Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<? $MESS["FORUMS"] = "Forums"; $MESS["FORUM_LIST"] = "List of forums"; $MESS["FORUM_NAME"] = "Forum name"; $MESS["FORUM_TOPICS"] = "Topics"; $MESS["FORUM_POSTS"] = "Posts"; $MESS["FORUM_POST"] = "Messages"; $MESS["LAST_POST"] = "Last post"; $MESS["IS_NEW_MESS"] = "New messages!"; $MESS["NO_NEW_MESS"] = "No new messages"; $MESS["TOPIC"] = "topic"; $MESS["AUTHOR"] = "author"; $MESS["FDATE_LAST_MESSAGE"] = "date of last message"; $MESS["FMESSAGE_TOPIC"] = "message topic"; $MESS["FNUM_ANSWERS"] = "number of answers"; $MESS["FNUM_VIEWS"] = "number of views"; $MESS["FSTART_DATE"] = "date of topic creation"; $MESS["FAUTHOR_TOPIC"] = "topic author"; $MESS["FASC"] = "ascending"; $MESS["FDESC"] = "descending"; $MESS["FNO_ACCESS"] = "no access"; $MESS["FREAD_ACCESS"] = "read"; $MESS["FANSWER_ACCESS"] = "reply"; $MESS["FNEW_MESSAGE_ACCESS"] = "create new topic"; $MESS["FMODERATE_ACCESS"] = "moderate"; $MESS["FEDIT_ACCESS"] = "edit"; $MESS["FFULL_ACCESS"] = "full"; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_AUTH"] = "Only registered users are allowed to subscribe. "; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to access this forum. "; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_OK_MESSAGE"] = "You have been successfully subscribed to the forum messages. You can edit the subscription settings in your profile."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_OK_MESSAGE_TOPIC"] = "Subscription to the new topic messages was successful. You can edit the subscription settings in your Profile."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_UNKNOWN"] = "An error occurred while trying to subscribe to the forum messages. "; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_ALREADY_TOPIC"] = "You are already subscribed for this topic."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_ALREADY_ALL"] = "You are already subscribed for all new forum posts."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_ALREADY_ALL_HELP"] = "Please unsubscribe from new posts of «#FORUM_NAME#» to subscribe for all new posts."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_ALREADY_NEW"] = "You are already subscribed for new topics of this forum."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_ALREADY_NEW_HELP"] = "Please unsubscribe from all posts of «#FORUM_NAME#» to subscribe for new topics."; $MESS["ADDMES_NO_TYPE"] = "The reply mode is not specified"; $MESS["ADDMESS_NO_PERMS2NEW"] = "Insufficient permissions to create new topics in this forum"; $MESS["ADDMESS_NO_PERMS2EDIT"] = "Insufficient permissions to edit this message"; $MESS["ADDMESS_NO_PERMS2REPLY"] = "Insufficient permissions to create messages in this topic"; $MESS["ADDMESS_INPUT_MESSAGE"] = "Message text"; $MESS["ADDMESS_INPUT_TITLE"] = "Topic title"; $MESS["ADDMESS_INPUT_AUTHOR"] = "The name of the message author"; $MESS["ADDMESS_INPUT_EDITOR"] = "The name of the message editor"; $MESS["ADDMESS_ERROR_ADD_TOPIC"] = "Error creating a new topic"; $MESS["ADDMESS_ERROR_EDIT_TOPIC"] = "Error updating the topic"; $MESS["ADDMESS_ERROR_ADD_MESSAGE"] = "Error creating a new message"; $MESS["ADDMESS_ERROR_EDIT_MESSAGE"] = "Error updating the message"; $MESS["ADDMESS_SUCCESS_ADD"] = "The message has been added successfully"; $MESS["ADDMESS_SUCCESS_EDIT"] = "The message has been updated successfully"; $MESS["ADDMESS_AFTER_MODERATE"] = "It will become visible after moderating"; $MESS["MODMESS_NO_MESS"] = "No message