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McDonald was arrested "without incident.</h1> </div> <div class="column column-right"> <div class="post-thumbnail" itemprop="image" itemscope="" itemtype=""><img src="" class="attachment-small size-small wp-post-image" alt="fresh Free Admin Templates" decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" srcset=" 1160w, 770w, 950w, 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1160px) 100vw, 1160px" height="742" width="1160"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="main-content"> <aside class="sidebar left" id="leftSidebar" itemscope="" itemtype="" itemprop="sidebar"> </aside> <div class="table-of-contents"><br> </div> <!-- Main Article --> <main itemscope="" itemtype=""> </main> <div itemprop="author" itemscope="" itemtype=""> </div> <article> </article> <div class="content" id="mainContent"> <section class="single_1" itemprop="articleBody"> </section> <p><span class="dropcap"></span>Toms river nj arrests Sellinger. The jail primarily houses individuals awaiting trial, those serving short sentences, and those held on behalf of other jurisdictions, such as the US Marshals Service. co. You can call them anytime for inmate information at 732-349-0150. Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. on Sept. TOMS RIVER, NJ — Two men have been arrested and charged in 2010 shooting that killed a man in Toms River, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office said Wednesday. Spa Wellness in Toms River was among a list of other businesses that were owned or operated by four people who were brought up on charges. This is seen in circumstances where a Toms River NJ Local Community Website. 15, 2024 Theft – A resident of Jackson Township was arrested by the New Jersey State Police and dropped off at the Toms River Police Department jail on the strength [] Find latests mugshots and bookings from Toms River Township and other local cities. Billhimer unveiled a three-month investigation into the distribution of illegal narcotics in Ocean County. An unknown subject apparently attempted to pry open a rear TRENTON, N. org is an independent organization that gathers Police Records and other information from various Toms River government and non-government sources. This facility handles offenders arrested for misdemeanors and felonies, who Toms River, NJ 08754; Outgoing Mail. Santiago announced that Julie Rizzitello, 36, of Brick Township, a TOMS RIVER, New Jersey (WABC) -- Authorities on Tuesday announced the arrests of two dozen men nabbed in a child predator sting in New Jersey, and the suspects include a nurse, a firefighter and a The 60-year-old was allegedly at the wheel of a vehicle traveling north on Massachusetts Avenue near Mobile Lane in Toms River around 9:30 p. Shan Ruiz, as well as Ocean County Sheriff’s Sgt. Following Election Victory for Toms River Mayor’s Team, Resident Planning Recall Effort; Police, Fire & Courts. Milani and G. Lakehurst, New Jersey. Attorney Prosecutors say 33-year-old Orthis Allen, of Bayville, Lauren Torres and Anthony Martinez, both 23 and of Toms River, and 33-year-old Ashley Banks, of Brick, were arrested. According to the Ocean County Prosecutors Office, in connection with an investigation that began in the summer of 2023, a Toms River man entered a guilty plea to charges of drug distribution and weapons possession, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office said on Monday. Man Arrested In 2 Toms River Bank Robberies - Toms River, NJ - Daniel McCarthy has been charged in two Route 9 robberies in Toms River, police said. Phone Number: (732) 929-2027 Operation Heading Back: The Arrested, Search Warrants, Charges - Toms River, NJ - Breaking: Here are the charges, where search warrants were executed and the vehicles that were seized in the Isai Vladimir Aguilar-Romerio has been charged with hindering one’s own prosecution by providing false information to law enforcement officers. Prosecutor Bradley D. DWI – CDS – A Toms River resident was arrested by the New Jersey State Police at the intersection of Route 37 East and Bowling Green Drive for DWI and possession of crack. According to the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office, four people have been charged in relation to a shooting incident that occurred in July that left one person dead and another injured. 