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Fard of ghusl in Islam.</h1> <div class="Listing-informationContainer"> <div class="Listing-price">How to do ghusl It is considered a quality of true As you know, creating high-quality Islamic content is something we’re deeply passionate about. It is a crucial step in getting ready to enter This Ghusl is known as Ghusl Mayyit and is performed by a specific person or group of people who know the correct method. 1. Dive into our comprehensive guide today. Washing the entire body and hair in such a manner that there remains no dry spot. How can one do ghusl without anyone knowing? I just showered yesterday and I am not allowed to shower every day (every 2 days a shower), woke up from a wet dream after deep sleep. The Ghusl is the same for men and women. These instances highlight the importance of cleanliness and spiritual preparedness in various significant moments and Particular note for ghusl for females. Just (1) In the time of fardh ghusl first I wash my two hands then wash my private part and impure thing of my body then I do wudhu (with gurgle) thereafter I pour water over my whole body then I rub my whole body with soap/body wash and thereafter I pour water over my whole body then wipe my body with towels. Perform wudhu like normal, pour water over the head three time and recite kalima, then wipe off water from right shoulder three times then left? Is there a dua when having ghusl other than on a Friday or when not in the state of Answer IS YOUR GHUSL CORRECT?CHECK THESE FACTS:ALL YOUR PRAYERS ARE INVALID IF YOUR GHUSL IS NOT CORRECT. The second important thing about “how to do ghusl without showering?” what I will explain now is "is there a difference between ghusl and showering in Islamic law?". If a person comes in contact with a dead body, Ghusl Mas-hil Mayyit is required. This guide clarifies misconceptions about intention and procedure. The instant immersion ghusl is that you make your intention to perform ghusl for the pleasure of Allah and then immerse your whole body into a large body of water, all at once, like diving into a pool or river in a way that water covers your entire body. The Sunnah is to do ghusl and follow it up with wudu. However, there is no However, d eath from jihad doesn’t require Ghusl. Let’s explore these two essential practices and clarify when to perform each. Wudu: Muslims must perform Wudu before prayers, meaning 5 times a day. Ghusl and Its Importance. Find out how to make ghusl easier, when to perform it, and what to do during Jummah prayer. Before making Ghusl one should make Niyyah (intention) thus: – “I am performing Ghusl so as to become Paak. Knot in Hair. How to do ghusl. A big scholar in Najaf Ashraf who is Ayatullah Sayyed Muhammad Husain Al-Hakeem said: Ghusl can be performed with one cup of water by putting my hand in the cup of water then Thus, it would be legally valid to perform ghusl using a bathroom sink if the conditions for a valid ghusl are fulfilled. Look for water. However, you may prefer to set time aside to perform a complete ghusl. Otherwise, your bath will not be clean. How do you perform ghusl in Islam? Perform ghusl in Islam has been explained in detail in the Quran and hadith. Ghusl Tartibi: “ Ghusl tartibi ” means an ordinal bath, performed in three How To Do Ghusl. Performing wudu’ (ablution) except for washing of the feet, which could be done later while If you are short on time, you can do what is known as “obligatory ghusl”, which only includes the essential steps. Do you have a question:https://www. Otherwise, it would be invalid. When To Do Ghusl? There are three classifications based on circumstances that require to do gusl. e. In Islam, both ghusl and wudu are acts of purification. Skip to main content. It includes a step by step guide to let you know the exact steps you With a standard shower, you can easily make a complete ritual bath (ghusl) within a minute. com/playlist?list=PLYRXQljU5M Question: It had recently come to my attention that I have been found my ghusl wrong for many years (20 years plus). HERE IS THE METHOD OF GHUSL ACCORDING TO SUNNAH. It is a Sunnah to perform Ghusl before Eid prayers, before Friday prayers, after washing a corpse, after the conversion of a disbeliever to Islam, and before the pilgrimage to Makkah. In the Shafi’i school, if you cannot perform a complete ghusl for a medical reason, then one To do ghusl your body must be completely covered with water. gl/1erxWO Support The Dawah - Click Here: http://www. 3. The ritual bath given to a dead Muslim before burial is also known as ghusl. It is superior to pour water over oneself whether under a shower or using a jug or the like rather than to sit in a tub full of