Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration; use Bitrix\Main\DI\ServiceLocator; use Bitrix\Main\Routing\CompileCache; use Bitrix\Main\Routing\Route; use Bitrix\Main\Routing\Router; use Bitrix\Main\Routing\RoutingConfigurator; use Bitrix\Main\Session\CompositeSessionManager; use Bitrix\Main\Session\KernelSessionProxy; use Bitrix\Main\Session\SessionConfigurationResolver; use Bitrix\Main\Session\SessionInterface; use Bitrix\Main\Session\Handlers\CookieSessionHandler; /** * Base class for any application. */ abstract class Application { const JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL = 100; const JOB_PRIORITY_LOW = 50; /** * @var Application */ protected static $instance; protected bool $initialized = false; protected bool $terminating = false; /** * Execution context. * * @var Context | HttpContext */ protected $context; /** @var Router */ protected $router; /** @var Route */ protected $currentRoute; /** * Pool of database connections. * @var Data\ConnectionPool */ protected $connectionPool; /** * Managed cache instance. * @var \Bitrix\Main\Data\ManagedCache */ protected $managedCache; /** * Tagged cache instance. * @var \Bitrix\Main\Data\TaggedCache */ protected $taggedCache; /** @var SessionInterface */ protected $session; /** @var SessionInterface */ protected $kernelSession; /** @var CompositeSessionManager */ protected $compositeSessionManager; /** @var Data\LocalStorage\SessionLocalStorageManager */ protected $sessionLocalStorageManager; /* * @var \SplPriorityQueue */ protected $backgroundJobs; /** @var License */ protected $license; /** * Creates new application instance. */ protected function __construct() { ServiceLocator::getInstance()->registerByGlobalSettings(); $this->backgroundJobs = new \SplPriorityQueue(); $this->initializeExceptionHandler(); $this->initializeCache(); $this->createDatabaseConnection(); } /** * Returns current instance of the Application. * * @return Application | HttpApplication */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(static::$instance)) { static::$instance = new static(); } return static::$instance; } /** * @return bool */ public static function hasInstance() { return isset(static::$instance); } /** * @deprecated * Does nothing, will be removed soon. */ public function initializeBasicKernel() { } /** * Does full kernel initialization. Should be called somewhere after initializeBasicKernel(). * * @param array $params Parameters of the current request (depends on application type) */ public function initializeExtendedKernel(array $params) { $this->initializeContext($params); if (!$this->initialized) { $this->initializeSessions(); $this->initializeSessionLocalStorage(); $this->initialized = true; } } private function initializeSessions() { $resolver = new SessionConfigurationResolver(Configuration::getInstance()); $resolver->resolve(); $this->session = $resolver->getSession(); $this->kernelSession = $resolver->getKernelSession(); $this->compositeSessionManager = new CompositeSessionManager( $this->kernelSession, $this->session ); } private function initializeSessionLocalStorage() { $cacheEngine = Data\Cache::createCacheEngine(); if ($cacheEngine instanceof Data\LocalStorage\Storage\CacheEngineInterface) { $localSessionStorage = new Data\LocalStorage\Storage\CacheStorage($cacheEngine); } else { $localSessionStorage = new Data\LocalStorage\Storage\NativeSessionStorage( $this->getSession() ); } $this->sessionLocalStorageManager = new Data\LocalStorage\SessionLocalStorageManager($localSessionStorage); $configLocalStorage = Config\Configuration::getValue("session_local_storage") ?: []; if (isset($configLocalStorage['ttl'])) { $this->sessionLocalStorageManager->setTtl($configLocalStorage['ttl']); } } /** * @return Router */ public function getRouter(): Router { if ($this->router === null) { $this->router = $this->initializeRouter(); } return $this->router; } /** * @param Router $router */ public function setRouter(Router $router): void { $this->router = $router; } /** * @return Route */ public function getCurrentRoute(): Route { return $this->currentRoute; } public function hasCurrentRoute(): bool { return isset($this->currentRoute); } /** * @param Route $currentRoute */ public function setCurrentRoute(Route $currentRoute): void { $this->currentRoute = $currentRoute; } protected function initializeRouter() { $routes = new RoutingConfigurator(); $router = new Router(); $routes->setRouter($router); $this->setRouter($router); // files with routes $files = []; // user files $routingConfig = Configuration::getInstance()->get('routing'); $documentRoot = $this->context->getServer()->getDocumentRoot(); if (!empty($routingConfig['config'])) { $fileNames = $routingConfig['config']; foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) { foreach (['local', 'bitrix'] as $vendor) { $filename = $documentRoot . '/' . $vendor . '/routes/' . basename($fileName); if (file_exists($filename)) { $files[] = $filename; } } } } // system files if (file_exists($documentRoot . '/bitrix/routes/web_bitrix.php')) { $files[] = $documentRoot . '/bitrix/routes/web_bitrix.php'; } foreach ($files as $file) { $callback = include $file; $callback($routes); } $router->releaseRoutes(); // cache for route compiled data CompileCache::handle($files, $router); return $router; } /** * Initializes context of the current request. * Should be implemented in subclass. * @param array $params */ abstract protected function initializeContext(array $params); /** * Starts request execution. Should be called after initialize. * Should be implemented in subclass. */ abstract public function start(); /** * Runs controller and its action and sends response to the output. * * It's a stub method, and we can't mark it as abstract because there is compatibility. * @return void */ public function run() { } /** * Ends work of application. * Sends response and then terminates execution. * If there is no $response the method will use Context::$response. * * @param int $status * @param Response|null $response * * @return void */ public function end($status = 0, Response $response = null) { if ($response === null) { //use default response $response = $this->context->getResponse(); //it's possible to have open buffers $content = ''; $n = ob_get_level(); while (($c = ob_get_clean()) !== false && $n > 0) { $content .= $c; $n--; } if ($content <> '') { $response->appendContent($content); } } $this->handleResponseBeforeSend($response); //this is the last point of output - all output below will be ignored $response->send(); $this->terminate($status); } protected function handleResponseBeforeSend(Response $response): void { $kernelSession = $this->getKernelSession(); if (!($kernelSession instanceof KernelSessionProxy) && $kernelSession->isStarted()) { //save session data in cookies $handler = $kernelSession->getSessionHandler(); if ($handler instanceof CookieSessionHandler) { if ($response instanceof HttpResponse) { $handler->setResponse($response); } } $kernelSession->save(); } } /** * Terminates application by invoking exit(). * It's the right way to finish application. * * @param int $status * @return void */ public function terminate($status = 0) { if ($this->terminating) { // recursion control return; } $this->terminating = true; //old kernel staff \CMain::RunFinalActionsInternal(); //Release session session_write_close(); $pool = $this->getConnectionPool(); $pool->useMasterOnly(true); $this->runBackgroundJobs(); $pool->useMasterOnly(false); Data\ManagedCache::finalize(); $pool->disconnect(); exit($status); } /** * Exception handler can be initialized through the Config\Configuration (.settings.php file). * * 'exception_handling' => array( * 'value' => array( * 'debug' => true, // output exception on screen * 'handled_errors_types' => E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE, // catchable error types, printed to log * 'exception_errors_types' => E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT, // error types from catchable which throws exceptions * 'ignore_silence' => false, // ignore @ * 'assertion_throws_exception' => true, // assertion throws exception * 'assertion_error_type' => 256, * 'log' => array( * 'class_name' => 'MyLog', // custom log class, must extend ExceptionHandlerLog; can be omited, in this case default Diag\FileExceptionHandlerLog will be used * 'extension' => 'MyLogExt', // php extension, is used only with 'class_name' * 'required_file' => 'modules/mylog.module/mylog.php' // included file, is used only with 'class_name' * 'settings' => array( // any settings for 'class_name' * 'file' => 'bitrix/modules/error.log', * 'log_size' => 1000000, * ), * ), * ), * 'readonly' => false, * ), * */ protected function initializeExceptionHandler() { $exceptionHandler = new