Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Rest\Api; use Bitrix\Bitrix24\Feature; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Rest\AccessException; use Bitrix\Rest\AppTable; use Bitrix\Rest\AuthTypeException; use Bitrix\Rest\EventOfflineTable; use Bitrix\Rest\EventTable; use Bitrix\Rest\HandlerHelper; use Bitrix\Rest\LicenseException; use Bitrix\Rest\OAuth\Auth; use Bitrix\Rest\RestException; use Bitrix\Rest\Exceptions; class Event extends \IRestService { const FEATURE_EXTENDED_MODE = 'rest_offline_extended'; /** * Returns description of events REST API * * @return array */ public static function onRestServiceBuildDescription() { return array( \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE => array( 'events' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventsList'), 'event.bind' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventBind'), 'event.unbind' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventUnBind'), 'event.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventGet'), 'event.offline.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventOfflineGet'), 'event.offline.clear' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventOfflineClear'), 'event.offline.error' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventOfflineError'), 'event.offline.list' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventOfflineList'), 'event.test' => array( 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'eventTest'), 'options' => array() ), \CRestUtil::EVENTS => array( 'onOfflineEvent' => array( 'rest', 'onAfterOfflineEventCall', array(EventOfflineTable::class, 'prepareOfflineEvent'), array( "sendRefreshToken" => true, "disableOffline" => true, "allowOptions" => [ 'minTimeout' => 'int' ], ), ) ), ), ); } /** * /rest/events method handler * * Administrator rights required * * Query format: * * SCOPE - limit events list by some scope * FULL - get all events regardless of application scope * * @param array $query * @param $n * @param \CRestServer $server * * @return array * * @throws AuthTypeException */ public static function eventsList($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } $serviceDescription = $server->getServiceDescription(); $scopeList = array(\CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE); $result = array(); $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_UPPER); if(isset($query['SCOPE'])) { if($query['SCOPE'] != '') { $scopeList = array($query['SCOPE']); } } elseif(isset($query['FULL']) && $query['FULL']) { $scopeList = array_keys($serviceDescription); } else { $scopeList = $server->getAuthScope(); $scopeList[] = \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE; } foreach ($serviceDescription as $scope => $scopeMethods) { if(in_array($scope, $scopeList) && isset($scopeMethods[\CRestUtil::EVENTS])) { $result = array_merge($result, array_keys($scopeMethods[\CRestUtil::EVENTS])); } } return $result; } /** * /rest/event.bind method handler * * Administrator rights required * * Query format: * * - EVENT - event name * - EVENT_TYPE = {online|offline} - type of event handling. Default: online * - AUTH_TYPE - User ID, whose auth will be generated for handler. Useless for offline type. Default value is 0, which means getting auth for user, authorized when event is called * - HANDLER - URL of event handler. Useless for offline type * * @param array $query * @param $n * @param \CRestServer $server * * @return bool * * @throws AccessException * @throws ArgumentException * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws AuthTypeException * @throws RestException * @throws \Exception */ public static function eventBind($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { global $USER; if($server->getAuthType() !== \Bitrix\Rest\OAuth\Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_UPPER); $eventName = mb_strtoupper($query['EVENT'] ?? ''); $eventType = mb_strtolower($query['EVENT_TYPE'] ?? ''); $eventUser = intval($query['AUTH_TYPE'] ?? null); $eventCallback = $query['HANDLER'] ?? ''; $options = isset($query['OPTIONS']) && is_array($query['OPTIONS']) ? $query['OPTIONS'] : []; if($eventUser > 0) { if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin() && $eventUser !== intval($USER->GetID())) { throw new AccessException('Event binding with AUTH_TYPE requires administrator access rights'); } } elseif(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { $eventUser = intval($USER->GetID()); } $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $connectorId = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; if($eventName == '') { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException("EVENT"); } if($eventType <> '') { if(!in_array($eventType, array(EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE, EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE))) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be one of {'.EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE.'