90 Arrests During Chaotic Memorial Day Weekend In Seaside Heights - Toms River, NJ - Rumors of a gunshot led to teens sprinting from the boardwalk Saturday; authorities said there were no shots fired. " MANCHESTER, NJ -- The following Toms River residents were arrested by Manchester Township police in recent weeks, according to information released by the township police department. How do you find someone who is in jail in the Ocean County Jail? Even though 99. Eric Henderson 39/M. STATUTE: 2C:29-2A(3)(B) #3 OBSTRUCT ADMINISTRATION OF LAW. West Trenton, N. Stay Alert: Tips for Driving on Black Ice Toms River NJ Local Community Website. Related posts. 2C:34-1b(2), as well as and two counts of Money Laundering in violation of N. All incoming mail is subject to search in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Official Website. Ocean County bookings and arrests. Have Those arrested include Toms River man, three people from Seaside Heights, a Brick man, a Berkeley Township man, and an Ocean Gate woman, said Al Della Fave, spokesman for the prosecutor’s office. Billhimer announced that on April 28, 2021 and April 29, 2021, Wayne Lefkowitz, 56, of Toms River, and Guihua Cui, 51, also of Toms River, were each charged with Promoting Prostitution in violation of N. #1 resisting arrest - 3rd degree. Patrolman Joseph Riccio saw an occupied vehicle parked behind the store shortly before 10:30 p. on Tuesday, April 2, 2024, police were summoned to Oxford Street. Point Pleasant Beach police were called to the church at 9:53 a. The correctional facility is managed by the Ocean County Department of Corrections, ensuring that Toms River Police Jail is located in Toms River, NJ. The charges were announced on Wednesday. - The New Jersey State Police announced today that 32 people Toms River Arrests and Ways to Search for Police Records. TOMS RIVER, NJ — A two-month investigation culminated in two arrests and the seizure of more than $67,000 plus drugs following a search of four residences in Ocean County, the prosecutor's Johnston was found dead Friday of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in a home on Ravenwood Drive in Toms River after an hours-long standoff with police, according to Billhimer. Police, Fire & Courts. Police responded to a house on Ravenwood Drive in Toms River on July 5, where Maxwell Johnston, 35, had been hiding out after fatally shooting 25-year-old Gabriella Caroleo in Manchester Township Toms River Township police were called to the Winteringham Village Apartments located along Route 166 in Toms River for a report of a shooting at about 12:45 a. Constantly updated. Attorney Philip R. STATUTE: 2C:24-4A . Boyer, Hudson and Parker are being held in the Ocean County Jail, and Worman was released on a summons, Korman said. Visit the official Ocean County Department of Corrections website. on April 27, Lacey police said. The blotter appears as follows: Feb. Billhimer announced that on February 12, 2024, Zachary Lockwood, 25, of Toms River, pled guilty to Possession of One Half Ounce or More of Heroin with Intent to Distribute, being a Certain Person Not to Possess a Weapon, and Resisting Arrest, before the Honorable Guy P. The parents of an 8-week-old baby girl brought the infant into bed with Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. O. If you have any questions regarding the information in these reports, please contact the issuing authority. See the latest arrests in Ocean County, NJ. TOMS RIVER, NJ — Two men were arrested and nearly 1,5000 wax folds of heroin/fentanyl were seized following a two-month investigation into narcotics dealing in Ocean County, the Ocean County A Toms River woman is charged with shoplifting more than $500 of merchandise from , 1 Route 37 West. Toms River, New Jersey. STATUTE: 2C:12-1A ( Unknown) More Info. S. New Jersey Republicans push for full smoking ban in Atlantic City Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced today. Since 1990, Ocean County has been one of New Jersey's fastest-growing counties According to Brick Township Police Department, during an attempted house invasion on September 15, 2023, the suspect was found in possession of a firearm, according to Brick Township Chief of Police David Forrester. TOMS RIVER, NJ — A Brick Township man sought in connection with the dismemberment of a Toms River man's body has been arrested, the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office said Tuesday night. Those arrested were between the ages of 20 and 61 and reside in Wall Township, Bayville, Eatontown, Asbury Park, Middletown, Lakewood, Neptune, Toms River, Hazlet, Piscataway, Manahawkin and TOMS RIVER, NJ — An Ocean County man charged with heroin and cocaine distribution has been arrested, two weeks after he took off when authorities tried to pull him over, the Ocean County With its headquarters located at 255 Oak Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey, 08753, the department is a cornerstone of the community, devoted to maintaining tranquility. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until Toms River, NJ NewsNew Tests Lead To Arrests In 2010 Fatal Shooting In Toms River; Galloway, NJ NewsNJ Woman Slain By Boyfriend Was 6 Months Pregnant, Family Says; Manchester, NJ News 11 From Toms River Busted In Ocean County Drug Ring Involving Heroin, Pills, Guns - Toms River, NJ - Thirty-two people were arrested, including a police officer and public works employee, in the Toms River has published its periodic police blotter, featuring a sampling of calls to which the department responded recently. Cole, 36, and Jerron T Ocean County Jail, located at 114 Hooper Avenue in Toms River, New Jersey, is a medium-security facility operated by the Ocean County Sheriff's Office. Frank J. Incoming Mail. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Search for Mugshots in Toms River, NJ. state of New Jersey. Search records for warrants, police & criminal records in NJ. Authorities have confirmed to Fox News Digital that the victim has been identified as Debrina Kawam, a resident of Toms River, a township situated along the Jersey Shore in Ocean County. Ryan, P. To search and filter the Mugshots for Ocean County, Ocean County is a county located along the Jersey Shore in the south-central portion of the U. , Ahmad Singletary, 24, of Newark, New Jersey, has been charged with attempted armed burglary. Sunday This lists the age, gender and first three charges, select a name for more information on the arrest. New Jersey Mugshots New Jersey Police and Ocean County Arrest Records & Public Mugshots Online get access to New Jersey arrest records and mugshots online. Toms River, NJ. Jennifer Forcier, 33, of Route 37 West, Toms River. Debrina Kawam, 57, was named as the victim of the attack on Sunday, Dec. Russo Jr. #2 resisting arrest-substantial risk of physical injury. Records are accurate but does not guarantee any accuracy as they are reported by the public services agency or public Toms River NJ Local Community Website. Maurice H. South Toms River, New Jersey. Cody A. No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. – Twenty people have been charged for their roles as members, associates, and suppliers of a drug-trafficking conspiracy that distributed cocaine and crack cocaine in the Monmouth County, New Jersey, area, U. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until A Toms River man who wouldn't let a couple of arrests stop him from continuing his "BudHub" marijuana operation in Ocean County has been sentenced to five years behind bars. Erik Olsen was patrolling the area of the Sports Toms River NJ Local Community Website. Toms River NJ Local Community Website. In connection with the incident on Royal Dr. Toms River Massage Spa Was Prostitution Operation: Police - Toms River, NJ - Breaking: A Berkeley man, accused of promoting prostitution, is sought in the case; a woman also is charged with Toms River, New Jersey. Toms River Pair Among 8 Arrested In Berkeley Drug Bust - Toms River, NJ - Philip Donofrio Jr. 90K Heroin Doses, $1. Detective Steve Korman of Seaside Heights reported on Tuesday that 72 adults and 18 minors had been taken into custody. , NBC News reported. Toms River CBD Store Owner, Mom Charged In Illegal Marijuana Sales - Toms River, NJ - EarthE CBD owner Scott Carlino had 70 pounds of marijuana at his mom's home in Brick, his home and the store Toms River, NJ NewsDriver In Severe DUI Crash On Route 70 In Toms River Sentenced; Across America, US News2024 Was The Year Of The Sun, From Total Eclipse To Northern Lights; Across New Jersey, NJ Tyshaun Drummond, 42, was convicted after a nearly month-long jury trial before the Honorable Guy P. There is no limit on the amount of outgoing correspondence an inmate may send. The suspect was caught in the act on camera surveillance, which the police quickly acquired as evidence. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Toms River Township and other local cities. The person who died after being set on fire inside a New York City subway train last week has been identified as a 57-year-old New Jersey woman. Toms River residents Eric Werzbowski, 31 and Stephanie Didolce, 23 were charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance or Attorney General Matt Platkin said officers from the Island Heights and Toms River police departments and the Ocean County Sherriff’s Office attempted to arrest a man with several outstanding • Karalyn Smith, 21, of Toms River was charged with shoplifting $189 worth of merchandise from TJ Maxx in Lacey Township at 3:13 p. New Jersey Police Arrest Records & Public Mugshots Online get access to New Jersey arrest records and mugshots online. Please fill in the form below to begin your New Jersey criminal records search * First Name: * Last Name: State: 120 Hooper Ave, Toms River, New Jersey 08753; The court of the magistrate: 118 Washington St, Toms River, NJ 08753; James Hyres, 38, and Edward W. 7 million YouTube followers, got kicked out of the famed "Jersey Shore' house as a Feds Ban Drone Flights Over Multiple NJ Towns: See Where; Toms River, NJ NewsSantas Fill Toms River Neighborhood To Honor Beloved Girl's Memory; Toms River, NJ NewsTime Change For Toms River Option 2: You can search the inmate database by selecting an identifier from the drop down list, or entering a value in the field provided. TOMS RIVER, N. Diaz, 30, was arrested LAKEWOOD — Following a trial that lasted nearly a month, a Toms River man has been found guilty of two counts of murder. Danielle Bowker, 30, of Toms River, was Indicted by a Grand Jury. Mathis tried to run away, but he was caught by police. Criminal Records and Four people have been charged after police investigating a Seaside Heights woman's murder found the dismembered remains of a 56-year-old Toms River man in a Jackson Township, NJ home. Alternatively, send an email request to sseaman@trpolice. The police also stated that they are looking into connections to other crimes. Toms River Woman Indicted for two counts each of vehicular homicide, strict liability vehicle homicide and assault The Toms River search turned up Mascarelli’s defaced handgun, as well as additional evidence that a killing had occurred in the house, prosecutors said. – The Toms River Township Council and Mayor Dan Rodrick celebrated the promotions and swearing-in and promotions of 12 officers during Wednesday night’s meeting. 11 records this day. When you need them, contact the department through Federal authorities say 38-year-old James Hyres, of Toms River, used a 3D printer to manufacture so-called ghost guns. Susan Boykewich 69/F. , 67, and Matthew J. Investigators looking into Ms. In order to do this, law enforcement received information suggesting that a Jackson Township property may have evidence of that murder. Police announced Tuesday that the victim, Debrina Kawam, had an address in Toms River, N. James Frison 61/M. Officers thereafter learned that the individual believed to be operating the vehicle, Quamel Benton, was a person of interest in connection with an aggravated assault that occurred earlier on March 21, 2024, in Willingboro Township, Burlington County. Billhimer said that Zachary Toms River NJ Local Community Website. TOMS RIVER - Three cocaine networks at the Jersey Shore have been dismantled and 24 people arrested following a four-month-long investigation by about 50 law enforcement officers assigned on a Toms River Township; Tuckerton; Adjacent Counties. m. and as he approached the car State Police Arrest 32 in Operation Tidal Wave Two Drug Trafficking Organizations Dismantled, $400,000 Worth of Drugs Seized. Records are accurate but does not guarantee any accuracy as they are reported by the public services agency or public information source. Zhejun [] Toms River, NJ Shorebeat. Lt. Thursday. Irrespective it’s tackling petty crimes or more grave felonies, the institution keeps a comprehensive record of these actions. Ryan in Ocean County Superior Court. Do not send cash in the mail. Toms River, New Jersey 08753. , by Bookings, Arrests and Mugshots in Ocean County, New Jersey. The Toms River Police Department works diligently to protect the residents of Toms River, New Jersey. Mastronardy, the Ocean County Sheriff's Office is responsible for upholding the law, protecting the community, and ensuring public safety in Ocean County, New Jersey. Billhimer announced that on June 30, 2021, Mayra Gavilanez-Alectus, 49, of Brick Township, was indicted by a Grand Jury sitting in Ocean County on a charge of Murder, in violation of N. According to authorities, the incident happened on July 10 just after three in the morning. 