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I am doing a university project and need some help.</h2> </div> <!-- <div class="list-sub" style="margin-top:50px;"><h5>09 Sep 2010</h5></div> --> <br> <div class="list-content" style="overflow: auto;"> <p><img src="/web/attachment/show/?docid=RCtVUUNCQlRNUVZjbStUajlRZnFtQT09OjqDOO_GiAQTYm4bnhcD_GdJ" style="border: 0px solid black;" border="0"></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="template_theme_detect" data-template="template_subpage_"> <div id="template_subpage_useful_link" class="all-logos grey quicks row all-small"> <div class="container small-bottom"> </div> <div class="col-md-12 align-center bg"> <div class="container small-bottom"> <div class="subpage_myCarousel17 carousel carousel-fade carousel-showothers slide" id="subpage-useful-link-carousel-tilenav17" data-interval="false"> <div class="carousel-inner"> <div class="item active"> <span class="uqlinks"> <div class="qicons"> <img alt="" src="/web/attachment/show/?docid=Y2RSczA0UndkNzV2aTJIU0VhWmtrQT09OjokK19FeeDPCg-prOHZNJnt"> </div> </span> </div> <div class="item"> <span class="uqlinks"> <div class="qicons"> <img alt="" src="/web/attachment/show/?docid=dllwdWVlUXU3MWxHTW5vU1c4ODRSUT09OjoE963b0FaUX1XOyeDv7VvF"> </div> </span> </div> <div class="item"> <span class="uqlinks"> <div class="qicons"> <img alt="" src="/web/attachment/show/?docid=TnVHRHVuYUd3TnExc0ZRSjRGYnMwUT09Ojpk3IJd41MOqQc7MVR9J1zg"> </div> </span> </div> <div class="item"> <span class="uqlinks"> <div class="qicons"> <img alt="" src="/web/attachment/show/?docid=VnlIMStycnFhakI0Y0taTk81bmQ5Zz09OjqtmTrE-OYTegC04eyFyWVL"> </div> </span> </div> </div> <span class="left carousel-control"></span> <span class="right carousel-control"></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="template_theme_detect" data-template="template6_"> <div id="template6_footer"> <!-- FOOTER --> <footer> </footer> <div class="row small-top-bottom"> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-4 small-left-right cop"> <p class="cp">Obd2 arduino project Besides providing easy-to-use OBD-II data access, it also An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus. Gather the Components: Arduino board (Arduino Uno is a popular choice) OBD2 connector (male) OBD2 protocol converter (e. This project supports the ISO-9141-2 K-Line interface. Arduino Car Display: I built an on-board diagnostics (OBD-II) based display using a 7" TFT LCD from Adafruit, a Teensy 3. Host and manage packages Security. Gather Your Tools: An Arduino Board: The Arduino Uno is a great starting point. Hi everybody, I'm working on a Project to connect my electic Vehicle (Hyundai Ioniq) to the clound (thingsboard. This product works as a vehicle OBD-II data bridge for Arduino, providing OBD-II data access with Arduino library as well as power supply (converted and regulated from OBD-II port) for Arduino and its attached devices. LCD shield. The ReadME Project. First question : Which canbus shield / Arduino combination? I would probably dedicate an arduino, to this job - ideally both the arduino and the shield need to be Hello I'm looking for basically for some guidance on my project to connect a arduino to a car or mini van. Now that you have a basic understanding of the OBD-II protocols and how to work with the various communication tools available, it's time to make your own project! If you have any feedback, please visit the comments or contact our technical support team at TechSupport@sparkfun. I know there's an obd2 interface for arduino to pull the information from my ecu into the arduino. But what if you could delve deeper and build your own DIY OBD2 Code Reader with Arduino: A Comprehensive Guide - OBD Free US Will This Code work? Basically i am trying build a sequential led tachometer. Click the Install button to install the library. So would this project work if i plug it into my dads van which is a GM compare to if i plug it into my brothers car which is a Acura. Our guide provides detailed steps for a professional and integrated design. Stuff you need. I am trying to find a definitive way of measuring steering angle of a car, The subject car is equipped with power steering and has adaptive cruise control so I believe it will have the ability to be manipulated via OBD-II port and capture real time steering angle capturing, Also I currently am in possession of an ESP32 microcontroller so I was thinking how can I first Hello. Arduino Uno powered OBD2 ECU Simulator 'Stand alone or qt5 GUI control' - spoonieau/OBD2-ECU-Simulator. This will allow for communication between the Arduino and the cars commuter. It just makes vehicle connectivity easy with dedicated Arduino library and also provides 5V power supply for Arduino from the 12V DC output from OBD-II port. :) Once you get everything connected you can then place the Arduino inside a box of your choice or however, you would like to hold the OBD II reader. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, these projects allow you to gain valuable insights into your car’s performance and create custom solutions tailored to your needs. Gather the Components: 2. It is simple to put something like a voltage divider or a MC7805 on the battery source, cutting down An Arduino Obd2 Scanner offers a cost-effective and customizable way to access your vehicle’s diagnostic data. I want to read a car's speed using OBD-II connector. I An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus - arduino-OBD2/src/OBD2. Delving into the world of car diagnostics can be an exciting endeavor, especially with the versatility of Arduino. This article explores how to build one, covering everything from hardware requirements to software setup and data interpretation. Wired OBDII to Arduino as: OBD TX -> ARDUINO RX OBD RX-> ARDUINO TX OBD GND -> ARDUINO GND As far as i understand OBDII board does all the job and it's just With this fantastic DIY Arduino project, you can make your wish come true. By that I mean I have some experience with c++. I can not initialize the k-line and I am not able to An Arduino library for reading OBD-II data from your car over CAN bus. #arduino #nextion #arduinonano #hc05 #obd2 #bluetooth #display #hmi #github #saej1 You signed in with another tab or window. 0. , ELM327) Jumper wires; Breadboard (optional) 2. Supported OBD2 Features supports up to 8 OBD2 capable ECUs Car to Arduino Communication: CAN Bus Sniffing and Broadcasting With Arduino: From Wikipedia, the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a "vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with His is the link to it Looking for advice with an OBDuino project. Second Hi. The idea would be to use a builtin Arduino library to read diagnostics etc. About us; Best OBD2 Scanner; OBD2 Scanner; OBD2 Mercedes; OBD2 BMW Mastering the OBD2 Arduino Library: Hi To all of you my friends I hope to get your help in this. This guide. Depends on the CAN library. Topics Trending Collections Enterprise Hey guys, I have an Arduino Uno that I got bought for an engineering class my freshman year of college. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. swift. I have got my self an Wireless Car ELM327 OBD2 OBDII Bluetooth Diagnostic Interface . system November 11, 2012, 8:35pm 1. And begin to hart-test it physically. The technical aspect of this project involves integrating the Arduino with your car's ignition system, Everything is connected to your car through This project cries out to be treated as a state machine, on which at least two members here have info: How am i going to connect the arduino with the OBD2 is way above my knowledge level. If I put the same code on a nodemcu board (I want this because of wifi) and also same wiring and same elm327 (rx / tx and gnd) is not working anymore. ELMduino download and GitHub Link This library is also installable via the Arduino IDE's Libraries Manager. Besides providing easy-to-use OBD-II data access, it also MQTT OBD Vehicle Telemetry. Just to get the feel of it and get familiar with the enviroment and so on. Hey guys, I'm interested in trying to make this car gauge (actually it could be simpler, I just want Arduino OBD-II Bluetooth Scanner Interface Library for Car Hacking Projects. Please let me know if this is possible, or if i should consider using a different This is a digital car gauge based on the OBDuino Arduino code. New to the forum, and new to arduino here. Arduino OBD2: INTRODUCTION It's a project to find out the road speed with the Arduino with the help of OBDII and GPS. Freematics Makes It Easy If you want to start car hacking through your OBD-II port using a bluetooth scanner - ELMduino is for you. ELM327 USB OBD-II Adapter for Arduino is a product that works as a vehicle OBD-II data bridge for Arduino (literally all embedded platforms) with open-source Arduino library provided. You can use this library to interface with OBD-II scanners such as this common one and will work with any car that has an OBD-II port: And you can use it to The world of automotive diagnostics is no longer a mystery thanks to the advent of OBD2 scanners. I know most connections or all of the are the same connector. Updated May 18, 2024; C++; iDoka / awesome Hi I'm currently working on project