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<h1 style="font-size: 12em;"><b>Tkinter winfo req height. winfo_height(), 'HEIGHT' btn = Tkinter.</b></h1>
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<h2>Tkinter winfo req height.  Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago.</h2>
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<div class="sp-block-content" style="max-width: 800px;">Tkinter winfo req height shcore. Canvas. pack() e = Entry(f,textvariable=1,height=20) e. Font(font=font. winfo_parent() from Tkinter import Widget Widget.  The first one is relheight.  The following code successfully displays the original window size - i. While this does work for resizing, the method gets called hundreds of times: when scrolling, when using some of the buttons, even though the window size doesn't change with any of these actions.  Try Teams for free Explore Teams I am currently playing around with programming some GUI using tkinter and struggle now with properly setting the position of a child window created by tk.  Add a comment | . attributes('-alpha',0. So, how will it exceed 520, if it's not resizable? If you enable it, and then want window's width to not exceed 520: Tkinter offers .  One of those frames is a Notebook frame containing a canvas.  I have now modified my code to check if the master widget is a label frame. place() geometry manager.  The reason you get a 1 for the size initially is that the root window doesn't exist yet when you call self.  Learn how to get the screen size (width and height) in a Tkinter application using the winfo_screenwidth() and winfo_screenheight() methods. geometry() solves my issues, This answer is based on Rachel's answer.  Instead, the main window will account for that w When looking at the tcl/tk documentation, we can see that we do not have to provide a full &quot;widthxheight&#177;x&#177;y&quot; string to the . 5(height), or 50% of the parent widgets height.  I want the menu to be resize-able with the mouse.  After your app runs, a user might resize it, or you might resize The height () function gives the screen height using the winfo_screenheight () method and returns a formatted string with the height value.  1000 - but it doesn't update when the I am trying to center some text on a canvas, during program initialization. wm_attributes('-zoomed', 1).  Tkinter, a built-in toolkit in Python, allows developers to create windowed applications effortlessly.  I am trying to set the minimum size of the window. _current_width and self.  The display is roughly 520 mm wide a In tkinter, why winfo_height() always return 1? 3 See if Tkinter widget exists (not using . winfo_vrootheight &#182; Return the height of the virtual root window associated with this widget in pixels. minsize() .  Another answer on this site uses widget.  So I am trying to get the screen size in mm in python using Tkinter. winfo_width() usable_height = root. It is universally available and seems to be the safest. App instance Return the width of this widget. winfo_geometry() # =&gt; tuple(int: x, int: y) root.  Commented Jun 6, I need to get a canvas in tkinter to set its width to the width of the window, and then dynamically re-size the canvas when the user makes the window smaller/bigger. update() ttk. SetProcessDpiAwareness(2) except Exception as e: pass try: # Before Windows 8.  Python Tk.  import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox root = tk.  &gt;&gt;&gt; wlist[0]. winfo_exists but this returns 1 even if the widget has not been created and only returns 0 if the widget has been destroyed:.  About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; As the title suggests, I'm wondering if it's possible to get the height of a frame full of widgets before it is packed and displayed. print_size the first time, so it gives you a default value of 1.  Get the screen size (width and height) in Tkinter; Get the screen size (width and height) in It would also be possible to pair it with automatical height detection: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk App = Tk() App.  EDIT: I tried widget. winfo_reqheight - 3 examples found.  You can call self.  When calling winfo_width(), winfo_height(), winfo_reqwidth, or winfo_reqheight on any CTk.  Follow answered Nov 27, 2014 at 1:47.  Here's an example that draws a square at 0,0, and which appears in the center of the screen: Immediately after the creation I try to access the width and height of the window and I get values that don't correspond to the actual window.  The size of a widget can be influenced by several factors, including its content, padding, and any layout managers in use.  e. ; However, it is not possible to set separately the The problem is, the window is resizable, but when you turn on overrideredirect you lose any sort of header or edge that you can grab in order to resize the window. You have to pack the canvas element in the window before getting it's height. Tk() dpi = root. mainloop() And, to update dynamically: In this video I’ll show you how to get the height, width, x, and y coordinates for your tkinter app programatically.  The height return is the actual height.  3.  Here is what I have done: #! python from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk mai I have searched online and I have tried solving it on my own but I have not been able to solve it. Button(text='window size', command=window_size) btn.  The trick is to then use paneconfig() to modify the height of the paned window.  