Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing; use Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page; use \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\HookDataTable as HookData; use \Bitrix\Main\Event; use \Bitrix\Main\EventResult; class Hook { /** * If true, hook work in edit mode (form settings). * @var boolean */ protected static $editMode = false; /** * Entity type site. */ const ENTITY_TYPE_SITE = 'S'; /** * Entity type landing. */ const ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING = 'L'; /** * Dir of repository of common hooks. */ const HOOKS_PAGE_DIR = '/bitrix/modules/landing/lib/hook/page'; /** * Namespace of repoitory of common hooks (relative current). */ const HOOKS_NAMESPACE = '\\Hook\\Page\\'; /** * Handler for copy event */ protected const HOOKS_ON_COPY_HANDLER = 'onCopy'; /** * Hook codes which contains file ids. */ const HOOKS_CODES_FILES = [ 'METAOG_IMAGE', 'BACKGROUND_PICTURE' ]; /** * Hook codes which have visual effect */ const HOOKS_CODES_DESIGN = [ 'BACKGROUND_USE', 'BACKGROUND_PICTURE', 'BACKGROUND_POSITION', 'BACKGROUND_COLOR', 'FONTS_CODE', 'THEME_CODE', 'THEME_USE', 'THEME_COLOR', 'THEMEFONTS_USE', 'THEMEFONTS_CODE_H', 'THEMEFONTS_CODE', 'THEMEFONTS_SIZE', 'THEMEFONTS_COLOR', 'THEMEFONTS_COLOR_H', 'THEMEFONTS_LINE_HEIGHT', 'THEMEFONTS_FONT_WEIGHT', 'THEMEFONTS_FONT_WEIGHT_H', ]; /** * Get classes from dir. * @param string $dir Relative dir. * @return array */ protected static function getClassesFromDir($dir) { $classes = array(); $path = Manager::getDocRoot() . $dir; if (($handle = opendir($path))) { while ((($entry = readdir($handle)) !== false)) { if ($entry != '.' && $entry != '..') { $classes[] = mb_strtoupper(pathinfo($entry, PATHINFO_FILENAME)); } } } return $classes; } /** * Get data by entity id ant type. * @param int $id Entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @param boolean $asIs Return row as is. * @return array */ public static function getData($id, $type, $asIs = false): array { $data = []; $id = (int)$id; if (!is_string($type)) { return $data; } $res = HookData::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'HOOK', 'CODE', 'VALUE' ], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_ID' => $id, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $type, '=PUBLIC' => self::$editMode ? 'N' : 'Y' ], 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'asc' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (!isset($data[$row['HOOK']])) { $data[$row['HOOK']] = []; } if (mb_strpos($row['VALUE'], 'serialized#') === 0) { $row['VALUE'] = unserialize(mb_substr($row['VALUE'], 11), ['allowed_classes' => false]); } $data[$row['HOOK']][$row['CODE']] = $asIs ? $row : $row['VALUE']; } return $data; } /** * Get available hooks for this landing. * @param int $id Entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @param array $data Data array (optional). * @return Page[] */ protected static function getList($id, $type, array $data = array()) { $hooks = array(); $classDir = self::HOOKS_PAGE_DIR; $classNamespace = self::HOOKS_NAMESPACE; $excludedHooks = \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::getExcludedHooks(); // first read all hooks in base dir foreach (self::getClassesFromDir($classDir) as $class) { if (in_array($class, $excludedHooks)) { continue; } $classFull = __NAMESPACE__ . $classNamespace . $class; if (class_exists($classFull)) { $hooks[$class] = new $classFull( self::$editMode, !($type == self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE) ); } } // sort hooks uasort($hooks, function($a, $b) { if ($a->getSort() == $b->getSort()) { return 0; } return ($a->getSort() < $b->getSort()) ? -1 : 1; }); // check custom exec $event = new Event('landing', 'onHookExec'); $event->send(); foreach ($event->getResults() as $result) { if ($result->getType() != EventResult::ERROR) { if ($customExec = $result->getModified()) { foreach ((array)$customExec as $code => $itemExec) { $code = mb_strtoupper($code); if (isset($hooks[$code]) && is_callable($itemExec)) { $hooks[$code]->setCustomExec($itemExec); } } unset($code, $itemExec); } unset($customExec); } } unset($event, $result); // then fill hook with data if (!empty($hooks) && $id > 0) { if (empty($data)) { $data = self::getData($id, $type); } foreach ($hooks as $code => $hook) { if (isset($data[$code])) { $hook->setData($data[$code]); } } } return $hooks; } /** * Set edit mode to true. * @param bool $mode Edit mode (true by default). * @return void */ public static function setEditMode(bool $mode = true): void { self::$editMode = $mode; } /** * Returns edit mode state. * @return bool */ public static function getEditMode(): bool { return self::$editMode; } /** * Get hooks for site. * @param int $id Site id. * @return Page[] */ public static function getForSite($id) { if (!Landing::getEditMode()) { static $hooks = []; } else { $hooks = []; } if (!array_key_exists($id, $hooks)) { $hooks[$id] = self::getList($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); } return $hooks[$id]; } /** * Get hooks for landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return Page[] */ public static function getForLanding($id) { if (!Landing::getEditMode()) { static $hooks = []; } else { $hooks = []; } if (!array_key_exists($id, $hooks)) { $hooks[$id] = self::getList($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } return $hooks[$id]; } /** * Get row hooks for landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return array */ public static function getForLandingRow($id) { return self::getData($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } /** * Copy data for entity. * @param int $from From entity id. * @param int $to To entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @param bool $publication It's not copy, but publication. * @return void */ protected static function copy($from, $to, $type, $publication = false) { $from = (int)$from; $to = (int)$to; $data = self::getData($from, $type); $existData = []; $classDir = self::HOOKS_PAGE_DIR; $classNamespace = self::HOOKS_NAMESPACE; $excludedHooks = \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::getExcludedHooks(); // first read all hooks in base dir foreach (self::getClassesFromDir($classDir) as $class) { if (in_array($class, $excludedHooks, true)) { continue; } $classFull = __NAMESPACE__ . $classNamespace . $class; if ( isset($data[$class]) && method_exists($classFull, self::HOOKS_ON_COPY_HANDLER) ) { $handler = self::HOOKS_ON_COPY_HANDLER; if ($preparedData = $classFull::$handler($data[$class], $from, $type, $publication)) { $data[$class] = $preparedData; } } } // collect exist data if ($data) { $res = HookData::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'HOOK', 'CODE' ], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_ID' => $to, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $type, '=PUBLIC' => $publication ? 'Y' : 'N' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $existData[$row['HOOK'] . '_' . $row['CODE']] = $row['ID']; } } // update existing keys or add new foreach ($data as $hookCode => $items) { foreach ($items as $code => $value) { $existKey = $hookCode . '_' . $code; if (is_array($value)) { $value = 'serialized#' . serialize($value); } if (array_key_exists($existKey, $existData)) { HookData::update($existData[$existKey], [ 'VALUE' => $value ]); unset($existData[$existKey]); } else { HookData::add([ 'ENTITY_ID' => $to, 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $type, 'HOOK' => $hookCode, 'CODE' => $code, 'VALUE' => $value, 'PUBLIC' => $publication ? 'Y' : 'N' ]); } } } // delete unused data if ($existData) { foreach ($existData as $delId) { HookData::delete($delId); } } } /** * Copy data for site. * @param int $from From site id. * @param int $to To site id. * @return void */ public static function copySite($from, $to) { $originalEditMode = self::$editMode; if (!self::$editMode) { self::$editMode = true; } self::copy($from, $to, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); self::$editMode = $originalEditMode; } /** * Copy data for landing. * @param int $from From landing id. * @param int $to To landing id. * @return void */ public static function copyLanding($from, $to) { $originalEditMode = self::$editMode; if (!self::$editMode) { self::$editMode = true; } self::copy($from, $to, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); self::$editMode = $originalEditMode; } /** * Publication data for site. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return void */ public static function publicationSite($siteId) { self::copy($siteId, $siteId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE, true); } /** * Publication data for landing. * @param int $lid Landing id. * @return void */ public static function publicationLanding($lid) { self::copy($lid, $lid, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING, true); } /** * In disable autobulication option we must skip hooks, then required page publication. * @param $siteId * @return void */ public static function publicationSiteWithSkipNeededPublication($siteId): void { self::publicationWithSkipNeededPublication($siteId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); } /** * In disable autobulication option we must skip hooks, then required page publication. * @param $landingId * @return void */ public static function publicationLandingWithSkipNeededPublication($landingId): void { self::publicationWithSkipNeededPublication($landingId, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } protected static function publicationWithSkipNeededPublication($id, $type): void { $editModeBack = self::$editMode; self::$editMode = false; $publicData = self::getData($id, $type, true); self::$editMode = $editModeBack; if ($type === self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE) { self::publicationSite($id); } if ($type === self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING) { self::publicationLanding($id); } $data = self::getData($id, $type, true); // return previously public values $needClearCache = false; foreach (self::getList($id, $type) as $hook) { if ($hook->isNeedPublication()) { $fieldsToDelete = []; if (isset($publicData[$hook->getCode()])) { foreach ($data[$hook->getCode()] as $fieldCode => $field) { if (!isset($publicData[$hook->getCode()][$fieldCode])) { $fieldsToDelete[$fieldCode] = $field; } elseif ($publicData[$hook->getCode()][$fieldCode]['VALUE'] !== $field['VALUE']) { $needClearCache = true; HookData::update($field['ID'], [ 'VALUE' => $field['VALUE'], ] ); } } } else { $fieldsToDelete = $data[$hook->getCode()] ?? []; } // del if not exists in public if (!empty($fieldsToDelete)) { $needClearCache = true; foreach ($fieldsToDelete as $fieldCode => $field) { $res = HookData::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_ID' => $id, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $type, '=HOOK' => $hook->getCode(), '=CODE' => $fieldCode, '=PUBLIC' => 'Y' ] ]); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { HookData::delete($row['ID']); } } } } } // drop public cache if ($needClearCache) { if ($type === self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE) { $landings = Landing::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => [ 'SITE_ID' => $id, '=PUBLIC' => 'Y', '=DELETED' => 'N', ], ]); while ($landing = $landings->fetch()) { Landing::update($landing['ID'], ['PUBLIC' => 'N']); } } if ($type === self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING) { Landing::update($id, ['PUBLIC' => 'N']); } } } /** * Prepare data for save in hooks. * @param array $data Input data. * @return array */ protected static function prepareData(array $data) { $newData = array(); foreach ($data as $code => $val) { if (mb_strpos($code, '_') !== false) { $codeHook = mb_substr($code, 0, mb_strpos($code, '_')); $codeVal = mb_substr($code, mb_strpos($code, '_') + 1); if (!isset($newData[$codeHook])) { $newData[$codeHook] = array(); } $newData[$codeHook][$codeVal] = $val; } } return $newData; } /** * Set data hooks for entity. * @param int $id Entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @param array $data Data array. * @return void */ protected static function saveData($id, $type, array $data) { $data = self::prepareData($data); $hooks = self::getList($id, $type, $data); $dataSave = self::getData($id, $type, true); // get hooks with new new data (not saved yet) foreach ($hooks as $hook) { $hookLocked = $hook->isLocked(); $codeHook = $hook->getCode(); // modify $dataSave ... foreach ($hook->getFields() as $field) { $codeVal = $field->getCode(); if ($hookLocked && !