Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap; use Bitrix\Main\Result; use Bitrix\Main\SystemException; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Text\Converter; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Internals\JobTable; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Internals\SitemapTable; use Bitrix\Seo\Sitemap\Type\Step; Loc::loadMessages(__DIR__ . '/../../admin/seo_sitemap.php'); /** * Control process of sitemap generation. Multistep, reload, agent etc */ class Job { protected const AGENT_FUNCTION = 'doJobAgent'; protected const AGENT_INTERVAL = 1; protected const AGENT_DELAY = 60; protected const LOCK_MAX_INTERVAL = 300; /** * Progressbar width */ protected const PROGRESS_WIDTH = 500; /** * Statuses of current job */ public const STATUS_REGISTER = 'R'; public const STATUS_PROCESS = 'P'; public const STATUS_FINISH = 'F'; public const STATUS_ERROR = 'E'; /** * ID of Job row in table * @return void */ protected int $id; /** * For which sitemap this job * @var int */ protected int $sitemapId; /** * Parameters for init generator */ protected int $step; protected array $state; protected string $status; protected string $statusMessage = ''; /** * Job properties */ protected bool $isLocked = false; protected ?DateTime $dateModify; /** * Create job for sitemap by table * @throws SystemException */ protected function __construct(int $sitemapId) { $this->sitemapId = $sitemapId; // init from table $job = self::getDataBySitemap($sitemapId); if ($job) { $this->id = (int)$job['ID']; $this->status = $job['STATUS']; $this->statusMessage = $job['STATUS_MESSAGE']; $this->step = (int)$job['STEP']; $this->state = $job['STATE'] ?? []; $this->isLocked = $job['RUNNING'] === 'Y'; $this->dateModify = $job['DATE_MODIFY'] ? new DateTime($job['DATE_MODIFY']) : null; if (!self::checkSitemapExists($sitemapId)) { $this->finish(); throw new SystemException('Sitemap for current job is not exists.'); } } else { throw new SystemException('Job for current sitemap is not exists.'); } } /** * Try to find sitemap by ID * @param int $sitemapId ID of sitemap * @return bool * @throws SystemException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException */ protected static function checkSitemapExists(int $sitemapId): bool { $sitemap = SitemapTable::query() ->setSelect(['ID']) ->where('ID', $sitemapId) ->exec() ->fetch() ; return (bool)$sitemap; } /** * Find job for sitemap, If find - return object, null if not * @param int $sitemapId Id of map. * @return Job|null */ public static function findJob(int $sitemapId): ?Job { try { $job = self::getDataBySitemap($sitemapId); return $job ? new self($sitemapId) : null; } catch (SystemException $e) { return null; } } /** * Register new job or get existing * @param int $sitemapId Id of map. * @return Job|null * @throws SystemException */ public static function addJob(int $sitemapId): ?Job { $exists = self::getDataBySitemap($sitemapId); if ($exists) { return new self($sitemapId); } $res = JobTable::add( [ 'SITEMAP_ID' => $sitemapId, 'RUNNING' => 'N', 'STATUS' => Job::STATUS_REGISTER, 'STATUS_MESSAGE' => '', 'STEP' => Step::getFirstStep(), 'STATE' => [], ] ); if ($res->isSuccess()) { return new self($sitemapId); } return null; } /** * Find existing job in DB, return data if exists * @param int $sitemapId * @return array|null */ protected static function getDataBySitemap(int $sitemapId): ?array { if ($sitemapId > 0) { $job = JobTable::query() ->setSelect(['ID', 'RUNNING', 'STATUS', 'STATUS_MESSAGE', 'STEP', 'STATE', 'DATE_MODIFY']) ->where('SITEMAP_ID', $sitemapId) ->exec() ->fetch() ; return $job ?: null; } return null; } /** * Create agent for automatic re-generate sitemap in background. * @param int $sitemapId Id of map. * @return bool */ public static function markToRegenerate(int $sitemapId): bool { try { if ($sitemapId > 0) { $existsJob = self::findJob($sitemapId); if (!$existsJob) { self::addJob($sitemapId); } self::deleteAgent($sitemapId); return (bool)self::addAgent($sitemapId); } } catch (SystemException $e) { return false; } return false; } public static function clearBySitemap(int $sitemapId) { $job = self::findJob($sitemapId); $job?