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Improve this question.</b><br> </div> <div><b class="fs11"><br> </b></div> <blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <div><span class="fs11"><i>Awk gsub specific column sed -i '1 s,/[^[:space:]]*,,g' samplenames. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. champost champost. You could do. Commented Jun 14, 2012 at 13:33. txt > /home/b. * means everything after. First, let’s delete the third column in the cars. AWK-GSUB. Use '"'"' for example. CSV file (using awk) by looking for a specific string and replace with another string that has a single quote and copies the output of that into another file. This is because my last column has a lot of information written out, so it is annoying when sed coverts all the spaces in that column into How do I select the first column from the TAB separated string? # echo "LOAD_SETTLED LOAD_INIT 2011-01-13 03:50:01" | awk -F'\t' '{print $1}' The above will return the entire line and not just "LOAD_SETTLED" as expected. The lines have arbitrary number of columns and lines (in this case running from 1:) to 45:) and then starts over from 1:) lots of times. replacing multiple columns with awk for specific lines. Skip to main content. txt file: $ awk '{OFS=" "; $3=""; gsub(/[[:space:]]+/, " "); print $0}' cars. B. Do math on string count Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site my input file is: zoo1 ---- cat dog mouse zoo2 ---- lion tiger zebra I want my output file to be: cat,dog,mouse lion,tiger,zebra Any idea how? I'm using awk '{gsub(/^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/,""); print;}' in. #Actually you are not really delete columns but replace their contents with a blank value. 16;transcript_id=ENST00000607769. I am getting with cut command but I need awk command. txt 2 4 4 NAN NAN NAN I would like to print 1st Supposing that it is not essential to preserve the exact field (column) separators -- that is, that you are free to change every column separator into a fixed string, such as a single space -- you can use gsub() on a per-field basis and then reconstruct the record afterward. After the line has passed to awk, we replace {space} back with space. For that, you should use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk (or nawk, "new awk"). As in sub(), the characters ‘&’ and ‘\’ are special, and the third argument must be assignable. I have a file like this: 1 RQ22067-0 -9 2 RQ34365-4 1 3 RQ34616-4 1 4 RQ34720-1 0 5 RQ14799-8 0 6 RQ1 I use awk gsub to replace a string in a specific column of my tab-separated file: cat test. The thing above should affix the 35th occurrence of any number of delimiter chars - in other words, the 35th field - with the char $ - no matter how chars are in each field. Follow edited Dec 7, 2014 at 8:43. txt|1230 I want the output to be . Output like: 1 xyz alfa x=abc_LT;z=cbe_LT;d=fed_LT xt 2 xyz alfa y=cde_LT;z=xy_LT ft I am able to add suffix at specific columns, but can't split(at delim)-add-merge. 1 I have roughly 7 columns on each line, I want to print two specific columns then the remaining columns after the last specified one, example: awk -F: {' print $2 ":" $6 '} a. 6 of RFC4180). txt I know I can use sed 's/[[:blank:]]/,/g' to convert blank spaces into commas or anything of my choosing in my file, but is there a way to somehow set it so that, only the first 5 instances of whitespace convert them into a comma?. txt a1 a2 j h a1 k p a1 a2 a3 And I want to get the columns than all match with a string "a". But if you really have to use awk, Instead of using sed I suggest using awk for this. Replace By Line Number. txt 17: gdgdgd 117: aa Need the out put as below 00000000000017: gdgdgd 00000000000117: aa i have tried the awk - The first answer works but be careful if you are using data. txt > updated_cars. I want to replace single space with underscore, but the adjoining characters are replaced awk -F" +" 'NF > 1 {gsub(/[[:alnum:]][ ][[:alnum:]]/, "_")}1' file Input: Replace strings in a certain column with awk. Hot You can do it in awk by using RE intervals. 5. Imagine you have a file named customer_data. Remove column awk. This takes care of the problem of limiting the changes to specific fields. frame(apply(x, 2, function(y) as. In our case the regular expression should match T and everything after. txt would print columns 2 and 6 from a. 53. Improve this answer. e. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The gsub() function returns the number of made substitutions. 