Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ /** @global CUser $USER */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_before.php"); Loader::includeModule('iblock'); require_once ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/iblock/prolog.php"); IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); set_time_limit(0); $IBLOCK_ID = (int)$request->get('IBLOCK_ID'); $STEP = (int)$request->get('STEP'); if ($STEP <= 0) { $STEP = 1; } if ($request->isPost()) { if ($request->getPost('backButton') !== null) { $STEP -= 2; } if ($request->getPost('backButton2') !== null) { $STEP = 1; } } $NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS = (int)Main\Config\Option::get('iblock', 'num_catalog_levels'); if ($NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS <= 0) { $NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS = 3; } $max_execution_time = (int)($request->get('max_execution_time')); if ($max_execution_time <= 0) { $max_execution_time = 0; } $URL_DATA_FILE = (string)$request->get('URL_DATA_FILE'); if (isset($_REQUEST["CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID"]) && $_REQUEST["CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID"] <> '') $CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID = $_REQUEST["CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID"]; else $CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID = "CL".time(); $bAllLinesLoaded = True; $CUR_FILE_POS = (int)$request->get('CUR_FILE_POS'); $curFilePos = 0; $strError = ''; $line_num = 0; $correct_lines = 0; $error_lines = 0; $killed_lines = 0; $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $arIBlockAvailProdFields = array( "IE_XML_ID" => array( "field" => "XML_ID", "important" => "Y", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_UNIXML")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.XML_ID)", ) , "IE_NAME" => array( "field" => "NAME", "important" => "Y", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_NAME")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.NAME)", ) , "IE_PREVIEW_PICTURE" => array( "field" => "PREVIEW_PICTURE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_CATIMG")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.PREVIEW_PICTURE)", ) , "IE_PREVIEW_TEXT" => array( "field" => "PREVIEW_TEXT", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_CATDESCR")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.PREVIEW_TEXT)", ) , "IE_PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE" => array( "field" => "PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_CATDESCRTYPE")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.PREVIEW_TEXT_TYPE)", ) , "IE_DETAIL_PICTURE" => array( "field" => "DETAIL_PICTURE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_DETIMG")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.DETAIL_PICTURE)", ) , "IE_DETAIL_TEXT" => array( "field" => "DETAIL_TEXT", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_DETDESCR")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.DETAIL_TEXT)", ) , "IE_DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE" => array( "field" => "DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_DETDESCRTYPE")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.DETAIL_TEXT_TYPE)", ) , "IE_ACTIVE" => array( "field" => "ACTIVE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_ACTIV")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.ACTIVE)", ) , "IE_ACTIVE_FROM" => array( "field" => "ACTIVE_FROM", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_ACTIVFROM")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.ACTIVE_FROM)", ) , "IE_ACTIVE_TO" => array( "field" => "ACTIVE_TO", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_ACTIVTO")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.ACTIVE_TO)", ) , "IE_SORT" => array( "field" => "SORT", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_SORT")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.SORT)", ) , "IE_CODE" => array( "field" => "CODE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_CODE")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.CODE)", ) , "IE_TAGS" => array( "field" => "TAGS", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_TAGS")." (B_IBLOCK_ELEMENT.TAGS)", ) , ); $arIBlockAvailGroupFields = array( "IC_GROUP" => array( "field" => "NAME", "important" => "Y", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_NAME")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.NAME)", ) , "IC_XML_ID" => array( "field" => "XML_ID", "important" => "Y", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_UNIXML")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.XML_ID)", ) , "IC_ACTIVE" => array( "field" => "ACTIVE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_ACTIV")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.ACTIVE)", ) , "IC_SORT" => array( "field" => "SORT", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_SORT")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.SORT)", ) , "IC_DESCRIPTION" => array( "field" => "DESCRIPTION", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_DESCR")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.DESCRIPTION)", ) , "IC_DESCRIPTION_TYPE" => array( "field" => "DESCRIPTION_TYPE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_DESCRTYPE")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.DESCRIPTION_TYPE)", ) , "IC_CODE" => array( "field" => "CODE", "important" => "N", "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FG_CODE")." (B_IBLOCK_SECTION.CODE)", ), ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CAssocData extends CCSVData { var $__rows = array(); var $__pos = array(); var $__last_pos = 0; var $NUM_FIELDS = 0; var $IBLOCK_ID = 0; var $tmpid = ""; var $PK = array(); var $GROUP_REGEX = ""; function __construct($fields_type = "R", $first_header = false, $NUM_FIELDS = 0) { parent::__construct($fields_type, $first_header); $this->NUM_FIELDS = (int)$NUM_FIELDS; } function GetPos() { if(empty($this->__pos)) return parent::GetPos(); else return $this->__pos[count($this->__pos) - 1]; } function Fetch() { if (empty($this->__rows)) { $this->__last_pos = $this->GetPos(); return parent::Fetch(); } else { $this->__last_pos = array_pop($this->__pos); return array_pop($this->__rows); } } function PutBack($row) { $this->__rows[] = $row; $this->__pos[] = $this->__last_pos; } function AddPrimaryKey($field_name, $field_ind) { $this->PK[$field_name] = $field_ind; } function SetGroupFields($arGroupFields) { $ar = array(); foreach ($arGroupFields as $name => $arField) $ar[] = $name; $this->GROUP_REGEX = "/^(".implode("|", $ar).")