Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/

 * Bitrix Framework
 * @package bitrix
 * @subpackage main
 * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix

use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime;


class CAccess
	const CHECK_CACHE_DIR = "access_check";
	const CACHE_DIR = "access_codes";

	protected static $arAuthProviders = [];
	protected static $arChecked = [];
	protected static $userCodes = [];
	protected $arParams = false;

	public function __construct($arParams = false)
		$this->arParams = $arParams;

		if (empty(static::$arAuthProviders))
			foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAuthProvidersBuildList", true) as $arEvent)
				$res = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent);
				if (is_array($res))
					if (!is_array($res[0]))
						$res = [$res];
					foreach ($res as $provider)
						static::$arAuthProviders[$provider["ID"]] = $provider;
			sortByColumn(static::$arAuthProviders, "SORT");

	protected static function NeedToRecalculate($provider, $USER_ID, DateTime $now)
		global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER;

		$USER_ID = intval($USER_ID);

		if (!isset(static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID]))
			$cacheId = static::GetCheckCacheId($provider, $USER_ID);

			if (CACHED_b_user_access_check !== false && $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_user_access_check, $cacheId, static::CHECK_CACHE_DIR))
				static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID] = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cacheId);
				$res = $DB->Query("
					select DATE_CHECK
					from b_user_access_check
					where USER_ID = " . $USER_ID . "
						and PROVIDER_ID = '" . $DB->ForSql($provider) . "'

				static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID] = [];
				while ($check = $res->Fetch())
					static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID][] = $check['DATE_CHECK'];

				if (CACHED_b_user_access_check !== false)
					$CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cacheId, static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID]);

		$helper = Main\Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper();

		foreach (static::$arChecked[$provider][$USER_ID] as $dateCheck)
			$date = $helper->convertFromDbDateTime($dateCheck);
			if ($date && $date->getTimestamp() <= $now->getTimestamp())
				return true;

		return false;

	public function UpdateCodes($arParams = false)
		global $USER;

		$USER_ID = 0;
		if (is_array($arParams) && isset($arParams["USER_ID"]))
			$USER_ID = intval($arParams["USER_ID"]);
		elseif (is_object($USER) && $USER->IsAuthorized())
			$USER_ID = intval($USER->GetID());

		if ($USER_ID > 0)
			$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
			$clearCache = false;
			$now = new DateTime();

			foreach (static::$arAuthProviders as $providerId => $providerDescription)
				/** @var CGroupAuthProvider $provider For example */
				$provider = new $providerDescription["CLASS"];

				if (is_callable([$provider, "UpdateCodes"]))
					//do we need to recalculate codes for the user?
					if (static::NeedToRecalculate($providerId, $USER_ID, $now))
						$lockName = "update_codes.{$providerId}.{$USER_ID}";

						// we don't want to do the same job twice
						if ($connection->lock($lockName))

							//should clear codes cache for the user
							$clearCache = true;

							//remove old codes
							static::DeleteCodes($providerId, $USER_ID);

							//call provider to insert access codes

							//update cache for checking
							static::UpdateStat($providerId, $USER_ID, $now);


			if ($clearCache)

	 * @param int $userId
	 * @param string $provider
	 * @param string $code
	public static function AddCode($userId, $provider, $code)
		$userId = (int)$userId;

		$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();

		$sql = $helper->getInsertIgnore(
			"VALUES ({$userId}, '{$helper->forSql($provider)}', '{$helper->forSql($code)}')"



	 * @param int $userId
	 * @param string $provider
	 * @param string $code
	public static function RemoveCode($userId, $provider, $code)
		$userId = (int)$userId;

		$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();

			DELETE FROM b_user_access
			WHERE USER_ID = {$userId}
				AND PROVIDER_ID = '{$helper->forSql($provider)}'
				AND ACCESS_CODE = '{$helper->forSql($code)}'


	 * @param int $userId User ID.
	public static function ClearCache($userId)
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		$CACHE_MANAGER->Clean(static::GetCodesCacheId($userId), static::CACHE_DIR);

	public static function RecalculateForUser($userId, $provider, DateTime $dateCheck = null)
		global $DB;