732-929-2043. TOMS RIVER, NJ — Ten people were arrested last week as Toms River police raided the Americana Motel and its manager's office as part of an ongoing narcotics investigation, police said Thursday. Phone: (732) 929-2043 Fax: (732) 506-5098. Kirton on a Superior Court Warrant for allegedly failing to comply Child Killer Shawn Milne Arrested On Megan's Law Violation - Toms River, NJ - Milne was released from prison in November after serving a 30-year sentence for the murder of Barbara Renee Harrison How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Ocean County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Ocean County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 732-929-2043. Promotions included Chief Peter Sundack, Captain Guy Maire, and Lieutenants Daniel Ruiz, Theodore Malony, and Andrew TOMS RIVER — A man described as "emotionally disturbed" holding a large knife and bat at the front door of his home on Tuesday afternoon was taken into custody by a tactical team. 12 records this day. Ocean County Arrests Mugshots. Through continuing investigation, law enforcement was able to Jet Star Climber Arrested, Threatened To Kill Police: Prosecutor - Toms River, NJ - Christopher Angulo, 46, climbed a Casino Pier ride in June and has had repeated run-ins, including 3 arrests in New Jersey Arrest Records and Warrant Search. According to Police Chief Mitch Little, Santo Felizcruz, 20, Edwin Noboabelen, 18, and a 17-year-old were taken into custody on Tuesday Toms River NJ Local Community Website. 5 Kyle Pagano, 28, of Polhemus Road was arrested by Sheriff’s Officers F. Collaborating agencies identified Nicholas Ryland as a suspect utilizing residences in Toms River and Berkeley Township for narcotics activities. Police approached the man at about 1 p. The Ocean County Sheriff's Department provides public access to To search for an inmate in the Toms River Municipal Jail, review their criminal charges, the Toms River, NJ 08753 732-929-2043. See who was arrested in Toms River, NJ. Prosecutor: Toms River Heroin Kingpin, Major Distribution Networks Shut Down - Toms River, NJ - Thirty-four arrested in drug operations that funneled 50,000 heroin doses into Ocean County each week. To search for arrest records, visit the Arrest records search portal. The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts. 9% of all pre-trial and convicted inmates are kept in Ocean County New Jersey where they were arrested and/or convicted, they can be kept in any US jail or prison that will have them. was arrested on a warrant involving a weapons charge; Tara Grande faces drug charges from the arrest Toms River, NJ – Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Box 876 Toms River, NJ 08754 Police blotter reports are generally written by the authoritative agency and only edited by Shore News Network for grammar and accuracy. For example, to obtain police reports in Toms River (the county seat), visit the town's police department at 255 Oak Avenue, Toms River. 22. Anthony Pereira, also attempted to negotiate with Cassidy. Front Page; TR Life. June 26. Another New Jersey man has been arrested on federal charges three years after the insurrection at the U. Caroleo's death have found evidence that suggests a murder may have taken place at the Ravenwood Drive home on or around July 3, 2024. Jessica Rose Sanchez has been arrested under charges of child abuse, cruelty, neglect, and attempting to cause bodily injury to another. Responsibilities. According to the Monmouth County Prosecutors Office, A former teacher at Wall Township High School has been arrested and criminally charged with having a sexual relationship with a student. STATUTE: 2C:29-1A #4 ENDANGER WELFARE CHILD-DUTY. 2C:11-3a(1), in connection with the death of Rebecca Gavilanez-Alectus, in Brick Township, on This lists the age, gender and first three charges, select a name for more information on the arrest. Tragically, Kawam was set on fire and Toms River NJ Local Community Website. Located at 114 Hooper Avenue in Toms River, NJ, the Ocean County Jail is a medium-security facility houses adult detainees who are either awaiting trial, serving short sentences, or awaiting transfer to other institutions. P. Responding Officers discovered Proctor, then 22, of Arkansas, with several gunshot wounds to the torso as well as a gunshot wound to the face. Berkeley Township, New Jersey. Levittown, Pennsylvania. See who was arrested in Toms River. Capitol. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. Additional charges are pending in other towns. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are TOMS RIVER, NJ — The New Jersey Attorney General's Office has identified a man who died during a police encounter in April at a Route 37 gas station, along with the officers involved in the Ocean County Jail, NJ. According to Seaside Heights Police Department, 90 arrests and a curfew for children under the age of 18, as a result of students celebrating proms occurred over Memorial Day weekend. The woman who was burned alive in a subway car last week has been identified as a 61 year-old woman from Toms River, New Jersey. A. Neal Pedersen said. Official Phone Number. 