Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\Source; use Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Landing\Hook, Bitrix\Landing\Landing, Bitrix\Landing\Manager, Bitrix\Landing\Node; class Selector { /* default path to open the selector in the slider */ const SOURCE_PATH = '/bitrix/tools/landing/source.php'; /* default event id for get sources */ const EVENT_BUILD_SOURCE_LIST = 'OnBuildSourceList'; /* site mode for sources */ const SITE_MODE_UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN'; const SITE_MODE_SYSTEM = 'SYSTEM'; const SITE_MODE_PAGE = 'PAGE'; const SITE_MODE_STORE = 'STORE'; const SITE_MODE_KNOWLEDGE = 'KNOWLEDGE'; /* selector type */ const SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT = 'C'; // component selector const SOURCE_TYPE_PRESET = 'P'; // without selector - fixed preset /* transfer type source filter after selecting items to display */ const ACTION_TYPE_EVENT = 'event'; // use javascript event directly const ACTION_TYPE_SLIDER = 'slider'; // use standart slider method BX.SidePanel.Instance.postMessageTop const ACTION_NAME = 'save'; // default event name for Selector::ACTION_TYPE_SLIDER /* config for current landing */ protected $config = [ 'SOURCE_EVENT_ID' => self::EVENT_BUILD_SOURCE_LIST, // Event ID for a list of sources 'SOURCE_PATH' => self::SOURCE_PATH, // path for open source filter (component, include page, etc) 'RESULT_ACTION_TYPE' => self::ACTION_TYPE_SLIDER, // 'RESULT_ACTION_NAME' => self::ACTION_NAME ]; /** @var string */ protected $siteMode = self::SITE_MODE_UNKNOWN; /** @var array */ protected $restrictions = null; /** @var array */ protected $sourceList = null; /** * Selector constructor. * * @param array $config Initialization parameters. * The array must contain all or part of the elements of the \Bitrix\Landing\Source\Selector::$config. * * @return void */ public function __construct(array $config = []) { $this->setConfig($config); $this->initSiteMode(); $this->initRestrictions(); } /** * Getting a list of sources. * Calls the event handlers and processes their results (checks the accuracy of the data returned by the handlers). * * @return void */ protected function initSourceList() { if ($this->sourceList !== null) { return; } $this->sourceList = []; $event = new Main\Event( 'landing', $this->config['SOURCE_EVENT_ID'], [ 'SELECTOR' => $this, 'RESTRICTIONS' => $this->restrictions // TODO: remove this key after stable socialnetwork update ] ); $event->send(); $resultList = $event->getResults(); if (!empty($resultList)) { foreach ($resultList as $eventResult) { if ($eventResult->getType() != Main\EventResult::SUCCESS) { continue; } $module = (string)$eventResult->getModuleId(); $list = $eventResult->getParameters(); if (empty($list) || !is_array($list)) { continue; } foreach ($list as $row) { $source = $this->prepareSourceParameters( $module, $row ); if (empty($source)) { continue; } $this->sourceList[$source['INDEX']] = $source; } } unset($source, $row, $list, $module); unset($eventResult, $resultList); if (!empty($this->sourceList)) { Main\Type\Collection::sortByColumn( $this->sourceList, ['TYPE' => SORT_ASC, 'TITLE' => SORT_ASC], '', null, true ); } } unset($event); } /** * Returns base uri for source filter form. Should be used to build page navigation when selecting items, filter operation. * * @param string $module * @param string $sourceId * @return Main\Web\Uri */ public function getSourceFilterBaseUri($module, $sourceId) { $uri = new Main\Web\Uri($this->config['SOURCE_PATH']); $uri->addParams($this->getBaseUrlParams(static::getSourceIndex($module, $sourceId))); return $uri; } /** * Returns a full description of the sources: the URL to open the filter, a list of possible fields of elements, etc * * @return array */ public function getSourcesDescription() { $result = []; $this->initSourceList(); if (empty($this->sourceList)) { return $result; } $uri = new