		$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();

		$userId = intval($userId);

		if ($dateCheck === null)
			$dateCheck = new DateTime('1974-12-07', 'Y-m-d'); // somewhen in the past

		$sql = $helper->getInsertIgnore('b_user_access_check', '(USER_ID, PROVIDER_ID, DATE_CHECK)', "
			SELECT ID, '{$DB->ForSQL($provider)}', {$helper->convertToDbDateTime($dateCheck)}  
			FROM b_user
			WHERE ID = {$userId}"

		static::ClearCheckCache($provider, $userId);

	public static function RecalculateForProvider($provider)
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();

		$dateCheck = new DateTime('1974-12-07', 'Y-m-d'); // somewhen in the past

		$sql = $helper->getInsertIgnore('b_user_access_check', '(USER_ID, PROVIDER_ID, DATE_CHECK)', "
			SELECT USER_ID, PROVIDER_ID, {$helper->convertToDbDateTime($dateCheck)}
			FROM b_user_access
			WHERE PROVIDER_ID = '" . $helper->forSQL($provider) . "'
			AND USER_ID > 0


	protected static function GetCheckCacheId($provider, $userId)
		return "access_check_v2_" . $provider . "_" . $userId;

	protected static function GetCodesCacheId($userId)
		return "access_codes" . $userId;

	protected static function DeleteCodes($providerId, $userId)
		$userId = (int)$userId;

		$connection = Main\Application::getConnection();
		$helper = $connection->getSqlHelper();

			delete from b_user_access 
			where user_id = {$userId} 
				and provider_id = '{$helper->forSql($providerId)}'

	protected static function UpdateStat($provider, $userId, DateTime $now)
		global $DB;

		$userId = intval($userId);

		$helper = Main\Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper();

			delete from b_user_access_check 
			where user_id = {$userId} 
				and provider_id = '{$DB->ForSql($provider)}'
				and date_check <= {$helper->convertToDbDateTime($now)}

		static::ClearCheckCache($provider, $userId);

	protected static function ClearCheckCache($provider, $userId)
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		$CACHE_MANAGER->Clean(static::GetCheckCacheId($provider, $userId), static::CHECK_CACHE_DIR);

	public static function GetUserCodes($USER_ID, $arFilter = [], bool $updateCodes = true)
		global $DB;

		if ($updateCodes)
			$access = new CAccess();
			$access->UpdateCodes(['USER_ID' => $USER_ID]);

		$arWhere = [];
		foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val)
			$key = strtoupper($key);
			switch ($key)
				case "ACCESS_CODE":
					if (!is_array($val))
						$val = [$val];
					$arIn = [];
					foreach ($val as $code)
						if (trim($code) <> '')
							$arIn[] = "'" . $DB->ForSQL(trim($code)) . "'";
					if (!empty($arIn))
						$arWhere[] = "access_code in(" . implode(",", $arIn) . ")";
				case "PROVIDER_ID":
					$arWhere[] = "provider_id='" . $DB->ForSQL($val) . "'";

		$sWhere = '';
		if (!empty($arWhere))
			$sWhere = " and " . implode(" and ", $arWhere);

		return $DB->Query("select * from b_user_access where user_id=" . intval($USER_ID) . $sWhere);

	public static function GetUserCodesArray($USER_ID, $arFilter = [])
		global $CACHE_MANAGER;

		$USER_ID = intval($USER_ID);

		$access = new CAccess();
		$access->UpdateCodes(['USER_ID' => $USER_ID]);

		if (empty($arFilter) && isset(static::$userCodes[$USER_ID]))
			return static::$userCodes[$USER_ID];

