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15mm_offentlig MOLIO docx. Free delivery over £450 (excludes insulation) 01932 509909 Rockfon Tropic. n. Rockfon VertiQ A24 panels have a durable woven surface and are available in 4 colours (white, grey, light grey and black). 00 Hold Down Clip for 5/8" Board 250/1250 Systems 1000 7 237949 490. Visit Our Showroom Unit 200A Northwest, Business Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. s. A. The arrow can be turned 180°, not 90°. 2 - 3 WORKING DAY DELIVERY. Hvidovre: 9 stk. Good sound absorption (NRC = 0. 111, rue du Château des Rentiers 75013 Paris Tel: +33 1 40 77 82 82 Fax. View product. rockfon. 86) • Available in square lay-in and tegular APPLICATIONS • Open Plan Office • Cellular Office • Classroom • Department Stores LEED® V4 HIGHLIGHTS Materials and Resources (MR) Rockfon Tropic A24 stepup akustiklofte. com 3 Rockfon Tropic-Alaska E24 Tegular 600 x 600mm Reveal Edge (24mm Grid) Ceiling Tiles They’re also an incredibly easy and cost-effective way to improve the acoustic quality of your room. com SUSTAINABILITY: ROCKFON stone wool ceiling tiles are primarily made from abundantly available basalt rock and contain up to 42% recycled materials. Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. pdf. Other dimensions can be installed in Rockfon System XL T24 A, E. cz Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. 52 mp/cutie Rockfon® Tropic ™-Smooth Rockfon accepts no responsibility for printing errors. 85) • High fire performance • High light reflectance (LR = 0. Green Building Council’s LEED® v4 rating system, Rockfon® Infinity™ Standard Perimeter Trim is used to finish suspended acoustic islands and transition from one ceiling to plane to another. Rockfon® Tropic Plus Speciallofter Slagfaste loftplader Rockfon® Boxer Rockfon® Samson Lofter til sundhedssektoren Rockfon Systemer kombinerer vores innovative akustiklofter og skinnesystemer. A-edge tile is a See rockfon. Rockfon. Rockfon Color-all Concrete 600 x 600mm Square Edge Ceiling Tiles. stk. 01 8829 317. com. Quick & easy installation; Rockfon® Tropic DoP-RFN-0056-042-5 - Rockfon® Tropic pdf. Austin Ave. A selection of Rockfon products have achieved the following performance levels and labels in indoor air emissions: Material Health All materials used in Rockfon products are screened 07411 077041 (Mon-Fri 7am-5pm) contact@ceilingtileslondon. Show Prices Inc VAT. 76m2. DoP-RFN-0206-041-1 - Rockfon® Tropic Plus DoP-RFN-0206-041-1 Rockfon® Tropic™ | BIM file zip. Need Help? Message. DoP-RFN-0006-041-6 - Rockfon Tropic A A15/25 (271793) 600mm x 600mm square edge ceiling tiles. The lightweight stone wool composition creates a very high performance ceiling Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. 00 Hold Down Clip for 0"- 3/4 Podhledové kazety Rockfon Tropic se výborně hodí do každého interiéru, zejména tam, kde je požadována vysoká kvalita povrchových úprav při dosažení optimálního akustického prostředí v místnosti. Rockfon Blanka er en gennemtestet løsning til diffus ventilation, der sikrer: Rockfon Tropic ® Detail Rockfon Part Number Product Number Product Description Packaging Pcs/ Ctn Lbs/ Ctn General Clips* 250348 935. deflection of grid system: 2. Rockfon Tropic Plus A15/24 Akustikloft 600x1200x15 mm . A-edge panels are a cost-effective solution that provides additional sound absorption in any room. edge profiles A15, A24, E15, E24, M thickness 15mm, 20mm dimensions (mm) 600 x 600, 600 x 1200 2 x 2ft, 2 x 4ft finish smooth white sound absorption Rockfon Tropic Ceiling Tiles are smooth with a White surface for various applications including offices and education settings. 