Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Config; class CUtil { protected static $alreadyDecodedRequest = false; public static function addslashes($s) { static $aSearch = array("\\", "\"", "'"); static $aReplace = array("\\\\", '\\"', "\\'"); return str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $s); } public static function closetags($html) { preg_match_all("#<([a-z0-9]+)([^>]*)(?<!/)>#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $html, $result); $openedtags = $result[1]; preg_match_all("#</([a-z0-9]+)>#i".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $html, $result); $closedtags = $result[1]; $len_opened = count($openedtags); if(count($closedtags) == $len_opened) return $html; $openedtags = array_reverse($openedtags); for($i = 0; $i < $len_opened; $i++) { if (!in_array($openedtags[$i], $closedtags)) $html .= '</'.$openedtags[$i].'>'; else unset($closedtags[array_search($openedtags[$i], $closedtags)]); } return $html; } public static function JSEscape($s) { static $aSearch = array("\xe2\x80\xa9", "\\", "'", "\"", "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\xe2\x80\xa8", "*/", "</"); static $aReplace = array(" ", "\\\\", "\\'", '\\"', "\n", "\n", "\\n", "\\n", "*\\/", "<\\/"); $val = str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $s); return $val; } public static function JSUrlEscape($s) { static $aSearch = array("%27", "%5C", "%0A", "%0D", "%", "'", "'", "'", "'"); static $aReplace = array("\\'", "\\\\", "\\n", "\\r", "%25", "\\'", "\\'", "\\'", "\\'"); return str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $s); } public static function PhpToJSObject($arData, $bWS = false, $bSkipTilda = false, $bExtType = false) { static $use_bx_encode = null; if (!isset($use_bx_encode)) $use_bx_encode = function_exists('bx_js_encode'); if ($use_bx_encode) return bx_js_encode($arData, $bWS, $bSkipTilda, $bExtType); switch(gettype($arData)) { case "string": if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", $arData)) return "'".CUtil::JSEscape($arData)."'"; else return "'".$arData."'"; case "array": $i = -1; $j = -1; foreach($arData as $j => $temp) { $i++; if ($j !== $i) break; } if($j === $i) { $res = '['; $first = true; foreach($arData as $key => $value) { if($first) $first = false; else $res .= ','; switch(gettype($value)) { case "string": if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", $value)) $res .= "'".CUtil::JSEscape($value)."'"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; case "array": $res .= CUtil::PhpToJSObject($value, $bWS, $bSkipTilda, $bExtType); break; case "boolean": if($value === true) $res .= 'true'; else $res .= 'false'; break; case "integer": if ($bExtType) $res .= $value; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; case "double": if ($bExtType) $res .= is_finite($value) ? $value : "Infinity"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; default: if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", (string)$value)) $res .= "'".CUtil::JSEscape($value)."'"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; } } $res .= ']'; return $res; } $sWS = ','.($bWS ? "\n" : ''); $res = ($bWS ? "\n" : '').'{'; $first = true; foreach($arData as $key => $value) { if ($bSkipTilda && mb_substr($key, 0, 1) == '~') continue; if($first) $first = false; else $res .= $sWS; if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", $key)) $res .= "'".CUtil::JSEscape($key)."':"; else $res .= "'".$key."':"; switch(gettype($value)) { case "string": if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", $value)) $res .= "'".CUtil::JSEscape($value)."'"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; case "array": $res .= CUtil::PhpToJSObject($value, $bWS, $bSkipTilda, $bExtType); break; case "boolean": if($value === true) $res .= 'true'; else $res .= 'false'; break; case "integer": if ($bExtType) $res .= $value; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; case "double": if ($bExtType) $res .= is_finite($value) ? $value : "Infinity"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; default: if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", (string)$value)) $res .= "'".CUtil::JSEscape($value)."'"; else $res .= "'".$value."'"; break; } } $res .= ($bWS ? "\n" : '').'}'; return $res; case "boolean": if($arData === true) return 'true'; else return 'false'; case "integer": if ($bExtType) return $arData; else return "'".$arData."'"; case "double": if ($bExtType) return is_finite($arData) ? $arData : "Infinity"; else return "'".$arData."'"; default: if(preg_match("#['\"\\n\\r<\\\\\x80]#", (string)$arData)) return "'".CUtil::JSEscape($arData)."'"; else return "'".$arData."'"; } } //$data must be in LANG_CHARSET encoding public static function JsObjectToPhp($data, $bSkipNative=false) { $arResult = array(); $bSkipNative |= !function_exists('json_decode'); if(!