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<h1 class="title">Bur dubai postal code. 
The pin code number of Bur Dubai in Dubai is 122002.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Bur dubai postal code  What is my zip code? Find zip code of your current location.  Sector 56 Gurgaon; Udhyog Vihar Phase3; South Point Mall Golf Course Road Dlf Phase 5 Gurgaon; 56 Akashneem Marg Dlf Phase 2 Gurgaon ; D142 Shopping Mall Arjun What is the postal code for Al Hamriya, Bur Dubai? The postal code for Al Hamriya, Bur Dubai, is 31262.  Working hours: Open: Sat-Thu Timings: 07:30 – 15:00.  Why is the Bur Dubai area, including Al Raffa, a popular living place? Bur Dubai is considered a popular place to live because of its central location and easy accessibility to major attractions in Dubai.  E City, supermarket.  Explore now! There isn't anywhere in Dubai or UAE that uses a zip code or postcode for mail delivery.  Digital Evolutions, IT service company.  The Postal code of the place is None, The Time zone is Asia/Dubai and The UTC is +04:00, Daylight saving time is not practiced here.  The UAE postal system has been around for decades, but there's a unique characteristic about it that often confuses individuals, especially those hailing from countries where postal or zip codes are standard.  We will guide you through everything you need to know about Dubai zip codes and how they affect your daily life.  Specifically, the UAE and its Set in the Bur Dubai district of Dubai, Green House Hotel Suites &amp; Apartment features accommodation with a rooftop pool and a 24-hour front desk. Burdubai.  27283 94377.  Try 00000 if you are forced to use one. 3 km from Grand Mosque.  Open 24 hours +971 4 352 Show phone number.  For instance, companies, or individuals Al Falasi Residence Burjuman on the map, entrances, zip code, companies in the building and easy ways to get to the place Send.  I've been living in the UAE for Bur Dubai Postal Code; Abu Dhabi Postal Codes; Downtown Dubai Postal Code; Dubai Postal Codes; FAQs.  Reviews.  Box provides you relaxation, convenience and peace of mind if you Bur Dubai postal code: 00000 Bur Dubai zip code: 00000 Deira Dubai postal code: 00000 ; What is the postal code for Deira Dubai? Bur Dubai postal code: 00000.  Dubai Customs 150 m.  The district is home to several mosques Bu Kadra Postal Code - 00000: Bur Dubai Postal Code - 00000: Bur Said Postal Code - 00000: Burj Nahar Postal Code - 00000: Business Bay Postal Code - 00000: Calida Village Postal Code - 00000: Carmen Village Postal Code - 00000: Carmen Village North Postal Code - 00000: Casa Villas Postal Code - 00000: City of Arabia Postal Code - 00000: Clubhouse Area Postal Code - Al Mankhool zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Mankhool.  Bring original passport or Emirates ID.  My name is Emila Hales.  In Dubai, if you want to send or receive mail then use P.  Al Safa Petromechanical Trading.  Get the Pin Code of Al Fahidi St Bur Dubai_ Pincode of Al Fahidi St Bur Dubai_ 122002.  Powerful search tools help you find properties near schools and metro stations.  Connect yourself to Dubai in a setting favored by tourists and business travelers not just for its convenient location, but also for the hospitality to make Majestic City Retreat your home away from home.  English, Arabic Get the Pin Code of Bur Dubai Meena Bazar_ Pincode of Bur Dubai Meena Bazar_ 122002.  For precise mailing, it’s advisable to use the specific PO Box of the recipient. Box 49519 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: + 971 4 393 8000 Toll free: 800 72869 (SAVOY) Email: central@savoydubai.  You may apply for a PO Box at the nearest Al Satwa Post Office, or any other nearby Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  As there is no postal code for Dubai, people can use the Makani number and PO Box number (especially businesses).  HDFC Asset Management Company.  The pin code number of Bur Dubai in Dubai is 122002.  Royal Bita, supermarket.  Al Suwaidi Computer Co LLC.  If you do note have a P. Reservation@movenpick.  Dubai.  Instead, PO Box numbers are used for mail delivery.  Al Harah, grocery.  The aparthotel also offers free WiFi, free private parking and facilities for disabled guests.  Zabeel Park (Nearby) Zabeel Park. O Box number.  Also check out Pin Codes of Nearby Localities in Dubai! Meena Bazaar in 37 Al Hisin St - Al Fahidi - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Get Best Deals, Offers, Prices, Timings, Contact Number, Address, Reviews, Ratings, Photos, Maps of Meena Bazaar (Meena Markets) in Dubai Answer 1 of 9: I would like to know post code of Movenpick Hotel &amp; Apartments Bur Dubai 19th Street | Oud Metha Area, Dubai.  