\\d+\$/"; } function FetchAssoc() { global $line_num; $result = array(); while ($ar = $this->Fetch()) { $line_num++; //Search for "PRIMARY KEY" foreach ($this->PK as $pk_field => $pk_ind) { if (array_key_exists($pk_field, $result)) { //Check for Next record if ($result[$pk_field] !== trim($ar[$pk_ind])) { $line_num--; $this->PutBack($ar); return $result; } else { //When XML_ID do match we skip NAME check break; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $this->NUM_FIELDS; $i++) { $key = $GLOBALS["field_".$i]; $value = trim($ar[$i]); if (preg_match($this->GROUP_REGEX, $key)) { //IBlockSection if (!array_key_exists($key, $result)) $result[$key] = array(); $result[$key][] = $value; } elseif (preg_match("/^IP_PROP/", $key)) { //Multiple values only for properties if (!array_key_exists($key, $result)) { $result[$key] = $value; } elseif (!is_array($result[$key]) && $result[$key] !== $value) { $result[$key] = array( $result[$key], ); $result[$key][] = $value; } elseif (is_array($result[$key]) && !in_array($value, $result[$key])) { $result[$key][] = $value; } else { //we ignore repeated values } } else { $result[$key] = $value; } } if (empty($this->PK)) return $result; } //eof if (empty($result)) return $ar; else return $result; } function MapSections($arRes) { global $NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS, $arIBlockAvailGroupFields; static $arSectionCache = array(); $bs = new CIBlockSection; $result = array(); while (true) { $stop_processing = false; // this array is path to element $arGroupsTmp = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS; $i++) { $bOK = false; //will be true when at least one important field met $arGroupsTmp1 = array( "TMP_ID" => $this->tmpid, ); foreach ($arIBlockAvailGroupFields as $key => $value) { $fkey = $value["field"]; if (array_key_exists($key.$i, $arRes) && !empty($arRes[$key.$i])) { $arGroupsTmp1[$fkey] = array_shift($arRes[$key.$i]); } if ($value["important"] == "Y" && isset($arGroupsTmp1[$fkey]) && $arGroupsTmp1[$fkey] <> '') $bOK = true; } // drop empty target sections if ($bOK) { // When group does not have name "<Empty name>" if ($arGroupsTmp1["NAME"] == '') $arGroupsTmp1["NAME"] = GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NOMAME"); if (!$stop_processing) { $arGroupsTmp[] = $arGroupsTmp1; } } else { $stop_processing = true; } } //Finished with groups if (empty($arGroupsTmp)) break; // Create sections tree. Save section code for elemet insertions $LAST_GROUP_CODE = 0; foreach ($arGroupsTmp as $i => $arGroup) { $arFilter = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $this->IBLOCK_ID, "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", ); if (isset($arGroup["XML_ID"]) && mb_strlen($arGroup["XML_ID"])) { $arFilter["=XML_ID"] = $arGroup["XML_ID"]; } elseif (isset($arGroup["NAME"]) && mb_strlen($arGroup["NAME"])) { $arFilter["=NAME"] = $arGroup["NAME"]; } if ($LAST_GROUP_CODE > 0) { $arFilter["SECTION_ID"] = $LAST_GROUP_CODE; $arGroupsTmp[$i]["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] = $LAST_GROUP_CODE; } else { $arFilter["SECTION_ID"] = 0; $arGroupsTmp[$i]["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] = false; } $cache_id = md5(serialize($arFilter)); if (array_key_exists($cache_id, $arSectionCache)) { $arr = $arSectionCache[$cache_id]; } else { $res = CIBlockSection::GetList(array() , $arFilter); if ($arr = $res->Fetch()) $arSectionCache[$cache_id] = $arr; } if ($arr) { $arGroupsTmp[$i]["IBLOCK_ID"] = $arr["IBLOCK_ID"]; $LAST_GROUP_CODE = $arr["ID"]; $bUpdate = false; foreach ($arGroupsTmp[$i] as $field_code => $field_value) { if ($field_value."" !== $arr[$field_code]."") { $bUpdate = true; break; } } if ($bUpdate) { $bs->Update($LAST_GROUP_CODE, $arGroupsTmp[$i]); unset($arSectionCache[$cache_id]); } } else { $arGroupsTmp[$i]["IBLOCK_ID"] = $this->IBLOCK_ID; $arGroupsTmp[$i]["ACTIVE"] = "Y"; $LAST_GROUP_CODE = $bs->Add($arGroupsTmp[$i]); } } if ($LAST_GROUP_CODE > 0) $result[$LAST_GROUP_CODE] = $LAST_GROUP_CODE; } return $result; } function MapEnum($prop_id, $value) { static $arEnumCache = array(); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $k => $v) $value[$k] = $this->MapEnum($prop_id, $v); } else { if (!isset($arEnumCache[$prop_id])) $arEnumCache[$prop_id] = array(); if (array_key_exists($value, $arEnumCache[$prop_id])) { $value = $arEnumCache[$prop_id][$value]; } else { $res2 = CIBlockProperty::GetPropertyEnum($prop_id, array() , array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $this->IBLOCK_ID, "VALUE" => $value, )); if ($arRes2 = $res2->Fetch()) $value = $arEnumCache[$prop_id][$value] = $arRes2["ID"]; else $value = $arEnumCache[$prop_id][$value] = CIBlockPropertyEnum::Add(array( "PROPERTY_ID" => $prop_id, "VALUE" => $value, "TMP_ID" => $this->tmpid, )); } } return $value; } function MapFiles($value) { global $PATH2PROP_FILES; $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); if (!is_array($value)) $value = array( $value, ); $result = array(); $j = 0; foreach ($value as $file_name) { if ($file_name <> '') { if (preg_match("/^(ftp|ftps|http|https):\\/\\//", $file_name)) $arFile = CFile::MakeFileArray($file_name); else $arFile = CFile::MakeFileArray($io->GetPhysicalName($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$PATH2PROP_FILES."/".$file_name)); if (isset($arFile["tmp_name"])) $result["n".($j++)] = $arFile; } } return $result; } } $delimiterList = [ 'TZP' => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TZP"), 'ZPT' => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_ZPT"), 'TAB' => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB"), 'SPS' => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SPS"), 'OTR' => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OTR"), ]; $fields_type = (string)$request->getPost('fields_type'); $first_names_r = (string)$request->getPost('first_names_r'); $delimiter_r = (string)$request->getPost('delimiter_r'); if (!isset($delimiterList[$delimiter_r])) { $delimiter_r = 'TZP'; } $delimiter_other_r = (string)$request->getPost('delimiter_other_r'); $metki_f = (string)$request->getPost('metki_f'); $first_names_f = (string)$request->getPost('first_names_f'); $PATH2IMAGE_FILES = (string)$request->getPost('PATH2IMAGE_FILES'); $IMAGE_RESIZE = (string)$request->getPost('IMAGE_RESIZE'); $PATH2PROP_FILES = (string)$request->getPost('PATH2PROP_FILES'); $outFileAction = (string)($request->getPost('outFileAction')); if ($outFileAction !== 'H' && $outFileAction !