Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main\Mail; use Bitrix\Main\Config as Config; use Bitrix\Main\IO\File; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri; class Mail { protected $settingServerMsSmtp; protected $settingMailFillToEmail; protected $settingMailConvertMailHeader; protected $settingMailAddMessageId; protected $settingConvertNewLineUnixToWindows; protected $settingMailAdditionalParameters; protected $settingMaxFileSize; protected $settingAttachImages; protected $settingServerName; protected $settingMailEncodeBase64; protected $settingMailEncodeQuotedPrintable; protected $eol; protected $attachment; protected $generateTextVersion; protected $charset; protected $contentType; protected $messageId; protected $filesReplacedFromBody; protected $trackLinkProtocol; protected $trackReadLink; protected $trackClickLink; protected $trackClickUrlParams; protected $bitrixDirectory; protected $trackReadAvailable; protected $trackClickAvailable; protected $contentTransferEncoding = '8bit'; protected $to; protected $subject; protected $headers = []; protected $body; protected $additionalParameters; /** @var Context */ protected $context; /** @var Multipart */ protected $multipart; /** @var Multipart */ protected $multipartRelated; /** @var array */ protected $blacklistedEmails = []; /** @var array */ protected $blacklistCheckedEmails = []; /** @var bool */ protected $useBlacklist = true; /** @var array */ protected static $emailHeaders = ['to', 'cc', 'bcc']; /** * Mail constructor. * * @param array $mailParams Mail parameters. */ public function __construct(array $mailParams) { if(array_key_exists('LINK_PROTOCOL', $mailParams) && $mailParams['LINK_PROTOCOL'] <> '') { $this->trackLinkProtocol = $mailParams['LINK_PROTOCOL']; } if(array_key_exists('TRACK_READ', $mailParams) && !empty($mailParams['TRACK_READ'])) { $this->trackReadLink = Tracking::getLinkRead( $mailParams['TRACK_READ']['MODULE_ID'], $mailParams['TRACK_READ']['FIELDS'], $mailParams['TRACK_READ']['URL_PAGE'] ?? null ); } if(array_key_exists('TRACK_CLICK', $mailParams) && !empty($mailParams['TRACK_CLICK'])) { $this->trackClickLink = Tracking::getLinkClick( $mailParams['TRACK_CLICK']['MODULE_ID'], $mailParams['TRACK_CLICK']['FIELDS'], $mailParams['TRACK_CLICK']['URL_PAGE'] ?? null ); if(!empty($mailParams['TRACK_CLICK']['URL_PARAMS'])) { $this->trackClickUrlParams = $mailParams['TRACK_CLICK']['URL_PARAMS']; } } if(array_key_exists('LINK_DOMAIN', $mailParams) && $mailParams['LINK_DOMAIN'] <> '') { $this->settingServerName = $mailParams['LINK_DOMAIN']; } $this->charset = $mailParams['CHARSET']; $this->contentType = $mailParams['CONTENT_TYPE']; $this->messageId = $mailParams['MESSAGE_ID'] ?? null; $this->eol = $this->getMailEol(); $this->attachment = ($mailParams['ATTACHMENT'] ?? array()); if (isset($mailParams['USE_BLACKLIST'])) { $this->useBlacklist = (bool) $mailParams['USE_BLACKLIST']; } $this->initSettings(); if (!$this->trackReadAvailable) { $this->trackReadLink = null; } if (!$this->trackClickAvailable) { $this->trackClickLink = null; } if (isset($mailParams['GENERATE_TEXT_VERSION'])) { $this->generateTextVersion = (bool) $mailParams['GENERATE_TEXT_VERSION']; } $this->multipart = (new Multipart())->setContentType(Multipart::MIXED)->setEol($this->eol); $this->setTo($mailParams['TO']); $this->setSubject($mailParams['SUBJECT']); $this->setBody($mailParams['BODY']); $this->setHeaders($mailParams['HEADER']); $this->setAdditionalParameters(); if(array_key_exists('CONTEXT', $mailParams) && is_object($mailParams['CONTEXT'])) { $this->context = $mailParams['CONTEXT']; } } /** * Create instance. * * @param array $mailParams Mail parameters. * @return static */ public static function createInstance(array $mailParams) { return new static($mailParams); } /** * Send email. * * @param array $mailParams Mail parameters. * @return bool */ public static function send($mailParams) { $result = false; $event = new \Bitrix\Main\Event("main", "OnBeforeMailSend", array($mailParams)); $event->send(); foreach ($event->getResults() as $eventResult) { if($eventResult->getType() == \Bitrix\Main\EventResult::ERROR) return false; $mailParams = array_merge($mailParams, $eventResult->getParameters()); } if(defined("ONLY_EMAIL") && $mailParams['TO'] != ONLY_EMAIL) { $result = true; } else { $mail = static::createInstance($mailParams); if ($mail->canSend()) { $mailResult = bxmail( $mail->getTo(), $mail->getSubject(), $mail->getBody(), $mail->getHeaders(), $mail->getAdditionalParameters(), $mail->getContext() ); if($mailResult) { $result = true; } } } return $result; } /** * Return true if mail can be sent. * * @return bool */ public function canSend() { if (empty($this->to)) { return false; } $pseudoHeaders = ['To' => $this->to]; $this->filterHeaderEmails($pseudoHeaders); return !$this->useBlacklist || !empty($pseudoHeaders); } /** * Init settings. * * @return void */ public function initSettings() { if(defined("BX_MS_SMTP") && BX_MS_SMTP===true) { $this->settingServerMsSmtp = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "fill_to_mail", "N")=="Y") { $this->settingMailFillToEmail = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "convert_mail_header", "Y")=="Y") { $this->settingMailConvertMailHeader = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "send_mid", "N")=="Y") { $this->settingMailAddMessageId = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "CONVERT_UNIX_NEWLINE_2_WINDOWS", "N")=="Y") { $this->settingConvertNewLineUnixToWindows = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "attach_images", "N")=="Y") { $this->settingAttachImages = true; } if(Config\Option::get("main", "mail_encode_base64", "N") == "Y") { $this->settingMailEncodeBase64 = true; } else if (Config\Option::get('main', 'mail_encode_quoted_printable', 'N') == 'Y') { $this->settingMailEncodeQuotedPrintable = true; } if(!isset($this->settingServerName) || $this->settingServerName == '') { $this->settingServerName = Config\Option::get("main", "server_name", ""); } if (!$this->trackLinkProtocol) { $this->trackLinkProtocol = Config\Option::get("main", "mail_link_protocol") ?: "http"; } $this->generateTextVersion = Config\Option::get("main", "mail_gen_text_version", "Y") === 'Y'; $this->settingMaxFileSize = intval(Config\Option::get("main", "max_file_size")); $this->settingMailAdditionalParameters = Config\Option::get("main", "mail_additional_parameters", ""); $this->bitrixDirectory = Application::getInstance()->getPersonalRoot(); $this->trackReadAvailable = Config\Option::get('main', 'track_outgoing_emails_read', 'Y') == 'Y'; $this->trackClickAvailable = Config\Option::get('main', 'track_outgoing_emails_click', 'Y') == 'Y'; } /** * Set additional parameters. * * @param string $additionalParameters Additional parameters. * @return void */ public function setAdditionalParameters($additionalParameters = '') { $this->additionalParameters = ($additionalParameters ? $additionalParameters : $this->settingMailAdditionalParameters); } /** * Set body. * * @param string $bodyPart Html or text of body. * @return void */ public function setBody($bodyPart) { $charset = $this->charset; $messageId = $this->messageId; $htmlPart = null; $plainPart = new Part(); $plainPart->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=' . $charset); if($this->contentType == "html") { $bodyPart = $this->replaceImages($bodyPart); $bodyPart = $this->replaceHrefs($bodyPart); $bodyPart = $this->trackRead($bodyPart); $bodyPart = $this->addMessageIdToBody($bodyPart, true, $messageId); $htmlPart = new Part(); $htmlPart->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=' . $charset); $htmlPart->setBody($bodyPart); $plainPart->setBody(Converter::htmlToText($bodyPart)); } else { $bodyPart = $this->addMessageIdToBody($bodyPart, false, $messageId); $plainPart->setBody($bodyPart); } $cteName = 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'; $cteValue = $this->contentTransferEncoding; if ($this->settingMailEncodeBase64) { $cteValue = 'base64'; } else if ($this->settingMailEncodeQuotedPrintable) { $cteValue = 'quoted-printable'; } $this->multipart->addHeader($cteName, $cteValue); $plainPart->addHeader($cteName, $cteValue); if ($htmlPart) { $htmlPart->addHeader($cteName, $cteValue); } if ($htmlPart) { if ($this->hasImageAttachment(true)) { $this->multipartRelated = (new Multipart())->setContentType(Multipart::RELATED)->setEol($this->eol); $this->multipartRelated->addPart($htmlPart); $htmlPart = $this->multipartRelated; } if ($this->generateTextVersion) { $alternative = (new Multipart())->setContentType(Multipart::ALTERNATIVE)->setEol($this->eol); $alternative->addPart($plainPart); $alternative->addPart($htmlPart); $this->multipart->addPart($alternative); } else { $this->multipart->addPart($htmlPart); } } else { $this->multipart->addPart($plainPart); } $this->setAttachment(); $body = $this->multipart->toStringBody(); $body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body); if($this->settingConvertNewLineUnixToWindows) { $body = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $body); } $this->body = $body; } /** * Return true if mail has attachment. * * @return bool */ public function hasAttachment() { return !empty($this->attachment) || !empty($this->filesReplacedFromBody); } /** * Return true if mail has image attachment. * * @param bool $checkRelated Check image as related. * @return bool */ public function hasImageAttachment($checkRelated = false) { if (!$this->hasAttachment()) { return false; } $files = $this->attachment; if(is_array($this->filesReplacedFromBody)) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($this->filesReplacedFromBody)); } foreach($files as $attachment) { if ($this->isAttachmentImage($attachment, $checkRelated)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set attachment. * * @return void */ public function setAttachment() { $files = $this->attachment; if(is_array($this->filesReplacedFromBody)) { $files = array_merge($files, array_values($this->filesReplacedFromBody)); } $summarySize = 0; if(!empty($files)) { foreach($files as $attachment) { $isLimitExceeded = $this->isFileLimitExceeded( !empty($attachment["SIZE"]) ? $attachment["SIZE"] : strlen($attachment["CONTENT"] ?? ''), $summarySize ); if (!$isLimitExceeded) { try { $fileContent = $attachment["CONTENT"] ?? File::getFileContents($attachment["PATH"]); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $fileContent = ''; } } else { $fileContent = ''; } $isLimitExceeded = $this->isFileLimitExceeded( strlen($fileContent), $summarySize ); if ($isLimitExceeded) { $attachment["NAME"] = $attachment["NAME"] . '.txt'; $attachment['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'text/plain'; $fileContent = str_replace( ['%name%', '%limit%'], [ $attachment["NAME"], round($this->settingMaxFileSize / 1024 / 1024, 1), ], 'This is not the original file. The size of the original file `%name%` exceeded the limit of %limit% MB.' ); } if(isset($attachment['METHOD'])) { $name = $this->encodeSubject($attachment["NAME"], $attachment['CHARSET']); $part = (new Part()) ->addHeader('Content-Type', $attachment['CONTENT_TYPE'] . "; name=\"$name\"; method=".$attachment['METHOD']."; charset=".$attachment['CHARSET']) ->addHeader('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename=\"$name\"") ->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64') ->addHeader('Content-ID', "<{$attachment['ID']}>") ->setBody($fileContent); } else { $name = $this->encodeSubject($attachment["NAME"], $this->charset); $part = (new Part()) ->addHeader('Content-Type', $attachment['CONTENT_TYPE'] . "; name=\"$name\"") ->addHeader('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename=\"$name\"") ->addHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64') ->addHeader('Content-ID', "<{$attachment['ID']}>") ->setBody($fileContent); } if ($this->multipartRelated && $this->isAttachmentImage($attachment, true)) { $this->multipartRelated->addPart($part); } else { $this->multipart->addPart($part); } } } } private function isAttachmentImage(&$attachment, $checkRelated = false) { if (empty($attachment['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { return false; } if ($checkRelated && empty($attachment['RELATED'])) { return false; } if (mb_strpos($attachment['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'image/') === 0) { return true; } return false; } private function isFileLimitExceeded($fileSize, &$summarySize) { // for length after base64 $summarySize += 4 * ceil($fileSize / 3); return $this->settingMaxFileSize > 0 && $summarySize > 0 && $summarySize > $this->settingMaxFileSize; } /** * Set headers. * * @param array $headers Headers. * @return $this */ public function setHeaders(array $headers) { $this->headers = $headers; return $this; } /** * Set subject. * * @param string $subject Subject. * @return $this */ public function setSubject($subject) { $this->subject = $subject; return $this; } /** * Set to. * * @param string $to To. * @return $this */ public function setTo($to) { $this->to = $to ? trim($to) : null; return $this; } /** * Get body. * * @return string */ public function getBody() { return $this->body; } /** * Get headers. * * @return string */ public function getHeaders() { $headers = $this->headers; foreach($headers as $k=>$v) { $headers[$k] = trim($v, "\r\n"); if($headers[$k] == '') { unset($headers[$k]); } } $this->filterHeaderEmails($headers); if( (!isset($headers["Reply-To"]) || $headers["Reply-To"] == '') && isset($headers["From"]) && $headers["From"] <> '' ) { $headers["Reply-To"] = preg_replace("/(.*)\\<(.*)\\>/i", '$2', $headers["From"]); } if (!isset($headers["X-Priority"]) || $headers["X-Priority"] == '') { $headers["X-Priority"] = '3 (Normal)'; } if(!isset($headers["Date"]) || $headers["Date"] == '') { $headers["Date"] = date("r"); } if(empty($headers["MIME-Version"])) { $headers["MIME-Version"] = '1.0'; } if($this->settingMailConvertMailHeader) { foreach($headers as $k => $v) { if ($k == 'From' || $k == 'CC' || $k == 'Reply-To') { $headers[$k] = $this->encodeHeaderFrom($v, $this->charset); } else { $headers[$k] = $this->encodeMimeString($v, $this->charset); } } } if($this->settingServerMsSmtp) { if(isset($headers["From"]) && $headers["From"] != '') { $headers["From"] = preg_replace("/(.*)\\<(.*)\\>/i", '$2', $headers["From"]); } if(isset($headers["To"]) && $headers["To"] != '') { $headers["To"] = preg_replace("/(.*)\\<(.*)\\>/i", '$2', $headers["To"]); } if(isset($headers["Reply-To"]) && $headers["Reply-To"] != '') { $headers["Reply-To"] = preg_replace("/(.*)\\<(.*)\\>/i", '$2', $headers["Reply-To"]); } } if($this->settingMailFillToEmail) { $headers["To"] = $this->getTo(); } if($this->messageId != '') { $headers['X-MID'] = $this->messageId; } $headerString = ""; foreach($headers as $k=>$v) { $headerString .= $k . ': ' . $v . $this->eol; } // Content-Transfer-Encoding & Content-Type add from Multipart $headerString .= rtrim($this->multipart->toStringHeaders()); return $headerString; } /** * Get message ID. * * @return string */ public function getMessageId() { return $this->messageId; } /** * Get subject. * * @return string */ public function getSubject() { if($this->settingMailConvertMailHeader) { return $this->encodeSubject($this->subject, $this->charset); } return $this->subject; } /** * Get to. * * @return string */ public function getTo() { $resultTo = static::toPunycode($this->to); if($this->settingMailConvertMailHeader) { $resultTo = static::encodeHeaderFrom($resultTo, $this->charset); } if($this->settingServerMsSmtp) { $resultTo = preg_replace("/(.*)\\<(.*)\\>/i", '$2', $resultTo); } return $resultTo; } /** * Get additional parameters. * * @return mixed */ public function getAdditionalParameters() { return $this->additionalParameters; } /** * Get context instance. * * @return Context|null */ public function getContext() { return $this->context; } /** * Dump email data. * * @return string */ public function dump() { $result = ''; $delimeter = str_repeat('-',5); $result .