Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage blog * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Blog\Item; use Bitrix\Blog\CommentTable; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; class Comment { private $fields; public function __construct() { $this->fields = []; } public static function getById($commentId = 0) { static $cachedFields = array(); $commentItem = false; $commentId = (int)$commentId; if ($commentId > 0) { $commentItem = new Comment; $commentFields = array(); if (isset($cachedFields[$commentId])) { $commentFields = $cachedFields[$commentId]; } else { $select = array('*', 'UF_BLOG_COMM_URL_PRV'); if ( Option::get('disk', 'successfully_converted', false) && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('disk') ) { $select[] = 'UF_BLOG_COMMENT_FILE'; } $res = CommentTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=ID' => $commentId), 'select' => $select )); if ($fields = $res->fetch()) { $commentFields = $fields; if ($commentFields['DATE_CREATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $commentFields['DATE_CREATE'] = $commentFields['DATE_CREATE']->toString(); } } $cachedFields[$commentId] = $commentFields; } $commentItem->setFields($commentFields); } return $commentItem; } public function setFields($fields = []): void { $this->fields = $fields; } public function getFields(): array { return $this->fields; } public static function checkDuplicate(array $params = [], int &$duplicateCommentId = 0): bool { $message = ( isset($params['MESSAGE']) && trim((string)$params['MESSAGE']) !== '' ? trim((string)$params['MESSAGE']) : '' ); $blogId = ( isset($params['BLOG_ID']) && (int)$params['BLOG_ID'] > 0 ? (int)$params['BLOG_ID'] : 0 ); $postId = ( isset($params['POST_ID']) && (int)$params['POST_ID'] > 0 ? (int)$params['POST_ID'] : 0 ); $authorId = ( isset($params['AUTHOR_ID']) && (int)$params['AUTHOR_ID'] > 0 ? (int)$params['AUTHOR_ID'] : 0 ); if ( $message === '' || $blogId <= 0 || $postId <= 0 ) { return false; } \CTimeZone::Disable(); $res = \CBlogComment::getList( [ "ID" => "DESC" ], [ "BLOG_ID" => $blogId, "POST_ID" => $postId, "AUTHOR_ID" => $authorId, ">DATE_CREATE" => ConvertTimeStamp(time() - 60*30, "FULL") ], false, [ "nTopCount" => 1 ], [ 'ID', 'POST_TEXT' ] ); \CTimeZone::Enable(); if ( ($duplicateComment = $res->fetch()) && mb_strlen($message) > 10 && md5((string)$duplicateComment['POST_TEXT']) === md5($message) ) { $duplicateCommentId = (int)$duplicateComment['ID']; return false; } return true; } public static function actionsAfter(array $params): bool { static $blogPostEventIdList = null; if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return false; } $message = ( isset($params["MESSAGE"]) && trim($params["MESSAGE"]) ? trim($params["MESSAGE"]) : '' ); $blogId = ( isset($params["BLOG_ID"]) && (int)$params["BLOG_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["BLOG_ID"] : 0 ); $blogOwnerId = ( isset($params["BLOG_OWNER_ID"]) && (int)$params["BLOG_OWNER_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["BLOG_OWNER_ID"] : 0 ); $postId = ( isset($params["POST_ID"]) && (int)$params["POST_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["POST_ID"] : 0 ); $postTitle = ( isset($params["POST_TITLE"]) && trim($params["POST_TITLE"]) ? trim($params["POST_TITLE"]) : '' ); $postAuthorId = ( isset($params["POST_AUTHOR_ID"]) && (int)$params["POST_AUTHOR_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["POST_AUTHOR_ID"] : 0 ); $commentId = ( isset($params["COMMENT_ID"]) && (int)$params["COMMENT_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["COMMENT_ID"] : 0 ); $commentAuthorId = ( isset($params["AUTHOR_ID"]) && (int)$params["AUTHOR_ID"] > 0 ? (int)$params["AUTHOR_ID"] : 0 ); if ( $message === '' || $blogId <= 0 || $blogOwnerId <= 0 || $postAuthorId <= 0 || $postId <= 0 || $commentId <= 0 || $commentAuthorId <= 0 ) { return false; } \BXClearCache(true, "/blog/comment/" . (int)($postId / 100) ."