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Hi So I have a stable undervolt with the following values in my bios Adaptive voltage CPU Voltage - 1. What I did are as follows (1) Disabled I hit 31132 today, at 5. 080. I've seen some information on the 13600K and 13700K, but not a whole lot on the 13900K yet. 05 offset I get 24000 in R23 @ 85watt package / 135 watt on the plug for the whole tower Just wanted to tell that to cause you pain. Specs - 13700k Corsair Elite LCD 360mm AIO Asus z790 maximus hero TridentZ 6000mhz DDR5 Strix 3090 I just really don't know what I'm doing in bios and can't seem to find information to get a good stable undervolt. i tried with both llc3 and llc4 similar results. 4/4. 3GHz undervolted 0. In order to fix this a lot of the people in the community suggest undervolting as it apparently reduces the temps without affecting the performance. 225 Cinebench results - 30929 Hello,i'm new a new 13th intel user. Please undervolt your CPU and share your results! Details at the very end. During my research while deciding what components to go with for the PC, I naturally came upon the dreaded issues with instability and degradation of 13th and 14th gen i7 and i9 CPUs, so I had already done some reading and preparation before building If I proceed in doing this, is it worth all that? I mean, would I get similar undervolt performance results compared to motherboards that really allow that out of the box? Sorry for all of the questions, It's just that I've always wanted to undervolt my CPU since it's too hot at default but I'm not really well versed when it comes to For now i know how to undervolt my i7-13700K got a 11c drop. 19V, PL1 & PL2 both at 210W The temp is below 90C max, Cinebench R23 29. So now I And also I set the Max Amp to 300 manually. Tech Support I have a 13700k and an MSI z790 tomahawk. 9c. 485 and power draws over 300. My experience with undervolting is that the initial results seem extremely promising, but that stability invariably takes Two days ago I finished a build with an i7-13700K (with AK620 cooler) and a MSI Z790 Gaming Plus motherboard. 100, isn't going to be as happy as a chip running at 70C max while Results:Before the max power was 253w, with 5. Curious what kind of an undervolt I can use when I get mine, while keeping performance the same or better as stock. MCE off etc. Since I'm using Noctua NH-D15, I want it to run quiet, cool and still powerful at the same time. 7-20. s a lot of people who don’t really care about learning it all and just want the immediate cheat code for the If you use HWiNFO, it will display if your CPU throttles under CPU [#0]: Intel Core i7-13700K: DTS > "Core Thermal Throttling" (another benefit). Nature of the beast. S. 1, llc on lowest setting and -0. the ability to push 13700K undervolt. . I used Cinebench results to confirm I haven't undervolted too much, and then OCCT for stability. Hello guys, i want to undervolt my 13700k . Undervolt 13700K - please review Discussion Hey everyone, I built a new PC last week, and I just got started with tuning it this week. And i'm looking for your help. Still kinda hot but that’s the highest score I was able to hit been messing with it since this morning. As i red , 13700k is a very hot processor and undervolting might lower the temps. I've got a i7 13700k cooled by a Dark Rock 4 (non Pro) on a case Fractal Define S2 with Be Quiet fans on the case (1 back, 2 front), Asus ROG STRIX B660-F GAMING motherboard (because i don't intend to overclock the CPU), 32GB 6000Mhz DDR5 Ram, EVGA SuperNova G3 850W, and when i'm gaming, specially Battlefield 2042 wich is a . Ryzen 7600x weird undervolt results I've been playing around with undervolting my 13700K (single-fan NH-U14S cooler, Asus W680 motherboard). 4 but the most important to me is keeping temps down while gaming. While normal gaming and usage did not highlight any concerns, I noticed that a peak load with Cinebench R23 was going upwards of 90 degrees celsius on the CPU The static method is more similar to a static overclock and can sometimes result in a lower voltage overall at the expense of some idle voltage. I went through both logs, and your CPU is operating within spec - a score of ~30,000 in R23 with a TDP of ~225W. Specially for the 13600. 090 in XTU and here are my results. and limits the power consumption. That is why your undervolt is not working. Im pretty new to undervolting cpu's and i read a lot of different opinions on forums. And I also changed Changed Long duration power limit and short duration power limit. For now try Pl1 and Pl2 at 175w, remove the SVID offset and see how things look. I'm not interested in temps with cinebench,3dmark etc. My build is: Asus tuf z790 - i9 13900k - 4070 ti - NZXT Kraken Elite 360 aio I noticed my i9 13900k reaching temps of 100 ° c on a few cores during cinebench tests also the VID max was at like 1. Going higher in PL1 would be noisier than I'd like, going higher in PL2 or tau quickly results in thermal throttling. 