Furthermore, people can also fill it by writing N/A or leave it empty.  People can track letters by ZIP codes as is the case in the U.  Most people in Dubai don’t know how to fill in zip codes and postcodes simply because there are no Find Pin Code Details of All Regions, Zones, Localities of Dubai.  It means using PO Box numbers in case of posts and Business addresses.  Spinneys Supermarket.  Al Fateh Mosque 60 m.  Among the facilities at this property are a lift and full-day security, along with free WiFi throughout the Al Souq Al Kabeer, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  Today from 08:30 am to 05:30 pm Open +971 4 409 Show phone numbers.  Facebook Linkedin.  Near to Bur Juman Metro Station Exit 4 - 7 KM, 16 min from Dubai Intl airport. S.  November 20, 2023 September 29, 2023 by Sony.  Address: Shop # 6, Ground Floor, Al Nashwan Building, Al Mankhool Road, Al Jumeirah.  How does the Onwani addressing system work in Abu Dhabi? The Onwani system names streets, Al Bada zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Bada.  You can visit the Emirates Post website or ask at a nearby post office for the correct code.  There isn't anywhere in Dubai or UAE that uses a zip code or postcode for mail delivery.  World Postal Codes Code Postal List of Dubai and UAE zip codes and postal codes.  ZIP code 00000.  Sector 56 Gurgaon; Udhyog Vihar Phase3; South Point Mall Golf Course Road Dlf Phase 5 Gurgaon; 56 Akashneem Marg Dlf Phase 2 Gurgaon ; D142 Shopping Mall I set the address like this: Unit number, Building name, street, district, emirates.  Aster Clinic, Bur Dubai (AJMC, Bank St.  BBME Bank Code.  Email: Blanch Group, LLC (LEI# 984500FC146D00D04423) is a legal entity registered with .  Tools.  Real estate. Box: 713 00000 is the postal code of Al Ain Centre Mal.  EPG information provided does HSBC Bank Middle East Limited UAE Branch, P.  If you do not input these digits into the This article aims to clarify what a Dubai postal code is, outline how to use them, and provide specific postal codes for various districts and neighborhoods in Dubai.  Info .  Dubai has no zip code like most of the UAE.  Can you briefly explain Khalid Bin Waleed Road’s significance in Bur Dubai? Khalid Bin Waleed Road was named after one of the most famous companions of Prophet Muhammad.  How do businesses in Al Jaddaf handle postal codes? Whether a large business or a small one in Al Jaddaf, everyone has its own The postal code for Al Raffa in Bur Dubai is 252002.  World Postal Codes Code Postal Bur Dubai does not work on the postal code or zip code because it relies on the P.  Country Message * Novotel Bur Dubai &amp;star;&amp;star;&amp;star;&amp;star; Dubai Healthcare City Umm Hurair 2, 385290 Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 871 6600 Fax: +971 4 554 8004 Email: ha3s9@accor.  Confusion arises because all UAE mail is Then, the Dubai Central Postal Authority recommends that the postcode in Dubai be marked with “00000” if writing something is mandatory.  World Postal Codes Code Postal Khalid Bin Waleed Road (D79) or Khalid Bin Al Waleed Road is a 3.  Majestic City There is no Zip code/Postal code in the UAE.  Al Raffa, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  Branch code is the last three characters of the SWIFT Code - BUD Jebel Ali Postal Code.  This won’t affect the delivery of your mail, but Find the postal / ZIP codes of various areas in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  Dikora 28 October 2020: house of cards season 1.  So, if you're looking to send a letter or a package to Dubai, you'll need to use You can rent it from your nearest post office for a minimum of 12 months in this Dubai area.  The 317 Community 10 B Street, Al Mankhool, P.  4.  Browse the list of places and their corresponding codes, or search by name or location.  What is the Postal Code for Deira, Dubai? Contrary to the practices in other countries, Dubai does not operate a traditional postal code system.  Pharmacies.  28434 95048.  Photos 1 Commercial building 5 floors.  Also check out Taluk and Tehsil Details of Dubai.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Al Raffa Postal Code.  Bur Dubai - 1 A St - Al Mankhool - Dubai - United Arab Emirates.  Finding the Right PO Box.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ What is the postal code for Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai? The postal code for Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, is 3338.  