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<h1 class="title">Cairo international bank.  Departure hall pre Immigration gate ground level ATM.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Cairo international bank  The Cairo International Bank has rebranded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, with effect from September 1, 2020.  Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BANQUE DU CAIRE in Egypt here.  Banque du Caire offers retail, corporate, and investment banking, SME financing, and conventional as well as Islamic asset management services.  This document summarizes a ruling by the Industrial Court of Uganda on a preliminary objection regarding jurisdiction.  Below you can find the local branches for CAIRO BANK UGANDA in Uganda.  follow us on Facebook follow us on Instagram follow us on LinkedIn follow us on YouTube Other Branches in Cairo. E. eg Exclusive non-financial services for you and your family in our Platinum Lounge at Cairo International Airport*.  Address 66, 68 MOHY ELDIN ABU EL, CAIRO; Save on international fees by using Wise.  GARDEN CITY, CAIRO 8 Ibrahim Naguib St.  The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is the international standard for identifying international bank accounts across national borders and is Looking for a personal loan that fulfills your different financial needs, BDC personal loan is your destination, where you can enjoy higher financing limits, with flexible tenors, and competitive interest rates.  These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers.  Cairo Bank Uganda Limited was incorporated on 11th July, 1994.  [5] In 1987, after Chase Bank’s decision to sell its share of the shares, the National Bank of Egypt established an increasing in its stake to 99.  Since its rebranding from Cairo International Bank Uganda in 2020, CBU has positioned itself as the Social Responsibility Cairo Amman Bank takes pride in adopting an institutional governance system that follows the best global practices and complies with the regulations and local laws issued by the Central Bank of Jordan.  Write a Review for Cairo International Bank.  Mashreq Bank.  Business Identifier Codes (BIC codes) for thousands of banks and financial institutions in more than 210 countries.  Bank digitally with our different channels; on the go or from the comfort of your home.  The Arab International Bank was established in 1974 by virtue of an international treaty concluded by the governments of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Libya, Sultanate New Cairo.  Menu Commercial International Bank 1089 Corniche El Nil - Garden City - Cairo 02-2728-4550 02-2728-4556 02-2795-8260 02-2795-9385 Banque du Caire is a bank in Egypt, founded in 1952.  SWIFT codes for all branches of ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK.  Related Links.  Cairo Bank Uganda Limited (CBU), a subsidiary of Banque du Caire, stands firmly established in Uganda’s banking sector, embodying a commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer-centricity. 7 miles from airport) Omar Ibn El-Khattab, Almazah, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate, Egypt Phone: +20 2 22918892 Bank confidently with Commercial International Bank (CIB) at Cairo Festival City Mall.  Address LAND6 PART1181 SHERATON HELIOPOLIS, CAIRO; Save on international fees by using Wise.  CIB is headed by a competent board of directors, which provides the Bank with the necessary leadership and experience to manage its business with integrity, efficiency, and, most importantly, excellence.  Branches Other Branches in Cairo.  off makram ebaid st.  error: Content is protected !!,,,,, Banque Misr (Arabic: بنك مصر) is an Egyptian bank co-founded by industrialist Joseph Aslan Cattaui Pasha and economist Talaat Harb Pasha in 1920.  Hours.  Address RAMO BUILDINGS 14 EL-NASR ROAD NASR CITY, CAIRO; Save on international fees by using Wise.  Fax.  el sawah st.  Terminal 2.  Skip to content Get 50% off on your Google Workspace plan for the first 6 months with Aspire 🎉 Cairo: Commercial International Bank Egypt Sae: CIBEEGCX134: Madinaty: Cairo: Commercial International Bank Egypt Sae: CIBEEGCX888: Custody Department: Cairo: Search SWIFT / BIC Code by City / Location.  sheraton bldgs Branch el rehab branch future university branch zamalek branch maadi branch citibank previously kasr el nil branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el manyal branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Cairo Bank Uganda limited (The Bank) is a fully owned subsidiary by Banque Du Caire (BDC) set up with the intention of expanding BDC’s presence across the continent whilst providing an entry point into the COMESA market for a wide range Other Branches in Cairo.  The launch of the new brand Travelers passing through Cairo International Airport (CAI) have access to a variety of banking services to meet their financial needs.  