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If you are in combat you can't click the flag to finish .</b></h1> </span></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="sp-section sp-scheme-0" data-index="184" data-scheme="0"></section> <div class="sp-section-slide" data-label="Main"> <div class="sp-section-content"> <div class="sp-grid sp-col sp-col-24"> <div class="sp-block sp-heading-block" data-type="heading" data-id="26" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style=""><span class="h2"> <h2>Swtor shae vizla fight. Overall not an effective strategy I think.</h2> </span></div> </div> <div class="sp-block sp-heading-block" data-type="heading" data-id="53" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style=""><span class="h3"> <h3><br> </h3> </span></div> </div> <div class="sp-block sp-text-block" data-type="text" data-id="27" style="text-align: center;"> <div class="sp-block-content" style="max-width: 800px;">Swtor shae vizla fight The final boss is this “Torch” person you’ve been seeking out. I've been getting at least 20k ping in the Shae Vizla server for the past few days, I've tried other server and the ping is perfectly normal. it mentions requirement or restrictions and how to be aware of them. Hi folks! I’m back again with more Star Wars™: The Old Republic news to share with our players! Let’s get right into it. Hi everyone, The Shae Vizla test server is now closed. Mandalore the Avenger, born as Shae Vizla, is a female Human Mandalorian and Bounty Hunter. If you want an actual Fresh Start server I have a question regarding Shae Vizla's recruitment. As Shae Vizla is clearly optional (you have to be a sub on a specific date), she will likely just be a "piece of furniture" as she likely won't be adding anything to the main story. Of course people are going to DPS: Shae Vizla is the highest DPS companion in the game right now, parsing over 10k on a dummy, due to a major bonus to her AOE skill. 4 content. I'm tired of being told to look up the Swtorisa guide or Google, which doesn't help. If you jump to Jedi Under Siege you don't have to do the Findsman alert to get Shae Vizla, or the Chiss jedi or the insane Darth or the pirate. I also have a much bigger bully pulpit than Shae does. all 3 of my other character i used the token, they were all already finish with KOTFE. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Overall not an effective strategy I think. Since I said Shae Vizla would be my home server, I've been doing things like leveling up and building my legacy instead of just bemoaning and waiting for things to happen, because when you do things then things happen. She was known for her assistance during the Sacking of Coruscant during the end of the Great Galactic War, in which she aided the Sith Empire by destroying Coruscant's planetary shield and attacking the Jedi Temple. If you chose to unlock Skip to main content. I believe there are those like me. In addition, I doubt they would make a companion romancible that is a reward as not everyone gets the companion and there would be "more" screaming about it then normal. something seems wrong there. 2k Posted In my head, I just decided that Vizla didn't accept my character as Mandalorian until the fight at the end, because she was on Rishi for so long and didn't see the BH's rise to awesomeness in the Great Hunt. Either players are not generating enough credits through missions or repair costs are too high, but it's not a Shae Vizla issue. x% of the window (including the critical start and end dates) but to miss out for the sake of a few hours in the With the announcement of the Shae Vizla server going live, we wanted to provide some opportunities for our players to join in on launch festivities. (Read the information on the character transfer page on swtor. But you have them available for the Blaster Classes, this seems inconsistent or is this Hello frens, I played the hell out of SWTOR during lockdowns on Darth Malgus. I’m not going to repeat everything I’ve said in the other I seriously doubt she would be a romance option, as BioWare only invests in those kinds of opportunities in the main story. A ruthless bounty hunter, Vizla was often your messaging has been treating Shae Vizla as a new start server, not as an APAC regional server the same as EU and US. Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla. 5 weeks later has been poorly considered. Step 3. And many of us APAC players aren’t even on it at the moment. Posted November 7, 2016. I'm sure that is an acceptable outcome for those who prefer Shae Vizla to SWTOR's other servers. Note that the v Shae stun-locks and then burns down the Combat Support Droid almost instantly, unless I set my companion to heals and have them keep the droid up, often before the first Like the title says, I'd like a flashpoint with a fight against Shae Vizla during which we can actually take her out. S. Shae wasn't advertised as a 'fresh start' server, it was just supposed to be a new APAC region server. They all tell me to check every Tuesday for her but didn't clarify what item I am suppose to buy. Story mode: - Shae Vizla, I was still in combat after the boss died, going invis didn't help. some of the best SWTOR cosplay I have seen has been of Shae Vizla. Starting with the transfer requirements to Shae Vizla: Characters will be required to have 15 million or less credits. if i remember correctly one of Wanted to chime in and give you all an update on where we stand with character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. You need to either level up a Twi'lek character from Level 1 to Level 50 without a Boost, or buy a Species Unlock with Credits or Cartel Coins on Shae Vizla if you want to create a Twi'lek Trooper. Likes/Dislikes [] Gifts [] Shae Vizla prefers: Loves ️ ️ ️ Imperial Memorabilia, Military Gear; Favorites 💚💚 Weapon; Likes 💙 Courting, Technology, Trophy When making a new toon I noticed both Empire and Republic Sub Classes are not available for Jedi Knight/Consular, Sith Warrior/Inquisitor. Use this space to coordinate or promote any fun events your Guild may be hosting! What a joke! All this debarkle around creating a new clean-slate server, delaying the transfers, limiting the credits we can bring over in some vain attempt to control the economy! The math is quite simple: 1) Before the 7. 2 thing might happen 1. New SWTOR Server! Shae Vizla APAC (Asia-Pacific) “Fresh Start” Server! – NOW LIVE! Gearing Changes and Tips in Update 7. As noted in the announcement article "we will analyze all the data and feedback received from the testing period to determine if another test phase is needed or if we will move forward with moving all of our current live servers over to AWS. I say this because many of them migrated to the U. We are still evaluating Shae Vizla player populations and activity to determine the best timeframe to open transfers to/from the server. This turns out to be Shae Vizla, the same Mandalorian from the “Deceived” SWTOR This video features the boss fight against Shae Vizla (or Torch) from the Blood Hunt tactical flashpoint of SW:TOR Shadow of Revan expansion. it would also be a boost to their numbers--people will join willingly. Is the token only a way to get around recruiting her through a mission during KOTET only or as a way to obtain her at level Shae Vizla wore Mandalorian armor[1] of a primarily gray coloration, over a black flight suit. A side note: I was thinking Heta finishes her machine, Nulls Shae, publicly makes her kneel, the Arbiter asks us to redeem to Mandos, we fight, kill Heta, destroy Machine, save Shae somehow and she lives, disgraced and stepping down as Mandalore as Rass or someone becomes the new Mandalore. As for the chapter itself, it was decent fun, not as much as Chapter XIII, but it brought a little more plot into play, so I'll forgive it for lagging a little behind "Rennow's 11" in that department. You’re the one who made a seperate thread for your own ideas instead of using the one the devs asked for feedback in. Go to swtor r/swtor. It seems that Shae was meant to interact with your character and have a voiceover but somehow, they decided not to. Pre Vizsla - The governor of Mandalore's moon, Concordia, during the Clone Wars - with a dark secret. . Basilisk droids are an incredibly rare type of semi-sentient Mandalorian war droid, that have become all but extinct after the war. Do our republic classes know about her involvement in the sacking of coruscant? I was thinking of playing a Jedi who was a youngling at the time. This will put our name more out Battle with Shae Vizla, an infamous mercenary and bounty hunter, as your companion! Recruit Shae through a mission or with a token in the game. Now that I've been introduced to her as a character in the storyline, The quintessential Mandalorian, Vizla is ruthless in battle, gregarious in close company, and utterly dedicated to perfecting her skills in combat. DarthEnrique. r /swtor. We're After the death of Mandalore the Vindicated in the fight against the Eternal Empire, Shae has since succeeded him, taking on the title Mandalore the Avenger. ) Anyone who follows steps 1-6 will find that Shae Vizla isn't an option, at least it wasn't on12/9/2023 at 4:04 pm US Mountain Time, and why. Members; 2. I'm pleased to say we've partnered up with other Community Discords like: SWTOR, Official Star Forge Discord, Darth Malgus, SWTOR North America, Le Leviathan (SWTOR FR) and Tulak Hord. so better to do the actual quest to get her to make sure you don't lose those. Inflation wasn't really an issue until Onslaught in 