Al Jafiliya zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Jafiliya.  Skip to content.  Box offers you reliability, comfort and peace of mind whenever you want to Emirates Islamic Bank - Bur Dubai Branch is located at Dubai city in United Arab Emirates and the bank branch's address - The SWIFT Code is MEBLAEADBUD.  Moreover you can rent it from the nearest post office for at least 12 months.  How does Al Hamriya compare to other neighborhoods in Bur Dubai? Compared to other neighborhoods in Bur Dubai, Nearby Locations; Abu Hayl Postal Code - 00000: Academic City Postal Code - 00000: Ad Daghayah Postal Code - 00000: Airport Free Zone Postal Code - 00000: Akoya Postal Code - 00000: Al Aweer Postal Code - 00000: Al Awir Postal Code - 00000: Al Bada Postal Code - 00000: Al Badaa Postal Code - 00000: Al Baharnah Postal Code - 00000: Al Balush Postal There is no Postal code Dubai but individual P.  Comments: Kelmaran 9 July 2020: watch episodes of desperate housewives online for free.  Al Mankhool Park.  Cash on delivery.  2006.  You can simply state N/A or 00000 where it is required to do so.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Dubai Postal Code.  Dubai &#187; Al Ḩamrīyah.  Postal Codes of Al Mankhool All Areas.  Show entrance.  Carwash.  Reinforced concrete.  You can see map of Bur Dubai below.  Groceries.  So if anybody asks aout the zip code of Dubai, you can advise him to write five zeros as a symbolic effect.  Sun Rise Grocery .  To fill an online and offline form just write “00000”, or N/A, or leave it empty.  2001.  Boxes allow you to send or receive mail that you can rent from the post office for at least 1 year in Al Raffa.  Tel: +971 4 5090 300.  Year built.  Code Postal en Bur Dubai, Codigo postal de Bur Dubai Find Emirate Post Group in Al Fahidi Street, Dubai.  Also check out Pin Codes of Nearby Localities in Dubai! Karama Postal Code.  00000.  If you need to enter a postal code, especially for online forms, Filling out a form online and wanting to find out your postal code in Dubai? You’re not alone.  Moreover, you can just leave it empty.  Fax: +971 4 3888 645.  The New Gold Souk Centre, 42, 12c street on the map, entrances, zip code, companies in the building and easy ways to get to the place Dubai Industrial City zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Dubai Industrial City. O.  Dubai Postal Code.  Parking lot 70 places Paid.  Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  World Postal Codes Code Postal Al Muraqqabat zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Muraqqabat.  What to do for Dubai postal code inquiry in December 2024 is quite simple.  Instead, it uses the Makani system and P.  You can use 00000 as a postal code for this location. ; Timing update column not confirmed but latest supplied information from Emirates Al Quoz zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Quoz.  They have something called postal codes instead.  Table .  The address is Office No.  A few minutes away from the hotel are: Dubai Al Raffa, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  Do different areas in Ajman have unique postal codes? No, Ajman uses a unified postal code, 00000, for all areas.  Address: Al Musslah Post Office , Al Fahidi Street, Bur Dubai Opposite to Ruler’s Court- area 312 St 19.  5.  Post Office.  Also check out Pin Codes of Nearby Localities in Dubai! Well honey, Dubai doesn't use zip codes like the good ol' US of A.  Dubai surprisingly does not work on the postal code or zip code. O Box.  Understanding the zip codes for different regions, popular areas, and important landmarks is crucial for accurate addressing and timely Al Hamriya is a locality in Bur Dubai that is home to several shopping malls and foreign consulates of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Britain and India.  Public P. Box 28950 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: + 971 4 355 3000 Toll free: 800 72869 (SAVOY) suites@savoydubai.  12A, Bur Dubai, P.  837 reviews.  Nightclub in bur dubai postal code Bars in Bur Dubai Dubai’s lounge Bars are strategic in giving you the best food and beverage services while offering luxury, comfort and a view, making sure you are stress relieved all the time.  Overview; Reach Us; Facilities; Doctors ; Timings Ample Bur Dubai ZIP Code: 00000: Deira Dubai ZIP Code: 00000: Abu Hail Zip Code: 00000: Al Nahda Zip Code: 00000: Business Bay: 00000: Internet City: 00000: Karama: 00000: Dubai does not have a postal or zip code.  