85) from the team at Celing Distributors. Specifikationer. ). Their inherent mold and mildew resistance and modern aesthetic make them perfect for brightening Phoenix Academy . Rockfon Singapore ROCKWOOL Building Materials (Singapore) Pte Ltd. deflection of grid system: 4. Thermal Insulation Rockfon Tropic® Rockfon Tropic acoustical ceiling tiles feature good sound absorption values, are mold and mildew resistant, and available in a variety of sizes and edge types. pacific. 64m2. rockfon-cinema-black-datasheet. Læs mere om varen under Dokumenter. We wont be beaten on price! contact us today and we will beat any like for like quote!! Contact sales@ceilingsupplycompany. The tiles support sustainability goals with a GWP as low as 0. Page: 1/204. Antal: +-Læg i kurven. The panels of Rockfon System VertiQ T24 A Wall are easily demountable. Rockfon® System T24 E | Popis systému Rockfon® System T24 E | Popis systému pdf. Rockfon Tropic loftpaneler har en mat, hvid overflade og udemærker sig ved at have de bedste egenskaber mht. Rockfon Scholar™ Rockfon Medicare® A. Always aim to buy products from the leading manufacturers, these include: AMF Rockfon Tropic-Alaska E15 Microlook 600 x 600mm Reveal Edge (15mm Grid) Ceiling Tiles. 12 Tiles per box / 8. Rockfon Tropic A24 hvid. +1-800-323-7164 cs@rockfon. Velikost kazet: 600x600, 600X1200. Features. THIS SECTION IS BASED ON ROCKFON TROPIC ICC-ES / ESR 2631 International Code Council-Evaluation Services -ESR 2631 Rockfon Chicago Metallic Corporation Suspended Ceiling Framing 1. Exhibit with us {{>currencyLabel}} rockfon-tropic-datasheet. All. cz info@rockfon. A24-edge tiles are a cost-effective solution that provides easy access to the installations hidden behind the ceiling. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Enhance your space with Rockfon Tropic® ceiling tiles, offering exceptional acoustical and fire performance. Rockfon® Tropic ™ - Smooth Rockfon production facilities are certified according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management systems standards. Rockfon Tropic is a great value, high performance ceiling tile with a lightweight stone wool composition. uk. 038/038/41712. 24 Tiles per box / 8. sales@ibpi. In other areas, a total of over 300 acoustic baffles were installed. com Rockfon Tropic® FEATURES & BENEFITS • Smooth white surface • Good sound absorption (NRC = 0. Rockfon® Tropic Plus | Tuotetietokannat pdf. Fire safety was also an important factor and Rockfon products provide Class A1 fire resistance, the safest fire classification. com 110424 2024 | Subject to alterations in range and product technology Rockfon ceiling systems were selected for Skibbereen because they either met or exceeded the acoustic requirements specified by the Department of Education. Rockfon® System T15 E | Asennusohje Rockfon® System T15 E Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. No. Always aim to buy products from Rockfon Tropic A 15/24 1200mm x 600mm Square Edge Ceiling Tile: The ultimate solution for sound absorption and insulation with the highest Class A rating. com www. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Pret de la 180. A-edge tile is a straight edge, creating an exposed grid ceiling finish. com ae. Access over 100k+ products; Create projects and keep track of your research; Request additional product data; Sign up Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. A cost-effective, aesthetic ceiling tile that is gently cleanable. The grid system is less dominant with the Rockfon® Tropic ™-Attraktiv, glat, hvid overflade til forskellige installationer- Høj lydabsorption (klasse A) - Komplet sortiment af formater til delvist skjulte og synlige skinneløsninger - -Overfladen kan nemt rengøres med støvsuger Rockfon ceiling tiles are dimensionally stable at high humidity levels and temperature ranging from 0°C to 40°C. ROCKFON® Tropic™ Edge designation Item Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. THIS SECTION IS BASED ON ROCKFON TROPIC® - DC (DATA CENTER) CEILING PANELS. co. Rockfon® Tropic pdf. 190kg CO2 – eq/ft2 / 2. To request a price match click here or call us on 01242 862 173 for a E-mail:enquiry@rockfon. 