Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage vote * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Vote; use \Bitrix\Main\AccessDeniedException; use Bitrix\Main\Context; use \Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\AddResult; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\Result; use \Bitrix\Main\Application; use \Bitrix\Main\Error; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\UpdateResult; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\DatetimeField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ExpressionField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\TextField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Validators\DateValidator; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\IntegerField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\EnumField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\StringField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\BooleanField; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\Relations\Reference; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\FieldError; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EntityError; use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Join; use \Bitrix\Main\Text\HtmlFilter; use Bitrix\Main\Web\MimeType; use \Bitrix\Vote\Base\BaseObject; use \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\Option; use \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits; use \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\Anonymity; use \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use \Bitrix\Main\FileTable; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class VoteTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> CHANNEL_ID int, * <li> C_SORT int, * <li> ACTIVE bool mandatory default "Y", * <li> ANONYMITY int, * <li> NOTIFY bool mandatory default "N", * <li> AUTHOR_ID int, * <li> AUTHOR reference, * <li> TIMESTAMP_X datetime, * <li> DATE_START datetime, * <li> DATE_END datetime, * <li> URL string(255) NULL, * <li> COUNTER int, * <li> TITLE string(255), * <li> DESCRIPTION text, * <li> DESCRIPTION_TYPE string(4), * <li> IMAGE_ID int, * <li> EVENT1 string(255), * <li> EVENT2 string(255), * <li> EVENT3 string(255), * <li> UNIQUE_TYPE int (coded in binary system: * UNIQUE_TYPE_SESSION - 1 (00001) * UNIQUE_TYPE_COOKIE - 2 (00010) * UNIQUE_TYPE_IP - 4 (00100) * UNIQUE_TYPE_USER_ID - 8 (01000) * UNIQUE_TYPE_USER_ID_NEW - 16 (10000) * UNIQUE_TYPE = (UNIQUE_TYPE_SESSION | UNIQUE_TYPE_COOKIE | UNIQUE_TYPE_IP | UNIQUE_TYPE_USER_ID | UNIQUE_TYPE_USER_ID_NEW) * <li> KEEP_IP_SEC int, * <li> OPTIONS int, * </ul> * * * DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING BELOW THIS * * <<< ORMENTITYANNOTATION * @method static EO_Vote_Query query() * @method static EO_Vote_Result getByPrimary($primary, array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_Vote_Result getById($id) * @method static EO_Vote_Result getList(array $parameters = array()) * @method static EO_Vote_Entity getEntity() * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Vote createObject($setDefaultValues = true) * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Vote_Collection createCollection() * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Vote wakeUpObject($row) * @method static \Bitrix\Vote\EO_Vote_Collection wakeUpCollection($rows) */ class VoteTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return "b_vote"; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * @return array * @throws ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public static function getMap() { $now = Application::getInstance()->getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->getCurrentDateTimeFunction(); return array( (new IntegerField("ID", ["primary" => true, "autocomplete" => true])), (new IntegerField("CHANNEL_ID", ["required" => true])), (new IntegerField("C_SORT", ["default_value" => 100])), (new BooleanField("ACTIVE", ["values" => ["N", "Y"], "default_value" => "Y"])), (new IntegerField("ANONYMITY", ["default_value" => Anonymity::PUBLICLY])), (new EnumField("NOTIFY", ["values" => ["N", "Y", "I"], "default_value" => "N"])), (new IntegerField("AUTHOR_ID")), (new Reference("AUTHOR", \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::class, Join::on("this.AUTHOR_ID", "ref.ID"))), (new DatetimeField("TIMESTAMP_X", ["default_value" => function(){return new DateTime();}])), (new DatetimeField("DATE_START", ["default_value" => function(){return new DateTime();}, "required" => true, "validation" => function() { return [ new DateValidator, [__CLASS__, "validateActivityDate"] ]; }])), (new DatetimeField("DATE_END", ["default_value" => function(){ $time = new DateTime(); $time->add("1D"); return $time; }, "required" => true, "validation" => function() { return [ new DateValidator, [__CLASS__, "validateActivityDate"] ]; }])), (new StringField("URL", ["size" => 255])), (new IntegerField("COUNTER")), (new StringField("TITLE", ["size" => 255])), (new TextField("DESCRIPTION")), (new EnumField("DESCRIPTION_TYPE", ["values" => ["text", "html"], "default_value" => "text"])), (new IntegerField("IMAGE_ID")), (new Reference("IMAGE", FileTable::class, Join::on("this.IMAGE_ID", "ref.ID"))), (new StringField("EVENT1", ["size" => 255])), (new StringField("EVENT2", ["size" => 255])), (new StringField("EVENT3", ["size" => 255])), (new IntegerField("UNIQUE_TYPE", ["default_value" => EventLimits::BY_IP|EventLimits::BY_USER_ID])), (new IntegerField("KEEP_IP_SEC", ["default_value" => 604800])), // one week (new IntegerField("OPTIONS", ["default_value" => Option::ALLOW_REVOTE])), (new ExpressionField("LAMP", "CASE ". "WHEN (%s='Y' AND %s='Y' AND %s <= {$now} AND {$now} <= %s AND %s='Y') THEN 'yellow' ". "WHEN (%s='Y' AND %s='Y' AND %s <= {$now} AND {$now} <= %s AND %s!='Y') THEN 'green' ". "ELSE 'red' ". "END", ["CHANNEL.ACTIVE", "ACTIVE", "DATE_START", "DATE_END", "CHANNEL.VOTE_SINGLE", "CHANNEL.ACTIVE", "ACTIVE", "DATE_START", "DATE_END", "CHANNEL.VOTE_SINGLE"])), (new Reference("CHANNEL", ChannelTable::class, Join::on("this.CHANNEL_ID", "ref.ID"))), (new Reference("QUESTION", QuestionTable::class, Join::on("this.ID", "ref.VOTE_ID"))), (new Reference("USER", \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::class, Join::on("this.AUTHOR_ID", "ref.ID"))), ); } /** * @param mixed $value Value to check. * @param array $primary Has no use in this function. * @param array $row Has no use in this function. * @param DateTimeField $field Field metadata. * @return FieldError|bool */ public static function validateActivityDate($value, $primary, $row, $field) { /**@var $field */ if (empty($value)) return new FieldError( $field, Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_DATE_VOTE_IS_EMPTY"), $field->getName() ); return true; } /** * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException * @return \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult */ public static function onBeforeAdd(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event) { $result = new \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult(); if (($events = GetModuleEvents("vote", "onBeforeVoteAdd", true)) && !empty($events)) { /** @var array $data */ $data = $event->getParameter("fields"); foreach ($events as $ev) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($ev, array(&$data)) === false) { $result->addError(new EntityError("Error: ".serialize($ev), "event")); return $result; } } if ($data != $event->getParameter("fields")) { $result->modifyFields($data); } } return self::modifyData($event, $result); } /** * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event * @return void */ public static function onAfterAdd(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event) { $id = $event->getParameter("id"); $id = is_array($id) && array_key_exists("ID", $id) ? $id["ID"] : $id; $fields = $event->getParameter("fields"); /***************** Event onAfterVoteAdd ****************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onAfterVoteAdd", true) as $event) ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, [$id, $fields]); /***************** /Event ******************************************/ } /** * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event * @return \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult|void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException */ public static function onBeforeUpdate(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event) { $result = new \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult(); if (($events = GetModuleEvents("vote", "onBeforeVoteUpdate", true)) && !empty($events)) { /** @var array $data */ $data = $event->getParameter("fields"); $id = $event->getParameter("id"); $id = is_array($id) && array_key_exists("ID", $id) ? $id["ID"] : $id; foreach ($events as $ev) { if (ExecuteModuleEventEx($ev, array($id, &$data)) === false) { $result->addError(new EntityError("Error: ".serialize($ev), "event")); return $result; } } if ($data != $event->getParameter("fields")) { $result->modifyFields($data); } } return self::modifyData($event, $result); } /** * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event * @return void */ public static function onAfterUpdate(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event) { $id = $event->getParameter("id"); $id = is_array($id) && array_key_exists("ID", $id) ? $id["ID"] : $id; $fields = $event->getParameter("fields"); /***************** Event onAfterVoteAdd ****************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onAfterVoteUpdate", true) as $event) ExecuteModuleEventEx($event, [$id, $fields]); /***************** /Event ******************************************/ } /** * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event * @param \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult $result * @return \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException */ private static function modifyData(\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Event $event, \Bitrix\Main\ORM\EventResult $result) { $data = array_merge($event->getParameter("fields"), $result->getModified()); $fields = []; if (isset($data["UNIQUE_TYPE"]) && ( !($data["UNIQUE_TYPE"] & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_AUTH) && ($data["UNIQUE_TYPE"] & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_DATE_REGISTER || $data["UNIQUE_TYPE"] & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID) )) $fields["UNIQUE_TYPE"] = $data["UNIQUE_TYPE"] | \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_AUTH; foreach (["TIMESTAMP_X", "DATE_START", "DATE_END"] as $key) { if (isset($data[$key]) && !($data[$key] instanceof DateTime)) $fields[$key] = DateTime::createFromUserTime($data[$key]); } //region check image if (array_key_exists("IMAGE_ID", $data)) { if ($str = \CFile::CheckImageFile($data["IMAGE_ID"])) { $result->addError(new FieldError(static::getEntity()->getField("IMAGE_ID"), $str)); } else { $fields["IMAGE_ID"] = $data["IMAGE_ID"]; $fields["IMAGE_ID"]["MODULE_ID"] = "vote"; if ($id = $event->getParameter("id")) { $id = is_integer($id) ? $id : $id["ID"]; if ($id > 0 && ($vote = VoteTable::getById($id)->fetch()) && ($vote["IMAGE_ID"] > 0)) { $fields["IMAGE_ID"]["old_file"] = $vote["IMAGE_ID"]; } } if (\CFile::SaveForDB($fields, "IMAGE_ID", "") === false) { $result->unsetField("IMAGE_ID"); } } } //endregion if (!empty($fields)) { $result->modifyFields(array_merge($result->getModified(), $fields)); } return $result; } /** * @param Result $result * @param mixed $primary * @param array $data * @throws ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public static function checkFields(Result $result, $primary, array $data) { parent::checkFields($result, $primary, $data); if ($result->isSuccess()) { try { $vote = null; //region check activity dates /**@var $date["start"] \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime */ /**@var $date["end"] \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime */ $params = null; if ($result instanceof AddResult) { $params = [ "ID" => null, "ACTIVE" => (array_key_exists("ACTIVE", $data) ? $data["ACTIVE"] : "Y"), "CHANNEL_ID" => $data["CHANNEL_ID"], "DATE_START" => $data["DATE_START"], "DATE_END" => $data["DATE_END"] ]; } else if (array_key_exists("CHANNEL_ID", $data) || array_key_exists("ACTIVE", $data) && $data["ACTIVE"] == "Y" || array_key_exists("DATE_START", $data) || array_key_exists("DATE_END", $data) ) { // if it is need to move to other channel or activate or change the dates $vote = Vote::loadFromId($primary["ID"]); $params = [ "ID" => $primary["ID"], "ACTIVE" => (array_key_exists("ACTIVE", $data) ? $data["ACTIVE"] : $vote["ACTIVE"]), "CHANNEL_ID" => (array_key_exists("CHANNEL_ID", $data) ? $data["CHANNEL_ID"] : $vote["CHANNEL_ID"]), "DATE_START" => (array_key_exists("DATE_START", $data) ? $data["DATE_START"] : $vote["DATE_START"]), "DATE_END" => (array_key_exists("DATE_END", $data) ? $data["DATE_END"] : $vote["DATE_END"]) ]; } if (!is_null($params)) { $params["DATE_START"] = static::getEntity()->getField("DATE_START")->cast($params["DATE_START"]); $params["DATE_END"] = static::getEntity()->getField("DATE_END")->cast($params["DATE_END"]); if (array_key_exists("DATE_END", $data)) $data["DATE_END"] = $params["DATE_END"]; if (!($params["DATE_START"] instanceof DateTime) || !($params["DATE_END"] instanceof DateTime)) $result->addError(new FieldError( static::getEntity()->getField("DATE_START"), Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_DATE_VOTE_IS_WRONG") )); else if ($params["DATE_START"]->getTimestamp() > $params["DATE_END"]->getTimeStamp()) { $result->addError(new FieldError( static::getEntity()->getField("DATE_START"), Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_DATE_START_LATER_THAN_END") )); } else if ($params["ACTIVE"] == "Y") { /**@var $channel Channel */ $channel = Channel::loadFromId($params["CHANNEL_ID"]); if ($channel["VOTE_SINGLE"] == "Y") { $dbRes = VoteTable::getList([ "select" => ["ID", "TITLE", "DATE_START", "DATE_END"], "filter" => (is_null($params["ID"]) ? [] : [ "!ID" => $params["ID"]]) + [ "CHANNEL_ID" => $channel["ID"], [ "LOGIC" => "OR", "><DATE_START" => [$params["DATE_START"], $params["DATE_END"]], "><DATE_END" => [$params["DATE_START"], $params["DATE_END"]], [ "<=DATE_START" => $params["DATE_START"], ">=DATE_END" => $params["DATE_END"] ] ] ] ]); if ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) { $field = static::getEntity()->getField("DATE_START"); $result->addError(new FieldError( $field, Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_SAME_DATE_VOTE_IS_ALREADY_EXISTS", ["#VOTE#" => $res["TITLE"]." [".