Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php if (ini_get('short_open_tag') == 0 && mb_strtoupper(ini_get('short_open_tag')) != 'ON') die("Error: short_open_tag parameter must be turned on in php.ini\n"); error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_WARNING); define('START_TIME', microtime(1)); define('BX_FORCE_DISABLE_SEPARATED_SESSION_MODE', true); define('CLI', defined('BX_CRONTAB') && BX_CRONTAB === true || !$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); if (!defined('NOT_CHECK_PERMISSIONS')) { define('NOT_CHECK_PERMISSIONS', true); } $NS = array(); // NewState if (CLI && defined('BX_CRONTAB')) // start from cron_events.php { IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/admin/dump.php'); if (IntOption('dump_auto_enable') != 1) return; $l = COption::GetOptionInt('main', 'last_backup_start_time', 0); if (time() - $l < IntOption('dump_auto_interval') * 86400) return; $min_left = IntOption('dump_auto_time') - date('H')*60 - date("i"); if ($min_left > 0 || $min_left < -60) return; define('LOCK_FILE', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/backup/auto_lock'); if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/backup')) mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/backup'); if (file_exists(LOCK_FILE)) { if (!($time = file_get_contents(LOCK_FILE))) RaiseErrorAndDie('Can\'t read file: '.LOCK_FILE, 1); if ($time + 86400 > time()) { return; } else { ShowBackupStatus('Warning! Last backup has failed'); CEventLog::Add(array( "SEVERITY" => "WARNING", "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => "BACKUP_ERROR", "MODULE_ID" => "main", "ITEM_ID" => LOCK_FILE, "DESCRIPTION" => GetMessage('AUTO_LOCK_EXISTS_ERR', array('#DATETIME#' => ConvertTimeStamp($time))), )); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAutoBackupUnknownError", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(array('TIME' => $time))); unlink(LOCK_FILE) || RaiseErrorAndDie('Can\'t delete file: '.LOCK_FILE, 2); } } if (!file_put_contents(LOCK_FILE, time())) RaiseErrorAndDie('Can\'t create file: '.LOCK_FILE, 3); COption::SetOptionInt('main', 'last_backup_start_time', time()); } else { define('NO_AGENT_CHECK', true); define("STATISTIC_SKIP_ACTIVITY_CHECK", true); if (!$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) $DOCUMENT_ROOT = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../../'); require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_before.php'); IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/admin/dump.php'); } if (!defined('DOCUMENT_ROOT')) define('DOCUMENT_ROOT', rtrim(str_replace('\\','/',$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']),'/')); require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/backup.php"); $public = $USER->IsAdmin(); if ($public) // backup from public { $NS =& $_SESSION['BX_DUMP_STATE']; if (isset($_REQUEST['start']) && $_REQUEST['start'] == 'Y') $NS = array(); } elseif (!CLI) // hit from bitrixcloud service { if ((!$backup_secret_key = CPasswordStorage::Get('backup_secret_key')) || $backup_secret_key != $_REQUEST['secret_key']) { # echo $backup_secret_key."\n"; COption::SetOptionInt('main', 'dump_auto_enable'.'