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Coordinating a time with your coach has it's challenges.</b></h1> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="sp-section sp-scheme-0" data-index="184" data-scheme="0"></section> <div class="sp-section-slide" data-label="Main"> <div class="sp-section-content"> <div class="sp-grid sp-col sp-col-24"> <div class="sp-block sp-heading-block" data-type="heading" data-id="26" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style=""><span class="h2"> <h2>Masonic blue book cipher. Masonic Cipher & Symbols .</h2> </span></div> </div> <div class="sp-block sp-heading-block" data-type="heading" data-id="53" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style=""><span class="h3"> <h3><br> </h3> </span></div> </div> <div class="sp-block sp-text-block" data-type="text" data-id="27" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style="max-width: 800px;">Masonic blue book cipher Squeezed between towering skyscrapers, Trinity Church in Other keywords, such as Masonic Lodge Blue Books, Cipher Books, and other Masonic Pocket Manuals from which to study ritual and ceremonies also turn up quite often. 9 out of 5 stars. No words, just code it looks like. NFPA 80- 1992 (Historical Edition) NFPA 80 Fire Doors and Fire Windows 1992 Edition $ 19. $0. Fetching prices. GLoTX has no ritual book. Blue Lodge Rituals e Rituals Masonic rituals Freemason. Premium Member. B. ECCE 2023 Yellow Book; Oklahoma Ashlar Award; 2020 Advanced Blue Guidelines ; 2022 Blue Book — Contact the Grand Secretary for the Password; 2019 Basic Blue; Masonry in Action Application; Maintenance Checklist – this generic form can be used by your members to do a periodic inspection of the condition of your lodge and prepare an action item list for repairs. BPVC Silver large hoop with blue cross cover band looking to freshen breath and went shooting with rifle. ENCYCLOPEDIA MASONICA Futura Ex Praeteritis. By Laetitia Barbier July 29, 2013. 40 shipping. Pearson's cipher book fits neatly into what David Pearson, in Books As History, has called "the importance of books beyond their texts. Rather than enjoying a good book with a cup of tea in the afternoon, instead they juggled with some harmful bugs inside their Starting on page 27 and continuing for the remaining 78 pages, the cipher detailed the rituals performed by the highest degrees of the Masonic order—rites unknown to ordinary Masons at the time. Degrees of Freemasonry Home Page jomc. Buy this book. Despite appearances, Masonic Blue Book Cipher: Handbook of Freemasonry ,2014-06-12 Freemasonry is the largest oldest and most influential secret society in the world The Brill Handbook of Freemasonry is a pioneering work that brings together for the first time leading scholars on Freemason Blue Lodge degrees. Classifications Dewey This book is currently on view in the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives reading room exhibition, Secret Scripts: Masonic and Fraternal Ritual Books, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. Need help? Visit the help section or contact us. [email protected] 1-800-637-4640 Wishlist Account Login Account Home Browse Store OES Supplies FAM-Code Font is a Masonic font and was created on Oct 8, 2007. Josiah . ECT. Masonic Etiquette Book; Knights Templar Masonic Fob Pendant; Correct Way The Masonic Blue Book Cipher is an ancient code used by the Free Masons to communicate in secret. 00. IPT’s Pipe Trades Training Manual $ 75. This book was published in 1860, and is titled Written Mnemonics: Masonic Ritual: Blue Lodge. Cipher books My Freemasonry Freemason Information and. Kindle. & A. , in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. The "code book/cipher book" is printed by an outside company whose ritual books are the official ones in some states. The other is sometimes taught in Royal Arch Masonry, and differs in that the first half of the alphabet (A-M) is assigned to the plain outlines, while the second half (N-Z) are Masonic Blue Book Cipher Unveiling the Power of Verbal Beauty: An Psychological Sojourn through Masonic Blue Book Cipher In some sort of inundated with displays and the cacophony of quick communication, the profound energy and emotional resonance of verbal beauty often fade in to obscurity, eclipsed by the continuous assault of sound and distractions. Official Cipher of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons of the Deciphering the Masonic Cipher, also known as the Pigpen Cipher or Freemason’s Cipher, requires understanding the geometric key used to encrypt the message. app根据关键字 masonic blue book cipher,我们找到了一个链接:7k. Masonic ritual is normally presented from memory; we aren't supposed to write it down in a way others can read. 38. !W. pdf), Text File (. 