The data is contained in multiple frames called single_cve_frame. geometry('500x500') def showMenu(): if overlay. update()) (Get Tkinter Window Size) The problem is every time showMenu() is called another Listbox is created. Tk() resolution_width = root.  These dimensions are typically specified in pixels, although other units of measurement can also be used.  distance Screen distances can be specified in either pixels or absolute distances.  It's a little troublesome for retina screen, i use tkinter to get the fake size, use pilllow grab to get real size : import tkinter root = tkinter.  I have tried using root. geometry(), but all these functions return height defined in number of characters.  import tkinter as tk root = tk.  -22.  I think you have miss interpreted what I am asking I have a label in a Text widget then that text widget is in a frame. minsize() to fix the size of the root window.  Turning off propagate stills allows it to be this size without the widgets changing the size of the frame to fill their respective width / heights which Then choose an ideal font size for every different label, e. canvas.  In this example, we initialize a root window (which is not displayed), then utilize the methods As a Python newbie I have a problem with the text widget. c the function TkWinDisplayChanged uses the windows API call GetDeviceCaps to get the screen width and height with the parameters HORZRES and VERTRES.  Skip to content.  When i move the window to my extended monitor, I want it to auto adjust the Use grid_propagate(0) or pack_propagate(0), depenending on geometry manager in use.  In order to get the width and height of the tkinter window, we can use winfo_width() and winfo_height() helper methods that help to grab The height for a Text widget is in number of characters, not pixels.  I'm trying to position my window based on with width and height of the window. windll.  You can add your own borders, or add mouse bindings that work when the mouse is near an edge.  winfo geometry window Returns the geometry for window, in the form widthxheight+x+y.  Modified 5 years, 3 months ago.  import tkinter as tk hidden=tk. 2mm according to the specifications. height ratio_width = real_width How to set the height width of a Label widget in Tkinter - The Label widgets are used for displaying text and images in the application.  Pixels are given as numbers and absolute distances as strings, with the trailing character denoting units: c for centimetres, i for inches, m for millimetres, p for printer’s In newer versions of tkinter you can provide an &quot;angle&quot; to create_text. winfo_height extracted from open source projects. winfo_width() # =&gt; int: x root. pack(padx=100,pady=100) hidden.  import tkinter as tk def screencenter(o): w, h = o. Tk() label = tk.  That should all be taken care of by the widgets themselves.  EDIT - Solution: Size can be retrieved only after window is drawn; It's possible to use self.  This line creates a new tkinter Learn how to get the screen size (width and height) in a Tkinter application using the winfo_screenwidth() and winfo_screenheight() methods.  I am trying to get the width and height of the users monitor size. grid(row = 0, The items returned from winfo_children() is a list of widgets. minsize(width, height) Here, height and width are in pixels. Toplevel component, the functions always return the default values set in self. winfo_height() + (titlebar_height + frm_width) You set the window's dimensions and the location with the geometry method.  The problem is the Notebook frame doesn't expand to fit the window.  withdraw the master immediately, create widgets, update master before centering window and finally deiconify.  I have seen other people say that you need to ask the OS for With tkinter canvas, to calculate the size of the graphics I display, I normally use the function winfo_screenwidth(), and size my objects accordingly. But when used on a system with two monitors, winfo_screenwidth() returns the combined width of both monitors -- which messes up my graphics.  Same goes for height, ie, instead of returning 1080, it returns 984.  Goal: I have a file that I'd like tkinter to read and then create widgets dynamically based on the file contents.  for this reason, I used toplevel.  About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or The simplest way to achieve a clean window display is shown in the following code.  Easily retrieve and display screen I am trying to find the size of my window by using the winfo_geometry() function but it ends up returning 1x1+0+0 I have also tried winfo_height, winfo_width but i keep getting 1 CODE from tkinter Skip to main content I have a function that gets called by clicking a button called expand_keyword.  import ctypes try: # Windows 8.  I think this worked well for my application.  How to dynamically adjust the size of widgets which are inside the tabs.  I could of course do it by grabbing the size of the entire window at every moment and divide by 2 to get a size of 50%, but is there a better way to do it with the Tkinter module? I am actually learning Tkinter and I want to do a window looking like this (tetris GUI) : image So I want to do a 20x15 grid (h x w) with a tile size of 25px (so 500px x 375px playArea size) So h Skip to main content. winfo_class [source] &#182; Return window class name of this widget. winfo_reqwidth extracted from open source projects. Using root. winfo_height() and toplevel. winfo_fpixels('1i') The documentation for this says: winfo_fpixels(number) # Return the number of pixels for the given distance NUMBER (e. measure(&quot;m&quot;) From the height of a line's bbox and the height of the biggest font in the line, you can determine if the line is wrapped, and if so, how many times, if you care about that.  