Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use Bitrix\Landing\Block\Cache; use \Bitrix\Landing\Hook; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing; use \Bitrix\Landing\Folder; use \Bitrix\Landing\Domain; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Landing\Syspage; use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef; use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use \Bitrix\Main\Entity; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Main\EventManager; use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use \Bitrix\Main\Application; use \Bitrix\Main\Event; use \Bitrix\Crm\UI\Webpack\CallTracker; use \Bitrix\Crm\MessageSender\NotificationsPromoManager; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base'); class LandingPubComponent extends LandingBaseComponent { /** * Special page - robots.txt * @var boolean */ protected $isRobotsTxt = false; /** * Special page - sitemap.xml * @var boolean */ protected $isSitemapXml = false; /** * Is preview mode. * @var boolean */ protected $isPreviewMode = false; /** * SEF variables. * @var array */ protected $sefVariables = array(); /** * Dynamic filter id. * @var int */ protected $dynamicFilterId = 0; /** * Dynamic element id. * @var int */ protected $dynamicElementId = 0; /** * Current zone. * @var string */ protected $zone = ''; /** * Http status was send. * @var bool */ protected $httpStatusSend = false; /** * Current http status. * @var string */ protected $currentHttpStatus = self::ERROR_STATUS_OK; /** * Main instance of current page. * @var array */ protected static $landingMain = null; /** * Gets main instance of current page. * @return array */ public static function getMainInstance() { return self::$landingMain; } /** * Return true if just preview (not view) mode * @return bool */ public function isPreviewMode(): bool { return $this->isPreviewMode; } /** * Can reinit current domain zone * @param string $zone * @return void */ public function setZone(string $zone) { $this->zone = $zone; } /** * Get base domain of service by lang. * @return string */ protected function getParentDomain() { $domains = \Bitrix\Landing\Help::getDomains(); return $domains[$this->zone] ?? $domains['en']; } /** * Gets path for copyright link. * @param string $section Code of section. * @return string */ protected function getCopyLinkPath($section = 'websites') { static $paths = [ 'bitrix24_logo' => [ 'en' => '/' ], 'create' => [ 'en' => '/create.php?b24_type=sites' ], 'websites' => [ 'ru' => '/features/sites.php', 'ua' => '/features/sites.php', 'by' => '/features/sites.php', 'kz' => '/features/sites.php', 'en' => '/tools/websites/' ], 'crm' => [ 'ru' => '/features/', 'ua' => '/features/', 'by' => '/features/', 'kz' => '/features/', 'en' => '/tools/crm/' ] ]; if (isset($paths[$section][$this->zone])) { return $paths[$section][$this->zone]; } else { return $paths[$section]['en']; } } /** * Get adv campaign code. * @param string $type Type of the link. * @return string */ public function getAdvCode($type = 'bitrix24_logo') { static $domain = null; static $domainPart = null; static $partnerId = null; if ($domain === null) { $domain = $this->getParentDomain(); $domainParts = explode('.', $domain); $domainPart = array_pop($domainParts); } if ($partnerId === null) { $partnerId = (int)Option::get('bitrix24', 'partner_id', 0); } // base part $codes = [ 'utm_medium' => 'referral', 'utm_source' => $domain, 'utm_campaign' => $domainPart . '_sites_' . $type ]; if ($partnerId) { $codes['p'] = $partnerId; } return http_build_query($codes, '', '&'); } /** * Build and gets link for different links in the copyright. * @param string $type Type of the link. * @param bool $addAdvCode Add or not adv code. * @param bool $addWWW Add www-part. * @return string */ public function getRefLink(string $type, bool $addAdvCode = true, bool $addWWW = false): string { static $partnerId = null; if ($partnerId === null) { $partnerId = (int)Option::get('bitrix24', 'partner_id', 0); } $link = 'https://'. ($addWWW ? 'www.' : '') . $this->getParentDomain(); $link .= $this->getCopyLinkPath($type); if ($addAdvCode) { $link .= (mb_strpos($link, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&'; $link .= $this->getAdvCode($type); } else if ($partnerId) { $link .= (mb_strpos($link, '?') === false) ? '?' : '&'; $link .= 'p=' . $partnerId; } return $link; } /** * Send only first http status. * @param string $code Http status code. * @return void */ protected function setHttpStatusOnce($code) { if (($this->arParams['NOT_SEND_HTTP_STATUS'] ?? 'N') === 'Y') { return; } if (!