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The prayer starts with a line recognizing God's miracles.</p> <ul> <li>Kabbalah morning prayer What should one ask for in those situations? A: Ask for whatever you can ask, anything your mind will let you reach—and the Creator will give you everything, meaning everything that is needed for the attainment of the invocator. You are Jehovah Jireh – You will provide. (translation by Avraham Sutton). Do not engage with these prayers while driving, working with heavy machinery, or engaged in any kind of activity where a physical manifestation resulting from the use of these prayers could cause harm or injury. By praying when we wake up, we follow Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:33, which says, “But looking for the first Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. " The Ana Beko’ach is hidden within the first 42 letters of the book of Genesis, beginning with the word bereshit and ending with the word vavohoo. Heavenly Father, In the mighty name of Jesus, Guide me in every decision I make today. Intriguingly, tradition has distilled this complex structure down to. (Ibid. It is a meditation anyone can use to "start over," and get rid of excess "baggage. Kabbalistic prayers are powerful, and they are believed to have the ability to bring about positive change in the world. It explains that the 72 names represent a complete spiritual system expressing God's power over nature. On its own, Kabbalah offers a systematic philosophy that includes cosmology and. Bless and shield each member from harm, and may our bonds grow stronger in Your love. ” –Samael Aun Weor “The closing clause of the Lord’s Prayer is pure Kabbalism. Start by expressing gratitude for a new day and the blessings in your life. Countless times I have spoken or prayed to hashem what I need. Sometimes, for the sake of convenience, the Shabbat and Rosh-Chodesh prayers may be printed in a separate volume. The Tree of Life, or Etz Chaim in Hebrew, stands as one of the most iconic and central symbols in Kabbalah. Video | 2:57. (PikiWiki Israel) Changes to the Amidah. One whose custom it is to pray according to Nussach HaAri does so even when praying in a congregation whose text is otherwise. A Morning Prayer for Strength and Courage. " Prayer to bless your children with every Friday night: "May God bless you and safeguard you. Prayer said twice a day, in the morning and at night: "Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One. 1. As such, it is a powerful tool for building a higher level of consciousness. Morning Prayer for Guidance. Kabbalah is an ancient mystical practice, closely associated with, but distinct from, Hasidic. org Video The Jewish Woman Jewish News Moshiach 101 Jewish Kids Zone Kabbalah Online Israel - The Holy Land TheRebbe. Includes information on the Sephirot of the Tree of Life, as well as the wisdom of the Hebrew Letters. The head tefillin has a Shin (ש) with four branches on one One of the most powerful of all kabbalistic prayers is called the Ana Beko'ach or 42-Letter Name of God. Morning Connection. What is the power of pra According to Kabbalah, the tefillin of the head represents the mochin (brains) from ABA and IMA that enters ZA (Za’ir Anpin, partzuf -face of God). PART I In Matthew chapter 6, we have the following words, commonly known as, “The Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Read the text of Weekday Siddur Chabad online with commentaries and connections. Therefore, the first words that we say upon waking are: "I thank You The Kabbalah Centre has already made an impact on the consciousness of millions of people. When we pray the morning prayer, we enter the World of Creation with the invitation to bless God, Prayer, as defined by kabbalistic sages, is a process through which our energy and intentions ascend to the spiritual realm. The Siddur is the traditional Jewish prayer book, containing the three daily prayers; also the prayers for Shabbat, Rosh-Chodesh and the festivals. Meetings span from relationships to tikkune to deep Zohar study, all customized especially for you. It has also helped me remember how to read and understand Ivrit way more than duolingo app. Tools & Resources. a single graphic (above). The analysis of Zohar relating to the proper intention to have in mind in saying the words of the Kedusha joins our other translation from Meditation according to Kabbalah is different from the known “common” meditation, which was familiar since the 60’s. ” 11. After Kabbalat Shabbat, the basic shape of the Sabbath evening service closely resembles that of its weekday counterpart, up to the recitation of the Amidah, with the Barekhu, the Sh’ma, and the blessings that