= $delimeter."TO".$delimeter."\n".$this->getTo()."\n\n"; $result .= $delimeter."SUBJECT".$delimeter."\n".$this->getSubject()."\n\n"; $result .= $delimeter."HEADERS".$delimeter."\n".$this->getHeaders()."\n\n"; $result .= $delimeter."BODY".$delimeter."\n".$this->getBody()."\n\n"; $result .= $delimeter."ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS".$delimeter."\n".$this->getAdditionalParameters()."\n\n"; return $result; } /** * Return true if input string is in 8bit charset. * * @param string $inputString Input string. * @return bool */ public static function is8Bit($inputString) { return preg_match("/[\\x80-\\xFF]/", $inputString) > 0; } /** * Encode mime string. * * @param string $text Text string. * @param string $charset Charset. * @return string */ public static function encodeMimeString($text, $charset) { if(!static::is8Bit($text)) return $text; //$maxl = IntVal((76 - strlen($charset) + 7)*0.4); $res = ""; $maxl = 40; $eol = static::getMailEol(); $len = mb_strlen($text); for($i=0; $i<$len; $i=$i+$maxl) { if($i>0) $res .= $eol."\t"; $res .= "=?".$charset."?B?".base64_encode(mb_substr($text, $i, $maxl))."?="; } return $res; } /** * Encode subject. * * @param string $text Text string. * @param string $charset Charset. * @return string */ public static function encodeSubject($text, $charset) { return "=?".$charset."?B?".base64_encode($text)."?="; } /** * Encode header From. * * @param string $text Text string. * @param string $charset Charset. * @return string */ public static function encodeHeaderFrom($text, $charset) { $i = mb_strlen($text); while($i > 0) { if(ord(mb_substr($text, $i - 1, 1))>>7) break; $i--; } if($i==0) return $text; else return "=?".$charset."?B?".base64_encode(mb_substr($text, 0, $i))."?=".mb_substr($text, $i); } /** * Get symbol of mail End-Of-Line. * * @return string */ public static function getMailEol() { static $eol = false; if($eol !== false) { return $eol; } if ((int)(explode('.', phpversion())[0]) >= 8) { $eol = "\r\n"; } elseif(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN') { $eol = "\r\n"; } elseif(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) <> 'MAC') { $eol = "\n"; //unix } else { $eol = "\r"; } return $eol; } /** * @param $matches * @return string * @throws \Bitrix\Main\IO\FileNotFoundException */ protected function getReplacedImageCid($matches) { $src = $matches[3]; if($src == "") { return $matches[0]; } if(array_key_exists($src, $this->filesReplacedFromBody)) { $uid = $this->filesReplacedFromBody[$src]["ID"]; return $matches[1].$matches[2]."cid:".$uid.$matches[4].$matches[5]; } $uri = new Uri($src); $filePath = Application::getDocumentRoot() . $uri->getPath(); $io = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $filePath = $io->GetPhysicalName($filePath); if(!File::isFileExists($filePath)) { return $matches[0]; } foreach($this->attachment as $attachIndex => $attach) { if($filePath == $attach['PATH']) { $this->attachment[$attachIndex]['RELATED'] = true; return $matches[1].$matches[2]."cid:".$attach['ID'].$matches[4].$matches[5]; } } if ($this->settingMaxFileSize > 0) { $fileIoObject = new File($filePath); if ($fileIoObject->getSize() > $this->settingMaxFileSize) { return $matches[0]; } } $imageInfo = (new \Bitrix\Main\File\Image($filePath))->getInfo(); if (!$imageInfo) { return $matches[0]; } if (function_exists("image_type_to_mime_type")) { $contentType = image_type_to_mime_type($imageInfo->getFormat()); } else { $contentType = $this->imageTypeToMimeType($imageInfo->getFormat()); } $uid = uniqid(md5($src)); $this->filesReplacedFromBody[$src] = array( "RELATED" => true, "SRC" => $src, "PATH" => $filePath, "CONTENT_TYPE" => $contentType, "NAME" => bx_basename($src), "ID" => $uid, ); return $matches[1].$matches[2]."cid:".$uid.$matches[4].