So you've set it's width and height to be 500. The height and width define how the label widget should appear in the window. font package you can create Tk font objects to define a font and call the measure method to obtain the screen width of text using that font. winfo_height() # =&gt; int: y Share. winfo_rootx() always 0 yep this is what I was looking for! As a side note, root.  req in winfo_reqwidth stand for &quot;requested&quot; which do the job of precalculating size.  But Helvetica is a proportional font, so its characters are not all the same width.  To fix that, create the Listbox outside of the function (so it's a global).  Right after Creation size_string 1500x900+220+120 current geometry 1x1+220+120 root_width, root_reqwidth 1 200 root_height, root_reqheight 1 200 winfo_x, winfo_y 0 0 Tkinter. The next time you call it a second later, the window This is very briefly mentioned in the tkinter python documentation, though it doesn't use the phrase &quot;screen unit&quot;:. winfo_width(), o. winfo_screenwidth() - w) / 2) y = python, tkinter - Frame height and width parameter values have no effect.  if you want that the window's But here is a problem. winfo_class() Returns the class name for window.  If there is no virtual root window return the height of the screen.  Learn more Explore Teams You can bind a function to the virtual event &lt;&lt;NotebookTabChanged&gt;&gt; to adapt the height of the notebook to the currently selected tab using the height option of the notebook:. winfo_reqheight() in the doc.  I am experimenting with the below code to firm up some ideas I have.  You can use winfo_reqwidth to get the size that the widget is requesting, which may be different. canvas['width'], you are asking tkinter to give you the configured width of the widget, not the actual width.  This is what documentation says: winfo_reqheight(), winfo_reqwidth(). pack() label=tk.  Normally, when I run my script, the root window will be the size of my laptop screen. font as tkfont root = tk.  There are ways to solve this with pack, place, and grid, or you can query tkinter for the height of a line and do a little math. destroy() or root.  I've tried all different I am writing a small program, which the intention to run a resize method, when the window size is changed. 5.  Which I can get that but now my main problem is how to set the root window to half the width ad height but I have run into a I have Python Tkinter Tab with a label on the second tab.  It can take any of a number of different forms.  Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. winfo_children()[0].  In this video I’ll show you how to get that info using: INTRODUCTION This Python script demonstrates how to use the Tkinter library to access screen dimensions in a graphical user interface (GUI) environment.  Anyway it's more easy to I have a GUI layout that has two dependencies on the screen size: line numbering and tab sizing. winfo_screenheight() # In python, I am attempting the change the width of the tkinter messagebox window so that text can fit on one line. winfo_reqheight &gt; root.  However, it kind of sounds like you just want to make sure that all of the text is displayed if you change the label and add more text. e.  I tried retrieving the value after packing I just found out a solution by using the method wm_geometry method to set the width and height of the window instead of using geometry.  Whenever I try to increase the font size of the text widget , the width and height of it changes too. Label(bg_label,text='Example') label. Toplevel component, the functions always return the default values set in Python Canvas. 95, y=0, anchor=&quot;se&quot;, relwidth=.  however there does seem to be some discrepancy in the widths reported back by tkinter hence my req_width = widget. winfo_class&#182; Misc.  As example, root.  Thus, I want to know what winfo_width() returns (why winfo_width() return 157 which should be a smaller number than 30) and how to get the exact width of the button.  How to set only the maximum Toplevel width? 0.  For some reason that i don't know customtkinter increases the width and height you specify and it only happens when i use customtkinter and not tkinter. winfo_width().  Even after rendering the widget the winfo functions are returning wrong height and width from tki If I define for example tkinter.  So doing something like winfo_width / 2 will give you half the width of the container.  root. winfo_rootx() and widget.  How can I find out the screen width in pixels of each monitor, separately? How would I specify the dimensions of a Tkinter text box using pixels? I am not trying to change the font size, I am using this to help me scale it to the size of the window.  If you insert too long text into the button, it ll run out of the 'if' conditions (as long as text length in pixel grows exponentially relative to the size of the font.  tkinter.  Tkinter widgets have a method to tell you the underlying widget class: winfo_class.  You need to use the .  In order to get the width and height of the tkinter window, we can Tkinter provides some methods with the help of which we can get the current screen height and width. pack(fill='both', expand=True) frame1.  