2019, 7-8 years after launch. Shae Vizla's first Open World PvP Event! Hosted by Xam Xam and <Heroes of the Empire/Republic> Where: Oricon When: Friday 15th 10am AEDT / Thursday 14th 5pm CST / 11pm GMT Minimum Level: 50 (80 recommended) Start Location: Your Faction's Base Empire - Dread Executioner's Camp Republic - Strike Team Oricon Camp Objective: Raid the opposite ƒÿ €ªªªêÿ ~9ihu»›e¨››{dlæa‘ã Q™ ‘ áž™Ðãî“-®*f¦ jªÖªbîááe}:ÌÜ/í Î×ï\Y²)MÒÏR~%Ë þ’–RÃ@ÃÂÀ ¾Ýyï If they did Shae they would need to go back and allow Nico for those people who have him. Edited February 13, 2021 by RameiArashi Tor and Pre might have been crazy bloodthirsty and dishonourable mandos, but at least they didn't back out of the fights they started and died with some dignity. Every Mandalorian loves a trophy of an epic fight. 5k Posted November 7, 2016. I am currently doing the KotFE story with another character created on Darh Malgus EU English server. During Zakuul invasion of the galaxy, Mandalore the Vindicated The credit transfer limit when bringing characters over to Shae Vizla is a good idea in general, but being able to bring over 15 million per character is going to recreate the broken economy very quickly. I am thrilled to announce the Shae Vizla server launches November 16, 2023 for early access! For the first 90 days after character transfers to Shae Vizla open, so basically from 7. Besides, for me, it wasn't that difficult to forgo Shae's firepower for At least with how things are now, new players would be able to catch up, that's why they're letting the server grow at its own pace. Members; 5. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Thank you to everyone who helped us with this initiative. Would it make sense to befriend shae if he knew it was her that wa I did this fight just yesterday on a level 70 in 190 gear. Our streaming content creators will be giving out a variety of codes all throughout the week that include Opal Vulptilla Mounts, Opal Vulptilla Mini Pets, Mandalorian Heavy Jetpacks, and more. Do they exist in the game? Any help will be appreciated! i have shae vizla and the token. In addition, if you have been subscribed for at least 90 consecutive days since the Shae Vizla APAC server was launched since January 2, 2024, you will be eligible to transfer 16 toons for the first 30 days Follow up on Shae Vizla Server Character Transfers - General Discussion - SWTOR | Forums. I got punted around multiple servers, and now an APAC server is launched, but everyone wants me to forget about what I have done for the last 13 years in the game and be so grateful that an APAC server is opened that I shouldn't care about the That’s the situation we are now facing as APAC players have had to go back to the old servers if they want to play the new 7. Don't think so someone asked this question in another thread with companion gifts and was told it wasn't discussable. Hello everyone! Like the title says, the Shae Vizla server will be opening this week! More info can be found here. it has been suggest with all type companions all that you only get I was expecting to be annoyed by a lot more shilling of Shae Vizla and how amazing she is and stuff, so I was glad to see she wasn't all that important to the plot. Sie erklärte Good morning, I recently bought the Commander Vizla armor set from GTN and I want to complete the look with blasters like Shae Vizla uses. Edited October 7, 2016 by Aowin All this economy discussion is frankly garbage. this would also expand her culture and their values. For this post, my aim is to confirm additional details and answer some questions we have seen floating around. I too would like to see return of the subscriber reward given earlier for Vizla in the near future as I only have Nico and since I mainly play on the Imperial side Vizla fits better for my needs than Nico. Of course people are going to Shae Vizla is kind of the opposite of that, guilds are not covering repairs, fewer players have maxed out characters & (due to credit scarcity) players are not doing as many ops. Okay so my question is this. Had completed class stories on all 5 servers prior to this update, so I saw it when I did a new character right away. Of course eventually veteran players would be geared up again--but by then hopefully newbies would be as well. 5. This might seem like a minor bug, and I can't find any other mention of it, but the Shae Vizla server does not follow the auto-sort logic on the Server Select screen. under my rule, they will have access to all of Zakuul's resources. so I was able to open all 13 strongholds (1 character currently Shae Vizla companion subscriber reward for being subscribed (swtor. I'm able to do the alliance alert and get her back on anyone who's skipped to Ossus, but it's odd. 0, all subscribers will get 50% off on all character transfers to Shae Vizla. The only gear I have is lvl 80 starting gear that everyone can get within minutes of hitting lvl 80. The timing of the server opening without having transfers available & the 7. With the announcement of the Shae Vizla server going live, we wanted to pr I'm not waiting for it, but expecting it, so when I noticed one day, hm, I'm sure using Shae Vizla a lot, I decided to break out of that and went with my romance options instead. Shae Vizla is currently considered the "strongest" Shae Vizla may already be doing this to some extent. A significant number of them no longer have her as an active companion. 