$bSkipNative) { // php > 5.2.0 + php_json $bUtf = defined("BX_UTF"); $dataUTF = ($bUtf? $data : Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($data, LANG_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')); // json_decode recognize only UTF strings // the name and value must be enclosed in double quotes // single quotes are not valid $arResult = json_decode($dataUTF, true); if($arResult === null) $bSkipNative = true; elseif(!$bUtf) $arResult = Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($arResult, 'UTF-8', LANG_CHARSET); } if ($bSkipNative) { $data = preg_replace('/[\s]*([{}\[\]\"])[\s]*/', '\1', $data); $data = trim($data); if (mb_substr($data, 0, 1) == '{') // object { $arResult = array(); $depth = 0; $end_pos = 0; $arCommaPos = array(); $bStringStarted = false; $prev_symbol = ""; $string_delimiter = ''; for ($i = 1, $len = mb_strlen($data); $i < $len; $i++) { $cur_symbol = mb_substr($data, $i, 1); if ($cur_symbol == '"' || $cur_symbol == "'") { if ( $prev_symbol != '\\' && ( !$string_delimiter || $string_delimiter == $cur_symbol ) ) { if ($bStringStarted = !$bStringStarted) $string_delimiter = $cur_symbol; else $string_delimiter = ''; } } elseif ($cur_symbol == '{' || $cur_symbol == '[') $depth++; elseif ($cur_symbol == ']') $depth--; elseif ($cur_symbol == '}') { if ($depth == 0) { $end_pos = $i; break; } else { $depth--; } } elseif ($cur_symbol == ',' && $depth == 0 && !$bStringStarted) { $arCommaPos[] = $i; } $prev_symbol = $cur_symbol; } if ($end_pos == 0) return false; $token = mb_substr($data, 1, $end_pos - 1); $arTokens = array(); if (!empty($arCommaPos)) { $prev_index = 0; foreach ($arCommaPos as $pos) { $arTokens[] = mb_substr($token, $prev_index, $pos - $prev_index - 1); $prev_index = $pos; } $arTokens[] = mb_substr($token, $prev_index); } else { $arTokens[] = $token; } foreach ($arTokens as $token) { $arTokenData = explode(":", $token, 2); $q = mb_substr($arTokenData[0], 0, 1); if ($q == '"') { $arTokenData[0] = mb_substr($arTokenData[0], 1, -1); } $arResult[CUtil::JsObjectToPhp($arTokenData[0], true)] = CUtil::JsObjectToPhp($arTokenData[1] ?? null, true); } } elseif (mb_substr($data, 0, 1) == '[') // array { $arResult = array(); $depth = 0; $end_pos = 0; $arCommaPos = array(); $bStringStarted = false; $prev_symbol = ""; $string_delimiter = ""; for ($i = 1, $len = mb_strlen($data); $i < $len; $i++) { $cur_symbol = mb_substr($data, $i, 1); if ($cur_symbol == '"' || $cur_symbol == "'") { if ( $prev_symbol != '\\' && ( !$string_delimiter || $string_delimiter == $cur_symbol ) ) { if ($bStringStarted = !$bStringStarted) $string_delimiter = $cur_symbol; else $string_delimiter = ''; } } elseif ($cur_symbol == '{' || $cur_symbol == '[') $depth++; elseif ($cur_symbol == '}') $depth--; elseif ($cur_symbol == ']') { if ($depth == 0) { $end_pos = $i; break; } else { $depth--; } } elseif ($cur_symbol == ',' && $depth == 0 && !$bStringStarted) { $arCommaPos[] = $i; } $prev_symbol = $cur_symbol; } if ($end_pos == 0) return false; $token = mb_substr($data, 1, $end_pos - 1); if (!empty($arCommaPos)) { $prev_index = 0; foreach ($arCommaPos as $pos) { $arResult[] = CUtil::JsObjectToPhp(mb_substr($token, $prev_index, $pos - $prev_index - 1), true); $prev_index = $pos; } $r = CUtil::JsObjectToPhp(mb_substr($token, $prev_index), true); if (isset($r)) $arResult[] = $r; } else { $r = CUtil::JsObjectToPhp($token, true); if (isset($r)) $arResult[] = $r; } } elseif ($data === "") { return null; } else // scalar { $q = mb_substr($data, 0, 1); if ($q == '"' || $q == "'") $data = mb_substr($data, 1, -1); //\u0412\u0430\u0434\u0438\u043c if(strpos($data, '\u') !== false) $data = preg_replace_callback("/\\\u([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})/i", array('CUtil', 'DecodeUtf16'), $data); $arResult = $data; } } return $arResult; } public static function DecodeUtf16($ch) { $res = chr(hexdec($ch[2])).chr(hexdec($ch[1])); return \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($res, "UTF-16", LANG_CHARSET); } public static function JSPostUnescape() { if (!static::$alreadyDecodedRequest) { static::$alreadyDecodedRequest = true; CUtil::decodeURIComponent($_POST); CUtil::decodeURIComponent($_REQUEST); CUtil::decodeURIComponent($_FILES); } } public static function decodeURIComponent(&$item) { if(defined("BX_UTF")) { return; } if(is_array($item)) { array_walk($item, array('CUtil', 'decodeURIComponent')); } else { $item = Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($item, "UTF-8", LANG_CHARSET); } } /** * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::detectUtf8(). */ public static function DetectUTF8($string) { return Main\Text\Encoding::detectUtf8($string); } /** * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncodingToCurrent(). */ public static function ConvertToLangCharset($string) { $bUTF = Main\Text\Encoding::detectUtf8($string); $fromCP = $toCP = false; if(defined("BX_UTF") && !