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POINT OF CARE Complete Blood Count .</b><br> </div> <div><b class="fs11"><br> </b></div> <blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote> <div><span class="fs11"><i>Normal lab values pdf 5 - 4. Title: Normal Lab Values (Adult) Author: Christina ATI Lab Values PDF. John Knowles Follow. doc / . We hope our Normal Lab Values Chart PDF helps make it easier for you to review and understand your medical lab values. Chloride, serum — 98-106 meq/L (98-106 mmol/L) NORMAL LABORATORY VALUES MKSAP® 14 U. Values - UWorld Monday, January 13, 2020 7:18 PM Blood, Plasma, Serum Reference Range SI Reference Interval Albumin, Body Fluids Reference Values Units Differentials, Other Cells:€ Cell Count: RBC <100 cu/mm WBC <500 cu/mm Differential: polymorphonuclear cells <25 % Date _____ CSF Reviewed and Approved : Aaron Tobian, MD. The ranges above are typical, but the normal values established for each laboratory should be used for most purposes. Normal Laboratory Values HEMATOLOGY - Red Blood Cells RBC (Male) 4. 2 g/dL 4–19 years 3. 70 mmol/L 1. 51 (male) Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL (female) 120-160 g/L (female) 14-17 g/dL (male) 140-170 g/L (male) Thrombocytes (platelets) 150-450 x 103 /mm3 150-450 x 109 /L White blood cells 3,200-9,800/mm3 3. 66 – 1. Use Template. I'm using shorthand numbers. 2 million/mm3, Female: 4. 0 M/µL HEMATOLOGY - White Blood Cells WBC (Male MKSAP Normal Lab Values - Free download as PDF File (. This document lists normal lab value ranges for various body fluids and clinical measurements including: - Urine output and composition, cerebrospinal fluid components, and hematology metrics like white blood cell counts and hemoglobin levels. BLOOD, PLASMA, SERUM . Normal Lab Values - Free download as Word Doc (. 0 mg/L; Values and units of measurement listed in these tables are derived from several resources. 5 g/dL Ammonia Newborns 90-150 mcg/dL Children 40-120 mcg/dL Adults 18-54 mcg/dL Amylase Newborns 0-60 units/L Adults 30-110 units/L Bilirubin, conjugated, direct Newborns <1. Once your normal lab values pdf is ready, you can securely share it with recipients and collect eSignatures in a few clicks with pdfFiller. Lab Values Under Lab Values, we cover details such as Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) values, Gregory s Pediatric Anesthesia - 2020 - Andropoulos - APPENDIX B Appendix Pediatric Normal Laboratory Values - Free download as PDF File (. Each commercial laboratory has its own set of normal values, called Normal Range or Reference Range on your lab report. Ideal for quick reference in clinics, hospitals, and Normal Lab Values (1) - Free download as PDF File (. For comparison, normal values for non-regnant women are listed when available. Tables & Protocols Lab Values, Normal Adult 2003/viewarticle/1002013 Challenging Cases in Navigating Diagnostic Complexities and Strategies for Improved Management of Adults With Cholestatic Liver Diseases 1. 41-0. Anticardiolipin antibodies IgG ˂20 GPL ˂1. 2–5. 5 seconds 1. This guide, “Complete Normal Lab Values Reference Guide & Cheat Sheet,” provides a detailed reference for normal lab values across various diagnostic categories. traditional units are followed in parentheses by equivalent values expressed in S. Document. Andropoulos Normal Laboratory Values for Children NORMAL LABORATORY VALUES FOR CHILDREN Normal Values CHEMISTRY Albumin 0-1 y 2. Hematocrit 36-47% (female) 0. Lundberg (1972) defined a critical value as a “physiological state at such variance with normal as to be life threatening unless something is done promptly and for which some corrective action can be taken. This document provides normal laboratory reference ranges for term and preterm neonates from birth up to 1 A Lab Values Chart is a critical reference document in the medical field that lists the normal laboratory values for different tests and indicators. In some cases, the values presented here may differ from ranges reported from a local laboratory. Ammonia (P)1 Newborns: 50 mmol/L Thereafter: 0–35 mmol/L Base Excess (B)1 Newborn: –10 to –2 mmol/L Infant: –7 to –1 mmol/L PDF | On Jan 1, 1992, C. 5–5. - Other factors that can prolong PT include vitamin K deficiency (an Normal Laboratory Values - Free download as PDF File (. This document provides normal reference ranges for numerous laboratory tests used to evaluate the status of major organ systems and other medical conditions. 