Diag\ExceptionHandler(); $exceptionHandling = Config\Configuration::getValue("exception_handling"); if ($exceptionHandling == null) { $exceptionHandling = []; } if (!isset($exceptionHandling["debug"]) || !is_bool($exceptionHandling["debug"])) { $exceptionHandling["debug"] = false; } $exceptionHandler->setDebugMode($exceptionHandling["debug"]); if (!empty($exceptionHandling['track_modules']) && is_array($exceptionHandling['track_modules'])) { $exceptionHandler->setTrackModules($exceptionHandling['track_modules']); } if (isset($exceptionHandling["handled_errors_types"]) && is_int($exceptionHandling["handled_errors_types"])) { $exceptionHandler->setHandledErrorsTypes($exceptionHandling["handled_errors_types"]); } if (isset($exceptionHandling["exception_errors_types"]) && is_int($exceptionHandling["exception_errors_types"])) { $exceptionHandler->setExceptionErrorsTypes($exceptionHandling["exception_errors_types"]); } if (isset($exceptionHandling["ignore_silence"]) && is_bool($exceptionHandling["ignore_silence"])) { $exceptionHandler->setIgnoreSilence($exceptionHandling["ignore_silence"]); } if (isset($exceptionHandling["assertion_throws_exception"]) && is_bool($exceptionHandling["assertion_throws_exception"])) { $exceptionHandler->setAssertionThrowsException($exceptionHandling["assertion_throws_exception"]); } if (isset($exceptionHandling["assertion_error_type"]) && is_int($exceptionHandling["assertion_error_type"])) { $exceptionHandler->setAssertionErrorType($exceptionHandling["assertion_error_type"]); } $exceptionHandler->initialize( [$this, "createExceptionHandlerOutput"], [$this, "createExceptionHandlerLog"] ); ServiceLocator::getInstance()->addInstance('exceptionHandler', $exceptionHandler); } public function createExceptionHandlerLog() { $exceptionHandling = Config\Configuration::getValue("exception_handling"); if (!is_array($exceptionHandling) || !isset($exceptionHandling["log"]) || !is_array($exceptionHandling["log"])) { return null; } $options = $exceptionHandling["log"]; $log = null; if (!empty($options["class_name"])) { if (!empty($options["extension"]) && !extension_loaded($options["extension"])) { return null; } if (!empty($options["required_file"]) && ($requiredFile = Loader::getLocal($options["required_file"])) !== false) { require_once($requiredFile); } $className = $options["class_name"]; if (!class_exists($className)) { return null; } $log = new $className(); } elseif (isset($options["settings"]) && is_array($options["settings"])) { $log = new Diag\FileExceptionHandlerLog(); } else { return null; } $log->initialize( isset($options["settings"]) && is_array($options["settings"]) ? $options["settings"] : [] ); return $log; } public function createExceptionHandlerOutput() { return new Diag\ExceptionHandlerOutput(); } /** * Creates database connection pool. */ protected function createDatabaseConnection() { $this->connectionPool = new Data\ConnectionPool(); } protected function initializeCache() { //TODO: Should be transfered to where GET parameter is defined in future //magic parameters: show cache usage statistics $show_cache_stat = ""; if (isset($_GET["show_cache_stat"])) { $show_cache_stat = (strtoupper($_GET["show_cache_stat"]) == "Y" ? "Y" : ""); @setcookie("show_cache_stat", $show_cache_stat, false, "/"); } elseif (isset($_COOKIE["show_cache_stat"])) { $show_cache_stat = $_COOKIE["show_cache_stat"]; } Data\Cache::setShowCacheStat($show_cache_stat === "Y"); if (isset($_GET["clear_cache_session"])) { Data\Cache::setClearCacheSession($_GET["clear_cache_session"] === 'Y'); } if (isset($_GET["clear_cache"])) { Data\Cache::setClearCache($_GET["clear_cache"] === 'Y'); } } /** * @return \Bitrix\Main\Diag\ExceptionHandler */ public function getExceptionHandler() { return ServiceLocator::getInstance()->get('exceptionHandler'); } /** * Returns database connections pool object. * * @return Data\ConnectionPool */ public function getConnectionPool() { return $this->connectionPool; } /** * Returns context of the current request. * * @return Context | HttpContext */ public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Modifies context of the current request. * * @param Context $context */ public function setContext(Context $context) { $this->context = $context; } public function getLicense(): License { if (!