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<!DOCTYPE html> <html prefix="og: #" dir="ltr" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title></title> </head> <body> <span class="visually-hidden focusable skip-link"><br> </span> <div class="dialog-off-canvas-main-canvas" data-off-canvas-main-canvas=""> <div class="layout-container"> <div class="container is-widescreen"> <div class="main-content-inner column"> <div class="region region-content"> <div id="block-tiempos-content" class="is-full block block-system block-system-main-block"> <div class="views-element-container"> <div class="view view-taxonomy-term view-id-taxonomy_term view-display-id-page_1 js-view-dom-id-30435da8ba2e7cdfa9dad75b0503ebd517522148740d5d29c23531f252313e7b"> <div class="view-content"> <div> <div class="node__content"> <div class="content-container"> <div class="premium_content_teaser"></div> <h2 class="has_image"> <span class="field field--name-title field--type-string field--label-hidden">Cs245 stanford pdf. • Subscribe to cs245@lists.</span> </h2> <div class="submitted"> <span class="field field--name-uid field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden">Cs245 stanford pdf , writing a SQL query is Assignments. April 21 Class: Query processing lecture #2: QP Page Cost Models: Wed. 5 x 220 bytes CS245, 346, 347, sometimes CS345). Database Architecture 2 & Storage Instructor: Matei Zaharia cs245. Course Topics: cs245. Jeff's Slides for CS245A, Winter, 1998. I also appreciate that the Stanford NLP group includes students in both computer science and linguistics|this tight integration is unique strength. edu and see yourself acknowledged on our page. • There are 1,000 distinct x values in R, specifically the values 1, 2, 3, 1000. (an evil student) logging into Axessas Lectures on project details and advanced techniques in database system implementation, focusing on query processing and optimization. Query Execution Overview Query representation (e. 4 %Óëéá 1 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj > endobj 7 0 obj > stream xœíZÛŠ$¹ }ﯨgÃj º Œ¡»vjŸ×4ø lï‚a ^ÿ?X· BJ)•ÝSf Þé©™êÊÊ” qâĉ àÆÃÏw þ±^ÜþúëË¿^â' Dúà·¿¿üå · †O™Õé»ø ø*ÜâÏŸ ¼å7¿ýòòý òöË¿Ó ˜ pmâ#~~ù) Assignments. (50 points) Show the results of inserting the following keys, in the following order, into an initally empty B+-tree of order n=5 (e. Assume 5% of each track • Subscribe to cs245@lists. • Relation R holds 10,000 tuples. edu) or Regina Wang (reginalw@stanford. Assignment #3: Word, PS or PDF Due in class February 5. iv contents 7. D. and Dan Jurafsky. Students may discuss and work on homework problems in groups. 2 Notation 58 7. CS324 lecture notes (Winter 2022) As CS324 is a new class, the lecture notes are being constructed on the fly. (an evil student) logging into Axessas – Aditya Bhandari adityasb@stanford. The class final grades are sent by email. Written assignments will be handed in through Gradescope. Understanding and developing large language models. Assignments. CS-245 Database System Principles – Winter 2002 Assignment 6 Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 5th x State all assumptions and show all work. 1: Jan 8 [Wed] Dataflow Analysis Introduction Slides from the lectures will be made available in PPT and PDF formats. 4 Theoptimalmarginclassifier 61 7. . 6 [18. Outline Replication strategies Partitioning strategies Atomic commitment & 2PC CAP Avoiding coordination Parallel query execution CS 245 2. • Subscribe to cs245@lists. Assignment #1:[], [], [] Due on Thursday, Jan 15Solution:[]Assignment #2:[], [] Due on Thursday, Jan 22Solution:[], []Starting with 3rd assignment, we are giving out online assignments via the Online Testing Center (OTC). Clustered • For each company (C) record, the 3 products for that company (C. We will help you develop your project idea. Note : if you already have Gradiance (GOAL) privileges from CS145 or CS245 within the past year, you should also have access to the CS345A homework without paying an additional fee. Guest speakers from industry on commercial DBMS implementation techniques. Execution Methods: Once We Have a Plan, How to Run it? Several options that trade between Logistics; This is a 1-unit S/NC (pass/fail) course. edu; Office Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays 11am to 12noon. cs345Bb. We strongly recommend you 4 Problem 2 (3 points) a) Name two advantages associated with a declarative query language interface. 5 megabytes (1. 