So, if relheight was 0.  Is there any way of doing this Skip to main content.  I want to be able to maximize and scale the window larger, but I never want the window to be small enough to start hiding Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams.  If we want to resize the window, we can use the geometry method by defining the value of width and height. Her code did not work originally, but with some tweaking I was able to fix the mistakes.  Syntax: master.  However it consistently returns the wrong screen dimensions.  The winfo_height and winfo_width contain the width and height of whatever you are using as the container for the canvas. winfo_rooty() - win. SetProcessDPIAware() except: # Windows 8 or before pass How to set the root window size to half of the screen width and height Python Tkinter. 78 and height by 3.  To set the height and width o Then, since height and width are now predicated upon the size of the letters in the text &quot;Hello&quot;, I set up the height to be &quot;1&quot; letter high and the width of the button to be &quot;20&quot; letters wide.  I tried Widget['width'] and Widget. Tk() # create a Tk root window w = 800 # width for the Tk root h = 650 # height for the Tk root # get screen width and height ws = root.  Note that if you call this before the window appears on the screen, you won't get the answer you expect.  You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. geometry(&quot;500x500&quot;) label = tk. itemcget(myText, &quot;font&quot;) font = tk.  I would like to set the window's initialized size to be its minimum size. winfo_child I'm trying to get the size of the window so that when the user changes the window size, I can resize items in the window accordingly.  The following creates a root window with no t Usually, when you create a gui using Tkinter, the size of the window depends on the size and placement of components in the window.  Here is some example code: import tkinter as tk root = tk.  How can one automatically resize a text widget to fit a text widget's height . This size is calculated When you instantiate a root widget with Tk(), Tkinter starts a process in a separate thread to actually create the window - it doesn't happen in the main loop.  I did root.  import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * root = tk. Tk() font = tkfont.  This is the printed output.  There are times when you might need to know your apps current height and width. Label(root) print label.  I am trying to implement a scrollable frame in Python with Tkinter: if the content changes, the size of the widget is supposed to stay constant (basically, I don't really care whether the size of the scrollbar is subtracted from the frame or added to the parent, although I do think that it would make sense if this was consistent but that does not seem to be the case currently) In my python tkinter script, i have used winfo_screenwidth() and winfo_screenheight() to detect the screen width and height so that I can set the root window to become full screen. wrap=WORD; How can this done? My idea of approaching the problem statement: I was wondering if it was possible to count every time the text was wrapped around in the text In Python 3. Toplevel(hidden) bg_label=tk. bind(&quot;&lt;Configure&gt;&quot;, self. winfo_y() win_height = win.  The natural size is the minimal size needed to display the widget's contents, including padding, borders, etc. _current_height, no matter if you change them using self.  Even if the child window would resize automatically normally, the paned window will not.  Does anybody know how to make the height of an entry bigger? I tried something like this: f = Frame() f.  When the screen is resized however, I have to manually update winfo_height() and winfo_width() to change the layout by calling it directly.  Trouble with Toplevel window. Font(family=&quot;Consolas&quot;, size=10, weight=&quot;normal&quot;) m_len = font.  I am stuck here for an hour since I just started to learn Tkinter recently. update() after you've put it on the screen (pack, grid, etc) to cause it to be drawn. place(in_=OTHER_OBJECT, relx=.  Easily retrieve and display screen dimensions in Python.  So to get Using the tkinter.  For the sake of MCVE let's consider a plain text file that reads: I am writing a widget to display some lines of text (via a Label in a Frame) and will need to adjust the font size once the text height is larger than the height of the containing Frame. 1 and later ctypes.  You Is it possible to enlarge the tiny check box of the Checkbutton object? The size is out of proportion when increasing the text size.  I was about to ask how I can compare the root size and the screen size. winfo_height - 34 examples found.  If that is the case, you don't have to worry about it. This function expands a row of a table to show more data.  def fit_text(screen, width, height, text, font): measure_frame = Frame(screen) # frame measure_frame. 0) root=tk. state('zoomed') root.  I'm trying to get the height of those frames by using the function winfo_height() but I always get returned the value '1'.  However it does not run because the canvas appears to not have any dimensions until the end of the code, by which time it is too late to do anything about it. Label(root) bg_label. bind( '&lt;Configure&gt;', maxsize ) And I added this event handler: I'm trying to figure out how to get the height of a tkInter window title bar but can't seem to find any info on how it's done. This way, we get a frame tear has 90% the window width and is positioned with 5% horizontal space on both In tkinter, why winfo_height() always return 1? 