Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Rest\Api; use Bitrix\Intranet\Invitation; use Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\UserTable; use Bitrix\Rest\AppTable; use Bitrix\Rest\NonLoggedExceptionDecorator; use Bitrix\Rest\RestException; use Bitrix\Rest\Controller\File; use Bitrix\Rest\Exceptions\ArgumentException; class User extends \IRestService { public const SCOPE_USER = 'user'; public const SCOPE_USER_BASIC = 'user_basic'; public const SCOPE_USER_BRIEF = 'user_brief'; private const ALLOWED_USER_NAME_FIELDS = [ 'ID', 'XML_ID', 'ACTIVE', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'TITLE', 'IS_ONLINE', 'TIME_ZONE', 'TIME_ZONE_OFFSET', 'TIME_ZONE_OFFSET', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'DATE_REGISTER', 'PERSONAL_PROFESSION', 'PERSONAL_GENDER', 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_CITY', 'PERSONAL_STATE', 'PERSONAL_COUNTRY', 'WORK_POSITION', 'WORK_CITY', 'WORK_STATE', 'WORK_COUNTRY', 'LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE', 'UF_EMPLOYMENT_DATE', 'UF_TIMEMAN', 'UF_SKILLS', 'UF_INTERESTS', 'UF_DEPARTMENT', 'UF_PHONE_INNER', ]; private const ALLOWED_USER_BASIC_FIELDS = [ 'ID', 'XML_ID', 'ACTIVE', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'TITLE', 'EMAIL', 'PERSONAL_PHONE', 'WORK_PHONE', 'WORK_POSITION', 'WORK_COMPANY', 'IS_ONLINE', 'TIME_ZONE', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'TIME_ZONE_OFFSET', 'DATE_REGISTER', 'LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE', 'PERSONAL_PROFESSION', 'PERSONAL_GENDER', 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_PHONE', 'PERSONAL_FAX', 'PERSONAL_MOBILE', 'PERSONAL_PAGER', 'PERSONAL_STREET', 'PERSONAL_MAILBOX', 'PERSONAL_CITY', 'PERSONAL_STATE', 'PERSONAL_ZIP', 'PERSONAL_COUNTRY', 'PERSONAL_NOTES', 'WORK_COMPANY', 'WORK_DEPARTMENT', 'WORK_POSITION', 'WORK_WWW', 'WORK_PHONE', 'WORK_FAX', 'WORK_PAGER', 'WORK_STREET', 'WORK_MAILBOX', 'WORK_CITY', 'WORK_STATE', 'WORK_ZIP', 'WORK_COUNTRY', 'WORK_PROFILE', 'WORK_LOGO', 'WORK_NOTES', 'UF_DEPARTMENT', 'UF_DISTRICT', 'UF_SKYPE', 'UF_SKYPE_LINK', 'UF_ZOOM', 'UF_TWITTER', 'UF_FACEBOOK', 'UF_LINKEDIN', 'UF_XING', 'UF_WEB_SITES', 'UF_PHONE_INNER', 'UF_EMPLOYMENT_DATE', 'UF_TIMEMAN', 'UF_SKILLS', 'UF_INTERESTS', ]; private static $entityUser = 'USER'; private static $nameFieldFullPrefix = 'UF_USR_'; private static $userUserFieldList; protected static $allowedUserFields = array( 'ID', 'XML_ID', 'ACTIVE', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'TITLE', 'EMAIL', 'LAST_LOGIN', 'DATE_REGISTER', 'TIME_ZONE', 'IS_ONLINE', 'TIME_ZONE_OFFSET', 'TIMESTAMP_X', 'LAST_ACTIVITY_DATE', 'PERSONAL_GENDER', 'PERSONAL_PROFESSION', 'PERSONAL_WWW', 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_ICQ', 'PERSONAL_PHONE', 'PERSONAL_FAX', 'PERSONAL_MOBILE', 'PERSONAL_PAGER', 'PERSONAL_STREET', 'PERSONAL_CITY', 'PERSONAL_STATE', 'PERSONAL_ZIP', 'PERSONAL_COUNTRY', 'PERSONAL_MAILBOX', 'PERSONAL_NOTES', 'PERSONAL_PROFESSION', 'PERSONAL_GENDER', 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY', 'WORK_PHONE', 'WORK_COMPANY', 'WORK_POSITION', 'WORK_DEPARTMENT', 'WORK_WWW', 'WORK_FAX', 'WORK_PAGER', 'WORK_STREET', 'WORK_MAILBOX', 'WORK_CITY', 'WORK_STATE', 'WORK_ZIP', 'WORK_COUNTRY', 'WORK_PROFILE', 'WORK_LOGO', 'WORK_NOTES', 'UF_SKYPE_LINK', 'UF_ZOOM', 'UF_EMPLOYMENT_DATE', 'UF_TIMEMAN', 'UF_DEPARTMENT', 'UF_INTERESTS', 'UF_SKILLS', 'UF_WEB_SITES', 'UF_XING', 'UF_LINKEDIN', 'UF_FACEBOOK', 'UF_TWITTER', 'UF_SKYPE', 'UF_DISTRICT', 'UF_PHONE_INNER', ); protected static $holdEditFields = [ "LAST_LOGIN", "DATE_REGISTER", "IS_ONLINE", "TIME_ZONE_OFFSET", ]; public