_auto', 2); # debug RaiseErrorAndDie('Secret key is incorrect', 10); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['check_auth']) && $_REQUEST['check_auth']) { echo 'SUCCESS'; exit(0); } if (IntOption('dump_auto_enable') != 2) RaiseErrorAndDie('Backup is disabled', 4); session_write_close(); ini_set("session.use_strict_mode", "0"); session_id(md5($backup_secret_key)); session_start(); $NS =& $_SESSION['BX_DUMP_STATE']; if ($NS['TIMESTAMP'] && ($i = IntOption('dump_max_exec_time_sleep')) > 0) { if (time() - $NS['TIMESTAMP'] < $i) { sleep(3); echo "NEXT\n". GetProgressPercent($NS); exit(0); } } } if (!file_exists(DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/bitrix/backup')) mkdir(DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/bitrix/backup'); if (!file_exists(DOCUMENT_ROOT."/bitrix/backup/index.php")) { $f = fopen(DOCUMENT_ROOT."/bitrix/backup/index.php","w"); fwrite($f,"<head><meta http-equiv=\"REFRESH\" content=\"0;URL=/bitrix/admin/index.php\"></head>"); fclose($f); } while(ob_end_flush()); @set_time_limit(0); $bGzip = function_exists('gzcompress'); $bBitrixCloud = function_exists('openssl_encrypt') && CModule::IncludeModule('bitrixcloud') && CModule::IncludeModule('clouds'); if ($public) { $arParams = array( 'dump_archive_size_limit' => 100 * 1024 * 1024, 'dump_use_compression' => $bGzip, 'dump_integrity_check' => 1, 'dump_delete_old' => 0, 'dump_site_id' => array(), 'dump_base' => 1, 'dump_base_skip_stat' => 0, 'dump_base_skip_search' => 0, 'dump_base_skip_log' => 0, 'dump_file_public' => 1, 'dump_file_kernel' => 1, 'dump_do_clouds' => 0, 'skip_mask' => 0, 'skip_mask_array' => array(), 'dump_max_file_size' => 0, ); } else { $arParams = array( 'dump_archive_size_limit' => IntOption('dump_archive_size_limit'), 'dump_use_compression' => $bGzip && IntOption('dump_use_compression'), 'dump_integrity_check' => IntOption('dump_integrity_check'), 'dump_delete_old' => IntOption('dump_delete_old'), 'dump_old_time' => IntOption('dump_old_time'), 'dump_old_cnt' => IntOption('dump_old_cnt'), 'dump_old_size' => IntOption('dump_old_size'), 'dump_site_id' => is_array($ar = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString("main","dump_site_id"."_auto"), ['allowed_classes' => false])) ? $ar : array(), ); $arExpertBackupDefaultParams = array( 'dump_base' => IntOption('dump_base', 1), 'dump_base_skip_stat' => IntOption('dump_base_skip_stat', 0), 'dump_base_skip_search' => IntOption('dump_base_skip_search', 0), 'dump_base_skip_log' => IntOption('dump_base_skip_log', 0), 'dump_file_public' => IntOption('dump_file_public', 1), 'dump_file_kernel' => IntOption('dump_file_kernel', 1), 'dump_do_clouds' => IntOption('dump_do_clouds', 1), 'skip_mask' => IntOption('skip_mask', 0), 'skip_mask_array' => is_array($ar = unserialize(COption::GetOptionString("main","skip_mask_array_auto"), ['allowed_classes' => false])) ? $ar : array(), 'dump_max_file_size' => IntOption('dump_max_file_size', 0), ); if (!is_array($arExpertBackupParams)) $arExpertBackupParams = array(); $arParams = array_merge($arExpertBackupDefaultParams, $arExpertBackupParams, $arParams); } $skip_mask_array = $arParams['skip_mask_array']; if ($DB->type!= 'MYSQL') $arParams['dump_base'] = 0; if (!$NS['step']) { $NS = array('step' => 1, 'step_cnt' => 0); $NS['START_TIME'] = START_TIME; if ($public) { $dump_bucket_id = 0; } else { $NS['dump_encrypt_key'] = CPasswordStorage::Get('dump_temporary_cache'); $dump_bucket_id = IntOption('dump_bucket_id'); } if ($dump_bucket_id == -1) { if (!$bBitrixCloud || !$NS['dump_encrypt_key']) { $dump_bucket_id = 0; ShowBackupStatus('BitrixCloud is not available'); } } $NS['BUCKET_ID'] = $dump_bucket_id; if ($dump_bucket_id == -1) $arc_name = DOCUMENT_ROOT.BX_ROOT."/backup/".date('Ymd_His_').rand(11111111,99999999); elseif(($arc_name = $argv[1]) && !is_dir($arc_name)) $arc_name = str_replace(array('.tar','.gz','.enc'),'',$arc_name); else { $prefix = str_replace('/', '', COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", "")); $arc_name = CBackup::GetArcName(preg_match('#^[a-z0-9\.