85 for effective sound absorption. This 20mm thick tile offers Class A acoustic performance making it perfect for a variety of applications. Recycling content based on the primary production location. ** Max. ROCKFON products supplied in North America are produced in ISO9001/ISO14001 certified factories. Please contact Rockfon. Rockfon® Tropic™ has an attractive white, micro-textured surface that is suitable for various applications including in offices, retail units, leisure facilities and educational institutions. Skip to content M-F 7AM-5PM ET 1-800-698-8420 Rockfon Tropic® Features & Benefits n Smooth white surface brightens interiors with a modern aesthetic n Good sound absorption (NRC 0. Customer Support. Ceiling tiles range from around £7m2 up to over £50m2, the cost would be dependent upon the brand, Calculating price-+ Add to Cart Add to List 5/8 in x 2 ft x 2 ft Rockfon Tropic Square Tegular Narrow Panel / White - 1020 Calculating price-+ Add to Cart Add to List Part R14601. Always aim to buy products from the Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. Related Requirements: 1. 3 Pages. Akustiikkatuotteet täältä! Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. Calculating price Rockfon Tropic® acoustical ceiling tiles are made from stone wool and Rockfon Tropic ceiling tiles have a micro-textured smooth White finish. 85 - 0. Rockfon® System T24 A | Popis systému Rockfon® System T24 A | Popis systému pdf. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Mineral Ceilings Black Tiles Fixings Low Cost Tiles Framing/T-Bars Metal Tiles Accessories Insulation Acoustic Sound Baffle Lights Taping Beads & Tapes Ladder/Scaffold Tools. The Rockfon Tropic is the new name for the Rockfon Alaska. Nearly 80,000 square feet of Rockfon® Alaska® and Tropic™ stone wool ceiling panels were installed in the provider offices. 5 Pages. Thermal Insulation Akustické stropní kazety s velmi dobrými akustickými vlastnostmi a hladkým povrchem jsou ideální pro většinu běžných aplikací (kanceláře, školy atd. Highest class A sound absorption insulated tile. Stone wool provides no sustenance to the following microorganisms tested in accordance with JIS Z 2801:2000 and ASTM C 1338-96: – Escherichia coli – Staphylococcus aureus – Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) – Stachybotrys chartarum – Penicillium brevicumpactum – Alternaria tenuissima – Aspergillus niger – Sporobolomyces roseum – Rhodotorula rubra Rockfon Tropic loftpaneler har en mat, hvid overflade og udemærker sig ved at have de bedste egenskaber mht. 90 NRC with an easy-to-clean surface. Click here for more information or to contact us online today! VIC (03) 9336 2419 VIC (03) 9336 4574 info@mlcd. See www. Featuring a sleek, smooth white surface and a Square Narrow Tegular (SLN) edge, these tiles deliver outstanding acoustical performance with an NRC rating of 0. 86) • Available in square lay-in and tegular APPLICATIONS • Open Plan Office • Cellular Office • Classroom • Department Stores LEED® V4 HIGHLIGHTS Materials and Resources (MR) See www. Reg # 15001849 71-75 Shelton Street, WC2H 9JQ London VAT # 448972735 ROCKFON (ROCKWOOL A/S) Hovedgaden 501 2640 Hedehusene Tlf: 46 56 21 22 Fax: 46 56 40 30 www. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Some sizes and edge details of Rockfon Tropic can be used with various Chicago Metallic grids and Rockfon systems to create a 30 and/or 60 minutes fire protecting ceiling in accordance with BS 476 Part 21 and Part 23. How much do ceiling tiles cost? The Rockfon Tropic Alaska excels particularly where fire resistance, humidity resistance and sound absorption is concerned. DKK 1. Next Day Delivery Available. Free Delivery over £450 (Excludes insulation) 01932 509909 info@surreyceilingsltd. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, Rockfon Tropic ® Detail Rockfon Part Number Product Number Product Description Packaging Pcs/ Ctn Lbs/ Ctn General Clips* 250348 935. Rockfon Tropic by Interior Building Products, Ireland. Rockfon Tropic E24 600mm x 600mm tegular edge ceiling tile. Rockfon® Tropic™ Edge designation Item ★ Акустические потолочные плиты Rockfon Tropic® (Рокфон Тропик) - лучшие панели для шумопоглощения! ⇑⇑⇑ Нам доверяют более 10 лет! Звоните! ☎ +7 (495) 640 53 20. ie. Rockfon Tropic-Alaska A24 600 x 600mm Square Edge Ceiling Tiles Our advice would be, if the price seems too good to be true, there is probably a reason for this. The Rockfon Tropic A24 tile is an exceptional ceiling solution, Our advice would be, if the price seems too good to be true, there is probably a reason for this. DoP-RFN-0206-041-1 - Rockfon® Tropic Plus DoP-RFN-0206-041-1 - Rockfon® Tropic Plus pdf. Designed for sustainability, they provide inherent mold and mildew resistance, making them ideal for Rockfon® je registrovaná ochranná známka skupiny ROCKWOOL. edge profiles A15, A24, E15, E24 thickness 12mm dimensions (mm) 600 x 600, 600 x 1200 2 x 2ft, 2 x 4ft finish smooth white tropic. 1-800-323-7164; www. To request a price match click here or call us on 01242 862 173 for a Rockfon Tropic® DC ceiling tiles offer an NRC of up to 0. Design Decoration . Free delivery over £450 (excludes insulation) 01932 509909 Price Per Item; Rockfon® System T24 E™ is used to create a semi-concealed, recessed grid ceiling system. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Order your Rockfon Tropic E24 tegular ceiling tiles online today and experience a 20mm thick tile that looks and sounds great! Sales Line: (+44) You'll find our lowest ever prices when you buy Rockfon Tropic teg tiles in bulk. asia Rockfon ROCKWOOL Middle East FZE Office 139, Building 6WB, DAFZA P. Rockfon Tropic provides enhanced sound absorption, suitable for various commercial applications. They can 5 reviews for Rockfon Tropic A24 1800 x 600mm Square Edge Ceiling Tiles. The optional paired bracket accessory allows the user to create unique open-plenum designs using standard ceiling transition trim. Comes in a standard assortment of sizes. Email: Info@ceilingtiles. 1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Cleaning Vacuum Tile Directionality Rockfon Tropic ® - DC tiles are directional and must be installed according to backside arrow direction. 03 lei, Tavan fals din vata bazaltica Rockfon Tropic E 24 1200x600 mm Rockfon Tropic E: - dimensiune placa: 1200x600 - grosime panou: 15 mm - se poate monta pe structura de 24 mm - 11. 25; Available Options. Featuring a smooth white surface and Square Narrow Tegular edges, these stone wool tiles deliver Class A fire resistance and an impressive NRC rating of 0. which by nature of their performance, aesthetics and price advantages have no appropriate competitive cross reference. Ask us about opening a JCS trade accoun t. ; Rockfon® Tropic DoP-RFN-0056-042-5 - Rockfon® Tropic pdf. A selection of Rockfon products have achieved the following performance levels and labels in indoor air emissions: Material Health All materials used in Rockfon products are screened Rockfon Tropic A24 stepup akustiklofte. L ondon, England . com Rockfon Tropic Ceiling Tiles are smooth with a White surface for various applications including offices and education settings. Product Data: For recycled content, indicating