Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage vote * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Vote; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentTypeException; use \Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\DB\MssqlConnection; use Bitrix\Main\DB\MysqlCommonConnection; use Bitrix\Main\DB\OracleConnection; use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\BooleanField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\DatetimeField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\EnumField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\IntegerField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\StringField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\TextField; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Join; use Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary as EventResult; use Bitrix\Vote\Base\BaseObject; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class VoteEventTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> VOTE_ID int, * <li> VOTE_USER_ID int, * <li> DATE_VOTE datetime, * <li> STAT_SESSION_ID int, * <li> IP string(15), * <li> VALID string(1) * </ul> * */ class EventTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_event'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( (new IntegerField('ID', ['primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true])), (new IntegerField('VOTE_ID')), (new IntegerField('VOTE_USER_ID', ["required" => true])), (new DatetimeField('DATE_VOTE')), (new IntegerField('STAT_SESSION_ID')), (new StringField('IP', ['size' => 15])), (new BooleanField('VALID', ['values' => ['N', 'Y'], 'default_value' => 'Y'])), (new BooleanField('VISIBLE', ['values' => ['N', 'Y'], 'default_value' => 'Y'])), (new Reference('QUESTION', \Bitrix\Vote\EventQuestionTable::class, Join::on('this.ID', 'ref.EVENT_ID'))), (new Reference('USER', \Bitrix\Vote\UserTable::class, Join::on('this.VOTE_USER_ID', 'ref.ID'))), ); } } /** * Class EventQuestionTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> EVENT_ID int, * <li> QUESTION_ID int, * </ul> * */ class EventQuestionTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_event_question'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'EVENT_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'QUESTION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'VOTE' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Vote\EventTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.EVENT_ID' => 'ref.ID', ), 'join_type' => 'RIGHT', ), 'ANSWER' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Vote\EventAnswerTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.EVENT_QUESTION_ID', ), 'join_type' => 'LEFT', ) ); } }/** * Class EventAnswerTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> EVENT_QUESTION_ID int, * <li> ANSWER_ID int, * <li> MESSAGE text, * </ul> * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING BELOW THIS * * <<< ORMENTITYANNOTATION * @method static EO_EventAnswer_Query query() * @method static EO_EventAnswer_Result getByPrimary($primary, array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_EventAnswer_Result getById($id) * @method static EO_EventAnswer_Result getList(array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_EventAnswer_Entity getEntity() * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_EventAnswer createObject($setDefaultValues = true) * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_EventAnswer_Collection createCollection() * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_EventAnswer wakeUpObject($row) * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_EventAnswer_Collection wakeUpCollection($rows) */ class EventAnswerTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_event_answer'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, ), 'EVENT_QUESTION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'ANSWER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', ), 'MESSAGE' => array( 'data_type' => 'text', ) ); } } class Event extends BaseObject { private $vote; /** * EVENT_FIELD_BALLOT_TEMPLATE - is a template to catch voting * [#ID#][BALLOT][#QUESTION_ID#][#ANSWER_ID#][MESSAGE] - template for text */ const EVENT_FIELD_NAME = "bx_vote_event"; // const EVENT_FIELD_BALLOT_TEMPLATE = self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME."[#ID#][BALLOT][#QUESTION_ID#]"; // this is template for voting const EVENT_FIELD_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME."[#ID#][MESSAGE][#QUESTION_ID#][#ANSWER_ID#]"; // this is template for voting const EVENT_FIELD_EXTRAS_TEMPLATE = self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME."[#ID#][EXTRAS][#ENTITY_ID#]"; /** @var ErrorCollection */ protected $errorCollection; /** * Event constructor. * @param Vote $vote */ function __construct(\Bitrix\Vote\Vote $vote) { $this->vote = $vote; $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection; } /** * @param int $voteId Vote Id. * @return void */ public static function calculateStatistic($voteId) { $connection = Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); if ($connection instanceof MysqlCommonConnection) { $connection->executeSqlBatch(<<<SQL UPDATE b_vote V SET V.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VE.ID) FROM b_vote_event VE WHERE VE.VOTE_ID=V.ID) WHERE V.ID={$voteId}; UPDATE b_vote_question VQ SET VQ.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VEQ.ID) FROM b_vote_event_question VEQ WHERE VEQ.QUESTION_ID=VQ.ID) WHERE VQ.VOTE_ID={$voteId}; UPDATE b_vote_answer VA, b_vote_question VQ SET VA.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VEA.ID) FROM b_vote_event_answer VEA WHERE VEA.ANSWER_ID=VA.ID) WHERE VQ.ID = VA.QUESTION_ID AND VQ.VOTE_ID={$voteId}; UPDATE b_vote_user VU, b_vote_event VE SET VU.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VE.ID) FROM b_vote_event VE WHERE VU.ID=VE.VOTE_USER_ID AND VE.VALID='Y') WHERE VU.ID IN (SELECT VOTE_USER_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId}); SQL ); } else if ($connection instanceof MssqlConnection) { $connection->executeSqlBatch(<<<SQL UPDATE b_vote SET b_vote.COUNTER=E.COUNTER FROM ( SELECT COUNT(ID) COUNTER, VOTE_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId} GROUP BY VOTE_ID) E WHERE b_vote.ID=E.VOTE_ID AND b_vote.ID={$voteId} GO UPDATE b_vote_question SET COUNTER=E.COUNTER FROM ( SELECT COUNT(EQ.ID) COUNTER, EQ.QUESTION_ID FROM b_vote_event_question EQ JOIN b_vote_question Q ON (Q.ID = EQ.QUESTION_ID) WHERE Q.VOTE_ID={$voteId} GROUP BY EQ.QUESTION_ID) E WHERE b_vote_question.ID=E.QUESTION_ID AND b_vote_question.VOTE_ID={$voteId} GO UPDATE b_vote_answer SET b_vote_answer.COUNTER=E.COUNTER FROM ( SELECT COUNT(VEA.ID) COUNTER, VEA.ANSWER_ID FROM b_vote_event_answer VEA INNER JOIN b_vote_answer VA ON (VA.ID=VEA.ANSWER_ID) INNER JOIN b_vote_question VQ ON (VQ.ID=VA.QUESTION_ID) WHERE VQ.VOTE_ID={$voteId} GROUP BY VEA.ANSWER_ID ) E WHERE b_vote_answer.ID=E.ANSWER_ID GO UPDATE b_vote_user SET b_vote_user.COUNTER=E.COUNTER FROM ( SELECT COUNT(ID) COUNTER, VOTE_USER_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VALID='Y' GROUP BY VOTE_USER_ID ) E WHERE b_vote_user.ID=E.VOTE_USER_ID AND b_vote_user.ID IN (SELECT VOTE_USER_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId}) GO SQL ); } elseif ($connection instanceof OracleConnection) { $connection->executeSqlBatch(<<<SQL UPDATE b_vote V SET V.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VE.ID) FROM b_vote_event VE WHERE VE.VOTE_ID=V.ID) WHERE V.ID={$voteId} / UPDATE b_vote_question VQ SET VQ.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(VEQ.ID) FROM b_vote_event_question VEQ WHERE VEQ.QUESTION_ID=VQ.ID) WHERE VQ.VOTE_ID={$voteId} / UPDATE b_vote_answer VA SET VA.