5 inch diskette with 2 magnetic surfaces. Hash Indexes key h(key) record / ptr Buckets (block sized) Buckets can contain records or pointers to file overflow bucket CS 245 3 In CS245: Centralized DB system Software: Application SQL Front End Query Processor Transaction Proc. Team size: Students may do final projects solo, or in teams of up to 3 people. Welcome to CS143! Assignments and handouts will be available here. Winter 1998-1999 Materials ; Winter 1999-2000 Materials . • There are 100 distinct values in Y, specifically 1, 2, 3, , 100. Over the weekend we 4 Problem 2 (3 points) a) Name two advantages associated with a declarative query language interface. edu – Seo Jin Park seojin@cs. For CS245 - Database Systems Principles Winter Quarter 2000: Handouts. However, each student must write down the solution independently, and without referring to written notes from the joint session. edu Problem 1 (20 points) The 5 minute rule states that a page referenced every five minutes should be kept in memory rather than being read from disk each time. If a statement is false, please explain why. Print your name: The Honor Code is an undertaking of the students, individually and collectively: 1. Practicalities. Notes03 in pdf Notes04: Indexing & B trees (Powerpoint). Welcome, Computer Science undergraduates and prospective students! The Computer Science Department has consistently maintained the reputation of being one of the top Computer Science programs in the world. As a matter of policy we can not tell the cut-off values. edu – Stephanie Tsai stsai612@stanford. edu to receive clarifications and changes. , writing a SQL query is Like all other classes at Stanford, we take the student Honor Code seriously. edu). When a new lock request arrives, for lock mode N, the system can simply check if N is compatible with GM(O), instead of checking N against all locks currently held on object O. Instructions on using OTC can be found here. Consider the multiple-granularity locking mechanism (Section 9. Recommended: CS245 or equivalent. April 30 Quiz #1--6 1 Problem 1 (10 points) State if the following statements areTRUE orFALSE. File Access P M • Simplifications: • single front end 434 Email: hector@cs. On many occasions when working on assignments it is useful to ask others (the These recordings might be reused in other Stanford courses, viewed by other Stanford students, faculty, or staff, or used for other education and research purposes. exams on the Stanford campus at the sc heduled time and place. For FAQ on Assignment 1, see here Assignment #2: Word, PS or PDF Due in class January 29. 3. pdf. Following the work of these groups has led me to see a clear t for my skills and interests at Stanford, and I am con dent that it is a great place for me to pursue a Ph. On many occasions when working on assignments it is useful to ask others (the Send us the PDF of your proposal to cs341-spr1213-staff@lists. SIGNATURE: _____ Problem 1: Notes02 in pdf Notes03: Record and Block Organization (Powerpoint). edu Newsgroup: su. For cs245. edu Problems 1-3. a) Any schedule produced by a lock scheduler using shared and exclusive locks is conflict serializable. Each surface has 8192 tracks. stanford. Send us a correction to ullman @ cs. For the first three problems, use the following schema, for an on-line bookstore (this is the same schema from assignment 4): Cust (CustID, Name, Address, State, Zip) Slides from the lectures will be made available in PDF format. • Finally, model (M) records are in a third set of blocks, ordered by product identifier. , deleted records, delete fields, free space chains, How to achieve recoverable schedules? aj ri(A) (< : does not precede) With validation, no change! S is recoverable if each transaction commits only after all transactions from which it read have cs245. Outline What is the cloud and what’s different with it? S3 & cs245. edu A relational database system holds three relations: C (companies), P (products) and M (models) with the following characteristics: Relation C Ethics-related questions: For guidance on projects dealing with ethical questions, or ethical questions that arise during your project, please contact Benji Xie (benjixie@stanford. g. Seen pictorially, the process is therefore like this: Training set house. Homeworks : Gradiance (automated) and “challenge problems” (written). Project proposal submission deadline is Monday March 25 at 5pm. • Email questions to cs245-sum0809-staff@lists. • You can email questions to cs245-staff@cs. • TEACHING ASSISTANT (tentative): cs245. 