static function getDefaultAllowedUserFields() { $result = static::$allowedUserFields; if (Loader::includeModule('intranet')) { $result[] = 'USER_TYPE'; } return $result; } private static function isMainScope(\CRestServer $server) { return in_array(static::SCOPE_USER, $server->getAuthScope()); } private static function getErrorScope() { return [ 'error' => 'insufficient_scope', 'error_description' => 'The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token', ]; } private static function getAllowedUserFields($scopeList): array { $result = []; if (in_array(static::SCOPE_USER, $scopeList)) { $result = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } else { if (in_array(static::SCOPE_USER_BASIC, $scopeList)) { $result = static::ALLOWED_USER_BASIC_FIELDS; } elseif (in_array(static::SCOPE_USER_BRIEF, $scopeList)) { $result = static::ALLOWED_USER_NAME_FIELDS; } if (Loader::includeModule('intranet')) { $result[] = 'USER_TYPE'; } if (in_array(UserField::SCOPE_USER_USERFIELD, $scopeList)) { $result = array_merge($result, static::getUserFields()); } } return $result; } public static function unsetDefaultAllowedUserField($key) { unset(static::$allowedUserFields[$key]); } public static function setDefaultAllowedUserField($field) { static::$allowedUserFields[] = $field; } public static function onRestServiceBuildDescription() { $result = array( \CRestUtil::GLOBAL_SCOPE => array( 'user.admin' => array(__CLASS__, 'isAdmin'), 'user.access' => array(__CLASS__, 'hasAccess'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'getAccess'), ) ); if(ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $result[static::SCOPE_USER] = array( 'user.fields' => array(__CLASS__, 'getFields'), 'user.current' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCurrent'), 'user.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), 'user.add' => array(__CLASS__, 'userAdd'), 'user.update' => array(__CLASS__, 'userUpdate'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userOnline'), 'user.counters' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCounters'), \CRestUtil::EVENTS => array( 'OnUserAdd' => array('main', 'OnUserInitialize', array(__CLASS__, 'onUserInitialize')), ), ); $result[static::SCOPE_USER_BRIEF] = [ 'user.fields' => array(__CLASS__, 'getFields'), 'user.current' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCurrent'), 'user.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userOnline'), 'user.counters' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCounters'), \CRestUtil::EVENTS => array( 'OnUserAdd' => array('main', 'OnUserInitialize', array(__CLASS__, 'onUserInitialize')), ), ]; $result[static::SCOPE_USER_BASIC] = [ 'user.fields' => array(__CLASS__, 'getFields'), 'user.current' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCurrent'), 'user.get' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userGet'), '' => array(__CLASS__, 'userOnline'), 'user.counters' => array(__CLASS__, 'userCounters'), \CRestUtil::EVENTS => array( 'OnUserAdd' => array('main', 'OnUserInitialize', array(__CLASS__, 'onUserInitialize')), ), ]; $result[UserField::SCOPE_USER_USERFIELD] = [ 'user.userfield.add' => [UserField::class, 'addRest'], 'user.userfield.update' => [UserField::class, 'updateRest'], 'user.userfield.delete' => [UserField::class, 'deleteRest'], 'user.userfield.list' => [UserField::class, 'getListRest'], 'user.userfield.file.get' => [__CLASS__, 'getFile'], ]; } return $result; } private static function getUserFields() { if (is_null(static::$userUserFieldList)) { static::$userUserFieldList = []; global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $fields = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("USER"); foreach ($fields as $code => $field) { if (mb_strpos($code, static::$nameFieldFullPrefix) === 0) { static::$userUserFieldList[] = $code; } } } return static::$userUserFieldList; } protected static function checkAllowedFields() { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $fields = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->GetUserFields("USER"); foreach(static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields() as $key => $field) { if(mb_substr($field, 0, 3) === 'UF_' && !array_key_exists($field, $fields)) { static::unsetDefaultAllowedUserField($key); } } foreach ($fields as $code => $field) { if (mb_strpos($code, static::$nameFieldFullPrefix) === 0) { static::setDefaultAllowedUserField($code); } } } public static function onUserInitialize($arParams, $arHandler) { $ID = $arParams[0]; $dbRes = \CUser::GetByID($ID); $arUser = $dbRes->Fetch(); if(in_array($arUser['EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'], UserTable::getExternalUserTypes())) { throw new RestException('Unnecessary event call for this user type'); } $allowedFields = null; if ($arHandler['APP_ID'] > 0) { $app = AppTable::getByClientId($arHandler['APP_CODE']); if ($app['SCOPE']) { $scope = explode(',', $app['SCOPE']); $allowedFields = static::getAllowedUserFields($scope); } } $arRes = self::getUserData($arUser, $allowedFields); if($arUser['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $arRes['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] = \CRestUtil::GetFile($arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); } return $arRes; } public static function isAdmin() { return \CRestUtil::isAdmin(); } public static function hasAccess($params) { global $USER; $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); if(!isset($params['ACCESS']) || !is_array($params['ACCESS'])) { $params['ACCESS'] = [$params['ACCESS'] ?? null]; } return self::isAdmin() || $USER->canAccess($params['ACCESS']); } public static function getAccess($params) { $params = array_change_key_case($params, CASE_UPPER); if(!isset($params['ACCESS']) || !is_array($params['ACCESS']) || count($params['ACCESS']) <= 0) { return false; } else { $ob = new \CAccess(); $res = $ob->getNames($params['ACCESS']); foreach($res as $key => $value) { if(!in_array($key, $params['ACCESS'])) unset($res[$key]); } return $res; } } public static function getFields($query = [], $nav = 0, \CRestServer $server = null) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; static::checkAllowedFields(); $res = array(); $langMessages = array_merge( IncludeModuleLangFile('/bitrix/modules/main/admin/user_edit.php', false, true), IncludeModuleLangFile('/bitrix/modules/main/admin/user_admin.php', false, true) ); $fieldsList = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields('USER', 0, LANGUAGE_ID); if (!is_null($server)) { $allowedFields = static::getAllowedUserFields($server->getAuthScope()); } else { $allowedFields = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } foreach ($allowedFields as $key) { if(mb_substr($key, 0, 3) != 'UF_') { $lkey = isset($langMessages[$key]) ? $key : str_replace('PERSONAL_', 'USER_', $key); $res[$key] = isset($langMessages[$lkey]) ? $langMessages[$lkey] : $key; if(mb_substr($res[$key], -1) == ':') { $res[$key] = mb_substr($res[$key], 0, -1); } } else { $res[$key] = $fieldsList[$key]['EDIT_FORM_LABEL']; } } return $res; } public static function userCurrent($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { global $USER; static::checkAllowedFields(); $dbRes = \CUser::getByID($USER->getID()); $userFields = $dbRes->fetch(); $allowedFields = static::getAllowedUserFields($server->getAuthScope()); $result = self::getUserData($userFields, $allowedFields); if($userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $result['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] = \CRestUtil::GetFile($userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); } $server->setSecurityState(array( "ID" => $result['ID'], "EMAIL" => $result['EMAIL'] ?? '', "NAME" => $result['NAME'], )); return $result; } public static function userGet($query, $nav = 0, \CRestServer $server) { global $USER; static::checkAllowedFields(); static $moduleAdminList = false; $query = array_change_key_case($query, CASE_UPPER); $sort = $query['SORT'] ?? null; $order = $query['ORDER'] ?? null; $adminMode = false; //getting resize preset before user data preparing $resizePresets = [ "small"=>["width"=>150, "height" => 150], "medium"=>["width"=>300, "height" => 300], "large"=>["width"=>1000, "height" => 1000], ]; $presetName = $query["IMAGE_RESIZE"] ?? null; $resize = ($presetName && $resizePresets[$presetName] ? $resizePresets[$presetName] : false); if (isset($query['ADMIN_MODE']) && $query['ADMIN_MODE']) { if ($moduleAdminList === false && Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { $moduleAdminList = \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\User::getModuleAdminList(array(SITE_ID, false)); } if (is_array($moduleAdminList)) { $adminMode = (array_key_exists($USER->getID(), $moduleAdminList)); } } $allowedUserFields = static::getAllowedUserFields($server->getAuthScope()); $allowedUserFields[] = 'IS_ONLINE'; $allowedUserFields[] = 'HAS_DEPARTAMENT'; $allowedUserFields[] = 'NAME_SEARCH'; $allowedUserFields[] = 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'; if ($server->getMethod() == "") { $allowedUserFields[] = 'FIND'; $allowedUserFields[] = 'UF_DEPARTMENT_NAME'; $allowedUserFields[] = 'CONFIRM_CODE'; } if (isset($query['FILTER']) && is_array($query['FILTER'])) { /** * The following code is a mistake * but it must be here to save backward compatibility */ $query = array_change_key_case($query['FILTER'], CASE_UPPER); } $filter = self::prepareUserFilter( $query, $allowedUserFields, [ 'HAS_DEPARTAMENT', 'NAME_SEARCH', 'FIND' ] ); if (isset($filter['NAME_SEARCH']) || isset($filter['FIND'])) { $nameSearch = isset($filter['NAME_SEARCH'])? $filter['NAME_SEARCH']: $filter['FIND']; unset($filter['NAME_SEARCH']); unset($filter['FIND']); $filter = array_merge($filter, \Bitrix\Main\UserUtils::getUserSearchFilter(Array( 'FIND' => $nameSearch ))); } else if ($server->getMethod() == "") { $previousFilter = $filter; unset($filter['NAME']); unset($filter['LAST_NAME']); unset($filter['SECOND_NAME']); unset($filter['WORK_POSITION']); unset($filter['UF_DEPARTMENT_NAME']); $filter = array_merge($filter, \Bitrix\Main\UserUtils::getUserSearchFilter(Array( 'NAME' => $previousFilter['NAME'] ?? null, 'LAST_NAME' => $previousFilter['LAST_NAME'] ?? null, 'SECOND_NAME' => $previousFilter['SECOND_NAME'] ?? null, 'WORK_POSITION' => $previousFilter['WORK_POSITION'] ?? null, 'UF_DEPARTMENT_NAME' => $previousFilter['UF_DEPARTMENT_NAME'] ?? null, ))); } if ( !$adminMode && Loader::includeModule("extranet") ) { $filteredUserIDs = \CExtranet::getMyGroupsUsersSimple(\CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID()); $filteredUserIDs[] = $USER->getID(); if (\CExtranet::isIntranetUser()) { if ( !isset($filter["ID"]) || !Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork') || !