5-10. Higher than normal urinary pH USMLE Normal Lab Values - Free download as PDF File (. 2-9. 5 to 2. UNCONTROLLED WHEN PRINTED Login & User Profile; Dyspnoea Score; Horse height; Normal Lab Values; PathWest Recommended Order of Draw; Lab dependent: 25-35: seconds: The NCLEX cram sheet includes essential information on Lab Values, Health Assessments, Maternity & Pediatric Care, and Pharmacology. January 2024. It lists the normal ranges for tests like sodium, potassium, calcium, Take5: Laboratory Values Use this handy cheat-sheet to help you monitor laboratory values related to fluid and electrolyte status. 5 x 109/L 3. Normal Lab Values Chart PDF. This document provides a summary of common medical lab tests, including their purpose, normal ranges, and what high or low results may indicate. - INR, PT, PTT and aPTT times may deliberately kept longer, at 1. 0 ng/mL/hr Thyroxine (T4 free serum) 8. 25 mean of normal Schilling test, orally administered vitamin B 12 excreted in urine U 7–40% Not applicable Sickle-cell test WB Negative Negative View Normal Lab Values. It includes normal NCCPA LABORATORY VALUES (Normal values for healthy adults) REFERENCE RANGE. This document provides reference values for normal lab results in hematology, chemistry, endocrinology, blood gases, urine analysis, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, ascitic/pleural fluid analysis, and microbiology. UNIT VALUES. S. 25 CME / ABIM MOC Credits REFERENCE VALUES FOR COMMON LABORATORY TESTS 1 REFERENCE VALUES FOR COMMON LABORATORY TESTSa Serum Chemistries Reference Range Albumin Premature 1 day 1. The chart will open as a PDF file, and you can either view it on your computer or print it out for easy reference. I. 5–3. Creatine kinase . 75 mean of normal Blood group A 105% mean of normal 1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Acronym Meaning Normal Range Values (Male) Normal Range Values (Female) WBC Number of white blood cells 3. This educational ebook, conveniently sized in PDF ( Download in PDF: *), is a gateway to personal growth and Selected Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values assignments in pdf only on docsity investments and portfolio Normal Lab Values - Free download as Word Doc (. Dean B. Healthcare providers use these charts to interpret a patient's lab results, including measurements of enzymes, hormones, blood cells, and other biochemical entities within bodily fluids. 8x Normal Laboratory Values - Free download as PDF File (. The following is a table of reference values for adults for laboratory tests commonly ordered at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and recorded in the Case Records. Key normal ranges included are: - Red blood cell count: Male: 4. Patient-specific goals may differ depending on age, sex, clinical condition, and the LABS METRIC VALUES S. 36-0. Common Laboratory Values CBC Test Normal value Function Significance Hemoglobin 12-18 g/100 mL Measures oxygen carrying capacity of blood Low: hemorrhage, anemia High: polycythemia Hematocrit 35%-50% Measures relative volume of cells and plasma in blood Low: hemorrhage, anemia High: polycythemia, dehydration The normal laboratory values have been updated to align with the Medical Council of Canada laboratory results available as of December 2022. Sr. Memorizing normal lab values involves repetition, mnemonics, and understanding the physiological basis. Page No . 6-8. 2-5 million/uL M: 4. 5–5 g/dL (adults) 1Values given in this table are commonly accepted reference ranges compiled from several sources. This document provides a cheat sheet for common lab values organized by category including vital signs, basal metabolic panel, renal, liver function, lipids, complete blood count, coagulation studies, and other values. N. Patient-specific goals may differ depending on age, sex, clinical condition, and the • Hematology values • Cerebrospinal ˚ uid values • Lymphocyte subset counts • Clinical chemistry ranges • Thyroid function • Endocrine values • Umbilical vein and artery catheterization measurements • Caloric intake values and more! Assessment and management tools you’ll use again and again Save time and simplify clinical of normal (ULN) in cirrhosis. 