Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\Node; use Bitrix\Landing\History; use \Bitrix\Main\Application; class Link extends \Bitrix\Landing\Node { /** * Get class - frontend handler. * @return string */ public static function getHandlerJS() { return 'BX.Landing.Node.Link'; } /** * Allowed or not this target. * @param string $target Type of target. * @return boolean */ protected static function isAllowedTarget($target) { return in_array($target, array('_self', '_blank', '_popup')); } /** * Allowed attrs. * @return array */ protected static function allowedAttrs() { return array('data-embed', 'data-url'); } /** * Detects if we are in iframe. * @return bool */ protected static function isFrame(): bool { static $isIframe = null; if ($isIframe === null) { $request = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $isIframe = $request->get('IFRAME') == 'Y'; } return $isIframe; } /** * Save data for this node. Returns affected content for the selector. * @param \Bitrix\Landing\Block $block Block instance. * @param string $selector Selector. * @param array $data Data array. * @return array */ public static function saveNode(\Bitrix\Landing\Block $block, $selector, array $data): array { $result = []; $manifest = $block->getManifest(); $globalSkipContent = false; if ($manifest['nodes'][$selector]['skipContent'] ?? false) { $globalSkipContent = true; } $doc = $block->getDom(); $resultList = $doc->querySelectorAll($selector); $valueBefore = static::getNode($block, $selector); $isIframe = self::isFrame(); foreach ($data as $pos => $value) { $text = (isset($value['text']) && is_string($value['text'])) ? trim($value['text']) : ''; $href = (isset($value['href']) && is_string($value['href'])) ? trim($value['href']) : ''; $query = (isset($value['query']) && is_string($value['query'])) ? trim($value['query']) : ''; $target = (isset($value['target']) && is_string($value['target'])) ? trim(mb_strtolower($value['target'])) : ''; $attrs = isset($value['attrs']) ? (array)$value['attrs'] : array(); $skipContent = $globalSkipContent || (isset($value['skipContent']) ? (boolean)$value['skipContent'] : false); $result[$pos]['attrs'] = []; if ($query) { $href .= (mb_strpos($href, '?') === false && !$isIframe) ? '?' : '&'; $href .= $query; } if (isset($value['text']) && !$text) { $text = ' '; } if (isset($resultList[$pos])) { if ( $text && !$skipContent && trim($resultList[$pos]->getTextContent()) != '' ) { $text = \htmlspecialcharsbx($text); $result[$pos]['content'] = $text; $resultList[$pos]->setInnerHTML($text); } if ($href != '') { $result[$pos]['attrs']['href'] = $href; $resultList[$pos]->setAttribute('href', $href); } if (self::isAllowedTarget($target)) { $result[$pos]['attrs']['target'] = $target; $resultList[$pos]->setAttribute('target', $target); } $allowedAttrs = self::allowedAttrs(); if (!empty($attrs)) { foreach ($attrs as $code => $val) { if ($val && in_array($code, $allowedAttrs)) { $result[$pos]['attrs'][$code] = $val; $resultList[$pos]->setAttribute($code, $val); } } } else { foreach ($allowedAttrs as $attr) { $resultList[$pos]->removeAttribute($attr); } } if (History::isActive()) { $history = new History($block->getLandingId(), History::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING); $history->push('EDIT_LINK', [ 'block' => $block, 'selector' => $selector, 'position' => (int)$pos, 'valueBefore' => $valueBefore[$pos], 'valueAfter' => $value, ]); } } } return $result; } /** * Get data for this node. * @param \Bitrix\Landing\Block $block Block instance. * @param string $selector Selector. * @return array */ public static function getNode(\Bitrix\Landing\Block $block, $selector) { $data = array(); $doc = $block->getDom(); $manifest = $block->getManifest(); $resultList = $doc->querySelectorAll($selector); foreach ($resultList as $pos => $res) { $data[$pos] = array( 'href' => $res->getAttribute('href'), 'target' => $res->getAttribute('target'), 'attrs' => array( 'data-embed' => $res->getAttribute('data-embed'), 'data-url' => $res->getAttribute('data-url') ) ); if ( !isset($manifest['nodes'][$selector]['skipContent']) || $manifest['nodes'][$selector]['skipContent'] !== true ) { $text = \htmlspecialcharsback($res->getInnerHTML()); $text = str_replace('&nbsp;', '', $text); $data[$pos]['text'] = $text; } } return $data; } /** * This node may participate in searching. * @param \Bitrix\Landing\Block $block Block instance. * @param string $selector Selector. * @return array */ public static function getSearchableNode($block, $selector) { $searchContent = []; $nodes = self::getNode($block, $selector); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (!isset($node['text'])) { continue; } $node['text'] = self::prepareSearchContent($node['text']); if ($node['text'] && !in_array($node['text'], $searchContent)) { $searchContent[] = $node['text']; } } return $searchContent; } /** * @param array $field * @return array|null */ protected static function validateFieldDefinition(array $field) { $result = parent::validateFieldDefinition($field); if (empty($result)) { return null; } $field['actions'] = static::prepareActions($field); if (empty($field['actions'])) { return null; } $result['actions'] = $field['actions']; return $result; } /** * @param array $field * @return array|null */ protected static function prepareActions(array $field) { if (empty($field['actions']) || !is_array($field['actions'])) { return null; } $result = []; $dublicate = []; foreach ($field['actions'] as $row) { if (empty($row) || !is_array($row)) { continue; } $row = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER); $row['name'] = static::prepareStringValue($row, 'name'); $row['type'] = static::prepareStringValue($row, 'type'); if (empty($row['name']) || empty($row['type'])) { continue; } if (isset($dublicate[$row['type']])) { continue; } $result[] = [ 'type' => $row['type'], 'name' => $row['name'] ]; $dublicate[$row['type']] = true; } return (!empty($result) ? $result : null); } }