== 'D' && $outFileAction !== 'F') { $outFileAction = 'F'; } $inFileAction = (string)$request->getPost('inFileAction'); if ($inFileAction !== 'F' && $inFileAction !== 'A') { $inFileAction = 'F'; } $DATA_FILE_NAME = ''; $arDataFileFields = []; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (($request->isPost() || $CUR_FILE_POS > 0) && $STEP > 1 && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $fieldList = [ 'fields_type', 'fields_type', 'delimiter_r', 'delimiter_r', 'first_names_f', 'first_names_f', 'PATH2IMAGE_FILES', 'IMAGE_RESIZE', 'PATH2PROP_FILES', 'outFileAction', 'inFileAction', 'max_execution_time', ]; $NUM_FIELDS = 0; //*****************************************************************// if (isset($_FILES["DATA_FILE"]) && is_uploaded_file($_FILES["DATA_FILE"]["tmp_name"])) { if (mb_strtolower(GetFileExtension($_FILES["DATA_FILE"]["name"])) !== "csv") { $strError.= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NOT_CSV")."<br>"; } else { $DATA_FILE_NAME = '/' . Main\Config\Option::get('main', 'upload_dir', 'upload') . '/'. basename($_FILES['DATA_FILE']['name']) ; if ($APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($DATA_FILE_NAME) >= 'W') { copy($_FILES['DATA_FILE']['tmp_name'], $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $DATA_FILE_NAME); } else { $DATA_FILE_NAME = ''; } } } if ($strError === '') { if ($DATA_FILE_NAME === '') { if ($URL_DATA_FILE !== '') { $URL_DATA_FILE = trim(str_replace("\\", "/", trim($URL_DATA_FILE)) , "/"); $FILE_NAME = rel2abs($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/' . $URL_DATA_FILE); if ( (mb_strlen($FILE_NAME) > 1) && ($FILE_NAME === '/' . $URL_DATA_FILE) && $io->FileExists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $FILE_NAME) && ($APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($FILE_NAME) >= 'W') ) { $DATA_FILE_NAME = $FILE_NAME; } } } if ($DATA_FILE_NAME === '') { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_DATA_FILE_SIMPLE') . '<br>'; } if (!CIBlockRights::UserHasRightTo($IBLOCK_ID, $IBLOCK_ID, 'element_edit_any_wf_status')) { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_IBLOCK') . '<br>'; } } if ($strError === '') { if ( $CUR_FILE_POS > 0 && isset($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]['LOAD_SCHEME']) && is_array($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]['LOAD_SCHEME']) ) { foreach ($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]['LOAD_SCHEME'] as $fieldName => $value) { $GLOBALS[$fieldName] = $value; } $STEP = 4; } } if ($strError !== '') { $STEP = 1; } //*****************************************************************// $csvFile = new CAssocData; $bFirstHeaderTmp = false; if ($STEP > 2) { //*****************************************************************// $csvFile->LoadFile($io->GetPhysicalName($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $DATA_FILE_NAME)); if ($fields_type !== 'F' && $fields_type !== 'R') { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_FILE_FORMAT') . '<br>'; } if ($strError === '') { $fields_type = ($fields_type === 'F' ? 'F' : 'R'); $csvFile->SetFieldsType($fields_type); if ($fields_type === 'R') { $first_names_r = ($first_names_r === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'); $csvFile->SetFirstHeader($first_names_r === 'Y'); $delimiter_r_char = ''; switch ($delimiter_r) { case 'TAB': $delimiter_r_char = "\t"; break; case 'ZPT': $delimiter_r_char = ','; break; case 'SPS': $delimiter_r_char = ' '; break; case 'OTR': $delimiter_r_char = mb_substr($delimiter_other_r, 0, 1); break; case 'TZP': $delimiter_r_char = ';'; break; } if (mb_strlen($delimiter_r_char) !== 1) { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_DELIMITER') . '<br>'; } if ($strError == '') { $csvFile->SetDelimiter($delimiter_r_char); } } else { $first_names_f = ($first_names_f === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N'); $csvFile->SetFirstHeader($first_names_f === 'Y'); if ($metki_f === '') { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_METKI') . '<br>'; } if ($strError === '') { $arMetki = array(); foreach (preg_split("/[\D]/i", $metki_f) as $metka) { $metka = (int)$metka; if ($metka > 0) { $arMetki[] = $metka; } } if (empty($arMetki)) { $strError .= GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_METKI') . '<br>'; } if ($strError === '') { $csvFile->SetWidthMap($arMetki); } } } if ($strError === '') { $bFirstHeaderTmp = $csvFile->GetFirstHeader(); $csvFile->SetFirstHeader(false); $arRes = $csvFile->Fetch(); if (!empty($arRes) && is_array($arRes)) { $arDataFileFields = $arRes; } else { $strError .= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_DATA")."<br>"; } $NUM_FIELDS = count($arDataFileFields); } } if ($strError !== '') { $STEP = 2; } //*****************************************************************// } if ($STEP > 3) { //*****************************************************************// $bFieldsPres = false; for ($i = 0; $i < $NUM_FIELDS; $i++) { if (${"field_".$i} <> '') { $bFieldsPres = True; break; } } if (!$bFieldsPres) $strError.= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NO_FIELDS")."<br>"; if ($strError == '') { $csvFile->SetPos($CUR_FILE_POS); if ($CUR_FILE_POS <= 0 && $bFirstHeaderTmp) { $arRes = $csvFile->Fetch(); } $io = CBXVirtualIo::GetInstance(); $bs = new CIBlockSection; $el = new CIBlockElement; $el->CancelWFSetMove(); $tmpid = md5(uniqid("")); $arIBlockProperty = array(); $bThereIsGroups = False; if ($CUR_FILE_POS > 0 && is_set($_SESSION, $CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID)) { if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "tmpid")) $tmpid = $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["tmpid"]; if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "line_num")) $line_num = intval($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["line_num"]); if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "correct_lines")) $correct_lines = intval($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["correct_lines"]); if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "error_lines")) $error_lines = intval($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["error_lines"]); if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "killed_lines")) $killed_lines = intval($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["killed_lines"]); if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "arIBlockProperty")) $arIBlockProperty = $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["arIBlockProperty"]; if (is_set($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID], "bThereIsGroups")) $bThereIsGroups = $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["bThereIsGroups"]; } // Prepare arrays for elements load $bWorkFlow = CModule::IncludeModule('workflow'); foreach ($arIBlockAvailProdFields as $key => $arField) { if ($arField["field"] === "XML_ID") { for ($i = 0; $i < $NUM_FIELDS; $i++) if ($key === $GLOBALS["field_".