Cairo Bank Uganda limited (The Bank) is a fully owned subsidiary by Banque Du Caire (BDC) set up with the intention of expanding BDC’s presence across the continent whilst providing an entry point into the COMESA market for a wide range of its 4 Ahmed Pasha St.  Bbaale Samuel Wakulira V Cairo International Bank Limited &amp; 2 Others (Civil Suit No. Box 7052, Kampala-Uganda, Banks in uganda About Us: The CIB promises full and comprehensive services in the areas of banking and financial services to all its customers, whether they are individuals, corporations, or financial institutions, each to suit his distinct and unique needs.  A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country, city, bank, and branch.  logodalil.  Open,Sunday,09:00.  Saturday to Wednesday: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm: Thursday, Friday &amp; Public Holidays: 10:00 am to 11:00 pm: Information 19555 www.  The bank always ensures the separation between the supervisory role [] Human Resources Manager at Cairo International Bank &#183; Experience: Cairo International Bank &#183; Location: Uganda.  Address: CAIRO FESTIVAL CITY: City: CAIRO: Branch: CAIRO FESTIVAL CITY: Postcode: 11835: Country: SWIFT Code CIBEEGCX152 Bank Code CIBE - code assigned to COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Bank confidently with Commercial International Bank (CIB) at Cairo Festival City Mall.  Commercial International Bank - CIB.  arkadia mall branch el tagamoaa el khames branch sun city mall branch el shams club branch merryland branch helwan branch zamalek branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) nova park branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el Cairo International Bank: The CIB promises full and comprehensive services in the areas of banking and financial services to all its customers, whether they are individuals, corporations, or financial institutions, each to suit his distinct and unique needs.  The American forces left Reliable Partner.  The court was ruling on an application for review of a previous decision dismissing a labor dispute claim.  27/11/2024.  nasr city branch nova park branch el sabteya branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el nasr branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Terminal 3.  In few steps, you can easily pay your bills, perform transfers, check your accounts, credit cards, loans, and more! ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK Branches in Cairo ( 33 Branches ) Branch Area Address; main branch: Garden City: 5 el saraya el kobra sq.  The bank is licensed by the Bank of Uganda, the national banking regulator, and is a subsidiary of the Banque du Caire Group, a well-known Egypt-based financial services 1,565 Followers, 4,349 Following, 1,292 Posts - Cairo Bank - Uganda (@cairobank) on Instagram: &quot;Incorporated as Cairo International Bank in 1995, the bank is a fully owned subsidiary of Banque Du Caire whilst providing an entry point in COMESA.  Arab African International Bank employees rate the overall compensation and arab african international bank cairo festival city mall branch.  Bank Name: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: Address: 5 MIDAN AL SARAY AL KOUBRA, GARDEN CITY: City: CAIRO: Branch: HEAD OFFICE: Postcode: 11519: Country: Egypt: Connection: Active: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise, which is 5x cheaper than banks.  The bank has branch offices in all of Egypt's governorates, and currency exchange and work permit offices for foreign workers in Egypt.  Cairo International Bank has rebranded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, with the changes taking effect on September 1.  The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is the international standard for identifying international bank accounts across national borders and is Commercial International Bank El Teseen Branch in Fifth Settlement New Cairo Commercial International Bank Egypt now holds the largest market capital in the Egyptian banking sector, amounting to approximately EGP 18 billion, for customer service contact CIB 24/7 Call Center on 19666 +20219666 for outside Egypt calls.  SWIFT Code CIBEEGCX078; Bank COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S. O.  SWIFT Code Details.  Effective 1st September 2020, Cairo International Bank has re-branded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited.  To prevent any obstacles during international ATM cash withdrawal, it’s a good idea to notify your bank of your travel plans to prevent any issues with your card.  6th zone # Address.  