precede and follow it. Most important, it must be a correct request. ) are recited according to the text formulated by the Alter Rebbe, which is known as “ Nussach HaAri. About Today · Readings at Mass · Office of Readings · Morning Prayer · Terce · Sext · None · Evening Prayer Universalis site · Settings · Tweet · Show QR code. [Rebbe Shimon said to the Companions:] "A person's prayer is as you have said [see pages 201 to 203]. The prayer is Prayer book based on kabbalistic traditions of the Arizal (Rabbi Isaac Luria), as edited by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, author of Tanya and founder of the Chabad chasidic movement. HE isn't used to that. Eternal Hidden Master of the worlds! You are He whose Unity is infinite and absolute, One of the most powerful ways to pray at the Western Wall is through the use of kabbalah. Now prayer is not just another item on the task list; it’s part of the day’s definition. Recited before the morning prayers: Haraynee Mekabel Alai Mitzvat Asai Shel Ve’ahavta Lerayacha kamocha. Morning Prayer for Family “Lord, I lift up my family to You this morning. Jewish law mandates that one pray three times a day, in the morning, afternoon, and at night. Nothing works greater to cleanse the fallen vessels than prayer. An obvious connection between prayer and the name of the portion is the fact that a prayer group is called a "kahal", which is the root of the name of the portion, Vayakhel. I'd like to share, as a student of Kabbalah, a way I have found that brings YHVH very near to us. And Both are Preparation for Living. ”1. I turn them over to Your care. The tefillin of the arm represent the mochin (brains) of NoK (Nukvah - Shechina). Dear Lord, In moments of doubt and fear, I humbly turn to you, seeking your divine strength and unwavering courage. Greeting the Shabbat Kabbalistic Meditations to fill your days with Kabbalistic Rituals:Morning Meditation Start your morning with positivity, gratitude, and infused with intention with a guided Kabbalistic meditation to energize your day from its seed level. Amen. The Sefirot in the Lord’s Prayer. Jewish Practice. This week's parasha includes the mitzvah to proclaim the holiness of G‑d in the midst of the people of Israel. The foundational text of Kabbalah, the Zohar, teaches that Jacob 's ladder was a metaphor for the experience of prayer (incidentally, the Hebrew words for "ladder" and "voice" - "sulam" and "kol" - representing the voice of prayer, share an identical numerological value of 136). I just get a warm feeling from prayer/study. But gradually, as people became less knowledgeable about the blessings, they began to be included in the synagogue service so that the cantor could recite Bonus: It should be mentioned that the wisest prayer of all – according to Rabbi Yisroel Baal Shem Tov – is that The Creator should give us what He knows is best for us. ly/kes-KabU-Kabbalah-Course - To learn more about Kabbalah join a free online course at KabU. Rabbi Millgram’s thorough but critical survey of the influences of the Kabbalah (mysticism) of the Zohar and later Lurianic Kabbalah on Jewish liturgy is reprinted with permission from Jewish Worship, published by the Jewish Publication Society. When I completed The Genesis Prayer on It is the power of prayer that is the one specific thing, the principle and essence of what we are discussing here. It is hard, if not impossible, to conceive of faith in God without some concept of prayer Our biggest sale of the year The Kabbalah of Prayer. This piyyut, the acronym of which is said to be a 42-letter name of God, [note 1] is recited daily by those Jewish communities which include a greatly expanded version of Korbanot in Shacharit and more widely as part of Kabbalat Shabbat. The Kabbalah is an ancient system of Jewish mysticism that is believed to have the power to connect people to the divine. The new and radical approach to prayer at the Centres that I have described here will certainly meet with resistance, as do all ideas that appear to conflict with existing norms. . Siddur, p. Daily Zohar – Tikunim – #48 – the Morning Sword - Free download as Word Doc (. Shema Yisrael (שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל) (“Hear, O Israel ”) are the first two words of a section of the Torah that is the centerpiece of the morning and evening prayer services, encapsulating the monotheistic essence of Judaism: “Hear, O Israel: G‑d is our L‑rd, G‑d is one. There were a total of one hundred bases made out of the one hundred talents, one talent for each base. The prayers (including Modeh Ani and the morning blessings, etc. docx), PDF File (. Healing & Exorcism (self/world):-Sabbath morning Kabbalah prayer-Yoga chanting: हरे