to moderate"; $MESS["MODMESS_NO_MESSAGES"] = "No moderated messages selected"; $MESS["MODMESS_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to moderate this message"; $MESS["MODMESS_ERROR_MODER"] = "An error occurred while trying to moderate the message"; $MESS["MODMESS_SUCCESS_SHOW"] = "The message has been published successfully"; $MESS["MODMESS_SUCCESS_HIDE"] = "The message has been hidden successfully"; $MESS["OCTOP_NO_TOPIC"] = "No topic selected"; $MESS["OCTOP_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to open this topic"; $MESS["OCTOP_NO_PERMS1"] = "Insufficient permissions to close this topic"; $MESS["OCTOP_ERROR_OPEN"] = "An error occurred while trying to open the topic"; $MESS["OCTOP_ERROR_CLOSE"] = "An error occurred while trying to close the topic"; $MESS["OCTOP_SUCCESS_OPEN"] = "The topic has been opened successfully"; $MESS["OCTOP_SUCCESS_CLOSE"] = "The topic has been closed successfully"; $MESS["TOTOP_NO_TOPIC"] = "No topic selected"; $MESS["TOTOP_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to pin up this topic"; $MESS["TOTOP_NO_PERMS1"] = "Insufficient permissions to unpin this topic"; $MESS["TOTOP_ERROR_TOP"] = "Error pinning up the topic"; $MESS["TOTOP_ERROR_TOP1"] = "Error unpinning the topic"; $MESS["TOTOP_SUCCESS_TOP"] = "The topic has been successfully pinned up."; $MESS["TOTOP_SUCCESS_TOP1"] = "The topic has been successfully unpinned."; $MESS["DELTOP_NO_TOPIC"] = "No topic selected"; $MESS["DELTOP_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to delete this topic"; $MESS["DELTOP_OK"] = "Topic was successfully deleted"; $MESS["DELTOP_NO"] = "Topic was not deleted"; $MESS["SPAMTOP_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions."; $MESS["SPAMTOP_OK"] = "The topic has been marked as spam and deleted successfully."; $MESS["SPAMTOP_NO"] = "The topic is not marked as spam"; $MESS["DELMES_NO_MESS"] = "No message selected for deletion"; $MESS["DELMES_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions to delete this message"; $MESS["DELMES_OK"] = "Message was successfully deleted"; $MESS["DELMES_NO"] = "Message was not deleted"; $MESS["SPAM_NO_MESS"] = "No message selected"; $MESS["SPAM_NO_PERMS"] = "Insufficient permissions."; $MESS["SPAM_OK"] = "The post has been marked as spam and deleted successfully."; $MESS["SPAM_NO"] = "The post is not marked as spam"; $MESS["FSTP_PAGES"] = "Pages"; $MESS["JQOUTE_AUTHOR_WRITES"] = "writes"; $MESS["JERROR_NO_TOPIC_NAME"] = "Please type the topic name. "; $MESS["JERROR_NO_MESSAGE"] = "Please type the message body. "; $MESS["JERROR_MAX_LEN1"] = "Maximum message length is "; $MESS["JERROR_MAX_LEN2"] = "symbols. Total symbols: "; $MESS["FORUM_TEXT_ENTER_URL"] = "Full address (URL)"; $MESS["FORUM_TEXT_ENTER_URL_NAME"] = "Site name"; $MESS["FORUM_TEXT_ENTER_IMAGE"] = "Image address (URL)"; $MESS["FORUM_LIST_PROMPT"] = "List item. Click 'Cancel' or type space for completion"; $MESS["FORUM_ERROR_NO_URL"] = "Please type the address (URL)"; $MESS["FORUM_ERROR_NO_TITLE"] = "Please type the name"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_BOLD"] = "Bold (alt + b)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_ITALIC"] = "Italic (alt + i)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_UNDER"] = "Underline (alt + u)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_FONT"] = "Selects text font"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_COLOR"] = "Selects text colour"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_CLOSE"] = "Closes