Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Rest\Api; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Rest\AccessException; use Bitrix\Rest\AppTable; use Bitrix\Rest\AuthTypeException; use Bitrix\Rest\HandlerHelper; use Bitrix\Rest\OAuth\Auth; use Bitrix\Rest\PlacementLangTable; use Bitrix\Rest\PlacementTable; use Bitrix\Rest\RestException; use Bitrix\Rest\Exceptions; use Bitrix\Rest\Lang; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException; class Placement extends \IRestService { const SCOPE_PLACEMENT = 'placement'; public static function onRestServiceBuildDescription() { return array( static::SCOPE_PLACEMENT => array( 'placement.list' => array( 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'getList'), 'options' => array() ), 'placement.bind' => array( 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'bind'), 'options' => array() ), 'placement.unbind' => array( 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'unbind'), 'options' => array() ), 'placement.get' => array( 'callback' => array(__CLASS__, 'get'), 'options' => array() ) ), ); } public static function getList($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException("Application context required"); } $result = array(); $serviceDescription = $server->getServiceDescription(); $scopeList = array(\CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE); $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_UPPER); if(isset($query['SCOPE'])) { if($query['SCOPE'] != '') { $scopeList = array($query['SCOPE']); } } elseif($query['FULL'] == true) { $scopeList = array_keys($serviceDescription); } else { $scopeList = static::getScope($server); $scopeList[] = \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE; } $placementList = static::getPlacementList($server, $scopeList); foreach($placementList as $placement => $placementInfo) { if(!$placementInfo['private']) { $result[] = $placement; } } return $result; } public static function bind($params, $n, \CRestServer $server) { static::checkPermission($server); $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); $placement = mb_strtoupper($params['PLACEMENT']); $placementHandler = $params['HANDLER']; if($placement == '') { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException("PLACEMENT"); } if($placement == PlacementTable::PLACEMENT_DEFAULT) { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException("Wrong value", "PLACEMENT"); } if($placementHandler == '') { throw new Exceptions\ArgumentNullException("HANDLER"); } $appInfo = static::getApplicationInfo($server); HandlerHelper::checkCallback($placementHandler, $appInfo); $scopeList = static::getScope($server); $scopeList[] = \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE; $placementList = static::getPlacementList($server, $scopeList); $placementInfo = $placementList[$placement]; if (is_array($placementInfo) && (!isset($placementInfo['private']) || !$placementInfo['private'])) { $placementLangList = []; $paramsOptions = $params['OPTIONS'] ?? []; $placementInfoOptions = $placementInfo['options'] ?? []; $placementBind = array( 'APP_ID' => $appInfo['ID'], 'USER_ID' => (isset($params['USER_ID']) && (int)$params['USER_ID'] > 0) ? (int)$params['USER_ID'] : PlacementTable::DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE, 'PLACEMENT' => $placement, 'PLACEMENT_HANDLER' => $placementHandler, 'OPTIONS' => static::prepareOptions($paramsOptions, $placementInfoOptions), ); if ( $placementBind['USER_ID'] !== PlacementTable::DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE && $placementInfo['user_mode'] !== true ) { throw new RestException( 'User mode is not available.', PlacementTable::ERROR_PLACEMENT_USER_MODE ); } $langList = Lang::listLanguage(); $langDefault = reset($langList); if (empty($params['LANG_ALL'])) { if (!empty($params['TITLE'])) { $placementLangList[$langDefault]['TITLE'] = trim($params['TITLE']); } if (!empty($params['DESCRIPTION'])) { $placementLangList[$langDefault]['DESCRIPTION'] = trim($params['DESCRIPTION']); } if (!empty($params['GROUP_NAME'])) { $placementLangList[$langDefault]['GROUP_NAME'] = trim($params['GROUP_NAME']); } } else { $fieldList = [ 'TITLE', 'DESCRIPTION', 'GROUP_NAME', ]; foreach ($params['LANG_ALL'] as $langCode => $langItem) { foreach ($fieldList as $field) { $placementLangList[$langCode][$field] = trim($langItem[$field] ?? ''); } } } $placementBind['LANG_ALL'] = $placementLangList; $placementBind = Lang::mergeFromLangAll($placementBind); unset($placementBind['LANG_ALL']); if ($placementInfo['max_count'] > 0) { $filter = [ '=APP_ID' => $placementBind['APP_ID'], '=PLACEMENT' => $placementBind['PLACEMENT'], ]; if ($placementInfo['user_mode'] === true) { $filter['=USER_ID'] = [ PlacementTable::DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE, (int)$placementBind['USER_ID'], ]; } $res = PlacementTable::getList( [ 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => [ 'COUNT', ], 'runtime' => [ new ExpressionField('COUNT', 'COUNT(*)'), ] ] ); if ($result = $res->fetch()) { if ($result['COUNT'] >= $placementInfo['max_count']) { throw new RestException( 'Placement max count: ' . $placementInfo['max_count'], PlacementTable::ERROR_PLACEMENT_MAX_COUNT ); } } } if ( array_key_exists('ICON', $params) && is_array($params['ICON']) && $params['ICON']['fileData'] && ($file = \CRestUtil::saveFile($params['ICON']['fileData'])) ) { $placementBind['ICON'] = $file; } if (!empty($placementInfo['registerCallback']['callback'])) { if ( $placementInfo['registerCallback']['moduleId'] && Loader::includeModule($placementInfo['registerCallback']['moduleId']) && is_callable($placementInfo['registerCallback']['callback']) ) { $resultCallback = call_user_func( $placementInfo['registerCallback']['callback'], $placementBind, $placementInfo ); if (!empty($resultCallback['error']) && !empty($resultCallback['error_description'])) { return $resultCallback; } } } $result = PlacementTable::add($placementBind); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $placementId = $result->getId(); if (empty($placementLangList)) { $app = AppTable::getByClientId($placementBind['APP_ID']); if (!empty($app['APP_NAME'])) { $placementLangList[$langDefault] = [ 'TITLE' => $app['APP_NAME'] ]; } } foreach ($placementLangList as $langId => $data) { $data['PLACEMENT_ID'] = $placementId; $data['LANGUAGE_ID'] = $langId; $res = PlacementLangTable::add($data); if (!$res->isSuccess()) { $errorMessage = $res->getErrorMessages(); throw new RestException( 'Unable to set placements language: ' . implode(', ', $errorMessage), RestException::ERROR_CORE ); } } } else { $errorMessage = $result->getErrorMessages(); throw new RestException( 'Unable to set placement handler: ' . implode(', ', $errorMessage), RestException::ERROR_CORE ); } return true; } throw new RestException( 'Placement not found', PlacementTable::ERROR_PLACEMENT_NOT_FOUND ); } private static function prepareOptions($paramsOptions = [], $placementInfoOptions = []): array { $result = []; if (empty($placementInfoOptions)) { return $result; } $requiredOptions = self::getRequiredOptions($placementInfoOptions); $defaultOptions = self::getDefaultOptions($placementInfoOptions); if (!is_array($paramsOptions)) { if (!empty($requiredOptions)) { throw new ArgumentTypeException('options', 'array'); } return $defaultOptions; } self::checkRequiredOptionsInParamsOptions($paramsOptions, $requiredOptions); foreach ($placementInfoOptions as $optionName => $optionSetting) { $optionValue = $paramsOptions[$optionName] ?? $defaultOptions[$optionName] ?? null; $optionType = null; if (!is_array($optionSetting)) { $optionType = $optionSetting; } else { $optionType = $optionSetting['type']; } switch($optionType) { case 'int': $result[$optionName] = (int)$optionValue; break; case 'string': $result[$optionName] = (string)$optionValue; break; case 'array': if (!is_array($optionValue)) { throw new ArgumentTypeException($optionName, 'array'); } $result[$optionName] = self::prepareCompositeOptions($optionValue, $optionSetting); break; } } return $result; } /** * handling arrays in options * @param array $paramOptionData * @param array $optionSetting * @return array * @throws ArgumentTypeException */ private static function prepareCompositeOptions(array $paramOptionData, array $optionSetting): array { $result = []; if (!is_array($optionSetting['typeValue'])) { throw new ArgumentTypeException('typeValue', 'array'); } $allowedTypes = ['integer', 'string', 'array']; $optionSetting['typeValue'] = str_replace('int', 'integer', $optionSetting['typeValue']); $optionSetting['typeValue'] = array_intersect($optionSetting['typeValue'], $allowedTypes); //1. check transmitted placement data foreach ($paramOptionData as $keyOption => $valueOption) { $typeValue = gettype($valueOption); //do not take arrays, they are processed as a separate entity if (in_array($typeValue, $optionSetting['typeValue']) && $typeValue !== 'array') { $result[$keyOption] = $valueOption; } } //2. check default placement setting foreach ($optionSetting as $keySetting => $valueSetting) { //type and typeValue - service data if ($keySetting === 'type' || $keySetting === 'typeValue') { continue; } $typeValueSetting = gettype($valueSetting); if ( $typeValueSetting === 'array' && in_array('array', $optionSetting['typeValue']) && isset($valueSetting['type']) && isset($valueSetting['typeValue']) && isset($paramOptionData[$keySetting]) ) { $result[$keySetting] = self::prepareCompositeOptions($paramOptionData[$keySetting], $valueSetting); } } return $result; } /** * if the option configuration has the "default" key * [ * optionName => [ * "default" => defaultValue * ], * ] * then return array in format * [ * optionName => defaultValue * ] * * @param array $placementInfoOptions * @return array */ private static function getDefaultOptions(array $placementInfoOptions): array { $result = []; foreach ($placementInfoOptions as $optionName => $optionSetting) { if (isset($optionSetting['default'])) { $result[$optionName] = $optionSetting['default']; } } return $result; } /** * @param array $paramsOptions * @param array $requiredOptions * @return void * @throws ArgumentNullException */ private static function checkRequiredOptionsInParamsOptions(array $paramsOptions, array $requiredOptions): void { foreach ($requiredOptions as $requiredOption) { if (!array_key_exists($requiredOption, $paramsOptions)) { throw new ArgumentNullException($requiredOption); } } } /** * get a list of names of all required options * @param array $placementInfoOptions * @return array */ private static function getRequiredOptions(array $placementInfoOptions): array { $result = []; foreach ($placementInfoOptions as $optionName => $optionSettings) { if (self::isRequiredOption($optionSettings)) { $result[] = $optionName; } } return $result; } /** * @param array|string $optionSettings * @return bool */ private static function isRequiredOption($optionSettings): bool { if (!isset($optionSettings['require'])) { return false; } return (bool)$optionSettings['require']; } public static function unbind($params, $n, \CRestServer $server) { static::checkPermission($server); $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); if (!is_string($params['PLACEMENT'])) { throw new ArgumentTypeException('PLACEMENT', 'string'); } $placement = mb_strtoupper($params['PLACEMENT']); $placementHandler = $params['HANDLER']; if ($placement == '') { throw new ArgumentNullException("PLACEMENT"); } $cnt = 0; $placementList = static::getPlacementList($server); if (array_key_exists($placement, $placementList) && !$placementList[$placement]['private']) { $appInfo = static::getApplicationInfo($server); $filter = array( '=APP_ID' => $appInfo["ID"], '=PLACEMENT' => $placement, ); if (array_key_exists('USER_ID', $params)) { $filter['USER_ID'] = (int)$params['USER_ID']; } if($placementHandler <> '') { $filter['=PLACEMENT_HANDLER'] = $placementHandler; } $dbRes = PlacementTable::getList(array( 'filter' => $filter )); while($placementHandler = $dbRes->fetch()) { $cnt++; $result = PlacementTable::delete($placementHandler["ID"]); if($result->isSuccess()) { $cnt++; } } } return array('count' => $cnt); } public static function get($params, $n, \CRestServer $server) { static::checkPermission($server); $result = array(); $appInfo = static::getApplicationInfo($server); $dbRes = PlacementTable::getList(array( "filter" => array( "=APP_ID" => $appInfo["ID"], ), 'order' => array( "ID" => "ASC", ) )); $placementList = static::getPlacementList($server); foreach ($dbRes->fetchCollection() as $placement) { if ( array_key_exists($placement->getPlacement(), $placementList) && !$placementList[$placement->getPlacement()]['private'] ) { $langList = []; $placement->fillLangAll(); if (!is_null($placement->getLangAll())) { foreach ($placement->getLangAll() as $lang) { $langList[$lang->getLanguageId()] = [ 'TITLE' => $lang->getTitle(), 'DESCRIPTION' => $lang->getDescription(), 'GROUP_NAME' => $lang->getGroupName(), ]; } } $result[] = array( 'placement' => $placement->getPlacement(), 'userId' => $placement->getUserId(), 'handler' => $placement->getPlacementHandler(), 'options' => $placement->getOptions(), 'title' => $placement->getTitle(), 'description' => $placement->getComment(), 'langAll' => $langList, ); } } return $result; } protected static function checkPermission(\CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException("Application context required"); } if(!\CRestUtil::isAdmin()) { throw new AccessException(); } } protected static function getScope(\CRestServer $server) { $result = array(); $authData = $server->getAuthData(); $scopeList = explode(',', $authData['scope']); $serviceDescription = $server->getServiceDescription(); foreach($scopeList as $scope) { if(array_key_exists($scope, $serviceDescription)) { $result[] = $scope; } } return $result; } protected static function getApplicationInfo(\CRestServer $server) { if($server->getAuthType() !== Auth::AUTH_TYPE) { throw new AuthTypeException("Application context required"); } return AppTable::getByClientId($server->getClientId()); } protected static function getPlacementList(\CRestServer $server, $scopeList = null) { $serviceDescription = $server->getServiceDescription(); if($scopeList === null) { $scopeList = array_keys($serviceDescription); } $result = array(); foreach($scopeList as $scope) { if( isset($serviceDescription[$scope]) && is_array($serviceDescription[$scope][\CRestUtil::PLACEMENTS]) ) { $result = array_merge($result, $serviceDescription[$scope][\CRestUtil::PLACEMENTS]); } } return $result; } }