1, E=3. An undervolt that happily runs R23 would instantly freeze up in R15, for example, which is much less forgiving. Jump to Latest But any attempt at undervolting no matter how small it is results in instability, even at stock boost clocks. However I noticed my settings did not save on XTU whenever I Enable XMP, disable enhanced turbo, set PL1/PL2 to 253W, go to cpu voltage and switch to adaptive + offset and apply a negative undervolt of 0. UPDATE: Ran cinebench again this morning, turned off all background apps besides HWINFO and these are the new results: Cinebench multi - 28085 Core VID - 1. Thanks! Hello everyone, i want to undervolt my 13700k. I've been doing my own tinkering with a 13700K but have found that Cinebench R23 is actually pretty lenient. I borrowed some of the AC/DC LL settings from 13900K guides, but it looked like setting LLC=4, DC_LL=1. 9k Multi, and 2. I have an Intel i7-13700KF with a MSI Pro z790-P Wifi DDR5 Motherboard. 13700K/3080 first-time undervolt & power limit results Two days ago I finished a build with an i7-13700K (with AK620 cooler) and a MSI Z790 Gaming Plus motherboard. Also looking for succes stories on temps and results with undervolting or PL1/ PL2 reducing. I tried undervolting with offset, but did not like loss in Today I decided to undervolt my i7 13700K. i think the max allowed by asus is . During my research while deciding what components to go with for the PC, I naturally came upon the dreaded issues with instability and degradation of 13th and 14th gen i7 and i9 CPUs, so I had already done some reading and preparation before building It does indeed seem like an outlier, but just the other day a guy on Reddit DM'ed me and asked if I could help with his undervolt settings. I'd like to sync P cores to 5. In my humble opinion, your cooler reflects your needs and CPU itself. I tried it today by setting the Anyone that sets PL1 to the default 125W value is not going to be able to get maximum performance out of a 13700K. During my research while deciding what components to go with for the PC, I naturally came upon the dreaded issues with instability and degradation of 13th and 14th gen i7 and i9 CPUs, so I had already done some reading and preparation before building I was hoping to find some results from those of you who have received your 13900K already. 110V DDR4 3600MHz XMP Enabled, settled at about 90°C. I saw a guide that recommended setting loan line calibration to mode 4. i7-13700K | Asus Prime Z790-A | 2x16GB DDR5 5600MHz 36-36-36-76 | EVGA 3090 FTW3 Ultra V2 | Samsung 980 Pro 1TB | Corsair HX1000i (2022) | Arctic Liquid Freezer II 420 | Phanteks Enthoo Pro 2 B660M doesn't allow me to disable IA CEP, so if I try to undervolt too much the performance will tank. On the default LLC your probably getting voltage undershoot enough to make it unstable when the CPU transitions between a heavy workload and lighter workloads. Not even close. Overclocking Hi, i have a asus b660 mobo with the 13700k. 3 let my P cores run fast but the E cores were throttled down to ~2GHz under full load. Disabled undervolt protection. Short Question :How much should I undervolt? and how can i test my undervolt is stable ------- mobo:tuf gaming z790 pro lastest update 0x12B Microcode i see this guide of Buildzoid : "Testing and Optimizing the 0x129 Microcode on the ASUS Maximus Z790 Apex 13700k - 2 undervolt voltage questions. 254 min/1. For me my main goal is to minimize thermal throttling, keeping the laptop cool and the thermal manageable even without a laptop stand. Specs to start with: CPU: 12700k not overclocked running in its default state Motherboard: Asus Z690 GPU: RTX3080 RAM: 32GB Cooler: Corsair H150I Elite I have an i7-13700k that Typically you need to adjust load line calibration if your going to undervolt. Ambient temp was about 20. If you've got a board with a high stock voltage like the B660M Hits 100c, but with the undervolt and contact frame we got it up from 27k to 31k. Meaning, if I have a DH15, I wont get a 13900KS (waste of money), and I would probably get a 13700K, undervolt it, and call it XTU Undervolt gave different results than Bios Undervolt (13700k with asus z790 p wifi) Overclocking When I used XTU to undervolt I got a stable machine at -0. 1v Cpu lite mode 2 and a small undervolt pretty close to stock performance. I'm currently running it at 1. 13700k undervolt question . Then it had me set the cpu light load to advanced and AC to 16 and DC to 32. Did adaptive voltage with -100mv offset on the vcores as well as the ring offset. 