$this->httpStatusSend) { $this->httpStatusSend = true; $event = new Event('landing', 'onPubHttpStatus', array( 'code' => $code )); $event->send(); foreach ($event->getResults() as $result) { if ($modified = $result->getModified()) { if (isset($modified['code'])) { $code = $modified['code']; } } } $this->currentHttpStatus = $code; \CHTTP::setStatus($code); } } /** * Clear status that http status was send. * @return void */ protected function clearHttpStatus() { $this->currentHttpStatus = $this::ERROR_STATUS_OK; $this->httpStatusSend = false; } /** * Returns current http status. * @return string */ public function getCurrentHttpStatus(): string { return $this->currentHttpStatus; } /** * Returns filter part if page path is in folder. * @param string $fullPath Full page path. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return array */ protected function getFolderFilter(string $fullPath, int $siteId): array { $filter = []; $fullPath = mb_strtolower(trim($fullPath, '/')); if (!$fullPath) { return $filter; } $pathParts = explode('/', $fullPath); // get all folders from the site $folders = []; $res = Folder::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'CODE', 'PARENT_ID', 'INDEX_ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DELETED' => 'N', '=ACTIVE' => $this->isPreviewMode ? ['Y', 'N'] : 'Y', 'SITE_ID' => $siteId ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $row['PARENT_ID'] = $row['PARENT_ID'] ?: null; $folders[] = $row; } // walk throw $fullPath and detect eventual folder $parentId = null; do { $found = false; $pathPart = $pathParts[0]; $indexId = null; foreach ($folders as $item) { if ( $item['PARENT_ID'] === $parentId && $pathPart === mb_strtolower($item['CODE']) ) { $found = true; $parentId = $item['ID']; $indexId = $item['INDEX_ID']; break; } } if (!$found && $pathParts) { break; } array_shift($pathParts); } while($pathParts); $filter['=CODE'] = null; if ($parentId) { $filter['FOLDER_ID'] = $parentId; if (count($pathParts) === 1) { $filter['=CODE'] = $pathParts[0]; } else if ($pathParts) { return []; } } if (!$filter['=CODE']) { unset($filter['=CODE']); if ($indexId) { $filter['ID'] = $indexId; } } return $filter; } /** * Detect landing by path. * @return int|false Detected landing id or false. */ public function detectPage() { // parse url $serverHost = $this->arParams['HTTP_HOST'] ?? null; $requestedPage = '/' . $this->arParams['PATH']; $urlParts = parse_url($requestedPage); if (isset($urlParts['path'])) { $requestedPage = $urlParts['path']; } $requestedPage = trim($requestedPage, '/'); $requestedPageParts = explode('/', $requestedPage); // compatibility mode, before detect page we need to know // is it SMN site (after transfer SMN>B24) or typical b24 site $realFilePath = $this->getRealFile(); if ( Manager::isExtendedSMN() && $this->arParams['DRAFT_MODE'] != 'Y' && mb_strpos($realFilePath, Manager::getPublicationPath()) === 0 && mb_strpos($realFilePath, Manager::getPublicationPathConst()) !== 0 ) { Manager::forceB24disable(true); } if (Manager::isB24()) { $siteUrl = array_shift($requestedPageParts); $siteId = $siteUrl; } // in smn detect site dir auto else { $siteUrl = ''; $res = Site::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE' ), 'filter' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] ? [ 'ID' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID'], 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ] : [ '=SMN_SITE_ID' => SITE_ID, '=TYPE' => 'SMN', 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ], 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'desc' ) )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $siteUrl = trim($row['CODE'], '/'); $siteId = $row['ID']; } } // detect preview mode if ($this->arParams['DRAFT_MODE'] == 'Y') { $this->isPreviewMode = true; } else if ( // for base work ( ($requestedPageParts[0] ?? null) == 'preview' && ($requestedPageParts[1] ?? null) == Site::getPublicHash($siteId) ) || // for cloud version ( $this->request('landing_mode') == 'preview' && $this->request('hash') == Site::getPublicHash($siteId) ) ) { $this->isPreviewMode = true; if (($requestedPageParts[0] ?? null) == 'preview') { array_shift($requestedPageParts); array_shift($requestedPageParts); } } $this->arParams['LOCAL_SITE_ID'] = $siteId ?? 