Your IP :
* Bitrix Framework
* @package bitrix
* @subpackage vote
* @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix
namespace Bitrix\Vote;
use \Bitrix\Main\AccessDeniedException;
use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException;
use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException;
use \Bitrix\Main\Entity;
use \Bitrix\Main\Error;
use \Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection;
use \Bitrix\Main\InvalidOperationException;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException;
use \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException;
use \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime;
use \Bitrix\Vote\Attachment\Connector;
use \Bitrix\Vote\Base\BaseObject;
use \Bitrix\Vote\DBResult;
use \Bitrix\Main\SystemException;
use \Bitrix\Vote\Event;
use \Bitrix\Main\ObjectNotFoundException;
* Class AttachTable
* Fields:
* <ul>
* <li> ID int mandatory
* <li> OBJECT_ID int,
* <li> MODULE_ID string(32),
* <li> ENTITY_TYPE string(100),
* <li> ENTITY_ID int,
* <li> CREATE_TIME datetime,
* <li> CREATED_BY int
* </ul>
* @method static EO_Attach_Query query()
* @method static EO_Attach_Result getByPrimary($primary, array $parameters = array())
* @method static EO_Attach_Result getById($id)
* @method static EO_Attach_Result getList(array $parameters = array())
* @method static EO_Attach_Entity getEntity()
* @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Attach createObject($setDefaultValues = true)
* @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Attach_Collection createCollection()
* @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Attach wakeUpObject($row)
* @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Attach_Collection wakeUpCollection($rows)
class AttachTable extends Entity\DataManager
* Returns DB table name for entity
* @return string
public static function getTableName()
return 'b_vote_attached_object';
* Returns entity map definition.
* @return array
public static function getMap()
return array(
'ID' => array(
'data_type' => 'integer',
'primary' => true,
'autocomplete' => true,
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ID'),
'OBJECT_ID' => array(
'data_type' => 'integer',
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_OBJECT_ID'),
'MODULE_ID' => array(
'data_type' => 'string',
'size' => 32,
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_MODULE_ID')
'ENTITY_TYPE' => array(
'data_type' => 'string',
'size' => 100,
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ENTITY_TYPE')
'ENTITY_ID' => array(
'data_type' => 'integer',
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_OBJECT_ID'),
'CREATE_TIME' => array(
'data_type' => 'datetime',
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_TIMESTAMP_X'),
'CREATED_BY' => array(
'data_type' => 'integer',
'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_AUTHOR_ID'),
'VOTE' => array(
'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Vote\VoteTable',
'reference' => array(
'=this.OBJECT_ID' => 'ref.ID',
'join_type' => 'INNER',
* @param array $parameters Array in terms ORM.
* @return \Bitrix\Vote\DBResult
public static function getList(array $parameters = array())
return new DBResult(parent::getList($parameters));
* Removes group of attaches
* @param array $filter Array in terms ORM.
* @return bool
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException
public static function deleteByFilter(array $filter)
if (!$filter)
throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException('filter');
$result = static::getList(array(
'select' => array('ID'),
'filter' => $filter,
while($row = $result->fetch())
$resultDelete = static::delete($row['ID']);
return false;
return true;
class Attach extends BaseObject implements \ArrayAccess
/** @var array */
protected $attach;
/** @var Vote */
protected $vote;
/** @var array */
protected $connector;
/** @var Channel */
protected $channel;
public static $storage = array();
protected static $loaded = array(
"attachIds" => array(),
"voteIds" => array(),
"entities" => array()
* @throws ArgumentException
* @throws ArgumentNullException
function init()
$attach = null;
$vote = null;
if (is_array($this->id))
$attach = $this->id;
$data = self::getData($this->id);
if (is_null($data))
throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Attach");
[$attach, $vote] = $data;
if (!is_array($attach) || empty($attach))
throw new ObjectNotFoundException("Wrong attach id!");
if (!array_key_exists("MODULE_ID", $attach) || $attach["MODULE_ID"] == '')
throw new ArgumentNullException("module ID");
if (!array_key_exists("ENTITY_TYPE", $attach) || $attach["ENTITY_TYPE"] == '')
throw new ArgumentNullException("entity type");
if (array_key_exists("ID", $attach))
$this->id = intval($attach["ID"]);
$this->id = null;
$this->attach = $attach;
if (is_array($vote))
* @param int|Vote $vote
public function setVote($vote)
if ($vote instanceof Vote)
$this->vote = $vote;
$this->vote = Vote::loadFromId($vote);
* @param integer $id
* @throws ArgumentNullException
public function setStorage($id)
$this->channel = new Channel($id);
* Return array where first key is attach array, second - vote array
* @param integer $id Attach ID.