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM b_vote_event_answer WHERE ANSWER_ID=VA.ID) WHERE VA.QUESTION_ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM b_vote_question WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId} ) / UPDATE b_vote_user VU SET VU.COUNTER=( SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM b_vote_event WHERE VU.ID=VOTE_USER_ID AND VALID='Y') WHERE VU.ID IN (SELECT VOTE_USER_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId}) / SQL ); } } /** * @param int $voteId Vote Id. * @return void */ public static function resetStatistic($voteId) { $connection = Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $connection->query($helper->prepareCorrelatedUpdate( 'b_vote_user', 'U', [ 'COUNTER' => '(CASE WHEN U.COUNTER - E.COUNTER > 0 THEN U.COUNTER - E.COUNTER ELSE 0 END)' ], "( SELECT count(ID) as COUNTER, VOTE_USER_ID FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId} GROUP BY VOTE_USER_ID ) E", 'E.VOTE_USER_ID=U.ID' )); $connection->query("UPDATE b_vote set COUNTER = 0 WHERE ID = {$voteId}"); $connection->query("UPDATE b_vote_question SET COUNTER=0 WHERE VOTE_ID = {$voteId}"); $connection->query("UPDATE b_vote_answer SET COUNTER=0 WHERE QUESTION_ID IN ( SELECT ID FROM b_vote_question WHERE VOTE_ID={$voteId} )"); $connection->query("DELETE FROM b_vote_event WHERE VOTE_ID = {$voteId}"); $connection->query("DELETE FROM b_vote_event_question WHERE QUESTION_ID IN ( SELECT ID from b_vote_question WHERE VOTE_ID = {$voteId} )"); $connection->query("DELETE FROM b_vote_event_answer WHERE ANSWER_ID IN ( SELECT A.ID FROM b_vote_answer A JOIN b_vote_question Q ON (Q.ID = A.QUESTION_ID) WHERE Q.VOTE_ID = {$voteId} )"); /***************** Event OnVoteReset *******************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onVoteReset", true) as $event) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array($voteId)); } /***************** /Event ******************************************/ } /** * @param int $eventId Event ID. * @return boolean */ public static function deleteEvent($eventId) { if (!is_integer($eventId)) throw new ArgumentTypeException("event ID"); else if ($eventId <= 0) throw new ArgumentNullException("event ID"); self::setValid($eventId, "N"); $connection = Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); $connection->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_vote_event_answer WHERE EVENT_QUESTION_ID IN (SELECT VEQ.ID FROM b_vote_event_question VEQ WHERE VEQ.EVENT_ID={$eventId})"); $connection->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_vote_event_question WHERE EVENT_ID={$eventId}"); $connection->queryExecute("DELETE FROM b_vote_event WHERE ID={$eventId}"); return $connection->getAffectedRowsCount() > 0; } /** * @param int $eventId Event ID. * @param string $valid Validation ("Y" || "N"). * @return boolean */ public static function setValid($eventId, $valid) { $valid = ($valid == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"); $eventId = intval($eventId); if ($eventId <= 0) return false; $dbRes = EventTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'V_' => '*', 'Q_' => 'QUESTION.*', 'A_' => 'QUESTION.ANSWER.*'), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $eventId, '!=VALID' => $valid), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'ASC', 'QUESTION.ID' => 'ASC', 'QUESTION.ANSWER.ID' => 'ASC'))); if (($res = $dbRes->fetch()) && $res) { $questions = array(); $answers = array(); EventTable::update($eventId, array("VALID" => $valid)); VoteTable::setCounter(array($res["V_VOTE_ID"]), ($valid == "Y")); UserTable::setCounter(array($res["V_VOTE_USER_ID"]), ($valid == "Y")); do { $questions[] = $res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]; $answers[] = $res["A_ANSWER_ID"]; } while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()); QuestionTable::setCounter(array_unique($questions), ($valid == "Y")); AnswerTable::setCounter($answers, ($valid == "Y")); return true; } return false; } public static function getFieldName($id, $questionId) { return