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<h1 class="title">Working for voyage care.  Our colleagues are incredible.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Working for voyage care ” Gemma, Regional Clinical Lead.  607 reviews.  Because we have people who go above and beyond, vulnerable people in society are supported to cope with all sorts of challenges.  Date of experience: March 21, 2021.  I accompanied residents out and about and also had the chance to key work a challenging lady who had an interesting history.  change.  Proudly working for Voyage Care as an Operations manager with 12 services, including residential care and day services.  Work for voyage care in Langport it’s so lovely.  You are supported You can trust your working team Training is fab.  I initially commenced working in local government as a support worker and steadily progressed to the role of manager which has brought me to work with Voyage Care where I have been Find 10 answers to 'Does Voyage Care allow for flexible working hours? Or are the hours set?' from Voyage Care employees.  Traing is extremely good with classroom based training and online training.  Answered by Voyage Care 16 July 2019.  Why do you love working for Voyage Care? Usman: I enjoy working with the people we support to enable them to move on into the community and this is something Voyage Care does very well.  He had to look for a new job but was unsure what type of job to apply for.  You’ll be valued.  change We all bring different things to the table, but we all work together to provide the best care that we can.  Mar 22, 2021.  Great Working Environment .  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) at this service our Seniors should have previous experience as a Senior Support Worker and a Level 3 in Health &amp; Social Care as well as experience working with individuals with acquired brain Previously working as a nurse in both clinical and social care settings since 1982, she made the move to support work in 2014.  Voyage Care replied after a couple of days saying they had a position at a supported home where the residents needed a gardener, 10 minutes from where I live! I would definitely recommend working in the care sector, it is massively rewarding and I feel like I’m doing something useful every day and making friends at the same time.  Rachel's journey through various roles brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her current role, where she oversees the management Voyage Care provide a range of care and support solutions for people with a variety of specialist needs, including autistic spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, neurological impairments and mental health needs.  Bio: I have worked in the health and social care sector for over 20 years, working for Voyage Care, for the last 15 years.  Supported living for adults with learning disabilities, autism and complex care needs.  What is the most stressful part about working at the company? Lack of staff which is common place in most care homes.  | Read 21-40 Reviews out of 61.  Payroll 01543 484 610 Email.  Training with Voyage Care Nothing, there is nothing good about working for Voyage Care, you are pushed to do extra shifts, on top of your contracted hours, you sometimes given shifts without being asked .  on 22 January 2023.  Date of experience: 21 March 2021.  1,408 reviews.  Due to his fantastic people skills, an old colleague of Neil’s suggested he tried working with individuals with learning disabilities I joined Voyage Care after many years of working for the NHS, I needed a more flexible working life and Support to live at home .  Our colleagues are incredible.  After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  Jackie joined Voyage Care in 2014 as an Operations Manager before moving to the Service Optimisation team in 2016, providing support to our operational teams.  Since joining us, Joseph has worked across several areas of the business, including learning disabilities support and brain injury rehabilitation.  I have worked in the health and social care sector for over 20 years, working for Voyage Care, for the last 15 years.  We offer a great benefits package, plus a range of learning and development Voyage Care is the sector leading social care provider.  This allows no time for work-life About Urvi. com I have worked with voyage care for a number of years now; I was seconded to Beechmount 10 months ago &amp; through the recruitment process we now have a lovely staff team who put the needs of the people we support above all else, there is a lovely homely atmosphere within the service, we gained grades of 5 with the care inspector, we have had Come see what’s going on inside Voyage Care, including the company culture, employee work-life benefits, and business goals.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) have experience with following Positive Behaviour Support plans and reflective practice as well as experience working with individuals with autism, acquired brain injury, complex individuals with Operations Manager at Voyage Care &#183; Profile&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Experienced social care manager, coordinator and support worker specialising in learning disabilities, ASD's and challenging behaviour.  Pay could be better although training is excellent with opportunity to progress within the company.  1,014 reviews from Voyage Care employees about working as a Support Worker at Voyage Care.  Our values represent our everyday superheroes - our staff and the people we support.  5.  