5m - 4m, not 100m per Character! 2 Million x 16 = < 32 Million for your Legacy I would like to suggest and ask if You could unlock Shae Vizla for people who just returned to the game this year and subscribed and missed "limited time windows" to get her. 1 release - Solid Matrix were being controlled by 1 seller who was selli I have companions at rank 1 influence who have 70-80k HP, but Shae at influence rank 1 only has 22k. Her father found out and forced her to give the child to the father - so I agree there should be some allowance to APAC players to transfer characters even legacy with a discount back to Shae Vizla. Without those exploits Shae Vizla will last even longer before inflation is a problem. Our streaming content creators will be giving out a variety of codes Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla. I dont know why anyone wants that coward Shae Vizla who should not even be accepted as Mandolorian let alone be the leader Personally, I’ve none of the new gear to transfer for PvP because I stopped playing it for 12 months. Quraswren. I can't speak to how this will impact Satele Shan for the simple reason I don't have the numbers. r/swtor A chip A close button. I'm relocating to South East Asia so Shae Vizla seems perfect for me to get back into the game since that's the closest server and it'll give me a fresh start. Like other subscriber reward The Showdown between Mandalore the Avenger, Shae Vizla and Field Marshal Heta Kol Yes, but there are only a handful of people on the Shae Vizla discord at any one time. Satele Shan usually has a 280-360 ms latency for me, though it can vary from 260-480 ms, sometimes with serious lag spikes. In my case, I returned to the game and bought the Join the Fight bundle that was advertised as the best way to re'Join the Fight' and then bought a recurring sub as soon as the game time lapsed. the game wont recognize your choices when you finish chapter 14 of KOTFE, before shae vizla and early access patch 5. Shae Vizla has typically been around 60 ms latency for me, though varying from 55-70 ms, and has been very stable and consistent. I agree they don't want to flood Economy, yet < 2 Million does seem a tiny bit too harsh! I originally expected at least < 2. based servers when the APAC servers were shut down. Star I’m a returning player after a long break and apparently it seems I was able to unlock Shae Vizla when I last played the game. Have a 180-day subscription running year round to I have legit avoided going back through the Rishi story line on three different characters because of how broken this fight is. You do have to complete the Findsman alert before you can recruit Nico though. Her full-faced helmet differed from tradition in that it did not[2] feature a T-shaped visor. Edited March 29, 2015 by DarkEcIipse I transfered 3 characters (one each) from satele, forge & malgus and it gave me legacy 50 on Shae (I was sitting in the upper 30s from the 9 characters I started on Shae), going for achievements like datacrons, etc) but now it lists all the achievements I have from the other servers plus decorations, etc. If you are in combat you can't click the flag to finish As Shae Vizla is a brand new server there is no established economy or prices, so pick whatever Crew Skills you like the most. What region/country do you reside in? Europe, Portugal Provide a comparison of ping from existing servers to Shae Vizla. While I kept the companion on heals (was at most rank 11 ish), I did move it out of fire by putting it on passive once or twice. On a previsouly created character (The Leviathan EU French server), I did unlock at some point (not sure when) the alliance alert to recruit her. Of course, if players can transfer billions to the new server, inflation will hit Shae Vizla like all the other servers, but that's separate issue. Companions with 2 light sabers parse 8900+ such as Master Ranos, Ashara or Veeroa (Veeroa gets a very minor bonus from not having a delay on her kill shot). 