str_replace(array("#ID#", "#QUESTION_ID#"), array($id, $questionId), self::EVENT_FIELD_BALLOT_TEMPLATE); } public static function getMessageFieldName($id, $questionId, $answerId) { return str_replace(array("#ID#", "#QUESTION_ID#", "#ANSWER_ID#"), array($id, $questionId, $answerId), self::EVENT_FIELD_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE); } public static function getExtrasFieldName($id, $name) { return str_replace(array("#ID#", "#ENTITY_ID#"), array($id, $name), self::EVENT_FIELD_EXTRAS_TEMPLATE); } public static function getDataFromRequest($id, array $request) { if ( array_key_exists(self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME, $request) && is_array($request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME]) && array_key_exists($id, $request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME]) && is_array($request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id]) ) { $data = []; if (array_key_exists("BALLOT", $request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id])) { foreach ($request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id]["BALLOT"] as $qId => $answerIds) { $answerIds = is_array($answerIds) ? $answerIds : array($answerIds); foreach ($answerIds as $answerId) { $data["BALLOT"] = isset($data["BALLOT"]) && is_array($data["BALLOT"]) ? $data["BALLOT"] : []; $data["BALLOT"][$qId] = isset($data["BALLOT"][$qId]) && is_array($data["BALLOT"][$qId]) ? $data["BALLOT"][$qId] : []; $data["BALLOT"][$qId][$answerId] = true; } } } if (array_key_exists("MESSAGE", $request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id])) { foreach ($request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id]["MESSAGE"] as $qId => $answerIds) { foreach ($answerIds as $answerId => $message) { $message = trim($message); if ($message <> '') { $data["MESSAGE"][$qId] = is_array($data["MESSAGE"][$qId]) ? $data["MESSAGE"][$qId] : []; $data["MESSAGE"][$qId][$answerId] = $message; } } } } if (array_key_exists("EXTRAS", $request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id])) { $data["EXTRAS"] = $request[self::EVENT_FIELD_NAME][$id]["EXTRAS"]; } if (!empty($data)) return $data; } return null; } /** * @param $data * @return array */ public function check(array $ballot) { $questions = $this->vote->getQuestions(); $fields = array(); $data = (array_key_exists("BALLOT", $ballot) ? $ballot["BALLOT"] : []); $message = (array_key_exists("MESSAGE", $ballot) ? $ballot["MESSAGE"] : []); foreach ($questions as $questionId => $question) { if (array_key_exists($question["ID"], $data) && is_array($data[$question["ID"]])) { $answers = array_intersect_key($data[$question["ID"]], $question["ANSWERS"]); if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] === QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY && array_key_exists($question["ID"], $message)) { foreach($message[$question["ID"]] as $id => $value) { $value = trim($value); if ($value <> '') { $answers[$id] = true; } } } if (!empty($answers)) { //region this code should not exists if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] == QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY) { $singleVal = array(AnswerTypes::RADIO => false, AnswerTypes::DROPDOWN => false); $res = []; foreach ($answers as $id => $value) { $answer = $question["ANSWERS"][$id]; switch ($answer["FIELD_TYPE"]) { case AnswerTypes::RADIO : case AnswerTypes::DROPDOWN : if (!