Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Rest; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ArrayField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\OneToMany; use Bitrix\Main\EventManager; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use Bitrix\Rest\UserField\Callback; use Bitrix\Rest\Lang; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class PlacementTable * * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> APP_ID int optional * <li> PLACEMENT string(255) mandatory * <li> PLACEMENT_HANDLER string(255) mandatory * <li> TITLE string(255) optional * <li> COMMENT string(255) optional * <li> DATE_CREATE datetime optional * </ul> * * @package Bitrix\Rest * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING BELOW THIS * * <<< ORMENTITYANNOTATION * @method static EO_Placement_Query query() * @method static EO_Placement_Result getByPrimary($primary, array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_Placement_Result getById($id) * @method static EO_Placement_Result getList(array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_Placement_Entity getEntity() * @method static \Bitrix\Rest\EO_Placement createObject($setDefaultValues = true) * @method static \Bitrix\Rest\EO_Placement_Collection createCollection() * @method static \Bitrix\Rest\EO_Placement wakeUpObject($row) * @method static \Bitrix\Rest\EO_Placement_Collection wakeUpCollection($rows) */ class PlacementTable extends Main\Entity\DataManager { public const PREFIX_EVENT_ON_AFTER_ADD = 'onAfterPlacementAdd::'; public const PREFIX_EVENT_ON_AFTER_DELETE = 'onAfterPlacementDelete::'; public const DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE = 0; const PLACEMENT_DEFAULT = 'DEFAULT'; const ERROR_PLACEMENT_NOT_FOUND = 'ERROR_PLACEMENT_NOT_FOUND'; const ERROR_PLACEMENT_MAX_COUNT = 'ERROR_PLACEMENT_MAX_COUNT'; const ERROR_PLACEMENT_USER_MODE = 'ERROR_PLACEMENT_USER_MODE'; const CACHE_TTL = 86400; const CACHE_DIR = 'rest/placement'; protected static $handlersListCache = []; private static $beforeDeleteList = []; /** * Returns DB table name for entity. * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_rest_placement'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'APP_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'USER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'PLACEMENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), 'PLACEMENT_HANDLER' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ), /** * @deprecated * Use LANG.GROUP_NAME */ 'GROUP_NAME' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'ICON_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), /** * @deprecated * Use LANG.TITLE */ 'TITLE' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), /** * @deprecated * Use LANG.DESCRIPTION */ 'COMMENT' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'DATE_CREATE' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', ), 'ADDITIONAL' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', ), 'OPTIONS' => new ArrayField('OPTIONS'), 'REST_APP' => array( 'data_type' => 'Bitrix\Rest\AppTable', 'reference' => array('=this.APP_ID' => 'ref.ID'), ), (new OneToMany( 'LANG_ALL', \Bitrix\Rest\PlacementLangTable::class, 'PLACEMENT' ))->configureJoinType('left'), ); } private static function getUserFilter($userId) { if (is_null($userId)) { global $USER; if ($USER instanceof \CUser) { $userId = (int)$USER->getId(); } } if ($userId > 0) { $result = [ static::DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE, $userId, ]; } else { $result = static::DEFAULT_USER_ID_VALUE; } return $result; } /** * Returns list of placement handlers. Use \Bitrix\Rest\PlacementTable::getHandlersList. * * @param string $placement Placement ID. * * @return Main\DB\Result */ public static function getHandlers($placement, int $userId = null) { $dbRes = static::getList( [ 'filter' => [ '=PLACEMENT' => $placement, '=REST_APP.ACTIVE' => AppTable::ACTIVE, '=USER_ID' => static::getUserFilter($userId), ], 'select' => [ 'ID', 'ICON_ID', 'TITLE', 'GROUP_NAME', 'OPTIONS', 'COMMENT', 'APP_ID', 'ADDITIONAL', 'INSTALLED' => 'REST_APP.INSTALLED', 