using an uno, serial lcd and a freematics obd2 v2. It provides high-speed OBD-II data access and integrates 9-DOF motion sensor with built-in sensor fusion algorithm. I used an Arduino Nano and CAN-BUS module (Joy-it SBC-CAN01 tiskano vezje za razvijalce 1 kos Primerno za (razvojni Hi, Im wondering is it is possible to read OBD2 without an extra adaptor so just the arduino and wires. Creating your own Arduino OBD2 interface is a manageable project, even for those new to electronics. Choose Sketch-> Include Library-> Manage Libraries; Type OBD2 into the search box. As the title suggests, I'm looking to build an obd2 gauge cluster and trip computer for my truck. Hi Guys, I'm really hoping someone could point me in the right direction to get me started with my project! Im trying to parse information from a serial string using the arduino, its connected to the OBD port of my BMW E65. Download as a zip. Project description. So I could connect trough bluetooth with my arduino and make it read and display the Using Arduino. car arduino elm hud obd vehicle elm327 obd2 obdii carhacking obdii-library heads-up-display. Freematics OBD-II Adapter for Arduino. Hi everyone! So I'm just now learning a little about learning just a very little bit about OBD-II interpretation. h at master · sandeepmistry/arduino-OBD2 This will be achieved by using the Pi-OBD add-on board or DXM OBD2 module and OBD2 software from a previous project, ‘Firmware Update for OBD2-Analyser NG’. motor running) power supply. Use Arduino for Projects esp8266 arduino projects list in pdf offline downloadable; Android based arduino Projects List Download PDF; About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright An Arduino project for reading OBD-II data from car over serial bus - fpecek/OBD2-arduino. So, the Arduino can read OBD2 vehicle data and it can read and clear emissions-related diagnostic trouble codes and inspection/maintenance readiness monitor data. The icing on the cake for Thank you for the link, nice project you have going there! If I can access the OBD-II data with an arduino alone I am going to pursue that option. I connected the CAN module to the OBD cable (CAN High and CAN Low) and to an Arduino Uno (Pins D2 and D3 for RX and TX, respectively) and plugged i. system August 5, 2011, 12:47pm 4. Networking, Protocols, and Devices. Project Guidance. h> #include Arduino OBD2 Projects | Arduino OBD2 Data Logger | OBD2 Arduino | OBD2 Scanner Bluetooth | ELM327 Hi I'm currently working on project using an uno, serial lcd and a freematics obd2 v2. Since I have lots of expertise in software programming and some knowledge about micro-controllers, it's really quick for me to start developing useful things on the Arduino platform. I've been having some car troubles lately, and I need an OBD1 scanner. I insert an image for the Dear all, I'm exploring the possibilities of using an Arduino with the OBDII port of my BMW E92 320i. I can do this with the MQTT OBD Vehicle Telemetry. Code. The first thought is building the project on an UNO as I have a number of them. Several example sketches are provided for Lettore dati obd2 bluetooth,campi e grafica completamente personalizzabili. Providing easy OBD-II connectivity for open-source hardware. I can buy an OBD2 emulator for the project. Jumper wires (generic) 1. I'm currently Connect Arduino to your car through OBD-II | ArduinoDev. Wire the Circuit: OBD-II Adapter for Arduino is a product that works as a vehicle OBD-II data bridge for Arduino (literally all embedded platforms) with open-source Arduino library provided. I try to understand a little more about the Arduino- OBD2 possibilities. This OBD library for Arduino is developed for the OBD-II Adapter for Arduino. This project is a simple demonstration of how to communicate with a car via the OBD-II (on board diagnostic) connector. 21: 3400: May 5, 2021 Looking for advice with an OBDuino project. I need to connect this arduino with the shield between laptop and the car. Hi, I'm working on a hobby project with Sparkfun OBDII UART + Arduino Uno + 16x2 LCD Screen, i'm trying to read my car's RPM-Speed-Coolant Temprature-Oxy Sensor on runtime. 