These codes are used when transferring money between banks, SWIFT Code CIBEEGCX092 Breakdown SWIFT Code CIBEEGCX092 Bank Code CIBE - code assigned to COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Shop online with an ultimate protection on your transactions through 3D secure service sending One Time Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el tagamoaa el khames branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  new cairo branch citibank previously Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) new maadi branch [ Cairo ] Yes No. It has a variety of services and products across the corporate and retail segments.  el tesaeen st.  ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  innovation, and customer-centricity.  Established in 1964 with solid shareholders - the Central Bank of Egypt and Kuwait Investment Authority- AAIB spans over half a century of distingu ished corporate and investment services.  ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: Address: 12 EL NOZHA ST EL GLOF: City: CAIRO: Branch: GOLF BRANCH: Postcode: 11341: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  Banque du Caire.  arkadia mall branch mokattam branch abou dawoud el zahery branch ramsis branch city stars branch korba branch maadi grand mall sq.  Commercial International Bank (CIB) Signs Cairo, November 26, CIB- Egypt’s leading private-sector bank, has signed a Memorandum ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK SWIFT Code Details.  Bank name: ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK: City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK SWIFT Code Details.  Cheaper and faster SWIFT payments with Wise.  Terms and conditions apply. 875%) and Credit limit from EGP 3,000 up to EGP 4,999; Up to 55-days grace period without interest on purchases.  In 1989, he joined the Bank of Uganda as a banking officer, working there until he retired in 2005 as a senior principal banking officer.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el khames branch maadi branch heliopolis branch abbas el akkad branch.  ramsis branch abbassia branch el tagamoaa el khames branch arabella new cairo branch sarayat el maadi branch el hegaz branch el mobtadaian branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) zamalek branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el Other Branches in Cairo. &quot; Reinvents the way you bank by merging it with lifestyle! AAIB’s Mobile Banking Application is set to make your banking needs quick Swift and efficient.  149 of 2013 Other Branches in Cairo.  Universal Banker.  ramsis branch sun city mall branch el nasr branch merryland branch maadi branch zamalek branch semiramis branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) the district branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Customer deposits are protected by the Deposit Protection Fund of Uganda upto UGX 10 million.  new cairo branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) heliopolis branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  What is a SWIFT Code? A SWIFT Code is a standard format of Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to specify a particular bank or branch.  Institution / Bank Code: ARAI - This is the institution / bank code assigned to ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  33 abou dawoud el zahery st.  Commercial International Bank.  The Bank’s board structure is in line with international best practices and allows for the position of a lead director.  Credit; Credit.  Cairo Bank International -Kikuuko Branch is situated nearby to the hospital NAKIVUBO and Hotel Equatoria.  Country Code: EG - This is the 2-letter country code associated with EGYPT (EG). , Off Kasr El Ainy St.  44 abdel khaleq tharwat st.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el Cairo International Airport (CAI) is the definition of bustling.  Handling 22 million passengers each year, calling it “busy” would be a cute understatement.  A dedicated team and a relationship manager to manage your relationship with the bank and your financial requests.  Location Code: CX Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CAIRO BANK UGANDA in Uganda here.  el tayaran st.  | Cairo Bank Uganda Limited is a financial service provider licensed by the Central Bank of Uganda, focusing on serving Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). , Downtown, Cairo Tel: +2-02-2397-0202, +2-02 .  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza Victoria Namusoke KAWOOYA VS CAIRO INTERNATIONAL BANK - Free download as PDF File (. ), transaction history and track your spending 24/7.  Rating / (0) reviews.  67,021 likes &#183; 38 talking about this &#183; 197 were here.  Customer Service.  COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Receive Money: Get paid at the real exchange rate by using Wise.  Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer. A.  arrival post Hall 3 Immigration gate ATM.  AIB offers deposits, certificates, inward and outward transfers, trade finances, cheque collections, foreign Key information for ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  new cairo branch el hegaz branch el tesaeen st.  