		$useCache = (empty($arFilter) && CACHED_b_user_access_check !== false);
		$cacheId = static::GetCodesCacheId($USER_ID);

		if ($useCache && $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_user_access_check, $cacheId, static::CACHE_DIR))
			$arCodes = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cacheId);
			$arCodes = [];
			$res = CAccess::GetUserCodes($USER_ID, $arFilter, false);
			while ($arRes = $res->Fetch())
				$arCodes[] = $arRes["ACCESS_CODE"];

			if ($useCache)
				$CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cacheId, $arCodes);

		if (empty($arFilter))
			static::$userCodes[$USER_ID] = $arCodes;

		return $arCodes;

	public function GetFormHtml()
		$arHtml = [];
		foreach (static::$arAuthProviders as $provider)
			$cl = new $provider["CLASS"];
			if (is_callable([$cl, "GetFormHtml"]))
				$res = call_user_func_array([$cl, "GetFormHtml"], [$this->arParams]);
				if ($res !== false)
					$arHtml[$provider["ID"]] = [
						"NAME" => $provider["NAME"],
						"HTML" => $res["HTML"],
						"SELECTED" => $res["SELECTED"] ?? false,
		return $arHtml;

	public function AjaxRequest($arParams)
		if (isset(static::$arAuthProviders[$arParams["provider"]]))
			$cl = new static::$arAuthProviders[$arParams["provider"]]["CLASS"];
			if (is_callable([$cl, "AjaxRequest"]))
				return call_user_func_array([$cl, "AjaxRequest"], [$this->arParams]);
		return false;

	public function GetNames($arCodes, $bSort = false)
		$arResult = [];

		if (!is_array($arCodes) || empty($arCodes))
			return $arResult;

		foreach (static::$arAuthProviders as $provider)
			$cl = new $provider["CLASS"];
			if (is_callable([$cl, "GetNames"]))
				$res = call_user_func_array([$cl, "GetNames"], [$arCodes]);
				if (is_array($res))
					foreach ($res as $codeId => $codeValues)
						$codeValues['provider_id'] = $provider['ID'];
						$arResult[$codeId] = $codeValues;

		if ($bSort)
			uasort($arResult, ['CAccess', 'CmpNames']);

		return $arResult;

	public static function CmpNames($a, $b)
		$c = strcmp($a["provider"], $b["provider"]);
		if ($c <> 0)
			return $c;

		return strcmp($a["name"], $b["name"]);

	public function GetProviderNames()
		$arResult = [];
		foreach (static::$arAuthProviders as $ID => $provider)
			$arResult[$ID] = [
				"name" => ($provider["PROVIDER_NAME"] ?? $ID),
				"prefixes" => ($provider["PREFIXES"] ?? []),
		return $arResult;

	public static function GetProviders()
		return [
				"ID" => "group",
				"NAME" => GetMessage("access_groups"),
				"PROVIDER_NAME" => GetMessage("access_group"),
				"SORT" => 100,
				"CLASS" => "CGroupAuthProvider",
				"ID" => "user",
				"NAME" => GetMessage("access_users"),
				"PROVIDER_NAME" => GetMessage("access_user"),
				"SORT" => 200,
				"CLASS" => "CUserAuthProvider",
				"ID" => "other",
				"NAME" => GetMessage("access_other"),
				"PROVIDER_NAME" => "",
				"SORT" => 1000,
				"CLASS" => "COtherAuthProvider",

	public static function OnUserDelete($USER_ID)
		global $DB;
		$USER_ID = intval($USER_ID);

		$DB->Query("delete from b_user_access where user_id=" . $USER_ID);
		$DB->Query("delete from b_user_access_check where user_id=" . $USER_ID);

		//all providers for one user
		foreach (static::$arChecked as $provider => $dummy)
			static::ClearCheckCache($provider, $USER_ID);


		return true;

	public static function SaveLastRecentlyUsed($arLRU)
		foreach ($arLRU as $provider => $arRecent)
			if (is_array($arRecent))
				$arLastRecent = CUserOptions::GetOption("access_dialog_recent", $provider, []);

				$arItems = array_keys($arRecent);
				$arItems = array_unique(array_merge($arItems, $arLastRecent));
				$arItems = array_slice($arItems, 0, 20);

				CUserOptions::SetOption("access_dialog_recent", $provider, $arItems);

	public static function GetLastRecentlyUsed($provider)
		$res = CUserOptions::GetOption("access_dialog_recent", $provider, []);
		if (!is_array($res))
			$res = [];
		return $res;

AddEventHandler("main", "OnAuthProvidersBuildList", ["CAccess", "GetProviders"]);