$res["ID"]."]"]) )); } } } } //endregion } catch (\Exception $e) { $result->addError(new Error( $e->getMessage() )); } } } /** * @param array $id Vote IDs. * @param mixed $increment True - increment, false - decrement, integer - exact value. * @return void */ public static function setCounter(array $id, $increment = true) { if (empty($id)) return; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); $sql = intval($increment); if ($increment === true) $sql = "COUNTER+1"; else if ($increment === false) $sql = "COUNTER-1"; $connection->queryExecute("UPDATE ".self::getTableName()." SET COUNTER=".$sql." WHERE ID IN (".implode(", ", $id).")"); } } class Vote extends BaseObject implements \ArrayAccess { protected $vote = array(); protected $questions = array(); protected $channel = null; /** @var Result[] */ protected static $canVoteStorage = []; public static $storage = array(); public static $statStorage = array(); public function __construct($id) { if (!($id > 0)) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException("vote id"); parent::__construct($id); } public function init() { $data = self::getData($this->id); if ($data === null) throw new ArgumentException("Wrong vote id!"); $this->vote = array_diff_key($data, array("QUESTIONS" => "")); foreach ($data["QUESTIONS"] as $q) { $this->questions[$q["ID"]] = $q; } $eventManager = \Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler("vote", "onAfterVoteQuestionAdd", array($this, "clearCache")); $eventManager->addEventHandler("vote", "onAfterVoteQuestionUpdate", array($this, "clearCache")); $eventManager->addEventHandler("vote", "onAfterVoteQuestionDelete", array($this, "clearCache")); $eventManager->addEventHandler("vote", "onVoteQuestionActivate", array($this, "clearCache")); $eventManager->addEventHandler("vote", "onVoteReset", array($this, "clearCache")); } /** * @param integer $id Vote ID. * @return array|null */ public static function getData($id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$storage)) { self::$storage[$id] = null; /**@var $dbRes \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Query\Result */ $dbRes = VoteTable::getList(array( "select" => array( "V_" => "*", "V_LAMP" => "LAMP", "Q_" => "QUESTION.*", "A_" => "QUESTION.ANSWER", ), "order" => array( "QUESTION.C_SORT" => "ASC", "QUESTION.ID" => "ASC", "QUESTION.ANSWER.C_SORT" => "ASC", "QUESTION.ANSWER.ID" => "ASC", ), "filter" => array( "ID" => $id ) )); // TODO Remake to a \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Objectify\Collection and its method ->fill() if (($row = $dbRes->fetch()) && $row) { $images = array(); $vote = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) if (mb_strpos($key, "V_") === 0) $vote[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val; $vote += array( "IMAGE" => null, "FIELD_NAME" => \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getExtrasFieldName($vote["ID"], "#ENTITY_ID#"), "QUESTIONS" => array()); if ($vote["IMAGE_ID"] > 0) $images[$vote["IMAGE_ID"]] = &$vote["IMAGE"]; $question = [ 'ID' => null, 'FIELD_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::RADIO, 'COUNTER' => 0, ]; do { $answer = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (mb_strpos($key, "A_") === 0) $answer[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val; } if ($answer["IMAGE_ID"] > 0) $images[$answer["IMAGE_ID"]] = &$answer["IMAGE"]; if ($answer["QUESTION_ID"] != $question["ID"]) { unset($question); $question = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (mb_strpos($key, "Q_") === 0) $question[mb_substr($key, 2)] = $val; } $question += array( "IMAGE" => null, "FIELD_NAME" => \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getFieldName($vote["ID"], $question["ID"]), "ANSWERS" => array() ); if ($question["IMAGE_ID"] > 0) $images[$question["IMAGE_ID"]] = &$question["IMAGE"]; $vote["QUESTIONS"][$question["ID"]] = &$question; } $answer["FIELD_NAME"] = $answer["~FIELD_NAME"] = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getFieldName($vote["ID"], $question["ID"]); $answer["MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME"] = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getMessageFieldName($vote["ID"], $question["ID"], $answer["ID"]); if ( $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXT || $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXTAREA ) { if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY) $answer["FIELD_NAME"] = $answer["MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME"]; } else if ($question["FIELD_TYPE"] != \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY) { $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] = $question["FIELD_TYPE"]; } $answer["~PERCENT"] = ($question["COUNTER"] > 0 ? $answer["COUNTER"] * 100 / $question["COUNTER"] : 0); $answer["PERCENT"] = round($answer["~PERCENT"], 2); $question["ANSWERS"][$answer["ID"]] = &$answer; unset($answer); } while (($row = $dbRes->fetch()) && $row); unset($question); //region Getting images if (count($images) > 0) { $dbRes = \Bitrix\Main\FileTable::getList(array("select" => array("*"), "filter" => array("ID" => array_keys($images)))); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) { $images[$res["ID"]] = $res + array("SRC" => \CFile::GetFileSRC($res)); } } //endregion //region Setting data into local storages foreach ($vote["QUESTIONS"] as $question) { $questionId = strval($question["ID"]); if (!array_key_exists($questionId, Question::$storage)) Question::$storage[$questionId] = $question; foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answer) { if (!array_key_exists($answer["ID"], Answer::$storage)) Answer::$storage[$answer["ID"]] = $answer; } } self::$storage[$id] = $vote; //endregion } } return self::$storage[$id]; } /** * @param int $voteId Vote ID. * @param array &$data Array( "CHANNEL_ID" => 5, "AUTHOR_ID" => 1, "DATE_START" => ..., "DATE_END" => ..., "TITLE" => "ABC...", "ACTIVE" => "Y", "URL" => "http://", "NOTIFY" => "Y" || "N" || "I", "UNIQUE_TYPE" => security context, "DELAY" => 150, //seconds "QUESTIONS" => array( 1 => array( "ID" => 0, "QUESTION" => "Question text", "QUESTION_TYPE" => "text"||"html", "ANSWERS" => array( array( "ID" => 0, "MESSAGE" => "Answer text", "MESSAGE_TYPE" => "text"||"html", "FIELD_TYPE" => 0||1||2||3||4|| ) ) ) );. * @return bool * @throws ArgumentException */ public static function checkData(array &$data, $voteId = 0) { $result = new AddResult(); $questionsToRevise = []; if ($voteId > 0) { $result = new UpdateResult(); $vote = static::getData($voteId); if (is_null($vote)) throw new ArgumentException(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_VOTE_NOT_FOUND", array("#ID#", $voteId))); $questionsToRevise = ($vote["QUESTIONS"] ?: []); } $questionsToSave = isset($data["QUESTIONS"]) && is_array($data["QUESTIONS"]) ? $data["QUESTIONS"] : []; unset($data["QUESTIONS"]); VoteTable::checkFields($result, ["ID" => $voteId], $data); if (!