all unclosed tags"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_URL"] = "Hyperlink (alt + h)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_IMG"] = "Insert image (alt + g)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_QUOTE"] = "Quote (alt + q)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_LIST"] = "List (alt + l)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_CODE"] = "Code section (alt + p)"; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_CLICK_CLOSE"] = "Click to close"; $MESS["MOVEMES_NO_SUPPORT"] = "The techsupport module is not installed."; $MESS["MOVEMES_NO_MESS_EX"] = "No message to be copied"; $MESS["MOVEMES_NO_ANONYM"] = "Anonymous messages cannot be copied to techsupport"; $MESS["MOVEMES_NO_PERMS2MOVE"] = "Insufficient permissions to copy messages to techsupport"; $MESS["MOVEMES_SUCCESS_SMOVE"] = "The message has been copied to techsupport"; $MESS["MOVEMES_ERROR_SMOVE"] = "Unable to copy the message to techsupport"; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_AUTH"] = "Only authorised users can vote here. Please authorise or register."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_OTHER"] = "You cannot vote for yourself."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_NO_VOTE"] = "You cannot vote for other users as yet"; $MESS["FORUM_GV_SUCCESS_UNVOTE"] = "Thank you! Your vote has been revoked."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_VOTE"] = "Voting error. Please try again or report to the administrator."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_SUCCESS_VOTE_UPD"] = "Your vote has been accepted. Thank you for voting!"; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_VOTE_UPD"] = "Voting error. Please try again or report to the administrator."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ALREADY_VOTE"] = "Your vote has been already accepted before."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_SUCCESS_VOTE_ADD"] = "Your vote has been accepted. Thank you for voting!"; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_VOTE_ADD"] = "Voting error. Please try again or report to the administrator."; $MESS["FORUM_GV_ERROR_A"] = "Voting parameters error."; $MESS["FORUM_HELP_TRANSLIT"] = "Transliteration (alt + t)"; $MESS["FORUM_POSTM_CAPTCHA"] = "The CAPTCHA code is incorrect"; $MESS["FSUBSC_NO_SPERMS"] = "You do not have enough permissions to delete this subscription"; $MESS["FORUM_USER_PROFILE"] = "User profile"; $MESS["FORUM_COUNT_GUEST"] = "Number of guests"; $MESS["FORUM_COUNT_USER_HIDEFROMONLINE"] = "hidden"; $MESS["FORUM_COUNT_ALL_USER"] = "total visitors"; $MESS["FORUM_COUNT_USER"] = "registered members"; $MESS["FORUM_FROM_THIS"] = "in total"; $MESS["FORUM_AT_LAST_PERIOD"] = "During the last ## minutes in forum"; $MESS["FORUM_NONE"] = "none"; $MESS["FORUM_NO_ACTION"] = "Action is not specified"; $MESS["FR_MODERATOR"] = "Moderator"; $MESS["FR_EDITOR"] = "Editor"; $MESS["FR_ADMIN"] = "Administrator"; $MESS["FR_ADMINISTRATOR"] = "Administrator"; $MESS["FR_USER"] = "User"; $MESS["FR_GUEST"] = "Guest"; $MESS["FR_AUTHOR_PROFILE"] = "Author profile"; $MESS["FR_NUM_MESS"] = "Total messages:"; $MESS["FR_DATE_REGISTER"] = "Registration date:"; $MESS["FR_DATE_CREATE"] = "Created:"; $MESS["FR_INSERT_NAME"] = "Insert name in reply"; $MESS["FR_NAME"] = "Name"; $MESS["FR_QUOTE_HINT"] = "To Quote Message in Reply select it and click here"; $MESS["FR_QUOTE"] = "Quote"; $MESS["FR_PROFILE"] = "Profile"; $MESS["FR_EMAIL_AUTHOR"] = "Send