कृष्ण मन्त्र the Hare Krishna mantra नमस्ते NamasteDonations:https://w Practice with this prayer first thing in the morning, and the last moment before going to sleep, with complete concentration on every word. One must reflect on matters that subdue the heart and direct it towards one's Father in Heaven and should not think of matters which involve light headedness. To accomplish this transformation the kabbalists have created a system of daily prayer, meditation and connection that allows us to connect with this reality of certainty The Zohar explores the subject of prayer at length in this week's Torah portion. Prayer constitutes the ladder through which a human being climbs from his or her earth Friday Night Kiddush (Hebrew/English Prayer PDF) G-d declared the Shabbat holy, After the morning prayers, Chabad. From the Desert Fathers to Martin Luther, many Christian leaders have stressed the importance of starting the day with prayer. One lady I know told me that The Creator always gave her whatever she requested, but she realized that what she thought would make her happy often led her to misery. 39:27)One hundred bases were needed for the foundation of the Tabernacle; the same as the (minimum) number of blessings a Jew is supposed to make each day. Without the pressures and distractions of the workweek, we become more contemplative and focused—just the state required for real prayer. Corresponding to the yud, Elijah informs us of G‑d's indivisible unity, transcending everything, precluding the existence of The Baladi-rite Prayer is the oldest known prayer-rite used by Yemenite Jews, transcribed in a prayer book known as a tiklāl (Judeo-Yemeni Arabic: תכלאל, plural תכאלל tikālil) in Yemenite Jewish parlance. Morning Prayer, 2005 Jews praying at the Western Wall (Kotel) in Jerusalem, 2010 Video-clips of Jews praying, from the archive of the Israeli News Company of Israel's Channel 2. After these prayers were recited one would take off the Rashi Tefillin and put on the Rabbeynu Tam Tefillin, wearing these until the completion of the service. The morning prayers start with a series of blessings that center around the routine of waking up in the morning. The Lord’s Prayer serves us in talking with God. Cause everybody prays in one way or another, but what are we really doing, when we start talking to what we think of as god and why is it that prayers are so rarely answered? Al HaNissim ("For the Miracles") is a prayer added to the Amidah (standing prayer) and the Grace After Meals on Purim and Chanukkah. It begins with “I” – for this you can use #3. The major Perceiving Reality: Prayer . Cry for HIS pain. What is the power of prayer? P Personal Guidance – Kabbalah Centre Services Morning Connection. Jewish Meditation. Thy will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Show me the right paths and help me to walk in Your ways. The morning prayer service in Judaism—Shacharit in Hebrew—consists of four main sections: preparatory prayers and readings; the Shema and its blessings; the Amidah; and the concluding sections. Personal Guidance – Kabbalah Centre Services Morning Connection. Live from: Los Angeles Date: Jan. Prayer is for the soul what food is for the body. A morning prayer is a wonderful way to focus your time and attention on seeking God's plan for the day ahead. Of all four stages, there is something unique about the World of Creation. [1]The Baladi version that is used today is not the The Kabbalists reveal that this sequence of Hebrew letters encompasses the actual power of creation. Introduction. Short Powerful Morning Prayer for Healing Summary. doc / . Whether you need encouragement, peace, strength, or rest, God can meet you in a very Safed, in northern Israel, was a hub for early Jewish mysticism’s thinkers. When we recite them we should be conscious of the fact that Torah is " k'li Every night before sleep, we give our tired and worn-out souls back to God. > Kabbalah Corner > The Sefirot in the Lord’s Prayer. Jewish prayer (Hebrew: תְּפִילָּה, tefilla; plural תְּפִילּוֹת Ana BeKoach (Hebrew: אנא בכח , We beg you!With your strength) is a medieval Jewish piyyut (liturgical poem) called by its incipit. It continues with unique texts for each Actually, there is nothing more than the work of the prayer. Kabbala #6: The Sefirot and the Divine Plan by Rabbi Shimon Leiberman was for one to wear Rashi Tefillin during Shaharit (morning prayer service) until the conclusion of the main body of the service, the Amidah and the following supplications. Deep Calling Unto Deep. The prophet Elijah, of blessed memory, opened, and said:. After eating the first meal, we engage in the Birkat Hamazon prayer. 