0; $landingUrl = array_shift($requestedPageParts); $landingSubUrl = $requestedPageParts ? implode('/', $requestedPageParts) : ''; $landingCodeOriginal = null; // check dynamic content if (preg_match('#^([-_\w\/]+)\_([\d]+)\_([\d]+)$#', $landingSubUrl ?: $landingUrl, $matches)) { $this->dynamicFilterId = $matches[2]; $this->dynamicElementId = $matches[3]; if ($landingSubUrl) { $landingCodeOriginal = $landingSubUrl; $landingSubUrl = $matches[1]; } else { $landingCodeOriginal = $landingUrl; $landingUrl = $matches[1]; } } $landingSubUrl = str_replace( array('/index.php', 'index.php'), '', $landingSubUrl ); // system pages if ($landingUrl == 'robots.php') { $landingUrl = ''; $this->isRobotsTxt = true; } elseif ($landingUrl == 'sitemap.php') { $landingUrl = ''; $this->isSitemapXml = true; } elseif ($landingUrl == 'favicon' || $landingUrl == 'favicon.php' || $landingUrl == 'favicon.ico') { $path = '/bitrix/components/bitrix/'; $hooksSite = Hook::getForSite($siteId); if (isset($hooksSite['FAVICON'])) { $fields = $hooksSite['FAVICON']->getFields(); if ( isset($fields['PICTURE']) && $fields['PICTURE']->getValue() ) { $path = \Bitrix\Landing\File::getFilePath( $fields['PICTURE']->getValue() ); } } Manager::getApplication()->restartBuffer(); header('Content-type: image/x-icon'); if (mb_substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') { echo \Bitrix\Main\IO\File::getFileContents( Manager::getDocRoot() . $path ); } else { $response = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getResponse(); $client = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; $contents = $client->get($path); $response->addHeader('Content-Type', $client->getContentType()); $response->flush($contents); } die(); } $landingIdExec = false; $landingIdIndex = false; $landingId404 = false; // first detect site if ($this->arParams['SITE_ID']) { $filter = array( 'ID' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID'], '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ); } else if (preg_match('#^([\d]+)$#', $siteUrl, $matches)) { $filter = array( 'ID' => $matches[1], '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ); } else { $filter = array( '=CODE' => '/' . $siteUrl . '/',//@todo fixme '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ); } if ($this->arParams['SITE_TYPE']) { $filter['=TYPE'] = $this->arParams['SITE_TYPE']; } if ( $serverHost && $this->arParams['NOT_CHECK_DOMAIN'] != 'Y' && !Manager::isCloudDisable() ) { if (mb_strpos($serverHost, ':') !== false) { [$serverHost, ] = explode(':', $serverHost); } // set www alias if (mb_substr($serverHost, 0, 4) == 'www.') { $filter['=DOMAIN.ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $filter['=DOMAIN.DOMAIN'] = [ $serverHost, mb_substr($serverHost, 4) ]; } else { $filter['=DOMAIN.ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $filter['=DOMAIN.DOMAIN'] = [ $serverHost, 'www.' . $serverHost ]; } } $filter['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS']; $res = Site::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED', 'SPECIAL', 'LANDING_ID_404', 'LANDING_ID_503', 'LANDING_ID_INDEX', 'DOMAIN_ID' ), 'filter' => $filter )); if (!($site = $res->fetch())) { return $landingIdExec; } if ( !$site['DOMAIN_ID'] && $this->arParams['NOT_CHECK_DOMAIN'] != 'Y' ) { return $landingIdExec; } if ($site['SPECIAL'] !== 'Y') { $this->forceUpdateNewFolders($site['ID']); } // unactive site if ( ( !$this->isPreviewMode && $site['ACTIVE'] == 'N' ) || ( Landing::checkDeleted() && $site['DELETED'] == 'Y' ) ) { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); return $landingIdExec; } self::$landingMain['SITE_ID'] = $site['ID']; // site is down if ( $site['LANDING_ID_503'] && !$this->isPreviewMode ) { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE); return $site['LANDING_ID_503']; } /** * Local function for iteration below, * if record is un active, send 403 status. * @param array $row Row array. * @return int|bool */ $checkExecId = function(array $row) { if ( ( !$this->isPreviewMode && $row['ACTIVE'] == 'N' ) || ( Landing::checkDeleted() && $row['DELETED'] == 'Y' ) ) { return false; } return $row['ID']; }; $regexVars = []; $regexLandingId = false; // detect regex urls $sefIds = []; $res = Landing::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED', 'RULE' ], 'filter' => [ '!=RULE' => false, 'SITE_ID' => $site['ID'], 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ], 'order' => [ 'RULE' => 'desc' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $sefIds[$row['ID']] = $row; } if ($sefIds) { $isB24 = Manager::isB24(); $publicationPath = Manager::getPublicationPath($siteId); $curFulPath = rtrim(Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest()->getRequestedPageDirectory(), '/') . '/'; $rewriteUrls = Landing::createInstance(0)->getPublicUrl(array_keys($sefIds), false, false, $full); foreach ($sefIds as $landingId => $landingRow) { $url = $rewriteUrls[$landingId] . trim($landingRow['RULE'], '/') . '/'; if (strpos($url, $publicationPath) !