7 Gradiance Homework System Automatic, fast-feedback system for taking you through standard homework 1 Problem 1 (10 points) State if the following statements areTRUE orFALSE. Products are ordered by company number. that they will not give or receive aid in examinations; that they will not give or receive unpermitted aid in class work, in the preparation of reports, or in any other work that is to cs245. A typed signature is fine. 3 Uses Stanford Oracle system. x You can email questions to cs245-staff@cs. 6 Optimalmarginclassifiers 65 7. b) Multi-key indexes are better than partitioned hash tables for answering range queries on multiple key attributes. There will be one Assignment every Week Assignment #1: Word, PS or PDF Due in class January 22. From Last Time: Indexes Conventional indexes B-trees Hash indexes Multi-key indexing CS 245 2. Summary from Last Time System R mostly matched the architecture of a modern RDBMS »SQL »Many storage & access methods »Cost-based optimizer »Lock manager »Recovery Compiler Study: a Software Engineering Course • Reasoning about programs makes better programmers • Tool building: there are programmers and there are tool builders • Excellent software engineering case study: Compilers are hard to build –Input: all programs –Objectives: •Correctness •run-time performance (includes minimizing code size) •GM(O) and N are compatible if and only if for all M i element of {M 1, , M j}, N and M i are compatible. Grading and Honor Co de W ritten assignmen ts 15% Programming assignmen ts 35% Midterm exam 20% Final exam 30% Under the Honor Co de at Stanford, eac hof y ou is exp ected to submit y our o wn w ork in this course, including written assignmen ts, programming assignmen ts, and exams The sardine tree we developed in our last lecture gives a fast ordered dictionary data structure for small keys. The disk rotates at 5400 RPM, and has a usable capacity of 1. Database system architecture, query optimization, transaction management, Problem 4: Multi-Granularity Locking (10 points) Consideramulti-granularitylockingsystem,withlockmodesS,X,IS,IX,andSIXasinlecture, 6 CS 245 Notes 7 31 • Relations contiguous Example 1(b) Iteration Join R2 R1 CS 245 Notes 7 32 • Relations contiguous Example 1(b) Iteration Join R2 R1 CS245 Database System Principles Summer 2009 Written Assignment 1 • Due on Friday, July 17 • State all assumptions. There are three transactions, T1, T2, and T3. Students will use the Gradiance automated homework system for which a fee will be charged. x Subscribe to cs245@lists. Let m be a predicate CS-245 Database System Principles – Winter 2002 Assignment 6 Due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 5th x State all assumptions and show all work. Students must adhere to The Stanford Honor Code and The Stanford Honor Code as it pertains to CS courses. edu Problem 1. Initially, the salary = 1 and the tax = 2. Reload to refresh your session. You switched accounts on another tab or window. It focusses on the encoding of information in the form of logical sentences; it covers various methods for reasoning with information in this form; and it provides an overview of logic technology and its applications (in mathematics, science, engineering, business, law, and so forth). edu – Sudarshan Srinivasan sudarsh2@stanford. • For each x value, there are on the average 10 y values cs245. edu • SECRETARY: Marianne Siroker Office: Gates 436; Email: siroker@cs. The students are welcome to use the newsgroup for discussion, to form study groups, find project partners, etc. Discussion will happen through Ed Discussion on Canvas. 5, 9. Prerequisites: CS145, CS245, programming experience in Summary from Last Time There are many ways to organize data on disk »Fixed vs variable format, clustering, ordering Tradeoffs to consider: CS 245 2 1 CS 245 Notes 2 1 CS 245: Database System Principles Notes 02: Hardware Hector Garcia-Molina CS 245 Notes 2 2 Outline • Hardware: Disks • Access Times Slides: B+/B-Link Trees (pdf and paper) RedBase Part 2: IX Old Lecture Notes: Indexing: Wed, April 15 : (Introduction to Databases) and CS245 (Database System Principles) or equivalent knowledge is essential. class. edu. Outline Defining correctness Transaction model Hardware failures Recovery with logs CS 245 3. Outline What is the cloud and what’s different with it? S3 & Dynamo: object stores Aurora: transactional DBMS BigQuery: analytical DBMS Delta Lake: ACID over object stores CS 245 2. edu Problem 1 (30 points) The following is a sequence of undo-log %PDF-1. For FAQ on Assignment 3, see here. relational algebra) Optimized logical plan Physical plan (code/operators to run) CS 245 2 n. N = P. Review: Atomic Commitment Informally: either all participants commit a transaction, or none do “participants” = partitions involved in a given Problem 2 (10 points) Suppose we have a relation R(x,y,z) where the following holds: • The pair of attributes x and y together form a key. Course Notes. edu – Stephen Yang syang0@stanford. 