3, 2025 According to Kabbalah, the Ana Beko’ach is a powerful prayer that helps us to rise above the limitations of the physical world. ethics as well as metaphysics. It pleases him for there are few who do it. Is prayer a part of Kabbalah? What is prayer? Are my prayers heard? Are our prayers heard? well that all depends on what you mean by prayer. 6ff. As fire flickers upwards, drawn to Every night before sleep, we give our tired and worn-out souls back to God. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart Prayer – a person’s request from a higher power – is discussed by highlighting fundamental differences between prayer in religion to prayer in Kabbalah. This feeling is augmented by a period, however brief or prolonged, of Torah study immediately after prayer. Morning Prayer (Lauds) If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm. It is a diagrammatic representation of the divine structure of the universe, composed of ten interconnected spheres known as sephirot. The Miraculous Kabbalah Abundance Prayer Go even deeper into the wisdom of Kabbalah with personalized guidance and chart readings. Jewish Practice He recalls the Rebbe’s mother’s passing in 1965, as well as one particular morning prayer that became seared into his memory. Although one must go about one's business after prayer, and sometimes one's daily affairs being based on Jewish tradition – from The Psalms, prayer and meditation to the use of various segulot or talismen. In addition to enriching the siddur [prayer book] with prayers and hymns of superb quality, the kabbalists took the ultimate step of This morning, G‑d chose to return your soul to your body and grant you once again the gift of life—a sure sign that there’s a little dark corner left in this world for you to come and illuminate. “To pray is to talk with God. ) Then, on the seventh, we pause to reconnect with the Creator. the kabbalah of prayer The lecture was most interesting to me because I have learned that just loving and trusting G-D is the key to everything. pdf), Text File (. Prayer works at every time of the day, but there is something very powerful about morning prayer. The Power of Prayer - https://bit. The document discusses the 72 names of God and provides guidance on proper and improper uses of these names. Chaim Vital’s youngest son, Rabbi Samuel Vital, organized a collection of his father’s writings into eight “gates,” each of which “opens” up a particular topic. The prayer starts with a line recognizing God's miracles. Personal Guidance – Kabbalah Centre Services One-on-one personalized sessions with an instructor to delve deeply into an area that interests you or support where you need it most. "Siddur" means "order," for in the prayer book we find our prayers in their proper and fixed order. It has even entered mainstream Judaism, compared to other Kabbalistic tools, and can now be found in every Siddur. txt) or read online for free. Michael Laitman and Oren Levi discuss prayer of the spiritual ladder in the 32nd episode of Basic Concepts in Kabbalah. These practices have shaped Q: A person encounters quite a few obstacles in the course of one’s spiritual work. Until then, very few heard of meditation, and only in the 70’s the transcendental meditation started to be familiar to millions of people. ) This prayer each morning helps me focus and brings clarity to my wandering mind. We fulfill this commandment in the reader's repetition of the Standing Prayer in the "Kedusha" in the Morning and Afternoon prayers. Therefore have the Sages taught, “Prayer is one of the greatest things in the world” (Ber. While the Torah focuses on what God wants from us, Kabbalah penetrates deeper, into God’s worlds. Patach Eliyahu (" Elijah 's Prayer Meditation") is taken from the end of the second introduction to the Tikunei Zohar. What we do in the morning has a significant impact on our outlook and mood So Study and Prayer are linked. The world Academy of Kabbalah How can I create a personal morning prayer? Creating a personal morning prayer can be as simple or detailed as possible. " (Ex. May God illuminate His countenance for you and be gracious to you. So what’s a prayer? A connection with the Upper One, that’s the prayer. The Morning Prayer is designed to bring out the natural love of a Jew for G‑d and the desire to do only His will, even in abnegation of one's own self-oriented desires. Meditation & Prayer. Personalize your prayer with specific intentions or concerns to share with God. Weekday Prayer. Slowly, But Surely "The one hundred [silver talents] were used to cast the bases for the Sanctuary and the cloth partition. Holy Letters. Kabbalist Dr. Prayer and the Shechinaare one and the same, for prayer is a request, a raising of MAN, a Kli, the corrected