$result->isSuccess()) throw new ArgumentException(implode("", $result->getErrorMessages())); /************** Check Data *****************************************/ $questions = array(); foreach ($questionsToSave as $key => $question) { if (($question["DEL"] ?? null) == "Y") continue; $question["ID"] = intval($question["ID"] ?? null); $question = array( "ID" => (array_key_exists($question["ID"], $questionsToRevise) ? $question["ID"] : null), "QUESTION" => trim($question["QUESTION"]), "QUESTION_TYPE" => trim($question["QUESTION_TYPE"]), "FIELD_TYPE" => $question["FIELD_TYPE"], "ANSWERS" => (is_array($question["ANSWERS"]) ? $question["ANSWERS"] : array())); $savedAnswers = ($question["ID"] > 0 ? $questionsToRevise[$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"] : array()); $newAnswers = array(); foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $keya => $answer) { $answer["ID"] = intval($answer["ID"] ?? null); $answer["MESSAGE"] = trim($answer["MESSAGE"]); if (($answer["DEL"] ?? null) != "Y" && $answer["MESSAGE"] !== "") { $answer = array( "ID" => $answer["ID"], "MESSAGE" => $answer["MESSAGE"], "MESSAGE_TYPE" => $answer["MESSAGE_TYPE"], "FIELD_TYPE" => $answer["FIELD_TYPE"]); if (!array_key_exists($answer["ID"], $savedAnswers)) unset($answer["ID"]); else unset($savedAnswers[$answer["ID"]]); $newAnswers[] = $answer; } } $question["ANSWERS"] = $newAnswers; if ($question["QUESTION"] == "" && empty($question["ANSWERS"])) continue; else if ($question["QUESTION"] == "") { $result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_QUESTION_EMPTY", array("#NUMBER#" => $key)), "QUESTION_".$key)); } else if (empty($question["ANSWERS"])) { $result->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ANSWERS_EMPTY", array("#QUESTION#" => HtmlFilter::encode($question["QUESTION"]))), "QUESTION_".$key)); } else { foreach ($savedAnswers as $answer) { $question["ANSWERS"][] = $answer + array("DEL" => "Y"); } $questions[] = $question; unset($questionsToRevise[$question["ID"]]); } } if (!$result->isSuccess()) { throw new ArgumentException(implode("", $result->getErrorMessages())); } foreach ($questionsToRevise as $question) { $questions[] = $question + array("DEL" => "Y"); } $data += array("QUESTIONS" => $questions); return true; } /** * @param integer $voteId Vote ID, can be 0. * @param array $data Look at checkData. * @return int * @throws ArgumentException */ public static function saveData($voteId, array $data) { if (!($voteId > 0) && empty($data["QUESTIONS"])) { return 0; } if ($voteId) { $result = VoteTable::update($voteId, $data); } else { unset($data['ID']); $result = VoteTable::add($data); if ($result->isSuccess()) $voteId = $result->getId(); } if (!$result->isSuccess()) throw new ArgumentException(implode("", $result->getErrorMessages())); else if ($result instanceof UpdateResult) $vote = static::getData($voteId); else $vote = \Bitrix\Vote\VoteTable::getById($voteId)->fetch(); $vote += ["QUESTIONS" => []]; /************** Check Data *****************************************/ $iQuestions = 0; foreach ($data["QUESTIONS"] as $question) { $savedAnswers = array(); if ($question["ID"] > 0 && array_key_exists($question["ID"], $vote["QUESTIONS"])) { $savedAnswers = $vote["QUESTIONS"][$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"]; unset($vote["QUESTIONS"][$question["ID"]]); if (isset($question["DEL"]) && $question["DEL"] === "Y") { \CVoteQuestion::Delete($question["ID"]); continue; } $question["C_SORT"] = (++$iQuestions) * 10; \CVoteQuestion::Update($question["ID"], $question); } else { $question["C_SORT"] = (++$iQuestions) * 10; $question["VOTE_ID"] = $vote["ID"]; $question["ID"] = \CVoteQuestion::Add($question); if ($question["ID"] <= 0) continue; } $iAnswers = 0; foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answer) { if (!empty($answer["ID"]) && array_key_exists($answer["ID"], $savedAnswers)) { unset($savedAnswers[$answer["ID"]]); if ($answer["DEL"] == "Y") { \CVoteAnswer::Delete($answer["ID"]); continue; } $answer["C_SORT"] = (++$iAnswers)* 10; \CVoteAnswer::Update($answer["ID"], $answer); } else { $answer["QUESTION_ID"] = $question["ID"]; $answer["C_SORT"] = (++$iAnswers) * 10; $answer["ID"] = intval(\CVoteAnswer::Add($answer)); if ($answer["ID"] <= 0) continue; } } if ($iAnswers <= 0) { \CVoteQuestion::Delete($question["ID"]); $iQuestions--; } else if (!empty($savedAnswers)) { while ($answer = array_pop($savedAnswers)) \CVoteAnswer::Delete($answer["ID"]); } } if ($iQuestions <= 0) { Vote::delete($vote["ID"]); $vote["ID"] = 0; } return $vote["ID"]; } /** * Sends notifications to users. * @param array $event Array("ID" => 1, "VOTE_USER_ID" => 45);. * @param array $vote Array(ID => 1, QUESTIONS => array("ID" => 2, ANSWERS => array()));. * @param string $type Can be "im" || "mail". * @return bool */ public function sendVotingMessage(array $event, $vote, $type = "im") { if ($type == "im" && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("im")) { $url = ""; if (!empty($vote["URL"])) { if (defined("SITE_SERVER_NAME")) { $url = SITE_SERVER_NAME; } $url = (!empty($url) ? $url : \COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name")); if (!empty($url)) { $url = (\CMain::IsHTTPS() ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $url . $vote["URL"]; } } // send notification $gender = ""; if ($event["VISIBLE"] === "Y" && $this->getUser()->getParam("PERSONAL_GENDER") === "F") { $gender = "_F"; } $res = array( "MESSAGE_TYPE" => IM_MESSAGE_SYSTEM, "TO_USER_ID" => $vote["AUTHOR_ID"], "FROM_USER_ID" => ( $event["VISIBLE"] === "Y" ? $this->getUser()->getId() : 0), "NOTIFY_TYPE" => IM_NOTIFY_FROM, "NOTIFY_MODULE" => "vote", "NOTIFY_EVENT" => "voting", "NOTIFY_TAG" => "VOTING|" . $vote["ID"], "NOTIFY_MESSAGE" => (!empty($vote["URL"]) ? fn (?string $languageId = null) => Loc::getMessage( "V_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_HREF" . $gender, array("#VOTE_TITLE#" => $vote["TITLE"], "#VOTE_URL#" => $vote["URL"]), $languageId ) : fn (?string $languageId = null) => Loc::getMessage( "V_NOTIFY_MESSAGE" . $gender, array("#VOTE_TITLE#" => $vote["TITLE"]), $languageId ) ), "NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT" => (!empty($url) ? fn (?string $languageId = null) => Loc::getMessage( "V_NOTIFY_MESSAGE_OUT_HREF" . $gender, array("#VOTE_TITLE#" => $vote["TITLE"], "#VOTE_URL#" => $url), $languageId ) : fn (?string $languageId = null) => Loc::getMessage( "V_NOTIFY_MESSAGE" . $gender, array("#VOTE_TITLE#" => $vote["TITLE"]), $languageId ) ) ); \CIMNotify::Add($res); } else { $channel = $this->getChannel(); // send e-mail $dbUser = \CUser::getById($vote["AUTHOR_ID"]); if ($dbUser && ($u = $dbUser->Fetch()) && !empty($u["EMAIL"])) { $eventFields = array( "EMAIL_TO" => $u["EMAIL"], "VOTE_STATISTIC" => "", "ID" => $event["EVENT_ID"], "TIME" => GetTime(time(), "FULL"), "VOTE_TITLE" => $vote["TITLE"], "VOTE_DESCRIPTION" => $vote["DESCRIPTION"], "VOTE_ID" => $vote["ID"], "VOTE_COUNTER" => $vote["COUNTER"], "URL" => $vote["URL"], "CHANNEL" => $channel["TITLE"], "CHANNEL_ID" => $channel["ID"], "VOTER_ID" => $event["VOTE_USER_ID"], "USER_NAME" => ($event["VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? $this->getUser()->getFullName() : "Hidden"), "LOGIN" => ($event["VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? $this->getUser()->getLogin() : "hidden"), "USER_ID" => ($event["VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? $this->getUser()->getID() : 0), "STAT_GUEST_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "SESSION_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"]), "IP" => \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("REMOTE_ADDR") ); $eventFields["USER_NAME"] = (!!