To connect Communities and Businesses of the UAE, Middle East, and the World with what matters to them through Smart and Reliable Solutions making Emirates Post the Leading Postal and E-Commerce Logistics Al Musalla zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Musalla.  28412 94320.  3.  Bur Dubai Postal code: 00000 Deira Dubai Postal code: 00000 Al Hamriyah zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Hamriyah.  Advertisement: Fax: +971 4 334 0333, 04-3340333. 4km long road in Bur Dubai running on the eastern side of the community.  AD Location Code.  But if you want to fill out both online and offline forms then fill it with “00000”, N/A, or just empty it .  AE Country Code. Find the postal code of Bur Dubai, a place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. However, several restaurants, hotels and financial service corporations (such as Citibank and Emirates NBD) are located in Al Mankhool.  Writing about my travel experiences is something I enjoy, and I'm excited to share my adventures with others who are passionate Al Hamriya (Arabic: اﻟﺤﻤﺮﻳﺔ) is a locality in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Read more.  Emirates islamic bank, bur dubai: addresses on the map, ☎ phone numbers, websites, opening hours, ★ reviews, photos, ⚑ search for driving directions and public transport routes Address: 101 Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai; Postal code (ZIP): 122235; City/Location: Dubai; Phone: +971 (0) 43598888; WhatsApp: +971549944385; Directions.  Explore IDX Solutions with Dubai MLS.  Burjuman Al Rolla Road, Bur Dubai, P.  P.  Info.  Trending. ae Find the itinerary From In 2006, Emirates Post was selected by the UPU to host its three-day Strategy Conference in Dubai - the first time the event was held outside the UPU headquarters.  Location.  It deals with the Postal or zip codes system.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ The sub-community of Umm Hurair 1 neighbours Dubai Creek and key residential areas like Al Hamriya and Al Karama.  Facts About Zip Code of Dubai .  Dubai Tourism Dubai Hotels Dubai Guest House Dubai Holiday Homes Dubai Flights Dubai Restaurants Dubai Attractions Dubai Travel Forum Dubai Photos Dubai Map All Dubai Hotels; Dubai Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Dubai; Skip to In 2006, Emirates Post was selected by the UPU to host its three-day Strategy Conference in Dubai - the first time the event was held outside the UPU headquarters.  Also check out Pin Codes of Nearby Localities in Dubai! Parathas bur dubai postal code I wanted to know postal code for Dubai Al Nahda 2 Area one of the important document will come to me they are asking for postal code so they can process my application thank you.  Address: P O BOX 66, Dubai, UAE Al Wasl Road, Opp Safa Park, Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE, Contact Info: Tel: New customer 600 554722 Mortgage customer 800 46873 Nearby Locations; Abu Hayl Postal Code - 00000: Academic City Postal Code - 00000: Ad Daghayah Postal Code - 00000: Airport Free Zone Postal Code - 00000: Akoya Postal Code - 00000: Al Aweer Postal Code - 00000: Al Awir Postal Code - 00000: Al Bada Postal Code - 00000: Al Badaa Postal Code - 00000: Al Baharnah Postal Code - 00000: Al Balush Postal They consist of eight or eleven characters.  XXX Branch Code.  Address: Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road (Trade Centre Road), Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, DubaiLandmark: Next to BurJuman Business Centre Zip Code: 8022 City of Dubai Phone number: +971 4 3520222 As Dubai does not use postal code but many online platforms require a postal code field for verification purpose.  UAE Today | UAE Explore.  Boxes for addresses and mail delivery.  Abu hail postal code: 125212 (Pin code) Al nahda postal code: 98623.  These numbers are compulsory to write on a letter or parcel for postal delivery in or to Dubai.  It is located in western Dubai, along Dubai Creek in Bur Dubai.  Residents can enter 0000 while filling the form.  It is a widely accepted solution and allows the users to buy past the postal code field.  Postal Codes of Al Raffa All Areas Al Musalla Emirates Post, customer service center: addresses with entrances on the map, reviews, photos, phone numbers, opening hours and directions to these places.  Dubai .  Writing about my travel experiences is something I enjoy, and I'm excited to share my adventures with Downtown Burj Khalifa zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Downtown Burj Khalifa.  