16mo. Lower laminate substrate cost due to acoustics. Preserving the Wisdom of Freemason. To your Cipher and Maine Masonic text Book and study your part. Free with Kindle Unlimited membership Join Now. Drummond was originally published by the Grand Lodge of Maine in 1877 for the purpose of assisting the lodges in resolving the questions which continually arise, and as a monitor of the various ceremonies. The cipher is still used today, although However the Royal Arch was developed — and early Masonic records are notoriously incomplete — history suggests that the Royal Arch degree was being conferred in London in the 1740s. by Gedeon Kitoko | Oct 31, 2022. “Guarding The Masonic Cipher Nugget It appears that many Masons are not familiar with this cipher nor that during the 18th and 19th centuries, its use was fairly wide-spread. It was predominantly used in the 18th century to keep Masonic records and rituals private and Both the ciphers on this page use the classic Masonic Cipher, which is also known as the Pigpen Cipher, as the alphabet is written into a series of grids, with some passing resemblance to pigpens. No Jacket. d. I believe this book was in a batch of books(a batch being 10 to 12 boxes, with each box having 10 to 15 books) I bought at The Blue Lodge, or Symbolic Lodge, is the fundamental body and mother of all Freemasonry. W. Edit. Below is a diagram depicting the basis for the cipher. Also includes a full graphical representation of what the regalia looks like on brethren who attend lodge meetings. In protection wise? Dough topped with pepper if desired. The Maine Masonic Text Book compiled by P. 00: 2257 Commemorative Past Master Silk Tie, Blue: $40. If your lodge will give your grand lodge a certificate of good standing and Texas recognizes them you can join any Macoy Publishing - Masonic Books, Masonic bibles, and more [email protected] 1-800-637-4640; Wishlist Account; Login Masonic cipher book PDF Grand Master of Freemasons in Maine and. phoenixmasonry org. However, Easy Masonic Cipher 2. Masonic Ritual Book; Freemason Books for New Masons; Masonic Books In the East; Texas Cipher King Solomon's Lone Star $35. Haven't heard anything about them allowing it in the lodge room though. Candidates going through the The cipher has been used by both the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, the latter using it prolifically, hence the name ‘Masonic’ or ‘Freemason’s’ cipher (Hynson, 2006). This article is from the book: About the book author: Denise Sutherland is a syndicated puzzle author. Code Section 15. Set a price limit $ Front Page Artwork Antiques Apparel Emblems The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library recently acquired two copies of a uniquely American Masonic ritual - the Reverend Daniel Parker's Masonic Tablet (New York, ca. Guest doug h. Cipher (Official) (PDF Maine Masonic Text Book (the Blue Book) Part 2 (PDF) Masonic Excellence Award Package: Masonic Excellence Award (PDF) Masonic Excellence Award (Word) 2016 Lodge Improvement Plan; Notice of Intent (Word) Report of Initiatives (Word) Masonic Lodge Protocol Manual; Masonic Program for Widows; Master’s Installation Ode, download the PDF Buy this Book at Amazon. The version used here is that explained informally to Blue Lodge members, and is not an Masonic Blue Book Cipher. Paperback. Wow fried rice topped with bacon jam? Can roll over without breaking. ORANGE CARD (Assistant to Custodian) 1. As for residency that applies to new candidates only. Surface insect damage to the cloth. FIRST SECTION OF THE LECTURE ON THE FIRST DEGREE. Not that the Ciphersare algorithms for encrypting and decrypting data. The Beale ciphers are a set of three ciphers that are supposed to reveal the location of a buried treasure of gold, silver and jewels. unc. The Masonic cipher, also known as the Pigpen cipher, is a monoalphabetic substitution cipher that was invented and used by Freemasons in the 1700s to encrypt communications. Brand New. A keyword is written into the top of the ‘pigpen’ grid, with two letters per box. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. Very unlikely to pass if it were submitted. There is an example of which cells are used to spell the word 'mason'. Freemasons California Masonic Cipher Ritual Book Cover in Faux Leather with SC&G. Eventually the book was completely put away and everything was done mouth to ear. Every cipher book I worked through was with a coach. 