$singleVal[$answer["FIELD_TYPE"]]) { $singleVal[$answer["FIELD_TYPE"]] = true; $res[$id] = $value; } break; default : $res[$id] = $value; break; } } if (!empty($res)) { $fields[$question["ID"]] = $res; } } //endregion else if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] == QuestionTypes::RADIO || $question["FIELD_TYPE"] == QuestionTypes::DROPDOWN) { $val = reset($answers); $fields[$question["ID"]] = array( key($answers) => $val ); } else { $fields[$question["ID"]] = $answers; } //region Check for message text from form $res = $fields[$question["ID"]]; if (array_key_exists($question["ID"], $message)) { $message[$question["ID"]] = is_array($message[$question["ID"]]) ? $message[$question["ID"]] : []; foreach ($fields[$question["ID"]] as $id => $value) { if (array_key_exists($id, $message[$question["ID"]])) $fields[$question["ID"]][$id] = trim($message[$question["ID"]][$id]); } } if (empty($fields[$question["ID"]])) { unset($fields[$question["ID"]]); } //endregion } } if ($question['REQUIRED'] === 'Y' && $question['ACTIVE'] === 'Y' && !array_key_exists($question["ID"], $fields)) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_REQUIRED_MISSING"), "QUESTION_".$questionId))); } } if (empty($fields)) $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error(Loc::getMessage("USER_VOTE_EMPTY"), "VOTE_".$this->vote->getId()))); return $fields; } public function add(array $eventFields, array $ballot, $setCounter = true): ?EventResult { $this->errorCollection->clear(); $fields = $this->check($ballot); if (!$this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { return null; } $eventFields = array( "VOTE_ID" => $this->vote->getId(), "VOTE_USER_ID" => $eventFields["VOTE_USER_ID"], "DATE_VOTE" => (array_key_exists("DATE_VOTE", $eventFields) ? $eventFields["DATE_VOTE"] : new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime()), "STAT_SESSION_ID" => $eventFields["STAT_SESSION_ID"], "IP" => $eventFields["IP"], "VALID" => $eventFields["VALID"] ?: "Y", "VISIBLE" => ($eventFields["VISIBLE"] ?: "Y") ); if (array_key_exists("EXTRAS", $ballot) && is_array($ballot["EXTRAS"]) && array_key_exists("VISIBLE", $ballot["EXTRAS"])) $eventFields["VISIBLE"] = ($ballot["EXTRAS"]["VISIBLE"] === "N" ? "N" : "Y"); // Compatibility $sqlAnswers = array(); foreach ($fields as $questionId => $fieldsAnswer) { foreach ($fieldsAnswer as $answerId => $value) { $sqlAnswers[$questionId][$answerId] = array( "ANSWER_ID" => $answerId, "MESSAGE" => is_string($value)? mb_substr($value, 0, 2000) : ""); } } /***************** Event onBeforeVoting ****************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onBeforeVoting", true) as $event) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, array(&$eventFields, &$sqlAnswers)) === false) { $this->errorCollection->add(array(new Error("onBeforeVoting error", "VOTE_".$eventFields["VOTE_ID"]))); return null; } } /***************** /Event ******************************************/ if (!empty($sqlAnswers) && ($eventId = EventTable::add($eventFields)->getId()) && $eventId > 0) { $ids = array(); $answerIdsForCounter = array(); foreach ($sqlAnswers as $questionId => $fieldsAnswer) { if (($eventQId = EventQuestionTable::add(array("EVENT_ID" => $eventId, "QUESTION_ID" => $questionId))->getId()) && $eventQId > 0) { $ids[$questionId] = [ "EVENT_ID" => $eventQId, "ANSWERS" => [] ]; foreach ($fieldsAnswer as $answerId => $res) { if (($eventAId = EventAnswerTable::add(array( "EVENT_QUESTION_ID" => $eventQId, "ANSWER_ID" => $res["ANSWER_ID"], "MESSAGE" => $res["MESSAGE"]))->getId() ) && $eventAId > 0) { $ids[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId] = [ "EVENT_ID" => $eventAId, "EVENT_QUESTION_ID" => $eventQId, "ANSWER_ID" => $res["ANSWER_ID"], "MESSAGE" => $res["MESSAGE"] ]; $answerIdsForCounter[] = $answerId; } } if (empty($ids[$questionId])) { EventQuestionTable::delete($eventQId); unset($ids[$questionId]); } } } if (!empty($ids)) { if ($setCounter) { VoteTable::setCounter(array($this->vote->getId()), true); QuestionTable::setCounter(array_keys($ids), true); AnswerTable::setCounter($answerIdsForCounter, true); } return new EventResult(array( "EVENT_ID" => $eventId, "VOTE_ID" => $eventFields["VOTE_ID"], "VOTE_USER_ID" => $eventFields["VOTE_USER_ID"], "DATE_VOTE" => $eventFields["DATE_VOTE"], "STAT_SESSION_ID" => $eventFields["SESS_SESSION_ID"] ?? null, "IP" => $eventFields["IP"], "VISIBLE" => $eventFields["VISIBLE"], "VALID" => $eventFields["VALID"], "BALLOT" => $ids )); } EventTable::delete($eventId); } return null; } }