Main\Web\Uri($this->config['SOURCE_PATH']); foreach ($this->sourceList as $source) { $systemSettings = [ 'detailPage' => $source['SYSTEM_SETTINGS']['DETAIL_PAGE'] ]; $uri->addParams($this->getBaseUrlParams($source['INDEX'])); $row = [ 'id' => $source['INDEX'], 'name' => $source['TITLE'], 'sort' => $source['DATA_SETTINGS']['ORDER'], 'references' => $source['DATA_SETTINGS']['FIELDS'], 'settings' => $systemSettings ]; switch ($source['TYPE']) { case self::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: $row['url'] = [ 'filter' => $uri->getUri() ]; break; case self::SOURCE_TYPE_PRESET: $row['filter'] = $source['SETTINGS']['FILTER']; break; } $result[$source['INDEX']] = $row; } unset($row, $source); unset($uri); return $result; } /** * Searches for source by index. * @see \Bitrix\Landing\Source\Selector::getSourceIndex * * @param string $index * @return array|null */ public function findSource($index) { if (!is_string($index) || $index === '') { return null; } $this->initSourceList(); return isset($this->sourceList[$index]) ? $this->sourceList[$index] : null; } /** * Displays a source filter for selecting which items are shown. * * @param string $index * @return void */ public function showSourceFilter($index) { global $APPLICATION; $source = $this->findSource($index); if (empty($source)) { return; } switch ($source['TYPE']) { case self::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent( 'bitrix:ui.sidepanel.wrapper', '.default', [ 'POPUP_COMPONENT_NAME' => $source['SETTINGS']['COMPONENT_NAME'], 'POPUP_COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME' => $source['SETTINGS']['COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME'], 'POPUP_COMPONENT_PARAMS' => $source['SETTINGS']['COMPONENT_PARAMS'], ] + $source['SETTINGS']['WRAPPER'] ); break; } } /** * Internal method for show a filter of source from request id. * * @return void */ public function showSourceFilterByRequest() { $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); $sourceIndex = (string)$request->get('SOURCE_ID'); unset($request); if ($sourceIndex === '') { return; } $this->showSourceFilter($sourceIndex); } /** * @param string $index * @param array $parameters * @param array $options * @return DataLoader|null */ public function getDataLoader($index, array $parameters, array $options = []) { $source = $this->findSource($index); if (empty($source)) { return null; } $parameters['internal_filter'] = $source['SOURCE_FILTER']; /** @var DataLoader $result */ $result = new $source['DATA_LOADER']; $result->setConfig($parameters); $result->setOptions($options); return $result; } /** * Returns a full description of the sources: the URL to open the filter, a list of possible fields of elements, etc * * @param array $config * @return array */ public static function getSources(array $config = []) { $selector = new static($config); return $selector->getSourcesDescription(); } /** * Returns a short description of the sources: id and name * * @param array $config * @return array */ public static function getSourceNames(array $config = []) { $result = []; $selector = new static($config); $selector->initSourceList(); foreach ($selector->sourceList as $source) { $result[$source['INDEX']] = $source['TITLE']; } unset($source); return $result; } /** * Returns current site mode for sources. * * @return string */ public function getSiteMode() { return $this->siteMode; } /** * @param array $modeList * @return bool */ public function checkSiteMode(array $modeList) { return ( $this->siteMode === self::SITE_MODE_SYSTEM || in_array($this->siteMode, $modeList, true) ); } /** * Returns a list of constraints that module sources must satisfy (for example, information block ID). * * @param string $module * @return array|null */ public function getModuleRestrictions($module) { $module = (string)$module; if ($module === '') { return null; } if (isset($this->restrictions[$module])) { return $this->restrictions[$module]; } if (isset($this->restrictions['all'])) { return $this->restrictions['all']; } return null; } /* Public tools */ /** * @param string $module * @param string $sourceId * @return string */ public static function getSourceIndex($module, $sourceId) { return (string)$module.':'.