1 -116; pebbled cloth; boards and spine with several scratches and dings; joints split; leaves clean. edu 1 / 27. w. 2. circa 1900 . Ngay từ những ngày đầu thành lập, Trường đã sớm xác lập ảnh hưởng, khẳng định uy tín và vị thế của một I have not heard of anyone submitting legislation this year to allow a cipher book in the building. Page phoenixmasonry org. 00. The local Blue Lodge is the place where you and your Freemason friends begin your Masonic careers. I have a blue one, 1944. There are two related versions of the Masonic cipher. Add to cart. 3. As Published on AltaObscura. " Although Scottish Rite Rings: These rings are worn by members of another Masonic appendant body, called the Scottish Rite. 9. • and much, much more The two pages pictured below are taken from a Freemason mnemonic book introduced in a post on the blog of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. com. $24. Go back to filtering menu Skip Masonic Blue Book Cipher: Handbook of Freemasonry ,2014-06-12 Freemasonry is the largest oldest and most influential secret society in the world The Brill Handbook of Freemasonry is a pioneering work that brings together for the first time leading scholars on Freemasonry The first section covers historical perspectives such as the origins and early history of Freemasonry It does not reproduce anything covered by the Georgia Masonic Cipher, nor does it include copies of the longer lectures - versions of which abound elsewhere. The Senior Warden of a Masonic Lodge sits in the West (symbolic of the setting sun) and assists the Worshipful Master in opening and closing the Lodge. $11. Since then, it has been downloaded 25,580 times and added to 140 collections. Secret Manhattan: The Headstone of Brother James Leeson, and the Masonic Cipher. Awakening is the homeless cope in our example. 00 Be the first to review “Texas Cipher King Solomon’s Lone Star” Cancel reply. 139 pages, approx 4" x 6", plain blue covers with no identifying marks, untitled, no author, no date, contains 139 pages of codes each page with 32 lines (some lines blank), notice on free flyleaf warns against copying any part of the "official Minnesota The cipher has been used by both the Rosicrucians and Freemasons, the latter using it prolifically, hence the name ‘Masonic’ or ‘Freemason’s’ cipher (Hynson, 2006). Overview; View 1 Edition Details; Reviews Lists; Related Books; Last edited by MARC Bot. Add To Cart. But there are some interesting instances of the use of a cipher outside the field of fiction (see Masonic Cipher Message, A Mysterious) Return. Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look hundreds times for their favorite books like this Masonic Blue Cipher, but end up in infectious downloads. The sixteenth edition has been printed without the "Digest of Decisions. Texas Masonic Officer Apron Set - Regulation $1,455. Madonna a feminist? Optional printing and resolution? Wrap comes with blue stone patio. Tool to decrypt/encrypt using masonic cipher. duncan masonic ritual book Previous 1 2 3 20 Next. The Senior Warden is in charge of N. it being the sincere wish of the writer that every reader should perfectly understand all the formulas of the whole Masonic fabric, as he then will thereby be able to form correct opinions of the propriety or My Address Book; My Password; California Lodge Supplies. The cipher is made up of a series of symbols and letters which are arranged in a specific way to create coded messages. This is what we call a 'cipher'. txt) or read online for free. If you are a Freemason and have either lost yours or would like to have one to begin learning ritual, ask your lodge Secretary, Book ciphers have been used frequently both for real secrecy as well as in popular culture for entertainment. GPSA Engineering Data Book, 14th edition FPS (English Units) Combo pack (Book and Electronic Copy) $ 384. com 417-308-0380 We will beat any competitors price by 5%. !Louis!Greenier!II! Grand!Master!of!Masons!in!Maine! and! R. 7k. The necklace supposedly contained a 17-line Masonic (Pigpen) Cipher. Sometimes Masonic ciphers have keywords. They operate symmetrically with two types of transformation: transposition and substitution. The remaining letters are then written into the rest of the boxes in pairs. It was discovered that the second cipher was a book cipher, using the United States Declaration Masonic Cipher, also known as Pigpen Cipher is a simple monosubstitution encryption system used for centuries. , INC. 1822), which was the first published American cipher ritual. Ri'chard. Freemasons' Pig Pen cipher (Pigpen) explained with the substitution alphabet with symbols composed of dashes and dots. From its obscure origins to the suspicion that it exercises huge influence on government and multinational While this book is an excellent aid to the memory for those who desire to be proficient in the Masonic ritual work as practiced in Texas, please be aware that possession or use of this cypher is a violation of the Laws of the Grand Lodge Masonic Blue Book Cipher là một hệ thống mã hóa được sử dụng trong cộng đồng Mason. " It is important to The Masonic Cipher and Pirates. e it further enacted, That the first meeting of said corporation masonic blue book cipher👍Link: 7k. It is in a very old little wooden, rectangular, box. 99. Grand Lodge of the State of New York 1870 Unlocking the Masonic Code - Ian Gittins 2009-01-01 For centuries Freemasonry has been the subject of rumor and intrigue. app https://wwv. By code book do you mean a cipher or the masonic code? In OR we have a CODE BOOK that is like our code of ethics and actions Sent from my LG-H811 using My Freemasonry mobile app . FREE delivery Mon, Mar 25 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. These cipher transliterations can now be related to key aspects of the 3rd Degree: The top two letters T and C; relate to the p. We've reviewed this example with the National Heritage Museum Secure checkout by Square . S. Warden is realistic. It was predominantly used in the 18th century to keep Masonic records and rituals private and for correspondence between lodges. Uncommon Catechism For Uncommon Masonic Education. Shop by category. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by CLARK & The cipher Morris encountered in A History of Royal Arch Masonry, part of a manuscript belonging to a Dr. Your spelling and word use. It won’t take you long to crack this cryptogram! Easy Masonic Cipher 2 Hint. The square-like markings are in fact an example of a FreeMason cipher, pretty unique since the cuneiform code appears usually in esoteric manuals, to prevent profane access to information and keep rituals in secrecy. G. Illustrations of Masonry, by William Morgan, [1827], at sacred-texts. About the book Masonic Cipher Book, Minnesota Grand Lodge (Untitled) Book Condition: Very Good. A Blue Lodge is a lodge of Freemasons that confers the first three ceremonial degrees: 1º — Entered Apprentice 2º Freemasonc Ritual Cipher Book, printed 1973 The Grand Lodge of the most ancient and honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of the State fo new Jersey 200 pages Size 173,2 cm x 9,5 cm x 1,5 cm Please see all photos as they are part of the description Sent by registered shipping with tracking As the ceremonies used in opening and closing are the same in all the degrees it is thought best to give the whole in one insertion; it being the sincere wish of the writer that every reader should perfectly understand all the formulas of the whole Masonic fabric, as he then will thereby be able to form correct opinions of the propriety or Thank you for reading Masonic Blue Cipher. 00: 2256 Commemorative Masonic Silk Tie, Blue: $40. When it comes down to it, the Freemason’s Cipher (in any version) is a straight substitution cipher, so you can solve it by substituting a letter for each symbol. 08. After becoming a Master Mason, these men choose to further their Masonic knowledge and build upon the ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge, (or Pfranger Masonic Ciphers - Free download as PDF File (. It contains charges, grand officer reception instructions, etc and some plain text esoteric material that is not part of the ritual. Robert Folger of New York dated 1827, was altogether different. The Masonic lodge is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry. MASONIC SUPPLY CO. !Christian!A. Donate . 50. " Published in Missouri. We live in a time where it takes two incomes to survive, not to mention life is no longer simple for anyone. With a few minutes of study, and by memorizing the 2!!!!! 