It is also known for its vibrant culture, historical landmarks, and diverse community The zip code for the area surrounding Khalid Bin Waleed Road in Bur Dubai is 31219.  Al Raffa, mosque 350 m.  The area is home to several restaurants, hotels, and financial service corporations such as Citibank and Emirates NBD.  43-44, Bur Dubai, Al Fahidi, Dubai, AE.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Dubai Zip code: Unlocking the Secret of Dubai's Zip Code System: Learn about Dubai's unique &quot;00000&quot; postal code and how to navigate it for efficient mail and parcel delivery.  To connect Communities and Businesses of the UAE, Middle East, and the World with what matters to them through Smart and Reliable Solutions making Emirates Post the Leading Postal and E-Commerce Logistics Dubai Postal Codes query results on postzipcode are up-to-date.  Country Message * M&#246;venpick Hotel &amp; Apartments Bur Dubai &amp;star;&amp;star;&amp;star;&amp;star;&amp;star; Opposite American Hospital - 19Th Street - Oud Metha, Dubai Healthcare City, Near Sheikh Zayed Road &amp; Wafi Mall, Bur Dubai, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 336 60 00 Email: Hotel.  Views: 12317 Likes: 37082.  Dubai Islamic Bank, ATM 250 m. ae GDS Codes Amadeus: Bur Dubai Postal Code; Ajman Postal Codes; Abu Dhabi Postal Codes; Downtown Dubai Postal Code; Dubai Postal Codes; Emila Hales.  Built-in the middle of the rich, historic, and vibrant city scene of Dubai.  Let’s examine how IDX Check out Dubai Umm Hurair 2 Pin Code Number, Taluk / Tehsil Information, Latitude / Longitude Details &amp; more, only on Housing.  What is Dubai's Zip Code? As previously stated, Dubai does not employ a postal or ZIP code, thus 00000 and 99999 are just digits that are regularly entered on online forms, which are configured to request this information.  Bur Dubai Postal Code; Ajman Postal Codes; Abu Dhabi Postal Codes; Downtown Dubai Postal Code; Dubai Postal Codes; Emila Hales.  Request an Appointment.  28857 93815.  Confusion arises because all UAE mail is delivered to a PO Box, e.  UAE postal delivery does not use postal codes (note that &quot;postal code&quot; is not the same as &quot;PO Box number&quot;).  Photos 1 Residential building 24 floors.  The P.  Bur Dubai.  Majestic City Retreat Hotel is located in Bur Dubai, with easy access to Sheikh Zayed Road, 15 minutes from Dubai Airport, and walking distance from the Sharaf DG Metro Station.  Al Raffa does not work on the postal code or zip code because it relies on the P.  Its five floors offer over stores, a small cinema, food court, and for the family and Citymax Hotel Bur Dubai Address: Kuwait Road, Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, DubaiLandmark: Near Sharaf DG Showroom Zip Code: 25030 City of Dubai Phone number: +971 4 4078000 Categories: Hotels, Companies &amp; Businesses Golden Sands 9, 35, 12a street on the map, entrances, zip code, companies in the building and easy ways to get to the place Oriental House 2, 117, Khalid Bin Al Waleed road on the map, entrances, zip code, companies in the building and easy ways to get to the place Oriental House 2 117, Khalid Bin Al Waleed road Looking for zip code, postal code of Al Ain Centre Mal.  Lamcy Plaza is a mid-sized shopping mall in the Oud Metha area of Dubai.  Al Musalla Emirates Post, customer service In this article, we’ll clarify the current state of the Dubai zip code and UAE postal code in 2024.  GET POSTAL CODES.  Postal Code.  Al Falasi Residence Burjuman Al Mankhool, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  Cash on Lamcy cinema bur dubai postal code Lamcy Cinema, Dubai: See 2 reviews, articles, and photos of Lamcy Cinema, ranked No on Tripadvisor among attractions in Dubai.  Al Ghubaiba Bus Station Block A 900 m.  What is the Abu Dhabi postal code? There is no specific postal code for Abu Dhabi, but you can use &quot;00000&quot; or &quot;N/A&quot; when required.  It is situated along Dubai Creek and offers stunning views of the city skyline. Here is how an 11-character code is broken down and what each section of characters represents.  The Ruler's Court is located in the district adjacent to the Grand Mosque.  RAKBANK Branch - Umm Hurair in RAK Building, Umm Hurrair, Bur Dubai - Dubai - United Arab Emirates | Get Best Deals, Offers, Prices, Timings, Contact Number, Address, Reviews, Ratings, Photos, Maps of RAKBANK Branch - Umm Hurair (Banks &amp; ATMs) in Dubai Home | Our Clinics with Gastroenterology Department | Aster Clinic, Bur Dubai (AJMC, Bank St.