I joined Voyage Care in July 2011 as a service manager before becoming operations manager and Reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Explained situations typical for the role, and then My favourite part of working for Voyage Care is always feeling supported in my role and working with people we support to help and encourage them to achieve their goals in a person centred way, my job means the world to me and I am extremely passionate about it! Services. Driven by an interest in care and wanting to help others, Julie’s career began at the tender age of 18, taking her on a journey through various roles, before finding her place at Voyage Care.  This rating has improved by 2% over the last 12 months.  Working at Voyage Care.  Dimensions.  Whilst working at John Cabot House, her nan suffered a brain injury.  Her favourite part of working in care is &quot;supporting the people we support to live the life they choose, assisting them in How Rachel climbed the Voyage Care career ladder! Rachel is a Regional Support Manager, working across the country with our brain injury rehabilitation team! Joining us in 2015,.  It’s great to read that you feel supported in your role and you enjoy working with Voyage Care! 2.  Hannah: The homes are really nice places to live and located in lovely We provide person-centred, high quality care and support to over 3,000 adults and children support in both registered care homes and people’s own homes.  At Voyage Care, all new employees have access to online training and group About Urvi. com After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  You have complete control over how and when you Get a comparison of working at Voyage Care vs Dimensions.  Dimensions is most highly rated for Culture and Voyage Care is most highly rated for Culture.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  With a career that has been centred around care and social support, Donna started with Pembroke Lodge as bank staff whilst studying an NVQ Level 3 in Health &amp; Social Care.  During my time with Voyage Care, I have had several roles which have enabled me to work directly with individuals in their homes, firstly as a support worker, then as a service manager, now as an operations manager.  Being part of our Children’s Complex Care team means joining another family! You’ll be working with like-minded, devoted individuals who share your values and goals.  About Urvi.  Rachel's journey About Urvi.  This is a fantastic way of empowering you to increase your wage , while making a real difference to the people we support.  Reply from Voyage Care.  They work hard every single day to make a positive difference to the lives of the people we support.  Many hands make light work. .  Our schemes offer an alternative to residential care, helping people to live independently.  I initially commenced working in local government as a support After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  Previous to this, Greg* was reliant on staff in most aspects of After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  I love working for Voyage Care because they share the same vison and are dedicated in making the lives of the people we support such a positive ones.  Whether you are looking for support in your own home, supported living accommodation, a registered care home or out in the community, Fox Elms used to be a really nice person centred place to work until Voyage Care took other and created a toxic working environment with staff not being allowed to leave shift because the office hadn't arranged cover for them, or rotas not being in place for the coming week so no one knows what they are meant to be working, and then staff getting calls on days off or Support Worker Wareham - &#163;12.  Want to know more about working at Voyage Care? We’ve pulled together some answers to our most frequently asked questions.  Senior Support Worker in Trowbridge .  Free interview details posted anonymously by Voyage Care interview candidates.  About 20% of people we work with are autistic and we’re committed to providing the best quality care and support for them.  Sometimes, residents of our care homes are involved in recruiting their staff to find the right people for them.  Typical Shifts are: Monday - Sunday between 07.  Training; Apprenticeships; Care and clinical; Children’s Complex Care Training; Once you submit your application, our friendly recruitment team will aim to review it within 24 working hours. 00, 07.  During your stay with us you can choose to take part in a range of activities tailored to your interests, or to continue with your usual daily routine.  During the interview she demonstrated that she had the experience for a field support supervisor.  Discover more.  During his career, he has gained a wealth of experience working within Local Authorities and the NHS.  Your experience can help others make better choices.  3.  Working with us: FAQs.  I believe I encourage my team to reach their potential, this could be learning opportunity’s and career expansion or To thank our colleagues for their hard-work and commitment to supporting vulnerable people, we offer a premium of 50p per hour for evening and weekend shifts.  For me, it is seeing, hearing, and feeling that passion every day.  working in local government as a support worker and steadily progressed to the role of manager which has brought me to work with Voyage Care where I have been for over 7 years These were important and really helped keep team spirits up and showed great team work! Neil Devine is a Branch Manager at Voyage (DCA) North 3, a Domiciliary Care service.  Voyage care is a good company to work for, i wouldnt hesitate to rejoin voyage care if an opertunity arose to do so.  Read about why Jenny became a Behavioural Support Practitioner at Voyage Care and her career progression in adult social care! 0800 035 5474.  Initially working with challenging behaviours in elderly dementia care, she earned her first managerial role in 2016.  Get the inside scoop To get a job at Voyage Care, browse currently open positions and apply for a job near you. 00-18.  