'APP_NAME' => 'REST_APP.APP_NAME', 'APP_ACCESS' => 'REST_APP.ACCESS', ], ] ); return $dbRes; } /** * Removes all application placement handlers. * * @param int $appId Application ID. * * @return Main\DB\Result */ public static function deleteByApp($appId) { PlacementLangTable::deleteByApp((int) $appId); $connection = Main\Application::getConnection(); $res = static::getList( [ 'filter' => [ '=APP_ID' => (int)$appId, ], 'select' => [ 'ID', 'APP_ID', 'PLACEMENT', 'PLACEMENT_HANDLER', 'ICON_ID', 'ADDITIONAL', 'OPTIONS', ], 'limit' => 1, ] ); $eventList = []; while ($placement = $res->fetch()) { $eventList[] = new Event( 'rest', static::PREFIX_EVENT_ON_AFTER_DELETE . $placement['PLACEMENT'], [ 'ID' => $placement['ID'], 'PLACEMENT' => $placement['PLACEMENT'], ] ); } $queryResult = $connection->query("DELETE FROM ".static::getTableName()." WHERE APP_ID='".intval($appId)."'"); foreach ($eventList as $event) { EventManager::getInstance()->send($event); } static::clearHandlerCache(); return $queryResult; } /** * Returns cached list of placement handlers. * * @param string $placement Placement ID * @param bool $skipInstallCheck Optional flag to allow placement from apps with unfinished install * * @return array */ public static function getHandlersList($placement, $skipInstallCheck = false, int $userId = null) { if(!array_key_exists($placement, static::$handlersListCache)) { static::$handlersListCache[$placement] = array(); $cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); if($cache->read(static::CACHE_TTL, static::getCacheId($placement), static::CACHE_DIR)) { static::$handlersListCache = $cache->get(static::getCacheId($placement)); } else { $res = static::getHandlers($placement, $userId); foreach ($res->fetchCollection() as $handler) { $id = $handler->getId(); $app = $handler->getRestApp(); $placementItem = [ 'ID' => $id, 'APP_ID' => $handler->getAppId(), 'USER_ID' => $handler->getUserId(), 'ICON_ID' => $handler->getIconId(), 'ADDITIONAL' => $handler->getAdditional(), 'TITLE' => '', /** * @deprecated * Use DESCRIPTION */ 'COMMENT' => '', 'DESCRIPTION' => '', 'GROUP_NAME' => '', 'OPTIONS' => $handler->getOptions(), 'INSTALLED' => $app->getInstalled(), 'APP_NAME' => $app->getAppName(), 'APP_ACCESS' => $app->getAccess(), 'LANG_ALL' => [], ]; if ($placementItem['ICON_ID'] > 0 && ($file = \CFile::GetFileArray($placementItem['ICON_ID']))) { $placementItem['ICON'] = array_change_key_case($file, CASE_LOWER); } $handler->fillLangAll(); if (!is_null($handler->getLangAll())) { foreach ($handler->getLangAll() as $lang) { $placementItem['LANG_ALL'][$lang->getLanguageId()] = [ 'TITLE' => $lang->getTitle(), 'DESCRIPTION' => $lang->getDescription(), 'GROUP_NAME' => $lang->getGroupName(), ]; } } static::$handlersListCache[$placement][] = $placementItem; } $cache->set(static::getCacheId($placement), static::$handlersListCache); } } $result = static::$handlersListCache[$placement]; foreach($result as $key => $handler) { if(!$skipInstallCheck && $handler['INSTALLED'] === AppTable::NOT_INSTALLED) { unset($result[$key]); } elseif( $placement !== Api\UserFieldType::PLACEMENT_UF_TYPE && !\CRestUtil::checkAppAccess($handler['APP_ID'], array( 'ACCESS' => $handler['APP_ACCESS'] ) ) ) { unset($result[$key]); } else { $result[$key] = Lang::mergeFromLangAll($handler); if (empty($result[$key]['TITLE'])) { $result[$key]['TITLE'] = static::getDefaultTitle($handler['ID']); } } } $result = array_values($result); return $result; } /** * Return default placements title * @param int $placementId * @param null $language * * @return string|null */ public static function getDefaultTitle(int $placementId, $language = null): ?string { return Loc::getMessage( 'REST_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT_TITLE', [ '#ID#' => $placementId, ], $language ); } public static function clearHandlerCache() { $cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cache->cleanDir(static::CACHE_DIR); static::$handlersListCache = array(); if (defined('BX_COMP_MANAGED_CACHE')) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $CACHE_MANAGER->clearByTag('intranet_menu_binding'); } } public