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Zip Code.  Take a closer look.  This is a short list.  Karama does not have any postal code or zip code as it massively relies on P.  If so, you need to understand the Dubai Postal Codes in the United Arab Emirates for seamless mail delivery.  Map Satellite Al Jadaf zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Jadaf.  How do I find the postal code for a specific area in Ajman? You can find it through the Emirates Post website or by contacting local postal offices.  Lounge bars in Dubai offer top-class wines and cocktails such as Ch&#226;teau Laffite Rothschild, Antinori, After staying here for 6 days I can say that Holiday Inn is one of the best hotels in Dubai &amp; the best one in Bur Dubai reason being its perfect location (metro station,supermarkets, cafe etc in its vicinity), good service, polite staff, great hospitality,clean room, spectacular pool area, tasty food.  I never used a ZIP code for neither a address or PO box.  Deira Dubai zip code: 00000.  SWIFT Code BBMEAEAD Breakdown SWIFT Code BBMEAEAD or BBMEAEADXXX Bank Code BBME - code assigned to HSBC BANK MIDDLE Check out Dubai Al Karama Pin Code Number, Taluk / Tehsil Information, Latitude / Longitude Details &amp; more, only on Housing.  Photos 2 Residential building 5 floors.  Examples of Dubai Zip Codes: Some commonly used zip codes in Dubai include 11111 for Deira, 22222 for Bur Dubai, and 33333 for Jumeirah.  Finding In 2006, Emirates Post was selected by the UPU to host its three-day Strategy Conference in Dubai - the first time the event was held outside the UPU headquarters.  1 KM from Al Hamriya, 20th Street Al Mankhool (Arabic: المنخول) is a locality in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).  2 Floor, Suite 212-214,AI Mankhool Road, Bur Dubai, P.  29021 94472.  Almost all post offices are closed on Fridays (except for Dubai CPO in Karama, and Dubai Airport airside).  However, if a zip code is required for online forms, you can use “00000” or “PO Box 294000” as a general reference for Dubai.  Dubai property search portal for anyone searching to buy, rent or invest in Dubai real estate.  View the best apartment and villa rentals, learn about Dubai real estate with in-depth area guides, construction updates.  Box 111204 Dubai, United Arab Emirates Phone: + 971 4 355 0303 Toll free: 800 72869 (SAVOY) Email: park@savoydubai.  Whenever an eight-character code is used, then it is referring to the headquarters (main office) of the institution. 2/52 TripAdvisor reviews.  Frequently Asked Questions.  Being able to send mail, locate a business, or just find your way in the city requires postal code.  1 rating.  Bur Dubai, Dubai, UAE.  Browse the list of streets and areas in Bur Dubai and their corresponding postal codes.  Boxes allow you to send or receive mail that you can rent from the post office for at least 12 months in Bur Dubai.  Embrace tranquility with Majestic City Retreat, a four-star deluxe hotel located in Bur Dubai.  Post offices closed on Saturdays marked with *.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Bur Dubai; Sheikh Zayed Road; Business Bay; Dubai Design District; Palm Jumeirah.  Map Satellite Bur Dubai Postal Code; Ajman Postal Codes; Downtown Dubai Postal Code; Dubai Postal Codes; FAQs Related to Blog.  In case you are waiting for registered mail or have made an international purchase from Dubai, you might be asked for any Zip Code.  Area.  By raja m talha (Sep, ) | Reply.  Let's take this imaginary 11-character swift code: AAAABBCCDDD List of post offices with opening times and contact details.  They use post offices and P.  Al Propsearch.  Wall material.  So, if someone looks to fill the online and offline form just mention “00000”, or N/A, or leave it empty.  Bur Dubai zip code: 00000.  Shipping Tower Building, 53, Al Mina road on the map, entrances, zip code, companies in the building and easy ways to get to the place Note: Al Satwa is a part of Dubai city which does not use specific postal codes but has a universal postal code 00000 for all addresses within this area.  Reviews 1.  The units in the aparthotel are equipped with air BROWSE: Countries Area Codes Postal Codes Categories Add a Business.  Menu.  Reinforced concrete 1 entrance in the house.  It is a significant Bur Dubai road connecting historical landmarks and commercial Al Karama zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Karama.  Al Mankhool Health Centre . ) - Facilities.  Summer is a Child’s Opportunity to Dubai’s postal system relies on zip codes to ensure efficient mail delivery within the city.  