$i]) $csvFile->AddPrimaryKey($key, $i); } elseif ($arField["field"] === "NAME") { for ($i = 0; $i < $NUM_FIELDS; $i++) if ($key === $GLOBALS["field_".$i]) $csvFile->AddPrimaryKey($key, $i); } } $csvFile->tmpid = $tmpid; $csvFile->IBLOCK_ID = $IBLOCK_ID; $csvFile->NUM_FIELDS = $NUM_FIELDS; $csvFile->SetGroupFields($arIBlockAvailGroupFields); $arIBlockFileProperty = array(); // Main loop while ($arRes = $csvFile->FetchAssoc()) { $strErrorR = ""; // Create element $arLoadProductArray = array( "MODIFIED_BY" => $USER->GetID() , "IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "TMP_ID" => $tmpid, "IBLOCK_SECTION" => $csvFile->MapSections($arRes) , ); //Preserve existing sections if(empty($arLoadProductArray["IBLOCK_SECTION"])) unset($arLoadProductArray["IBLOCK_SECTION"]); else $arLoadProductArray["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"] = key($arLoadProductArray["IBLOCK_SECTION"]); $bThereIsGroups |= !empty($arLoadProductArray["IBLOCK_SECTION"]); foreach ($arIBlockAvailProdFields as $key => $arField) { if (array_key_exists($key, $arRes)) $arLoadProductArray[$arField["field"]] = $arRes[$key]; } $arFilter = array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", ); if($arLoadProductArray["XML_ID"] <> '') { $arFilter["=XML_ID"] = $arLoadProductArray["XML_ID"]; } elseif($arLoadProductArray["NAME"] <> '') { $arFilter["=NAME"] = $arLoadProductArray["NAME"]; } else { $strErrorR .= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_LINE_NO")." ".$line_num.". ".GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NOIDNAME")."<br>"; } if ($strErrorR == '') { $arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"] = array(); foreach ($arRes as $key => $value) { if (strncmp($key, "IP_PROP", 7) == 0) { $cur_prop_id = (int)mb_substr($key, 7); if (!array_key_exists($cur_prop_id, $arIBlockProperty)) { $res1 = CIBlockProperty::GetByID($cur_prop_id, $IBLOCK_ID); $arIBlockProperty[$cur_prop_id] = $res1->Fetch(); } if (is_array($arIBlockProperty[$cur_prop_id])) { if ($arIBlockProperty[$cur_prop_id]["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "L") $value = $csvFile->MapEnum($cur_prop_id, $value); elseif ($arIBlockProperty[$cur_prop_id]["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "N") $value = str_replace(",", ".", $value); elseif ($arIBlockProperty[$cur_prop_id]["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F") { $value = $csvFile->MapFiles($value); $arIBlockFileProperty[$cur_prop_id] = $cur_prop_id; } $arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"][$cur_prop_id] = $value; } } } } if ($strErrorR == '') { if (array_key_exists("PREVIEW_PICTURE", $arLoadProductArray)) { if ($arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] <> '') { if (preg_match("/^(http|https):\\/\\//", $arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) { $arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = CFile::MakeFileArray($arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]); } else { $arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"] = CFile::MakeFileArray($io->GetPhysicalName($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$PATH2IMAGE_FILES."/".$arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])); if (is_array($arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) $arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["COPY_FILE"] = "Y"; } } if (!is_array($arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"])) unset($arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]); } if (array_key_exists("DETAIL_PICTURE", $arLoadProductArray)) { if ($arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"] <> '') { if (preg_match("/^(http|https):\\/\\//", $arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"])) { $arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"] = CFile::MakeFileArray($arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"]); } else { $arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"] = CFile::MakeFileArray($io->GetPhysicalName($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$PATH2IMAGE_FILES."/".$arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"])); if (is_array($arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"])) $arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"]["COPY_FILE"] = "Y"; } } if (!is_array($arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"])) unset($arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"]); } $res = CIBlockElement::GetList( [], $arFilter, false, false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'TMP_ID', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_PICTURE', ] ); if ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { $PRODUCT_ID = $arr["ID"]; if ($arr["TMP_ID"] !== $tmpid) { if (is_set($arLoadProductArray, "PREVIEW_PICTURE") && intval($arr["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]) > 0) { $arLoadProductArray["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]["old_file"] = $arr["PREVIEW_PICTURE"]; } if (is_set($arLoadProductArray, "DETAIL_PICTURE") && intval($arr["DETAIL_PICTURE"]) > 0) { $arLoadProductArray["DETAIL_PICTURE"]["old_file"] = $arr["DETAIL_PICTURE"]; } if (!empty($arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"])) { $arPropsLoaded = $arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"]; $dbPropFiles = CIBlockElement::GetProperty($IBLOCK_ID, $PRODUCT_ID, "sort", "asc", array( "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", )); while ($arPropFile = $dbPropFiles->Fetch()) { if($arPropFile["PROPERTY_TYPE"] == "F" && array_key_exists($arPropFile["ID"], $arPropsLoaded)) $arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"][$arPropFile["ID"]][$arPropFile["PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]] = array( "del" => "Y", "tmp_name" => "", ); elseif( $arPropFile["PROPERTY_TYPE"] != "F" && !array_key_exists($arPropFile["ID"], $arPropsLoaded) && (is_array($arPropFile["VALUE"]) || $arPropFile["VALUE"] <> '') ) { $arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"][$arPropFile["ID"]][$arPropFile["PROPERTY_VALUE_ID"]] = array( "VALUE" => $arPropFile["VALUE"], "DESCRIPTION" => $arPropFile["DESCRIPTION"], ); } } } else { unset($arLoadProductArray["PROPERTY_VALUES"]); } $res = $el->Update($PRODUCT_ID, $arLoadProductArray, $bWorkFlow, true, $IMAGE_RESIZE === "Y"); } else { $res = true; } } else { if ($arLoadProductArray["ACTIVE"] != "N") $arLoadProductArray["ACTIVE"] = "Y"; $PRODUCT_ID = $el->Add($arLoadProductArray, $bWorkFlow, true, $IMAGE_RESIZE === "Y"); $res = ($PRODUCT_ID > 0); } if (!