$this->license) { $this->license = new License(); } return $this->license; } /** * Static method returns database connection for the specified name. * If name is empty - default connection is returned. * * @static * @param string $name Name of database connection. If empty - default connection. * @return Data\Connection|DB\Connection */ public static function getConnection($name = "") { $pool = Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool(); return $pool->getConnection($name); } /** * Returns new instance of the Cache object. * * @return Data\Cache */ public function getCache() { return Data\Cache::createInstance(); } /** * Returns manager of the managed cache. * * @return Data\ManagedCache */ public function getManagedCache() { if ($this->managedCache == null) { $this->managedCache = new Data\ManagedCache(); } return $this->managedCache; } /** * Returns manager of the managed cache. * * @return Data\TaggedCache */ public function getTaggedCache() { if ($this->taggedCache == null) { $this->taggedCache = new Data\TaggedCache(); } return $this->taggedCache; } final public function getSessionLocalStorageManager(): Data\LocalStorage\SessionLocalStorageManager { return $this->sessionLocalStorageManager; } final public function getLocalSession($name): Data\LocalStorage\SessionLocalStorage { return $this->sessionLocalStorageManager->get($name); } final public function getKernelSession(): SessionInterface { return $this->kernelSession; } final public function getSession(): SessionInterface { return $this->session; } final public function getCompositeSessionManager(): CompositeSessionManager { return $this->compositeSessionManager; } /** * Returns UF manager. * * @return \CUserTypeManager */ public static function getUserTypeManager() { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; return $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; } /** * Returns true id server is in utf-8 mode. False - otherwise. * * @return bool */ public static function isUtfMode() { static $isUtfMode = null; if ($isUtfMode === null) { $isUtfMode = Config\Configuration::getValue("utf_mode"); if ($isUtfMode === null) { $isUtfMode = false; } } return $isUtfMode; } /** * Returns server document root. * * @return null|string */ public static function getDocumentRoot() { static $documentRoot = null; if ($documentRoot != null) { return $documentRoot; } $context = Application::getInstance()->getContext(); if ($context != null) { $server = $context->getServer(); if ($server != null) { return $documentRoot = $server->getDocumentRoot(); } } return Loader::getDocumentRoot(); } /** * Returns personal root directory (relative to document root) * * @return null|string */ public static function getPersonalRoot() { static $personalRoot = null; if ($personalRoot != null) { return $personalRoot; } $context = Application::getInstance()->getContext(); if ($context != null) { $server = $context->getServer(); if ($server != null) { return $personalRoot = $server->getPersonalRoot(); } } return $_SERVER["BX_PERSONAL_ROOT"] ?? '/bitrix'; } /** * Resets accelerator if any. */ public static function resetAccelerator(string $filename = null) { if (defined("BX_NO_ACCELERATOR_RESET")) { return; } if (Config\Configuration::getValue("no_accelerator_reset")) { return; } if (function_exists("opcache_reset")) { if ($filename !== null) { opcache_invalidate($filename); } else { opcache_reset(); } } elseif (function_exists("wincache_refresh_if_changed")) { wincache_refresh_if_changed(); } } /** * Adds a job to do after the response was sent. * @param callable $job * @param array $args * @param int $priority * @return $this */ public function addBackgroundJob(callable $job, array $args = [], $priority = self::JOB_PRIORITY_NORMAL) { $this->backgroundJobs->insert([$job, $args], $priority); return $this; } protected function runBackgroundJobs() { $lastException = null; $exceptionHandler = $this->getExceptionHandler(); //jobs can be added from jobs while ($this->backgroundJobs->valid()) { //clear the queue $jobs = []; foreach ($this->backgroundJobs as $job) { $jobs[] = $job; } //do job foreach ($jobs as $job) { try { call_user_func_array($job[0], $job[1]); } catch (\Throwable $exception) { $lastException = $exception; $exceptionHandler->writeToLog($exception); } } } if ($lastException !== null) { throw $lastException; } } /** * Returns true if the application is fully initialized. * @return bool */ public function isInitialized() { return $this->initialized; } }