Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2013 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main; class CTimeZone { protected static $enabled = 1; protected static $useTimeZones = false; public static function Possible() { //since PHP 5.2 return true; } public static function Enabled() { return (self::$enabled > 0 && self::OptionEnabled()); } public static function OptionEnabled() { if(self::$useTimeZones === false) { self::$useTimeZones = COption::GetOptionString("main", "use_time_zones", "N"); } return (self::$useTimeZones == "Y"); } public static function Disable() { self::$enabled --; } public static function Enable() { self::$enabled ++; } private static function __tzsort($a, $b) { if($a['offset'] == $b['offset']) return strcmp($a['timezone_id'], $b['timezone_id']); return ($a['offset'] < $b['offset']? -1 : 1); } public static function GetZones() { IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); $aTZ = array(); static $aExcept = array("Etc/", "GMT", "UTC", "UCT", "HST", "PST", "MST", "CST", "EST", "CET", "MET", "WET", "EET", "PRC", "ROC", "ROK", "W-SU"); foreach(DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) { foreach($aExcept as $ex) if(strpos($tz, $ex) === 0) continue 2; try { $oTz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $aTZ[$tz] = array('timezone_id'=>$tz, 'offset'=>$oTz->getOffset(new DateTime("now", $oTz))); } catch(Exception $e){} } uasort($aTZ, array('CTimeZone', '__tzsort')); $aZones = array(""=>GetMessage("tz_local_time")); foreach ($aTZ as $z) { $offset = ''; if ($z['offset'] != 0) { $offset = ' ' . Main\Type\DateTime::secondsToOffset($z['offset'], ':'); } $aZones[$z['timezone_id']] = '(UTC' . $offset . ') ' . $z['timezone_id']; } return $aZones; } public static function SetAutoCookie() { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION, $USER; $cookiePrefix = COption::GetOptionString('main', 'cookie_name', 'BITRIX_SM'); $autoTimeZone = $USER->GetParam("AUTO_TIME_ZONE") ?: ''; if (self::IsAutoTimeZone(trim($autoTimeZone))) { $cookieDate = (new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime())->add("12M"); $cookieDate->setDate((int)$cookieDate->format('Y'), (int)$cookieDate->format('m'), 1); $cookieDate->setTime(0, 0); $APPLICATION->AddHeadString( '<script type="text/javascript">if (Intl && Intl.DateTimeFormat) document.cookie="'.$cookiePrefix.'_TZ="+Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone+"; path=/; expires='.$cookieDate->format("r").'";</script>', true ); } elseif (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix."_TZ"])) { setcookie($cookiePrefix."_TZ", "", time()-3600, "/"); } if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix."_TIME_ZONE"])) { // delete deprecated cookie setcookie($cookiePrefix."_TIME_ZONE", "", time()-3600, "/"); } } public static function getTzCookie() { $context = Main\Context::getCurrent(); if ($context) { return $context->getRequest()->getCookie('TZ'); } return null; } public static function IsAutoTimeZone($autoTimeZone) { if ($autoTimeZone === "Y") { return true; } if (empty($autoTimeZone)) { static $defAutoZone = null; if ($defAutoZone === null) { $defAutoZone = (COption::GetOptionString("main", "auto_time_zone", "N") == "Y"); } return $defAutoZone; } return false; } /** * @deprecated * @return int|null */ public static function GetCookieValue() { static $cookie_prefix = null; if($cookie_prefix === null) { $cookie_prefix = COption::GetOptionString('main', 'cookie_name', 'BITRIX_SM'); } if(isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_prefix."_TIME_ZONE"]) && $_COOKIE[$cookie_prefix."_TIME_ZONE"] <> '') { return intval($_COOKIE[$cookie_prefix."_TIME_ZONE"]); } return null; } /** * @deprecated * Emulates timezone got from JS cookie setter like in SetAutoCookie. * * @param int $timezoneOffset Time zone offset */ public static function SetCookieValue($timezoneOffset) { static $cookie_prefix = null; if($cookie_prefix === null) { $cookie_prefix = COption::GetOptionString('main', 'cookie_name', 'BITRIX_SM'); } $_COOKIE[$cookie_prefix."_TIME_ZONE"] = $timezoneOffset; } /** * @param int|null $USER_ID If USER_ID is set offset is taken from DB * @param bool $forced If set, offset is calculated regardless enabling/disabling by functions Enable()/Disable(). * @return int */ public static function GetOffset($USER_ID = null, $forced = false) { global $USER; if ($forced) { if (!self::OptionEnabled()) { return 0; } } else { if (!self::Enabled()) { return 0; } } try //possible DateTimeZone incorrect timezone { $timeZone = ''; if ($USER_ID !== null) { $dbUser = CUser::GetList('id', 'asc', ['ID_EQUAL_EXACT' => $USER_ID], ['FIELDS' => ['AUTO_TIME_ZONE', 'TIME_ZONE', 'TIME_ZONE_OFFSET']]); if (($arUser = $dbUser->Fetch())) { if (self::IsAutoTimeZone(trim($arUser["AUTO_TIME_ZONE"]))) { // can't detect auto timezone for a non-current user, return actual offset from the DB return intval($arUser["TIME_ZONE_OFFSET"]); } $timeZone = $arUser["TIME_ZONE"]; } } elseif (is_object($USER)) { // current user $autoTimeZone = $USER->GetParam("AUTO_TIME_ZONE") ?: ''; if (self::IsAutoTimeZone(trim($autoTimeZone))) { if (($cookie = static::getTzCookie()) !== null) { // auto time zone from the cookie $timeZone = $cookie; } elseif (($cookie = static::GetCookieValue()) !== null) { //auto time offset from old cookie - deprecated $localOffset = (new DateTime())->getOffset(); $userOffset = -($cookie) * 60; return $userOffset - $localOffset; } } else { // user set time zone manually $timeZone = $USER->GetParam("TIME_ZONE"); } } if ($timeZone == '') { //default server time zone $timeZone = COption::GetOptionString("main", "default_time_zone", ""); } if ($timeZone != '') { $localOffset = (new DateTime())->getOffset(); $userTime = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($timeZone)); $userOffset = $userTime->getOffset(); return $userOffset - $localOffset; } } catch (Throwable $e) { } return 0; } }