Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage blog * @copyright 2001-2012 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Blog\Item; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Blog\PostTable; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\LogTable; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class Post { public $id = false; private $perm; private $permByOpenGroup; private $fields; public function __construct() { $this->perm = Permissions::DENY; $this->permByOpenGroup = false; $this->fields = array(); $this->id = false; } public static function getById($postId = 0, $params = array()) { static $cachedFields = array(); $postItem = false; $postId = intval($postId); $useStaticCache = ( !empty($params['USE_STATIC_CACHE']) && $params['USE_STATIC_CACHE'] === true ); if ($postId > 0) { $postItem = new Post; $postFields = array(); if ( $useStaticCache && isset($cachedFields[$postId]) ) { $postFields = $cachedFields[$postId]; } else { $select = array('*', 'UF_BLOG_POST_URL_PRV'); if ( \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option::get('disk', 'successfully_converted', false) && Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('disk') ) { $select[] = 'UF_BLOG_POST_FILE'; } if ( Loader::includeModule('vote') && Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('socialnetwork') ) { $select[] = 'UF_BLOG_POST_VOTE'; } $res = PostTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=ID' => $postId), 'select' => $select )); if ($fields = $res->fetch()) { $postFields = $fields; if ($postFields['DATE_CREATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $postFields['DATE_CREATE'] = $postFields['DATE_CREATE']->toString(); } if ($postFields['DATE_PUBLISH'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime) { $postFields['DATE_PUBLISH'] = $postFields['DATE_PUBLISH']->toString(); } } $cachedFields[$postId] = $postFields; } $postItem->setFields($postFields); if ( isset($postFields['ID']) && intval($postFields['ID']) > 0 ) { $postItem->setId(intval($postFields['ID'])); } } return $postItem; } public function setFields($fields = array()) { $this->fields = $fields; } public function getFields() { return $this->fields; } public function setId($id = 0) { $this->id = $id; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getSonetPerms($params = array()) { global $USER; static $cache, $userAccessCodeCache; if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { throw new Main\SystemException('Socialnetwork module not installed.'); } $fields = $this->getFields(); if ( empty($fields) || empty($fields['ID']) || intval($fields['ID']) <= 0 ) { throw new Main\SystemException('Empty post.'); } $cacheId = md5($fields['ID'].serialize($params)); if (!empty($cache[$cacheId])) { return $cache[$cacheId]; } $currentUser = false; $userId = (isset($params["USER_ID"]) ? intval($params["USER_ID"]) : 0); if($userId <= 0) { $userId = intval($USER->getId()); $currentUser = true; } $perms = Permissions::DENY; $permsAvailable = array_keys($GLOBALS["AR_BLOG_PERMS"]); if($currentUser) { if (\CSocNetUser::isCurrentUserModuleAdmin()) { $perms = $permsAvailable[count($permsAvailable) - 1]; } } elseif(\CSocNetUser::isUserModuleAdmin($userId)) { $perms = $permsAvailable[count($permsAvailable) - 1]; } if( isset($fields["AUTHOR_ID"]) && $fields["AUTHOR_ID"] == $userId ) { $perms = Permissions::FULL; } $openedWorkgroupsList = []; $readByOpenSonetGroup = false; $alreadyFound = false; if ($perms <= Permissions::DENY) { $permsList = \CBlogPost::getSocNetPerms($fields['ID']); if ( $userId > 0 && Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('mail') ) // check for email authorization users { $select = array("ID", "EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID"); if (Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $select[] = "UF_DEPARTMENT"; } $res = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( "=ID" => $userId ), 'select' => $select )); if($userFields = $res->fetch()) { if ($userFields["EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID"] == 'email') { $alreadyFound = true; $perms = (isset($permsList["U"]) && isset($permsList["U"][$userId]) ? Permissions::READ : Permissions::DENY); } elseif ( isset($params['PUBLIC']) && $params['PUBLIC'] && isset($userFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"]) // intranet installed && ( !is_array($userFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"]) || empty($userFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"]) || intval($userFields["UF_DEPARTMENT"][0]) <= 0 ) && Loader::includeModule('extranet') && ($extranetSiteId = \CExtranet::getExtranetSiteID()) // for extranet users in public section ) { if (isset($params['LOG_ID']) && intval($params['LOG_ID']) > 0) { $postSiteList = array(); $res = \CSocNetLog::getSite(intval($params['LOG_ID'])); while ($logSite = $res->fetch()) { $postSiteList[] = $logSite["LID"]; } if (!in_array($extranetSiteId, $postSiteList)) { $alreadyFound = true; $perms = Permissions::DENY; } } else { $alreadyFound = true; $perms = Permissions::DENY; } } } else { $alreadyFound = true; $perms = Permissions::DENY; } } $entityList = array(); if (!