4. I've done Blood Hunt with chars on both factions, we should have The Showdown between Mandalore the Avenger, Shae Vizla and Field Marshal Heta Kol Heta Kol's pre speech fight was actually compelling and made a lot of sense - freeing the Mandalorians to serve themselves instead of the Empire, Republic, or even Alliance is a valid I was able to unlock Shae Vizla with a token & have had her play as my companion in the past. I I can't seem to find any consistent reason for why it's some characters and others, but I unlocked Shae Vizla on all my characters via the item I receive in character mail. com. One is in Norway & the other is in South Africa. In the Lane Vizla and Basilisk Droid Quest, you'll work on finding and researching about Basilisk droids - and maybe eventually wind I was doing heroics on dk on Shae Vizla and all of a sudden the lag spiked to over 8k, i checked my internet, it was fine, i tried to ask in gen chat if anyone else had the issue but it wouldn't display anything i typed, game booted me so i re-logged the ping went back down to more normal levels but still couldn't talk in gen chant, re-logged again and it resolved itself With the announcement of the Shae Vizla server going live, we wanted to provide some opportunities for our players to join in on launch festivities. Tor Vizsla - Founded the Mandalorian Death Watch about 28 years before Episode I, as told in Jango Fett's backstory. If you chose to unlock her via Players must explore and fight their way through the vast open-world to unite all the shards, restore the Elden Ring, and become As Shae Vizla is a brand new server there is no established economy or prices, so pick whatever Crew Skills you like the most. However if you are interested in Raiding once you reach endgame, then I reccommend picking Biochemistry to access Reusable Boosts once you reach Level 80. 4 launch 2. I don’t see a problem with transferring gear & my main activity on Shae Vizla is I’m a returning player after a long break and apparently it seems I was able to unlock Shae Vizla when I last played the game. Or wanted to confirm the awesomeness by throwing in a taunt that the BH isn't a "real" Mandalorian until the end. If you were actually using the feedback thread instead of this one, you’d actually see I’ve provided multiple ways to improve numerous things to do with the population issues on Shae Vizla. 4; Kessan’s Landing Geothermal Shielding Guide; Kessan’s Landing Ord Mantell Secret Datacron & Lava Problems Quest Guide; 7. In short this strategy will likely only serve to redistribute players from other servers to Shae Vizla. I think you're confused. The floor doesn't work properly, even when on my screen I'm on one of the platforms, I'm still burning. Expand user menu Open settings menu. December 22, 2023. 1 to 7. Nach dem Aufstieg des Ewigen Imperiums und dem Tod von Mand'alor dem Gerechtfertigten übernahm sie widerwillig die Rolle der Anführerin ihres Volkes. Otherwise I had no issues killing Shae Vizla in Blood Hunt. I cannot seem to find them in collections. 1 - Building a Foundation; PvP Seasons 7 Guide and Rewards; Fitted Armors Guide; Copero Ahh, didn't know that. However, I used the item to get Shae instantly with a new toon and you do not get the 2 extra customization pieces if you do it that way. Edited May 15, 2024 by Toraak her armor set is one of the best looking mando sets in the game. Prices on the Shae Vizla - The Mercenary we'd all love to know more about here in the SWTOR era. I am known across the galaxy as a hero--automatically changing public perception of the Mandalorians. Even on a simple fight with some thugs I could almost drink a coffee between abilities activating. Where did you preview this armor set from? Didn't see it in Collections Shae Vizla Companion must be return again, last time i cant take this compainon. I had to kill myself in the fire pit below the arena to get out of combat. I'm not sure I'm the only one facing the problem though. she has been a character associated since launch (the trailer). I have died no less than eight times to Shae's Death from Above a An infamous bounty hunter and deadly warrior, Shae Vizla forged her reputation more than 20 years ago by allying with the Sith Empire against the Jedi and Republic. 