$field->isEmptyValue()) { continue; } if (!isset($data[$codeHook][$codeVal])) { continue; } // ... for changed if (isset($dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal])) { $dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal]['CHANGED'] = true; $dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal]['VALUE'] = $field->getValue(); } // ... and new fields else { if (!isset($dataSave[$codeHook])) { $dataSave[$codeHook] = array(); } $dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal] = array( 'HOOK' => $codeHook, 'CODE' => $codeVal, 'VALUE' => $field->getValue() ); } if (is_array($dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal]['VALUE'])) { $dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal]['VALUE'] = 'serialized#' . serialize( $dataSave[$codeHook][$codeVal]['VALUE'] ); } } } // now save the data foreach ($dataSave as $codeHook => $dataHook) { foreach ($dataHook as $code => $row) { if ( is_array($row['VALUE']) && empty($row['VALUE']) || !is_array($row['VALUE']) && trim($row['VALUE']) == '' ) { if (isset($row['ID'])) { HookData::delete($row['ID']); } } else { if (!isset($row['ID'])) { $row['ENTITY_ID'] = $id; $row['ENTITY_TYPE'] = $type; HookData::add($row); } elseif (isset($row['CHANGED']) && $row['CHANGED']) { $updId = $row['ID']; unset($row['ID'], $row['CHANGED']); HookData::update($updId, $row); } } } } } /** * Index hook's content for entities. * @param int $id Entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @return void */ protected static function indexContent($id, $type) { $id = intval($id); if ($type == self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING) { $class = '\Bitrix\Landing\Landing'; } if (!isset($class)) { return; } // base fields $searchContent = $class::getList([ 'select' => [ 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION' ], 'filter' => [ 'ID' => $id, '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], '=SITE.DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ] ])->fetch(); if (!$searchContent) { return; } $searchContent = array_values($searchContent); // hook fields foreach (self::getList($id, $type) as $hook) { foreach ($hook->getFields() as $field) { if ($field->isSearchable()) { $searchContent[] = $field->getValue(); } } } $searchContent = array_unique($searchContent); $searchContent = $searchContent ? implode(' ', $searchContent) : ''; $searchContent = trim($searchContent); if ($searchContent) { $res = $class::update($id, [ 'SEARCH_CONTENT' => $searchContent ]); $res->isSuccess(); } } /** * Set data hooks for site. * @param int $id Site id. * @param array $data Data array. * @return void */ public static function saveForSite(int $id, array $data): void { $check = Site::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ID' => $id ] ])->fetch(); if ($check) { $editModeBack = self::$editMode; self::$editMode = true; self::saveData($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE, $data); if (Manager::getOption('public_hook_on_save') === 'Y') { self::publicationSiteWithSkipNeededPublication($id); } self::$editMode = $editModeBack; } } /** * Get hooks for landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @param array $data Data array. * @return void */ public static function saveForLanding(int $id, array $data): void { $check = Landing::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ID' => $id ] ])->fetch(); if ($check) { $editModeBack = self::$editMode; self::$editMode = true; self::saveData($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING, $data); self::indexContent($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); if (Manager::getOption('public_hook_on_save') === 'Y') { self::publicationLandingWithSkipNeededPublication($id); } self::$editMode = $editModeBack; } } /** * Index hook's content for landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return void */ public static function indexLanding($id) { self::indexContent($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } /** * Delete data hooks for entity. * @param int $id Entity id. * @param string $type Entity type. * @return void */ protected static function deleteData($id, $type) { $id = intval($id); $res = HookData::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ENTITY_ID' => $id, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => $type ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { HookData::delete($row['ID']); } } /** * Delete data hooks for site. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return void */ public static function deleteForSite($id) { self::deleteData($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE); } /** * Delete data hooks for landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @return void */ public static function deleteForLanding($id) { self::deleteData($id, self::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); } }