|'.EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE.'}', 'EVENT_TYPE'); } } else { $eventType = EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE; } if($eventType === EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE) { if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException('Offline events binding requires administrator access rights'); } $eventCallback = ''; $eventUser = 0; } elseif($eventCallback == '' && $eventType === EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException("HANDLER"); } $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); if($eventCallback == '' || HandlerHelper::checkCallback($eventCallback, $clientInfo)) { $scopeList = $server->getAuthScope(); $scopeList[] = \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE; $serviceDescription = $server->getServiceDescription(); foreach($scopeList as $scope) { if( isset($serviceDescription[$scope]) && is_array($serviceDescription[$scope][\CRestUtil::EVENTS]) && array_key_exists($eventName, $serviceDescription[$scope][\CRestUtil::EVENTS]) ) { $eventInfo = $serviceDescription[$scope][\CRestUtil::EVENTS][$eventName]; if(is_array($eventInfo)) { $eventHandlerFields = array( 'APP_ID' => $clientInfo['ID'], 'EVENT_NAME' => $eventName, 'EVENT_HANDLER' => $eventCallback, 'CONNECTOR_ID' => $connectorId, 'OPTIONS' => [] ); if($eventUser > 0) { $eventHandlerFields['USER_ID'] = $eventUser; } if ( $eventCallback === '' && isset($eventInfo[3]['disableOffline']) && $eventInfo[3]['disableOffline'] === true ) { throw new RestException('Offline event cannot be registered for this event.', RestException::ERROR_ARGUMENT); } if (!empty($options) && isset($eventInfo[3]['allowOptions']) && is_array($eventInfo[3]['allowOptions'])) { foreach ($eventInfo[3]['allowOptions'] as $code => $type) { if (isset($options[$code])) { if ($type === 'int') { $eventHandlerFields['OPTIONS'][$code] = (int) $options[$code]; } elseif($type === 'str' && is_string($options[$code])) { $eventHandlerFields['OPTIONS'][$code] = $options[$code]; } } } } $result = EventTable::add($eventHandlerFields); if($result->isSuccess()) { \Bitrix\Rest\Event\Sender::bind($eventInfo[0], $eventInfo[1]); } else { $errorMessage = $result->getErrorMessages(); throw new RestException('Unable to set event handler: '.implode('. ', $errorMessage), RestException::ERROR_CORE); } } return true; } } throw new RestException('Event not found', EventTable::ERROR_EVENT_NOT_FOUND); } else { return false; } } /** * /rest/event.unbind method handler * * Returns count of unbinded events * * Administrator rights required * * Query format: * * - EVENT - event name * - EVENT_TYPE = {online|offline} - type of event handling. Default: online * - AUTH_TYPE - The same value as event.bind was called with. Useless for offline type. Default 0 * - HANDLER - URL of event handler. Useless for offline type * * @param array $query * @param $n * @param \CRestServer $server * * @return array * * @throws AccessException * @throws ArgumentException * @throws ArgumentNullException * @throws AuthTypeException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException * @throws \Exception */ public static function eventUnbind($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { global $USER; if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_UPPER); $eventName = mb_strtoupper($query['EVENT'] ?? ''); $eventType = mb_strtolower($query['EVENT_TYPE'] ?? ''); $eventCallback = $query['HANDLER'] ?? ''; if($eventName == '') { throw new ArgumentNullException("EVENT"); } if($eventType <> '') { if(!in_array($eventType, array(EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE, EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE))) { throw new ArgumentException('Value must be one of {'.EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE.'|'.EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE.'}', 'EVENT_TYPE'); } } else { $eventType = EventTable::TYPE_ONLINE; } if($eventType === EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE) { if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException('Offline events unbinding requires administrator access rights'); } $eventCallback = ''; } elseif($eventCallback == '') { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException('HANDLER'); } $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); $filter = array( '=APP_ID' => $clientInfo["ID"], '=EVENT_NAME' => $eventName, '=EVENT_HANDLER' => $eventCallback, ); if($eventType === EventTable::TYPE_OFFLINE) { $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $filter['=CONNECTOR_ID'] = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; } else { if(isset($query['AUTH_TYPE'])) { if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin() && $query['AUTH_TYPE'] !