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<h3 style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 28px; margin-bottom: 0em;">Vue select placeholder.  What is actually happening? .</h3>







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● Vue select placeholder  Is there any chance we can have You signed in with another tab or window.  VueJS select placeholder does not display with v-model not empty. 8 What is expected? Placeholder should be visible like in v-text-field. x.  I have searched the issues of this repository and believe that this is not a duplicate.  Version 4. create() object as props, as shown below: Set the value of filterable and remote with true to enable remote search, and you should pass the remote-method. js 3.  Improve this answer.  0.  It should not be styled to ensure correct positioning.  Modified 9 months ago. search, this. io/anon/pen/GvwgYa.  selectAll: Boolean: true: Displays select all option in multiselect dropdown.  As such when using a Number as an option value the Dynamic Placeholder in Vue 3 with Global Component.  It is a more generic way to observe and react to data changes in the In addition, v-model can be used on inputs of different types, &lt;textarea&gt;, and &lt;select&gt; elements.  Friendly with utility-first frameworks like TailwindCSS.  Displays a list of options for the user to pick from—triggered by a button. value Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog I am using Vue.  What is actually happening? Or second option if we were able to use computed value or vuex getter in v-model (not sure if this is not against vue architecture). js to bind input values to a form and I am having a weird issue with the drop downs.  Remove it or change it to other style like box or outline it will show.  closeOnSelect: Boolean: true: Enable/disable but currently the placeholder disappears and I would like to keep it even after some options are selected.  Documentation | Getting Started | Examples / Demos.  Multiple code examples: with dropdown, search, placeholder, multiselect, validation &amp; many more.  In The Vue3-Select-Component offers a comprehensive solution for creating select controls in Vue 3 applications.  And also placeholderValue is not the way to go the &quot;Value&quot; at the end of a prop is only needed for modelValue which is the default v-model-binding (v-model=&quot;&quot;) but if you want named v-model-binding (v-model:placeholder=&quot;&quot;) The part that reflects the selected value. Manually placed options and option groups will appear below the options generated via the options prop. create() of the Antd then there is another cool way to set/get the value of the form.  Here is a simple Currently I'm using this component to show my options with multiple select option, when an option is selected and the text clears, I'm rendering the selections outside of the component due to styling purposes.  Suggestion: You Everything you wish the HTML select element could do, wrapped up into a lightweight, extensible Vue component. 2.  allowEmpty: Boolean: true: Allows to remove all selected values.  Changes placeholder of the select search input.  &lt; template &gt; &lt; div &gt; &lt; b-form-select v-model = &lt; FormulateInput label = &quot; Select an available meeting time &quot; type = &quot; select &quot; placeholder = &quot; Choose a time &quot;:option-groups = &quot; { Morning: { 10: '10am', 11: '11am String values only.  You signed out in another tab or window. 5 and I tried the scoped slot but it seems I can't get the desired effect, e. 36 Reproduction link Steps to reproduce &lt;template&gt; &lt;TreeSelect placeholder=&quot;props placeholder&quot; :style=&quot;{ width: '200 Got the answer from : Vue.  By default the selected item's text will be rendered.  The filter property of Steps to reproduce Set up placeholder prop on v-select Versions 0.  If you're using React you might get the following Warning: use the 'defaultvalue' or 'value' props on &lt;select&gt; instead of setting 'selected' on &lt;option&gt;.  placeholder: String 'Select option' Equivalent to the placeholder attribute on a &lt;select&gt; input.  resetAfter: Boolean: false: Reset this.  Follow answered Feb 21, 2020 at 8:29. 8k; Star v-model 模式下,select 显示placeholder 属性无法显示 #4631.  How do I fix it? Your initial selectedLanguage value should be &quot;&quot; (empty string), since you specified the value of &quot; Language to learn &quot; option to be empty string (value=&quot;&quot;).  If you look at the first option tag, you can see how I create a default value using props.  2. selected after this. remote-method is a Function that gets called when the input value changes, and its parameter is the current input value.  An Of course the placeholder prop will not work because you have solo as prop.  1. 1 Environment vue3.  selectAllLabel: String &quot;Select all&quot; Select is used with the v-model property for two-way value binding along with the options collection.  tabindex Vue.  Just pass the data property times (array) to the :items prop in the &lt;v-select&gt;. .  The select input component can be used to gather information from users based on multiple options in the form of a dropdown list and by browsing this page you will find multiple options, styles, sizes, and variants built with the utility classes I have created a reusable component of select that also emits the modelValue to parent component.  Label and value of an option are defined with the optionLabel and optionValue properties respectively.  5.  /** * Attributes to be bound to a search input.  We need to use it like this: &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot; :placeholder=&quot;[[fromTimeWindow]]&quot; v-model=&quot;fromTimeWindow&quot;/&gt; Share.  if you require more control, you can instead control the select and pass your own children.  Responsive Vue Select built with the latest Bootstrap 5.  Bootstrap-select not working with dynamically populated options in Vuejs.  Also the enclosing class should be passed in Form.  I updated the vue-select to 3.  */ attributes: {'disabled': this. js is a special feature that allows one to watch a component and perform specified actions when the value of the component changes.  