\-]+$#i', $prefix) ? substr($prefix, 0, 20).'_' : ''); } $NS['arc_name'] = $arc_name.($NS['dump_encrypt_key'] ? ".enc" : ".tar").($arParams['dump_use_compression'] ? ".gz" : ''); $NS['dump_name'] = $arc_name.'.sql'; if (!empty($arParams['dump_site_id'])) { $NS['site_path_list'] = array(); $res = CSite::GetList('sort', 'asc', array('ACTIVE'=>'Y')); while($f = $res->Fetch()) { $root = rtrim(str_replace('\\','/',$f['ABS_DOC_ROOT']),'/'); if (is_dir($root) && in_array($f['ID'], $arParams['dump_site_id'])) $NS['site_path_list'][$f['ID']] = $root; } } else $NS['site_path_list'] = array('s1' => DOCUMENT_ROOT); if (!$public) { foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAutoBackupStart", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($NS)); } ShowBackupStatus('Backup started to file: '.$NS['arc_name']); if ($arParams['dump_base']) $NS['step_cnt'] = 2; if ($arParams['dump_do_clouds'] && ($arDumpClouds = CBackup::GetBucketList())) $NS['step_cnt']++; if (($arParams['dump_file_public'] || $arParams['dump_file_kernel'])) $NS['step_cnt']++; if ($arParams['dump_integrity_check']) $NS['step_cnt']++; if ($NS['BUCKET_ID']) $NS['step_cnt']++; if ($arParams['dump_delete_old'] > 1) $NS['step_cnt']++; $NS['step_finished'] = 0; } $NS['step_done'] = 0; $after_file = str_replace('.sql','_after_connect.sql',preg_replace('#\.[0-9]+$#', '', $NS['dump_name'])); if ($NS['step'] <= 2) { // dump database if ($arParams['dump_base']) { if ($NS['step'] == 1) { ShowBackupStatus('Dumping database'); if (!CBackup::MakeDump($NS['dump_name'], $NS['dump_state'])) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('DUMP_NO_PERMS'), 100, $NS['dump_name']); $TotalTables = $NS['dump_state']['TableCount']; $FinishedTables = $TotalTables - count($NS['dump_state']['TABLES']); $NS['step_done'] = $FinishedTables / $TotalTables; if (!$NS['dump_state']['end']) CheckPoint(); $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "character_set_results"'); if (($f = $rs->Fetch()) && array_key_exists ('Value', $f)) file_put_contents($after_file, "SET NAMES '".$f['Value']."';\n"); $rs = $DB->Query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "collation_database"'); if (($f = $rs->Fetch()) && array_key_exists ('Value', $f)) file_put_contents($after_file, "ALTER DATABASE `<DATABASE>` COLLATE ".$f['Value'].";\n",8); $NS['step'] = 2; $NS['step_finished']++; clearstatcache(); $next_part = $NS['dump_name']; $NS['dump_size'] = filesize($next_part); while(file_exists($next_part = CBackup::getNextName($next_part))) $NS['dump_size'] += filesize($next_part); } ShowBackupStatus('Archiving database dump'); $tar = new CTar; $tar->EncryptKey = $NS['dump_encrypt_key']; $tar->ArchiveSizeLimit = $arParams['dump_archive_size_limit']; $tar->gzip = $arParams['dump_use_compression']; $tar->path = DOCUMENT_ROOT; $tar->ReadBlockCurrent = intval($NS['ReadBlockCurrent']); $tar->ReadFileSize = intval($NS['ReadFileSize']); if (!$tar->openWrite($NS["arc_name"])) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('DUMP_NO_PERMS'), 200, $NS['arc_name']); if (!$tar->ReadBlockCurrent) { if (file_exists($f = DOCUMENT_ROOT.BX_ROOT.'