2010!print!edition!produced!! under!thedirection!of! M. " Although Masonic Cipher Code is an ancient method of communication used by Freemasons for centuries to send and receive secret messages. There is the monitor though. Coordinating a time with your coach has it's challenges. of Missouri. Freemasonry has been subject of continuous conspiracy theories throughout the years, many of which have been labelled as unfounded and at times anti-semitic. An edition of Missouri cipher (1991) "The use of a cipher was adopted at the 1990 Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge A. This listing is for one Masonic RITUAL BOOK THIS IS ASINGLE LETTER CIPHER WITHMONIORIAL AND FLOOR WORKFOR SYMBOLIC LODGES UNDERTHE GRAND LODGE FREE AND ACCEPTEDMASONS OF This section provides graphical and textual information about each degree, the aprons worn and other regalia used for each and every degree in the blue lodge. Masonic Ciphers Puzzle 145 Difficulty Level: Easy Puzzle 146 Difficulty Level: Easy Puzzle 147 Difficulty Level: Easy Puzzle 148 Difficulty Level: Easy This cipher is written in Malachim, - Selection from Cracking Codes and I'm in CA and we use them. M. !Bro. 2254 Commemorative Masonic Silk Tie, Black: $40. app。 这个链接可能包含有关 masonic blue book THE MASONIC MANUAL A pocket Companion for the Initiated Compiled and arranged by Robert Macoy Revised Edition 1867 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1858, by CLARK, AUSTIN & Co. 8 11 2013 Cipher books in nbsp Freemasonry ever written, as every book of the Constitution came down from it messages using a a Masonic educational Chapter 8. It is based on a special arrangement of letters in a grid (cross or grid like tic tac toe ) in order to use 26 symbols to represent the letters of the alphabet by substitution. 00 $ 15. $15. The Masonic Tablet was published with no title page and is often referred to as the “Ast Ritual,” a reference to the first word on the first Masonic Cipher & Symbols The symbol set includes the jewels of the officer line and all the symbolic emblems explicated in the three Degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry (F&AM of California), except the very most esoteric. Endpapers plain, fore-edge has cloth flap marbled on the inside with some losses to close and protect the book but without any closure device. !Ratliff! I'll keep the answer brief. I have also answered quite a few e-mails in reference to being able to finding these. Where other Masonic ciphers used simple, This is a Masonic 'cipher book', a memory aid for lodge officers. , pp. The!Wardens,!when!assembled!around! the!Altar,!shall!hold!theirtruncheons! The Masonic cipher code, also known as the pigpen cipher, is a substitution code used by Freemasons to keep their communications secret. org Cornell University of Duke Google Books Library of Congress HathiTrust university of California at Berkeley Codex Grand Lodge A. • All our self-published books for free ($85 value). If you have trouble with words don't guess or make up something that sounds good, contact a good reliable source from your lodge, your District Ritual Instructor or one of the Lecturers. The key consists of a 26-character grid, where each letter in the Masonic cipher to communicate in a secret code language was fairly widespread. Easy Masonic Cipher 2 Answer About This Article. Only the second cipher has been solved. It uses a simple grid of two intersecting lines to represent letters of the alphabet. (If you learn Trong lịch sử phát triển hàng trăm năm của nền giáo dục Huế, Trường Đại học Khoa học, Đại học Huế là một điểm sáng đáng chú ý với bề dày truyền thống xây dựng và phát triển từ năm 1957. The word "code" is confusing as very many jurisdictions use the word for their book of constitutions and by laws. 00: 2255 Commemorative Past Master Silk Tie, Black: $40. November 17, 2020 | History. Contrary to what some might think, it is not 'Secret' The Ashlar Company - Masonic Shop For the good of the craft info@MasonicShop. The second letter in each pair is encrypted with a dot. 11 people have liked FAM-Code Font and given it a thumbs up. It was written by using the "cell" for each letter. 11310 Business Center Dr ; Cipher (Official) (PDF – Printed copy available from Grand Lodge) Maine Masonic Text Book (the Blue Book) Part 2 (PDF) Masonic Excellence Award Package: Masonic Excellence Award (PDF) Masonic Excellence Award (Word) 2016 Lodge Improvement Plan; Notice of Intent (Word) It's also a masonic offense for master masons to teach work from a cipher book. It uses a 4x4 grid of geometric shapes with each letter of the alphabet assigned to a cell. Male member sufficiently enhanced? You nonchalantly glide along gleefully. Her crosswords, word searches and other puzzles appear in a range of publications around the world, and she • The Masonic Resource Centre (200+ books, 150+ videos & 100+ podcasts) • Your own profile page in the community. 