static function onBeforeUpdate(Main\Entity\Event $event) { $result = static::checkUniq($event); static::modifyFields($event, $result); return $result; } public static function onBeforeAdd(Main\Entity\Event $event) { $result = static::checkUniq($event, true); static::modifyFields($event, $result); return $result; } public static function onBeforeDelete(Main\Entity\Event $event) { $result = new Main\ORM\EventResult(); $id = $event->getParameter('id'); $id = (int)$id['ID']; $res = static::getList( [ 'filter' => [ '=ID' => $id, ], 'select' => [ 'ID', 'APP_ID', 'PLACEMENT', 'PLACEMENT_HANDLER', 'ICON_ID', 'ADDITIONAL', 'OPTIONS', ], 'limit' => 1, ] ); if ($placement = $res->fetch()) { static::$beforeDeleteList[$placement['ID']] = $placement; if ((int)$placement['ICON_ID'] > 0) { \CFile::Delete((int)$placement['ICON_ID']); } } PlacementLangTable::deleteByPlacement($id); return $result; } public static function onAfterAdd(Main\Entity\Event $event) { $fields = $event->getParameter('fields'); if (!empty($fields['PLACEMENT']) && (int)$fields['APP_ID'] > 0) { $app = AppTable::getByClientId((int)$fields['APP_ID']); if ($app['ACTIVE'] === AppTable::ACTIVE && $app['INSTALLED'] === AppTable::INSTALLED) { $data = new Event( 'rest', static::PREFIX_EVENT_ON_AFTER_ADD . $fields['PLACEMENT'], [ 'ID' => $event->getParameter('id'), 'PLACEMENT' => $fields['PLACEMENT'], ] ); EventManager::getInstance()->send($data); } } static::clearHandlerCache(); } public static function onAfterUpdate(Main\Entity\Event $event) { static::clearHandlerCache(); } public static function onAfterDelete(Main\Entity\Event $event) { $id = $event->getParameter('id'); $id = (int)$id['ID']; if ($id > 0) { $data = new Event( 'rest', static::PREFIX_EVENT_ON_AFTER_DELETE . static::$beforeDeleteList[$id]['PLACEMENT'], [ 'ID' => $id, 'PLACEMENT' => static::$beforeDeleteList[$id]['PLACEMENT'], ] ); unset(static::$beforeDeleteList[$id]); EventManager::getInstance()->send($data); } static::clearHandlerCache(); } protected static function getCacheId($placement) { return 'rest_placement_list|'.$placement.'|'.LANGUAGE_ID; } protected static function checkUniq(Main\Entity\Event $event, $add = false) { $result = new Main\Entity\EventResult(); $data = $event->getParameter('fields'); $filter = array( '=APP_ID' => $data['APP_ID'], '=PLACEMENT' => $data['PLACEMENT'], '=PLACEMENT_HANDLER' => $data['PLACEMENT_HANDLER'], ); if(!empty($data['ADDITIONAL'])) { $filter = array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', array('=ADDITIONAL' => $data['ADDITIONAL']), $filter ); } $dbRes = static::getList(array( 'filter' => $filter, 'select' => array('ID') )); if($dbRes->fetch()) { $result->addError(new Main\Entity\EntityError( "Handler already binded" )); } elseif($add) { $result->modifyFields(array( "DATE_CREATE" => new Main\Type\DateTime(), )); } return $result; } private static function modifyFields(Main\ORM\Event $event, Main\ORM\EventResult $result) { if ($result->getType() !== Main\Entity\EventResult::ERROR) { $fieldChanged = []; $data = array_merge($event->getParameter('fields'), $result->getModified()); if (array_key_exists('ICON', $data)) { if ($str = \CFile::CheckImageFile($data['ICON'])) { $result->addError(new Main\ORM\Fields\FieldError(static::getEntity()->getField('ICON_ID'), $str)); } else { \CFile::ResizeImage($data['ICON'], [ 'width' => Main\Config\Option::get('rest', 'icon_size', 100), 'height' => Main\Config\Option::get('rest', 'icon_size', 100)]); $data['ICON']['MODULE_ID'] = 'rest'; if ($id = $event->getParameter('id')) { $id = is_integer($id) ? $id : $id['ID']; if ($id > 0 && ($icon = PlacementTable::getById($id)->fetchObject())) { $data['ICON']['old_file'] = $icon->getIconId(); } } if (\CFile::SaveForDB($data, 'ICON', 'rest/placementicon')) { $fieldChanged['ICON_ID'] = $data['ICON']; } } $result->unsetField('ICON'); } if (array_key_exists('DESCRIPTION', $data)) { $fieldChanged['COMMENT'] = $data['DESCRIPTION']; $result->unsetField('DESCRIPTION'); } if (!empty($fieldChanged)) { $result->modifyFields(array_merge($result->getModified(), $fieldChanged)); } } return $result; } }