* @return array|null
public static function getData($id)
$filter = array();
if (is_array($id))
$filter = array_change_key_case($id, CASE_UPPER);
$id = md5(serialize($filter));
else if (($id = intval($id)) && $id > 0)
$filter["ID"] = $id;
return null;
if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$storage))
self::$storage[$id] = null;
$dbRes = AttachTable::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'O_' => "*",
'V_' => 'VOTE.*',
'Q_' => 'VOTE.QUESTION.*',
'order' => array(
'VOTE.ID' => 'ASC',
'filter' => $filter
$attaches = [];
$images = [];
$attach = ["ID" => null];
$vote = ["ID" => null];
$question = ["ID" => null];
while (($res = $dbRes->fetch()) && $res)
$buffer = ["attach" => [], "vote" => [], "question" => []];
$answer = [];
foreach ($res as $key => $val)
if (mb_strpos($key, "O_") === 0)
$buffer["attach"][mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
else if (mb_strpos($key, "V_") === 0)
$buffer["vote"][mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
else if (mb_strpos($key, "Q_") === 0)
$buffer["question"][mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
else if (mb_strpos($key, "A_") === 0)
$answer[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
if ($buffer["attach"]["ID"] != $attach["ID"])
$attach = $buffer["attach"];
$attaches[$attach["ID"]] = $attach;
if ($buffer["vote"]["ID"] != $vote["ID"])
$vote = $buffer["vote"] + array(
"FIELD_NAME" => \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getExtrasFieldName($attach["ID"], "#ENTITY_ID#"),
"IMAGE" => null,
"QUESTIONS" => array());
if ($vote["IMAGE_ID"] > 0)
$images[$vote["IMAGE_ID"]] = &$vote["IMAGE"];
if (!array_key_exists($vote["ID"], Vote::$storage))
Vote::$storage[$vote["ID"]] = &$vote;
if ($buffer["question"]["ID"] != $question["ID"])
$question = $buffer["question"] + array(
"FIELD_NAME" => \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getFieldName($attach["ID"], $buffer["question"]["ID"]),
"IMAGE" => null,
"ANSWERS" => array()
if ($question["IMAGE_ID"] > 0)
$images[$question["IMAGE_ID"]] = &$question["IMAGE"];
if (!array_key_exists($question["ID"], Question::$storage))
Question::$storage[$question["ID"]] = &$question;
$vote["QUESTIONS"][$question["ID"]] = &$question;
$answer["FIELD_NAME"] = $answer["~FIELD_NAME"] = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getFieldName($attach["ID"], $question["ID"]);
$answer["MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME"] = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getMessageFieldName($attach["ID"], $question["ID"], $answer["ID"]);
if (
$answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXT ||
$answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXTAREA
if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY)
$answer["FIELD_NAME"] = $answer["MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME"];
else if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] != \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY)
$answer["FIELD_TYPE"] = $question["FIELD_TYPE"];
$answer["~PERCENT"] = ($question["COUNTER"] > 0 ? $answer["COUNTER"] * 100 / $question["COUNTER"] : 0);
$answer["PERCENT"] = round($answer["~PERCENT"], 2);
$question["ANSWERS"][$answer["ID"]] = &$answer;
Answer::$storage[$answer["ID"]] = &$answer;
unset($vote); unset($question);
//region Getting images
if (count($images) > 0)
$dbRes = \Bitrix\Main\FileTable::getList(array('select' => array('*'), 'filter' => array('ID' => array_keys($images))));
while ($res = $dbRes->fetch())
$images[$res["ID"]] = $res + array("SRC" => \CFile::GetFileSRC($res));
//region Setting data into local storages
foreach ($attaches as $attach)
self::$storage[$attach["ID"]] = array($attach, Vote::$storage[$attach["OBJECT_ID"]]);
if (is_string($id))
self::$storage[$id] = (is_array(self::$storage[$id]) ? self::$storage[$id] : array());
self::$storage[$id][$attach["ID"]] = array($attach, Vote::$storage[$attach["OBJECT_ID"]]);
return self::$storage[$id];
* Returns array of attaches linked to special entity
* @param array $id Array("ENTITY_TYPE" => "blog", "ENTITY_ID" => 89);.