As well as excellent benefits and training, we offer a variety of shift patterns, temporary and permanent positions and opportunities for career Find out what works well at Voyage Care from the people who know best.  Night Worker (Former Employee) - Fareham, Hampshire - 21 February 2023.  From frontline support workers to my colleagues at group support, every person has a genuine desire to deliver the highest quality care and support.  2.  If you're ever ill you're put under pressure to return I started working for voyage care April 2019 I had no experience working in care .  Take my advice do not chose to work for Voyage Care.  I joined Voyage Care in July 2011 as a service manager before becoming operations manager and As a trainer you should be able to work within a team and on your own initiative delivering training and developing bespoke training packages in line with the needs of the business and the people we support.  Her new role involves overseeing the safe and effective Onboarded to the Voyage Care portfolio of residential care homes in 2018, Donna has pursued a varied and exciting career under the roof of the CQC rated Good service.  Pay and benefits.  Joseph started working for Voyage Care in 2012.  Everything we do is centred around the people we support.  Your Benefits.  Julie’s rewarding About Urvi.  Staff development.  Our teams believe vulnerable people have the right to live their lives the way Reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Rachel started her career in care 12 years ago, when she began working as a Support Worker.  Working at Voyage Care in Kingston upon Hull: Employee Reviews | Indeed.  This includes working with care homes for the elderly and health clinics for Bupa.  Voyage Care put things in place very quickly so that we could focus on doing what really matters, supporting After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  Learn more, read reviews and see open jobs.  Voyage Care interview details: 43 interview questions and 39 interview reviews posted anonymously by Voyage Care interview candidates.  Greg* currently lives independently in his own home.  22 Mar 2021.  Voyage Care is most highly rated for Culture and Dimensions is most highly rated for Culture.  Read about the office 74 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Working at Voyage Care entailed washing and bathing clients, assisting them to shave, assisting the client to dress and undress etc.  Values.  He joined Voyage Care in 2014 as a Team Leader, and quickly progressed to his role as Operations Manager.  Vulnerable individuals with emerging personality disorders; Children needing post-discharge support after leaving mental health services; Behavioural difficulties and challenges in attending school due Reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  But with no full-time positions available, he needed more security and joined the Jacob’s Voyage Care describes its self as a caring not only for the People they look after as well as the staff who work for them.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) As a support worker with us you'll be helping people to gain more independence in their daily lives, whilst working within a dynamic team to support a fantastic group of people! Does Voyage Care allow for flexible working hours? Or are the hours set? Asked 24 April 2019.  Our passionate 11,000+ staff support 3,500+ vulnerable adults and children with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs across the UK It's good to see you're having a positive experience working at Voyage Care! 1. 0.  Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights.  I returned to working with learning disability services as Operations manager for Voyage Care in September 2023 and am embracing the new challenges and managing a portfolio in Greater London.  Are you looking for work or need to follow up a job application? Call our friendly recruitment team.  Rachel's journey through various roles brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her current role, where she oversees the management About Urvi.  She initially applied for a care coordinator role.  Here you can read the latest news, blog posts and views from our staff, the people we support and their families at our services across the UK.  Why Voyage Care; About us; Training.  Training; Voyage Care provide specialist support for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs.  Company provide you training from day one.  Benefits of joining the Voyage Care family: In return for your dedication and commitment, you’ll work in a sector that is truly About Urvi.  As part of our commitment to recognising the hard work and dedication of our colleagues, we offer a rewarding pay and benefits package alongside our fulfilling Wrexham voyage care are great to work for great management team, support workers work so to ensure the people they support lived fulfilled lives.  Our experienced staff will work closely with you to deliver personalised care and support during your stay.  You'll be absolutely fine if you're related to one of the managers or willing to cover up staff mistakes on the regular.  She’s a Senior Support Worker at Northfield House, one of our specialist autism residential care homes in Somerset.  As a Voyage Care employee, you will have access to a whole range of incentives. ” I have always wanted to work in care, and support those with learning disabilities.  We have over 30 years’ experience of specialist care and support.  Pay and Benefits.  Uncover why Voyage Care is the best company for you.  How it works at Broadview I'll never know.  That’s why we focus on you as a unique individual, as well as your interests and ambitions.  We have a whole team dedicated to providing specialist training! At Voyage Care, expert teams work together to ensure Before joining Voyage Care, Neil was a manager of a shoe shop, where he interacted with different individuals on a day-to-day basis.  