$matches[5]; } /** * @param $matches * @return string */ protected function getReplacedImageSrc($matches) { $src = $matches[3]; if($src == "") { return $matches[0]; } $srcTrimmed = trim($src); if(mb_substr($srcTrimmed, 0, 2) == "//") { $src = $this->trackLinkProtocol . ":" . $srcTrimmed; } else if(mb_substr($srcTrimmed, 0, 1) == "/") { $srcModified = false; if(!empty($this->attachment)) { $io = \CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $filePath = $io->GetPhysicalName(Application::getDocumentRoot().$srcTrimmed); foreach($this->attachment as $attachIndex => $attach) { if($filePath == $attach['PATH']) { $this->attachment[$attachIndex]['RELATED'] = true; $src = "cid:".$attach['ID']; $srcModified = true; break; } } } if(!$srcModified) { $src = $this->trackLinkProtocol . "://".$this->settingServerName . $srcTrimmed; } } $add = ''; if (mb_stripos($matches[0], '<img') === 0 && !preg_match("/<img[^>]*?\\s+alt\\s*=[^>]+>/is", $matches[0])) { $add = ' alt="" '; } return $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $src . $matches[4] . $add . $matches[5]; } /** * Replace images. * All src of images in html will be added by protocol and domain. * * @param string $text Html text. * @return string */ public function replaceImages($text) { $replaceImageFunction = 'getReplacedImageSrc'; if($this->settingAttachImages) $replaceImageFunction = 'getReplacedImageCid'; $this->filesReplacedFromBody = array(); $textReplaced = preg_replace_callback( "/(<img\\s[^>]*?(?<=\\s)src\\s*=\\s*)([\"']?)(.*?)(\\2)(\\s.+?>|\\s*>)/is", array($this, $replaceImageFunction), $text ); if($textReplaced !== null) $text = $textReplaced; $textReplaced = preg_replace_callback( "/(background\\s*:\\s*url\\s*\\(|background-image\\s*:\\s*url\\s*\\()([\"']?)(.*?)(\\2)(\\s*\\)(.*?);)/is", array($this, $replaceImageFunction), $text ); if($textReplaced !== null) $text = $textReplaced; $textReplaced = preg_replace_callback( "/(<td\\s[^>]*?(?<=\\s)background\\s*=\\s*)([\"']?)(.*?)(\\2)(\\s.+?>|\\s*>)/is", array($this, $replaceImageFunction), $text ); if($textReplaced !== null) $text = $textReplaced; $textReplaced = preg_replace_callback( "/(<table\\s[^>]*?(?<=\\s)background\\s*=\\s*)([\"']?)(.*?)(\\2)(\\s.+?>|\\s*>)/is", array($this, $replaceImageFunction), $text ); if($textReplaced !== null) $text = $textReplaced; return $text; } /** * @param $html * @return string */ private function trackRead($html) { if(!$this->trackReadLink) { return $html; } $url = $this->trackReadLink; if (mb_substr($url, 0, 4) !== 'http') { $url = $this->trackLinkProtocol . "://" . $this->settingServerName . $url; } $html .= '<img src="' . $url . '" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="" />'; return $html; } /** * Replace href attribute in links. * All href of links in html will be added by protocol and domain. * * @param string $text Text. * @return mixed */ public function replaceHrefs($text) { if($this->settingServerName != '') { $pattern = "/(<a\\s[^>]*?(?<=\\s)href\\s*=\\s*)([\"'])(\\/.*?|http:\\/\\/.*?|https:\\/\\/.*?)(\\2)(\\s.+?>|\\s*>)/is"; $text = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, array($this, 'trackClick'), $text ); } return $text; } /** * Track click. * All href of links in html will be wrapped by tracking url for click-detecting. * * @param array $matches Result of preg_match call. * @return string */ public function trackClick($matches) { $href = $matches[3]; if ($href == "") { return $matches[0]; } if(mb_substr($href, 0, 2) == '//') { $href = $this->trackLinkProtocol . ':' . $href; } if(mb_substr($href, 0, 1) == '/') { $href = $this->trackLinkProtocol . '://' . $this->settingServerName . $href; } if($this->trackClickLink) { if($this->trackClickUrlParams) { $hrefAddParam = ''; foreach($this->trackClickUrlParams as $k => $v) $hrefAddParam .= '&'.htmlspecialcharsbx($k).'='.htmlspecialcharsbx($v); $parsedHref = explode("#", $href); $parsedHref[0] .