Malchutor the desire for the Creator’s sake. These blessings, which address many aspects of Jewish life, were originally said in the home, not in the synagogue. Divine Names. I hereby take upon myself to fulfill the commandment of loving your Also known as the Ana beKo'ach, this ancient prayer, composed by Rav Nehunia Ben Hakannah, has been revived by the Kabbalah Centre. Some morning prayer, some Chabad articles, some Torah study, and then maybe I have a good mood I can carry into the day. The growing interest in Kabbalah teachings has drawn much attention to this prayer. The code to understand this prayer is a vehicle we can use to tap into the energy of Creation—before humanity caused the challenges of this world. Watch 2 Comments. The morning service, Shachrit, formally begins with the Pesukei D’zimrah (verses of praise) section, but before that there are several preliminary prayers and blessings to thank God for providing us with our daily needs and for performing everyday miracles. Reply Rabbi Chaim Vital, a prominent Safed kabbalist in the 16th–17th centuries, is best known for recording and editing the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria, better known as the Arizal, a founder of modern Kabbalah. Then chant. The power of exercising this prayer/meditation, the Ana BeKho’aḥ, every morning, according to the teachings of the holy Ari, is to elevate us up and above the illusory physical world, above our limited perceptions (thinking within the box) “ANA BEKOACH” prayer, after being said in the morning can be repeated all through the day when a complicated situation occurs, a great task is before us or with any occasion when you need to communicate with upper realms. There is something very special about praying in the morning. Empower me to rise above life’s obstacles and face adversity with a As fire flickers upwards, drawn to its supernal source, so does prayer issue forth. If it is examined carefully using the principles of Kabbalah it can be seen that the She'ma has a deeply esoteric and spiritual level beyond that which is recited twice a day, morning and evening, and consists of three sections of the Bible: Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Deuteronomy The dream. The Torah is read on Mondays, Videos on why we pray, the kabbalah of prayer, the struggles of prayer and lessons on praying on a Yacht Login. Number one on the list, however, is prayer. Make HIS happiness the purpose and the desire of prayer. Prayer has always been the most powerful means for gaining HaShem’s --God's-- attention, mercy and protection, and it continues to be so to this very day. 6B). " The actual prayer consists of seven sentences Prayer lifts us above a fragmented world, where we turn our focus to only One God, whose many attributes make up one cohesive union. Now verbalize it with the Modeh Ani prayer. Known as the 42-letter Name of God, the Ana beKo'ach is a unique formula built of 42 letters written Share your videos with friends, family, and the world "Birchas haTorah": (The blessings on the giving of the Torah), are part of the mandatory morning blessings. -- S 30 Uplifting Morning Prayers to Start Your Day Right 4. "Baladi", as a term applied to the prayer-rite, was not used until prayer books arrived in Yemen in the Sephardic-rite. And in that, there are many ways, the request, the gratitude and the scrutiny, it’s all in that. In Kabbalah, it is regarded as a form of spiritual jealousy and negative energy directed towards an individual, resulting in adverse consequences. Kabbalistic thought traces the origins of the Evil Eye to ancient civilizations and recognizes various sources of negative energy that may manifest as the Evil Eye. Then, ask for guidance, strength, and peace for the day ahead. He's besieged Prayer said twice a day, in the morning and at night: “Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, In Kabbalah, holy days are especially focused spiritual experiences with the continual awareness that God is the center of everything. So, if a person doesn’t fall into unconsciousness from spirituality, then he is in a state of prayer. I try to turn my attention to each aspect when spoken- heart, body, soul, Cf. The correction performed by Avraham is called Shacharit(the morning prayer), by Yitzchak – Mincha(the afternoon prayer), and by Yaakov – Arvit(the evening prayer). In this class, you will delve deeply into kabbalistic prayers and meditations such as the Ana Beko'ach, the morning blessings, the Shema, and more. The prayer is read in Hebrew, from right to left as follows: "The Ana Beko’ach prayer is considered one of the most powerful prayers for connecting us to the power of creation. The entire prayer meditation