== intval($USER->GetID())) { throw new AccessException('Event unbinding with AUTH_TYPE requires administrator access rights'); } $filter['=USER_ID'] = intval($query['AUTH_TYPE']); } elseif(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { $filter['=USER_ID'] = intval($USER->GetID()); } } $dbRes = EventTable::getList(array( 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => ['ID'] )); $cnt = 0; while($eventInfo = $dbRes->fetch()) { $result = EventTable::delete($eventInfo["ID"]); if($result->isSuccess()) { // we shouldn't make Unbind here, it'll be done during the first event call $cnt++; } } return array('count' => $cnt); } public static function eventGet($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { global $USER; if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } $result = array(); $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); $filter = array( "=APP_ID" => $clientInfo["ID"], ); if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { $filter['=USER_ID'] = $USER->GetID(); } $dbRes = EventTable::getList(array( "filter" => $filter, 'order' => array( "ID" => "ASC", ), )); while($eventHandler = $dbRes->fetch()) { if($eventHandler['EVENT_HANDLER'] <> '') { $result[] = array( "event" => $eventHandler['EVENT_NAME'], "handler" => $eventHandler['EVENT_HANDLER'], "auth_type" => $eventHandler['USER_ID'], "offline" => 0 ); } else { $result[] = array( "event" => $eventHandler['EVENT_NAME'], "connector_id" => $eventHandler['CONNECTOR_ID'] === null ? '' : $eventHandler['CONNECTOR_ID'], "offline" => 1 ); } } return $result; } public static function eventTest($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); foreach(GetModuleEvents("rest", "OnRestAppTest", true) as $event) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array(array( "APP_ID" => $clientInfo["ID"], "QUERY" => $query ))); } return 1; } public static function eventOfflineGet($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if ($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } if (!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_LOWER); $clearEvents = !isset($query['clear']) ? 1 : intval($query['clear']); $processId = isset($query['process_id']) ? trim($query['process_id']) : null; if (!$clearEvents && !static::isExtendedModeEnabled()) { throw new LicenseException('extended offline events handling'); } $filter = isset($query['filter']) ? $query['filter'] : array(); $order = isset($query['order']) ? $query['order'] : array('TIMESTAMP_X' => 'ASC'); $limit = isset($query['limit']) ? intval($query['limit']) : static::LIST_LIMIT; $getErrors = isset($query['error']) && intval($query['error']) === 1; $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $connectorId = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; $returnProcessId = !$clearEvents; if ($limit <= 0) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be positive integer', 'LIMIT'); } $queryFilter = static::sanitizeFilter($filter); $order = static::sanitizeOrder($order); $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); $queryFilter['=APP_ID'] = $clientInfo['ID']; $queryFilter['=CONNECTOR_ID'] = $connectorId; $queryFilter['=ERROR'] = $getErrors ? 1 : 0; if ($processId === null) { $queryFilter['=PROCESS_ID'] = ''; $processId = EventOfflineTable::markEvents($queryFilter, $order, $limit); } else { $returnProcessId = true; } $queryFilter['=PROCESS_ID'] = $processId; $dbRes = EventOfflineTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'EVENT_DATA', 'EVENT_ADDITIONAL', 'MESSAGE_ID' ), 'filter' => $queryFilter, 'limit' => $limit, 'order' => $order, )); $result = array(); while ($event = $dbRes->fetch()) { /** @var DateTime $ts */ $ts = $event['TIMESTAMP_X']; $event['TIMESTAMP_X'] = \CRestUtil::convertDateTime($ts->toString()); if (isset($event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'][Auth::PARAM_LOCAL_USER])) { $event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'] = [ 'user_id' => $event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'][Auth::PARAM_LOCAL_USER], ]; } $result[] = $event; } if ($clearEvents && count($result) > 0) { EventOfflineTable::clearEvents($processId, $clientInfo['ID'], $connectorId); } return array( 'process_id' => $returnProcessId ? $processId : null, 'events' => $result ); } public static function eventOfflineClear($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if ($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } if (!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_LOWER); $processId = isset($query['process_id']) ? trim($query['process_id']) : null; $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $connectorId = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; if ($processId === null) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException('PROCESS_ID'); } $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); if (isset($query['message_id'])) { $listIds = false; if (!is_array($query['message_id'])) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be array of MESSAGE_ID values', 'message_id'); } foreach($query['message_id'] as $messageId) { $messageId = trim($messageId); if (mb_strlen($messageId) !