== 0 && $isB24) { $url = $publicationPath . ltrim($url, '/'); } if (preg_match('@^'. $url . '$@i', $curFulPath, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); $regexVars = $matches; $regexLandingId = $checkExecId($landingRow); break; } } } // try detect folder(s) $folderFilter = $this->getFolderFilter($landingUrl . '/' . $landingSubUrl, $site['ID']); if ($folderFilter) { $folderFilter['==AREAS.ID'] = null; $folderFilter['SITE_ID'] = $site['ID']; $folderFilter['=ACTIVE'] = $this->isPreviewMode ? ['Y', 'N'] : 'Y'; $folderFilter['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS']; $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => [ 'ID', 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED' ], 'filter' => $folderFilter, 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'asc' ], 'limit' => 1 )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $landingIdExec = $checkExecId($row); if ($landingIdExec) { return $landingIdExec; } } } // detect landing $codeFilter = ($landingCodeOriginal === null) ? $landingUrl : [$landingUrl, $landingCodeOriginal]; $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'CODE', 'ACTIVE', 'DELETED' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $site['ID'], '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], '=ACTIVE' => ['Y', 'N'], '=RULE' => null, 'FOLDER_ID' => null, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'], array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '=CODE' => $codeFilter, $site['LANDING_ID_404'] ? ['ID' => $site['LANDING_ID_404']] : [], $site['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] ? ['ID' => $site['LANDING_ID_INDEX']] : [] ) ), 'order' => array( 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'asc' ) )); $codeFilter = (array)$codeFilter; $codeFilter = array_map('mb_strtolower', $codeFilter); while (($landing = $res->fetch())) { // if it's index and not active if ( !$this->isPreviewMode && $landing['ACTIVE'] != 'Y' && $site['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $landing['ID'] ) { $landingIdIndex = -1 * $landing['ID']; continue; } if (!$landingIdExec && !$landingSubUrl && in_array(mb_strtolower($landing['CODE']), $codeFilter)) { $landingIdExec = $checkExecId($landing); } if ($site['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] == $landing['ID']) { $landingIdIndex = $landing['ID']; } } if ($site['LANDING_ID_404'] && $this->arParams['SKIP_404'] !== 'Y') { $landingId404 = $site['LANDING_ID_404']; } // disable direct access to include areas if ($landingIdExec && $this->arParams['DRAFT_MODE'] != 'Y') { if (TemplateRef::landingIsArea($landingIdExec)) { $landingIdExec = false; } } // if we detected page by regex early if (!$landingIdExec && $regexLandingId) { $this->sefVariables = $regexVars; $landingIdExec = $regexLandingId; } // try load special landings if landing not found if (!$landingIdExec) { if (in_array($landingUrl, array('index.php', ''))) { if ($landingIdIndex) { if ($landingIdIndex > 0) { $landingIdExec = $landingIdIndex; } else { $landingIdExec = $landingId404; $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } else { if ($site['LANDING_ID_INDEX']) { $landingIdExec = $site['LANDING_ID_INDEX']; } else { // if index page not set, gets first by asc $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $site['ID'], '=ACTIVE' => 'Y', '!ID' => $landingId404, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'asc' ), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $landingIdExec = $row['ID']; } else { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } } } else { $landingIdExec = $landingId404; if ($landingId404) { $this->clearHttpStatus(); } $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } } return $landingIdExec; } /** * Get sitemap.xml content. * @param int $siteId Site Id. * @return string */ protected function getSitemap($siteId) { $ids = array(); $res = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, '=SITEMAP' => 'Y', 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ), 'order' => array( 'DATE_PUBLIC' => 'DESC' ), 'runtime' => array( new Entity\ExpressionField('DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_PUBLIC)') ) )); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if ($row['DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX']) { $ids[$row['ID']] = $row['DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX']; } } if (empty($ids)) { return ''; } $urls = Landing::createInstance(0)->getPublicUrl(array_keys($ids)); $sitemap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . SITE_CHARSET . '"?>'; $sitemap .= '<urlset xmlns="">'; foreach ($ids as $id => $date) { $sitemap .= '<url>'; $sitemap .= '<loc>' . htmlspecialcharsbx($urls[$id]) . '</loc>'; $sitemap .= '<lastmod>' . date('c', $date) . '</lastmod>'; $sitemap .= '</url>'; } $sitemap .