$alreadyFound) { if (!empty($userAccessCodeCache[$userId])) { $entityList = $userAccessCodeCache[$userId]; } else { $codeList = \CAccess::getUserCodesArray($userId); foreach($codeList as $code) { if ( preg_match('/^DR([0-9]+)/', $code, $match) || preg_match('/^D([0-9]+)/', $code, $match) || preg_match('/^IU([0-9]+)/', $code, $match) ) { $entityList["DR"][$code] = $code; } elseif (preg_match('/^SG([0-9]+)_([A-Z])/', $code, $match)) { $entityList["SG"][$match[1]][$match[2]] = $match[2]; } } $userAccessCodeCache[$userId] = $entityList; } foreach($permsList as $key => $value) { foreach($value as $id => $p) { if(!is_array($p)) { $p = array(); } if($userId > 0 && $key == "U" && $userId == $id) { $perms = ( in_array("US".$userId, $p) // author ? Permissions::FULL : Permissions::WRITE ); break; } if(in_array("G2", $p)) { $perms = Permissions::WRITE; break; } if($userId > 0 && in_array("AU", $p)) { $perms = Permissions::WRITE; break; } if($key == "SG") { if(!empty($entityList["SG"][$id])) { foreach($entityList["SG"][$id] as $sonetGroupId) { if(in_array("SG".$id."_".$sonetGroupId, $p)) { $perms = Permissions::READ; break; } } } } if($key == "DR" && !empty($entityList["DR"])) { if(in_array("DR".$id, $entityList["DR"])) { $perms = Permissions::WRITE; break; } } } if($perms > Permissions::DENY) { break; } } if ( $perms <= Permissions::READ && !empty($permsList['SG']) ) // check open sonet groups { foreach ($permsList['SG'] as $sonetGroupPermList) { if (empty($sonetGroupPermList)) { continue; } foreach ($sonetGroupPermList as $sonetGroupPerm) { if (!preg_match('/^OSG(\d+)_'.(!$userId ? SONET_ROLES_ALL : SONET_ROLES_AUTHORIZED).'$/', $sonetGroupPerm, $matches)) { continue; } $openedWorkgroupsList[] = (int)$matches[1]; } } if ( !empty($openedWorkgroupsList) && Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork') && \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Helper\Workgroup::checkAnyOpened($openedWorkgroupsList) ) { $perms = Permissions::READ; $readByOpenSonetGroup = true; } } if ( isset($params['CHECK_FULL_PERMS']) && $params['CHECK_FULL_PERMS'] && $perms < Permissions::FULL ) { $sonetGroupIdList = Array(); if(!empty($permsList["SG"])) { foreach($permsList["SG"] as $groupId => $val) { if(!empty($entityList["SG"][$groupId])) { $sonetGroupIdList[] = $groupId; } } } if(!empty($sonetGroupIdList)) { $operationList = array("full_post", "moderate_post", "write_post", "premoderate_post"); foreach($operationList as $operation) { if($perms > Permissions::READ) { break; } $sonetGroupPermList = \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::getOperationPerm(SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $sonetGroupIdList, "blog", $operation); if(is_array($sonetGroupPermList)) { foreach($sonetGroupPermList as $groupId => $role) { if (in_array($role, $entityList["SG"][$groupId])) { switch($operation) { case "full_post": $perms = Permissions::FULL; break; case "moderate_post": $perms = Permissions::MODERATE; break; case "write_post": $perms = Permissions::WRITE; break; case "premoderate_post": $perms = Permissions::PREMODERATE; break; } } } } } } } } } $cache[$cacheId] = $result = [ 'PERM' => $perms, 'READ_BY_OSG' => $readByOpenSonetGroup, ]; return $result; } /** * Detect tags in data array. * @param array $fields Data array. * @return array */ public function detectTags() { static $parser = null; $result = array(); $fields = $this->getFields(); $searchFields = array('DETAIL_TEXT'); if ( !isset($fields['MICRO']) || $fields['MICRO'] != 'Y' ) { $searchFields[] = 'TITLE'; } foreach ($searchFields as $fieldCode) { if ( empty($fieldCode) || empty($fields[$fieldCode]) ) { continue; } if ($parser === null) { $parser = new \CTextParser(); } $result = array_merge($result, $parser->detectTags($fields[$fieldCode])); } return array_unique($result); } public function getTags() { $result = array(); $fields = $this->getFields(); if ( empty($fields) || empty($fields['ID']) || intval($fields['ID']) <= 0 ) { return false; } $res = \CBlogPostCategory::getList( array(), array( 'POST_ID' => $fields['ID'] ), false, false, array('NAME') ); while ($category = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $category['NAME']; } return $result; } /** * Returns log entry Id of a blog post * @return int|boolean */ public function getLogId(array $params = []) { $result = false; $postId = $this->getId(); if ($postId <= 0) { return $result; } if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return $result; } $provider = Livefeed\Provider::init(array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => Livefeed\Provider::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_POST, 'ENTITY_ID' => $postId, )); if (!$provider) { return $result; } return $provider->getLogId($params); } /** * Deactivates log entry of a blog post * @param int $postId * @return boolean */ public function deactivateLogEntry() { $result = false; if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return $result; } $logId = $this->getLogId(); if (intval($logId) <= 0) { return $result; } LogTable::update($logId, [ 'INACTIVE' => 'Y' ]); return true; } /** * Activates log entry of a blog post * @param int $postId * @return boolean */ public function activateLogEntry() { $result = false; if (!Loader::includeModule('socialnetwork')) { return $result; } $logId = $this->getLogId([ 'inactive' => true ]); if (intval($logId) <= 0) { return $result; } $currentDateTime = new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression(\Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection()->getSqlHelper()->getCurrentDateTimeFunction()); LogTable::update($logId, [ 'INACTIVE' => 'N', 'LOG_DATE' => $currentDateTime, 'LOG_UPDATE' => $currentDateTime ]); return true; } }