/.config.php')) // legacy SaaS support $tar->addFile($f); if (file_exists($after_file)) { $tar->addFile($after_file); unlink($after_file); } } $Block = $tar->Block; while(haveTime()) { $r = $tar->addFile($NS['dump_name']); if ($r === false) RaiseErrorAndDie(implode('<br>',$tar->err), 210, $NS['arc_name'], true); if ($tar->ReadBlockCurrent == 0) { unlink($NS["dump_name"]); if (file_exists($next_part = CBackup::getNextName($NS['dump_name']))) { $NS['dump_name'] = $next_part; } else // finish { $NS['arc_size'] = 0; $name = $NS["arc_name"]; while(file_exists($name)) { $size = filesize($name); $NS['arc_size'] += $size; $name = $tar->getNextName($name); } $NS['step_finished']++; break; } } } $tar->close(); $NS["data_size"] += 512 * ($tar->Block - $Block); $NS["ReadBlockCurrent"] = $tar->ReadBlockCurrent; $NS["ReadFileSize"] = $tar->ReadFileSize; $NS['step_done'] = $NS['data_size'] / $NS['dump_size']; CheckPoint(); } $NS['step'] = 3; } if ($NS['step'] == 3) { $NS['step_done'] = 0; // Download cloud files if ($arParams['dump_do_clouds'] && ($arDumpClouds = CBackup::GetBucketList())) { ShowBackupStatus('Downloading cloud files'); foreach($arDumpClouds as $arBucket) { $id = $arBucket['ID']; if ($NS['bucket_finished_'.$id]) continue; $obCloud = new CloudDownload($arBucket['ID']); $obCloud->last_bucket_path = $NS['last_bucket_path']; if ($res = $obCloud->Scan('')) { $NS['bucket_finished_'.$id] = true; } else { $NS['last_bucket_path'] = $obCloud->path; break; } } CheckPoint(); $NS['step_finished']++; } $NS['step'] = 4; } $DB->Disconnect(); if ($NS['step'] == 4) { // Tar files $NS['step_done'] = 0; if ($arParams['dump_file_public'] || $arParams['dump_file_kernel']) { ShowBackupStatus('Archiving files'); $DirScan = new CDirRealScan; $DirScan->startPath = $NS['startPath']; $tar = new CTar; $tar->EncryptKey = $NS['dump_encrypt_key']; $tar->ArchiveSizeLimit = $arParams['dump_archive_size_limit']; $tar->gzip = $arParams['dump_use_compression']; $tar->ReadBlockCurrent = intval($NS['ReadBlockCurrent']); $tar->ReadFileSize = intval($NS['ReadFileSize']); foreach($NS['site_path_list'] as $SITE_ID => $DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE) { $tar->path = $DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE; if (!$tar->openWrite($NS["arc_name"])) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('DUMP_NO_PERMS'), 400, $NS['arc_name'], true); CBackup::$DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE = $DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE; CBackup::$REAL_DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE = realpath($DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE); if ($NS['multisite']) { $tar->prefix = 'bitrix/backup/sites/'.$SITE_ID.'/'; $DirScan->arSkip[rtrim($DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE, '/').'/bitrix'] = true; $DirScan->arSkip[rtrim($DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE, '/').'/upload'] = true; } $Block = $tar->Block; $r = $DirScan->Scan($DOCUMENT_ROOT_SITE); $tar->close(); if (!isset($NS["data_size"])) { $NS["data_size"] = 0; } $NS["data_size"] += 512 * ($tar->Block - $Block); if ($r === false) RaiseErrorAndDie(implode('<br>',array_merge($tar->err,$DirScan->err)), 410, $tar->file, true); $NS["ReadBlockCurrent"] = $tar->ReadBlockCurrent; $NS["ReadFileSize"] = $tar->ReadFileSize; $NS["startPath"] = $DirScan->nextPath; if (!isset($NS["cnt"])) { $NS["cnt"] = 0; } $NS["cnt"] += $DirScan->FileCount; $last_files_count = IntOption('last_files_count'); if (!$last_files_count) $last_files_count = 200000; $NS['step_done'] = $NS['cnt'] / $last_files_count; if ($NS['step_done'] > 1) $NS['step_done'] = 1; if ($r !== 'BREAK') // finish scan { array_shift($NS['site_path_list']); $NS['multisite'] = true; unset($NS['startPath']); } CheckPoint(); } $NS['arc_size'] = 0; $name = $NS["arc_name"]; $tar = new CTar(); while(file_exists($name)) { $size = filesize($name); $NS['arc_size'] += $size; $name = $tar->getNextName($name); } DeleteDirFilesEx(BX_ROOT.'