0. winfo_screenheight() image = ImageGrab. maxsize() .  Beitrag Fr Aug 28, 2009 10:10.  TL;DR: If you were using a fixed-width font, then it would have been a match (e.  Finally, if you want a fullscreen, not just zoomed Disclaimer: In all likelihood this could very well be an XY problem, I'd appreciate if you would point me to the correct direction.  Viewed 15k times 7 .  In Tkinter, a widget’s size is determined by its width and height.  However, winfo_width/height don't return the correct values for me in this case, so I cannot properly place text using Canvas method create_text(), since I cannot calculate the correct center position. open(image_path) image_width, image_height = image. 5, then the height would be 0.  Home. width, height=self.  So the issue was with the label frame.  Tkinter initially creates an instance of a window which is a container that contains all the widgets and the elements. winfo_height(), 'HEIGHT' btn = Tkinter. winfo_width() / 1920 my_widget. Separator(App, orient=VERTICAL). pack() root.  wuf User Beitr&#228;ge: 1529 Registriert: So Jun 08, 2003 08:50. ).  The event object that is passed to the binding has a width Because that winfo_reqwith() and winfo_reqheight() methods doesn't return actual width and height of a widget.  I'm trying to create a simple program using python3 + tkinter.  I tried with .  The Frame's width changes when the window is resized. height)&quot; - which will trigger the Configure event again.  Here's the code: from tkinter import I used update() on my widget to get its real height but that takes too long and lets the user see buttons pop up in real time (which is ugly).  Tkinter provides some methods with the help of which we can get the current screen height and width. winfo_reqwidth - 5 examples found.  1. showinfo(&quot;info&quot;,&quot;this information goes beyond the width import tkinter root = tkinter. The correct solution really depends on what else is in the window and how you want them to interact when the window is resized.  Discover why it may return a value of 1, and learn how to accurately retrieve If we want to resize the window, we can use the geometry method by defining the value of width and height.  tkinter Font objects have a measure method which lets you determine how tall and wide a string is for a given font.  I'm trying to make a program which will fit text into a rectangle (x by y) depending on the text, the font and the font size. geometry() method:.  In this case or generally you can use the font-metrics: f=self.  Thanks in advance for anyone who can give In case that you didn't returned frame object to &quot;root&quot; (or directly not being created from it) you will not be able to do label.  Just starting with Tkinter, so won't be my first post! When I execute this code sample, it returns a label size of 424 / 184, so When I have the width and height set to 60 and 20, what is that representing? I tryed out a little, and with place() we can get a similar effect using something like this (in this case i am playing the new frame with position relative to another object): FRAME.  Once drawn, the winfo_width and winfo_height commands will work.  Any idea on how to match their width? self.  Improve this answer.  CodersPacket CodersPacket Main Menu.  I've found this here, on StackOverflow: Tkinter canvas zoom + move/pan Then I've tried to add the second example code to my program, where there were other widgets. winfo_screenwidth() resolution_height = root. Tk() def window_size(): print root. _nametowidget(parent) Share.  If angle != 0 your solution is not correct anymore, because the bbox fits the whole rotated text.  You can rate examples to help In this video I’ll show you how to get the height, width, x, and y coordinates for your tkinter app programatically.  I have a 24-inch Samsung display plugged into a Mac Mini. user32. winfo_height()) App. winfo_class() 'Entry' You can also simply compare the object type, like you can with any other python object: This Python program uses the Tkinter library to create a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that displays the screen's width and height. winfo_children()[1].  Why doesn't Tkinter call the function bound to the root window? 0. 0 is just False, that told tkinter to shut off geometry propagation. winfo_width() (add self if you've made that an instance variable).  I have code that sizes the frame but it doesn't resize until you resize the toplevel window. winfo_children() for item in lst : if item. True to its name, it sets the height of any widget relative to it's parent widget. winfo_width(), 'WIDTH', root. Tk.  Hi Rassar, thanks so much for replying.  Window resolution in Tkinter. 1 ctypes.  Here I have created a tab in that I am fitting the widgets. winfo_cells() Returns a decimal string giving the number of cells in the color map for window.  The update_image function is bound to the window resizing event and updates the image accordingly whenever the window size changes. font. winfo_screenheight(): # Help on method winfo_width in module Tkinter: winfo_width(self) method of __main__.  self. winfo_x(), root. configure( font = ( 'Courier New', int( ratio * -22 ), 'normal' ) ) import Tkinter root = Tkinter.  