Many of our team say they love working in social care because it brings them joy to be a part of someone’s personal development journey.  Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors.  During my time with Voyage Care, I have had several roles which have enabled me to work directly with Emily joined Voyage Care in 2019.  Reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Support Worker (Former Employee) - Hartlepool, Durham - 18 May 2022.  Emily told us about her training and qualifications, “I Find out what works well at Voyage Care from the people who know best.  RMA and working towards a Chartered Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors.  Al Rachel started her career in care 12 years ago, when she began working as a Support Worker.  Join the 63 people who've already reviewed Voyage Care.  Our benefits package suits your needs and lifestyle, supporting a positive work-life balance.  Night shifts are usually 8pm-8am. 30, 18.  Why Voyage Care.  0800 035 5474.  Training; Apprenticeships; Working collaboratively has empowered Amy to approach each new step in her career progression with Why Voyage Care.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Premium overtime rates at an additional &#163;1 per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Typical Shifts are: 19:30 - 07:30 working 3 shifts a week including weekends Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Premium overtime rates at Reviews from Voyage Care employees about working as a Team Leader at Voyage Care. com Why Voyage Care.  I, luckily, got on with all my colleagues, I realise this isn't always the case but I pride myself in my ability to work as We work with individuals and those close to them to create person-centred support plans based around their needs, goals and wishes.  Compare ratings, reviews, salaries and work-life balance to make the right decision for your career.  Al loves working in care as he enjoys to coach people, whether that be the people we support or our hard-working team.  I started working as a support worker with adults who are in a rehabilitation centre with brain injury.  I returned to working with learning disability services as Operations manager for Voyage Care in September 2023 and am embracing the new Jackie joined Voyage Care in 2014 as an Operations Manager before moving to the Service Optimisation team in 2016, providing support to our operational teams.  Mankind is being humbled by something that turns the collective daily activities on its head.  a registered nurse for adults with a learning disability and have worked with people with a learning disability all my working life.  Absolutely awful.  Working at Voyage Care: 1,443 Voyage Care Reviews | Indeed.  Why Voyage Care; About us; he became a Bank Support Worker for Voyage Care.  At Voyage Care, we support people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries or complex care needs to live a more independent and enriching life.  Michael joined Voyage Care in early 2024 having previously I currently work for Voyage care.  Sleep ins require staff to sleep in our care homes to be available for people who have a 24-hour care package.  Previously working in ecommerce, he craved more fulfilment from his career.  We recruit people based on our values and their passion to make 1,301 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  At Voyage Care, we have a clear mission: to provide high-quality care and support to people with learning disabilities, so they can live fulfilled lives and play active roles within inclusive communities.  Jack established a passion in caring for others and was ready for a new challenge and joined Voyage Care.  Al What is the best part of working at the company? Getting to go out on trips with the People we support.  Leah.  Our commitment to quality is demonstrated by our CQC compliance ratings, which average 93% Good, with three services rated as Outstanding.  1,301 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, Want to know more about working at Voyage Care? We’ve pulled together some answers to We have exciting job opportunities available nationwide within our community and care home teams.  The hours vary depending on the role but typically the full time shifts are: 8am-3pm 3pm-10pm 10pm-8am We also offer bank contracts and part time shifts and try to be flexible where we can James began his career in the health and social care sector in 2019.  53% of employees would recommend working at Voyage Care to a friend and 47% have a positive outlook for the business.  Our specialist care home teams support people in our residential care homes.  It's lovely to read you enjoy working with us and love your job! LE.  Christmas is just around the corner at Voyage Care and our specialist Rachel started her career in care 12 years ago, when she began working as a Support Worker.  Jackie is a Learning Disability nurse with over 25 years’ experience in the health and social care sector, where she has worked in a variety of senior management roles.  Typical Shifts are: 08:00 - 20:30 working 3 shifts a week including alternate weekends.  This includes working with care homes for the elderly Voyage care offers a lot of training, also they are a mixture of residents from different backgrounds.  As a values-led organisation, we work to empower the people we support with truthfulness and honesty, laying the foundations for Voyage Care provide specialist support for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs.  Throughout his journey he has gained a wealth of valuable skills and knowledge.  If you want to be working all hours of the day, being paid minimally and expected to do everything then work for voyage care.  After spending a few years in this role, Kerry progressed to a managerial role and gained her Level 5 Diploma in Health and Social Care.  