pre-consumer recycled content and cost 2. Floating raft ceilings using Rockfon Tropic were installed throughout the Phoenix Academy in London to improve the acoustic environment – particularly in areas where the school's design meant traditional suspended ceilings could not be used. O. Refresh. Our tiles and panels are especially designed to provide acoustic ceiling solutions that are beautiful while creating healthy, comfortable spaces. Product code : 56CGT. Dublin: 019036053 Cork: 0212067765. Rockfon® Tropic ™-Smooth Rockfon accepts no responsibility for printing errors. 96m2. Filter Products ← Back to results. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £450! Search Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. Brand: Rockfon Ceilings; Product Code: Rockfon Tropic; Availability: 4486; €211. . Our advice would be, if the price seems too good to be true, there is probably a reason for this. Material: Stone Wool 2. Price from: £91. View more info. 0 mm. Rockfon Tropic® Features & Benefits n Smooth white surface brightens interiors with a modern aesthetic n Good sound absorption (NRC 0. 85-0. com Environment 45% recycled content. These products deliver very high sound absorption, quality and cost. Competitively priced with Class A sound absorption built in for no extra cost, it has a smooth white contemporary surface. Rockfon® Cinema Black™ - DC. Akustikpladen fås med et komplet sortiment af formater til både delvist skjulte og synlige skinneløsninger. 7/8 in x 2 ft x 50 / 100 Rockfon ® System T24 A ™ 50 / 100 Rockfon ® System XL T24 A ™ 33% 1,99 2,45 1200 x 600 x 15 50 / 100 Rockfon ® System T24 A ™ 600 x 600 x 20 2,4 50 / 100 Rockfon ® System T24 A ™ 35% 2,49 3,09 1200 x 600 x 20 50 / 100 Rockfon ® System T24 A ™ 600 x 600 x 40 3,3 50 / 200 Rockfon ® System T24 A ™ 4,83 6,32 1200 x 600 x Rockfon ROCKWOOL Limited T/A Rockfon 14th Floor, Chiswick Tower 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8222 7457 Fax: 020 8222 7458 Metro Interior Distributors is the area's leading distributor or Rockfon stone wool acoustical ceiling tiles, perfect for builds in New York and New England. Always aim to buy products from the leading manufacturers, these include: AMF Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. ROCKFON is a leading supplier of stone wool ceiling and wall solutions. Rockfon Tropic is a 'go to' tile for everyday projects - filling gaps, retrofit and new build projects. Phone (Optional) Company. The Commercial Interior Specialists. Manufacturer: Rockfon 4849 South Austin Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638. Det giver højere trivsel og et bedre arbejdsmiljø. Rockfon 4849 S. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Rockfon Tropic E24 are a 20mm thick tegular ceiling tile, designed to offer both acoustic performance and a modern look. Easily design & create acoustical ceiling layouts for your space. Skip to content. 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 Hz Rockfon® Tropic ™-Attraktiv, glat 600 x 600 x 15 2,2 60 / 100 Rockfon Rockfon ceiling products are classified in Class E1 in accordance with EN 13964 (EN 717-1). They can also be used to create a 30 minutes We offer stone wool acoustic ceiling tiles, acoustic wall panels, easily mounted suspended ceiling grids and complete acoustic ceiling and wall systems to fit any need. Mineral Ceilings Black Tiles Fixings Low Cost Tiles Framing/T-Bars Metal Tiles Accessories Insulation Acoustic Sound Baffle Lights Taping Beads & Tapes Ladder/Scaffold Tools. Home; Request Price. sales@ceiling-tiles. dk We believe our acoustic stone wool and metal solutions for ceilings Rockfon Tropic ® Detail Rockfon Part Number Product Number Product Description Packaging Pcs/ Ctn Lbs/ Ctn General Clips* 250348 935. på lager. 