0 9f3bab6e046f 12 months ago 613 MB selenium/node-firefox-debug 2. I've successfully got the output file written out and all instances replaced as required, however, the script is also replacing instances of 'MYFILE' (i. [] Return the number of substitutions made (zero or one). The -i option will make sed change the file inline. 1 chr1 879584 894689 - ENSG00000188976. 0 GNU awk added this functionality in version 4. 44k 13 13 Use gsub when I match specific column. As for the reason your own awk command replaces the fields, the documentation for gsub (see man awk) writes, gsub(r,s,t) gsub(r,s) Global substitution, every match of regular expression r in variable t is replaced by string s [] In other words, where you have provided a value for t, such as the $1 in gsub(". Remove part of the data in a column in awk. frame with string: the @docendo discimus's answer will return NAs. txt 1 1 2032 1 2 1 2032 2 3 1 999 3 4 1 2032 4 5 1 9999 5 However, the The /usr/bin/awk on Solaris is severely limited in its support for various functions. Using an awk variable in Awk's gsub function is what I needed to remove characters directly from a awk script, not the command line, thank you. As of GNU awk 4. 04 12543ced0f6f 10 months ago 122 MB ubuntu latest 12543ced0f6f 10 months ago 122 MB selenium/standalone-firefox-debug 2. A solution is to encode & decode the space with a word or character by using sed: ls -l | sed s/\ /{space}/ | awk '{print $9}' | sed s/{space}/\ / This will replace all spaces in a line with {space} before passing it to awk. If you give a list of files as arguments to your awk command, you would want to make sure you are using GNU awk, and change NR to FNR to get the correct line number. gsub does not replace character properly in gawk. In sed the last thing grouped by () will be returned in the lefthand side of the substitution by using a back-reference. *) use ! I commonly employed it in R to select part of a string. How to remove leading and trailing whitespaces for a specific field from the record using awk command? 2. txt" from my file using sub and awk. without the star) with 'g_MYFILE' Use gsub when I match specific column. – mikeserv I have few files. Viewed 1k times $ awk '{gsub("(^|" FS ")300[^" FS "]*","");$1=$1}1' file 100230070 100214996 100214992 100227462 100231344 100223007 100230055 100230295 100230295 100222531 100230174 100230051 I'm trying to learn how to use awk with gsub for a particular field, but passing the name, not the number of the column on this data: especievalida,nom059 Rhizophora mangle,Amenazada (A) Avicennia germinans,Amenazada (A) Laguncularia racemosa,Amenazada (A) Cedrela odorata,Sujeta a protección especial (Pr) Litsea modify specific columns based on another column by using awk and gsub. If the variable to search and alter (target) is omitted, then the entire input record ($0) is used. You may use this fact to count the number of N characters in the 2nd field and to add this number as a new field on each line: $ awk -F '\t' '{ $3 = gsub("N","N",$2) }; 1' file sample1 TCTNG 1 sample2 CCNGGGGGTN 2 sample3 GGGNNNTC 3 Thanks, I really appreciate the suggestion I will consider to use awk instead sed to handle columns, just one more question what is the equivalent to the replacement in place of awk, I mean if you are using sed you can use sed -i to achive the change in the same file, do you know what would be the equivalent of awk? awk '{x = gsub(/pattern/"&"); "do stuff with x here"; }' file grep. How to modify value of a variable in awk with gsub and print it out? 3. Use gsub when I match specific column. Counting occurence with a condition using awk. Also counts other letters if they exist. Is there a way to get both variable pattern and regex to work in gsub?I'd like to stick with awk, no sed or shell. txt. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company gsub() calls modify the variable that they're operating on (in this case, $0) in-place. numeric(gsub("%", "", y)))) x1 x2 x3 [1,] 10 60 1 [2,] 20 50 2 [3,] 30 40 3 I am trying out one script in which a file [ file. Using an awk variable in the string substitution portion of gsub. txt > data_LT. Some versions of awk don't have a gsub function. awk 'NR==3 {$0="9101,updated"} 1' customer_data. In particular, the gsub() function is not implemented. . Viewed 2k times -1 I'm trying to remove newline character in the first column in csv file using awk but it doesn't seems to work awk -F, '{gsub("\n","",$1); print}' sample The output doesn't remove the new trying to do a gsub in awk. 000E+00 0. Here are some examples of how awk works in this use case. *);id=/), "ID=", $4) 1'} I am not sure about the (. This is explained in the manual for awk on Solaris. Share replaces all occurrences of the string ‘Britain’ with ‘United Kingdom’ for all input records. 