\CSocNetUser::IsCurrentUserModuleAdmin(\CSite::getDefSite(), false) ) { $filter[] = array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '!UF_DEPARTMENT' => false, 'ID' => $filteredUserIDs ); } } else { $filter["ID"] = (isset($filter["ID"]) ? array_intersect((is_array($filter["ID"]) ? $filter["ID"] : array($filter["ID"])), $filteredUserIDs) : $filteredUserIDs); } } if (array_key_exists('HAS_DEPARTAMENT', $filter)) { if ($filter['HAS_DEPARTAMENT'] === 'Y') { $filter[] = [ 'LOGIC' => 'AND', '!UF_DEPARTMENT' => false, ]; } unset($filter['HAS_DEPARTAMENT']); } $filter['=IS_REAL_USER'] = 'Y'; $getListClassName = '\Bitrix\Main\UserTable'; if (Loader::includeModule('intranet')) { $getListClassName = '\Bitrix\Intranet\UserTable'; } $getListMethodName = 'getList'; $navParams = self::getNavData($nav, true); $querySort = []; if ($sort && $order) { $querySort[$sort] = $order; } $allowedFields = static::getAllowedUserFields($server->getAuthScope()); $dbRes = $getListClassName::$getListMethodName( [ 'order' => $querySort, 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => $allowedFields, 'limit' => $navParams['limit'], 'offset' => $navParams['offset'], 'data_doubling' => false, 'count_total' => $nav !== -1, ] ); $result = []; $files = []; while ($userInfo = $dbRes->fetch()) { $result[] = self::getUserData($userInfo, $allowedFields); if ($userInfo['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $files[] = $userInfo['PERSONAL_PHOTO']; } } if (count($files) > 0) { $files = \CRestUtil::getFile($files, $resize); foreach ($result as $key => $userInfo) { if (isset($userInfo['PERSONAL_PHOTO']) && $userInfo['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $result[$key]['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] = $files[$userInfo['PERSONAL_PHOTO']]; } } } if ($result) { $count = 0; if ($nav !== -1) { try { $count = $dbRes->getCount(); } catch (ObjectPropertyException $exception) { } } return self::setNavData( $result, [ 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $navParams['offset'] ] ); } return $result; } public static function userOnline() { $dbRes = UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_ONLINE' => 'Y', ), 'select' => array('ID') )); $onlineUsers = array(); while($userData = $dbRes->fetch()) { $onlineUsers[] = $userData['ID']; } return $onlineUsers; } public static function userCounters($arParams) { $arParams = array_change_key_case($arParams, CASE_UPPER); global $USER; $counters = \CUserCounter::GetAllValues($USER->getID()); if (!isset($arParams['SKIP_LIVEFEED_GROUP']) || $arParams['SKIP_LIVEFEED_GROUP'] != 'Y') { $counters = \CUserCounter::getGroupedCounters($counters); } return $counters; } public static function userAdd($userFields, $nav = 0, \CRestServer $server = null) { if (!is_null($server) && !static::isMainScope($server)) { return static::getErrorScope(); } global $APPLICATION, $USER; static::checkAllowedFields(); $bB24 = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24'); $res = false; if( ( $bB24 && $USER->canDoOperation('bitrix24_invite') || $USER->canDoOperation('edit_all_users') ) && Loader::includeModule('intranet')) { $userFields = array_change_key_case($userFields, CASE_UPPER); $bExtranet = false; if ( isset($userFields["EXTRANET"]) && $userFields["EXTRANET"] == "Y" ) { if (IsModuleInstalled('extranet')) { $bExtranet = true; $userFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"] = array(); if (!empty($userFields["SONET_GROUP_ID"])) { $sonetGroupId = $userFields["SONET_GROUP_ID"]; if (!is_array($sonetGroupId)) { $sonetGroupId = array($sonetGroupId); } unset($userFields["SONET_GROUP_ID"]); } else { throw new ArgumentException('no_sonet_group_for_extranet'); } } unset($userFields["EXTRANET"]); } $inviteFields = self::prepareSaveData($userFields); $userFields["EMAIL"] = trim($userFields["EMAIL"] ?? ''); if(check_email($userFields["EMAIL"])) { $siteId = self::getDefaultSite(); if(\CIntranetInviteDialog::checkUsersCount(1)) { if ( IsModuleInstalled('extranet') && empty($inviteFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"]) && !