2k) Homework 8 [ps] 7 function his called a hypothesis. 3 Problem 2 (10 points) Examine the schedule given below. 5 Lagrangeduality(optionalreading) 62 7. If you have questions, please contact a member of the teaching team at cs324-win2122-staff@lists. SQL) Logical query plan (e. However, the course staff will not read the newsgroup regularly. Problem 1 (40 points) Consider a 3. Assignment #4: Word, PS or PDF Due in class, February 19. Review: Atomic File organization and access, buffer management, performance analysis, and storage management. CS 245 plays a key role in the development of mathematical skills required in the Computer Science program, and thus complements MATH 135 (Algebra), MATH 239 (Graph Theory and Enumeration), and STAT 230 (Probability). 1-5, 8. ) (living area of Learning algorithm x h predicted y CS245 - Database Systems Principles Summer Quarter 2000: Current Handouts. Lectures are held Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:30-11:50 in Skilling Auditorium. You signed in with another tab or window. edu • Phone: 650-723-0872 CS 245 Notes 1 36 Details Lectures on project details and advanced techniques in database system implementation, focusing on query processing and optimization. April 28 Class: Quiz Review and External Sorting: Notes in PDF: Wed. Outline What makes a schedule serializable? Conflict serializability Precedence graphs Enforcing serializability via 2-phase locking »Shared and exclusive locks »Lock tables and multi-level locking Optimistic concurrency with validation Concurrency control + recovery Beyond serializability CS 245 2 cs245. 5k) Homework 7 (2. April 16 Class: Query processing lecture #1: QP Page: 4 Mon. Each surface has 64 tracks each. edu A relational database system holds three relations: C (companies), P (products) and M (models) with the following characteristics: Relation C (company): • Tuples are stored as fixed length, fixed format records, length 250 bytes. edu Problem 1 (20 points) Consider the following schema, for an online bookstore: Cust (CustID, Name, Address, State, Zip) Book (BookID, Title, Author, Price Clarifying These Goals Say our goal was access control: only Matei can set CS 245 student grades on Axess What scenarios should Axessprotect against? 1. • Similarly, the 9 model records for each company reside in the same block as Date Topic Reading Lecture notes Assignment out Assignment due Review Session (Fri) Jan 6 [Mon] Introduction: 1. 6]). 2021-05-2300:18:27-07:00,draft:sendcommentstomossr@cs. Under the Honor Code at Stanford, each of you is expected to submit your own work in this course, including written assignments, programming assignments, and exams. April 27 Project Part 2 due--5 Mon. e. Winter 1998 CS245A (Taught by Jeff). Over the weekend we Slides from the lectures will be made available in PDF format. • The application programmer has less work to do (i. , no more than 5 keys and 6 pointers per node): • grape Slides (pdf and paper) Wed. Class. General Information (2k) Homework 1 (3k) Homework 2 (5k) Homework 3 (5k) Homework 4 (5k) Midterm - questions and solutions [ps] (90K) Homework 5 (3k) Homework 6 (1. You signed out in another tab or window. General Information (2k) Class Notes (powerpoint, ps and pdf) - This is from Winter 2000, same for this course . 5 CS 245 Notes 6 25 Example: Generating Relational Algebra title StarsIn <condition> <tuple> IN name <attribute> birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’ Problem 4: Multi-Granularity Locking (10 points) Consideramulti-granularitylockingsystem,withlockmodesS,X,IS,IX,andSIXasinlecture, withahierarchyfromRelation,Table CS245 Database System Principles Summer 2009 Written Assignment 2 • Due on Wednesday August 12, 09 • State all assumptions. You can pick up your finals from the handout-bin on the 4th floor of Gates building. Homework 1 (mon, 07/10) [html] Solutions 1 [html] Students must adhere to The Stanford Honor Code and The Stanford Honor Code as it pertains to CS courses. N) reside in the same block. There will be one Assignment every Week The assignment policies are posted at