$eventFields["USER_NAME"] && $event["VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? $eventFields["USER_NAME"] : $eventFields["LOGIN"]); // VOTE_STATISTIC $text = array(); foreach ($this["QUESTIONS"] as $question) { if (array_key_exists($question["ID"], $event["BALLOT"])) { $text[$question["ID"]] = array(); foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answer) { if (array_key_exists($answer["ID"], $event["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"])) { if (($answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXT || $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\AnswerTypes::TEXTAREA) && $event["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$answer["ID"]]["MESSAGE"] !== "") { $text[$question["ID"]][] = $event["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$answer["ID"]]["MESSAGE"]; } else { $text[$question["ID"]][] = $answer["MESSAGE"]; } } } if (!empty($text[$question["ID"]])) { $text[$question["ID"]] = " - " . $question["QUESTION"] . "\n - " . implode(", ", $text[$question["ID"]]); } else { $text[$question["ID"]] = " - " . $question["QUESTION"] . "\n - ...\n"; } } } $eventFields["VOTE_STATISTIC"] = "\n" . implode("\n\n", $text); $arrSites = \CVoteChannel::GetSiteArray($channel["ID"]); \CEvent::Send("VOTE_FOR", $arrSites, $eventFields, "N"); } } return true; } /** * Complete vote array by data from DB. * @return void */ public function fillStatistic() { foreach ($this->questions as &$qs) foreach ($qs["ANSWERS"] as &$as) $as["STAT"] = array(); $dbRes = \Bitrix\Vote\EventTable::getList(array( "select" => array( "V_" => "*", "Q_" => "QUESTION.*", "A_" => "QUESTION.ANSWER.*", "U_ID" => "USER.USER.ID", "U_NAME" => "USER.USER.NAME", "U_LAST_NAME" => "USER.USER.LAST_NAME", "U_SECOND_NAME" => "USER.USER.SECOND_NAME", "U_LOGIN" => "USER.USER.LOGIN", "U_PERSONAL_PHOTO" => "USER.USER.PERSONAL_PHOTO", ), "filter" => array("VOTE_ID" => $this->id, "VALID" => "Y"), "order" => array( "USER.USER.LAST_NAME" => "ASC", "USER.USER.NAME" => "ASC", "USER.USER.LOGIN" => "ASC" ) )); while ($dbRes && ($res = $dbRes->fetch())) { if (array_key_exists($res["Q_QUESTION_ID"], $this->questions) && array_key_exists($res["A_ANSWER_ID"], $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"])) { $stat = &$this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["STAT"]; $result = array( "USER" => array( "ID" => 0, ), "MESSAGE" => $res["A_MESSAGE"] ); if ($this["ANONYMITY"] !== \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\Anonymity::ANONYMOUSLY && $res["V_VISIBLE"] == "Y" && $res["U_ID"] > 0) { $result["USER"] = array( "ID" => $res["U_ID"], "NAME" => $res["U_NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $res["U_LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $res["U_SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $res["U_LOGIN"], "PERSONAL_PHOTO" => $res["U_PERSONAL_PHOTO"], ); } $stat[$res["A_ID"]] = $result; } } } public function getStatistic() { $dbRes = \Bitrix\Vote\EventTable::getList(array( "select" => array( "V_" => "*", "Q_" => "QUESTION.*", "A_" => "QUESTION.ANSWER.*", "U_ID" => "USER.USER.ID", "U_NAME" => "USER.USER.NAME", "U_LAST_NAME" => "USER.USER.LAST_NAME", "U_SECOND_NAME" => "USER.USER.SECOND_NAME", "U_PERSONAL_PHOTO" => "USER.USER.PERSONAL_PHOTO", ), "filter" => array("VOTE_ID" => $this->id, "VALID" => "Y"), "order" => array( "USER.USER.LAST_NAME" => "ASC", "USER.USER.NAME" => "ASC", "USER.USER.LOGIN" => "ASC" ) )); $result = []; while ($dbRes && ($res = $dbRes->fetch())) { if (!array_key_exists($res["V_ID"], $result)) { $result[$res["V_ID"]] = [ "ID" => $res["V_ID"], "DATE" => $res["V_DATE_VOTE"], "VISIBLE" => ($this["ANONYMITY"] !== \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\Anonymity::ANONYMOUSLY && $res["V_VISIBLE"] == "Y" ? "Y" : "N"), "BALLOT" => [], "USER" => ["ID" => 0] ]; if ($result[$res["V_ID"]]["VISIBLE"] == "Y" && $res["U_ID"] > 0) { $result[$res["V_ID"]]["USER"] = array( "ID" => $res["U_ID"], "NAME" => $res["U_NAME"], "LAST_NAME" => $res["U_LAST_NAME"], "SECOND_NAME" => $res["U_SECOND_NAME"], "LOGIN" => $res["U_LOGIN"] ?? null, "PERSONAL_PHOTO" => $res["U_PERSONAL_PHOTO"], ); } } $ballot = &$result[$res["V_ID"]]["BALLOT"]; if (!array_key_exists($res["Q_QUESTION_ID"], $ballot)) { $ballot[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]] = []; } $ballot[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]] = trim($res["A_MESSAGE"]); } return $result; } /** * @return array|null */ public function getChannel() { if ($this->channel === null) { $this->channel = array(); $db = Channel::getList(array()); while (($res = $db->fetch()) && $res) { if ($this->vote["CHANNEL_ID"] == $res["ID"]) { $this->channel = $res; break; } } } return $this->channel; } /** * @param string $key The name if characteristic that you want to know. * @return mixed */ public function get($key): mixed { return $this->vote[$key] ?? null; } /** * Returns question array. * @param int $id * @return array|null */ public function getQuestion(int $id) { if (array_key_exists($id, $this->questions)) return $this->questions[$id]; return null; } /** * @return array */ public function getQuestions() { return $this->questions; } /** * Prolongs the time of voting for a year * @return void */ public function resume() { VoteTable::update($this->id, ["DATE_END" => (new DateTime())->add("1Y")]); $this->clearCache(); } /** * Sets the finish time for voting by current moment * @return void */ public function stop() { VoteTable::update($this->id, ["DATE_END" => new DateTime()]); $this->clearCache(); } /** * Deletes Vote by its id. * @param integer $id Vote ID. * @return bool */ public static function delete($id) { // @todo delete all attaches return \CVote::Delete($id); } /** * Clears cache * @return void */ public function clearCache() { global $VOTE_CACHE; unset($VOTE_CACHE["VOTE"][$this->id]); unset(self::$storage[$this->id]); unset(self::$canVoteStorage[$this->id]); } /** * Clears vote events cache * @return void */ private function clearVotingCache() { global $VOTE_CACHE; unset($VOTE_CACHE["VOTE_CACHE_VOTING"][$this->id]); unset(self::$canVoteStorage[$this->id]); } /** * Exports data of voting into excel file * @param string $type html|xls|csv * @return void */ public function exportExcel($type = "html") { global $APPLICATION; $nameTemplate = Context::getCurrent()->getCulture()->getFormatName(); $dateTemplate = \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime::getFormat(); $APPLICATION->restartBuffer(); while(ob_get_clean()); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); $statistic = $this->getStatistic(); $table1 = ["body" => []]; $table2 = [ "head" => [Loc::getMessage("V_EXPORT_DATE"), Loc::getMessage("V_EXPORT_NAME")], "body" => [] ]; foreach ($statistic as $event) { $user = Loc::getMessage("VOTE_GUEST"); if ($event["VISIBLE"] !