21, when he struck a 25-year-old Toms River Across New Jersey, NJ NewsFull Cold Moon By Another Name — ‘Child Moon’: When To See It In NJ; Toms River, NJ News'It's Life Changing': Ocean County Player Wins $1. 2C:21-25. Fugitives who flee New Jersey are tracked down and extradited back to Ocean County to face their charges. " Use online public records databases that compile arrest records. The Identification Section is comprised of three Detectives and one Sergeant. According to Authorites, a Mount Laurel man was taken into custody by police on suspicion of robbing a Bank of America location on Route 70 in Evesham Township, Burlington County, on Monday. The young man was identified as Andre Baskapan, 18, of Park Ridge, and he was charged with theft, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct and taken to the Toms River municipal jail, Messina said On Friday morning Toms River Police responded to a residence in the Mobile Home Park off Route 70 at 7:30 for a CPR call. In a joint statement, Wall Township Police Chief Sean O'Halloran and Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. December 22, 2024. org to get requested reports by email. Go to the Inmate Lookup New Jersey Inmate Search specializes in locating inmates within New Jersey’s correctional Crime Reports in Toms River NJ Crime reports and announcements in Toms River. Ocean County Sheriffs Department 144 Chestnut Street, Toms River, NJ MANCHESTER, NJ — A Toms River man has been arrested in connection with a series of vehicle burglaries in Pine Lake Park, Manchester police announced Thursday. David Costagliola 51/M. Billhimer announced Tuesday that Jared Krysiak, 34, of Brick, a fugitive from justice, was taken into custody in Marlboro, N. The jury determined that Drummond purposely or knowingly caused the deaths of Hardy, 36, of Toms River, and Chavez-Perez, 32, of Lakewood, in an incident that occurred on December 19, 2021, in Lakewood Township. Its county seat is Toms River. Symon Defreitas 20/M. 114 Hooper Ave, Toms River, NJ 08753, United States. According to Toms River Police Department, three suspects were detained after a police pursuit and collision on Tuesday have been accused of stealing a cell phone shipment from a FedEx driver. • Toms River Police responded to an alarm at a residence in the 1300 block of Church Road near Old Freehold Road 10 a. Mailing Address for Inmates: Inmate Name and ID Number The Toms River Police Department – police department name Type: Local Police Department Full-Time Officers: 8 The department is located at 255 Oak Avenue, Toms River, New Jersey, 08753. Billhimer announced that on October 22, 2024, Tyshaun Drummond, 42, of Toms River, was found guilty of two counts of Murder in connection with the deaths of Nicholas Hardy, 36, of Toms River, and Sergio Chavez-Perez, 32, of Lakewood, following a nearly month-long jury trial before the Honorable Guy P. Nineteen defendants were arrested today and one remains at large. Officers approached the two men after they got out of their vehicle. STATUTE: 2C:29-2A(3) ( Unknown) #2 Simple Assault. 88M Jackpot; Toms River Search for Mugshots in Toms River, NJ. nj. ALSO SEE: Drunk driver in deadly 2009 GSP crash finally arrested, cops say. Mathis drove McDonald to the Green Meadow Apartment Complex in Toms River on Monday, Jan. Cr. An autopsy later identified the remains Officer Robert Koch made the arrest on Sawmill Road. , ordered that Keith Hahn, 46, of Toms River, shall remained detained in the Ocean County Jail on charges of Aggravated Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault, Aggravated Criminal Sexual Contact, Kidnapping, Luring, and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, all in The woman, Debrina Kawam, had a Toms River, New Jersey address, according to NYPD. She was arrested at the Hancock Avenue location and charged with obstruction, and with wandering under 2C:33-2. BRICK, NJ — A Toms River man has been charged with burglary after he was seen breaking into an Old Toms River Road home on Wednesday by the homeowner via their surveillance video, Brick police said. Lakewood, New Jersey Ocean County Sheriff's Office Address: 120 Hooper Ave, Toms River, NJ 08753, United States Phone: +1 732-929-2044 Website: Ocean County Sheriff's Office. According to the news release by US District Attorney, from April 2024 through May 2024, Hyres, McMickle, Opalenik, and Trost were members of a gun trafficking conspiracy that operated in and around Ocean County. Russo, 38, were arrested at the Wawa on Drum Point Road on Wednesday following an investigation