* @return mixed
public static function getDataByEntity(array $id)
$id1 = md5(serialize($id));
if (!array_key_exists($id1, self::$storage))
self::$storage[$id1] = array();
$dbRes = AttachTable::getList(array(
'select' => array(
'O_' => "*",
'V_' => 'VOTE.*',
'Q_' => 'VOTE.QUESTION.*',
'order' => array(
'filter' => array(
if (($res = $dbRes->fetch()) && $res)
$attach = array();
$vote = array();
foreach ($res as $key => $val)
if (mb_strpos($key, "O_") === 0)
$attach[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
else if (mb_strpos($key, "V_") === 0)
$vote[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
$vote["QUESTIONS"] = array();
$questions = &$vote["QUESTIONS"];
$question = array(); $answer = array();
foreach ($res as $key => $val)
if (mb_strpos($key, "Q_") === 0)
$question[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
else if (mb_strpos($key, "A_") === 0)
$answer[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val;
$qid = "".$question["ID"];
if (!array_key_exists($qid, $questions))
$questions[$qid] = array_merge($question, array("ANSWERS" => array()));
if (!array_key_exists($qid, Question::$storage))
Question::$storage[$qid] = $question;
$answers = &$questions[$qid]["ANSWERS"];
if (!empty($answer))
if (!array_key_exists($answer["ID"], $answers))
$answers[$answer["ID"]] = $answer;
if (!array_key_exists($answer["ID"], Answer::$storage))
Answer::$storage[$answer["ID"]] = $answer;
} while (($res = $dbRes->fetch()) && $res);
Vote::$storage[$vote["ID"]] = $vote;
self::$storage[$id1] = array($attach, $vote);
return self::$storage[$id1];
* Checks rights to read current attached object.
* @param int $userId Id of user.
* @return bool
* @throws SystemException
public function canRead($userId)
return $this->getConnector()->canRead($userId);
* Checks rights for voting.
* @param int $userId Id of user.
* @return bool
public function canParticipate($userId)
return $this->getConnector()->canRead($userId) && is_object($this->vote) && $this->vote["LAMP"] == "green";
public function canVote($userId)
return $this->vote->canVote($userId);
public function canRevote($userId)
return $this->vote->canRevote($userId);
public function canReadResult($userId)
return $this->vote->canReadResult($userId);
* Checks rights to update current attached object.
* @param int $userId Id of user.
* @return bool
* @throws SystemException
public function canEdit($userId)
return $this->getConnector()->canEdit($userId);
* Returns connector instance for attached object.
* @return Connector|null
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException
* @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException
public function getConnector()
if ($this->connector === null)
$this->connector = Connector::buildFromAttachedObject($this);
return $this->connector;
* @return Channel
public function getStorage()
if (!($this->channel instanceof Channel))
$this->setStorage($this->vote instanceof Vote ? $this->vote["CHANNEL_ID"] : null);
return $this->channel;
* Returns attachment id.
* @return int|null
public function getAttachId()
return array_key_exists("ID", $this->attach) ? $this->attach["ID"] : null;
* Returns vote id.
* @return int|null
public function getVoteId()
return is_object($this->vote) ? $this->vote["ID"] : null;
* Returns module id.
* @return string
public function getModuleId()
return $this->attach["MODULE_ID"];
* Returns entity type.
* @return string
public function getEntityType()
return $this->attach["ENTITY_TYPE"];
* Returns entity id.
* @return string
public function getEntityId()
return $this->attach["ENTITY_ID"];
* @return void
public function fillStatistic()
if (is_object($this->vote))
* Deletes attach and vote in some cases.
* @return boolean;
public function delete()
if (empty($this->vote))
return true;
if ($this->attach["ID"] > 0)
$othersAttaches = AttachTable::getList(array(
"select" => array("ID", "OBJECT_ID"),
"filter" => array("OBJECT_ID" => $this->vote["ID"]),
'order' => array(
'ID' => 'ASC'
if (empty($othersAttaches) && ($channel = $this->getStorage()) && $channel["HIDDEN"] == "Y")
return true;
* Checks array for correct data/
* @param array &$data Array(
"TITLE" => "ABC...",
"QUESTIONS" => array(
1 => array(
"ID" => 0,
"QUESTION" => "Question text",
"QUESTION_TYPE" => "text"||"html",
"ANSWERS" => array(
"ID" => 0,
"MESSAGE" => "Answer text",
"MESSAGE_TYPE" => "text"||"html",
"FIELD_TYPE" => 0||1||2||3||4||
* @return void
* @throws AccessDeniedException
public function checkData(array &$data)
$channel = $this->getStorage();
if ($channel["ACTIVE"] !== "Y")
throw new AccessDeniedException(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_CHANNEL_IS_NOT_ACTIVE"));
$data = array_merge($data, (is_null($this->vote) ? [
"ACTIVE" => "Y",
"DATE_START" => new DateTime(),
] : []), [
"CHANNEL_ID" => $channel["ID"],
"DATE_END" => (isset($data["DATE_END"]) ? new DateTime($data["DATE_END"]) : (new DateTime())->add("1Y"))
Vote::checkData($data, $data["ID"]);
if (($data["TITLE"] ?? null) == '' && is_array($data["QUESTIONS"]))
$q = reset($data["QUESTIONS"]);
if (is_array($q) && $q["QUESTION"] <> '')
$data["TITLE"] = $q["QUESTION"];
* Update vote data.