/" . $postId . "/"); $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->query("UPDATE b_blog_image SET COMMENT_ID=" . $commentId . " WHERE BLOG_ID=".$blogId . " AND POST_ID=" . $postId . " AND IS_COMMENT = 'Y' AND (COMMENT_ID = 0 OR COMMENT_ID is null) AND USER_ID=" . $commentAuthorId); if ($blogPostEventIdList === null) { $blogPostLivefeedProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogPost; $blogPostEventIdList = $blogPostLivefeedProvider->getEventId(); } $res = \CSocNetLog::getList( array(), array( "EVENT_ID" => $blogPostEventIdList, "SOURCE_ID" => $postId ), false, false, array("ID") ); if ($log = $res->fetch()) { $extranetSiteId = false; if (Loader::includeModule('extranet')) { $extranetSiteId = \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteId(); } $logSiteId = []; $res = \CSocNetLog::getSite($log["ID"]); while ($logSite = $res->fetch()) { $logSiteId[] = $logSite["LID"]; } $siteId = ( $extranetSiteId && count($logSiteId) === 1 && $logSiteId[0] === $extranetSiteId ? $extranetSiteId : $logSiteId[0] ); $postUrl = Option::get("socialnetwork", "userblogpost_page", '/company/personal/users/'.$blogOwnerId.'/blog/#post_id#/', $siteId); $postUrl = \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( $postUrl, array( "user_id" => $postAuthorId, "post_id" => $postId ) ); $fieldsSocnet = array( "ENTITY_TYPE" => SONET_ENTITY_USER, "ENTITY_ID" => $blogOwnerId, "EVENT_ID" => "blog_comment", "USER_ID" => $commentAuthorId, "=LOG_DATE" => $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(), "MESSAGE" => $message, "TEXT_MESSAGE" => $message, "URL" => $postUrl, "MODULE_ID" => false, "SOURCE_ID" => $commentId, "LOG_ID" => $log["ID"], "RATING_TYPE_ID" => "BLOG_COMMENT", "RATING_ENTITY_ID" => $commentId ); $parser = new \CTextParser(); $tagInlineList = $parser->detectTags($message); if (!empty($tagInlineList)) { $fieldsSocnet["TAG"] = $tagInlineList; } $logCommentId = \CSocNetLogComments::add($fieldsSocnet, false, false); if ($logCommentId > 0) { \CSocNetLog::counterIncrement( $logCommentId, false, false, "LC", \CSocNetLogRights::checkForUserAll($log["ID"]) ); } $postSonetRights = \CBlogPost::getSocnetPerms($postId); $userCode = array(); $mailUserId = array(); if (!empty($postSonetRights["U"])) { $mailUserId = array_keys($postSonetRights["U"]); foreach($postSonetRights["U"] as $k => $v) { $userCode[] = "U".$k; } } $fieldsIM = Array( "TYPE" => "COMMENT", "TITLE" => $postTitle, "URL" => $postUrl, "ID" => $postId, "COMMENT_ID" => $commentId, "FROM_USER_ID" => $commentAuthorId, "TO_USER_ID" => array($postAuthorId), "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS" => $userCode, "TO_SOCNET_RIGHTS_OLD" => array( "U" => array(), "SG" => array() ), "AUTHOR_ID" => $postAuthorId, "BODY" => $message, ); $fieldsIM["EXCLUDE_USERS"] = array(); $res = \CSocNetLogFollow::getList( array( "CODE" => "L".$log["ID"], "TYPE" => "N" ), array("USER_ID") ); while ($unfollower = $res->fetch()) { $fieldsIM["EXCLUDE_USERS"][$unfollower["USER_ID"]] = $unfollower["USER_ID"]; } \CBlogPost::notifyIm($fieldsIM); if (!empty($mailUserId)) { \CBlogPost::notifyMail(array( "type" => "COMMENT", "userId" => $mailUserId, "authorId" => $commentAuthorId, "postId" => $postId, "commentId" => $commentId, "siteId" => $siteId, "postUrl" => \CComponentEngine::makePathFromTemplate( '/pub/post.php?post_id=#post_id#', array( "post_id"=> $postId ) ) )); } $siteResult = \CSite::getByID($siteId); if ($site = $siteResult->fetch()) { \CBlogComment::addLiveComment($commentId, array( "DATE_TIME_FORMAT" => $site["FORMAT_DATETIME"], "NAME_TEMPLATE" => \CSite::getNameFormat(null, $siteId), "SHOW_LOGIN" => "Y", "MODE" => "PULL_MESSAGE" )); } } return true; } public static function processCommentShare($params = []) { if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return false; } return \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Integration\Blog\Mention::processCommentShare($params); } }