== 32) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be array of MESSAGE_ID values', 'messsage_id'); } $listIds[] = $messageId; } EventOfflineTable::clearEventsByMessageId($processId, $clientInfo['ID'], $connectorId, $listIds); } else { $listIds = false; if (isset($query['id'])) { if (!is_array($query['id'])) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be array of integers', 'id'); } foreach($query['id'] as $id) { $id = intval($id); if ($id <= 0) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentException('Value must be array of integers', 'id'); } $listIds[] = $id; } } EventOfflineTable::clearEvents($processId, $clientInfo['ID'], $connectorId, $listIds); } return true; } public static function eventOfflineError($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_LOWER); $processId = isset($query['process_id']) ? trim($query['process_id']) : null; $messageId = isset($query['message_id']) ? $query['message_id'] : null; $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $connectorId = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; if($processId === null) { throw new ArgumentNullException('PROCESS_ID'); } if(!is_array($messageId)) { throw new ArgumentException('Value must be array of MESSAGE_ID values', 'message_id'); } $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); if(count($messageId) > 0) { EventOfflineTable::markError($processId, $clientInfo['ID'], $connectorId, $messageId); } return true; } public static function eventOfflineList($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException(); } if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException(); } $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_LOWER); $filter = isset($query['filter']) ? $query['filter'] : array(); $order = isset($query['order']) ? $query['order'] : array('ID' => 'ASC'); $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $connectorId = isset($authData['auth_connector']) ? $authData['auth_connector'] : ''; $queryFilter = static::sanitizeFilter($filter, array('ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'MESSAGE_ID', 'PROCESS_ID', 'ERROR')); $order = static::sanitizeOrder($order, array('ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'MESSAGE_ID', 'PROCESS_ID', 'ERROR')); $clientInfo = AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); $queryFilter['=APP_ID'] = $clientInfo['ID']; $getEventQuery = EventOfflineTable::query(); if ($connectorId === '') { $getEventQuery->where('CONNECTOR_ID', ''); } else { $queryFilter['=CONNECTOR_ID'] = $connectorId; } $navParams = static::getNavData($n, true); $getEventQuery ->setSelect(['ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'EVENT_DATA', 'EVENT_ADDITIONAL', 'MESSAGE_ID', 'PROCESS_ID', 'ERROR']) ->setFilter($queryFilter) ->setOrder($order) ->setLimit($navParams['limit']) ->setOffset($navParams['offset']); $result = array(); $dbRes = $getEventQuery->exec(); while($event = $dbRes->fetch()) { /** @var DateTime $ts */ $ts = $event['TIMESTAMP_X']; $event['TIMESTAMP_X'] = \CRestUtil::convertDateTime($ts->toString()); if (isset($event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'][Auth::PARAM_LOCAL_USER])) { $event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'] = [ 'user_id' => $event['EVENT_ADDITIONAL'][Auth::PARAM_LOCAL_USER], ]; } $result[] = $event; } return static::setNavData($result, array( "count" => $getEventQuery->queryCountTotal(), "offset" => $navParams['offset'] )); } protected static function sanitizeFilter($filter, array $availableFields = null, $valueCallback = null, array $availableOperations = null) { static $defaultFields = array('ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'MESSAGE_ID'); if($availableFields === null) { $availableFields = $defaultFields; } return parent::sanitizeFilter( $filter, $availableFields, function($field, $value) { switch($field) { case 'TIMESTAMP_X': return DateTime::createFromUserTime(\CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($value)); break; } return $value; } ); } protected static function sanitizeOrder($order, array $availableFields = null) { static $defaultFields = array('ID', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'EVENT_NAME', 'MESSAGE_ID'); if($availableFields === null) { $availableFields = $defaultFields; } return parent::sanitizeOrder($order, $availableFields); } protected static function isExtendedModeEnabled() { return !Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') || Feature::isFeatureEnabled(static::FEATURE_EXTENDED_MODE); } }