* @param array $data Array(
"TITLE" => "ABC...",
"QUESTIONS" => array(
1 => array(
"ID" => 0,
"QUESTION" => "Question text",
"QUESTION_TYPE" => "text"||"html",
"ANSWERS" => array(
"ID" => 0,
"MESSAGE" => "Answer text",
"MESSAGE_TYPE" => "text"||"html",
"FIELD_TYPE" => 0||1||2||3||4||
* @param int $createdBy User ID.
* @return bool
public function save($data, $createdBy = 0)
if (!isset($data["AUTHOR_ID"]))
$data["AUTHOR_ID"] = $createdBy;
$voteId = Vote::saveData(is_null($this->vote) ? 0 : $this->vote["ID"], $data);
if ($voteId > 0)
if (!array_key_exists("ID", $this->attach))
$id = AttachTable::add(array(
'MODULE_ID' => $this->getModuleId(),
'OBJECT_ID' => $voteId,
'ENTITY_ID' => $this->getEntityId(),
'ENTITY_TYPE' => $this->getEntityType(),
'CREATED_BY' => $createdBy,
'CREATE_TIME' => new DateTime()
$id = $this->attach["ID"];
[$attach, $vote] = \Bitrix\Vote\Attach::getData($id);
$this->attach = $attach;
$this->vote = $vote;
else if ($this->attach["ID"] ?? null > 0)
$this->attach = null;
$this->vote = null;
return true;
* Voting for vote from current user $USER.
* @param array $request Array("
* vote_checkbox_".$questionId => array(1,2,3,...),
* "vote_multiselect_".$questionId => array(1,2,3,...),
* "vote_dropdown_".$questionId => 12 || "12",
* "vote_radio_".$questionId => 12 || "12",
* "vote_field_".$answerId => "12").
* @return bool
* @throws InvalidOperationException
public function voteFor(array $request)
if (!is_object($this->vote))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Poll is not found.");
$res = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getDataFromRequest($this->getAttachId(), $request);
if (empty($res)) // for custom templates
$result = $this->vote->voteFor($request, ["revote" => true]);
$result = $this->vote->registerEvent($res, ["revote" => true], User::getCurrent());
if (!$result)
return $result;
* Exports data of voting into excel file
* @return void
* @throws InvalidOperationException
public function exportExcel()
if (!is_object($this->vote))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Poll is not found.");
* Checks if current user voted for this vote.
* @param int $userId User ID.
* @return bool|int
public function isVotedFor($userId)
if ($this->vote)
return $this->vote->isVotedFor($userId);
return false;
* Prolongs voting period.
* @return bool
* @throws InvalidOperationException
public function resume()
if (!is_object($this->vote))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Poll is not found.");
return $this->vote->resume();
* Finishes voting period.
* @return bool
* @throws InvalidOperationException
public function stop()
if (!is_object($this->vote))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Poll is not found.");
return $this->vote->stop();
* @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array.
* @return bool
public function offsetExists($offset)
if (is_array($this->attach) && array_key_exists($offset, $this->attach) || is_object($this->vote) && isset($this->vote[$offset]))
return true;
if ($offset == "VOTE_ID" && is_object($this->vote))
return true;
return false;
* @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array.
* @return array|mixed|null
public function offsetGet($offset)
if (is_array($this->attach) && array_key_exists($offset, $this->attach))
return $this->attach[$offset];
if (is_object($this->vote))
if (isset($this->vote[$offset]))
return $this->vote[$offset];
if ($offset == "VOTE_ID")
return $this->vote["ID"];
return null;
* Is not supported.
* @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array.
* @param mixed $value Value for vote or attach data array.
* @return void
* @throws NotSupportedException
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
throw new NotSupportedException('Model provide ArrayAccess only for reading');
* Is not supported.
* @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array.
* @return void
* @throws NotSupportedException
public function offsetUnset($offset)
throw new NotSupportedException('Model provide ArrayAccess only for reading');
* @param integer $id Entity ID.
* @param bool $shouldBeNewIfIdIsNull
* @return BaseObject
public static function loadFromId($id, $shouldBeNewIfIdIsNull = false)
return parent::loadFromId($id, true);