(string)$sourceId; } /** * @return array */ public function getResultAction() { return [ 'TYPE' => $this->config['RESULT_ACTION_TYPE'], 'NAME' => $this->config['RESULT_ACTION_NAME'] ]; } /** * @return array */ public function getDefaultLinkActions() { return [ [ 'type' => 'detail', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_SOURCE_ACTION_TITLE_DETAIL') ], [ 'type' => 'link', 'name' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_SOURCE_ACTION_TITLE_LINK') ] ]; } /* Public tools end */ /** * Set/update selector config. * * @param array $config * @return void */ protected function setConfig(array $config) { $config = $this->prepareConfig($config); if (!empty($config)) { $this->config = array_merge($this->config, $config); } } /** * Checks selector config. * * @param array $config * @return array */ protected function prepareConfig(array $config) { $result = []; $config = array_filter($config, [__CLASS__, 'clearFilter']); $config = array_intersect_key($config, $this->config); if (!empty($config)) { foreach ($config as $field => $value) { $checked = true; switch ($field) { case 'ID': if (is_string($value)) { $value = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_:\\[\\]]/', '', trim($value)); } $checked = (is_string($value) && $value !== ''); break; case 'SOURCE_EVENT_ID': if (is_string($value)) { $value = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/', '', trim($value)); } $checked = (is_string($value) && $value !== ''); break; case 'RESULT_ACTION_TYPE': case 'RESULT_ACTION_NAME': if (is_string($value)) { $value = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', trim($value)); } $checked = (is_string($value) && $value !== ''); break; case 'SOURCE_PATH': if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value); } //TODO: add check relative real path $checked = (is_string($value) && $value !== ''); break; } if ($checked) { $result[$field] = $value; } } } if (!isset($result['ID'])) { $result['ID'] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_:\\[\\]]/', '', get_called_class()); } return $result; } /** * Filter for array_filter - remove items with NULL value. * * @param mixed $value * @return bool */ protected function clearFilter($value) { return ($value !== null); } /** * Load current landing mode * * @return void */ protected function initSiteMode() { $siteType = Landing::getSiteType(); if ($siteType === '') { $this->siteMode = self::SITE_MODE_SYSTEM; } else { switch ($siteType) { case 'PAGE': $this->siteMode = self::SITE_MODE_PAGE; break; case 'STORE': $this->siteMode = self::SITE_MODE_STORE; break; case 'KNOWLEDGE': $this->siteMode = self::SITE_MODE_KNOWLEDGE; break; } } unset($siteType); } /** * Load constraints that sources must satisfy (for example, information block ID). * * @return void */ protected function initRestrictions() { $this->restrictions = []; /* all */ $siteId = (defined('SITE_ID') ? SITE_ID : null); if (!empty($siteId)) { $this->restrictions['all'] = ['SITE_ID' => $siteId]; $this->restrictions['iblock'] = $this->restrictions['all']; $this->restrictions['socialnetwork'] = $this->restrictions['all']; } /* iblock */ $iblockId = (string)Manager::getOption('source_iblocks'); if ($iblockId !