4 million/mm3 Mean corpuscular A normal lab values pdf is a document that provides a comprehensive list of the normal ranges for various laboratory tests. Normal Values (PDF) Grab your FREE digital copy of this cheat sheet now, with no strings attached. , Ph. 1. It includes a list of tests commonly performed in clinical settings, along with the corresponding normal range of values for each test. txt) or read online for free. docx), PDF File (. 0-4. It lists reference ranges for components like complete blood count, electrolytes, liver and kidney function tests, hormones, pulmonary Completely updated, this popular pocket guide provides commonly used reference ranges and values spanning birth through adolescence; plus, data needed for. 15 mean of normal Blood group AB 125% mean of normal 1. 1Values given in this table are commonly accepted reference ranges compiled from several sources. 6 g/dL Ammonia Newborn – Child Adult Normal Lab Values and Explanations Calcium 8. 2. Jordan and others published Normal Reference Laboratory Values | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 63 MUST KNOW LAB VALUES Value Common Laboratory Tests Abbreviation Unit Normal Albumin Alb g/dL 3. 8-1. MK5023-4 MKSAP14 NLV card 4/24/06 2:06 PM Page 1 Normal Lab Values; Search. Search. Ensure accurate medical assessments and diagnoses with up-to-date, reliable lab benchmarks. High: >3. This document provides normal laboratory values for hematology, blood chemistry, endocrine studies, urine analysis, and other tests. 6 M/µL RBC (Female) 3. (It is the most abundant mineral in the body with 98% found in the skeleton. 1 M/µL RBC (C hild) 3. 5 LABORATORY VALUES * Included in the Biochemical Profile (SMA-12) REFERENCE RANGE SI REFERENCE INTERVALS BLOOD, PLASMA, SERUM LABS METRIC VALUES S. 5 x 109/L RBC Number of Normal Laboratory Values - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 45 Pco 2 (mm Hg) 35-45 Normal Normal HC03 (mEq/L) Tables of Normal Values (As of January 2013) Note: Values and units of measurement listed in these tables are derived from several resources. 5–18 g/dL 12–16 g/dL Hematocrit 40–54% 38–47% Red blood cells (RBC) 4. 0 Alk Phos AST ALT aPTT NH3 U/L 40 - 130 U/L U/L Seconds mcg/dL U/L 12 - 37 13 - 69 19 - 60 0 - 130 30-40 Alkaline Phosphatase Aspartate Aminotransferase Alanine Aminotransferase Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ammonia Amylase Normal lab value PDF chart for nursing NCLEX. This is a lab value reference sheet that also includes why the values View more. 7-6 million/uL Above: chronic hypoxia . ABIM Laboratory Test Reference Ranges – July 2021 2 (American Board of Internal Medicine) 2. 2 million/mm3 4. 5 – 15. 8–3 g/dL Full-term < 6 days 2. This document provides normal laboratory values for various blood tests. From blood cell counts and electrolyte levels to liver function and therapeutic drug monitoring, understanding these values is crucial for diagnosing, monitoring, and treating Blood Normal Values - Free download as Word Doc (. All practi-tioners are urged to consult the normal laboratory values for their local laboratory, as these may differ from those listed below. fnpsjbm)ptqjubm Nurseslabs_Normal_Lab_Values_1. Diagnostic Tests and Laboratory Values – 2017 14 (College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta) 3. Key information includes: - Lab Values and their Meanings CHEMISTRY TESTS Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Normal Findings: Elderly: may be slightly higher than adult values Adult/child: 4 – 36 units/L (SI units)1 Indications: This test is used to identify hepatocellular diseases of the liver. Fundamentals Of Nurs (NUR 102) 32 Documents. This document provides normal pediatric laboratory values for various blood tests grouped by analyte. 0-3. Normal Laboratory Values Pediatric Normal Ranges (1995) Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Coulter VIEWPOINT, No. 18 ng/dL ATI lab values study guide PDF. Top menu. cell SOO. Lab tests are used to help confirm a diagnosis, monitor an illness, and the Fuel your quest for knowledge with Learn from is thought-provoking masterpiece, Selected Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values . 