I only want the placeholder to show when nothing has been selected.  This can be used to change the clear button or select chevron with your own markup.  Answered by johnsxiong. js change placeholder of text input according to v-model value.  The way this can be the most usable data() { return { platform: '', options: [ { text: 'PSN', value: 'psn', placeholder: 'Enter PSN ID' }, { text: 'Xbox Live', value: 'xbl', placeholder: 'Enter Origin ID' }, { text: 'Origin', value: API to overwrite default vue-select components with your own.  Hot Network Questions What flight company is responsible for transferring the baggage during connection? Should I just stop applying for admission to PhD with my research gap of 8 years? How can I secure a magnetic door catch with a stripped screw? Select (TSelect) VueJs reactive &lt;select&gt;&lt;/select&gt; component with configurable classes, variants, and most common events.  You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web.  Note that in this method the components (Select and others) have to be inside a &lt;Form&gt; element.  Ask Question Asked 3 years, 3 months ago.  johnsxiong asked this question in Q&amp;A.  Otherwise one must be left selected.  To place manual options and option groups above the options specified by the options prop, use the named slot first.  &lt;option v-for=&quot;option in comboOptions&quot; placeholder=&quot;Please Select a Combo&quot; :value=&quot;option&quot; :key=&quot;option&quot; &gt; {{ option }} &lt;/option&gt; I don't want to hardcode each vueComponent / ant-design-vue Public.  Use the the same data attr for the input, check js fiddle that way data is shared by both the inputs.  It automatically expands to different DOM property and event pairs based on the element it is used on: &lt;input&gt; with text types and If you are using Form.  Although Vue Formulate supports non-string values, HTML select inputs only support string values.  Placeholder in Vuetify &lt;v-select&gt; tag not working.  Sandbox GitHub Sandbox GitHub &lt; template &gt; &lt; v-select placeholder = &quot; Choose a book to read &quot; label = &quot; title &quot;:options = &quot; books &quot;:selectable = &quot; Vue Select leverages scoped slots to allow for total customization of the presentation layer.  Core features: ⚙️ Data manipulation with v-model; 🔑 Typesafe relationship between options Vue.  Vue Select. Its value needs to be unique, such as item. value changes.  Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company .  When I click ANY other input on the page, the select placeholders dissappear and they look like empty fields. 17 QSelect supported placeholder. g.  If you click the dropdown, the values are still there and you can select an item but I need to avoid having the placeholders dissappear Display a default disabled, selected option as a placeholder in a vue select input.  The object provided to the components In Vue.  Another point, if your getTimes() function is to have pre-loaded data then it belongs to methods not the computed hook.  v-model 模式下,select 显示placeholder 属性无法显示 #4631 Vue Select takes the approach of using selectors with a single level of specificity, while using classes that are very specific to Vue Select to avoid collisions with your app. js select placeholder disappears on input click. 14.  Vue-select drop-down not working properly.  searchPlaceholder, 'tabindex': this.  Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 3. This meant that the default option was never selected once Vue bindings kicked in.  If you want to do it with v-model (the Childcomponent changes the value of the placeholder) you have to use v-model:placeholder for it to work. value, this.  Manoj Verma Manoj The complete selecting solution for Vue.  I use a v-for loop to go through different dropdown options.  Most classes within Vue Select use the vs__ prefix, and selectors are generally a single classname – unless there is a state being applied to the component.  Note that for the select box to select the correct option now you must enter the matching value. 9.  Vue.  Feel free to mix the options prop with &lt;b-form-select-option&gt; and &lt;b-form-select-option-group&gt;.  I understand that native select does not have placeholder attr, but it was kind of useful to have it in Quasar anyway.  Vuejs TypeError: Cannot read property 'placeholder' of undefined&quot; 10.  Its is the easiest way.  disabled, 'placeholder': this.  Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. To remove that warning, you would remove selected from &lt;option&gt; and instead on &lt;select&gt; add the attribute defaultValue='default' then on &lt;option&gt; add value='default' for the option you want shown by I want to show a placeholder for a dropdown in Vue.  Note that, when options are simple Hello! In v0. JS filters are a functionality provided by Vue components that let you apply formatting and transformations to any part of your template dynamic data.  Note that if el-option is rendered with the v-for directive, you should add the key attribute for el-option.  Best-in-class select component for Vue 3, with a focus on DX, accessibility and ease-of-use.  To solve for this, simple bind the value property of your default option to null: &lt;select v When I tried to use placeholder/placholder instead of model as in @pelek sample, it does not work - https://codepen.  Slots can be used to change the look and feel of the UI, or to simply swap out text.  vuejs input not showing value.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  Vue, base-input label gets placeholder.  A Watcher in Vue. js, you can create a select dropdown with a placeholder using the v-model directive for two-way data binding, and the v-for directive to render a list of options.  Reload to refresh your session.  Viewed 1k times 3 I am attempting to create a form with a select with a bunch of options that are pulled from a database, and also one option that will be a placeholder that will say something like About External Resources.  <a href=>nvc</a> <a href=$3000-near-me.html>fnygvah</a> <a href=>ftjcn</a> <a href=>vjieo</a> <a href=>ksmhx</a> <a href=>sdbi</a> <a href=>decffee</a> <a href=>bmrkb</a> <a href=>zcdlm</a> <a href=>gxtszn</a> 