= '</urlset>'; return $sitemap; } /** * Handler for localRedirect. * @return void */ protected function onBeforeLocalRedirect() { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeLocalRedirect', function(&$url, $skipCheck, &$bExternal) { /* @var Landing $landing*/ $landing = $this->arResult['LANDING']; if ( Manager::isB24() && !Manager::isCloudDisable() ) { $pubPathMask = '@^' . Manager::getPublicationPath('[\d]+') . '@i'; $url = preg_replace($pubPathMask, '/', $url); if (mb_substr($url, 0, 1) == '/') { $url = Site::getPublicUrl( $landing->getSiteId() ) . $url; $bExternal = true; } } if (mb_strpos($url, '#system') === false) { return; } foreach (Syspage::get($landing->getSiteId()) as $code => $page) { if (mb_strpos($url, '#system_'.$code) !== false) { $landing = Landing::createInstance( $page['LANDING_ID'], ['skip_blocks' => true] ); if ($landing->exist()) { $url = $landing->getPublicUrl(false, false); break; } } } } ); } /** * On search title. * @return void */ protected function onSearchGetURL() { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('search', 'onSearchGetURL', function($row) { if (isset($row['URL'])) { $pageCatalog = ''; $syspages = Syspage::get($this->arResult['LANDING']->getSiteId()); if (isset($syspages['catalog'])) { $landing = Landing::createInstance( $syspages['catalog']['LANDING_ID'], ['skip_blocks' => true] ); if ($landing->exist()) { $pageCatalog = $landing->getPublicUrl(); } } $urlType = 'detail'; if (mb_substr($row['ITEM_ID'], 0, 1) == 'S') { $row['ITEM_ID'] = mb_substr($row['ITEM_ID'], 1); $urlType = 'section'; } $row['URL'] = \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction\Utils::getIblockURL( $row['ITEM_ID'], $urlType ); $row['URL'] = str_replace( '#system_catalog', $pageCatalog, $row['URL'] ); return $row['URL']; } } ); } /** * Event handlers for rewrite syspages. * @return void */ protected function onGetSysPage(): void { /** @var Bitrix\Landing\Landing $landing */ $landing = $this->arResult['LANDING']; if ($landing->getMeta()['SITE_TPL_CODE'] === 'store-chats-dark') { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('landing', 'onLandingSyspageRetrieve', function($event) use($landing) { $siteId = $landing->getSiteId(); $types = $event->getParameter('types'); if ($types[$siteId]['order'] ?? null) { Rights::setOff(); $res = Landing::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=TPL_CODE' => 'store-chats-dark/catalog_order', 'SITE_ID' => $landing->getSiteId(), ], 'limit' => 1 ]); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $types[$siteId]['order']['LANDING_ID'] = $row['ID']; } Rights::setOn(); } return $types; } ); } } /** * Redefined basket item before save. * @see Also called from landing/install/blocks/bitrix/store.cart/ajax.php:59 * @return void */ public function onSaleBasketItemBeforeSaved() { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('sale', 'onSaleBasketItemBeforeSaved', function(Event $event) { $item = $event->getParameter('ENTITY'); $productId = $item->getField('PRODUCT_ID'); // by default without detail link $item->setField( 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL', '' ); if (!Manager::isB24()) { return; } // gets iblock id $res = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'IBLOCK_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $productId ) )); if ($itemIblock = $res->fetch()) { // gets prop with link to parent $res = \CIBlockElement::getProperty( $itemIblock['IBLOCK_ID'], $productId, array(), array( 'CODE' => 'CML2_LINK' ) ); if ($itemProp = $res->fetch()) { // gets parent's code $res = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'CODE' ), 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $itemProp['VALUE'] ) )); if ($itemParent = $res->fetch()) { $item->setField( 'DETAIL_PAGE_URL', '#system_catalogitem/' . $itemParent['CODE'] . '/' ); } } } } ); } /** * Register callback for replace url in all letter. * @param int $siteId Site id for get url. * @return void */ public static function replaceUrlInLetter($siteId) { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeMailSend', function(\Bitrix\Main\Event $event) use($siteId) { /* @var Landing $landing*/ $params = $event->getParameters(); $params = array_shift($params); $landing = Landing::createInstance(0); $sysPages = Syspage::get($siteId); // replace auth-link if personal section is exists if (isset($sysPages['personal']['LANDING_ID'])) { $personalLandingId = $sysPages['personal']['LANDING_ID']; $params['BODY'] = preg_replace_callback( '@(https|http)://([^/]+)/.*?/index\.php\?' . 'change_password=yes&lang=([^&]+)&' . 'USER_CHECKWORD=([a-z0-9]+)@', function ($matches) use($landing, $personalLandingId) { $url = $landing->getPublicUrl($personalLandingId); $url .