== "Y") { $user = Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ANONYMOUSLY"); } else if ($event["USER"]["ID"] > 0) { $user = \CUser::formatName($nameTemplate, $event["USER"], true, false); } /*@var \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime $event["DATE"] */ $row = [ "DATE" => $event["DATE"]->toUserTime()->format($dateTemplate), "USER" => $user ]; foreach ($this->questions as $questionId => $question) { $answerMessage = []; if (array_key_exists($questionId, $event["BALLOT"])) { foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answerId => $answer) { if (array_key_exists($answerId, $event["BALLOT"][$questionId])) { if (!array_key_exists("STAT", $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId])) $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["STAT"] = []; $stat = &$this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["STAT"]; if ($event["BALLOT"][$questionId][$answerId] <> '') { $stat[$event["ID"]] = $row["USER"]." (".$event["BALLOT"][$questionId][$answerId].")"; $answerMessage[] = $event["BALLOT"][$questionId][$answerId]; } else { $answerMessage[] = $answer["MESSAGE"]; $stat[$event["ID"]] = $row["USER"]; } } } } $row[] = implode(", ", $answerMessage); } $table2["body"][] = array_values($row); } foreach ($this->questions as $questionId => $question) { $table1["body"][] = [$question["QUESTION"], "", "", ""]; foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answerId => $answer) { $table1["body"][] = ["", $answer["MESSAGE"], $answer["COUNTER"], (array_key_exists("STAT", $answer) ? implode(", ", $answer["STAT"]) : "")]; } $table2["head"][] = $question["QUESTION"]; } if ($type === "csv") { Header("Content-Type: ". MimeType::getByFileExtension("csv")); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=vote".$this->id.".csv"); $f = fopen("php://output", "w"); fputcsv($f, $table2["head"], ';'); foreach ($table2["body"] as $row) { fputcsv($f, $row, ';'); } fclose($f); } else { $mess = [ "GENERAL_INFO" => Loc::getMessage("V_EXPORT_GENERAL_INFO"), "STATISTIC" => Loc::getMessage("V_EXPORT_STATISTIC") ]; if ($type === "xls") { $bodyRows = []; foreach ($table1["body"] as $row) { $bodyRows[] = implode("</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"bold\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">", $row); } $table1["body"] = implode("</Data></Cell></Row><Row><Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\">", $bodyRows); $table2["head"] = implode("</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"bold\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">", $table2["head"]); $bodyRows = []; foreach ($table2["body"] as $row) { $bodyRows[] = implode("</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"bold\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">", $row); } $table2["body"] = implode("</Data></Cell></Row><Row><Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\">", $bodyRows); $LANG_CHARSET = LANG_CHARSET; $res = <<<XML <?xml version="1.0" charset="{$LANG_CHARSET}"?> <?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?> <Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" xmlns:html=""> <Styles> <Style ss:ID="bold"> <Font ss:Bold="1"/> </Style> </Styles> <Worksheet ss:Name="{$mess["GENERAL_INFO"]}"> <Table> <Row> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{$table1["body"]}</Data></Cell> </Row> </Table> </Worksheet> <Worksheet ss:Name="{$mess["STATISTIC"]}"> <Table> <Row> <Cell ss:StyleID="bold"><Data ss:Type="String">{$table2["head"]}</Data></Cell> </Row> <Row> <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">{$table2["body"]}</Data></Cell> </Row> </Table> </Worksheet> </Workbook> XML; } else { $LANG_CHARSET = LANG_CHARSET; $bodyRows = []; foreach ($table1["body"] as $row) { $bodyRows[] = implode("</td><td>", $row); } $table1["body"] = implode("</td></tr><tr><td>", $bodyRows); $table2["head"] = implode("</th><th>", $table2["head"]); $bodyRows = []; foreach ($table2["body"] as $row) { $bodyRows[] = implode("</td><td>", $row); } $table2["body"] = implode("</td></tr><tr><td>", $bodyRows); $res = <<<HTML <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset={$LANG_CHARSET}" /> <p> <table border="1"> <tbody> <tr><td>{$table1["body"]}</td></tr> </tbody> </table> </p> <p> <table border="1"> <thead><tr><th>{$table2["head"]}</th></tr></thead> <tbody><tr><td>{$table2["body"]}</td></tr></tbody> </table> </p> HTML; } header("Content-Type: ". MimeType::getByFileExtension("xls")); header("Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=vote".$this->id.".xls"); echo $res; } \CMain::finalActions(); die(); } private function getDataFromRequest(array $request) { $res = \Bitrix\Vote\Event::getDataFromRequest($this->getId(), $request); if ($res !== null) { $data = $res; } else { $questions = $this->getQuestions(); $data = ["EXTRAS" => [], "BALLOT" => [], "MESSAGE" => []]; foreach ($questions as $question) { $data["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]] = array(); foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answer) { $fieldType = ( $question["FIELD_TYPE"] == \Bitrix\Vote\QuestionTypes::COMPATIBILITY || $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == AnswerTypes::TEXTAREA || $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == AnswerTypes::TEXT ? $answer["FIELD_TYPE"] : $question["FIELD_TYPE"]); switch ($fieldType) { case AnswerTypes::RADIO : case AnswerTypes::DROPDOWN : $fieldName = ($fieldType == AnswerTypes::RADIO ? "vote_radio_" : "vote_dropdown_").$question["ID"]; if ($request[$fieldName] == $answer["ID"]) $data["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]][$answer["ID"]] = true; break; case AnswerTypes::CHECKBOX : case AnswerTypes::MULTISELECT : $fieldName = ($fieldType == AnswerTypes::CHECKBOX ? "vote_checkbox_" : "vote_multiselect_").$question["ID"]; if (array_key_exists($fieldName, $request) && is_array($request[$fieldName]) && in_array($answer["ID"], $request[$fieldName])) $data["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]][$answer["ID"]] = true; break; default : $fieldName = ($answer["FIELD_TYPE"] == AnswerTypes::TEXT ? "vote_field_" : "vote_memo_") . $answer["ID"]; $value = trim($request[$fieldName]); if ($value <> '') { if (!array_key_exists($question["ID"], $data["MESSAGE"])) $data["MESSAGE"][$question["ID"]] = []; $data["MESSAGE"][$question["ID"]][$answer["ID"]] = $value; $data["BALLOT"][$question["ID"]][$answer["ID"]] = true; } break; } } } } return $data; } /** * Voting for vote from current user $USER. * @param array $request Old variant Array(" * vote_checkbox_".$questionId => array(1,2,3,...), * "vote_multiselect_".$questionId => array(1,2,3,...), * "vote_dropdown_".$questionId => 12 || "12", * "vote_radio_".$questionId => 12 || "12", * "vote_field_".$answerId => "12"). * New variant is * [ * EXTRA => [HIDDEN => N], * 871 => [345 => (Does not matter || text from field)], * QUESTION_ID => [ANSWER_ID => (Y || text from field)], * ] * @param array $params * @return bool * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public function voteFor(array $request, $params = []) { return $this->registerEvent($this->getDataFromRequest($request), $params, User::getCurrent()); } public function registerEvent(array $data, array $params, \Bitrix\Vote\User $user) { if ($this["LAMP"] == "red") { throw new AccessDeniedException(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE")); } $voteId = $this->getId(); if ($user->lock($voteId) !