.create('div', { style: { paddingBottom: '25px', marginBottom: '10px', borderBottom: '1px solid #f2f2f4' } }); container.appendChild(BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-ctl-label-text' }, text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_MEMBERS') })); var control = BX.create('div', { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl ui-ctl-textbox ui-ctl-w100' } }); this._usersInput = BX.create("div", { style:{ width: '100%' }, attrs: { id: 'user-selector-item', }, }); control.appendChild(this._usersInput); container.appendChild(control); this._usersInputTagSelector = new BX.UI.EntitySelector.TagSelector({ dialogOptions: { context: 'UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_SCOPE', entities: [ { id: 'user', }, { id: 'project', }, { id: 'department', options: { selectMode: 'usersAndDepartments' } }, ], } }); this._usersInputTagSelector.renderTo(this._usersInput); return container; }, prepareForceSetToUsersControl: function() { var container = BX.create('div', { style: { paddingBottom: '10px', borderBottom: '1px solid #f2f2f4' } }); var control = BX.create('div', { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl ui-ctl-checkbox ui-ctl-w100' } }); this._forceSetInput = BX.create("input", { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl-element', type: 'checkbox', checked: true }, }); control.appendChild(this._forceSetInput); control.appendChild(BX.create('div', { props:{ className: 'ui-ctl-label-text', }, text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_FORCE_INSTALL_TO_USERS') })); container.appendChild(control); return container; }, prepareButtons: function() { return [ new BX.UI.Button({ text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_SAVE'), tag: BX.UI.Button.Tag.LINK, color: BX.UI.Button.Color.PRIMARY, events: { click: function(params, event) { event.preventDefault(); this.processSave(); }.bind(this) } }), new BX.UI.Button({ text: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_CANCEL'), tag: BX.UI.Button.Tag.LINK, color: BX.UI.Button.Color.LINK, events: { click: function(params, event) { event.preventDefault(); this.processCancel(); }.bind(this) } }) ]; }, close: function() { if (this._popup) { this._popup.close(); } }, addCloseListener: function(listener) { this._closeNotifier.addListener(listener); }, removeCloseListener: function(listener) { this._closeNotifier.removeListener(listener); }, createUserInfo: function(item) { return { ID:, FORMATTED_NAME: BX.util.htmlspecialcharsback(BX.prop.getString(item, 'name', '')), }; }, isCustomized: function() { var accessCodes = BX.prop.getObject(this._config, 'accessCodes', []); return !!Object.keys(accessCodes).length; }, getName: function() { return this._name; }, setName: function(name) { this._name = name; }, processSave: function() { this.clearErrors(); this.setName(this._nameInput.value); BX.ajax.runComponentAction( 'bitrix:ui.form.config', 'save', { data: { moduleId: this.moduleId, entityTypeId: this._entityTypeId, name: this.getName(), accessCodes: this.getSelectedItems(), config: this._config, params: { forceSetToUsers: this._forceSetInput.checked, categoryName: this._editor._config.categoryName, common: 'Y', } } } ) .then( function(response) { this.close(); BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.prototype.notifyShow(response); var scopeId = parseInt(, 10); this._editor.setConfigScope(BX.UI.EntityConfigScope.custom, scopeId); }.bind(this) ).catch(function(response){ //todo show errors some other way this.fillErrors(; }.bind(this)); }, /** * * @returns {{entityType: string, id: string|number}[]} */ getSelectedItems: function() { var items = this._usersInputTagSelector.getTags(); return{ return { id:, entityId: item.entityId, } }); }, fillErrors: function(errors) { if ( { this._nameInputError = this.createErrorElement(this._nameInput,; } if (errors.accessCodes) { this._usersInputError = this.createErrorElement(this._usersInput, errors.accessCodes.message); } }, createErrorElement: function(fieldNode, message) { var errorContainer = BX.create('div', { props: { className: 'ui-entity-section-control-error-text' } }); errorContainer.innerHTML = message; fieldNode.parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(errorContainer); return errorContainer; }, clearErrors: function() { if (this._nameInputError) { this._nameInputError.remove(); } if (this._usersInputError) { this._usersInputError.remove(); } }, notifyShow: function(response) {{ content: BX.message('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CONFIG_SCOPE_SAVED'), width: 'auto', }); }, processCancel: function() { this.close(); }, onPopupShow: function() { this._isOpened = true; }, onPopupClose: function() { if(this._popup) { this._popup.destroy(); } }, onPopupDestroy: function() { this._isOpened = false; this._popup = null; }, }; if(BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.messages === undefined) { BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.messages = {}; } BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorScopeConfig(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; } //endregion