= '?' . http_build_query([ 'SECTION' => 'password_change', 'USER_CHECKWORD' => $matches[4] ]); return $url; }, $params['BODY'] ); } return $params; } ); } /** * For replace some fields in sending letters. * @return void */ protected function onBeforeEventSend() { /* @var Landing $landing*/ $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $landing = $this->arResult['LANDING']; // replace only in $need types $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnBeforeEventSend', function($fields, &$eventMessage) use($landing) { $need = ['USER_PASS_REQUEST']; if (in_array($eventMessage['EVENT_NAME'], $need)) { self::replaceUrlInLetter( $landing->getSiteId() ); } } ); // replace urls in user info letter $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnSendUserInfo', function(&$params) use($landing) { self::replaceUrlInLetter( $landing->getSiteId() ); } ); } /** * Handler on epilog finish. * @return void */ protected function onEpilog(): void { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnEpilog', function() { Manager::initAssets($this->arResult['LANDING']->getId()); } ); } /** * Handler on view block. * @return void */ protected function onBlockPublicView(): void { if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] !== 'KNOWLEDGE' && $this->arParams['TYPE'] !== 'GROUP') { return; } $query = \htmlspecialcharsbx($this->request('q')); if (!$query) { return; } Cache::disableCache(); $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); $eventManager->addEventHandler('landing', 'onBlockPublicView', function(Event $event) use($query) { $outputContent = $event->getParameter('outputContent'); // SEARCH replaces $isSearch = $query && ( $this->arParams['TYPE'] === 'KNOWLEDGE' || $this->arParams['TYPE'] === 'GROUP' ); if ($query) { $isUtf = defined('BX_UTF') && BX_UTF === true; if (strpos($outputContent, '<?') !== false) { return $outputContent; } if (!$isUtf) { [$outputContent, $query] = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding( [$outputContent, $query], SITE_CHARSET, 'UTF-8' ); } $phrases = explode(' ', $query); \trimArr($phrases, true); // try to find search phrases in real content (between tags) $found = preg_match_all( '#>[^<]*(' . implode('|', $phrases) . ')[^<]*<#isu', $outputContent, $matches ); if ($found) { foreach ($matches[0] as $outer) { // highlight found phrases $outerNew = preg_replace( '#([^\s;>]*(' . implode('|', $phrases) . ')[^\s<&!.,]*)#isu', '<span class="landing-highlight">$1</span>', $outer ); $outputContent = str_replace($outer, $outerNew, $outputContent); } } if (!$isUtf) { $outputContent = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding( $outputContent, 'UTF-8', SITE_CHARSET ); } } $event->setParameter('outputContent', $outputContent); return $outputContent; }, ); } /** * Handler on preview mode. * @return void */ protected function onPreviewMode(): void { $eventManager = EventManager::getInstance(); Manager::setPageView('BodyClass', 'landing-mode-preview'); // remove all target="_self" in links $eventManager->addEventHandler('main', 'OnEndBufferContent', function(&$content) { $content = str_replace( ['target="_self"', 'href="#"'], ['', 'href=""'], $content ); } ); } /** * Fill params urls with landing data. * @param Landing $landing Landing instance. * @return void */ protected function replaceParamsUrls(Landing $landing) { if ($this->arParams['SHOW_EDIT_PANEL'] != 'Y') { return; } $codes = [ 'PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', 'PAGE_URL_SITES', 'PAGE_URL_SITE_SHOW' ]; foreach ($codes as $code) { if ($this->arParams[$code]) { $this->arParams[$code] = str_replace( ['#site_edit#', '#landing_edit#'], [$landing->getSiteId(), $landing->getId()], $this->arParams[$code] ); } } } /** * Sets canonical url. * @param Landing $landing Landing instance. * @return void */ public function setCanonical(Landing $landing) { // we need to know real domain name $domainName = ''; $landingUrl = $landing->getPublicUrl(); if (mb_substr($landingUrl, 0, 1) == '/') { $domainName = Domain::getHostUrl(); } else { $landingUrlParts = parse_url($landingUrl); if ( isset($landingUrlParts['scheme']) && isset($landingUrlParts['host']) ) { $domainName = $landingUrlParts['scheme'] . '://'; $domainName .= $landingUrlParts['host']; } } $canonical = $domainName . Manager::getApplication()->getCurDir(); Manager::setPageView( 'MetaOG', '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $canonical . '" />' . "\n" . '<link rel="canonical" href="' . $canonical . '"/>' ); } /** * Returns force content for robots.txt * @return string */ protected function getForceRobots() { return 'User-agent: *' . PHP_EOL . 'Disallow: /pub/site/*' . PHP_EOL . 