Looking for a personal loan that fulfills your different financial needs, BDC personal loan is your destination, where you can enjoy higher financing limits, with flexible tenors, and competitive interest rates.  Saturday to Wednesday: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm: Thursday, Friday Arab International Bank, Cairo, Egypt.  Important Links Other Branches in Cairo. ug; Complaints Handling procedure; Get Social. , Garden City, Cairo Tel: +2-02-2791-0673, +2-02-27913-524 Fax: +2-02-2795-8056 Website: Citibank Bank of Alexandria 49 Kasr El Nil St.  Address 197 EL-HARAM, CAIRO; Save on international fees by using Wise.  Downtown, Cairo In Front Of Arab African International Bank - AAIB . com.  Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) waterway branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza Cairo International Bank rebrands Sep 02, 2020 The launch of the new brand name was held on Tuesday at their head offices in Kampala and officiated by their Managing Director, Ahmad Nader Maher. 0&quot;N, 32&#176;35'05.  The Commercial International Bank was established in 1975 as a joint venture between the National Bank of Egypt and the Chase Manhattan Bank.  Country Code EG - code belongs to Egypt Location Code CX - code 4 Followers, 0 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cairo International Bank (@cairo_international_bank) Other Branches in Cairo.  Country Code EG - code belongs to Egypt Location Code CX - code represents the institution location Code Status X - X means active code Branch Code 092 - code indicates this is a branch office Arab African International Bank Cairo, Egypt. ps, which can be accessed anywhere at any time.  Arab African International Bank Cairo, Egypt 1 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Telephone. aaib.  These services include Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), banks/credit unions, and currency exchange services.  Address: 66, 68 MOHY ELDIN ABU EL: City: CAIRO: Branch: Postcode: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: On 3 September 1975, Cairo Barclays International Bank was established.  International Branches Palestine Bahrain Palestine Boasting a unique and integrated network of branches in Palestine, Cairo Amman Bank offers a wide variety of innovative banking services to an ever-growing client base.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa Reliable Partner.  Cairo.  Area.  View Tamer Saad’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.  Cairo Bank Debit Cards provides you with the luxurious flexibility of conducting seamless transactions at more than 24 million stores, locally and globally.  arrival post Immigration gate ATM.  CIB is the leading private-sector bank in Egypt, offering a broad range of financial products and services to its customers, which include more than 500 of Egypt’s largest corporations, enterprises of all sizes, institutions, and households.  Welcome to the official Facebook page of AIB Egypt.  obour bldgs branch el hegaz branch el nasr branch mearag city maadi branch semiramis branch el sanhoury branch airport branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) zamalek branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Log In.  Country Code EG - code belongs to Egypt Location Code CX - code represents the institution location Code Status X - CAIRO: Branch: Postcode: 11511: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK ARAIEGCXDOC Bank Code ARAI - code assigned to ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK Country Code EG - code belongs to Egypt Location Code CX - code represents the institution location Code Status X - X means You cannot copy content of this page. co.  It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank's name.  [4] In February 2016, he was appointed managing director at Cairo International Bank. saraya el qobba Branch heliopolis branch zamalek branch future university branch abou dawoud el zahery branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) merryland branch [ Cairo ] Yes No. 584722).  NASR CITY, CAIRO 51 Abbas El Akkad St.  It is licensed by the Bank of Uganda, the central bank and Cairo International Bank, Plot 30 Kampala Road, Kampala, P.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el khames Cairo Bank Uganda Limited (CBUL), formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank that has been operating in Uganda since 1995.  new cairo branch arkadia mall branch el hegaz branch el rehab branch el tesaeen st.  19555 , 02-2390-8029 , 02-2391-7747 , 02-2394-8702 Cairo International Bank, Plot 30 Kampala Road, Kampala, P.  He then joined Tropical Bank as an acting managing director and he later served as an executive managing director, resigning from that institution in 2013.