$bExtranet ) { throw new ArgumentException('no_extranet_field'); } $inviteFields['EMAIL'] = $userFields["EMAIL"]; $inviteFields['ACTIVE'] = (isset($inviteFields['ACTIVE'])? $inviteFields['ACTIVE'] : 'Y'); $inviteFields['GROUP_ID'] = \CIntranetInviteDialog::getUserGroups($siteId, $bExtranet); $inviteFields["CONFIRM_CODE"] = randString(8); $ID = \CIntranetInviteDialog::RegisterUser($inviteFields); if(is_array($ID)) { throw new ArgumentException(implode("\n", $ID)); } elseif($ID > 0) { $obUser = new \CUser; if(!$obUser->update($ID, $inviteFields)) { throw new \Exception($obUser->LAST_ERROR); } $inviteFields['ID'] = $ID; Invitation::add([ 'USER_ID' => $ID, 'TYPE' => Invitation::TYPE_EMAIL ]); \CIntranetInviteDialog::InviteUser( $inviteFields, (isset($userFields["MESSAGE_TEXT"])) ? htmlspecialcharsbx($userFields["MESSAGE_TEXT"]) : GetMessage("BX24_INVITE_DIALOG_INVITE_MESSAGE_TEXT_1") ); if ( isset($sonetGroupId) && is_array($sonetGroupId) && \CModule::IncludeModule('socialnetwork') ) { foreach($sonetGroupId as $groupId) { if (!\CSocNetUserToGroup::SendRequestToJoinGroup($USER->GetID(), $ID, $groupId, "", false)) { if ($e = $APPLICATION->GetException()) { throw new \Exception($e->GetString()); } } } } $res = $ID; } } else { throw new ArgumentException('user_count_exceeded'); } } else { throw new ArgumentException('wrong_email'); } } else { throw new NonLoggedExceptionDecorator(\Exception('access_denied')); } return $res; } public static function userUpdate($userFields, $nav = 0, \CRestServer $server = null) { if (!is_null($server) && !static::isMainScope($server)) { return static::getErrorScope(); } global $USER; static::checkAllowedFields(); $bB24 = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24'); $bAdmin = ($bB24 && $USER->canDoOperation('bitrix24_invite')) || $USER->canDoOperation('edit_all_users'); $userFields = array_change_key_case($userFields, CASE_UPPER); if(isset($userFields['ID']) && $userFields['ID'] > 0) { if($bAdmin || ($USER->getID() == $userFields['ID'] && $USER->CanDoOperation('edit_own_profile'))) { $updateFields = self::prepareSaveData($userFields); // security if(!$bAdmin) { unset($updateFields['ACTIVE']); unset($updateFields['UF_DEPARTMENT']); } // \security $obUser = new \CUser; if(!$obUser->update($userFields['ID'], $updateFields)) { throw new NonLoggedExceptionDecorator(new \Exception($obUser->LAST_ERROR)); } else { $res = true; } } else { throw new NonLoggedExceptionDecorator(new \Exception('access_denied')); } } else { throw new NonLoggedExceptionDecorator(new \Exception('access_denied')); } return $res; } private static function prepareUserField($params, $data) { $result = $data; switch ($params['USER_TYPE_ID']) { case 'datetime': $result = \CRestUtil::unConvertDateTime($data); break; case 'date': $result = \CRestUtil::unConvertDate($data); break; case 'file': if (is_array($data)) { if ($params['MULTIPLE'] === 'N') { if (!empty($data['fileData'])) { $result = \CRestUtil::saveFile($data['fileData']); $result['old_id'] = $params['VALUE']; } $id = isset($data['id']) ? (int)$data['id'] : 0; $remove = isset($data['remove']) && is_string($data['remove']) && mb_strtoupper($data['remove']) === 'Y'; if ($remove && $id > 0) { $result = [ 'old_id' => $id, 'del' => 'Y' ]; } } else { if ($params['VALUE']) { $result = array_merge($result, $params['VALUE']); } foreach ($result as $key => $value) { if ($value['fileData']) { $result[$key] = \CRestUtil::saveFile($value['fileData']); } else { $id = isset($value['id']) ? (int)$value['id'] : 0; $remove = isset($value['remove']) && is_string($value['remove']) && mb_strtoupper($value['remove']) === 'Y'; if ($remove && $id > 0) { $result[$key] = [ 'old_id' => $id, 'del' => 'Y' ]; } elseif ($value > 0) { $result[$key] = [ 'old_id' => $value, 'error' => 'Y' ]; } } } } } break; } return $result; } /** * @deprecated * @param $userData * @param null $allowedUserFields * @return array */ protected static function prepareUserData($userData, $allowedUserFields = null) { $user = array(); if (!$allowedUserFields) { $allowedUserFields = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } foreach($userData as $key => $value) { if(in_array($key, $allowedUserFields, true)) { $user[$key] = static::prepareUserValue($key, $value); } } return $user; } private static function prepareUserValue($code, $value) { switch ($code): case 'ID': if (is_array($value) && !empty($value)) { $value = array_map('intval', $value); } else { $value = (int)($value); } break; case 'ACTIVE': case 'IS_ONLINE': $value = ($value && $value !== 'N')? 'Y' : 'N'; break; case 'AUTO_TIME_ZONE': $value = $value === 'Y'? 'Y' : 'N'; break; case 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY': $value = \CRestUtil::unConvertDate($value); break; case 'PERSONAL_PHOTO': $value = \CRestUtil::saveFile($value); if(!$value) { $value = [ 'del' => 'Y', ]; } break; case 'UF_DEPARTMENT': if(!is_array($value) && !empty($value)) { $value = [ $value ]; } break; case 'CONFIRM_CODE': if($value === '0') { $value = false; } break; endswitch; return $value; } private static function prepareUserFilter($query, $allowedUserFields = null, $clearFilterType = []): array { $filter = []; if (!$allowedUserFields) { $allowedUserFields = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } foreach ($query as $code => $value) { $filterType = ''; $matches = []; if (preg_match('/^([\W]{1,2})(.+)/', $code, $matches) && $matches[2]) { $filterType = $matches[1]; $code = $matches[2]; } if (in_array($code, $allowedUserFields, true)) { if ($filterType !== '' && in_array($code, $clearFilterType, true)) { $filterType = ''; } elseif ($filterType === '' && in_array($code, ['USER_TYPE', 'ACTIVE'], true)) { $filterType = '='; } $filter[$filterType . $code] = static::prepareUserValue($code, $value); } } return $filter; } protected static function prepareSaveData($userData, $allowedUserFields = null) { global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $user = array(); if (!$allowedUserFields) { $allowedUserFields = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } $userId = (int)($userData['ID'] ?? 0); $fieldsList = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields('USER', $userId, LANGUAGE_ID); foreach ($userData as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $allowedUserFields, true)) { if (mb_strpos($key, static::$nameFieldFullPrefix) === 0) { $user[$key] = static::prepareUserField($fieldsList[$key], $value); } else { $user[$key] = $value; } } } if (isset($user['ACTIVE'])) $user['ACTIVE'] = ($user['ACTIVE'] && $user['ACTIVE'] != 'N') ? 