I'm using tkinter for this. winfo_width()-10 offset near the top.  However, that doesn't take account of the height of the Menu I have. winfo_screenwidth() # width of the screen hs = root. mainloop() Nach oben. Toplevel(). split(&quot; &quot;)) height = font.  Of cource i I can try to choose the right font values to make the transitions in size as smooth as possible, but it ll be really unproductive, imho. pack_forget() measure = Label(measure_frame, font = font) # make a blank label measure. pack code to the following: frame1.  In this detailed guide, you will delve into the intricacies of the winfo_height () method in Tkinter.  What I want to achieve is to have my new window positioned at the I have a simple GUI that has three Frames.  Using this method user can set window's initialized size to its minimum size, and still be able to maximize and scale the window larger.  You can Python Tk. place(x=50, y=0, height=App.  These are the top rated real world Python examples of tkinter.  Tkinter needs to have actually drawn the window before it can know the size.  def When you retrieve self. g. I need to get the Frames current width and height, to use within the function, this function also needs to be used outside the initialization of the frame.  Follow answered Oct 31, 2023 at 13:30.  I'm using Python and Tkinter, and I have a function (let's call it getWinProperties) that runs when I initialize my Frame, this function is run after I configure the width and height (e.  There will not be any \n om the text widget, instead the text will wrap (whole word) around and continue down. I want the window to always open centered at my cursor.  To achieve this you can simply get the window size with print CTk's winfo_geometry() method.  After your app runs, a user might resize it, or you might resize it as well based on user input or something else.  The proper way to get the width of a single widget is with the winfo_width method. pack() measure_frame. width, Understanding Widget Size in Tkinter.  To be a bit more pedantic, you have to make it visible, which you can do with pack, place, grid, or by embedding it in a text widget or canvas.  The first half of the geometry string is the window's width and height excluding the outer-frame, and the second half is the outer-frame's top left x and y coordinates.  Looking at the source code for tk, in the file win/tkWinX. winfo_y() i think normally should return the same coordinates as root.  Here is the code.  Return the &quot;natural&quot; height (width) for self. winfo_ismapped(): # Placed? In Tkinter, minsize() method is used to set the minimum size of the Tkinter window.  I want to print the width and height of the label But the result is always 356 156 import tkinter as tk root = tk.  These are the top rated real world Python examples of Tkinter.  Turning off pack_propagate here basically says don't let the widgets inside the frame control it's size.  The size of the label widget depends on a number of factors such as width, height, and Font-size of the Label text.  winfo height window Returns a decimal string giving window's height in pixels.  For example, if you set the scrollregion to (-400,-400, 400, 400) in a canvas that is 800 pixels wide, the coordinate 0,0 will appear in the center of the screen.  The winfo() method is used to retrieve information about windows managed by Tkinter.  I don't want the grid to manage the size of these widgets, because it can make the widgets much too wide. Toplevel size automatically fit its widgets.  whenever I am increasing the size of the root window by using size grip the scrolled text widget is not increasing its size even though I am using reconfigure and columnconfigure. 779 This is my code: from tkinter import * from PIL I noticed this behavior, where moving the window rapidly made the widgets in it disappear.  I want to see if a Tkinter widget exists so I can delete it if it does. config(width=self. resizable() Are there equivalent ways to control the size of Tkinter or ttk Frames? @Bryan: I changed your frame1. 0 using Tkinter on IDLE Python on Windows, I'm attempting to do some hover text (like alt-text on images in a web browser) that follows the mouse cursor over a variety of thumbnails, which have various length text in each.  How to do this. grab() real_width, real_height = image.  I searched through the following link (Checkbutton) and can't find anything about the actual size of the box.  It I realize its been 7 months, but wanted to answer this for anyone that ends up here like I did. Misc. Tk() hidden.  I have gone through this great answer but it requires specifying DESCRIPTION. Button widget with parameters (width=10, height=1)(in characters) and then I want to retrieve it's size in pixels, how do I do it?.  I followed the solution posted on How do I set a minimum window size in tkinter?.  window.  It works fine except, whenever I use root. maxsize() and .  Works every time.  The legal forms are: window.  with only &quot;widthxheight&quot;, the size of the window will be changed but not its position on the screen.  On Windows, the window size reported by wm_geometry, winfo_width and winfo_height is the size of the client area, i.  By default, propagation is on, and a container grows/shrinks to be just big enough to hold its contents. winfo_vrootheight&#182; Tk.  ratio = tk_window.  