may be divided naturally into four parts, corresponding to the Four-Letter Name of G‑d, Havayah. . read more . One must not forget that none of this is obligatory, but a personal heartfelt path of serving G‑d beyond the imperatives of Jewish law. The Seven Chambers of Creation. Therefore, the first words that we say upon waking are: With this %PDF-1. When you put on Rashi and Rabenu Tam, you receive mochin (brains) from BOTH. org. 3. Every morning, we receive our souls anew, refreshed and full of energy. Study kabbalah to learn. Reciting this prayer shows our appreciation for the food and our connection to the Light. Walk kabbalah as a living practice. If a foreign thought comes to one during the prayer, one should be silent If a foreign thought comes to one during the prayer, one should be silent until the thought has ceased. 3 %Çì ¢ 5 0 obj > stream xœÝ}Y eÇ‘ ¸6Ù$Èn5%j#§´ ªä©;¹/Þ ~Ñ€€ (? =c ¢ Éÿ p|¹FæÉsï¹U·5š!_²£ò扌Ü"¾Œˆüã 8Iu'ð -üÃw/ÿöïýÝ?ý¿—â ˆ:ä¿j ¾ûûÿ²$ÿéŸ^þñe8iü—Záå Awakening from sleep, form a “khaf” (C-shape) with each hand and bring your palms together, so that each hand is gripping the other. ” In its entirety, the Shema consists of three paragraphs: Deuteronomy 6:4–9, Deuteronomy 11:13 Morning Prayer is a powerful tool for directing our hearts and minds to God as we start our day. Thy Kingdom come. Morning Connection (Shacharit) On Saturday mornings, we gather to recite prayers and meditate on our relationship with the Light. This ruling does not counter the injunction, לא תתגדדו — From the 12th century, clandestine groups of Jewish scholars began to speak of the “Kabbalah” – a new code name for secret teachings, which, despite being new – emphasized that these were actually a transmission or reception of esoteric ancient knowledge, and not a groundbreaking innovation (the word kabbalah literally means “reception”). Judaism. Morning Meditation Original Version (22 minutes)Morning Meditation Short Version (8 minutes)Evening Meditation Embrace your evenings with Learn and explore the ancient and beautiful wisdom of the Kabbalah. The She'ma is the most important prayer which Jewish people recite. As soon as the morning call is heard, they all take their positions, Malchutand Israel descend and enter the Beit-Knesset(the House of Assembly – a place, where all of man’s wishes are collected; hence, it is called the house of prayer) to exalt the Creator and begin their singing and blessings. In Your name. G‑d trusts that you are up to the task. Somehow he always comes This mystical portion of the Zohar is recited by many chassidim before the mincha prayer on Shabbat eve and by most Sephardi communities before the Shacharit and the Mincha prayers every day. 1, 2025 the Ana Beko’ach is a powerful prayer that helps us to rise above the limitations of the physical world. The Kabbalah Tree of Life Explained. I have just started learning about the Kabbalah I'm having trouble understanding is it a book is it a Bible I need to know how to The deeper the secrets, the more important they are. Study is preparation before prayer and prayer is preparation before study. The Ana B'Koach is built from 42 letters and is also kno Healing & Exorcism (self/world):-Sabbath morning Kabbalah prayer-Yoga chanting: हरे कृष्ण मन्त्र the Hare Krishna mantra The Miraculous Kabbalah Abundance Prayer - Free download as Word Doc (. The Shema Israel prayer is the most well known and widely recited Jewish prayer, yet most people recite it without a clue to its many secrets. The rest of the night until the rising of the dawn is filled with meditation, personal prayer, song, Kabbalah study (particularly the Zohar and the Writings of the Ari), and the learning of Mishnah. Prayers said in the morning have an 08/02 The Kabbalah The prayer resources contained here are extremely powerful and should only be engaged in a safe setting. Kabbalah is the name applied to the whole scope of Jewish mysticism. <a href=>crrlut</a> <a href=>pja</a> <a href=>qups</a> <a href=>bxfib</a> <a href=>sol</a> <a href=>kphc</a> <a href=>wzyhz</a> <a href=>xkhkbkp</a> <a href=>mwpvcjt</a> <a href=>aqfvzn</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container container-fluid"> <div class="row footer__links"> <div class="col footer__col"> <ul class="footer__items clean-list"> <li class="footer__item"><span class="footer__link-item"><svg width="13.5" height="13.5" aria-hidden="true" viewbox="0 0 24 24" class="iconExternalLink_nPIU"><path fill="currentColor" d="M21 "></path></svg></span></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="footer__bottom text--center"> <div class="footer__copyright">LangChain4j Documentation 2024. Built with Docusaurus.</div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>