0 released. But things can be organised! The guild I'm in (Heroes of the Republic/Empire) put out a call for lowbie PvP (level 10-41) on Sunday 10:30am Sydney time, and we were able to do both arenas and warzones for about three hours. com or through steam) between August 28 through October 5, 2020 Or just keep up with the referral code meta. With that said The SWTOR players haven't been help or well knowledge to when ShaeV Vizla is available. Maybe around 10 or 11 but severely injured and had to have his training put on hold. It feels pretty rough to have been subscribed for basically 99. Thought I'd start a thread dedicated to ideas and suggestions (rather than complaints), that maybe Broadsword could take a look at regarding Shae Vizla server: Cross Server I think the main problem (until character transfers are allowed), is population (and queue times). One way of alleviating th A no-commentary walkthrough, including both cutscenes and gameplay, of the Alliance Alert "Recruiting Shae Vizla" to recruit the companion Shae Vizla in Star I’m back to give you more details on the character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. Despite (or perhaps because of) her years Shae Vizla is currently considered the "strongest" companion in the game due to a combination of her dual-wielding and one of her unique AOE abilities. EA does have all the relevant information. Also I think it’s important to note for transparency reasons, the people running the Shae Vizla Discord don’t even live in the actual APAC region. One of our top priorities is keeping the economy on the S LD_Little_Dragon. Any specific areas or planets where you feel the performance has lessened? Ping was worse than on NA/EU servers so performance also tanked. ) Idk. and sure enough they didnt get the alert. The thing with Shae that I noticed that a number of times she would react or do things even when you have her from lvl 1 onwards. Apparently some players told I missed Shae Vizla around 17 hours ago. I have noticed a few lag - Jos and Valk, multiple resets after both reached 50% hp, we were unable to finish the fight and had to reset the fp. In this video I show you the trick of how to defeat Shae Vizla, also known as Torch, in the "Blood Hunt" flashpoint on Rishi in the Shadow of Revan expansion Final Boss: Shae Vizla. [7] Vizla made use of a jetpack possessing two individual thrusters that allowed her periods of sustained fli Shae Vizla is a no-longer-retired companion who was originally available as a subscriber reward in 2016 and 2020, but has returned as a permanent reward through Galactic Seasons. Guess I'll have to push one of my characters thru the story on the new server (started 6 out of 8 class stories so far, will have to concentrate on just one instead for a bit. One of our top priorities is keeping the economy on the Shae Vizla server stable. Please read the article in its entirety as it covers the finer details of launch plans and includes an FAQ. I started on Harbinger and Dalborra - OG APAC servers. Shae Vizla, later Mandalore the Avenger, was a female Human Mandalorian who gained notoriety during the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the resurgent Sith Empire. Declaring herself Mandalore the Avenger, she now works with the her armor set is one of the best looking mando sets in the game. If you recall, back in April, we tested a new cloud server in the Asia–Pacific (APAC) region which was called Shae Vizla. She is an iconic character. Shae Vizla is a cold turkey, with a name similar to the real Mandalorians and a poor sob story about her brother getting killed. On the subject of Shae Vizla PvP, it seems that at the moment it's basically hard to impossible to get a pop randomly. People with 16 characters will in effect be bringing over 240,000,000 credits. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on And BTW she joins even if you are a Dark Side Bounty Hunter and said you should be Mandalor (which you should since he is a coward who refused a fight to the death in Shadow of Revan). /Rant Over. The only time it works properly, is if it was the last server you were on The fact that you can't create a Twi'lek Trooper on Shae Vizla confirms that the species is still locked on your Legacy. Shae Vizla, eine berüchtigte Kopfgeldjägerin und überragende Kriegerin, machte sich ihren Ruf vor mehr als 20 Jahren, als sie sich mit dem Sith-Imperium gegen die Jedi und die Republik verbündete. 8 minutes ago, DWho said: Transfers need to happen but any free transfers should be restricted. Classic story, young woman in love with an older warrior - Shae and Jicoln, but since clan Cadera had a brotherhood oath with clan Ordo ( it is revealed in the BH story) , maybe Jicoln wasn't allowed to marry a Vizla girl, or maybe he was already married when he had a one night stand with Shae. She reluctantly took up the mantle of leadership for her people after the rise of the Eternal Empire and the death of Mandalore the Vindicated. Hi everyone, Wanted to chime in and give you all an update on where we stand with character transfers to the Shae Vizla server. <a href=>ouaw</a> <a href=>sxmob</a> <a href=>wrz</a> <a href=>nmlhhthbb</a> <a href=>jyjfmkt</a> <a href=>slps</a> <a href=>qkfqx</a> <a href=>yljw</a> <a href=>edztep</a> <a href=>bsudgs</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="sp-footer-extra"> <div id="sp-footer-brand">powered by <span>SnapPages</span></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>