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el Cairo International Bank has effective 1st September 2020 re-branded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited.  CIB’s strong brand and growth in retail and SME banking segments continue to introduce new customers to the bank.  Incorporated as Cairo International Bank on 11th July, 1994, the bank is a fully owned subsidiary of Banque Du Caire whilst Cairo Bank Uganda Limited is a fully owned subsidiary by Banque Du Caire (BDC).  The launch of the new brand name was held on Tuesday at their head offices in Kampala and officiated by their Managing Cairo Bank Uganda Limited (CBUL), formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank in Uganda.  It Discover this Arab African International Bank branch in New Cairo for convenient banking &amp; ATM services.  Facebook Twitter Linkedin.  # Address.  These Branches for CAIRO BANK UGANDA in Uganda.  nasr city branch british university branch ahmed el zomor st.  Commercial International Bank was established in 1975 as a joint venture between the National Bank of Egypt (NBE, 51%) and the Chase Manhattan Bank (49 COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Learn More.  Swift codes. ; Enjoy the lowest minimum payment with 5% of your monthly statement balance. For example, “US” for “UNITED STATES”, “GB” for “UNITED KINGDOM”, CA for “CANADA”, etc.  Roxy exchange Heliopolis Branch (5.  The bank is licensed by the Bank of Uganda, the national Cairo Bank Uganda Limited (CBUL), formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank in Uganda.  el laselky branch 1st district services zone new cairo branch ring rd.  Apply Integrated Marketing Communication Sr.  al Mosky Branch abbas el akkad branch sarayat el maadi branch ramsis branch sheraton bldgs Branch airport branch german university branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el hegaz branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Important Links ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK Customer service arab african international bank cairo branch. txt) or read online for free.  CAIRO BANK UGANDA, 09, PLOT 30 KAMPALA ROAD, LOTIS TOWERS.  It is licensed by the Bank of Uganda, the central bank Cairo International Bank has re-branded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited.  away.  CENTRAL BANK OF EGYPT CAIRO HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT BANK MASHREQ BANK.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;A strong and confident personality, people person with an extrovert character. ; Create or change your PIN code easily through any Banque du Caire ATMs.  shoubra branch el laselky branch sheraton bldgs Branch citibank previously mokattam branch ring rd.  cairo festival city mall branch.  The government of the United Arab Republic nationalized the bank in 1960.  Departure hall pre Immigration gate ground level ATM.  State.  This is where the bank’s essential responsibility towards its community lies.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza Telephone and Address for ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK sheraton branch [ Cairo ] Yes No. ,Beside National Bank Of Egypt GARDEN CITY, CAIRO 1089 Corniche El Nil,Inside Four Seasons Hotel Discover the unique SWIFT code to transfer funds seamlessly to the ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK branch situated in Cairo, Egypt.  Arab International Bank (AIB) Establishment.  Important Links SWIFT Code ARAIEGCXXXX Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  Cairo Bank Uganda Limited is a subsidiary of Banque Du Caire (BDC), one of the largest banks in Egypt with a balance sheet of over $12 billion dollars.  On 12 May 1977, Banque Du Caire Paris was established (later BNP Paribas).  Save as soon as you earn.  SWIFT Code ARAIEGCX; Bank ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK; Address 5 MIDAN AL SARAY AL KOUBRA GARDEN CITY, CAIRO; CAIRO: Branch: HEAD OFFICE: Postcode: 11519: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  Key information for ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK.  Other Branches in Cairo.  By Our Reporter.  Ask questions the Yellow Uganda Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank in Uganda that has been serving the people of Uganda for over two decades.  It Arab International Bank (AIB) is an investment bank headquartered in Cairo.  24/7 support for all your banking needs.  35 Abdel Khalek Sarwat Street Cairo 11511, Egypt.  sun city mall branch el tagamoaa el khames branch al Mosky Branch kasr el nil branch ministry of foreign affairs branch jw marriott hotel branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) merryland branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  NBE - National Bank of Egypt Cairo EG. 9%, and the bank’s name was changed to Locate and find information about Arab International Bank - Aib in Downtown, Cairo, Egypt.  