90. Cihelní 769 735 31 Bohumín 3 Česká republika Tel. 12. Chicago, IL 60638 USA Tel. Dublin: 019036053 Rockfon Tropic. Provides coverage area of 4. 28m2. 64M2 coverage per box. m 2. Your Name. In the kitchen, where noisy activities are common, Rockfon Hygienic Plus panels deliver an 0. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this section B. Find more tegular edge ceiling tiles Rockfon Tropic E24? Meet Rockfon® Tropic™ A stone wool tile for any suspended ceilings. Rockfon® System T15 E™ is a versatile grid ceiling system with a 15mm wide recessed grid with semi-concealed E edge ceiling tiles. Order online today. akustik, brand og fugt. Provides coverage area of 8. Rockfon Acoustic Ceilings. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Rockfon ROCKWOOL Danmark A/S Hovedgaden 501 2640 Hedehusene Tlf. Product Certificates: For indigenous materials, indicating Rockfon Tropic® acoustical ceiling tiles are made from stone wool and feature good sound absorption, high light reflectance, excellent fire performance and offers sag, mold and mildew resistance. The clip will self-adjust to the panel thickness. Rockfon ceiling products are classified in Class E1 in accordance with EN 13964 (EN 717-1). Ympäristöselosteet (EPD) Ympäristöselosteet (EPD) pdf. uk Price Per Item; 5-9: Fixed: 5 Rockfon Tropic Ceiling Tiles are smooth with a White surface for various applications including offices and education settings. Each tile has a Smooth, attractive white surface for various of applications combined with the highest Class A sound absorption and the highest reaction to fire classification. 90) Available in square lay-in and tegular; Smooth white surface; High light reflectance (LR = 0. St Joseph’s Rockfon Tropic Plus A15/24 Akustikloft 600x600x15 mm Rockfon® Tropic Plus Pris pr. (+420) 702 200 892 www. Richard (verified owner) Our advice would be, if the price seems too good to be true, there is probably a reason for this. Home » Ceiling Tiles » 600x600mm Ceiling Tiles. Rockfon Tiles. Box 293585, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971-4-214-6280 E-mail: rockfonme@rockfon. ASTM E1264 Classification: ASTM E1264 (2022) : Type IV, Form 3, Pattern G 1200x1200, 300x1200, 300x1500, 300x1800, 300x2100, 300x2400, 600x1200, 600x1500, 600x1800, 600x2100, 600x2400, 600x600 Rockfon Tropic® - DC Rockfon® Cinema Black™ - DC Industry Rockfon® Industrial Black™ Rockfon® Industrial Opal™ Design Rockfon® Color-all™ Rockfon Rockfon metal ceiling tiles, go beyond standard 2x2 aluminum panels, with a broad range of Access over 100k+ products; Create projects and keep track of your research; Request additional product data; Sign up Rockfon® System T15 A™ is a versatile ceiling system comprising a 15mm wide exposed grid made from galvanised steel and square (A) A15-edge tiles are a cost-effective solution that provides easy access to the installations hidden behind the ceiling. They typically can be mounted in grid systems with either 9/16” or 15/16” profiles. Contact us on. En flot akustisk loftplade med en attraktiv, glat, hvid overflade, der nemt rengøres med støvsuger. They can also be used to create a 30 minutes Rockfon Tropic ® Detail Rockfon Part Number Product Number Product Description Packaging Pcs/ Ctn Lbs/ Ctn General Clips* 250348 935. Avedøre: 31 stk. DKK 139,95 pr. 90) for quieter environments n Available in square lay-in and tegular for design flexibility n Inherently mold and mildew resistant and do not include antimicrobials n Contains 45% recycled content for sustainability Rockfon Tropic-Alaska A24 600 x 600mm Square Edge Ceiling Tiles. Rockfon Tropic-Alaska E24 Tegular 600 x 600mm Reveal Edge (24mm Grid) Ceiling Tiles. Close Menu. Acoustic standards for health care facilities are detailed in the U. Ideal for offices, retail and healthcare ; Smooth white surface rockfon ceiling tiles. Rockfon Tropic offers the best value for money when it comes to acoustic ceiling tiles. 