'Y' : 'N'; if (isset($user['PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY'])) $user['PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY'] = \CRestUtil::unConvertDate($user['PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY']); if (isset($user['UF_DEPARTMENT']) && !is_array($user['UF_DEPARTMENT']) && !empty($user['UF_DEPARTMENT'])) $user['UF_DEPARTMENT'] = array($user['UF_DEPARTMENT']); if (isset($user['PERSONAL_PHOTO'])) { $user['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] = \CRestUtil::saveFile($user['PERSONAL_PHOTO']); if (!$user['PERSONAL_PHOTO']) { $user['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] = array('del' => 'Y'); } } $user = array_diff_key($user, array_fill_keys(static::$holdEditFields, 'Y')); return $user; } protected static function getUserData($userFields, $allowedFields = null) { static $extranetModuleInstalled = null; if ($extranetModuleInstalled === null) { $extranetModuleInstalled = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('extranet'); } global $USER_FIELD_MANAGER; $fieldsList = $USER_FIELD_MANAGER->getUserFields(static::$entityUser, 0, LANGUAGE_ID); $urlManager = \Bitrix\Main\Engine\UrlManager::getInstance(); $res = array(); if (is_null($allowedFields)) { $allowedFields = static::getDefaultAllowedUserFields(); } foreach ($allowedFields as $key) { switch ($key) { case 'ACTIVE': $res[$key] = $userFields[$key] == 'Y'; break; case 'PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY': case 'DATE_REGISTER': $res[$key] = \CRestUtil::convertDate($userFields[$key]); break; case 'LAST_LOGIN': $res[$key] = \CRestUtil::convertDateTime($userFields[$key]); break; case 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID': $res['IS_NETWORK'] = $userFields[$key] == 'replica'; $res['IS_EMAIL'] = $userFields[$key] == 'email'; unset($userFields[$key]); break; default: if (!empty($fieldsList[$key])) { if ($fieldsList[$key]['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'date') { if ($fieldsList[$key]['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y' && is_array($userFields[$key])) { foreach ($userFields[$key] as $k => $value) { $res[$key][$k] = \CRestUtil::convertDate($userFields[$key][$k]); } } else { $res[$key] = \CRestUtil::convertDate($userFields[$key]); } } elseif ($fieldsList[$key]['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'datetime') { if ($fieldsList[$key]['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y' && is_array($userFields[$key])) { foreach ($userFields[$key] as $k => $value) { $res[$key][$k] = \CRestUtil::convertDateTime($userFields[$key][$k]); } } else { $res[$key] = \CRestUtil::convertDateTime($userFields[$key]); } } elseif ($fieldsList[$key]['USER_TYPE_ID'] === 'file') { if ($fieldsList[$key]['MULTIPLE'] === 'Y' && is_array($userFields[$key])) { foreach ($userFields[$key] as $k => $value) { $res[$key][$k] = [ 'id' => $userFields[$key][$k], 'showUrl' => $urlManager->create( 'rest.file.get', [ 'entity' => static::$entityUser, 'id' => $userFields['ID'], 'field' => $key, 'value' => $userFields[$key] ] ), 'downloadData' => [ 'id' => $userFields['ID'], 'field' => $key, 'value' => $userFields[$key][$k], ], ]; } } else { $res[$key] = [ 'id' => $userFields[$key], 'showUrl' => $urlManager->create( 'rest.file.get', [ 'entity' => static::$entityUser, 'id' => $userFields['ID'], 'field' => $key, 'value' => $userFields[$key] ] ), 'downloadData' => [ 'id' => $userFields['ID'], 'field' => $key, 'value' => $userFields[$key] ] ]; } } } if (!isset($res[$key]) && isset($userFields[$key])) { $res[$key] = $userFields[$key]; } break; } } return $res; } public static function getFile($query, $n, \CRestServer $server) { $file = new File(); return $file->getAction(static::$entityUser, $query['id'], $query['field'], $query['value'], $server); } protected static function getDefaultSite() { return \CSite::getDefSite(); } }