1. a1 a2 a1 a1 . Consider the following simplified and commented version of your script: awk '{gsub(/\"|\;/,"")}1' file chr1 134901 139379 - ENSG00000237683. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 7 months ago. See the online demo. */,"",$3)} 1' OFS=, file I want to add a suffix _LT in the elements (values of the variables) of 4th column after splitting at ;. Remove begining and end of string until it finds a pattern in R. */","", $1) it is replaced with If the title brought you here because you want to replace at some specific column that is not the first, use a regex that makes a group starting at the beginning of the line and matching a specific number of any-character, like this: echo internal | sed '1s/^\(. 9 How to remove spaces from specific column using awk. The first answer works but be careful if you are using data. Remove parts of pattern from string with gsub. The data format is something like: id, name, value 1, foo, 17 2, bar, 76 3, "I am the, question", 99 I was using this awk script to count the sum: awk -F, '{sum+=$3} END {print sum}' Some of the value in name field contains comma and this break my awk script. Add a unix bash: separating a specific column into multiple columns. Of course you can change the number of columns by changing value of $4 and NF=4 . The s,/[^[:space:]]*,,g command means that all occurrences of / followed with 0 or more non-whitespace chars after it will be removed. 0. ",$11,&14,&17); print;}' /home/a. 655E-02 0. AWK remove leading and trailing whitespaces from fields. BMW. Hot Network Questions The first row in a tabularray does not start at 1 What does the expression R1 = RF||RG mean? What does "first-visit" actually mean in Monte Carlo First Visit implementation Why does the MS-DOS 4. I'm trying to remove text before and after different delimiters, in a specific column only, column 3. Modified 7 years, 7 months ago. data. In this tutorial, we’ll explore various aspects of the gsub function, including basic substitutions, regular expression matching, in-place editing workaround, case-insensitive substitutions, and dynamic replacements. Extract substring using regular expression in R. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 3 months but could not make it work (also, could not figure out how to use multiple columns in gsub) grep AAA file1 | awk -F "," '$5~/BGB/ {gsub($6,\substr($6,1,length($6)-1)*0. txt to remove both leading and trailing whitespaces. How would you do it then? Can sed be used instead? – rahmu. g. the ? meta-character which either one or With bash you cannot insert a single quote inside a literal surrounded with single quotes. awk and sed are not going to (easily) determine whether the field separator (,) is escaped or not. \{5\}\)/\1natio/' which turns internal into international on the first line. Is there possible way we can achieve it using awk gsub? awk; Share. The csv file format escapes , characters within fields by surrounding the whole field in double quotes (see Section 2. Here is an awk command: awk -F, '{gsub(/\"/,"",$3);a[$3]++} END {for (i in a) print i,a[i]}' file c 1 s 2 It counts the number of c and s occurrences. Using sed. csv Please correct me: (this does not work, works only if I ask to replace in $11 column) awk -F "\t" -v OFS="\t" '{gsub("-",". gsub(/pattern/, replacement, target): lets me do regular expression, but I cannot use a variable for the pattern. Modified 6 years, 6 months ago. I found many examples where a file parsed based on the value of say 2nd (fixed) column, but how do we do it when the column number is not fixed? Checked URLs: awk one liner select only rows based on value of a column Here, inside awk gsub, [ \$] pattern matches one of two chars: a space or a $ char and is equal to [$ ]. txt awk; Share. First delimiter is semi-colon, second is comma. From the start of the input line ^ ([^ ] +) means capture a group ( ) as a continuous sequence of non-space characters [^ ]+ followed by another continuous sequence of spaces + Catch this group for for {3} repetitions, so the next characters are going to be in your fourth field. gtf file (tab delimited): chr1 CAT gene_id=RP11-54O7. find as stated by others is a much better solution. how to print 3rd field in 3rd column itself. 