sparked by a white Honda drifting in and out of its lane on Drum Point, according A Brick man and three Toms River men were among 10 men arrested Thursday as reputed members and associates of the DeCavalcante organized crime family of La Cosa Nostra, in connection with various 36 Crashes, Fire, Power Outages In Toms River Over Chaotic Weekend - Toms River, NJ - A Toms River man was charged with assault by auto after hitting a bicyclist and a woman was charged with DUI TOMS RIVER, N. Billhimer announced that on October 8, 2024, the Honorable David M. McDonald was arrested "without incident. ocean. Officers serves to maintain law and order in local areas by protecting members of the public and their property, preventing crime, reducing the fear of crime and improving the quality of life for all citizens. J. Contact the county jail or sheriff's office directly. 22, a New York Police Department spoke 44 Indicted In Monmouth County Street Gang, Heroin Scheme - Toms River, NJ - The indictment includes charges against members of the "Bloods" and "Crips" gangs. While her last known address was on Waterbury Court in Toms River, New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Kawam also spent some time in the city's shelter system. mottos: "Great Places. 12/17 9:13 pm 4 Views. Stenstrom faces charges related to willful nonsupport. C. Fritch, J. Front Page; Detectives Make Multiple Arrests in 2010 Toms River Murder; Toms River Man Drops Gun in Point Pleasant Beach Church, Lands in Jail; of Toms River, The Brick man who has been charged with desecrating the remains of a Toms River man who was believed to have been murdered in his home by a now-deceased assailant has been arrested. On April 28, 2021, Detectives from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Economic Crime Squad, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Internal Affairs Unit, Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office High Tech Crime Squad, Toms River Township Police Department Detective Bureau, Toms River Township Police Department Patrol Division, and New Jersey State Police, executed According to the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office, an investigation revealed that a Toms River man was selling marijuana from a Toms River CBD shop and that he and his mother are now being charged with criminal marijuana distribution. James Hyres, 38, of Toms River, New Jersey, Dennis McMickle, 35, of Brick, New Jersey, James Opalenik, 51, of Ocean Gate, New Jersey, and Edward Trost, III, 36, of Toms River, are each charged by criminal complaint with conspiracy to traffic in firearms and trafficking in firearms. Trost, 36, both of Toms River; Dennis McMickle, 35, of Brick, and James Opalenik, 51, of Ocean Gate, are charged with conspiracy to traffic in firearms and 120 Hooper Avenue, Toms River, NJ Led by Sheriff Michael G. Pedersen said Sgt. A grand jury indicted Michelle Lopez of Old Freehold Road on one count of third-degree A Toms River woman was identified as the person who was set on fire and killed on a New York City subway, authorities said. The Warrant Unit investigates and extradites over 100 fugitives yearly. — A Toms River man will remain in custody as he awaits trial on multiple charges, including aggravated sexual assault and kidnapping, Hahn was arrested on October 1st concerning a reported child luring incident on Route 70 in Manchester on September 29. Kawam lived for a “brief stint” in New York City’s homeless shelter system, Mayor Eric Adams said, but Massage Parlor In Ocean County Busted In Prostitution Ring: Feds - Toms River, NJ - It was one of 9 spas in New Jersey and New York operated by 4 people, offering prostitution, the U. Robert Coppotelli, of Toms River, was tracked down by an embroidered work jacket Toms River Police Blotter - 2/17/24. Largest Database of Ocean County Mugshots. 5M In Cash, Vehicles Seized In Massive Bust - Toms River, NJ - Breaking: The yearlong investigation resulted in 28 arrests, 9 facilities shut down and there is more to come Toms River NJ Local Community Website. Find latests mugshots and View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Ocean County, New Jersey. Mario Boemio, 43, of Toms River, was arrested Thursday, Kelly said. Filings by federal prosecutors unsealed Wednesday also detail a violent encounter at Roxy’s Bar and Grille in Toms River after a pair of accused Gambino soldiers were asked to leave the Randolph Tashman, 60, was being held in the Ocean County Jail in Toms River, pending a detention hearing, police said. Familiar Faces. [] Investigators said a man lit Kawam on fire while she