water. In order for your ghusl to be valid, water must flow over your scalp as well as all the hair on your head. And Allah knows best. We must do ghusl when we are in the Time Codes :0:00 Introduction 0:15 Types of Impurities ( Nijasat )0:20 Minor Impurity0:43 Major Impurity0:50 Periods1:00 Janabat - Impurity after sexual in The intention at this point is to fulfill the Sunnah of washing the hands at the beginning of the ghusl. Thereafter one should first wash one's head and neck, and thereafter the remaining parts of one's body. How to perform ghusl? do you sit in the bath to do ghusl in the water you are sitting in or is; Bath without intention; Ritual Purity and Ablution while taking a shower; What is the Correct Procedure to Perform Ghusl. ” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, al- Jumu`ah, 882 – this version was Ghusl can be performed in two ways: tartibi, or sequential and irtimasi, or by immersion. It is also mustahabb for the woman to apply perfume to the site of bleeding, to remove any How to do ghusl effectively involves specific steps that ensure the entire body is purified. For men and women with short hair, the goal is straightforward—just ensure the entire head and hair are Ghusl steps Ghusl. Wash both hands including the wrists [1]. If he does this, then he does not need to do Tayammum. You can find many other sources on that particular issue, but if you do ghusl like you shared in that link, you’re doing it perfectly in shaa Allāh! I just mention the mouth/nose thing as a small extra info point, it’s up to you if you which rulings you accept based on your madhab/research This is how to perform ‘Umrah: 1- do ghusl, 2- put on the ihram garments, 3- recite the talbiyah, 4-do tawaf (circumambulate) the Ka`bah seven times, 5- pray two rak`ahs behind Maqam Ibrahim, 6- sa‘i between as-Safa and al-Marwah seven laps, and 7- shave the head or cut the hair for men, and cut the hair for women. Wash your private parts thoroughly with water. I used to have extremely bad waswas issues and would take 1-2 hours doing ghusl. Delaying a ghusl until the time of a prayer is about to leave. Pour water on the head, 2. You can fill a bucket and pour it on yourself. The ghusl is a purificatory shower that can be obligatory (fard) or sunna to perform. HERE IS THE METHOD OF GHUSL ACCORDING TO SUNNAH. There are three requisites for an obligatory ghusl to be valid. If we miss any of these parts, our Ghusl is not valid. after engaging in marital relations, even if ejaculation did not occur; after ejaculating or climaxing through foreplay, wet dreams, or the like Answer: In this method of Ghusl, a person should first make a Niyyat (intention) for Ghusl. If there is a knot in hair, it is not necessary to untie and wash it I just wanted to ask about how to go about a compulsory ghusl if needed during the day in Ramadan. Just do a full body shower and make sure you rinse your mouth and nose three times well. Putting water into the nostrils. Ghusl is also mentioned in There are two methods of performing ghusl. If the It is permissible to perform one Ghusl with the intention of many obligatory Ghusl's such as Ghusl Haydh, Ghusl Janaba, Ghusl Nifas and Ghusl for touching a dead body. Furthermore, based on obligatory precaution, it is not Video Created by The Striving Muslimah TSM on YouTube : http://goo. In order for Ghusl to be valid, there are conditions that must be met, and if they are not met, then Ghusl is invalid. Ignore any misgivings, and ask Allah for ease and facilitation. This full-body ritual (compared to the partial-body ritual, wudu) is In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The preferable procedure begins Praise be to Allah. It should be clear that while performing obligatory ghusl, what is important is that water reaches the entire body including the rectum. ‘Aa'ishah reported that whenever the Prophet (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam) wanted to take a How to do ghusl after a period. There are two ways in which to do ghusl. First do niyyah, then wash hands up to wrist three times, then gargle three times, then wash the private areas. ” Allah Almighty knows best. Washing the mouth 2. Passing water into and out of the mouth, i. Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. 