Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Engine; use Bitrix\Main\Component\ParameterSigner; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration; use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Component\ComponentController; use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Contract\Controllerable; use Bitrix\Main\HttpRequest; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\Security; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; final class Router { public const COMPONENT_MODE_AJAX = 'ajax'; public const COMPONENT_MODE_CLASS = 'class'; public const EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT_INTERFACE = 2210201; public const EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT = 2210202; public const EXCEPTION_INVALID_AJAX_MODE = 2210203; public const EXCEPTION_NO_CONFIGURATION = 2210204; public const EXCEPTION_NO_MODULE = 2210205; public const EXCEPTION_INVALID_MODULE_NAME = 22102051; public const EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME = 2210206; public const EXCEPTION_NO_COMPONENT = 2210207; public const EXCEPTION_NO_COMPONENT_AJAX_CLASS = 2210208; protected $vendor = Resolver::DEFAULT_VENDOR; protected $module = 'main'; protected $action = 'index'; protected $component; protected $mode; /** * @var HttpRequest */ private $request; /** * Router constructor. * @param HttpRequest $request */ public function __construct(HttpRequest $request) { $this->request = $request; $this->component = $this->request->getQuery('c') ?: null; $this->mode = $this->request->getQuery('mode') ?: null; $this->action = $this->request->getQuery('action'); if ($this->action && is_string($this->action) && !$this->component) { list($this->vendor, $this->action) = $this->resolveVendor($this->action); list($module, $this->action) = $this->resolveModuleAndAction($this->action); $this->module = $this->refineModuleName($this->vendor, $module); } } private function resolveModuleAndAction($action) { $actionParts = explode('.', $action); $module = array_shift($actionParts); $action = implode('.', $actionParts); return [ $module, $action ]; } private function resolveVendor($action) { list($vendor, $action) = explode(':', $action) + [null, null]; if (!$action) { $action = $vendor; $vendor = Resolver::DEFAULT_VENDOR; } return [ $vendor, $action ]; } protected function refineModuleName($vendor, $module) { if ($vendor === Resolver::DEFAULT_VENDOR) { return $module; } return $vendor . '.' . $module; } /** * @param $componentName * * @param string|null $signedParameters * * @param null $template * * @return Controllerable|null * @throws Security\Sign\BadSignatureException * @throws SystemException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException */ protected function buildComponent($componentName, $signedParameters = null, $template = null) { $class = \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass($componentName); if (!is_subclass_of($class, 'CBitrixComponent')) { return null; } $parameters = array(); if ($signedParameters) { $parameters = ParameterSigner::unsignParameters($componentName, $signedParameters); } /** @var \CBitrixComponent $component */ $component = new $class(); if (!($component instanceof Controllerable)) { throw new SystemException( "The component {$this->component} must be implement interface \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Contract\Controllerable", self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT_INTERFACE ); } $component->initComponent($componentName, $template); $component->onIncludeComponentLang(); $component->arParams = $component->onPrepareComponentParams($parameters); $component->__prepareComponentParams($component->arParams); return $component; } /** * @return array */ public function getControllerAndAction() { if ($this->component) { return $this->getComponentControllerAndAction(); } $this->includeModule($this->module); $controllerAndAction = Resolver::getControllerAndAction($this->vendor, $this->module, $this->action); if ($controllerAndAction) { return $controllerAndAction; } //default ajax class $ajaxClass = DefaultController::className(); /** @see \Bitrix\Main\Engine\Controller::__construct */ return array(new $ajaxClass, $this->action); } private function getComponentControllerAndAction() { $componentAsString = var_export($this->component, true); if ($this->mode === self::COMPONENT_MODE_CLASS) { $component = $this->buildComponent($this->component, $this->request->getPost('signedParameters')); if (!$component) { throw new SystemException( "Could not build component instance {$componentAsString}", self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT ); } return array(new ComponentController($component), $this->action); } elseif ($this->mode === self::COMPONENT_MODE_AJAX) { $ajaxClass = $this->includeComponentAjaxClass($this->component); $controller = ControllerBuilder::build($ajaxClass, [ 'scope' => Controller::SCOPE_AJAX, 'currentUser' => CurrentUser::get(), ]); return [$controller, $this->action]; } else { $modeAsString = var_export($this->mode, true); throw new SystemException( "Unknown ajax mode ({$modeAsString}) to work {$componentAsString}", self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_AJAX_MODE ); } } private function includeModule($module) { if (!ModuleManager::isValidModule($module)) { throw new SystemException( "Invalid module name {$module}", self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_MODULE_NAME ); } if (!Configuration::getInstance($module)->get('controllers')) { throw new SystemException( "There is no configuration in {$module} with 'controllers' value.", self::EXCEPTION_NO_CONFIGURATION ); } if (!Loader::includeModule($module)) { throw new SystemException("Could not find module {$module}", self::EXCEPTION_NO_MODULE); } } private function includeComponentAjaxClass($name) { $path2Comp = \CComponentEngine::makeComponentPath($name); if ($path2Comp === '') { throw new SystemException("{$name} is not a valid component name", self::EXCEPTION_INVALID_COMPONENT_NAME); } $componentPath = getLocalPath("components" . $path2Comp); if ($componentPath === false) { throw new SystemException("Could not find component by name {$name}", self::EXCEPTION_NO_COMPONENT); } $ajaxClass = $this->getAjaxClassForPath($componentPath); if (!$ajaxClass) { throw new SystemException("Could not find ajax class {$componentPath}", self::EXCEPTION_NO_COMPONENT_AJAX_CLASS); } return $ajaxClass; } private function getAjaxClassForPath($componentPath) { $filename = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getDocumentRoot() . $componentPath . '/ajax.php'; if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_file($filename)) { return null; } $beforeClasses = get_declared_classes(); $beforeClassesCount = count($beforeClasses); include_once($filename); $afterClasses = get_declared_classes(); $afterClassesCount = count($afterClasses); $furthestClass = null; for ($i = $afterClassesCount - 1; $i >= $beforeClassesCount; $i--) { if ( is_subclass_of($afterClasses[$i], Controller::class) || ($furthestClass && is_subclass_of($afterClasses[$i], $furthestClass)) ) { $furthestClass = $afterClasses[$i]; } } return $furthestClass; } /** * @param HttpRequest $request * @return $this */ public function setRequest(HttpRequest $request) { $this->request = $request; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getVendor() { return $this->vendor; } /** * @return string */ public function getModule() { return $this->module; } /** * @return string */ public function getAction() { return $this->action; } /** * @return string */ public function getComponent() { return $this->component; } /** * @return string */ public function getMode() { return $this->mode; } }