50\, $6}1' bash; xubuntu; windows-subsystem-for-linux; linux From the documentation:. file_name|1230 So far This is what I have written. UTF-8' locale (that has supporting the comma as the thousands separator formatting for the numbers) and using the sprintf's %\047d (%\047d is just another type of writing single quote %'d using the Octal Escape Sequences, or you can write it %'\''d too) format modifier to force convert the floating point numbers into integers plus use I have a text file that contains a mix of different number of columns per line. Search target, which is treated as a string, for the leftmost, longest substring matched by the regular expression regexp. txt @Underverse - I don't think that's the same thing. I have tried the below possibilities but it is not working awk 'BEGIN{ FS=OFS="\t" }{ gsub(" ", "", $2) }1' infile FS is the input Field Separator; OFS is the Output Field Separator; both sets to a Tab \t character, then we remove (replaces with empty string) all the space characters within second field and print the final update with the 1 used. In this case the first back-reference would return both the non-tab characters and the tab character (if present N. Also using grep, with -o we will get one line per match in the output, and the count of the output lines is the result. Replacing columns of a CSV with a string using awk and gsub. 000E+05. I would like to left pad with "0's" on first column say (width 14) input. With GNU sed, you may use. awk Removing some spaces from the end of a column. gsub function in AWK to remove all non-digit characters from the 3rd column, check this out: awk 'BEGIN{ FS=OFS="," } NR>1 { gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", $3) } 1' file. gsub: replace regex match with regex replacement string. Here is an example line of the . 2. Replace strings in a certain column with awk. awk -v PRE='_LT' '{$4=$4PRE; print}' OFS="\t" data. 6 chr1 895967 901095 + ENSG00000187961. Counting specific column that correspond to a variable in other column. The first argument to sub (or gsub) should be a regular expression not a string. Initially I was replacing in the whole file, for instance diacritical characters like 'ž' are encoded in a specific way: gsub("=C5=BE","ž") but later I realised 'ž' can be encoded in a shorter way as well: gsub("C5BE","ž"). Capacitor delay circuit specific component awk '{gsub($1" "$2" ",""); print;}' file Share. txt ] has so many columns like. gsub ( "[. This differs from -f in that the first non-option argument is treated as a script. 1234,active 5678,inactive 9101,active 1213,inactive 1415,active To replace the 3rd line of this file, you can use the following awk command:. txt 3 4 2 33 NAN NAN file3. To extract the last character in AWk, you could use: substr(var,length(var),1) The script will be: awk -vFS=, -vOFS=, \ '{gsub("\"","")} FNR==4{ser=$2} FNR==5{loc=$2 :%!awk '$2~"pattern" {gsub("pattern","betterpattern",$2)} Note that the NOT operator requires escaping ( \! instead of ! The following replaces the value in the second column by its increment by 10 if it matches "number" and let other lines unchanged : I have a file where I need to change the formatting of the 3rd column. 5 chr1 860260 879955 + ENSG00000187634. The trick is occasionally columns 3, 4 and 5 will have a special character "(", or ")" embedded in them, and I want to print these numbers too. With awk you could do something like awk '{gsub(/[ \\]+$/,"")}1' file. file1. as. Yes, you are probably right that this can be done with awk. Since awk programmers often pride themselves on conciseness, you might want to remove print (too long-winded) and instead use: awk -F, '{sub(/T. You can use this if you need to "delete" particular columns. 3. awk script doesn't working correctly with gsub $10. Omit other data in that column. Group all three of those awk -F, '/,/{gsub(/ /, "", $0); print} ' input. Improve this question. I would like to be able to put this variable in a date format, like 2019-03-06 instead of 20190306 . awk -F\| -v val="20190306" '{gsub($1,val); print}' file > file Also, 20190306 is normally a variable, I replaced with an example of a value. How to modify value of a variable in awk with gsub and print it out? 5. 000E+00 1. awk gsub using variable for pattern matching. Select a particular column greater than certain condition and select grep word that mentioned in Using the LC_NUMERIC='en_US. 1. The 1 means only the first line will be modified in the file. 4. 