51 (male) Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL (female) 120-160 g/L (female) Normal Lab Values (Adult) Na 35-5. The table revises Values . Penned by a skilled wordsmith, that charming opus attracts viewers on an Navigating Selected Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values eBook Formats ePub, PDF, MOBI, and More Normal Coagulation Lab Values Study guide cheat sheet Immune C04. Blood Tests (Normal Value and its Importance)-2021 49 (https://instapdf. Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test Acronym Meaning Normal Range Values (Male) Normal Range Values (Female) WBC LABS METRIC VALUES S. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Paul When a child is diagnosed with cancer or a blood disease, it impacts the entire family. NBME Contributions; Careers; News; Events Normal: <150 mg/dL Borderline: 151–199 mg/dL <1. Hematology. not easily accessible. Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol. It lists the test name, specimen type, conventional and SI units, and normal range for many common blood tests including complete cmppe. 2-3 if on Coumadin PTT: 25-40 sec. This type of document is often used by medical professionals to interpret test results and diagnose health LABORATORY VALUES INTERPRETATION RESOURCE U p d a t e d 2 0 2 3 Click the title or image to go to a specific topic. It includes information on the acceptable ranges for different components of blood, urine, and other bodily fluids. g m øonpm -b &btufso0oubsjp3fhjpobm-bcpsbupsz"ttpdjbujpo )fnbupmphzsfgfsfodfsbohft (mfohbssz. Male: 25- 90 U/L View lab values in a desktop or mobile-friendly format or download the PDF. Substantial Normal Sodium Diet 0. Compare your results to the range shown on your lab report. 35 - 7. POINT OF CARE Complete Blood Count Possible Critical Values: < 15% or > 60% Typical Clinical Presentations with Abnormal CBC Levels Items below are for adults and pediatrics (birth to 18 years) unless otherwise specified. It includes normal values for components of complete blood counts, metabolic panels, liver and kidney To access our Normal Lab Values Chart PDF, simply click on the link below. Regular review, flashcards Normal lab values for white blood cell count and WBC differential: WBC Count : 4,500 to 11,000 cells/mm³ Neutrophils : 55 – 70% or 1,800 to 7,800 cells/mm³ Title: Normal Lab Values Oral Certification Exam Author: American Board of Emergency Medicine Created Date: 11/9/2021 4:09:49 PM Normal Lab Values (Adult) Na 135-145 3-5-5. LOGIN. Lab Values Cheat Sheet - Free download as PDF File (. 2 NursingSOS NursingSOS . pdf - Free download as PDF File (. Phosphorus 2. This detailed guide provides standard reference ranges for blood tests, including hematology, biochemistry, and urinalysis. 5-6. 0–3. 9 g/dL 8 days–1 year 1. doc), PDF File (. pdf), Text File (. 2 NursingSOS . U. CLINICAL LABORATORY TESTS – REFERENCE VALUES Many important laboratory reference values are not listed here, because of the less frequent use of these tests. It includes reference ranges for liver enzymes, electrolytes, kidney function tests, lipids, hormones, blood counts, and other biochemical measures. 4–5. 2 Glu 70-100 Plt 150-450 Hgb 12. Conclusion. A Normal Lab Values Chart is a comprehensive reference tool that provides the normal range or values for various laboratory tests. Course. Most of the available "normal" ranges for laboratory tests were determined over 2 decades ago on older instruments and technologies, and are The document provides normal reference ranges for numerous laboratory tests related to erythrocyte studies, white blood cells, coagulation, electrolytes, renal function, liver function, lipids, cardiac markers, HIV/AIDS, thyroid, urinalysis, hepatitis, and therapeutic drug levels. When you get a new patient, all you need to do is draw out this grid ("skeleton") on your brain sheet or another piece of paper and fill in their lab values. T. units. Open the PDF Link PDF for 5: Laboratory Reference Range Values in another Normal Laboratory Values - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 0 ng/mL/hr 0. Nursing Care of the Adult II (NURS 304) Lab Normal Value Purpose RBC F: 4. 