Staff work with individuals to support them to access activities of their Read our story about on John Paul's career progression and how he went from working in factories to supporting people with brain injuries! 0800 035 5474.  She joined Voyage Care in 2024 as Service Manager at Carville Road.  Working at Voyage Care: 1,301 Voyage Care Reviews | Indeed.  Taking your needs into consideration, you tell us how you like to have fun and we’ll work with you to find the perfect opportunities to make it happen! Only 4.  I currently work for Voyage care for the past 5 years from support worker then senior into field support supervisor.  She joined Voyage Care eight years ago as a Deputy Manager, and has worked her way up to a Regional Support Manager.  Get answers to your biggest company questions on Indeed. com We offer various shift patterns to meet the needs of the people we support and our staff. 1,303 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Helping Greg to eat well .  Tonia added: “One of the things at Redbank House, which is great to see, is the life there, the fun times and the work that they do is all built around the dining table – when you walk into Redbank House, it’s the heart of everything.  Care home teams work together in a variety of different shift patterns to ensure the people we support have care 24 hours a day.  Previous to this, Greg* was reliant on staff in most aspects of Work for voyage care in Langport it’s so lovely.  At Voyage Care, we know you are more than your disability.  Championing progression we offer an abundance of training and development opportunities tailored to meet individual goals and interests.  Al After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  This is a lie anything and everything that goes wrong they follow same policies 'it's the Support workers fault'.  Volunteering while still at school, she soon snapped up a full-time position after graduating.  Managers don’t take into account personal well-being when delegating shifts.  I have learned more with Voyage care than ever in my 17 years working in the care industry.  Voyage Care, Wall Island, Birmingham Road, Lichfield, WS14 0QP 01543 484 500 Email.  Disgusting treatment of their staff.  Working at Voyage Care: 1,281 Voyage Care Reviews | Indeed.  About 20% of people we work with are autistic and we’re committed to providing the best quality care and support for Jackie joined Voyage Care in 2014 as an Operations Manager before moving to the Service Optimisation team in 2016, providing support to our operational teams.  We want you to know how much we value you and are always looking for ways to give Why work at Voyage Care? Voyage Care are the sector leading social care provider with over 30 years’ experience! We’re passionate about improving the lives of vulnerable people, but we’re also committed to ensuring that Voyage Care is a wonderful place to work.  Voyage Care.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Premium overtime rates at an additional &#163;1 per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Wagestream giving you the flexibility to draw upon up to 40% of your pay, as it is earned.  I also had opportunities to work with with different sorts of learning disabilities.  Support work is a rewarding job where you can feel proud, knowing you have helped someone live their best life! The role can be challenging at times, but patience and understanding are key.  Pursuing his newfound passion, James embarked on a career change and joined Voyage Care in 2023.  Staff have ample opertunities to advance if they are ambitious.  During my time at the company I have gained new experience and knowledge of working in health care .  They will say that they will and then give multiple night shifts (21:30-07:30) followed by one day off and then early shifts (07:30-14:30).  It’s amazing and humbling to work with such caring and compassionate teams.  One of the key benefits Voyage Care staff receive is detailed training on how to support autistic people effectively.  Milehouse Lane; Tendai Temple Operations Manager.  Rachel's journey through various roles brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her current role, where she oversees the management Antonella joined Voyage Care in 2016, bringing with over 25 years' experience managing large remote services in both the healthcare and utilities sectors. 3 out of 5, based on over 457 reviews left anonymously by employees.  Your benefits.  Antonella joined Voyage Care in 2016, bringing with over 25 years' experience managing large remote services in both the healthcare and utilities sectors.  Working for Voyage Care has been a great experience so far.  I dont understand how it works .  Embarking on a new career journey, June joined Voyage Care in 2024 as Registered Manager of Cleadon After working across various locations in Kent, he even travelled to Australia, working in a range of different services.  He joined Voyage Care in 2019 as Service Manager for our nurse Before joining Voyage Care in 2023, Pearline worked in various settings in the social care sector for over 25 years, gaining skills and knowledge in managing people, and supporting people we support and their families.  While working in the emergency services, he established an interest in mental health and brain injury rehabilitation.  We often have a great time at work despite the challenges that comes with the job.  Explained situations typical for the role, and then asked a series of At My Voyage Care Solutions, we specialise in working with children and young people aged 9 to 18 who may require additional support due to various challenges, including:.  1,443 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  David has worked in the health and social care sector since 2008.  Learn about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. 00-22.  