->finish(); } /** * Check if agent exists for current job * @param int $sitemapId * @return array|null - data of agent, if found */ protected static function findAgent(int $sitemapId): ?array { $funcName = self::getAgentName($sitemapId); $res = \CAgent::getList( [], [ 'MODULE_ID' => 'seo', 'NAME' => $funcName, ] ); $exists = $res->Fetch(); return $exists ?: null; } /** * Add agent for regenerate sitemap * @param int $sitemapId * @return int - id of new agent */ protected static function addAgent(int $sitemapId): int { $funcName = self::getAgentName($sitemapId); $nextExec = \ConvertTimeStamp(time() + \CTimeZone::GetOffset() + self::AGENT_DELAY, "FULL"); return \CAgent::addAgent( $funcName, 'seo', 'N', self::AGENT_INTERVAL, '', 'Y', $nextExec ); } /** * Find existing agent for sitemap, delete if find * @param int $sitemapId * @return bool */ protected static function deleteAgent(int $sitemapId): bool { $agent = self::findAgent($sitemapId); if ($agent && $agent['RUNNING'] === 'N') { return \CAgent::Delete($agent['ID']); } return true; } protected static function getAgentName(int $sitemapId): string { return __CLASS__ . '::' . self::AGENT_FUNCTION . '(' . $sitemapId . ');'; } /** * Method for run agent * @param int $sitemapId Id of map. * @return string */ public static function doJobAgent(int $sitemapId): string { $job = self::findJob($sitemapId); if ($job) { $result = $job->doStep(); if ($result->isSuccess()) { return self::getAgentName($sitemapId); } } return ''; } /** * Run one step of generation * @return Result */ public function doStep(): Result { $result = new Result(); // skip if job running now if ( $this->checkLock() || !$this->lock() ) { return $result; } $generator = (new Generator($this->sitemapId)) ->setStep($this->step) ->setState($this->state) ; if ($generator->run()) { $this->state = $generator->getState(); $this->statusMessage = $generator->getStatusMessage(); $this->step = $generator->getStep(); if ($this->step <= Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_INIT]) { $this->status = self::STATUS_REGISTER; } elseif ($this->step >= Step::STEPS[Step::STEP_INDEX]) { $this->status = self::STATUS_FINISH; $this->finish(); } else { $this->status = self::STATUS_PROCESS; } $this->save(); } $this->unlock(); return $result; } protected function lock(): bool { $res = JobTable::update( $this->id, [ 'RUNNING' => 'Y', ] ); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $this->isLocked = true; return true; } return false; } protected function unlock(): bool { $res = JobTable::update( $this->id, [ 'RUNNING' => 'N', ] ); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $this->isLocked = false; return true; } return false; } protected function checkLock(): bool { if ($this->isLocked) { if ($this->dateModify) { $secondsDiff = (new DateTime())->getDiff($this->dateModify)->s; if ($secondsDiff > self::LOCK_MAX_INTERVAL) { return !$this->unlock(); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Save current params in table * @return bool */ protected function save(): bool { $res = JobTable::update( $this->id, [ 'STATUS' => $this->status, 'STATUS_MESSAGE' => $this->statusMessage, 'STATE' => $this->state, 'STEP' => $this->step, ] ); return $res->isSuccess(); } /** * When job is done - do finish operations * @return bool */ protected function finish(): bool { self::deleteAgent($this->sitemapId); $res = JobTable::delete( $this->id ); return $res->isSuccess(); } /** * Get data od generation process * @return array */ public function getData(): array { return [ 'status' => $this->status, 'statusMessage' => $this->statusMessage, 'formattedStatusMessage' => $this->getFormattedStatusMessage(), 'step' => $this->step, ]; } protected function getFormattedStatusMessage(): string { require_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/bitrix/modules/main/interface/admin_lib.php'); $title = Loc::getMessage('SEO_SITEMAP_RUN_TITLE') . " (ID {$this->sitemapId})"; if ($this->step < Step::getLastStep()) { $msg = new \CAdminMessage([ "TYPE" => "PROGRESS", "HTML" => true, "MESSAGE" => $title, "DETAILS" => "#PROGRESS_BAR#<div style=\"width: " . self::PROGRESS_WIDTH . "px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; padding-top: 20px;\">" . Converter::getHtmlConverter()->encode($this->statusMessage) . "</div>", "PROGRESS_TOTAL" => 100, "PROGRESS_VALUE" => $this->step, "PROGRESS_TEMPLATE" => '#PROGRESS_PERCENT#', "PROGRESS_WIDTH" => self::PROGRESS_WIDTH, ]); } else { $msg = new \CAdminMessage([ "TYPE" => "OK", "MESSAGE" => $title, "DETAILS" => $this->statusMessage, ]); } return $msg->show(); } }