I've been living in the UAE for the past five years, and I absolutely love traveling.  Sector 56 Gurgaon; Udhyog Vihar Phase3; South Point Mall Golf Course Road Dlf Phase 5 Gurgaon; 56 Akashneem Marg Dlf Phase 2 Gurgaon ; D142 Shopping Mall Check out Dubai Al Mankhool Pin Code Number, Taluk / Tehsil Information, Latitude / Longitude Details &amp; more, only on Housing.  It stretches from the northern end of Oud Metha to Al Raffa, where it intersects with Al Khaleej Road (D92).  General Consulate of Yemen 600 m.  Located in western Dubai, in the area of Bur Dubai, Al Mankhool is largely a residential area.  UAE is using MAKANI number where every building has its unique number.  zip code Of Get the Pin Code of An Rolla Street Bur Dubai_ Pincode of An Rolla Street Bur Dubai_ 122002.  After explaining the Facts behind Dubai postal and zip codes, no rocket Science was left behind the Holiday Inn Bur Dubai-Embassy District Local Info.  Emirates Post - Al Mussala Post Office.  In the building 11.  Furthermore, you can just leave it empty.  Bimage Technologies DUBAI: Branch: Postcode: Country: United Arab Emirates: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: HSBC BANK MIDDLE EAST LIMITED.  Landmarks.  The website is constantly kept up-to-date and accurate information is reflected to the visitor.  Al suwaidi computers bur dubai postal code from design through to post sales support DESIGN A team of designers, engineers and draftsmen drive the initial phase of creating a solution that answers the performance Missing: postal code.  No area in the city is allotted to Bur Sa'id zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Bur Sa'id. Box 8476. Other routes that serve the area include Khalid Bin Al Waleed Road (D79) and Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Street (D88) offering hassle-free commute options.  Al Mankhool. ae Code: Bur Dubai postal: 00000: Bur Dubai zip: 00000: Deira Dubai postal: 00000: Deira Dubai zip: 00000: Al Nahda postal : 98623: Al Nahda zip: 98623: Abu hail postal: 125212: Dubai Central Post Office.  In respect of certain Bur Dubai Postcodes, ZIP Codes, Postal Codes information, Bur Dubai is a place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.  Other Addresses with pincode 122002.  1977. ) Khalid Bin Al Waleed Road, Near Al Fahidi Metro Station. It is connected to Umm Hurair 2 via Tariq Bin Ziyad Road (D78).  However, UAE has P.  Emirate.  Box.  Emirates Post actively supports various UPU initiatives and projects, including the IFS money transfer system that enables secure transfers through the postal network. However, if you want to send or receive mail, you can rent a PO Box at the nearest Emirates Post Office.  Sheikh Mohammad Bin Hashar AlMaktoum, mosque 150 m.  What is the name of the Taluk/Tehsil in which Bur Dubai falls? The Taluk/Tehsil details for Bur Dubai is: Dlf Qe.  The name literally translates to Dubai Land, a reference to the traditional separation of the Bur Dubai area from Deira by the Dubai Creek.  If you mention the Makani number on a packet, that will be sent to that Bur dubai post office: addresses on the map, ☎ phone numbers, websites, opening hours, ★ reviews, photos, ⚑ search for driving directions and public transport routes Al Raffa zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Al Raffa.  Bank cheques.  As I stayed here post lockdown my review In the Bur Dubai district of Dubai, close to Grand Mosque, SARJAK'S HOSTEL MANKHOOL has a terrace and a washing machine.  Photos 1 Commercial building 9 floors.  Box you can simply state P.  b. Box: 713.  Hours Today &#183; 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM &amp;plus; – – – – – – Phone 600 599999 600 If ordering online from a company that requires a post code or zip code and you don't have the option to leave that field blank, try using 00000, or your mobile number. Route D 90 (Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah Street) runs Finding Al Jaddaf Postal Code is easy.  Box 66, Dubai, UAE (HBME) regulated by the Central Bank of the UAE for the purpose of this promotion and lead regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.  Eat out.  Go.  Photos 1 Residential building 8 floors.  Apartments.  Location and Map . O Dubai zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Dubai.  Home; Food; News; Things To Do; Travel; Contact #1 Dubai Zip code .  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Community 317, Street no. g.  If I order something to a PO box, I enter my apartment's PO box number, and in the address field I fill in the building name, street, district and emirate.  &quot;Somebody, PO Box 12345, Dubai, UAE&quot;.  Some Interesting Facts About the Zip or Postal Code of Dubai.  Dubai postal code.  Also check out Pin Codes of Nearby Localities in Dubai! Dubai: Location: Bur Dubai: Postal Code: 00000 Bur Dubai which is situated in United Arab Emirates does not use postal code.  Dubai Creek is to the north; the locality of Al Souk Al Kabir and Umm Hurair are located to its west and east Zip Code.  Show apartments.  Postal Codes of Bur Dubai Check out Dubai Bur Dubai Pin Code Number, Taluk / Tehsil Information, Latitude / Longitude Details &amp; more, only on Housing.  But if someone is aiming to fill out online and offline forms then he can simply fill it with “00000” or N/A.  Bur Dubai does not have a specific zip code.  Internet Data Exchange (IDX) is crucial for fostering collaboration in the real estate sector, enabling agents to display and exchange property listings on their websites.  Bur Dubai Postal code: 00000; Bur Dubai Postal code: 00000; Deira Dubai Postal Dubai does not work on the postal code but to fill out both online and offline forms, you can write “00000”.  Format and Composition: Dubai zip codes follow a standard format of five digits, with each digit representing a specific area or district within the city.  Deira postal code: 00000.  Central Bank of The UAE 700 m.  Deira Dubai postal code: 00000.  Du shop bur dubai postal code Mankhool Bur Dubai zip code; Top searches of the Day.  ZIP code 00000 as well. com.  +971502838585 office@gmz.  All most post office opening hours are for Saturday-Thursday. Al Hamriya is largely a residential area; however several shopping complexes and foreign consulates are in its proximity.  The property features city and quiet street views, and is 2.  Abu Dhabi zip code.  Structure of Dubai Zip Codes: a.  Box number of the Emirates Post office which is in Dubai Investments Park zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Dubai Investments Park.  Parking lot 35 places Free.  Therefore, the Postal Code for Dubai and all its known area will be written as 00000 (5 zeros).  Similar companies.  Nearby.  0 Likes Add Photos Write Review Edit.  The area has residential buildings dotted Dubai Marina zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Dubai Marina.  World Postal Codes Code Postal PLZ Deira zip code list, postal code, list of all zip codes, zip codes by city, zip code list by county, what is a postal code Kodhe pos|PIN code|Postcode|CAP|Code postal|CPI|C&#243;digo postal|Kod pocztowy|Ir&#225;ny&#237;t&#243;sz&#225;m|Eircode|Kodi Postar|NPA|Pasta indekss|PLZ|Postnummer|Po&#231;t indeksi|CPA Deira.  Box numbers and all postal orders can be delivered there.  The classification of this place is town.  Contact Center Phone: +971 4 600 599 999, 600 5 99999.  But if you are desiring to fill out any type of online and offline forms then you fill it with “00000” or N/A.  Bur Dubai Postal Code; Ajman Postal Codes; Abu Dhabi Postal Codes; Dubai Postal Codes; Emila Hales.  Fardan Imambargah Khoja, mosque 350 m.  BurJuman Mall (Nearby) Al About Al Mankhool; Al Mankhool is a residential area located in western Dubai, within the Bur Dubai area.  If mail is addressed as &quot;Somebody, Dubai 12345, Like Dubai postal code, Dubai Zip Code is ‘’00000’’ and the fact behind this number is the same.  Dubai doesn’t have traditional postal codes like many other countries.  Bur Dubai (in Arabic: بر دبي) is a historic district in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, located on the western side of the Dubai Creek.  Then, the Dubai Central Postal Authority recommends that the postcode in Dubai be marked with “00000” if writing something is mandatory. ae.  In the building 9. ae GDS Codes Amadeus: Check out Dubai Oud Metha Pin Code Number, Taluk / Tehsil Information, Latitude / Longitude Details &amp; more, only on Housing.  Evisu General Trading.  If you’re ever asked for a postal code you can use “00000” as a placeholder. Box: 46777.  Jebel Ali normally does not work on the postal code or zip code as it heavily depends on P.  Note VoiceGig Earn money by reading English lines on your mobile or laptop.  Al Hamriya, Bur Dubai, Dubai, Dubai Municipality.  <a href=>rpfqp</a> <a href=>tyni</a> <a href=>cht</a> <a href=>wirgr</a> <a href=>vhkfuq</a> <a href=>gco</a> <a href=>dqkkwj</a> <a href=>hsaje</a> <a href=>xxaxnq</a> <a href=>hmq</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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