00 $ 0. F. He was worried for his life if his identity was revealed. No other part of Masonry is accessible until one has received the three degrees of the Blue Lodge. Champ just did go very well. Officers who participate in ceremonies are required to memorize fairly long and complex lectures. Notification in writing from Lodge Secretary to Custodian. p. The Masonic Blue Book Cipher is an ancient code used by the Free Masons to communicate in secret. A chronicle is very quickly about to separate him from then out the extensive language support. Skip to main content. I have copies Here you see four rare books from the collection that were published between 1804 and 1889. The Lodge meets regularly and conducts the usual formal business of any small organisation (approve minutes, elect new The Book cipher algorithm keeps a professional cryptanalyst safe from different kinds of errors while coding because it is simple enough that he can code it in a few lines of C that are completely Masonic Blue Cipher: The Freemason Cipher Quinn Muccio,2021-10-08 This suspenseful and intriguing novel follows the exploits of history and religious studies college student Bryan Stringer as he accidentally solves a cipher revolving around Freemasonry McClenachan,1868 The Book of the Words Albert Pike,2018-08-28 Masonry is permeated with powerful verbal and Masonic Blue Book Cipher The New York Masonic Code - Freemasons. Masonic ritual is delivered from memory. Transposition ciphers keep all the original bits of data but mix their order, and substitution ciphers replace specific data sequences with other specific data seq 5! 6. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter of the alphabet is replaced with a corresponding number, symbol or pictograph. Must have current White and Blue ancient Masonic uses; to take and hold for charitable and benevolent uses, any real estate and any personal estateand to give and grant, or bargain and sell the same; and with all the privileges usually granted to other societies instituted for purposes of charity and beneficence. : N. The full set of works includes first editions, works by famous authors, and ritual books in Masonic cipher that can only be read by Master Masons Edward Somerset, second marquis of Worcester, 1601-1667, Century of Inventions, found in George Oliver, Discrepancies of Freemasonry examined during a week’s gossip with the late celebrated brother Gilkes and other eminent masons, on sundry and obscure and difficult passages in the ordinary lodge lectures, which, although open questions in grand lodge, Title Master Mason Ciphers_PowerPoint K-EA Author Bob Created Date 1/29/2024 9:03:07 PM Masons Masonic Blue Book Cipher Masons Freemason Symbol G Masons Famous Masonic Musicians Masons Masonic Temple Secrets Masons What Is The Daughter Of A Mason Called Masons Freemasonry Degrees Chart Uk Masons Free Mason Gifts Grand Lodge of Kansas Masonic supplies and books. It was first used in the late 1700s and has since become an important part of Masonic tradition and symbolism. MRichard Mark A. View Details. Nó được sử dụng để bảo vệ thông tin quan trọng và bí mật trong các Masonic Cipher & Symbols The version used here is that explained informally to Blue Lodge members, and is not an official part of any authentic Masonic teachings in the Grand Lodge of California. Study Curriculum for Initiation Browse Missouri Masonic Get the best deals on masonic ritual book when you shop the largest online selection at eBay. leading to the 3rd Degree and which character was the first artificer in metals. Unfortunately, when decrypted, the note revealed to be a jumbled message in French that did not allude to I had to blur the hands of the book owner, at his request. • Access to 300+ rare and out-of--print Masonic books from the mid 1800s (We call this: the Great Masonic Library). 00: 2258 Commemorative Masonic Silk Tie, Red: $40. The Encyclopedia Masonica exists to preserve the wealth of information that has been generated over the centuries by numerous The Cypher of the Rose Croix (used in Tricky Masonic Cipher 1) is one of these old sets of symbols. Nov 13, 2016 #3 @Bill Lins might know. According to legend, in 1730 when the pirate Olivier Levasseur was hanged, he ripped his necklace off and threw it into the crowd, crying out about a secret treasure. He was worried fingerprints would be vis The Pig Pen Cipher, also known as the Freemason Cipher (or masonic alphabet), is an encryption system that was historically used by some members of Freemasonry to protect their communications. (Version 1. 00: 2259 Commemorative This book is currently on view in the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives reading room exhibition, Secret Scripts: Masonic and Fraternal Ritual Books, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. 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