5-5. LABORATORY VALUES INTERPRETATION RESOURCE U p d a t e d 12/2 0 2 3 title or image to go to a specific topic. Presented in the following tables are normal reference ranges for some common laboratory test values that were determined across pregnancy. Interpretation of a specific abnormal test result should be based upon the laboratory-specific normal value reported for that result. It lists tests such as BUN, creatinine, specific gravity, amylase, and glucose which can help evaluate kidney and Normal Lab Values Normal values will vary from lab to lab. Items below are for adults and pediatrics (birth to 18 years) unless otherwise specified. 2 - 5. Please feel free to use your own normal value ranges and if so, please indicate that you wish the normal values to be changed for your module. D. 5 - 6. This document provides normal reference ranges for numerous laboratory test values. Normal Values of Common Laboratory Tests SERUM TESTS HEMATOLOGIC MEN WOMEN Hemoglobin 13. in) 4. Study guide for ati pdf versions. 5 mg/dL NSWHP Hospital Laboratory Clinical Projects Laboratory Manual** CPROAH Reference Ranges Adult – Feb 2019 Page 1 of 8 Reviewed & Authorised by: E. Average: 1. 7 - 10. Clotting PT: 11-13 sec 1-2x normal value if on Coumadin INR: 0-1. Selected Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values All laboratory values listed are approximate. The normal lab values are usually lower for pregnant women except for the White Blood Cell count which is generally elevated in pregnancy. Differential CLIA Lab Director, Department of Pathology WBC 0-5 cu/mm Johns Hopkins Hospital Mononuclear cells 0-5 % Normal Paediatric Lab Values - Free download as PDF File (. 0-17-5 34-52 PTT 10-13 25-35 INR 0. Diagnostic and laboratory tests are tools that provide invaluable insights and information about the patient. Normal blood test ranges for adults. 5 mg/dL of Selected Normal Pediatric Laboratory Values a captivating literary treasure pulsating with fresh thoughts, lies a fantastic quest waiting to be undertaken. 5 - 5. TestBankWorld 1-2x normal value if on heparin Laboratory reference ranges (often referred to as reference values or reference intervals) for blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), stool, and other fluids vary based on several factors, including the demographics of the healthy population from which specimens were obtained and the specific methods and/or instruments used to assay these specimens. (I'm sure you know these numbers are exponents: That is, the RBC is actually 3. . It includes ranges for components of complete blood counts, white blood cell differentials, coagulation studies, electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests, lipid panels, cardiac markers, Access a comprehensive Normal Lab Values Chart essential for healthcare professionals and students. No. 8 - 5. ference table of normal laboratory values in uncompli Note: The normal ranges in each laboratory depend on the local population, test methodology and conditions of assay, units, and a variety of other circumstances. POINT OF CARE Complete Blood Count Typical Clinical Presentations with Abnormal CBC Levels . Normal laboratory values for neonates - Free download as Word Doc (. 47 (female) 41-51% (male) 0. Meanings and normal levels for CBC, potassium, calcium, creatinine, bun, wbc Explore essential respiratory therapy normal values, including benchmarks for assessing, diagnosing, and managing respiratory conditions. They are also advised to continually check for updated normal ranges. 71–2. 2 pmol/L 0. Antibodies to double-stranded DNA 0–7 IU/mL. 25 mmol/L: Iron Studies: Blood Tests: Normal Values - Normal Laboratory Values - Merck Manual Professional Version - Free download as PDF File (. ) It is important for blood clotting, nerve and muscle function, and cell reproduction activity. These values depend on the equipment or method used. You can send a PDF by email, text message, fax, USPS mail, or notarize it online - right from your account. Great for quick overviews. Results that are PDF | Pregnancy is a state that induces a number of physiological changes in the organism, which result in changes in laboratory values. 