/backup/clouds'); if ($arParams['dump_file_public'] && $arParams['dump_file_kernel']) COption::SetOptionInt("main", "last_files_count", $NS['cnt']); $NS['step_finished']++; } $NS['step'] = 5; } if ($NS['step'] == 5) { // Integrity check $NS['step_done'] = 0; if ($arParams['dump_integrity_check']) { ShowBackupStatus('Checking archive integrity'); $tar = new CTarCheck; $tar->EncryptKey = $NS['dump_encrypt_key']; if (!$tar->openRead($NS["arc_name"])) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('DUMP_NO_PERMS_READ').'<br>'.implode('<br>',$tar->err), 510, $NS['arc_name']); else { if(($Block = intval($NS['Block'] ?? 0)) && !$tar->SkipTo($Block)) RaiseErrorAndDie(implode('<br>',$tar->err), 520, $tar->file, true); while(($r = $tar->extractFile()) && haveTime()); $NS["Block"] = $tar->Block; $NS['step_done'] = $NS['Block'] * 512 / $NS['data_size']; if ($r === false) RaiseErrorAndDie(implode('<br>',$tar->err), 530, $tar->file, true); } $tar->close(); CheckPoint(); $NS['step_finished']++; } $NS['step'] = 6; } $DB->DoConnect(); if ($NS['step'] == 6) { // Send to the cloud $NS['step_done'] = 0; if ($NS['BUCKET_ID']) { ShowBackupStatus('Sending backup to the cloud'); if (!CModule::IncludeModule('clouds')) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage("MAIN_DUMP_NO_CLOUDS_MODULE"), 600, $NS['arc_name']); $tar = new CTar(); while(CheckPoint()) { $file_size = filesize($NS["arc_name"]); $file_name = $NS['BUCKET_ID'] == -1? basename($NS['arc_name']) : substr($NS['arc_name'], strlen(DOCUMENT_ROOT)); $obUpload = new CCloudStorageUpload($file_name); if ($NS['BUCKET_ID'] == -1) { if (!$bBitrixCloud) RaiseErrorAndDie(getMessage('DUMP_BXCLOUD_NA'), 610); $obBucket = null; if (!$NS['obBucket']) { try { $backup = CBitrixCloudBackup::getInstance(); $q = $backup->getQuota(); if ($q && $NS['arc_size'] > $q) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('DUMP_ERR_BIG_BACKUP', array('#ARC_SIZE#' => $NS['arc_size'], '#QUOTA#' => $q)), 620); $obBucket = $backup->getBucketToWriteFile(CTar::getCheckword($NS['dump_encrypt_key']), basename($NS['arc_name'])); $NS['obBucket'] = serialize($obBucket); } catch (Exception $e) { unset($NS['obBucket']); RaiseErrorAndDie($e->getMessage(), 630); } } else { $obBucket = unserialize( $NS['obBucket'], ['allowed_classes' => ['CBitrixCloudBackupBucket']] ); } $obBucket->Init(); $obBucket->GetService()->setPublic(false); $bucket_id = $obBucket; } else { $obBucket = null; $bucket_id = $NS['BUCKET_ID']; } if (!$obUpload->isStarted()) { if (is_object($obBucket)) $obBucket->setCheckWordHeader(); if (!$obUpload->Start($bucket_id, $file_size)) { if ($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) $strError = $e->GetString(); else $strError = GetMessage('MAIN_DUMP_INT_CLOUD_ERR'); RaiseErrorAndDie($strError, 640, $NS['arc_name']); } if (is_object($obBucket)) $obBucket->unsetCheckWordHeader(); } if (!$fp = fopen($NS['arc_name'],'rb')) RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage("MAIN_DUMP_ERR_OPEN_FILE").' '.$NS['arc_name'], 650, $NS['arc_name']); fseek($fp, $obUpload->getPos()); while($obUpload->getPos() < $file_size && haveTime()) { $part = fread($fp, $obUpload->getPartSize()); $fails = 0; $res = false; while($obUpload->hasRetries()) { if($res = $obUpload->Next($part, $obBucket)) break; elseif (++$fails >= 10) { $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); $strError = $e ? '. ' . $e->GetString() : ''; RaiseErrorAndDie('Internal Error: could not init upload for ' . $fails . ' times' . $strError, 660, $NS['arc_name']); } } $NS['step_done'] = $obUpload->getPos() / $NS['arc_size']; if (!