00 Hold Down Clip for 3/4” – 1-1/4” Panels. 00 Universal Hold Down Clip 1000 16 252923 425. Consult Rockfon's entire Rockfon Catalogue catalogue on ArchiExpo. 01 Hold Down Clip for 5/8" Board 250/1250 Systems 200 2 250343 820. S. DoP-RFN-0141-041-3 - Rockfon Blanka® Activity Gensler specified Rockfon Tropic with an NRC of 0. 90 and Class A fire resistance. The Rockfon Tropic is a lightweight and humidity resistant ceiling tile, perfect for use in humid areas such as changing rooms and kitchens. Send Us An Email. Rockfon ROCKWOOL, a. Discovered on Hawaii at the beginning of the 20th century, stone wool is a natural byproduct of volcanic activity, making it a renewable and plentiful resource. Manufactured from stone wool, the ceiling tile offers the highest sound absorption (Class A) and fire safety performance (Class A1). com 3 Rockfon ® Products At-a a cost-effective solution that provides easy access to the installations hidden behind the ceiling. 85 for the majority of the offices and meeting rooms. With a 24mm wide visible grid with semi-concealed E edge tiles. Couldn't load collection availability. Provides coverage area of 5. A selection of Rockfon products have achieved the following performance levels and labels in indoor air emissions: Material Health All materials used in Rockfon products are screened THIS SECTION IS BASED ON ROCKFON TROPIC ICC-ES / ESR 2631 International Code Council-Evaluation Services -ESR 2631 Rockfon Chicago Metallic Corporation Suspended Ceiling Framing 1. 86) See rockfon. 612,23. For more information on our products and those with proprietary Rockfon Sonar® dB Rockfon Tropic® Project on Cover – Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, ON Canada featuring Rockfon® Koral™. rockfon. Specific tiles are designed for a variety of applications. 01253 257500. : +33 1 45 86 77 90 E-mail: info Rockfon is the only stone wool ceiling tile manufacturer in North America, offering a durable, high-performance ceiling solution that addresses challenges the built environment faces today, like noise, the risk of smoke & fire, mold & mildew and more - backed by ASTM testing, a 30-year warranty (*exclusion applies to Mono Acoustic solution with 15-year warranty) and product ROCKFON® Tropic™ Good sound absorption (NRC = 0. Suitable for: Our advice would be, if the price seems too good to be true, there is probably a reason for this. Rockfon ceiling products have a very low release of VOCs. Provides coverage area of 17. Compare this product to another (up Rockfon ceiling products are classified in Class E1 in accordance with EN 13964 (EN 717-1). DoP-RFN-0142-041-2 - Rockfon Blanka® dB 35 3. : 46 56 21 22 Fax: 46 56 40 30 info@rockfon. From filling a few gaps in a local shop to creating an architectural masterpiece, Here's four reasons to make the switch to Rockfon® Tropic™. 5 mm. PART 1 – GENERAL 1. Tykkelse: 15 mm; Længde: 600 mm; Bredde: 600 mm; Farve: Hvid; m2: 11,52 m2/ pakke; Indhold: 32 plader/pakke; Brandklasse: Klasse A1 i overensstemmelse med EN 13501-1. Denmark (Danish) (DK) Juridisk meddelelse; Erklæring om beskyttelse af personoplysninger; Varemærker; Cookies; Ydeevnedeklarationer (DoP9; Salgs- og which by nature of their performance, aesthetics and price advantages have no appropriate competitive cross reference. 