$res) { $strErrorR.= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_LINE_NO")." ".$line_num.". ".GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_ERROR_LOADING")." ".$el->LAST_ERROR."<br>"; } } if ($strErrorR == '') { $correct_lines++; } else { $error_lines++; $strError.= $strErrorR; } if ($max_execution_time > 0 && (getmicrotime() - START_EXEC_TIME) > $max_execution_time) { $bAllLinesLoaded = false; break; } } // delete sections and elements which no in datafile. Properties does not deleted if ($bAllLinesLoaded) { if (is_set($_SESSION, $CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID)) unset($_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]); if ($bThereIsGroups) { if ($outFileAction === 'D') { $res = CIBlockSection::GetList( [], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $IBLOCK_ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', '!TMP_ID' => $tmpid, ], false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', ] ); while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { CIBlockSection::Delete($arr['ID']); } unset($arr, $res); } elseif ($outFileAction === 'H') { $res = CIBlockSection::GetList( [], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $IBLOCK_ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', '!TMP_ID' => $tmpid, 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', ], false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME', ] ); while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { $bs->Update( $arr["ID"], [ 'NAME' => $arr['NAME'], 'ACTIVE' => 'N', ] ); } unset($arr, $res); } if ($inFileAction === 'A') { $res = CIBlockSection::GetList( [], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $IBLOCK_ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', 'TMP_ID' => $tmpid, 'ACTIVE' => 'N', ], false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME', ] ); while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { $bs->Update( $arr["ID"], [ 'NAME' => $arr['NAME'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', ] ); } unset($arr, $res); } } if ($outFileAction === 'D') { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList( [], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $IBLOCK_ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', '!=TMP_ID' => $tmpid, ], false, false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', ] ); while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { CIBlockElement::Delete($arr["ID"]); $killed_lines++; } unset($arr, $res); } elseif ($outFileAction === 'H') { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList( array(), array( "IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", "!=TMP_ID" => $tmpid, "ACTIVE" => "Y", ), false, false, array( "ID", "IBLOCK_ID", ) ); $elementFields = [ "ACTIVE" => "N", ]; if (Main\Config\Option::get('iblock', 'change_user_by_group_active_modify') === 'Y') { $elementFields['MODIFIED_BY'] = $USER->GetID(); } while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { $el->Update($arr["ID"], $elementFields); $killed_lines++; } unset($arr, $res); } if ($inFileAction === 'A') { $res = CIBlockElement::GetList( [], [ 'IBLOCK_ID' => $IBLOCK_ID, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', 'TMP_ID' => $tmpid, 'ACTIVE' => 'N', ], false, false, [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', ] ); while ($arr = $res->Fetch()) { $el->Update($arr['ID'], ['ACTIVE' => 'Y']); } unset($arr, $res); } } else { if ($CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID == '') $CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID = "CL".time(); $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["tmpid"] = $tmpid; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["line_num"] = $line_num; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["correct_lines"] = $correct_lines; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["error_lines"] = $error_lines; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["killed_lines"] = $killed_lines; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["arIBlockProperty"] = $arIBlockProperty; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["bThereIsGroups"] = $bThereIsGroups; $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["NUM_FIELDS"] = $NUM_FIELDS; $loadScheme = []; foreach ($fieldList as $fieldName) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$fieldName])) { $loadScheme[$fieldName] = $GLOBALS[$fieldName]; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $NUM_FIELDS; $i++) { $fieldName = 'field_' . $i; if (isset($GLOBALS[$fieldName])) { $loadScheme[$fieldName] = $GLOBALS[$fieldName]; } } $_SESSION[$CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID]["LOAD_SCHEME"] = $loadScheme; $curFilePos = $csvFile->GetPos(); } } if ($strError <> '') { $strError.= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TOTAL_ERRS")." ".$error_lines.".<br>"; $strError.= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TOTAL_COR1")." ".$correct_lines." ".GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TOTAL_COR2")."<br>"; $STEP = 3; } //*****************************************************************// } //*****************************************************************// } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_PAGE_TITLE").$STEP); require ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/include/prolog_admin_after.php"); /*********************************************************************/ /******************** BODY *****************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ CAdminMessage::ShowMessage($strError); if (!$bAllLinesLoaded) { $strParams = bitrix_sessid_get() . '&CUR_FILE_POS=' . $curFilePos . '&CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID=' . urlencode($CUR_LOAD_SESS_ID) . '&STEP=4&URL_DATA_FILE=' . urlencode($DATA_FILE_NAME) . '&IBLOCK_ID=' . $IBLOCK_ID . '&fields_type=' . urlencode($fields_type) . '&max_execution_time=' . $max_execution_time ; if ($fields_type === "R") { $strParams .= '&delimiter_r=' . urlencode($delimiter_r) . '&delimiter_other_r=' . urlencode($delimiter_other_r) . '&first_names_r=' . urlencode($first_names_r) ; } else { $strParams .