== true) { throw new AccessDeniedException(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_IS_OCCUPIED")); } $userId = $user->getId(); $this->errorCollection->clear(); /** @var \Bitrix\Main\Result $result */ if (!isset($params["revote"]) || $params["revote"] != true) { $result = $this->canVote($user); } //region Delete event If It is possible else if ( ($result = $this->canRevote($user)) && $result->isSuccess() && !empty($result->getData()) && ($eventIdsToDelete = array_column($result->getData(), 'ID')) && !empty($eventIdsToDelete) ) { $dbRes = \Bitrix\Vote\EventTable::getList([ "select" => [ "V_" => "*", "Q_" => "QUESTION.*", "A_" => "QUESTION.ANSWER.*"], "filter" => [ "VOTE_ID" => $voteId, "ID" => $eventIdsToDelete], "order" => [ "ID" => "ASC", "QUESTION.ID" => "ASC", "QUESTION.ANSWER.ID" => "ASC"] ]); if ($dbRes && ($res = $dbRes->fetch())) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("im")) { \CIMNotify::DeleteByTag("VOTING|".$voteId, $userId); } $vEId = 0; $qEId = 0; do { if ($vEId < $res["V_ID"]) { $vEId = $res["V_ID"]; \Bitrix\Vote\Event::deleteEvent(intval($res["V_ID"])); $this->vote["COUNTER"] = max($this->vote["COUNTER"] - 1, 0); } if (array_key_exists($res["Q_QUESTION_ID"], $this->questions) && array_key_exists($res["A_ANSWER_ID"], $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"])) { if ($qEId < $res["Q_ID"]) { $qEId = $res["Q_ID"]; $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["COUNTER"] = max($this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["COUNTER"] - 1, 0); } $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["COUNTER"] = max( $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["COUNTER"] - 1, 0); if ($this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["COUNTER"] > 0) { $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["~PERCENT"] = $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["COUNTER"] * 100 / $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["COUNTER"]; $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["PERCENT"] = round($this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["~PERCENT"], 2); } else { $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["~PERCENT"] = 0; $this->questions[$res["Q_QUESTION_ID"]]["ANSWERS"][$res["A_ANSWER_ID"]]["PERCENT"] = 0; } } } while ($dbRes && ($res = $dbRes->fetch())); $this->clearCache(); $this->clearVotingCache(); } $result = $this->canVote($user); } //endregion if (!$result->isSuccess()) { $this->errorCollection->add($result->getErrors()); } else { $event = new \Bitrix\Vote\Event($this); /** * @var \Bitrix\Main\Type\Dictionary $eventResult */ $eventFields = array( "VOTE_USER_ID" => \Bitrix\Vote\User::getCurrent()->setVotedUserId(true), "DATE_VOTE" => (new DateTime()), "STAT_SESSION_ID" => $_SESSION["SESS_SESSION_ID"] ?? null, "IP" => \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->get("REMOTE_ADDR"), "VALID" => "Y", "VISIBLE" => ($this["ANONYMITY"] == \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\Anonymity::ANONYMOUSLY ? "N" : "Y") // can be replaced from $data array ["EXTRAS"]["HIDDEN"] = "Y" ); if (!$event->check($data) || !($eventResult = $event->add($eventFields, $data)) ) { $this->errorCollection->add($event->getErrors()); } else { $this->vote["COUNTER"]++; foreach ($eventResult->get("BALLOT") as $questionId => $question) { $this->questions[$questionId]["COUNTER"]++; foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answerId => $answerEventParams) { $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["COUNTER"]++; } } foreach ($this->questions as $questionId => $question) { foreach ($question["ANSWERS"] as $answerId => $answerEventParams) { if ($this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["COUNTER"] > 0) { $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["~PERCENT"] = $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["COUNTER"] * 100 / $this->questions[$questionId]["COUNTER"]; $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["PERCENT"] = round($this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["~PERCENT"], 2); } else { $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["~PERCENT"] = 0; $this->questions[$questionId]["ANSWERS"][$answerId]["PERCENT"] = 0; } } } self::$statStorage[] = $voteId; $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId] = $eventResult->get("EVENT_ID"); // statistic module if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule("statistic")) { $event3 = $this["EVENT3"]; if (empty($event3)) { $event3 = (\Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->isHttps() ? "https://" : "http://") . \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getServer()->getHttpHost() . "/bitrix/admin/vote_user_results.php?EVENT_ID=" . $eventResult->get("EVENT_ID") . "&lang=" . LANGUAGE_ID; } \CStatEvent::AddCurrent($this["EVENT1"], $this["EVENT2"], $event3); } // notification TODO replace this functional into other function if ($this["NOTIFY"] !== "N" && $this["AUTHOR_ID"] > 0 && $this["AUTHOR_ID"] != $userId) { self::sendVotingMessage($eventResult->toArray(), $this, ($this["NOTIFY"] == "I" ? "im" : "mail")); } /***************** Event onAfterVoting *****************************/ foreach (GetModuleEvents("vote", "onAfterVoting", true) as $ev) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($ev, array($voteId, $eventResult->get("EVENT_ID"), $userId)); } /***************** /Event ******************************************/ } } $user->unlock($voteId); return $this->errorCollection->isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if current user voted for this vote. * @param int|User $userId User ID. * @return bool|int */ public function isVotedFor($userId) { $result = false; $user = ($userId instanceof User ? $userId : ($userId == $this->getUser()->getId() ? User::getCurrent() : User::loadFromId($userId))); $canVoteResult = $this->canVote($user); if (!$canVoteResult->isSuccess()) { $result = 0; for ( $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->rewind(); $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->valid(); $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->next() ) { /** @var Error $error */ $error = $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->current(); $result |= $error->getCode(); } } return $result; } /** * Checks rights to read current attached object. * @param int $userId Id of user. * @return bool */ public function canRead($userId) { if (parent::canEdit($userId)) return true; else if (parent::canRead($userId)) { $groups = parent::loadUserGroups($userId); $dbRes = Channel::getList(array( "select" => array("*"), "filter" => array( "ACTIVE" => "Y", "HIDDEN" => "N", ">=PERMISSION.PERMISSION" => 1, "PERMISSION.GROUP_ID" => $groups ), "order" => array( "TITLE" => "ASC" ), "group" => array("ID") )); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) { if ($res["ID"] == $this->get("CHANNEL_ID")) return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks rights to update current attached object. * @param int $userId Id of user. * @return bool */ public function canEdit($userId) { if (parent::canEdit($userId)) return true; else if (parent::canRead($userId)) { $groups = parent::loadUserGroups($userId); $dbRes = Channel::getList(array( "select" => array("*"), "filter" => array( "ACTIVE" => "Y", "HIDDEN" => "N", ">=PERMISSION.PERMISSION" => 4, "PERMISSION.GROUP_ID" => $groups ), "order" => array( "TITLE" => "ASC" ), "group" => array("ID") )); while ($res = $dbRes->fetch()) { if ($res["ID"] == $this->get("CHANNEL_ID")) return true; } } return false; } public function canParticipate($userId) { return $this->canRead($userId) && $this->vote["LAMP"] == "green"; } /** * @param \Bitrix\Vote\User|integer $user * @return \Bitrix\Main\Result * @throws ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public function canVote($user) { $vote = $this; $voteId = intval($vote["ID"]); if (!