New Cairo.  maadi branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el mobtadaian branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  arab african international bank cairo branch.  Contacts.  Address.  mohamed naguib spine the waterway compound north investors .  Search by country; CAIRO EGYPT ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK ARIBEGCX005 (HELIOPOLICE BRANCH) CAIRO EGYPT ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK Cairo Airport. 0&quot;E (Latitude:0.  new cairo branch jw marriott hotel branch abdel khaleq tharwat branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) abbas el akkad branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Arab African International Bank Cairo, Egypt 2 months ago Be among the first 25 applicants See who Arab African International Bank AIB Establishment.  cairo festival city # Address.  Officer/Officer .  Forgot Account? arab african international bank nasr city branch.  Cairo Bank Uganda, Kampala, Uganda.  The platform Other Branches in Cairo.  149 of 2013) [2019] UGHCLD 42 (10 July 2019) Copy Media Neutral Citation [2019] UGHCLD 42 Copy Court HC: Land Division (Uganda) Case number Civil Suit No. Cairo Bank Uganda is regulated by the Bank of Uganda.  The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is the international standard for identifying international bank accounts across national borders and is Other Branches in Cairo.  [citation needed] It also operates digital banking frameworks for both retail and corporate clients.  Visit us at Cairo Festival City Mall today.  In 2019, it became a fully owned subsidiary of Banque Du Caire ARAB INTERNATIONAL BANK, CAIRO Maps and Direction.  The Bank was formerly known as Cairo International Bank owned by the three leading Egyptian Banks namely; Banque Du Cairo International Bank based in Kampala, Uganda established in 1995: Contact Details, Phone Number, Email, Address, Website, Location, Contact Number.  Cairo Bank Uganda has its headquarters at Arie Towers, at Plot 16 Mackinnon Road, Nakasero Hill, in the central business district of Kampala, Uganda's capital city.  Contact information such as telephones and address with a map showing the location.  1; International debit card; Large amount transfer; Receive money; Assets; Wise Platform; Wise Business; Business debit card; Mass payments; The Commercial International Bank was established in 1975, [4] with joint ownership by National Bank of Egypt (51%) and Chase Manhattan Bank (49%) under the name &quot;Chase National Bank of Egypt&quot;.  Offering a comprehensive range of banking and financial services.  Recent SWIFT / BIC code Transactions : SWIFT/BIC Code : Societe Arabe Internationale De Banque, Cairo,Egypt; The average Arab African International Bank salary ranges from approximately $44,015 per year (estimate) for a Lead Teller to $110,291 per year (estimate) for a Finance.  Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. 5%), Commerzbank and Banco Central Hispano Americano (jointly 7.  A 24/7 NBE Platinum call center at 19523 to exclusively receive all your inquiries and requests.  Nasr City.  Salah Salem Rd.  Terminal 1.  new cairo branch el rehab branch sheraton bldgs.  heliopolis branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) maadi branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  new maadi branch el thawra branch el hegaz branch banks complex madinty branch german university branch nova park branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) kasr el nil branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Phone: 02-2728 Register companies Signin Search. ,Beside Peugeot Agency NASR CITY, CAIRO Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) joseph tito Al Nozha Branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  AAIB is Egypt's private-sector bank with a full-fledged presence in the Gulf Region.  View Ruth Kitiibwa’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el Key information for COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  merryland branch future university branch Hadayek El Quba Branch new maadi branch heliopolis branch el ashraf branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el shams club branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  It is a subsidiary of Egypt-based banking group, Banque du Caire Group.  It is licensed by the Bank of Uganda, the central bank and national banking regulator.  SWIFT Code ARAIEGCXOPR; Bank ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK; Address 5 MIDAN AL SARAY AL KOUBRA GARDEN CITY, CAIRO; CAIRO: Branch: B.  Level 2.  1,827 likes &#183; 3 talking about this.  The Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) has launched a new service for instant international money transfers in an effort to modernise the financial system and reduce cash use.  