E-mail to author"; $MESS["FR_ICQ_AUTHOR"] = "Send ICQ message to author"; $MESS["FR_YOU_ALREADY_VOTE1"] = "You already voted for this user and gave him #POINTS# vote(s)"; $MESS["FR_YOU_ALREADY_VOTE3"] = "You can give hime #POINTS# vote(s) more that you have since the last voting."; $MESS["FR_VOTE_ADMIN"] = "More functional voting can be found in user profile."; $MESS["FR_NO_VOTE"] = "You did not vote for this user."; $MESS["FR_NO_VOTE1"] = "You can give him #POINTS# vote(s)"; $MESS["FR_NO_VOTE_DO"] = "Vote"; $MESS["FR_NO_VOTE_UNDO"] = "Remove vote"; $MESS["FR_HIDE_MESS"] = "Hide message"; $MESS["FR_HIDE"] = "Hide"; $MESS["FR_SHOW_MESS"] = "Show message"; $MESS["FR_SHOW"] = "Show"; $MESS["FR_EDIT_MESS"] = "Edit message"; $MESS["FR_EDIT"] = "Edit"; $MESS["FR_DELETE_MESS"] = "Delete message"; $MESS["FR_DELETE"] = "Delete"; $MESS["FR_MOVE2SUPPORT"] = "Copy to Helpdesk"; $MESS["FR_2SUPPORT"] = "To Helpdesk"; $MESS["FR_2TOP"] = "Back to top"; $MESS["FR_TOP"] = "Back to top"; $MESS["FR_REAL_IP"] = "/ real"; $MESS["FR_USER_ID"] = "Visitor ID:"; $MESS["FR_USER_ID_USER"] = "User ID:"; $MESS["FR_VIEW"] = "View message: "; $MESS["FR_NO_VPERS"] = "No user sp"; $MESS["FR_FTITLE"] = "Forum"; $MESS["FR_PRIVATE_MESSAGE"] = "Message"; $MESS["FMM_NO_MESSAGE"] = "No messages selected"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_EQUAL"] = "Current topic is specified"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_SOURCE0"] = "Topic (source) is not specified"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_SOURCE1"] = "Topic (source) doesn't exist"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_RECIPIENT0"] = "Topic not specified (target)"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_RECIPIENT1"] = "Topic (target) doesn't exist"; $MESS["FMM_TOPIC_IS_LINK"] = "The topic is link and cannot be destination"; $MESS["FMM_NO_TOPIC_NOT_CREATED"] = "New topic is not created"; $MESS["FMM_NO_MODERATE"] = "You do not have enough permissions to moderate this forum"; $MESS["FMM_NO_MESSAGE_MOVE"] = "Failed to move message (ID=##)"; $MESS["FMM_YES_MESSAGE_MOVE"] = "Messages were successfully moved"; $MESS["FMT_NO_TOPICS"] = "No topics selected"; $MESS["FMT_NO_PERMS_EDIT"] = "No available topics for editing "; $MESS["FORUM_SELECT_ALL"] = "Select all"; $MESS["FORUM_NO_MODULE"] = "Forum module is not installed"; $MESS["FORUM_NO_AUTHORIZE"] = "You need to be authorised to view this page"; $MESS["FORUM_NO_PERMS"] = "You do not have enough permissions"; $MESS["FORUM_FILTER"] = "Filter"; $MESS["FORUM_SHOW_ALL_FILTER"] = "Show all filters"; $MESS["FORUM_BUTTON_FILTER"] = "Filter"; $MESS["FORUM_BUTTON_RESET"] = "Reset"; $MESS["F_ATTACH_IS_MODIFIED"] = "The attachments was modified."; $MESS["F_MESSAGE_EDITED_BY_AUTHOR"] = "The post was edited by the author. "; $MESS["F_MESSAGE_WAS_MOVED_TO_NEW"] = "The post [#ID#] has been moved from the topic #TOPIC_TITLE# [#TOPIC_ID#] to a new topic #NEW_TOPIC_TITLE# [#NEW_TOPIC_ID#]."; $MESS["F_MESSAGE_WAS_MOVED"] = "The post [#ID#] has been moved from the topic #TOPIC_TITLE# [#TOPIC_ID#] to #NEW_TOPIC_TITLE# [#NEW_TOPIC_ID#]."; $MESS["FR_VIDEO"] = "Insert Video"; $MESS["FR_VIDEO_P"] = "Video Path"; $MESS["FR_VIDEO_PATH_EXAMPLE"] = "Example: <i></i> <br/> or <i></i>"; $MESS["FR_IMAGE_SIZE_NOTICE"] = "Maximum image size is <b>#WIDTH#</b> x <b>#HEIGHT#</b> pixels. Larger images will be scaled down automatically."; $MESS["FORUM_SUB_ERR_UNSUBSCR"] = "Error unsubscribing from forum posts."; ?>