($user instanceof \Bitrix\Vote\User)) { $user = \Bitrix\Vote\User::loadFromId($user); } if (!array_key_exists($voteId, self::$canVoteStorage)) { self::$canVoteStorage[$voteId] = []; } if (array_key_exists($user->getId(), self::$canVoteStorage[$voteId])) { return self::$canVoteStorage[$voteId][$user->getId()]; } $uniqueType = intval($vote["UNIQUE_TYPE"]); $filterCard = 0; $filter = ["LOGIC" => "OR"]; $result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result(); if ($uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_SESSION && is_array($_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"]) && array_key_exists($voteId, $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"])) { $filter["ID"] = $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId]; $filterCard |= \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_SESSION; $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_SESSION"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_SESSION)); } if (($uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_COOKIE) && $user->getCookieId() > 0) { $filter["USER.COOKIE_ID"] = $user->getCookieId(); $filterCard |= \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_COOKIE; } if ($uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP) { $delay = intval($vote["KEEP_IP_SEC"]); $filter[] = ([ "IP" => \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress()] + ($delay > 0 ? [ ">=DATE_VOTE" => (new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime())->add("-T".$delay."S")] : [])); $filterCard |= \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP; } if ( $uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_AUTH || $uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_DATE_REGISTER || $uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID) { if (!$user->getUser()->IsAuthorized()) { $filterCard |= \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_AUTH; $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_USER_AUTH"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_AUTH)); } else { if ($uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_DATE_REGISTER) { $us = \CUser::GetByID($user->getId())->fetch(); if (MakeTimeStamp($vote["DATE_START"]) < MakeTimeStamp($us["DATE_REGISTER"])) { $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_USER_DATE_REGISTER"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_DATE_REGISTER)); } } if ($uniqueType & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID) { $filter["USER.AUTH_USER_ID"] = $user->getId(); $filterCard |= \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID; } } } if ($filterCard > 0) { $dbRes = \Bitrix\Vote\EventTable::getList([ "select" => [ "*", "USER_COOKIE_ID" => "USER.COOKIE_ID", "USER_AUTH_USER_ID" => "USER.AUTH_USER_ID", ], "filter" => [ "VOTE_ID" => $voteId, $filter ] ]); $data = $dbRes->fetchAll(); $result->setData($data); foreach ($data as $res) { if (($filterCard & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_COOKIE) && $res["USER_COOKIE_ID"] == $user->getCookieId()) { $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_COOKIE"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_COOKIE)); $filterCard &= ~\Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_COOKIE; } if (($filterCard & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP) && ($res["IP"] == \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest()->getRemoteAddress())) { if ($vote["KEEP_IP_SEC"] > 0) { /**@var DateTime $res["DATE_VOTE"] */ $res["DATE_VOTE"]->add("T".$vote["KEEP_IP_SEC"]."S"); $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_IP_2", ["#DATE#" => $res["DATE_VOTE"]->toString()]), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP)); } else { $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_IP"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP)); } $filterCard &= ~\Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_IP; } if (($filterCard & \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID) && ($res["USER_AUTH_USER_ID"] == $user->getId())) { $result->addError(new \Bitrix\Main\Error(Loc::getMessage("VOTE_ERROR_BY_USER_ID"), \Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID)); $filterCard &= ~\Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID; } if ($filterCard <= 0) break; } } self::$canVoteStorage[$voteId][$user->getId()] = $result; return $result; } public function canRevote($user) { $canVoteResult = $this->canVote($user); $result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result(); if ($canVoteResult->isSuccess() || ( ($this["OPTIONS"] & Vote\Option::ALLOW_REVOTE) && $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->getErrorByCode(\Bitrix\Vote\Vote\EventLimits::BY_USER_ID) && $canVoteResult->getErrorCollection()->count() == 1 )) { $result->setData($canVoteResult->getData()); return $result; } return $canVoteResult; } public function canReadResult($user) { $result = new \Bitrix\Main\Result(); if (!($user instanceof \Bitrix\Vote\User)) { $user = \Bitrix\Vote\User::loadFromId($user); } if ($this["AUTHOR_ID"] != $user->getId()) { if ($this["OPTIONS"] & Vote\Option::HIDE_RESULT) { $result->addError(new Error("Access denied.", "Hidden results")); } else if ($this["LAMP"] == "green") { $canVoteResult = $this->canVote($user); if ($canVoteResult->isSuccess()) $result->addError(new Error("Access denied.", "Hidden results")); } } return $result; } /** * @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array. * @return bool */ public function offsetExists($offset) { if ($offset == "QUESTIONS") return true; return array_key_exists($offset, $this->vote); } /** * @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array. * @return array|mixed|null */ public function offsetGet($offset) { if (array_key_exists($offset, $this->vote)) return $this->vote[$offset]; else if ($offset == "QUESTIONS") return $this->questions; return null; } /** * Is not supported. * @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array. * @param mixed $value Value for vote or attach data array. * @return void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException */ public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException("Model provide ArrayAccess only for reading"); } /** * Is not supported. * @param string $offset Key for vote or attach data array. * @return void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException */ public function offsetUnset($offset) { throw new \Bitrix\Main\NotSupportedException("Model provide ArrayAccess only for reading"); } }