== '') { $iblockId = explode(',', $iblockId); } else { $iblockId = [ Hook\Page\Settings::getDataForSite()['IBLOCK_ID'] ]; } $this->restrictions['iblock']['IBLOCK_ID'] = $iblockId; } /** * Check source description. * * @param string $module * @param array $parameters * @return array|null */ protected function prepareSourceParameters($module, $parameters) { if (empty($parameters) || !is_array($parameters)) { return null; } if (!isset($parameters['SOURCE_ID'])) { return null; } $parameters['SOURCE_ID'] = (string)$parameters['SOURCE_ID']; if ($parameters['SOURCE_ID'] === '') { return null; } if (!isset($parameters['TITLE'])) { return null; } $parameters['TITLE'] = trim((string)$parameters['TITLE']); if ($parameters['TITLE'] === '') { return null; } $index = self::getSourceIndex($module, $parameters['SOURCE_ID']); $prepared = []; if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][a-z.]+:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/', $index, $prepared)) { return null; } $result = [ 'INDEX' => $index, 'MODULE' => $module, 'SOURCE_ID' => $parameters['SOURCE_ID'], 'TITLE' => $parameters['TITLE'] ]; if (!isset($parameters['TYPE'])) { $parameters['TYPE'] = self::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT; } $parameters['TYPE'] = (string)$parameters['TYPE']; if ( $parameters['TYPE'] !== self::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT && $parameters['TYPE'] !== self::SOURCE_TYPE_PRESET ) { return null; } $result['TYPE'] = $parameters['TYPE']; if (empty($parameters['SETTINGS']) || !is_array($parameters['SETTINGS'])) { return null; } $result['SYSTEM_SETTINGS'] = $this->checkSystemSettings($parameters['SETTINGS']); $result['SETTINGS'] = []; $settings = null; switch ($parameters['TYPE']) { case self::SOURCE_TYPE_COMPONENT: $settings = $this->checkComponentSettings($parameters['SETTINGS']); break; case self::SOURCE_TYPE_PRESET: $settings = $this->checkPresetSettings($parameters['SETTINGS']); break; } if ($settings === null) { return null; } $result['SETTINGS'] = $settings; unset($settings); if (empty($parameters['DATA_SETTINGS']) || !is_array($parameters['DATA_SETTINGS'])) { return null; } $settings = $this->checkDataSettings($parameters['DATA_SETTINGS']); if ($settings === null) { return null; } $result['DATA_SETTINGS'] = $settings; unset($settings); if (empty($parameters['DATA_LOADER'])) { return null; } if (!is_string($parameters['DATA_LOADER']) || !is_subclass_of($parameters['DATA_LOADER'], '\Bitrix\Landing\Source\DataLoader')) { return null; } $result['DATA_LOADER'] = $parameters['DATA_LOADER']; $result['SOURCE_FILTER'] = []; if (!empty($parameters['SOURCE_FILTER']) && is_array($parameters['SOURCE_FILTER'])) { $result['SOURCE_FILTER'] = $parameters['SOURCE_FILTER']; } return $result; } /** * Check common settings. * * @param array $settings * @return array */ protected function checkSystemSettings(array $settings) { $result = [ 'DETAIL_PAGE' => true ]; if (isset($settings['DETAIL_PAGE']) && is_bool($settings['DETAIL_PAGE'])) { $result['DETAIL_PAGE'] = $settings['DETAIL_PAGE']; } return $result; } /** * Check settings for component filter. * * @param array $settings * @return array|null */ protected function checkComponentSettings(array $settings) { if (!isset($settings['COMPONENT_NAME'])) { return null; } $settings['COMPONENT_NAME'] = (string)$settings['COMPONENT_NAME']; if ($settings['COMPONENT_NAME'] === '') { return null; } if (!isset($settings['COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME'])) { return null; } $settings['COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME'] = (string)$settings['COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME']; if (!isset($settings['COMPONENT_PARAMS']) || !is_array($settings['COMPONENT_PARAMS'])) { return null; } $settings['WRAPPER'] = $this->checkWrapperSettings($settings); return array_intersect_key( $settings, [ 'COMPONENT_NAME' => true, 'COMPONENT_TEMPLATE_NAME' => true, 'COMPONENT_PARAMS' => true, 'WRAPPER' => true ] ); } /** * Check fixed block filter. * * @param array $settings * @return array|null */ protected function checkPresetSettings(array $settings) { if (empty($settings['FILTER']) || !is_array($settings['FILTER'])) { return null; } $preset = array_filter($settings['FILTER'], ['\Bitrix\Landing\Source\BlockFilter', 'checkPreparedRow']); if (empty($preset)) { return null; } return [ 'FILTER' => $preset ]; } /** * Check additional settings for component bitrix:ui.sidepanel.wrapper * * @param array $settings * @return array */ protected function checkWrapperSettings(array $settings) { $result = [ 'USE_PADDING' => false, 'PLAIN_VIEW' => false, 'USE_UI_TOOLBAR' => 'N' ]; if (isset($settings['WRAPPER']) && is_array($settings['WRAPPER'])) { $rawData = $settings['WRAPPER']; if (isset($rawData['USE_PADDING']) && is_bool($rawData['USE_PADDING'])) { $result['USE_PADDING'] = $rawData['USE_PADDING']; } if (isset($rawData['PLAIN_VIEW']) && is_bool($rawData['PLAIN_VIEW'])) { $result['PLAIN_VIEW'] = $rawData['PLAIN_VIEW']; } if ( isset($rawData['USE_UI_TOOLBAR']) && ($rawData['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] === 'Y' || $rawData['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] === 'N') ) { $result['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] = $rawData['USE_UI_TOOLBAR']; } unset($rawData); } else { // TODO: remove this branch after stable update socialnetwork if ( isset($settings['USE_UI_TOOLBAR']) && ($settings['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] === 'Y' || $settings['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] === 'N') ) { $result['USE_UI_TOOLBAR'] = $settings['USE_UI_TOOLBAR']; } } return $result; } /** * Checks the validity of the description of the source fields available. * * @param array $settings * @return array|null */ protected function checkDataSettings(array $settings) { if (empty($settings)) { return null; } $result = []; if (!is_array($settings['ORDER'])) { return null; } $settings['ORDER'] = array_filter($settings['ORDER'], [__CLASS__, 'isNotEmptyField']); if (empty($settings['ORDER'])) { return null; } $list = []; foreach ($settings['ORDER'] as $row) { $row = $this->prepareOrderField($row); if (empty($row)) { continue; } $list[] = $row; } unset($row); if (empty($list)) { return null; } $result['ORDER'] = $list; unset($list); if (!is_array($settings['FIELDS'])) { return null; } $settings['FIELDS'] = array_filter($settings['FIELDS'], [__CLASS__, 'isNotEmptyField']); if (empty($settings['FIELDS'])) { return null; } $list = []; foreach ($settings['FIELDS'] as $row) { $row = Node::prepareFieldDefinition($row); if (empty($row)) { continue; } $list[] = $row; } if (empty($list)) { return null; } $result['FIELDS'] = $list; unset($list); return $result; } /** * Returns required parameters for base url. * * @param string $index * @return array */ protected function getBaseUrlParams($index) { return array_merge( [ 'SOURCE_ID' => $index ], $this->getUrlSystemParams() ); } /** * Returns system parameters (language, site, template) for urls. * * @return array */ protected function getUrlSystemParams() { $result = [ 'lang' => LANGUAGE_ID ]; if (defined('SITE_ID')) { $result['site'] = SITE_ID; } if (defined('SITE_TEMPLATE_ID')) { $result['template'] = SITE_TEMPLATE_ID; } $request = Main\Context::getCurrent()->getRequest(); if ($request->isAdminSection()) { $result['admin_section'] = 'Y'; } unset($request); return $result; } /** * @param mixed $item * @return bool */ protected static function isNotEmptyField($item) { return (!empty($item) && is_array($item)); } /** * @param array $field * @return array|null */ protected function prepareOrderField(array $field) { $field = array_change_key_case($field, CASE_LOWER); $field['id'] = $this->prepareStringValue($field, 'id'); $field['name'] = $this->prepareStringValue($field, 'name'); if (empty($field['id']) || empty($field['name'])) { return null; } return [ 'id' => $field['id'], 'name' => $field['name'] ]; } /** * @param array $row * @param string $name * @return string|null */ protected function prepareStringValue(array $row, $name) { if (empty($row[$name]) || !is_string($row[$name])) { return null; } $row[$name] = trim($row[$name]); if ($row[$name] === '') { return null; } return $row[$name]; } }