'Disallow: /preview/*'; } /** * Sends request for getting access to current site. * @return array */ protected function actionAskAccess(): array { $this->clearHttpStatus(); $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_OK); if ( Manager::isB24() && isset($this->arResult['REAL_LANDING']) && ($userId = $this->request('userId')) && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('im') ) { $admins = $this->getAdmins(); if (isset($admins[$userId])) { $fromUserId = Manager::getUserId(); $name = $this->arResult['REAL_LANDING']->getTitle(); $url = $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_ROLES'] ? $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_ROLES'] : $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_SITES']; \CIMNotify::add([ 'TO_USER_ID' => $userId, 'FROM_USER_ID' => $fromUserId, 'NOTIFY_TYPE' => IM_NOTIFY_FROM, 'NOTIFY_MODULE' => 'landing', 'NOTIFY_TAG' => 'LANDING|NOTIFY_ADMIN|' . $userId . '|' . $fromUserId . '|V3', 'NOTIFY_MESSAGE' => $this->getMessageType('LANDING_CMP_ASK_ACCESS_KNOWLEDGE', [ '#LINK1#' => '<a href="' . $url . '">', '#LINK2#' => '</a>', '#NAME#' => $name ]) ]); } } return [ 'status' => 'success' ]; } /** * Checks if this site is binding to socialnet opened group. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return bool */ protected function isOpenedGroupSite(int $siteId): bool { return \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Scope\Group::getGroupIdBySiteId($siteId, true) > 0; } /** * Sends push on landing first view. * @param int $landingId Landing id. * @return void */ protected function sendPageViewPush(int $landingId): void { if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('pull')) { \CPullWatch::addToStack( 'LANDING_ENTITY_LANDING', [ 'module_id' => 'landing', 'command' => 'onLandingFirstView', 'params' => [ 'ladingId' => $landingId ] ] ); } } /** * Base executable method. * @return void */ public function executeComponent() { $init = $this->init(); if ($init) { $this->zone = Manager::getZone(); if ( !isset($this->arParams['PATH']) || !$this->arParams['PATH'] ) { $context = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent(); $requestURL = $context->getRequest()->getRequestedPage(); $realFilePath = $context->getServer()->get('REAL_FILE_PATH'); if (!$realFilePath) { $realFilePath = $_SERVER['REAL_FILE_PATH'] ?? null; } if (!$realFilePath) { $realFilePath = $context->getServer()->get('SCRIPT_NAME'); } $requestURL = str_replace('/index.php', '/', $requestURL); $realFilePath = str_replace('/' . basename($realFilePath), '/', $realFilePath); $this->arParams['PATH'] = mb_substr($requestURL, mb_strlen($realFilePath)); } $this->checkParam('LID', 0); $this->checkParam('SITE_ID', 0); $this->checkParam('SITE_TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('HTTP_HOST', ''); $this->checkParam('CHECK_PERMISSIONS', 'N'); $this->checkParam('NOT_CHECK_DOMAIN', 'N'); $this->checkParam('SHOW_EDIT_PANEL', 'N'); $this->checkParam('SKIP_404', 'N'); $this->checkParam('DRAFT_MODE', 'N'); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITES', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_SHOW', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_ROLES', ''); $this->arParams['TYPE'] = $this->arParams['SITE_TYPE']; \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::setScope( $this->arParams['SITE_TYPE'] ); if ( ($lid = $this->arParams['LID']) || ($lid = $this->detectPage()) ) { if ($this->isPreviewMode) { Hook::setEditMode(); $this->onPreviewMode(); } // for cloud some magic for optimization if (Manager::isB24()) { $asset = \Bitrix\Main\Page\Asset::getInstance(); $asset->disableOptimizeCss(); $asset->disableOptimizeJs(); } // set external variables if (isset($this->sefVariables)) { Landing::setVariables(array( 'sef' => $this->sefVariables )); } Landing::setDynamicParams( $this->dynamicFilterId, $this->dynamicElementId ); // some other vars if ($this->isPreviewMode) { Landing::setPreviewMode(true); } $landing = Landing::createInstance($lid, [ 'check_permissions' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] == 'Y', 'disable_link_preview' => $this->arParams['DRAFT_MODE'] == 'Y' ]); self::$landingMain['LANDING_ID'] = $lid; self::$landingMain['LANDING_INSTANCE'] = $landing; $this->arResult['LANDING'] = $landing; $this->arResult['SITE_RELATIVE_URL'] = Site::getPublicUrl($landing->getSiteId(), true, false); $this->arResult['SPECIAL_TYPE'] = $this->getSpecialTypeSiteByLanding($landing); $this->arResult['DOMAIN'] = $this->getParentDomain(); $this->arResult['COPY_LINK'] = $this->getCopyLinkPath(); $this->arResult['ADV_CODE'] = $this->getAdvCode(); $this->arResult['SEARCH_RESULT_QUERY'] = $this->request('q'); $this->arResult['CAN_EDIT'] = 'N'; // if landing found if ($landing->exist()) { \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Version::update($landing->getSiteId(), $landing->getMeta()['SITE_VERSION']); if ($this->arResult['SPECIAL_TYPE'] === \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type::PSEUDO_SCOPE_CODE_FORMS) { Landing::setEditMode(true); $this->checkFormInLanding($landing); Landing::setEditMode(false); } $this->arParams['TYPE'] = $landing::getSiteType(); if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] == 'STORE') { header('X-Bitrix24-Page: dynamic'); } // if intranet, check rights for showing menu if (!