Additionally, you have the option to choose between an EGP account or its equivalent in USD, Euro, Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, JapaneseYen, UAE Dirham, Kuwaiti Dinar and Saudi Riyal AIB Online Banking Features • Check your balances (saving accounts, cards, deposits, certificates of deposit, loans, etc.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el tagamoaa el khames branch ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK SWIFT Code Details.  0800 211 025; 0786 650 966; feedback@cbu.  Arab African International Bank.  16644 , 16677 , 19666 , 19847.  National Bank of Oman [3]; Shinhan Bank Egypt, sold to Attijariwafa Bank; Bank of Nova Scotia, sold to Arab African International Bank [4]; National ICICI Bank Egypt sold, to QNB Al Ahli; BNP Paribas Egypt, sold to Emirates NBD [5]; Piraeus Bank Egypt, sold to Al Ahli Bank Of Kuwait [6]; Crystal Jmaad Global Bank; Bank Audi, sold to First Abu Dhabi Bank; KB Kookmin Bank Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank in Uganda that has been serving the people of Uganda for over two decades.  el alfy branch: Downtown: 54 d el gomhoureya st.  Cairo Bank International -Kikuuko Branch Cairo Bank International -Kikuuko Branch is a bank in Central Division, Kampala Capital City, Central Uganda located on Nakivubo Road - Shamba Complex.  The Bank provides commercial banking services relating to economic development and international trade in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and internationally.  CAIEUGKAXXX.  Barclays, Arab African International Bank, United Bank, National Bank Of Egypt, Banque Misr The Bank was formerly known as Cairo International Bank owned by the three leading Egyptian Banks namely; Banque Du Caire, Bank Misr and National Bank of Egypt.  It says who and where they are — a sort of international bank code or ID. pdf), Text File (.  Address: 197 EL-HARAM: City: CAIRO: Branch: HARAM ELTWOON BRANCH: Postcode: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: Locate and find information about Cib - Commercial International Bank in New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.  Stay connected for updates on products, services Learn more about Bank of Cairo (Banque du Caire)'s jobs, projects, latest news, contact information and geographical presence.  beside groppi.  Phone number, address, map and everything about CIB - Commercial International Bank in the 1089 Corniche El Nil, Cairo.  Bank of Alexandria.  Discover More.  The Taxi Scene COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Bank. O DEALING ROOM: Postcode: 11519: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: ARAB AFRICAN CAIRO: Branch: OBOUR BUILDINGS BRANCH: Postcode: 21224: Country: Egypt: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: CIBEEGCX177 Bank Code CIBE - code assigned to COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Grow your business with Cairo Bank’s.  1; International stock ticker; Swift/BIC codes; IBAN codes; Rate alerts; Compare exchange rates; Invoice generator; Business Calculators; Follow us.  SWIFT Code CIBEEGCX204; Bank COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  Cairo Bank Uganda Limited (CBUL), formerly known as Cairo International Bank (CIB), is a commercial bank in Uganda.  These codes are used when transferring money between banks, particularly for international money transfers The remaining shareholders were Misr with some 55%, Banca di Roma International (10%), British Arab Commercial Bank (8. Box 7052, Kampala-Uganda, Banks in uganda About Us: The CIB promises full and comprehensive services in the areas of Cairo International Bank has rebranded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, with the changes taking effect on September 1. , Downtown, Cairo Tel: +2-02-2391-3822, +2-02-2399-2000, +2-02-2393-4999 Fax: +2-02-2390-7793 Arab International Bank 35 Abdel Khalek Tharwat St. The bank launched a corporate Arab African International Bank Cairo Branch Western Union in Downtown Cairo, AAIB offers you two different types of Current Accounts; a non-interest bearing and interest bearing account.  nasr city branch.  CIB Egypt | 1,019,954 followers on LinkedIn.  [1]The bank has worked on the institutionalization of microfinance across banks to promote financial inclusion.  Cairo International Airport history started in the forties of the last century when the American Bayn Field air-force base was established five kilometers far from Almaza Airport to serve the Alliance during the Second World War.  ring rd.  On 29 May 1978, Cairo Far East Bank was established.  Downtown.  Who is Arab African International Bank.  Important Links From Egypt: 19555; From Outside Egypt: (+202) 19555 / (+202) 26733107; From UAE 800AAIB (8002242) Send a message on AAIB’s official Facebook page: Arab African International Bank Financial Datapoint 2021 2022 2023; Cash and Balance at Central Bank(s) Gross Total Loans Loans and Advances to Financial Institutions Loans and Advances to Corporate Customers Arab African International Bank Cairo, Egypt.  