= (strpos($parsedHref[0], '?') === false? '?' : '&').mb_substr($hrefAddParam, 1); $href = implode("#", $parsedHref); } $href = $this->trackClickLink . '&url=' . urlencode($href) . '&sign=' . urlencode(Tracking::getSign($href)); if (!preg_match('/^http:\/\/|https:\/\//', $this->trackClickLink)) { $href = $this->trackLinkProtocol . '://' . $this->settingServerName . $href; } } return $matches[1].$matches[2].$href.$matches[4].$matches[5]; } /** * @param $type * @return string */ protected function imageTypeToMimeType($type) { $types = array( 1 => "image/gif", 2 => "image/jpeg", 3 => "image/png", 4 => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 5 => "image/psd", 6 => "image/bmp", 7 => "image/tiff", 8 => "image/tiff", 9 => "application/octet-stream", 10 => "image/jp2", 11 => "application/octet-stream", 12 => "application/octet-stream", 13 => "application/x-shockwave-flash", 14 => "image/iff", 15 => "image/vnd.wap.wbmp", 16 => "image/xbm", ); if(!empty($types[$type])) return $types[$type]; else return "application/octet-stream"; } protected function addMessageIdToBody($body, $isHtml, $messageId) { if($this->settingMailAddMessageId && !empty($messageId)) { $body .= $isHtml ? "<br><br>" : "\n\n"; $body .= "MID #" . $messageId . "\r\n"; } return $body; } /** * Filter header emails by blacklist. * * @param array &$headers Headers. * return void */ protected function filterHeaderEmails(array &$headers) { if (!$this->useBlacklist || !Internal\BlacklistTable::hasBlacklistedEmails()) { return; } $list = []; $allEmails = [mb_strtolower($this->to)]; // get all emails for query Blacklist, prepare emails as Address instances foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { // exclude non target headers if (!in_array(mb_strtolower($name), static::$emailHeaders)) { continue; } $list[$name] = []; $emails = explode(',', $value); foreach ($emails as $email) { $email = trim($email); if (!$email) { continue; } $address = new Address($email); $email = $address->getEmail(); if ($email) { $list[$name][] = $address; $allEmails[] = $address->getEmail(); } } } // get blacklisted emails from all emails $allEmails = array_diff($allEmails, $this->blacklistCheckedEmails); if (!empty($allEmails)) { $blacklisted = Internal\BlacklistTable::getList([ 'select' => ['CODE'], 'filter' => ['=CODE' => $allEmails] ])->fetchAll(); $blacklisted = array_column($blacklisted, 'CODE'); $this->blacklistedEmails = array_unique(array_merge($this->blacklistedEmails, $blacklisted)); $this->blacklistCheckedEmails = array_merge($this->blacklistCheckedEmails, $allEmails); } if (empty($this->blacklistedEmails)) { return; } // remove blacklisted emails, remove empty headers $blacklisted = $this->blacklistedEmails; foreach ($headers as $name => $value) { // exclude non target headers if (!in_array(mb_strtolower($name), static::$emailHeaders)) { continue; } // filter Address instances by blacklist $emails = array_filter( $list[$name], function (Address $address) use ($blacklisted) { $email = $address->getEmail(); return $email && !in_array($email, $blacklisted); } ); // get emails from Address instances $emails = array_map( function (Address $address) { return $address->getName() ? $address->get() : $address->getEmail(); }, $emails ); // get header emails as string $emails = implode(', ', $emails); // remove empty or update headers if (!$emails) { unset($headers[$name]); } else { $headers[$name] = $emails; } } } /** * Converts an international domain in the email to Punycode. * @param string $to Email address, possibly with a comment * @return string */ public static function toPunycode($to) { $email = $to; $withComment = false; if (preg_match("#.*?[<\\[(](.*?)[>\\])].*#i", $to, $matches) && $matches[1] <> '') { $email = $matches[1]; $withComment = true; } $parts = explode("@", $email); $domain = $parts[1]; $errors = []; $domain = \CBXPunycode::ToASCII($domain, $errors); if (empty($errors)) { $email = "{$parts[0]}@{$domain}"; if ($withComment) { $email = preg_replace("#(.*?)[<\\[(](.*?)[>\\])](.*)#i", '$1<'.$email.'>$3', $to); } return $email; } return $to; } }