$res) { $obUpload->Delete(); $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); $strError = $e ? '. ' . $e->GetString() : ''; RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('MAIN_DUMP_ERR_FILE_SEND') . ' ' . basename($NS['arc_name']) . $strError, 670, $NS['arc_name']); } } fclose($fp); CheckPoint(); if($obUpload->Finish($obBucket)) { if ($NS['BUCKET_ID'] != -1) { $oBucket = new CCloudStorageBucket($NS['BUCKET_ID']); $oBucket->IncFileCounter($file_size); } if (file_exists($arc_name = $tar->getNextName($NS['arc_name']))) { unset($NS['obBucket']); $NS['arc_name'] = $arc_name; } else { if ($bBitrixCloud) { $ob = new CBitrixCloudBackup; $ob->clearOptions(); } if ($arParams['dump_delete_old'] == 1) { $name = CTar::getFirstName($NS['arc_name']); while(file_exists($name)) { $size = filesize($name); if (unlink($name) && COption::GetOptionInt('main', 'disk_space', 0) > 0) CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("file", $size, "del"); $name = $tar->getNextName($name); } } break; } } else { $obUpload->Delete(); $e = $APPLICATION->GetException(); $strError = $e ? '. ' . $e->GetString() : ''; RaiseErrorAndDie(GetMessage('MAIN_DUMP_ERR_FILE_SEND') . basename($NS['arc_name']) . $strError, 680, $NS['arc_name']); } } $NS['step_finished']++; } $NS['step'] = 7; } if ($NS['step'] == 7) { // Delete old backups $NS['step_done'] = 0; if ($arParams['dump_delete_old'] > 1) { ShowBackupStatus('Deleting old backups'); $arFiles = array(); $arParts = array(); $TotalSize = $NS['arc_size']; if (is_dir($p = DOCUMENT_ROOT.BX_ROOT.'/backup')) { if ($dir = opendir($p)) { $arc_name = CTar::getFirstName(basename($NS['arc_name'])); while(($item = readdir($dir)) !== false) { $f = $p.'/'.$item; if (!is_file($f)) continue; if (!preg_match('#\.(sql|tar|gz|enc|[0-9]+)$#', $item)) continue; $name = CTar::getFirstName($item); if ($name == $arc_name) continue; $s = filesize($f); $m = filemtime($f); $arFiles[$name] = $m; $arParts[$name][] = $item; $TotalSize += $s; } closedir($dir); } } asort($arFiles); $cnt = count($arFiles) + 1; foreach($arFiles as $name => $m) { switch ($arParams['dump_delete_old']) { case 2: // time if ($m >= time() - 86400 * $arParams['dump_old_time']) break 2; break; case 4: // cnt if ($cnt <= $arParams['dump_old_cnt']) break 2; break; case 8: // size if ($TotalSize / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 <= $arParams['dump_old_size']) break 2; break; default: break; } $cnt--; foreach($arParts[$name] as $item) { $f = $p.'/'.$item; $size = filesize($f); $TotalSize -= $size; if (!unlink($f)) RaiseErrorAndDie('Could not delete file: '.$f, 700, $NS['arc_name']); if (COption::GetOptionInt('main', 'disk_space', 0) > 0) CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("file", $size, "del"); } } $NS['step_finished']++; } $NS['step'] = 8; } if (COption::GetOptionInt('main', 'disk_space', 0) > 0) { $name = $NS["arc_name"]; $tar = new CTar(); while(file_exists($name)) { $size = filesize($name); CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("file", $size, "add"); $name = $tar->getNextName($name); } } $info = "Finished.