$bUTF) { $fromCP = (defined("BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET")? BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET : "Windows-1251"); $toCP = "UTF-8"; } elseif(!defined("BX_UTF") && $bUTF) { $fromCP = "UTF-8"; $toCP = (defined("LANG_CHARSET")? LANG_CHARSET : (defined("BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET")? BX_DEFAULT_CHARSET : "Windows-1251")); } if($fromCP !== false) $string = \Bitrix\Main\Text\Encoding::convertEncoding($string, $fromCP, $toCP); return $string; } public static function GetAdditionalFileURL($file, $bSkipCheck=false) { $filePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$file; if($bSkipCheck || file_exists($filePath)) return $file.'?'.filemtime($filePath).filesize($filePath); else return $file; } /** * @deprecated Use \CJSCore::Init(). */ public static function InitJSCore($arExt = array(), $bReturn = false) { /*patchvalidationapp2*/ return CJSCore::Init($arExt, $bReturn); } public static function GetPopupSize($resize_id, $arDefaults = array()) { if ($resize_id) { return CUserOptions::GetOption( 'BX.WindowManager.9.5', 'size_'.$resize_id, array( 'width' => $arDefaults['width'] ?? null, 'height' => $arDefaults['height'] ?? null, ) ); } else return false; } public static function GetPopupOptions($wnd_id) { if ($wnd_id) { return CUserOptions::GetOption( 'BX.WindowManager.9.5', 'options_'.$wnd_id ); } else { return false; } } public static function SetPopupOptions($wnd_id, $arOptions) { if ($wnd_id) { CUserOptions::SetOption( 'BX.WindowManager.9.5', 'options_'.$wnd_id, $arOptions ); } } public static function translit($str, $lang, $params = array()) { static $search = array(); if(!isset($search[$lang])) { $mess = IncludeModuleLangFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/js_core_translit.php", $lang, true); $trans_from = explode(",", $mess["TRANS_FROM"]); $trans_to = explode(",", $mess["TRANS_TO"]); foreach($trans_from as $i => $from) $search[$lang][$from] = $trans_to[$i]; } $defaultParams = array( "max_len" => 100, "change_case" => 'L', // 'L' - toLower, 'U' - toUpper, false - do not change "replace_space" => '_', "replace_other" => '_', "delete_repeat_replace" => true, "safe_chars" => '', ); foreach($defaultParams as $key => $value) if(!array_key_exists($key, $params)) $params[$key] = $value; $len = mb_strlen($str); $str_new = ''; $last_chr_new = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $chr = mb_substr($str, $i, 1); if(preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9]/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $chr) || mb_strpos($params["safe_chars"], $chr) !== false) { $chr_new = $chr; } elseif(preg_match("/\\s/".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $chr)) { if ( !$params["delete_repeat_replace"] || ($i > 0 && $last_chr_new != $params["replace_space"]) ) $chr_new = $params["replace_space"]; else $chr_new = ''; } else { if(array_key_exists($chr, $search[$lang])) { $chr_new = $search[$lang][$chr]; } else { if ( !$params["delete_repeat_replace"] || ($i > 0 && $i != $len-1 && $last_chr_new != $params["replace_other"]) ) $chr_new = $params["replace_other"]; else $chr_new = ''; } } if($chr_new <> '') { if($params["change_case"] == "L" || $params["change_case"] == "l") { $chr_new = mb_strtolower($chr_new); } elseif($params["change_case"] == "U" || $params["change_case"] == "u") { $chr_new = mb_strtoupper($chr_new); } $str_new .= $chr_new; $last_chr_new = $chr_new; } if (mb_strlen($str_new) >= $params["max_len"]) break; } return $str_new; } /** * @deprecated Use strlen() * @param $buf * @return int */ public static function BinStrlen($buf) { return strlen($buf); } /** * @deprecated Use substr() * @param $buf * @param $start * @param array $args * @return string */ public static function BinSubstr($buf, $start, ...$args) { return substr($buf, $start, ...$args); } /** * @deprecated Use strpos() * @param $haystack * @param $needle * @param int $offset * @return false|int */ public static function BinStrpos($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0) { return strpos($haystack, $needle, $offset); } /** * Convert shorthand notation to integer equivalent * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Ini::unformatInt(). * @param string $str * @return int * */ public static function Unformat($str) { return Config\Ini::unformatInt((string)$str); } /** * Adjust php pcre.backtrack_limit * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Ini::adjustPcreBacktrackLimit(). * @param int $val * @return void * */ public static function AdjustPcreBacktrackLimit($val) { Config\Ini::adjustPcreBacktrackLimit((int)$val); } public static function getSitesByWizard($wizard) { static $list = []; if (!isset($list[$wizard])) { $list[$wizard] = array(); if ('portal' == $wizard && Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) { $list[$wizard] = Main\SiteTable::getByPrimary('s1')->fetchAll(); } else if ($wizard <> '') { $res = Main\SiteTable::getList(['order' => ['DEF' => 'DESC', 'SORT' => 'ASC']]); foreach ($res as $item) { if (Main\Config\Option::get('main', '~wizard_id', '', $item['LID']) === $wizard) { $list[$wizard][] = $item; } } } } return $list[$wizard]; } }