25: Merhaba,Bu videoda Arduino Uno ve CAN Bus Shield kullanarak araç üzerinden OBD2 standardı ile elde ettiğimiz motor RPM değerini 16x2 karakter LCD ekrana yazd Hey guys, I've just downloaded my Arduino software and ordered my first Arduino Uno to play around a little bit with. I am investigating a project where I will interface an Arduino-based invention with the OBD2 port on a car. 1 I want to be able to read and display things like engine and coolant temp ect but I'm having issues getting info from my ute (2017 79 series landcruiser). Hello world, Anybody want to help make an open-source cruise control based on Arduino and interfaceing to obd-ii (can-bus)? Based on GitHub SymBtELM is the name of a project I have @ symbtelm download | SourceForge. The display has two pages: one for when my Honda Accord is in Building Your Own Arduino OBD2 Interface. The product and its library are compatible with all Arduino series including all 8-bit AVR based Arduino as well as 32-bit Create a custom OBD II gauge with an OEM look using Arduino. Supported OBD2 Features supports up to 8 OBD2 capable ECUs Here is what I want to use for this Arduino Uno REV 3 DIY OBD II cable using this connector https: that most are using the ELM327 or something similar which is an added $40 cost that pretty much doubles the cost of the project. This project turns the Arduino into an OBD2 on-board diagnostic tester. no description / Read More. Has anyone read the Bluetooth signal with an Arduino. The datasheet Sparkfun OBDII UART - Arduino Uno Stuck at 832RPM-13Kmh[SOLVED] Project Guidance. NEO-6M. All I need to do is to read the Speed of the vehicle using data from the obd2 k-line pin, and then to send a command to blink the brake lights when a certain decrease in speed is detected (e. io or similar) to see my charging Status while not around my car. This OBD2 port provides 12V fused power from the battery (OBD2 pin 16) but does not - as far as I can tell - provide an "ignition" (i. I have a simple task to achieve, I guess, but I'm stuck. What I would like to Educational Websites and Tutorials: Numerous online resources offer detailed guides, schematics, and code examples for various OBD2 Arduino projects. While I got my SIM As I started researching existing Arduino OBD-II projects, I came across Freematics - a homebrew company that specializes in OBD-II Arduino hardware. Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces Project description. I'm a C# programmer by profession and i like to work on cars as a hobby. 6, the Freematics OBD-II I2C Adapter, and some cheep backup sensors I found on Amazon. An OBD-II to UART Converter: This acts as the bridge between your car and Arduino, translating the OBD-II signals into something the Arduino can understand. more than 2km/h/s). marcos_s_p July 16, 2019, 3:17pm 1. I am new in arduino world . This shield gives the Hack an ELM327 Cable to Make an Arduino OBD2 Scanner: In my previous instructable i created an OBD2 Simulator so that i didn't have to test my Arduino OBD2 Reader in the car the whole time but instead in the comfort of my own After many researches and attempts to connect an Arduino with my car through the OBD-II connector and having some successful works of car dashboard gadget, I’ve finally made a kit which enables those who want to Creating your own Arduino OBD2 interface is a manageable project, even for those new to electronics. So the rx and tx pins of an hc05 module will be connected to the 2 and 3 pins of arduino. I do a lot of overlanding trips, and like to keep track of a few things related to fuel consumption and performance. Automate any workflow Packages. Sklontz October 16, 2018, 9 I am new here and just started to play with Arduino about 3 weeks ago. Skip to content. ; Click the row to select the library. From what I can understand the 79s obd2 protocol is not fully supported by the freematics obd2 which means I can only read rpm. OBD Free US. It uses ELM 327 Bluetooth dongle which has plugged in to OBD II port to grab data in wireless Hey Guys, I'm new to the arduino world but not new to programming. A few alarms, beep, beep sound, when passing 2000, 3000 and 4000 RPM. It’s a perfect project for car enthusiasts and DIY electronics hobbyists. As of now, I am unsure on how to pair both modules as the HC06 is a slave and I am not sure what really is contained in the ELM327 Adapter. Demo code of Arduino OBD-II / 0. So the aim is to decode the CANBUS or OBD2 traffic (receive only) and extract the engine coolant temperature from it and display it on a standard alphanumeric or dot matrix display. I think Arduino is so wonderful invention for us software guys. Cheers Spiros. I'm currently using the library "mcp_can" for mcp2515, and i would like to know if i can acheive this projet with the hardware components i mentioned and how can i Download OBD-II for Arduino for free. However I haven't done any actual uploading of code yet. g. The goal is to get some Arduino hardware hooked up to my cars OBDII and get some diagnostics about the car, Hi. Arduino MKR1000. GitHub community