\n\nData size: ".round($NS['data_size']/1024/1024, 2)." M\nArchive size: ".round($NS['arc_size']/1024/1024, 2)." M\nTime: ".round(time() - $NS['START_TIME'], 2)." sec\n"; ShowBackupStatus($info); CEventLog::Add(array( "SEVERITY" => "WARNING", "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => "BACKUP_SUCCESS", "MODULE_ID" => "main", "ITEM_ID" => $NS['arc_name'], "DESCRIPTION" => $info, )); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAutoBackupSuccess", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($NS)); $NS = array(); if (defined('LOCK_FILE')) unlink(LOCK_FILE) || RaiseErrorAndDie('Can\'t delete file: '.LOCK_FILE, 1000); if (!CLI) echo 'FINISH'; COption::SetOptionInt('main', 'last_backup_end_time', time()); ########################################## ########################### Functions #### function IntOption($name, $def = 0) { global $arParams; if (isset($arParams[$name])) return $arParams[$name]; static $CACHE; $name .= '_auto'; if (!isset($CACHE[$name])) $CACHE[$name] = COption::GetOptionInt("main", $name, $def); return $CACHE[$name]; } function ShowBackupStatus($str) { if (!CLI && !$_REQUEST['show_status']) return; global $NS; echo round(microtime(1)-$NS['START_TIME'], 2).' sec '.$str."\n"; } function haveTime() { static $timeout; if (!$timeout) { $timeout = IntOption('dump_max_exec_time', 30); if ($timeout < 5) $timeout = 5; } if (!CLI && time() - START_TIME > $timeout) return false; return true; } function RaiseErrorAndDie($strError, $errCode = 0, $ITEM_ID = '', $delete = false) { global $DB, $NS; if ($delete) { $arc_name = CTar::getFirstName(basename($NS['arc_name'])); if ($dir = opendir($path = DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/bitrix/backup')) { while($item = readdir($dir)) { if (is_dir($path.'/'.$item)) continue; if (CTar::getFirstName($item) == $arc_name) $delete = unlink($path.'/'.$item) && $delete; } closedir($dir); } else $delete = false; $strError .= "\n".($delete ? 'The backup was incorrect and it was deleted' : 'The backup was incorrect but there was an error deleting it'); } $NS0 = $NS; $NS = array(); session_write_close(); if (CLI) echo 'Error ['.$errCode.']: '.str_replace('<br>',"\n",$strError)."\n"; else { echo "ERROR_".$errCode."\n".htmlspecialcharsbx($strError)."\n"; } if (is_object($DB)) { $DB->DoConnect(); CEventLog::Add(array( "SEVERITY" => "WARNING", "AUDIT_TYPE_ID" => "BACKUP_ERROR", "MODULE_ID" => "main", "ITEM_ID" => $ITEM_ID, "DESCRIPTION" => "[".$errCode."] ".$strError, )); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAutoBackupError", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(array_merge($NS0, array('ERROR' => $strError, 'ERROR_CODE' => $errCode, 'ITEM_ID' => $ITEM_ID)))); $link = '/bitrix/admin/event_log.php?set_filter=Y&find_type=audit_type_id&find_audit_type[]=BACKUP_ERROR'; $ar = Array( "MESSAGE" => 'The last automatic backup has failed. Please check your <a href="'.$link.'">system log<a>', "TAG" => "BACKUP", "MODULE_ID" => "MAIN", 'NOTIFY_TYPE' => CAdminNotify::TYPE_ERROR, 'ENABLE_CLOSE' => 'Y' ); foreach(array('ru', 'ua', 'en', 'de') as $lang) { \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc::loadLanguageFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/admin/dump.php', $lang); $ar["LANG"][$lang] = \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc::getMessage('DUMP_ERR_AUTO', array('#MESSAGE#' => $strError, '#LINK#' => $link), $lang); } CAdminNotify::Add($ar); } die(); } function CheckPoint() { if (haveTime()) return true; global $NS; $NS['WORK_TIME'] = microtime(1) - START_TIME; $NS['TIMESTAMP'] = time(); session_write_close(); echo "NEXT\n". GetProgressPercent($NS); exit(0); } function GetProgressPercent($NS) { if ($NS['step_done'] > 1) $NS['step_done'] = 1; $res = round(100*($NS['step_finished']+$NS['step_done'])/$NS['step_cnt']); if ($res > 99) $res = 99; return $res; }