= '&metki_f=' . urlencode($metki_f) . '&first_names_f=' . urlencode($first_names_f) ; } echo GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_AUTO_REFRESH"); ?> <a href="<?= $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); ?>?lang=<?= LANGUAGE_ID; ?>&<?= $strParams ?>"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_AUTO_REFRESH_STEP"); ?></a><br> <script type="text/javascript"> function DoNext() { window.location="<?= $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); ?>?lang=<?= LANGUAGE_ID; ?>&<?= $strParams ?>"; } setTimeout('DoNext()', 2000); </script> <?php } ?> <form method="POST" action="<?=$APPLICATION->GetCurPage();?>?lang=<?=LANGUAGE_ID; ?>" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" name="dataload" id="dataload"> <?php $aTabs = [ [ 'DIV' => 'edit1', 'TAB' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB1') , 'ICON' => 'iblock', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB1_ALT'), ], [ 'DIV' => 'edit2', 'TAB' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB2') , 'ICON' => 'iblock', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB2_ALT'), ], [ 'DIV' => 'edit3', 'TAB' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB3') , 'ICON' => 'iblock', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB3_ALT'), ], [ 'DIV' => 'edit4', 'TAB' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB4') , 'ICON' => 'iblock', 'TITLE' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_TAB4_ALT'), ], ]; $tabControl = new CAdminTabControl("tabControl", $aTabs, false, true); $tabControl->Begin(); $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); if ($STEP == 1) { ?> <tr> <td width="40%"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_DATA_FILE"); ?></td> <td width="60%"> <input type="text" name="URL_DATA_FILE" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($URL_DATA_FILE); ?>" size="30"> <input type="button" value="<?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OPEN"); ?>" OnClick="BtnClick()"> <?php CAdminFileDialog::ShowScript([ 'event' => 'BtnClick', 'arResultDest' => [ 'FORM_NAME' => 'dataload', 'FORM_ELEMENT_NAME' => 'URL_DATA_FILE', ], 'arPath' => [ 'SITE' => SITE_ID, 'PATH' => '/' .Main\Config\Option::get('main', 'upload_dir', 'upload'), ], 'select' => 'F', // F - file only, D - folder only 'operation' => 'O', // O - open, S - save 'showUploadTab' => true, 'showAddToMenuTab' => false, 'fileFilter' => 'csv', 'allowAllFiles' => true, 'SaveConfig' => true, ]); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_INFOBLOCK"); ?></td> <td> <?php echo GetIBlockDropDownList( $IBLOCK_ID, 'IBLOCK_TYPE_ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', false, 'class="adm-detail-iblock-types"', 'class="adm-detail-iblock-list"' ); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } $tabControl->EndTab(); $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); if ($STEP == 2) { if ($fields_type !== 'R' && $fields_type !== 'F') { $fields_type = 'R'; } ?> <tr> <td width="40%"> </td> <td width="60%"> <script type="text/javascript"> function DeactivateAllExtra() { document.getElementById("table_r").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_r1").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_r2").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f1").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f2").disabled = true; document.dataload.metki_f.disabled = true; document.getElementById("first_names_f_Y").disabled = true; var i; for (i = 0 ; i < document.dataload.delimiter_r.length; i++) { document.dataload.delimiter_r[i].disabled = true; } document.dataload.delimiter_other_r.disabled = true; document.getElementById("first_names_r_Y").disabled = true; } function ChangeExtra() { var i; if (document.dataload.fields_type[0].checked) { document.getElementById("table_r").disabled = false; document.getElementById("table_r1").disabled = false; document.getElementById("table_r2").disabled = false; document.getElementById("table_f").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f1").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f2").disabled = true; for (i = 0 ; i < document.dataload.delimiter_r.length; i++) { document.dataload.delimiter_r[i].disabled = false; } document.dataload.delimiter_other_r.disabled = false; document.getElementById("first_names_r_Y").disabled = false; document.dataload.metki_f.disabled = true; document.getElementById("first_names_f_Y").disabled = true; document.dataload.submit_btn.disabled = false; } else { if (document.dataload.fields_type[1].checked) { document.getElementById("table_r").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_r1").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_r2").disabled = true; document.getElementById("table_f").disabled = false; document.getElementById("table_f1").disabled = false; document.getElementById("table_f2").disabled = false; for (i = 0 ; i < document.dataload.delimiter_r.length; i++) { document.dataload.delimiter_r[i].disabled = true; } document.dataload.delimiter_other_r.disabled = true; document.getElementById("first_names_r_Y").disabled = true; document.dataload.metki_f.disabled = false; document.getElementById("first_names_f_Y").disabled = false; document.dataload.submit_btn.disabled = false; } } } </script> <input type="radio" name="fields_type" id="fields_type_R" value="R"<?=($fields_type === 'R' ? ' checked' : ''); ?> onClick="ChangeExtra()"> <label for="fields_type_R"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_RAZDELITEL"); ?></label><br> <input type="radio" name="fields_type" id="fields_type_F" value="F"<?=($fields_type === 'F' ? ' checked' : ''); ?> onClick="ChangeExtra()"> <label for="fields_type_F"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIXED"); ?></label> </td> </tr> <tr id="table_r" class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_RAZDEL1"); ?></td> </tr> <tr id="table_r1"> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_RAZDEL_TYPE"); ?>:</td> <td><?php foreach ($delimiterList as $value => $message) { $safeValueId = htmlspecialcharsbx('delimiter_' . $value); ?> <input type="radio" name="delimiter_r" id="<?=$safeValueId; ?>" value="<?=htmlspecialcharsbx($value);?>"<?=($delimiter_r === $value ? ' checked' : '');?> ><label for="<?=$safeValueId; ?>"><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($message); ?></label><br> <?php } ?> <input type="text" name="delimiter_other_r" size="3" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($delimiter_other_r); ?