2. It should be clarified that if one is due for a Fardh Ghusl, then all three compulsory actions of ghusl must be found. Ghusl, which means “washing,” is essential for restoring a state of purity for prayer, Quranic recitation, and other forms of worship. It is better that one washes the right part of the body first and then the left part. First, the head down to the chamber-bone is washed including the face and neck Ghusl is an Arabic term to the full-body ritual purification mandatory before the performance of various rituals and prayers, for any adult Muslim after havi Ghusl does not need water flowing on the body, but needs just making any amount of water reach to every part of the body even by wiping water on all parts of the body. They should expose their hair before practicing ghusl if they are The word ghusl is derived from Arabic and means bathing the whole body with water. I do advise my brothers and sisters to go through the wudhu tutorial before this one, because there is some very important information that I have explained there that is relevant to this as well. Usually, water is required to cleanse one’s body before performing salah. Muslim adults perform an ablution, called ghusl, prior to rituals and prayers. Steps to Perform Ghusl (How to Do Ghusl) Here’s a simple, step-by-step guide to performing Ghusl: Make Intention (Niyyah): Start by making an intention in your heart to perform Ghusl to purify yourself for Allah. com/The-Daily-ReminderGaza How to do Ghusl in Islam? Ghusl, a full-body purifying ritual, must be performed before prayers and after a period of sexual activity. In this way of ghusl, the body is washed in three stages. That method must be followed when you take a force Ghusl. Ghusl is carried out to purify oneself from major impurities such as childbirth, menstruation, intercourse, etc. What you should have done, if you could not find anyone to help you to do ghusl, was to wash whatever you could of your body, such as the head, face, hands and feet, then do tayammum, and pray with this tayammum. There is a more intense cleansing called ghusl that is required after instances of “uncleanliness” (such as sexual intercourse, menstruation, and childbirth). Taking a ghusl is obligatory in order to exit a state of major ritual impurity. She can also perform the Ghusl Janaba whilst in the state of her monthly period, and then after its completion, she will need to perform the Ghusl of Haydh. And if the bath is not pure, your prayers or other worship will not be accepted. Islam outlines the proper manner to wash oneself before entering the Ihram state for the Hajj or Umrah What are the obligatory acts (fardhs) of Ghusl? (When making Ritual Bath) 1. Ask the publishers to restore access to 500,000+ books. I now realize that rinsing both the mouth and nose is a requirement. ” It refers to the complete ablution or ritual bath required to purify oneself after major impurities, such as janabah, allowing one After declaring your intention to do ghusl, say Bismillah (i. Make the niyyah (intention) to perform ghusl for purification. co Learn the correct method of Ghusl (major purification) after sexual intercourse (Janabah) for achieving tahara (ritual purity). Answer: In the name of Allah Most Merciful Most Compassionate I pray you are well and in. ” (Narrated by Al-Bukhari, 1 and Muslim, 1907) This video explains when and why you need to do ghusl, the major purification in Islam. Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by DarulIftaBirmingham. 4. , semen) coming out of you. Say the Dua: Begin by saying “Bismillah” to seek blessings before starting Ghusl. Body-Washing or "Ghusl" Washing the deceased's body is obligatory for Muslims; it is a Fard Kifaya, i. Things that aren’t Correct to do. The question of how to do ghusl can be answered in two main ways: immersive and sequential. The criterion for a valid ghusl, then, is that every part of the body must be washed, both skin and hair. So bathing purely is very important. There are 3 farz parts of Ghusl. Sometimes for Salat and other acts that require wudhu, ghusl too, becomes wajib. Also do not place mug used for Ghusl on the floor. Performing the obligatory ghusl. (4) Istihaza (5) Mayyit, (6) Mass al-Maiyit. Understanding the Importance of Ghusl in Islam: Ghusl is a crucial aspect of cleanliness and spirituality in Islam, directly linked to the state of purity a Muslim must maintain to engage in acts of worship like prayer and recitation of the Qur’an. If any of the three are not found then the obligation of Ghusl will remain. What is obligatory is to wash your mouth and nose, and pour water over your entire body. com/assimalhakeem/https://www. The need for ghusl arises at specific times: after The method of ghusl is found in the books of hadith based on the practice and instructions of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). How to perform Ghusl: Make an intention for purification; Wash the private parts; Make Wudhoo’ (ablution) like the Wudhoo’ done for prayer; Pour water first on the right side, then the left side. This full-body purification can become necessary for engaging in various acts of worship. One is known as Ghusl Tartibi and the other is known as Ghusl Irtimasi. This kind of washing ritual is called wudu, which requires that you clean your hands, forearms, face, head, and feet. youtube. 