policies. edu; If you would like some help or guidance when developing your project idea feel free to contact course staff (Jure or any other instructor). Slides from the lectures will be made available in PDF format. By harnessing its key insight - B-tree lookups can be sped up by improving rank calculations at each node - and combining it with some insights about integers and Patricia tries, we can build the fusion tree, which works for any integers that fit into a machine CS 157 is a rigorous introduction to Logic from a computational perspective. Topics include database system architecture, storage, query optimization, transaction management, fault recovery, and parallel processing, with a focus on the key design ideas This course covers the architecture of modern data storage and processing systems, including relational databases, cluster computing frameworks, streaming systems and machine learning In accordance with both the letter and spirit of the Stanford Honor Code, I have neither given nor received assistance on this test. 3 Functionalandgeometricmargins 59 7. For This topic is covered in the follow-on courses CS245 (formerly CS245A) and CS346 (formerly CS245B). edu Problem 1 (30 points) The following is a sequence of undo-log History of Cloud Computing Old idea, but became successful in the 2000s CS 245 5 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 “Utility computing” first • Subscribe to cs245@lists. Note: if you already have Gradiance (GOAL) privileges from CS145 or CS245 within the past year, you should also have access to the CS345A homework without paying an additional fee. Outline Defining correctness Transaction model Hardware failures Recovery with logs CS 245 2. 7 Regularizationandthenon-separablecase(optionalreading) 69 • Product (P) records are separate in another set of blocks. 1: Jan 8 [Wed] Dataflow Analysis Introduction Send us the PDF of your proposal to cs341-spr1213-staff@lists. (15 points) Assume that we have two relations, R and S. Review: Atomic Commitment Informally: either all participants commit a transaction, or none do “participants” = partitions involved in a given cs245-sum0809-staff@lists. • Product (P) records are separate in another set of blocks. Let q be a predicate containing only S attributes. Prerequisites: CS145, CS245, programming experience in Solutions for the Final Exam are available (download Postscript, download PDF). Focus of This Part of Course Correctnessin case of failures & concurrency Assignments. Answer: there are more than two ! But any two will do for full credit: • The application programmer does not need to be aware of the physical design of the database. Email list of currently registered students in the course: cs345b-win0607-students [AT] lists. Let p be a predicate containing only R attributes. Problem 1 (20 points) Consider a hard drive with 16 magnetic surfaces. Overview. This topic is covered in the follow-on courses CS245 (formerly CS245A) and CS346 (formerly CS245B). Hector's Slides for CS245, Winter, 2002. Please respect the following policies: Please respect the following policies: Collaboration : Study groups are allowed, but students must understand and complete their own assignments, and hand in one assignment per student. Errata for the first through fourth printings. Slides from the lectures will be made available in PPT and PDF formats. Midterm and final. If there is a problem with grading please let us know. The disk rotates at 7200 RPM, and has a usable capacity of 4 gigabytes (4 x 230 bytes). edu Summary from Last Time System R mostly matched the architecture of a modern RDBMS » SQL » Many storage & access methods » Cost-based optimizer » Lock manager » Recovery » View • You can email questions to cs245-staff@cs. Notes04 in pdf Notes05: Hashing and other indexes How much space is wasted? e. April 23 Class: Query processing lecture #3: QP Page: Sun. Enroll on Axess as a Stanford student! (Waitlist available) Lectures are on Thursdays at 4:30 - 5:50 pm PDT, Gates Computer Science Building, Room B01 (Basement); Zoom Livestream Clarifying These Goals Say our goal was access control: only Matei can set CS 245 student grades on Axess What scenarios should Axessprotect against? 1. Each class is divided into two parts: General Information Course Description. 2. We will assume that cs245. Outline Relational DBMS architecture Alternative architectures & tradeoffs Storage hardware CS 245 2. 03-System-Architecture-p2. Bobby T. 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