>"> </td> </tr> <tr id="table_r2"> <td><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIRST_NAMES"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="first_names_r" id="first_names_r_N" value="N"> <input type="checkbox" name="first_names_r" id="first_names_r_Y" value="Y"<?=($first_names_r !== 'N' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> </td> </tr> <tr id="table_f" class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIX1"); ?></td> </tr> <tr id="table_f1"> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"> <?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIX_MET"); ?><br> <small><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIX_MET_DESCR"); ?></small>: </td> <td> <textarea name="metki_f" rows="7" cols="3"><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($metki_f); ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr id="table_f2"> <td><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIRST_NAMES"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="first_names_f" id="first_names_f_N" value="N"> <input type="checkbox" name="first_names_f" id="first_names_f_Y" value="Y"<?=($first_names_f === 'Y' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> </td> </tr> <tr class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_DATA_SAMPLES"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2"> <?php $sContent = ""; if ($DATA_FILE_NAME <> '') { $DATA_FILE_NAME = trim(str_replace("\\", "/", trim($DATA_FILE_NAME)) , "/"); $FILE_NAME = rel2abs($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/".$DATA_FILE_NAME); if ( (mb_strlen($FILE_NAME) > 1) && ($FILE_NAME == "/".$DATA_FILE_NAME) && $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($FILE_NAME) >= "W" ) { $f = $io->GetFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$FILE_NAME); $file_id = $f->open("r"); $lContent = 0; while (($line = fgets($file_id)) !== false) { $sContent .= $line; $lContent += mb_strlen($line); if ($lContent > 10000) { break; } } fclose($file_id); } } ?> <textarea name="data" rows="10" cols="80" style="width:100%"><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($sContent); ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <?php } $tabControl->EndTab(); $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); if ($STEP == 3) { ?> <tr class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIELDS_SOOT"); ?></td> </tr> <?php $arAvailFields = []; foreach ($arIBlockAvailProdFields as $field_name => $arField) { $arAvailFields[] = [ "value" => $field_name, "name" => $arField["name"], "code" => "", ]; } $properties = CIBlockProperty::GetList( [ "sort" => "asc", "name" => "asc", ], [ "ACTIVE" => "Y", "IBLOCK_ID" => $IBLOCK_ID, "CHECK_PERMISSIONS" => "N", ] ); while ($prop_fields = $properties->Fetch()) { $arAvailFields[] = [ "value" => "IP_PROP".$prop_fields["ID"], "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_PROPS")." \"".$prop_fields["NAME"]."\"", "code" => "IP_PROP_".$prop_fields["CODE"], ]; } for ($k = 0; $k < $NUM_CATALOG_LEVELS; $k++) { foreach ($arIBlockAvailGroupFields as $field_name => $arField) { $arAvailFields[] = [ "value" => $field_name.$k, "name" => GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FI_GROUP_LEV")." ".($k + 1).": ".$arField["name"], "code" => "", ]; } } foreach ($arDataFileFields as $i => $field) { $fieldName = 'field_' . $i; ?> <tr> <td width="40%"> <b><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_FIELD"); ?> <?= ($i + 1) ?></b> (<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($field); ?>): </td> <td width="60%"> <select name="<?= $fieldName; ?>"> <option value=""> - </option> <?php foreach ($arAvailFields as $ar) { $bSelected = isset(${$fieldName}) && ${$fieldName} == $ar["value"] ; if (!$bSelected && !isset(${$fieldName})) { $bSelected = $ar["value"] == $field; } if (!$bSelected && !isset(${$fieldName})) { $bSelected = $ar["code"] == $field; } ?> <option value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($ar["value"]); ?>"<?= ($bSelected ? ' selected' : ''); ?>><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($ar["name"]); ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_ADDIT_SETTINGS"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_IMG_PATH"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="PATH2IMAGE_FILES" size="40" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($PATH2IMAGE_FILES); ?>"><br> <small><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_IMG_PATH_DESCR"); ?><br></small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label for="IMAGE_RESIZE"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_IMG_RESIZE"); ?>:</label></td> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="IMAGE_RESIZE" id="IMAGE_RESIZE" value="Y" <?= ($IMAGE_RESIZE === "Y" ? "checked" : ""); ?>> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_PROP_PATH"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="text" name="PATH2PROP_FILES" size="40" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($PATH2PROP_FILES); ?>"><br> <small><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_PROP_PATH_DESCR"); ?><br></small> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OUTFILE"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="radio" id="outFileAction_H" name="outFileAction" value="H"<?=($outFileAction === 'H' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> <label for="outFileAction_H"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OF_DEACT"); ?></label><br> <input type="radio" id="outFileAction_D" name="outFileAction" value="D"<?=($outFileAction === 'D' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> <label for="outFileAction_D"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OF_DEL"); ?></label><br> <input type="radio" id="outFileAction_F" name="outFileAction" value="F"<?=($outFileAction === 'F' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> <label for="outFileAction_F"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_OF_KEEP"); ?></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_INACTIVE_PRODS"); ?>:</td> <td> <input type="radio" id="inFileAction_F" name="inFileAction" value="F"<?=($inFileAction === 'F' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> <label for="inFileAction_F"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_KEEP_AS_IS"); ?></label><br> <input type="radio" id="inFileAction_A" name="inFileAction" value="A"<?=($inFileAction === 'A' ? ' checked' : ''); ?>> <label for="inFileAction_A"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_ACTIVATE_PROD"); ?