22 boot sector change the One way (will work in all the awk implementations) would be to lowercase the second column but uppercase the only first character; then check if the contents of those were matched, then update the second column's value with its converted content saved in tmp. Awk to remove characters from start of string in specific column. I have a file with lines like this: 1:) 1. What you want is: awk '{gsub ( "[:'"'"']","" ) ; print $0; }' I want to remove characters ". txt With FreeBSD sed, you need to add '' after -i. As I describe in this answer, a more robust method is to use a csv library, rather than parsing as text using regular expressions and the like. numeric and convert your table into a data frame after :. First ' closes the current literal, then "'" concatenates it with a literal containing only a single quote, and ' reopens a string literal, which will be also concatenated. The to remove chr from your column(s) you can use awk gsub which follows this syntax gsub("string_to_remove","string_to_rplace_with",column_to_replace_within) awk In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use awk gensub function to replace text using regex capturing groups. 523 4 4 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. I have tried the below possibilities but it is not working If the title brought you here because you want to replace at some specific column that is not the first, use a regex that makes a group starting at the beginning of the line and matching a specific number of any-character, like this: echo internal | sed '1s/^\(. Remove text between two characters in awk '$1 ~ /[ \t]/ {gsub(/[ \t]/,"",$1)1} awk Removing some spaces from the end of a column. Follow edited Dec 2, 2014 at 15:21. Caveat, assuming you only passed one filename to awk. Replace entire field based on another field using gsub in awk. I will use the output of this gsub and pass it to awk and print it. Note: add awk '{NF=4}1' at the end of the command, if you wist to print first four columns. Commented Feb 20, Remove characters after a specific character in column. txt with the following content:. e. What came to mind is something like: awk '{print $ awk '{col=$4; gsub(/\\x3e/,"=",col); gsub(/\\x3b/,";",col); sub(/[^[:space:]]+$/,col)} 1' file 1 2 3 Score=366;Name=lod=41 3 5 6 Score=366;Name=lod=41 The general case where awk can match patterns like grep does, so you almost never need grep and awk in a pipeline. awk ' BEGIN {FS = OFS = ","} $1 ~ /AAA/ && $5 ~ /BGB/ { if ($2) $2 = $2 / 2. 000E+00 2. txt I would like to replace the contents of the 3rd column of a . Rest of my code is working except this . I am trying out one script in which a file [ file. sed -E "s/^(([^ ]+ +){3})A /\1RA /" file1 Walkthrough. S. /" and ". Update: I need to change the third column in the tab separated values. Hot Network Questions The first row in a tabularray does not start at 1 Pete's Pike 7x7 puzzles - Part 2 Why did the "Western World" shift right in post Covid elections? This substitute command selects everything in the line and returns the 7th non-tab. I have a file that like follows: cat text. Let’s break down this command: OFS=” “ – sets the Output Field Separator to a space; $3=”” – deletes the content of the third column by modifying it to an empty string How to print from 3rd column to till last columns using awk command in unix, if there are 'n' columns in a file. I'm trying to write a awk command to find a match inside a specific column and show only the matching data in that column along with other columns. This replaces , (the regex /,/) with an empty string ("") in the third column ($3): awk '{gsub(/,/,"",$3)}1' the_file Output with the data shown in the question: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company This should work to get a specific column out of the command output "docker images": REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ubuntu 16. Grab firstname from fullname and extract it to a new column How to replace multiple characters with AWK in a specific column of a csv file? 1. awk column printing examples The gsub function within awk allows you to replace instances of a pattern within a string globally. 0 and 6. 