$landing->getDomainId()) { $operations = Rights::getOperationsForSite( $landing->getSiteId() ); if (in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit'], $operations)) { $this->arResult['CAN_EDIT'] = 'Y'; } } $this->replaceParamsUrls($landing); // exec Hook Robots if ($this->isRobotsTxt) { $hooksSite = Hook::getForSite($landing->getSiteId()); if (isset($hooksSite['ROBOTS'])) { Manager::getApplication()->restartBuffer(); if ($hooksSite['ROBOTS']->enabled()) { $robotsContent = trim($hooksSite['ROBOTS']->exec()); } else { $robotsContent = ''; } // check sitemaps url $sitemap = Landing::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $landing->getSiteId(), '=SITEMAP' => 'Y', 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] ), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($sitemap->fetch()) { $robotsContent .= ($robotsContent ? PHP_EOL : ''); $robotsContent .= 'Sitemap: ' . Site::getPublicUrl($landing->getSiteId()) . '/sitemap.xml'; } if ($robotsContent) { $robotsContent .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } if (mb_strpos(strtolower($robotsContent), 'user-agent:') !== false) { $robotsContent = preg_replace( '/user-agent:\s+\*/i', $this->getForceRobots(), $robotsContent ); } else { $robotsContent .= $this->getForceRobots(); } // out header('content-type: text/plain'); echo $robotsContent; die(); } else { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); die(); } } // build site map elseif ($this->isSitemapXml) { Manager::getApplication()->restartBuffer(); header('content-type: text/xml'); $sitemap = $this->getSitemap($landing->getSiteId()); if ($sitemap) { echo $sitemap; } else { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } die(); } } // else errors $this->setErrors( $landing->getError()->getErrors() ); if ($landing->getError()->isEmpty()) { // events $this->onGetSysPage(); $this->onBeforeLocalRedirect(); $this->onSearchGetURL(); $this->onSaleBasketItemBeforeSaved(); $this->onBeforeEventSend(); $this->onEpilog(); $this->onBlockPublicView(); // change view for public mode Manager::setPageView( 'MainClass', 'landing-public-mode' ); // call tracker if ( $this->arParams['DRAFT_MODE'] != 'Y' && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm') ) { Manager::setPageView( 'FooterJS', CallTracker::instance()->getEmbeddedScript() ); } // views if ($this->request('promo') == 'Y')// only for promo hit { $this->sendPageViewPush($landing->getId()); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) { NotificationsPromoManager::enablePromoSession($landing->getId()); } } \Bitrix\Landing\Landing\View::inc($lid); } } else if ($this->getCurrentHttpStatus() === $this::ERROR_STATUS_FORBIDDEN) { $this->addError( 'SITE_NOT_ALLOWED', $this->getMessageType('LANDING_CMP_SITE_NOT_ALLOWED') ); } else { // check if site is actual exists, but not allowed for current user if ($this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] == 'Y') { $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'N'; if ($realLandingId = $this->detectPage()) { $this->arResult['REAL_LANDING'] = Landing::createInstance($realLandingId, [ 'check_permissions' => false, 'blocks_limit' => 0 ]); if ($this->isOpenedGroupSite($this->arResult['REAL_LANDING']->getSiteId())) { $this->executeComponent(); return; } if (!\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } $this->addError( 'SITE_NOT_ALLOWED', $this->getMessageType('LANDING_CMP_SITE_NOT_ALLOWED', null, 2) ); $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'Y'; $this->arResult['ADMINS'] = $this->getAdmins(); parent::executeComponent(); return; } $this->arParams['CHECK_PERMISSIONS'] = 'Y'; } // for 404 we need site url if ($this->arParams['LOCAL_SITE_ID'] ?? null) { $this->arResult['SITE_URL'] = Site::getPublicUrl($this->arParams['LOCAL_SITE_ID']); } // try force reload if ($this->request('forceLandingId')) { $landingForce = Landing::createInstance($this->request('forceLandingId')); \localRedirect($landingForce->getPublicUrl(false, false) . '?IFRAME=Y'); } // site is actual not exists $this->setHttpStatusOnce($this::ERROR_STATUS_NOT_FOUND); $this->addError( 'SITE_NOT_FOUND', $this->getMessageType('LANDING_CMP_SITE_NOT_FOUND2') ); if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] === 'GROUP') { \localRedirect($this->arParams['PAGE_URL_SITES']); } } } parent::executeComponent(); } }