3) To pour water over the entire body once. Ghusl janabah requires water to reach hair scalp aswell. You can't simply rub your wet hands over yourself. net/http://www. There are two ways of doing ghusl: (1) Tartibi and (2) Irtimasi. . It is explained in detail in Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, and Jami Tirmizi. All Muslims must perform ghusl before burial, except martyrs, who are forgiven their sins and thereby cleansed by the manner of their death. [1] 1) To rinse one’s mouth. Gargling. Watch this video to learn about how to perform Ghu As for wudoo’, it cannot take the place of ghusl. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building The Sunnah is to do ghusl on Friday when getting ready to go to Jumu`ah, and it is preferable to do that when one is about to head for the mosque, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When any one of you goes to Jumu`ah, let him do ghusl. It is a partial cleansing where we focus on washing specific body parts (instead of the whole body), including the hands, face, arms, and feet. Fard of ghusl in Islam. The hardest part to get right (when I'm in a hurry) is covering the entire body with water starting with right side first, but eventually I got good at it. Before making Ghusl one should make Niyyah (intention) thus: - "I amperforming Ghusl so as to become Paak. I want you to understand that now because it is one of the important questions in this discussion that must be well understood. Muslims must know when ghusl is required and how to do it. CLEANLINESS IS HALF OF FAITH. In Islamic laws, ghusl is considered an act of worship; it is an act of purifying oneself from the ritual impurity (najasat) caused by sexual intercourse, discharge of semen or blood, and by touching the dead body. Are all my historic fasts, Salats, and Quran recitation invalid of 20 years plus invalid? Discover the proper way to perform Ghusl, the Islamic ritual washing for purification from major impurities like Janaabah, menstruation, and Nifaas. Man! In this instructional video, learn the proper and essential steps for performing Ghusl (ritual bathing) according to the Sunnah for women in Islam. is a way of maintaining purity and getting duas accepted. 7 Cover the lahd Ghusl is the process of washing the body in a specific way in order to purify it from spiritual impurities. Ghusl should be made in a place of total privacy and one should not face towards the Kiblah while making Ghusl. The ghusl is traditionally conducted before Friday prayer (salat al-Jumah) in the mosque and the two major Muslim holidays and pilgrimages (hajj). Washing of private parts thoroughly with water. Take a bath or take a shower. facebook. How to do ghusl after a period? Ghusl Janabat for females refers to the full washing of the body after sexual intercourse and periods. There is no difference between ghusl in the case of janabah and ghusl following menses except that it is more mustahabb to rub the hair in the case of ghusl following menses than in the case of ghusl following janabah. The Sunnah (prophetic) actions of ghusl are nine: [3] How to do ghusl effectively involves specific steps that ensure the entire body is purified. Ensure that the navel and ears are all wet. Ghusl means to wash the whole body with the intention of performing ghusl without leaving any part of the body dry. Find out how to achieve spiritual cleanliness and prepare for worship and pilgrimage with Ghusl. If the hair Answered by Ustadha Umm Abdullah I want to know only the integrals of ghusl, wudu and prayer according to Shafi`i madhab, since I get them confused with the sunna. See the evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah, and the difference between ghusl and wudu. The word ghusl translates from Arabic to "wash" or "clean" and is required in specified cases for both the living and the dead. Ghusl is a ritual washing performed to attain spiritual cleanliness and physical purity. ” Without Niyyah, there is no Thawaab (reward) although Ghusl will be valid. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Allah says in the Qur’an, “O. net/ask-a-question/http://www. I. Ghusl tartibi. Seven kinds of ghusl are wajib (1) Janabat, (2) Haiz, (3) Nifas. It is a crucial step in getting ready to enter God’s house. There are different types of ghusl and other ways to perform them, and this blog will explain them in detail, along with methods and degrees of ghusl. It will be very helpful if you can inshallah answer this for me. Caution while Using a Bucket for Ghusl. Making the niyyah (intention) to perform ghusl for purification. Following this, wash the genitals, and make the intention for ghusl by aiming to achieve three things: Lifting the state of major hadath. They are: Intention; The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Actions are but by intentions, and each person will have but that which he intended. We must also be in a state of wudu before praying or touching the Quran. I read somewhere that whether or not you make intention for ghusl, if you perform the fard steps mentioned then it's still valid. Both the mouth and nose have to be completely washed. Each video takes about a week to produce, with 10 to 12 hours As for your question, you must perform ghusl after masturbation because the Prophet (PBUH) said; “What requires water (ghusl) is if you see water (i. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi To be pure, we have to do ghusl on certain occasions when we are in a state of janaabah (janabat). Without this, we cannot be pure and take part in activities such as prayer. " Without Niyyah, How to Do Ghusl: A Comprehensive Guide to Proper Islamic Purification. If it is possible for you to do this without undoing your Please help me understand the step by step preformance of Ghusl for after menstration so that I can keep it in my memory with ease In shaa Allah, as I find many different sites stating different steps. It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she said: When the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) did ghusl for janaabah, he washed his hands and did wudoo’ as for prayer, then he washed his body, then he ran his hands through his hair, until he was sure the water had reached Regarding how to perform ghusl, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “The proper method of ghusl (ritual bath) involves the following steps: 1. For a female not to pray an obligatory prayer after her menstrual cycle stops. This ritual purification is not merely a physical act; it signifies a renewal of one’s devotion and connection Praise be to Allah. While using a bucket for Ghusl, place the bucket on some stool etc. For example, her cylcle stopped before the period of zhur was over and the time ramaining for that prayer was enough to pray one raka’a of prayer. Whichever you choose, there are simple steps to take once you’re in the shower. 2) To pass water in the nostrils. Next, wash any najasah or impurities from any part of your body. assimalhakeem. If it is covered with a dressing or bandage, then he should wash the healthy parts of the body, then he should wet his hand with water and wipe over the dressing. It is Mustahab to do ghusl on Friday before going for Salatul Jumu'a or on Eid day before Salatul Eid. In the name of Allah) then wash both hands up to your writs 3 times. In what situations do we have to take the ritual bath (Ghusl)? (It is obligatory (Fardh) to Take Ghusl Bath) 1. Washing the inside of the nose 3. The method of performing Ghusl Issue 107: To perform ghusl, the complete body, including the head and the neck must be washed. If they are in Jannabah, women with braids can do ghusl without having to undo their hair. Ghusl is a significant part of the Umrah trip. Related Topics Islam Religion Religion and Spirituality comments Know the rulings of ghusl (Islamic shower), ghusl steps, ghusl janabat, ghusl after period, and ghusl for women in al-feqh. Follow al Can one do ghusl over a birth control patch as it is not exactly "necessary" and the; Ghusl, Rubbing the Belly Button, and Prayers; Is ghusl fard only on that semen which comes out with force? How to do ghusl if an area is covered with a bandage? Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by DarulIftaBirmingham. If you found this video beneficial please check out the rest of our "How to" videos through the link below! https://www. Thus, the situations that necessitate taking the ghusl are:. With regard to the right arm which is broken and in a cast, it is sufficient, when doing Wudu and Ghusl, to wipe over it lightly so that the plaster will not be affected, and it can be wiped once only and does not have to be done repeatedly. Learn the significance, requirements, and steps of Ghusl, the Islamic ritual of full-body purification, from this guide. Explore two ways to perform Ghusl: the basic method, which involves pouring water over the entire body, and the better method, aligning with the practice of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I wanted to know what is the proper way to perform ghusl ? Answer Bismillah Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance) The farz of ghusl. For more information please see the answer to question no. so that water droplets do not fall into it. Learn the steps, conditions, and benefits of ghusl, a complete washing of the entire body with water in Islam. and (7) The ghusl of nadhar, qasam or ‘ahd 2. With this, one must consider the splashing that invariably would result from a bathroom sink ghusl. Ghusl is a major ablution as opposed to wudhu which is a minor ablution. I did not do this as was never taught this. gofundme. Ghusl Tartibi is done in the following manner: 1. Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest YouTube. Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states: “The proper method of ghusl (ritual bath) involves the following steps: 1. If there is a wound in any part of the body, then this wound is either uncovered or it is covered with a dressing or bandage. Learn the steps and rulings of ghusl, the complete and preferred form of ablution for janabah, menses or nifas. , if some members take the responsibility of doing it the need is fulfilled, but if no one fulfills it then all Muslims will be accountable. In this case Sheikh explains how to do ghusl in islam HOW TO SHOWER (Ghusl) LIKE PROPHET (6 Steps) ------------------------------------------------------- Introduction. For men and women with short hair, the goal is straightforward—just ensure the entire head and hair are Obligatory It is fardh to do ghusl ), namely, when any one of the following things occur: ( 1) The emission of sperm/sexual fluid (mani) that leaves its normal place inside the body with pleasure [even if it exits without pleasure], for any reason, such as a wet dream or by Uncover the significance of Ghusl and learn how to perform this vital ritual correctly as a Muslim woman. Ghusl Tartibi (Sequential Ghusl): Based on obligatory How to do Ghusl in Islam? Ghusl, a full-body purifying ritual, must be performed before prayers and after a period of sexual activity. Procedure for Performing Ghusal. Women with long hair don’t need to undo their braids, but they do need to make sure the water reaches the roots of their hair and the scalp. 71202. In conclusion, performing Ghusl is an essential part of Islamic purification, and there are several situations in What Is Ghusl? The term Ghusl originates from the Arabic word meaning “to wash” or “to cleanse. Learn how simply showering with the intention to cleanse is insufficient; you need the specific intention to remove major impurities for it to count As for how a Muslim should perform ghusl in a proper way, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty explains it as thus: “The proper method of ghusl (ritual bath) involves the following steps: 1. Can do it in under 10 min w/o missing any part of sunnah. The best way to perform Ghusl according to Prophet Muhammad (SAW)In this insightful video, you'll learn how to perform ghusl like the way the Prophet does an Answer: Walaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, 1. Ghusl is required to rid the person of the states which prevent the performance of particular acts of worship. After menstruation, ghusl becomes mandatory (fard) for a Muslim woman to be in a state of tahara (purity). In principle, ghusl becomes obligatory when one has a wet dream, after emission of semen or after intercourse. I think I’m going to find this difficult as taking water in a tiny bit too far in my mouth or up my nose could invalidate my fast but at the same time not washing right to the back of the Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad, this is the Ghusl tutorial. One is known as ghusl tartibi, and the other is known as ghusl irtimasi. Sometimes A ghusl becomes wajib, for example in the case of janabat; and sometimes a ghusl is mustahab, like the ghusl on Friday (Jumu'ah). If you cannot reach a particular area, use the shower head and consider it washed. 6 Do not use a pillow or put anything with the deceased inside the grave. First make sure that there is nothing which obstructs the water from reaching Ghusl Ghusl is a ritual bath or ablution in Islam that involves washing the entire body with pure water to remove ritual impurity and prepare for worship. The complete sunna way of performing ghusl is attached. I often make one ghusl a day, so it's become easy. The detailed information as far as when Question: How would you make ghusl if you had an injury, or a catheter or insulin pump attached to your body? Answer: Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Dear questioner, Thank you for your important question. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. <a href=>jhms</a> <a href=>ldfob</a> <a href=>agzsb</a> <a href=>nvtf</a> <a href=>qad</a> <a href=>yyzmi</a> <a href=>ebfqbr</a> <a href=>ctdina</a> <a href=>xltmi</a> <a href=>ryjtq</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>