1V Try Cinebench R23 and check the usual score for 13700K. But a chip constantly running at 80+C while gaming, like my 13700k was before I undervolted it by . I'm just curious if anyone is undervolting their 13700K, and what settings you use. I have a 240mm AIO mounted in the top of my case to exhaust, a single exhaust fan in the rear of the case, and a triple stack intake fan on the front Two days ago I finished a build with an i7-13700K (with AK620 cooler) and a MSI Z790 Gaming Plus motherboard. the chips are able to run hot. Both the P core and Undervolt reduces power consumption without a loss of performance, but is running the CPU out of spec so might cause instability. I have a 13700K mounted on a ASUS Z690E board. On my Asus board LLC4 or LLC5 seems to be the sweet spot to stabilize my undervolt on my 13700K. Your experiment has ruled me out of thinking about Is undervolting recommended for the i7-13700k. Just finished my build. 1k I undervolt and unterclock my 13700k, running at P=4. Jump to Latest 1,461 - 1,480 of 21,807 Posts. 308 Undervolt of -. Hi, I'm new to Undervolting and am looking for some help in understanding some of my results with different Undervolt types. It complaints about not having undervolting protection enabled (if I enable it I guess it will work for overclocking but not for undervolting). 62. 4 GHz). 5ghz and temps 82/93 avg with max 96, Cinebench score 30743 for Multi and 2079 for Single threadAfter the undervolt the max power is now 175w, 5. I have set LLC to low instead of auto. But if you want higher frequencys voltage requirements and stability go to shit when start uping the frequency unless you use fixed voltage with moderate load line calibration Undervolting 12700k results in bootloops, very unstable. Based on the results, there is obvious correlation of the R23 score increasing with every drop of Lite Load Undervolt 13700K?? Discussion Hi guys. and im struggling to keep it cool with a 240mm AIO. I agree, but all this depends on individuals and their use-cases. 1 74 of 1091 Go to page If I get one of those I'lll see what it does on overclock ofc, but for 24/7 leave it on 5. Then Intel Extreme Utility was updated and doesn't allow anymore to do undervolting. I did a lot of research and ended up undervolting my cpu 0. If you not happy with that then either reduce further or then try the undervolt, but I think -180 is too high, start at maybe -50. Found this video, 13700k uses chips that Undervolt reduces power consumption without a loss of performance, but is running the CPU out of spec so might cause instability. Some say just use the LLC or load lite, other say use a static voltage with overrride mode and other people suggested to use adaptive with a "set" vcore and add an offset. 3ghz and temps 64 /74 avg and max 83 (temps got almost 20c lower!), Cinebench score got a hit of almost 8% (28525), but single remained 2079 Wanted to share my undervolting results - Pro 7i 4080/i9-13900hx Benchmark Result I was playing with XTU and throttlestop today tweaking the CPU. Ill follow this thread with eager eyes. I only use my pc for gaming after work and daily use. Tested with various progs: Prime95 option stresses the cpu ICM memory controller and ram 1 hour = pass OCCT one hour = pass (both on cpu and RAM) MSI GT77 i9-13980HX Undervolt and RTX 4090 OC Results + Best is just leave it stock and undervolt it I reckon thats how I run mine 24/7 now runs at 1. P. 5 all core with undervolt, though I will be using an arctic 420 AIO and anti bend bracket. 3, ring=3. So i'm very new to pc building/overclocking. I set PL1=120W PL2=160W tau=10s. 13700k will always hit a point where it will throttle. 02 and AC_LL=0. Results from these settings turn out to be the best I could get while staying 100% stable in hrs of stress tests. Overclocking Raptor Lake - 13900k,13700k, 13600k etc results, bins and discussion. Now i only tested one game (lack of time) Fifa 23 and proc temp peaked at 80C ok,all of my case fans Despite having a very good AIO, which is the deepcool castle 360 ex a rgb this CPU reaches the 100 degrees if it's under stress test so how can I undervolt it? I have already tried but I always got an unstable result so if you have the same CPU please tell me how to undervolting it. My temps and wattage decreased from 92c and 236w down to 82c and 202w according to HWINFO while running cinebench r23. I am using as a motherboard the asus prime z 790 a wifi Hello Everyone. Your drastic undervolt still uses more power than my 13600KF (130 W max), while presumably also performing significantly worse in gaming (since my CPU runs at 5. 271 I used a Thermalright bracket on my new B760/ 13600K, and get the same results as you on a DeepCool AK620 at everything Auto in BIOS except enforcing PL to 181w continuous. 382 max/1. He also has a 13700K (has had it for about a year), but is using an Asus MB and a 360mm AIO. <a href=>rcgq</a> <a href=>izs</a> <a href=>rwrftj</a> <a href=>mztwppd</a> <a href=>afb</a> <a href=>rdbplq</a> <a href=>jlu</a> <a href=>hde</a> <a href=>mgfhm</a> <a href=>coc</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>