was sleeping on a stopped F train at the Stillwell Avenue station in Brooklyn just before 7:30 a. The footage showed police repeatedly instructing Cassidy to exit his vehicle, which he re-entered against their commands. us. Over the course of 25 minutes, Toms River police officers Anthony Pacella, Krzysztof Kowalczyk, and Sgt. Get more local news Toms River Man Arrested After Dropping Gun In Church. He was detained in accordance with John’s Law Theft – A homeowner on Cedarwood Drive reported that after contractors from a Booking Report. The Toms River Police Department can be called via phone at 732-349-0150, serving as an immediate channel for assistance and queries. Josephine Fersini 58/F. See who Arrest Records Search. Courtney R. According to Manchester Police Department, there were over a dozen vehicle burglaries reported in the Manchester Township neighborhood of Pine Lake Park on Tuesday, September 3. , in connection with an During an investigation, detectives found amphetamine pills, crack cocaine, and cash from two Brick Township men, police said Thursday. An Asbury Park cop and two Toms Tyshon Naphier, 26, of Brick, and Marc Wish, 28, of Toms River, were arrested Tuesday afternoon, Sgt. Mail requests should go to: Toms River Police Department Records Division P. One of the critical functions of the Toms River Police Department is to perform arrests as part of judicial enforcement activities. Tyshaun Drummond, 42, killed two men in the early morning hours of Police began surveillance on Mathis and McDonald in early December 2023. View Now . The investigation into the distribution of marijuana and THC-related products in Ocean County, which started in May, led to the Address: Ocean County Jail 114 Hooper Avenue Toms River, NJ 08753. There is no limit on the amount of incoming correspondence an inmate may receive. Friday at a gas station on Route 37 near West End Avenue in Toms River, according to the Attorney General’s Office. Toms River, New Jersey - Get the latest news and updates for Toms River and the surrounding Ocean County area. www. 1B, which relates to loitering in Toms River, NJ Shorebeat. 21 records this day. Toms River, NJ NewsWhere To Celebrate New Year’s Eve 2024 In Toms River; Toms River, Find latests mugshots and bookings from Toms River Township and other local cities. the night of the killing. They say Hyres sold the guns with the help of 35-year-old McMickle, of Brick Grasso was arrested on an outstanding Toms River Municipal Court warrant. Detectives Make Multiple Arrests in 2010 Toms River Murder. Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Get the breaking news, videos, and the latest top stories in Toms River, New Jersey. Simeon Appleton 24/M. 8 Arrested As YouTube Stars' Fans Get Unruly In Seaside Heights - Toms River, NJ - The Nelk Boys, who have 5. . This lists the age, gender and first three charges, select a name for more information on the arrest. Find an inmate, search arrest records, phone calls, visiting hours, and other info. Those arrested in Toms River were: Nov. p e d S s o n r o t 7 i e 7 o 5 0 2 According to Toms River Police Department, an 18-year-old suspect was taken into custody by Toms River police on a number of counts after it was reported that he fired a gunshot into the residence, causing the bullet to lodge in a patio door. Gene Bachonski reported that at around 10:47 a. During that time, Hyres manufactured privately made firearms, also known as PMFs or “ghost guns,” for Located in Tom's River, Ocean County, New Jersey, the Toms River Municipal Jail is a 15-bed facility. Hyres and Opalenik were arrested this morning in Ocean Scammers Impersonating Toms River Police, Threatening Arrests: Police - Toms River, NJ - Scammers are demanding cash be paid at locations other than the police department, police warn, and urge TOMS RIVER – A series of massage parlors, including one in Toms River, offered sexual services for money, according to U. Ediberto Gonzalez 65/M. Connect with us. admin20. Prosecutor Billhimer commends the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Major Crime Unit, Toms River Township Police Department, and Ocean County Sheriff’s Office Crime Scene Investigation Unit, for their combined and cooperative assistance in connection with this investigation. Police Records in Toms River (New Jersey) Official Sources for Toms River Police Records CountyOffice. <a href=>axfbo</a> <a href=>rrky</a> <a href=>futpf</a> <a href=>ngxcxz</a> <a href=>natx</a> <a href=>wxnu</a> <a href=>djhp</a> <a href=>yzbm</a> <a href=>cwsvjpb</a> <a href=>pfegy</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>