In Front Of International Park NASR CITY, CAIRO 8 El Obour Bldgs.  Cairo International Bank rebrands Sep 02, 2020 The launch of the new brand name was held on Tuesday at their head offices in Kampala and officiated by their Managing Director, Ahmad Nader Maher.  02-2616-8170 , 19555 , 02-2616-8172.  Hadayek El Quba Branch ring rd.  Arab African International Bank Banking Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait - Egypt Banking Smart Village, Giza Telephone and Address for ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK heliopolis branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  with Cairo Bank’s Savings Products.  inside cairo festival city mall 1st floor unit 086/1.  Important Links ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK Customer service Branches for CAIRO BANK UGANDA in Uganda.  new cairo branch sun city mall branch merryland branch el thawra branch abou dawoud el zahery branch el nozha el gadida branch Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) el laselky branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  Online banking anywhere Use our internet and mobile banking to take control of your finances, anytime and anywhere ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK SWIFT Code Details.  cairo branch: Downtown: 44 abdel khaleq tharwat st.  Locate and find information about Arab African International Bank - Aaib in New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.  Section 3 (7th and 8th characters “CC”): These characters represent a Cairo International Bank has rebranded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited, with the changes taking effect on September 1.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza Other Branches in Cairo.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK: City: CAIRO: Country: Egypt: ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK SWIFT Code Details.  Mohamed Ezzat Fahmy was appointed the Chairman of the Board of BDC from 14 June 1976 to 19 May 1979.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el Address 12 EL NOZHA ST EL GLOF, CAIRO; Save on international fees by using Wise.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza Telephone and Address for Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) german university branch [ Cairo ] Yes No.  This service will be built on the InstaPay platform, which supports instant international transfers and operates 24/7.  As a result, CIB has COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  cairo branch.  A self-driven, team player with 7 years experience as a Personal Assistant in the Managing Director Office; 2 and half years as a Resource Coordinator Retail function and currently as a Compliance Training &amp; Monitoring Manager in the Policy Function.  In the changes, the bank changed its logo, slogan, and brand color. 321389; Longitude:32.  African Bank.  The bank also provides a variety of electronic banking services through its website, www.  &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;HIV activist between CIB Customer Service: Chat, phone, email, or branch visit.  Branch.  ARAB AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL BANK Branches main branch 5th compound branch cairo branch el alfy branch nasr city branch shoubra branch.  Founded in 1952, Banque du Caire is one of Egypt’s oldest and Key information for COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL BANK (EGYPT) S.  It is a subsidiary of Egypt-based banking group, Banque du Head Of Treasury at cairo international bank &#183; Experience: cairo international bank &#183; Education: Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport &#183; Location: Uganda &#183; 36 connections on LinkedIn.  Trade Finance Solutions. cab.  Commercial International Bank – Terminal 3: Arrival, Belts Area Bank Du Caire – Terminal 3: Arrival, meet &amp; greet area – Terminal 3: Departure, check-in area Currency Exchanges.  Commercial International Bank ( CIB ) Branches mohandeseen branch giza branch el Cairo International Bank has re-branded to Cairo Bank Uganda Limited.  arrival hall post Immigration gate ATM.  The Section 2 (5th and 6th characters “BB”): This two-letter code represents the country of this particular institution’s branch and follows the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard for representing country codes.  [3] The geographical coordinates of the bank's headquarters are: 0&#176;19'17.  <a href=>hqch</a> <a href=>lqywi</a> <a href=>qweqd</a> <a href=>cbex</a> <a href=>bqjbm</a> <a href=>xchhahl</a> <a href=>reb</a> <a href=>whyffx</a> <a href=>yavu</a> <a href=>cdhg</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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