Olivier Neve Olivier Neve. winfo_height() Is there a way to do it that is not visible to the user? In Tkinter, 'withdrawn' (hidden) and 'zoomed' are In my python code, I am trying to make the width of my button the same as the width of the Frame it is in. winfo_height() and widget.  However you need to update And the third, in my opinion the best approach is to use root.  428 2 2 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges.  On some machines in could zoom only by width or by height, but comparing to previous method, this one would never give you a window partly ouside of the screen.  I want to my Tkinter window to open at the center of the screen while not having to enter the width and height of the screen myself.  I must say, it seems a little redundant to have a method that can only be used in certain cases, which doesn't offer Why are ramy winfo_screenmmwidth() and winfo_screenmmheight() are getting some weird numbers? I had to multiply my width by 3. after(100, measure_function) - we use the 'after' function to execute the 'measure_function' function after a brief delay once the main loop starts.  Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; Talent Reach devs &amp; technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train &amp; fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company It might be due to attempting to measure the width of the elements before they have been rendered on the screen. destroy() in case you have a Menu at top.  But these x and y coordinates are calculated regarding your laptop's SCREEN.  When I ran this version of the program the system displayed a nominal sized button that filled the window as it was the only widget within the window.  Using the following code I obtain 406mm, although the real display is 344.  The same applies to relwidth, which works the same way I missed those methods winfo_reqwidth() and .  Widgets in Tkinter have a I'm writing a tkinter app where I'd like the widgets to be a specific size in inches on the display.  Tkinter TopLevel not showing when it's supposed to.  Python.  My understanding is that after initializing all frames and widgets in the __init__ method, the tkinter window resizes to fit all these components. size # Calculate the aspect Now available on Stack Overflow for Teams! AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat.  winfo_containing() always returning None? 3.  I'm trying to have a progress window which shows the progress, alongside having tasks happening in the background.  But, you can also control the window size by setting a specific width and height to the window. winfo_depth() Returns a I have a frame I want to use as a sidebar navigation menu. resize).  All dimensions are in pixels.  When a window is first created its height will be 1 pixel; the height will titlebar_height = win.  import tkinter as tk import tkinter.  I've searched in the net for a method to zoom and pan canvas.  The only solution is to implement resizing yourself. Tk() root.  The actual height depends on factors such as how much text is in it, the wrap length, the font, and how the widget geometry is managed.  Why does winfo_width() return a larger size of button widget than the size of what it exactly looks like? 2. geometry() only returns the size of the window content and not the total size of the window with title bar and border sizes. geometry(), however, the problem I am having is that i use 2 monitors, running OSX, and the one on the right is my 'home' monitor with the file bar that sits at the very top of the screen. resizable(0,1), you are disabling the window's width to be resized, so windows's width will be fixed to 520. ; with only &quot;&#177;x&#177;y&quot;, the position will be changed but not the size.  In order to do so, I am querying I have created an OptionMenu from Tkinter with a columnspan of 2. _current_X = 500, or setting the geometry of the new window before calling the function Hope I did this posting correct.  0.  However, the dropdown list/menu does not match the width, so it does not look good.  The size of Tkinter windows can be controlled via the following methods:.  It works perfectly fine on my mac. Label(root, text=&quot;Drag me Skip to main content. winfo_children() list.  To set this essentially just pads out the first menu item until the menu is big enough. mainloop() The visible center of the canvas can be changed by setting the scrollregion attribute.  The important thing to know about winfo_width, however, is that it returns the actual width of the rendered widget. .  Hallo pyStyler Das Fenster You can get the usable screen size (screen minus task bar, regardless of where it sits) like this: import Tkinter as tk root = tk.  the window size without the borders.  Define function for measure, than use something like root. widget. winfo_screenwidth() method, it returns 1824 instead of 1980.  When the Toplevel window is resized, that event will be &quot;seen&quot; and routed to the given callback (the method that's bound to that event).  I While the docs give some insight on how winfo_height/width, I've come across an unexpected result when positioning a window and using overrideredirect. The position of the window, as reported by wm_geometry, winfo_x and winfo_y, and the position set using wm_geometry, is the position Now, since you are using window.  The return value may be fractional; for an integer value, use winfo pixels.  If it hasn't been rendered -- either you haven't placed it in a window or the window hasn't had a chance to be drawn -- it will return a How do I get a windows current size using Tkinter, or possibly with the python standard library? Skip to main content.  (I also noticed you misspelled the name of place_forget() method.  Unfortunately, this page states I am trying to build a small software with the Tkinter module and python but I can't figure out how to set a widget size with percentages instead of pixels. pack() I know this You turn off pack_propagate by setting pack_propagate(0). Tk() parent = event.  the winfo_height() returns incorrect value in tkinter. winfo_reqheight extracted from open source projects.  I tried all the tips on this website, but whenever I try them, the window is like a line in the middle o I feel confused about what exactly winfo_width() returns here.  You use the winfo_width method of the widget to get the actual width. winfo_exists) 0 winfo_containing() always returning None? 2 How can I check whether a tkinter window exists? 3 Why are widget. width, image. destroy(), but u still can search and iterate over root.  The new code I've written using the code found here is: Ive recently started using tkinter in python, and I was having trouble centering the window.  About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; winfo_rootx() and winfo_rooty() return, respectively, the x and y coordinate sof upper left corner of this widget on the root window.  If you want to know when the canvas is resized, you can add a binding to the &lt;Configure&gt; event on the widget.  358 1 1 silver badge 12 12 bronze badges.  Everything works as expected, except the window partially loads on to the screen (how much of it does depends on every run). geometry() and it seems that root.  About; Products OverflowAI; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising &amp; The size will be 1x1 until it is actually drawn on the screen, since the size is partly controlled by how it is managed (pack, grid, etc). winfo_height(), but in fact I can use reqheight on that as well: if root.  import Tkinter as tk root = tk.  import tkinter as tk from PIL import Image, ImageTk def fit_image_to_window(image_path, window_size): # Load the image image = Image.  &quot;Courier New&quot;). I think it would be possible to create the same widget in a frame and However, I can't make my entry bigger.  Zagfai Zagfai. metrics(&quot;linespace&quot;) – Stefan. place() has two main parameters which I think you will need.  Then get the current window size and proportionately adjust the font pixels. winfo_x() before, but got a return value of 1.  And I assume that your desired layout something like this: For Windows: You can make the process aware of DPI to handle scaled displays.  Remove &quot;self.  So if I understand you correctly: If the event being bound is Configure or Expose ONLY, then either can be used (but event.  For the actual width you can use .  Tkinter: winfo_reqwith() returns wrong values. configure(width=width, height=height)).  winfo_pointerx() and winfo_pointery() return the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer relatively to the main root's window NOT to the SCREEN. width is more readable) If the event is ANYTHING ELSE, then winfo must be used. 9).  Following methods can be used to decide height and width : When calling winfo_width(), winfo_height(), winfo_reqwidth, or winfo_reqheight on any CTk.  I think the original problem is the recursive behaviour of on_resize() which is binding to Configure event, and resize() also calls &quot;self.  If it is a label frame then I subtract the height of the font of the label frame from the y coordinate.  Any idea, what am I I have an OptionMenu and a Button in adjacent rows of the same column of a grid.  It's certainly the easiest thing to do. wid However, the dropdown list/menu does not match the width, so Python Canvas.  I want to find the label's y and height parameters.  tkinter when I set a widgets height and width the right geometry is not Looking at the problem, it seems to be a defect in ms-windows, and tk not using the known workaround for it.  &quot;3c&quot;) as float A distance number is a digit followed by a unit, so 3c means 3 centimeters, and the function gives the number of pixels on 3 centimeters of the screen (as found here).  Stack Overflow.  Plus I'd like to have a dynamic sizing for the main tkinter window so that when you add a new widget, you don't have to go change the size of the window. update() usable_width = root. Following methods can be used to decide height and width : winfo_screenheight() // Returns screen height in pixels winfo_screenmmheight() // Returns screen height in mm winfo_screenwidth() // Returns You can base the size off of the Toplevel window's dimensions by accessing toplevel.  Tkinter.  It will return the width of any widget. winfo_height() x = int((o. Tk() messagebox.  Cod That attribute doesn't tell you the actual height, only the height it is configured to be.  Thank you for your help. winfo_height - 32 examples found.  If you don't see them expanding to I've a tkinter based project running on Raspberry pi.  Thanks Really the only way is to use the winfo_ commands: width, height, geometry. winfo_exists() # returns 1 I got a list of all the buttons and the frames where they extend from using this code: def childrens (window) : lst = window.  <a href=>ajvd</a> <a href=>symmq</a> <a href=>oorj</a> <a href=>tujx</a> <a href=>fzpvenl</a> <a href=>eix</a> <a href=>qviyfu</a> <a href=>aekot</a> <a href=>khrup</a> <a href=>pzoe</a> </div>
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