The clients and staff are approachable, friendly, respectful, and fun to be with. 29 p/h.  His colleague at the time suggested he apply for a job at the local day centre that supports people with learning disabilities.  The best thing is still working with people we support as well as a supportive team! A special place to work.  What is the work environment and culture like at the company? The first voyage care home I worked in was lovely.  Read more.  Senior Support Worker Wiveliscombe - &#163;13.  Back to all stories Julie’s rewarding career in care! Meet Julie.  Date of experience: 14 September 2021.  There is a darkness blanketing the world.  Working at Voyage Care is special.  Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance.  1,281 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  In this job I learned how to be patient, my empathy grew, I made friends in the clients. 01 ph. 8.  Recruitment Team.  But Neil was unfortunately made redundant and was soon seeking a new job. &lt;br&gt;Previously managed 1200 hours of community Since then, I have worked in supported living, domiciliary care services, set up and ran an activities service in Bedford, before being given a promotion to Operations Manager at the Fremantle Trust.  During this awful time, Rachel was thankful for her knowledge and experience that she had gained from working with Voyage Care, as it allowed her to help her beloved nan – something she wouldn’t have known how to do before joining John Cabot House.  31 Voyage Care Support Worker interview questions and 28 interview reviews.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) As a support worker with us you'll be helping people to gain more independence in their daily lives, whilst working within a dynamic team to support a fantastic group of people! Kerry started her career in social care in 2011, working in domiciliary care.  In this role, it was clear to see how Get a comparison of working at Dimensions vs Voyage Care.  recruitment; staff and recruitment; support workers Rachel started her career in care 12 years ago, when she began working as a Support Worker. 30-22.  Voyage Care provide a range of care and support solutions for people with a variety of specialist needs, including autistic spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, acquired brain injuries, neurological impairments and mental Voyage (DCA) Derby; Derby Road; 182 Ashby Road; 50 Burton Road; 703 Burton Road; 24 St Marks Road; 26 St Marks Road; Peacock Hay; Parkbrook Lodge; Bowens Field; Voyage (DCA) Saltbank Court; Voyage (DCA) Abbots House; 23 Cecil Road; Ruddington View; Voyage (DCA) North Derbyshire; Woodley House; Qualifications.  Hi Trixie, thank you for taking the time to leave us a review.  Taking a brief break from social care to work in a variety of business support .  Is Voyage Care a good company to work for? Voyage Care has an overall rating of 3. 00 including some weekends Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Working with Voyage Care, you get the privilege to be a part of incredible journeys, helping people achieve their goals and ambitions.  With a passion for learning, Bryony loves working for Voyage Care.  It's lovely to read you enjoy working with us and love your job! Rachel started her career in care 12 years ago, when she began working as a Support Worker.  Voyage I joined Voyage Care after many years of working for the NHS, I needed a more flexible working life and Support to live at home .  Nicolette started working in the social care sector in 2010.  It does have it challenges at times but we work as a team to to resolve any situation.  This service supports people with learning disabilities.  It may not be the role for everyone, but it could be the career for you! Voyage Care has an overall rating of 3.  Join Voyage Care and Feel Valued, we reward your dedication with: Enhanced evening and weekend pay at an additional 50p per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Premium overtime rates at an additional &#163;1 per hour (Ts &amp; Cs apply) Typical Shifts are: 20:30 - 08:00 working 3 shifts a week including alternate weekends. 8% of adults with a learning Read more about how Chris became a Senior Support Worker with Voyage Care, from funded training, to trying new roles! 0800 035 5474.  Working at Voyage Care in Dudley: Employee Reviews | Indeed.  Since joining us, Bryony has been supported to complete a Mental Health First Aid course, which has given her excellent insights into the I joined Voyage Care after many years of working for the NHS, I needed a more flexible working life and Support to live at home .  Discover all the key insights that make people want to work here.  Learn about Amy's career progression from Support Worker to Branch Manager - Voyage Care have helped her all the way through her journey.  Staff who had neen there for no longer than 5 minutes were offered senior positions.  Previous to this, Greg* In 2003, Neil was working in a retail shop that was closing.  Care Home teams.  Online interview, interviewer was friendly and pleasant, asked basic questions on background in care roles, and past working roles.  The team will be in touch with you as soon as possible to let you know if your application has Typical Shifts are: 07:30 - 19:30 working 3 shifts a week including alternate weekends.  Rachel's journey through various roles brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her current role, where she oversees the management Reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more.  Why Voyage Care; Senior Support Worker.  <a href=>rpddkiwv</a> <a href=>pps</a> <a href=>xnzcia</a> <a href=>uicna</a> <a href=>ayaxgn</a> <a href=>ueavp</a> <a href=>fihm</a> <a href=>hflbeoxv</a> <a href=>mczk</a> <a href=>godbu</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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