></label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="adm-detail-valign-top"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_AUTO_STEP_TIME"); ?>:</td> <td align="left"> <input type="text" name="max_execution_time" size="6" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($max_execution_time); ?>"><br> <small><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_AUTO_STEP_TIME_NOTE"); ?><br></small> </td> </tr> <tr class="heading"> <td colspan="2"><?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_DATA_SAMPLES"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="center"> <?php $sContent = ''; if ($DATA_FILE_NAME <> '') { $DATA_FILE_NAME = trim(str_replace("\\", "/", trim($DATA_FILE_NAME)) , "/"); $FILE_NAME = rel2abs($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], "/".$DATA_FILE_NAME); if ( (mb_strlen($FILE_NAME) > 1) && ($FILE_NAME === '/' . $DATA_FILE_NAME) && $APPLICATION->GetFileAccessPermission($FILE_NAME) >= 'W' ) { $f = $io->GetFile($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $FILE_NAME); $file_id = $f->open('r'); $lContent = 0; while (($line = fgets($file_id)) !== false) { $sContent .= $line; $lContent += mb_strlen($line); if ($lContent > 10000) { break; } } fclose($file_id); } } ?> <textarea name="data" rows="10" cols="80" style="width:100%"><?= htmlspecialcharsbx($sContent); ?></textarea> </td> </tr> <?php } $tabControl->EndTab(); $tabControl->BeginNextTab(); if ($STEP == 4) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php switch ($outFileAction) { case 'D': $killedReport = GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SU_KILLED') . ' <b>' . $killed_lines . '</b>'; break; case 'H': $killedReport = GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SU_HIDED') . ' <b>' . $killed_lines . '</b>'; break; default: $killedReport = ''; break; } CAdminMessage::ShowMessage([ 'TYPE' => 'PROGRESS', 'MESSAGE' => $bAllLinesLoaded ? GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SUCCESS') : GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_AUTO_REFRESH_CONTINUE') , 'DETAILS' => GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SU_ALL') .' <b>' . $line_num . '</b><br>' . GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SU_CORR') . ' <b>' . $correct_lines . '</b><br>' . GetMessage('IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_SU_ER') . ' <b>' . $error_lines . '</b><br>' . $killedReport , 'HTML' => true, ]); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } $tabControl->EndTab(); $tabControl->Buttons(); if ($STEP < 4): ?> <input type="hidden" name="STEP" value="<?= ($STEP + 1); ?>"> <?php echo bitrix_sessid_post(); if ($STEP > 1): ?> <input type="hidden" name="URL_DATA_FILE" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($DATA_FILE_NAME); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="IBLOCK_ID" value="<?= $IBLOCK_ID ?>"> <?php endif; if ($STEP <> 2): ?> <input type="hidden" name="fields_type" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($fields_type); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="delimiter_r" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($delimiter_r); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="delimiter_other_r" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($delimiter_other_r); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="first_names_r" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($first_names_r); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="metki_f" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($metki_f); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="first_names_f" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($first_names_f); ?>"> <?php endif; if ($STEP <> 3): foreach ($_POST as $name => $value): if (preg_match("/^field_(\\d+)$/", $name)): ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?= $name ?>" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($value); ?>"> <?php endif; endforeach; ?> <input type="hidden" name="PATH2IMAGE_FILES" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($PATH2IMAGE_FILES); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="IMAGE_RESIZE" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($IMAGE_RESIZE); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="PATH2PROP_FILES" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($PATH2PROP_FILES); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="outFileAction" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($outFileAction); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="inFileAction" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($inFileAction); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="max_execution_time" value="<?= htmlspecialcharsbx($max_execution_time); ?>"> <?php endif; if ($STEP > 1): ?> <input type="submit" name="backButton" value="<< <?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_BACK"); ?>"> <?php endif; ?> <input type="submit" value="<?= ($STEP === 3 ? GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NEXT_STEP_F") : GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_NEXT_STEP") ); ?> >>" name="submit_btn" class="adm-btn-save"> <?php if ($STEP === 2) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> DeactivateAllExtra(); ChangeExtra(); </script> <?php } ?> <?php else: ?> <input type="submit" name="backButton2" value="<< <?= GetMessage("IBLOCK_ADM_IMP_2_1_STEP"); ?>" class="adm-btn-save"> <?php endif; $tabControl->End(); ?> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php if ($STEP < 2): ?> tabControl.SelectTab("edit1"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit2"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit3"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit4"); <?php elseif ($STEP === 2): ?> tabControl.SelectTab("edit2"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit1"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit3"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit4"); <?php elseif ($STEP === 3): ?> tabControl.SelectTab("edit3"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit1"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit2"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit4"); <?php elseif ($STEP > 3): ?> tabControl.SelectTab("edit4"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit1"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit2"); tabControl.DisableTab("edit3"); <?php endif; ?> </script> <?php require ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/bitrix/modules/main/include/epilog_admin.php');