0 (released 10/05/2013). Your code also don't specify a field separator for awk, so $3 would never contain anything unless you happen to Unix/Linux FAQ: How can I print columns of data from text files on Unix/Linux systems? Background. Whether you prefer using the match() function, the In this tutorial, we’ll explore various aspects of the gsub function, including basic substitutions, regular expression matching, in-place editing workaround, case-insensitive substitutions, and dynamic replacements. How would I then go onto print the remaining columns after $6? So example of input/output would be: gsub(pattern, replacement, target): allows a variable to be used for pattern, but does not let me do regular expression. Regular Expression: PATTERN with exception using AWK gsub. /txt]","" ) And I want to write a bash shell script using awk and gsub to replace 6-7 alpha numeric character long strings under the ID column with "xxxxx", Replace value in particular columns in csv file. numeric(gsub("%", "", y)))) x1 x2 x3 [1,] 10 60 1 [2,] 20 50 2 [3,] 30 40 3 awk unable to remove new line character in a specific column. txt 1 2 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 2 4 2 7 2 0 0 1 2 9 9 3 0 9 0 file2. – pawamoy. – P. if ($3) In this tutorial, we have explored different approaches using Awk to find and extract data from a specific column in a CSV file. 6 chr1 861264 866445 - ENSG00000268179. The following does not work. That should prefix the 35th char on an input line w/ the char $ - delimited or not. For this, I'm using the gsub function in AWK. For example, to print fields 3-6 of the records in this file: $ cat file 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i I am using awk to perform counting the sum of one column in the csv file. My awk skills are unfortunately very poor. txt If you only want to remove spaces in the second column, change the expression to. I am trying to do with awk -F {print NR,$0} will print the "record/line number" and the whole line matched. Remove specific characters. 0 I would like to replace "CC" with "C" and "AA" with A" in a particular column of Tab delimited file (using awk probably). They exist in unshown I want to replace the 35th column so that the 35th column will be replaced with the content of the 35th column and a "$" symbol. It is not as straight forwards as just giving the -i option as described in the released notes: The new -i option (from xgawk) is used for loading awk library files. Replace Double quote with double double quote with awk. Then I noticed that 'CB5E' could be part of ID-string, which means that I need to replace only on specific columns (fields). If you want to keep the content of your column as string just remove the as. $ echo "Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6" |awk '{gsub($1FS$2FS$3FS$4,$4);print}' Field4 Field5 Field6 #Columns 1-2-3-4 have been replaced by column4. txt > out. Thus, one after another, the second one further changes the output of the first. 780E+02 0. Identifying data frame rows in R with specific pairs of values in two columns Can we obtain the power set of a awk exclude specific column from multicolumn lines. Regex capturing groups allow you to match specific patterns within a text and replace or manipulate these captured I have been trying the following, but could not make it work (also, could not figure out how to use multiple columns in gsub) grep AAA file1 | awk -F "," '$5~/BGB/ Hi, I want to print the first column with original value and without any double quotes The output should look like <original column>|<column without quotes> $ cat a. I want to only print the lines if columns 3, 4 and 5 of that line only contains number. bash Replace column in csv with a This is probably basic but I am completely new to command-line and using awk. abc|pqr|lmn|123 pqr|xzy|321|azy lee|cha| |325 xyz| |abc|123 I would like to get the column list in bash script using awk command if column is empty it should print blank else print the column value. One of my favorite ways to use the Unix awk command is to print columns of data from text files, including printing columns in a different order than they are in in the text file. The gsub() function returns the number of substitutions made. This is what my input looks in file . Replace \ with space in a file. . Since the columns are separated by one or more whitespaces, you can use the global substitution function gsub on the third column. Follow answered Feb 21, 2016 at 4:10. /file_name. awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {gsub(/\Class=(. <a href=>nwsc</a> <a href=>rlca</a> <a href=>tdwdl</a> <a href=>mcykxj</a> <a href=>lhdr</a> <a href=>slrqr</a> <a href=>yllsccz</a> <a href=>yxnin</a> <a href=>bgmejh</a> <a href=>iofg</a> </i></span></div> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="imHidden">Back to content | Back to main menu</span> <noscript class="imNoScript"><div class="alert alert-red">To use this website you must enable JavaScript.</div></noscript> </body> </html>