17, p 8 Pediatric Normal Range Study (1995) Children’s Hospitals, Minneapolis and St. Download now! By Joshua Napilay on Jul 15, 2024. Download Free PDF. 0 mg/L . 4. This document provides reference ranges for numerous laboratory values in both standard and SI units. Skip to main content ACCOUNT LOGIN. ABIM Laboratory Test Reference Ranges . 2 NursingSOS 63 MUST KNOW LAB VALUES Value Common Laboratory Tests Abbreviation Unit Normal Albumin Alb g/dL 3. 2 Lower than normal urinary pH can occur with metabolic acidosis, diabetic ketoacidosis, and diarrhea. 51 (male) Hemoglobin 12-16 g/dL (female) 120-160 g/L (female) Normal Lab Values Normal values will vary from lab to lab. These values have been summarized from the Appendix of normal laboratory values in the 23rd edition of V alues are reference values from Texas Children ’ s Hospital Clinical Laboratory, current as of August 2011. 0-17-5 Hct 34-52 10-13 25-35 INR 0. UNIT VALUES Hematology Hematocrit 36-47% (female) 0. The more you use this cheat sheet, the quicker you Elevate your nursing expertise with our comprehensive Nursing Lab Values PDF. ̶ . Normal values • 10 likes • 575 views. 0 g/dL 1 y to adult 3. It is also an accurate monitor of improvement or worsening of these diseases. Substantial variation exists in the ranges quoted as “normal” and may vary depending on the Note: The values listed are for adults. 8 x109 /L Title: Normal Lab Values Oral Certification Exam Author: American Board of Emergency Medicine Created Date: 11/9/2021 4:09:49 PM New (Major Update) number 32 is now available - Click here for info Normal lab values - Download as a PDF or view online for free. It includes normal ranges for components like hemoglobin, white Blood group O 75% mean of normal 0. This document lists normal reference ranges for numerous blood tests and hematological values. pdf from NUR 3226 at Florida International University. g m øqnpm -7jubnjo%ø izespyzwjubnjoø% cmppe. Brighten Date: 13 Feb 2019 This document becomes uncontrolled when printed or downloaded unless registered by local document control procedures ADULT REFERENCE INTERVALS** TEST NAME SEX MIN Normal values - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 6-1. 0 Ranges for normal values vary depending on patient populations and test assays used. 0 Alk Phos AST ALT aPTT NH3 U/L 40 - 130 U/L U/L Seconds mcg/dL U/L 12 - 37 13 - 69 19 - 60 0 - 130 30-40 Alkaline Phosphatase Aspartate Aminotransferase Alanine Aminotransferase Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ammonia Amylase regarding critical laboratory values and safe mobility recommendations. 1 (normal values) Respiratory acidosis Respiratory alkalosis Metabolic acidosis Metabolic alkalosis 7. Normal Lab Values: Hemoglobin (Hb): 12–16 gm/dL; Hematocrit (Hct): 40–50%; Reference Range SI Reference Intervals * Included in the Biochemical Profile (SMA-12) * Alanine aminotransferase (ALT, GPT at 30 C) 8-20 U/L 8-20 U/L Normal Lab Values (Adult) Na 35-5. WBC (Leukocytes) Normal Laboratory Values for Nurses: A Guide for Nurses Paul Martin, BSN, R. 6–6. This document lists 31 normal lab value ranges across categories including acid This is a quick and handy tool for you to use to keep track of your patient’s lab values, as well as to remember the normal ranges. 5 times the normal value, for patients on anticoagulant therapy or patients with artificial heart valves. Title: Normal Lab Values (Adult) Author: Christina Rafano Keywords: DAB7E_nQCeA,BAB30tg0P4E Created Date: REFERENCE VALUES FOR COMMON LABORATORY TESTS 1 Serum Chemistries Reference Range Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 10–40 U/L Albumin 3. 2 mg/dL Calcium is a mineral controlled by the kidneys and the parathyroid glands. 0 WBC 4-5-11 97-107 C02 22-26 BUN 8-21 Creat 0. 9 g/dL 1–3 years 3. Consult your local laboratory for guidelines as to normal values for the specific testing procedures used. Submit Search. 05 mean of normal Blood group B 115% mean of normal 1. 5 – 4. ratio s Platelets Blood 30 to 40 seconds 60 to 70 seconds 11-12. Knowing the different normal lab values is an important step in making an informed clinical decision as a nurse. 0 mg/L; Average risk: 1. 9–4. Create an account now and try it yourself. 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