articles Repositories. If so how? If not will it be even possible to do so. The silent engine doesn't tip me for gear shifts but the alarms will do it. The project uses a bluetooth ELM327 adapter to read th An arduino project that reads old Honda OBD diagnostic protocol and translates it to ELM327 protocol, so any Android OBDII scanner apps can connect with the older Honda OBDI ECU's, and read sensor data like it was actually an OBDII ECU (for countries where Honda did NOT have to use OBDII protocol). I'm using the setup from the attached image. I would rate my skills toward the higher end of basic so I'm far from being an expert. Actually is stuck in " Connecting your Arduino to your car's OBD2 port opens a world of possibilities for understanding and even enhancing your vehicle's performance. 4: So i would like to make a project where i replace my broken in car computer screen with arduino touch screen so i could see obd info from there and also one thing would be cool if i could interact with my 1din stereo aux input. I have made some research but have found only According my understanding it's wrong - when K-line is idle it will be LOW but on idle state it should be HIGH. com . - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum I hope it's ok to post it here. What type of car (engine/ecu) are you running in your project? Paul Hi! I'm trying to create a new CANBUS line with Arduino in my car to manage sensors and aftermarket units I've added or built. First thing is there are many cars, vans and trucks out there. In my previous instructable i created an OBD2 Simulator so that i didn't have to test my Arduino OBD2 Reader in the car the whole time but instead in the comfort of my own home. Sparkfun CAN BUS shield. It uses a modified bluetooth EL327 adapter and an Arduino. This interface is Finally got the interface to work with my 2000 Peugeot 306 HDi, this shows live RPM and ECT being read. net I kind of regretted the name, the program runs on all python platforms; Hello there, I would like to connect my Arduino UNO to my car using the OBD2 K-line. What I would like to do is display things that I don't have on the car dash board. i hope anyone would give any ideas. I believe I would like some help please. RPM Hello, I need help whit my project. The project will send a message from laptop to the car through arduion. Hello, I just got the OBD-II CAN-BUS Development Kit from Seeed Studio. I want to be able to interpret sensor data and diagnostic trouble codes across a few different OBD-II ISO protocols that I have between I recommend you this Arduino OBD-II UART adapter. This connector allows you to read diagnostic codes from the car's engine control unit (ECU) and to get some real-time performance data. My design is I'm working on a project of an OBD2 scanner that reads DTC(Diagnostic trouble codes) of a car and print them on an LCD. People read OBD1 without an extra adaptor like here: https: Project Guidance. I have an arduino due with vehicle obd2 shield (This shield has "STN1110 IC"). And that your speed does not exceed the speed of the road and Interfacing Arduino to OBD-II. 1. I’m trying to make RPM shift light for my Golf MK4 TDI 2003. OBD2 Arduino schematics, once daunting, can become your gateway to unlocking the hidden language of your vehicle. The question I am asking is . Anyone know if some of the emulators (like Simuino, Virtual Breadbord or 123d) have an OBD2 emulator Hello to all,i want to read k line data from a suzuki v strom but i dont want to use a L9637,i have an elm 327 and i wonder if i can do it,i know the diagram from the bike, pin 7 in obd is k line,but i dont know if i con Arduino OBD2 projects offer an exciting and accessible way to explore the world of automotive technology. I got the code from here (did not w This product works as a data bridge between a car’s OBD port and Arduino (or similar hardware) with a dedicated open-source library provided. As far as I’ve researched, there are several alternative ways to interface an Arduino with car’s OBD-II port and each has different pros and cons. The hc05 module will be set as master and be paired with an ELM327 mini OBD2 thing. If not then I am going to have to do more research on both methods before deciding on the route to take. Connecting your Arduino to your car's onboard diagnostics (OBD-II) system opens up a world of possibilities, from building custom diagnostic tools to creating. Hi all, I have connected an arduino nano to an elm327 obd adapter (using rx / tx and common ground), and using the code below I am able to reat the rpm and coolant temperature. Breadboard (generic) 1. RPM gauge - Swift code. I hope this clarifies this project a bit more. But why take the cost if there is no point? Would really like the possibility to start in an emulator on the computer. Then connect the white wire (TX) on the OBDII UART to the Arduino's (RX) and the green (RX) to the Arduino's (TX). . Reload to refresh your session. As hardware,i have an arduino uno and an mcp2515 can controller/transceiver. Sign in Product Actions. Hello, first post, so I apologise that it's a question. While they offer a number of wired and wireless adapters for OBD-II, I decided to order up one of their V2 UART Adapters. The resulting device will allow the Pi to access and retrieve OBD2 vehicle data, as well as read and clear diagnostic trouble codes related to emissions and reset inspection/maintenance Since some time I have an idea concerning reading the data bus in the car for RPM, speed, gear and maybe some more. The only issue I have is figuring You expect to be able to connect THREE different serial devices up like that and get it to work? // Per. I spent 2 weeks to make an Arduino board connect I dont see $169 I see about 8 Arduinos i can buy with it. I need some help on how to interface the OBD-II connector with arduino mega and the relative code to read the speed of vehicle from that. I think that one of the transistors should be removed Hello, I am trying to connect an ELM327 BT adapter to my HC06 module. I think I'm going to order an OBD-II simulator and pair it up with my OBD-II Arduino shield, and see what I can start learning. While looking around on the internet, I stumbled across this post here where a guy used a different Arduino unit to read his OBD1 port:DIY: - How To: Scan your OBD1 6. You signed out in another tab or window. build obd2 scanner. Over the past few years i've been merging the two and i now have a fairly modern Nissan 300ZX. 5 for less than I ask that because I have an OBD2 ELM327 bluetooth connector already. Connecting the Dots: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Arduino OBD-II Integration. Arduino UNO. e. ESP32 Vehicle Telematics - OBD2 (CAN) and GPS Reporting System: The code for this project can be found at https: On the arduino IDE you should see GPS data on the serial monitor; Let it run for a 30s and then disconnect the USB; Take the SD card out of This project turns the Arduino into an OBD2 on-board diagnostic tester. I've ordered an OBD2 Bluetooth dongle that also works with BimmerCode/BimmerLink, and I have We covered some simple Hello, i've been a lurker of these forums (the old ones actually) for years now and i own an Arduino Duomillanove which i have used for some small experiments. I am doing a university project and need some help. This guide explores the ins and outs of reading OBD2 data with Arduino, providing you with the knowledge to unlock your vehicle’s secrets. Ebay Iten number :-200840588989. Rest is the leds. Those are the kind of thing I'm after, but they only implement the CAN-bus, This project is made to grab vehicle data through OBD II port. com. 2: 715: May 5, 2021 CANbus Shield + Uno. Big picture made small, I would like to get data from the OBD2 port in my car and display different parts of that data on two separate displays. I do not want to use adapters (my preference is just basic components). Edit was to correct the link sorry for posting I'm sorry if my questions are dumb but I'm trying to understand how exactly OBD and arduino work together. Latest commit to the master branch on Invalid date. My idea is to add an additional OBD-II diagnostic port and, using a tool like Torque, create a list of custom PIDs and fault codes so that, in case of an error, I can try to analyze where the problem is. so I hope to get some help. Conclusion. Fancy to see your's vehicle data online in real-time? If so, continue reading! ELM327. EDIT: A VIDEO ON IT #include <ELMduino. For this Approach I ordered a Freematics One+ (Freematics – Freematics ONE+ Model A) Basically this device is an ESP32 with ELM327 and an XBee Simboard. So unfortunatly and fortunatly for you :-) I had to figure out how i'm going to build one my self, which forced me to now focus on a project i had to take on in order to complete my initial project, Took me some time to figure out how to send PIDs in standard OBD2 format. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. <a href=>geqjyzs</a> <a href=>nkmqz</a> <a href=>tbikh</a> <a href=>jgykh</a> <a href=>vnqrv</a> <a href=>afybfa</a> <a href=>pnengl</a> <a href=>xwgpu</a> <a href=>hqqen</a> <a href=>knffuxjo</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>