00 Hold Down Clip for 0"- 3/4 Rockfon Blanka E 20 * Rockfon Koral A 15 * * * Rockfon Koral A 20 * * Rockfon Koral E 15 * * * Rockfon Tropic A 15 * * * Rockfon Tropic E 15 * * * * Max. 7, Tuas Avenue 1 Jurong Town, Singapore 639492 Tel: (+65) 6861 4722 Fax: (+65) 6862 3533 E-mail: enquiry@rockfon. Product Certificates: For indigenous materials, indicating Rockfon® Pacific™ acoustical ceiling tile and panels features basic sound absorption values. Always aim to buy products from the leading manufacturers, these include: AMF, Zentia, British Gypsum, Rockfon and Rockfon Tropic-Alaska – Based on the high performance and stylish finish, these ceiling tiles are ideal for offices, retail units, schools and high humidity environments such as changing rooms. Tile Thickness. 32m2. Rockfon® Tropic™ Edge designation Item The Rockfon Module system is ideal for any area that requires a clean, modern aesthetic. SKU. com rockfon. com 3 Meet Rockfon® Tropic™ A stone wool tile for any suspended ceilings. B. Free Shipping over £500. Installed by pushing over the bulb of the grid. Rockfon Tropic Ceiling tile. Rockfon Tropic představuje hladký, bílý povrch s velmi dobrými akustickými, protipožárními a vlhkostními vlastnostmi. Ceiling Tiles. Provides coverage area of 12. Buy Online. Specifikationer; Rockfon Blanka og diffus ventilation giver dig den bedste lydabsorption, den højeste lysrefleksion og sikrer det optimale flow af frisk luft ved diffus ventilation. Email Address. Highest class A sound absorption, easy-to-clean, insulated tile for a 24mm grid. Ждем Вас! Rockfon Chicago Metallic™ Grid & Perimeter Trim – T15 Click 2790 (White 001) Rockfon Chicago Metallic™ Grid & Perimeter Trim – T24 Click 2890 (White 001) Rockfon Color-All™ Charcoal. Vi har et stort udvalg af Transform your space with Rockfon Tropic® 24x48x5/8" stone wool ceiling tiles. View our complete range of ceiling solutions and contact us to learn more. rockfon-color-all-datasheet. E-edge tile is a rebated edge, creating a semi-concealed grid ceiling finish. Qty-+ Add to basket. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £450! Search Rockfon CleanSpace Essential. 90) for quieter environments n Available in square lay-in and tegular for design flexibility n Inherently mold and mildew resistant and do not include antimicrobials n Contains 45% recycled content for sustainability Rockfon is the only stone wool ceiling tile manufacturer in North America, offering a durable, high-performance ceiling solution that addresses challenges the built environment faces today, like noise, the risk of smoke & fire, mold & mildew and more - backed by ASTM testing, a 30-year warranty (*exclusion applies to Mono Acoustic solution with 15-year warranty) and product Rockfon Akustikloft Tropic A1524 1200x600x15 mm Hvid - På Wood Online får du altid god kvalitet til lave priser samt hurtig levering - Køb nemt her Rockfon Tropic loftpaneler har en mat, hvid overflade og udemærker sig ved at have de bedste egenskaber mht. 1. Rockfon Tropic Plus T24 E 40mm_offentlig MOLIO docx. Ceiling Tiles London Ltd. Search Product type. DoP-RFN-0024-041-4 Rockfon Tropic A24 stepup akustiklofte. 77 £110. com Rockfon ROCKWOOL France S. Rockfon ® 491. dk Kontakt os. Basis-of-Design Product: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide Rockfon Tropic® Stone Wool ceiling tiles. Rockfon® Tropic Plus | Datablad Rockfon® Tropic Plus | Datablad pdf. Menu . All; Unit price / Unavailable + VAT. 00 Hold Down Clip for 0"- 3/4 Rockfon Tropic® FEATURES & BENEFITS • Smooth white surface • Good sound absorption (NRC = 0. Mold and mildew resistant. au Katso kaikki tuotteet: akustiikkalevyt ja paneelit, asennusjärjestelmät ja tarvikkeet, alakattojärjestelmät ja listajärjestelmät ym. Co. FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £450! Search Explore acoustic ceiling tiles, ceiling panels, and suspended systems with Rockfon. 04 kg CO2 – eq/m2 and provide Class A fire performance, mold, mildew, and sag resistance. 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