Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ class CAgent extends CAllAgent { public static function CheckAgents() { define("START_EXEC_AGENTS_1", microtime(true)); define("BX_CHECK_AGENT_START", true); //For a while agents will execute only on primary cluster group if((defined("NO_AGENT_CHECK") && NO_AGENT_CHECK===true) || (defined("BX_CLUSTER_GROUP") && BX_CLUSTER_GROUP !== 1)) return null; $res = CAgent::ExecuteAgents(); define("START_EXEC_AGENTS_2", microtime(true)); return $res; } public static function ExecuteAgents() { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER, $pPERIOD; $cron = static::OnCron(); if ($cron !== null) { $str_crontab = ($cron ? " AND IS_PERIOD='N' " : " AND IS_PERIOD='Y' "); } else { $str_crontab = ""; } $saved_time = 0; $cache_id = "agents".$str_crontab; if (CACHED_b_agent !== false && $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_agent, $cache_id, "agents")) { $saved_time = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cache_id); if (time() < $saved_time) { return ""; } } $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $strSql = " SELECT 'x' FROM b_agent WHERE ACTIVE = 'Y' AND NEXT_EXEC <= " . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . " AND (DATE_CHECK IS NULL OR DATE_CHECK <= " . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ") ".$str_crontab." LIMIT 1 "; $db_result_agents = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($db_result_agents->Fetch()) { if(!$connection->lock('agent')) { return ""; } } else { if (CACHED_b_agent !== false) { $rs = $DB->Query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NEXT_EXEC)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(" . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ") DATE_DIFF FROM b_agent WHERE ACTIVE = 'Y' " . $str_crontab . " ORDER BY NEXT_EXEC LIMIT 1"); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); if (!$ar || $ar["DATE_DIFF"] < 0) $date_diff = 0; elseif ($ar["DATE_DIFF"] > CACHED_b_agent) $date_diff = CACHED_b_agent; else $date_diff = $ar["DATE_DIFF"]; if ($saved_time > 0) { $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean($cache_id, "agents"); $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_agent, $cache_id, "agents"); } $CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cache_id, intval(time()+$date_diff)); } return ""; } $strSql = "SELECT ID, NAME, AGENT_INTERVAL, IS_PERIOD, MODULE_ID, RETRY_COUNT ". "FROM b_agent ". "WHERE ACTIVE = 'Y' ". " AND NEXT_EXEC <= " . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . " ". " AND (DATE_CHECK IS NULL OR DATE_CHECK <= " . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ") ". $str_crontab. " ORDER BY RUNNING ASC, SORT desc "; // limit selection to prevent excessive UPDATE $limit = ($cron ? COption::GetOptionInt("main", "agents_cron_limit", 1000) : COption::GetOptionInt("main", "agents_limit", 100)); if ($limit > 0) { $strSql .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit; } $db_result_agents = $DB->Query($strSql); $ids = ''; $agents_array = array(); while ($db_result_agents_array = $db_result_agents->Fetch()) { $agents_array[] = $db_result_agents_array; $ids .= ($ids <> ''? ', ':'').$db_result_agents_array["ID"]; } if ($ids <> '') { $strSql = "UPDATE b_agent SET DATE_CHECK = " . $helper->addSecondsToDateTime(self::LOCK_TIME) . " WHERE ID IN (".$ids.")"; $DB->Query($strSql); } $connection->unlock('agent'); /** @var callable|false $logFunction */ $logFunction = (defined("BX_AGENTS_LOG_FUNCTION") && function_exists(BX_AGENTS_LOG_FUNCTION)? BX_AGENTS_LOG_FUNCTION : false); ignore_user_abort(true); $startTime = time(); foreach ($agents_array as $arAgent) { if (time() - $startTime > self::LOCK_TIME - 30) { // locking time control; 30 seconds delta is for the possibly last agent break; } if ($logFunction) { $logFunction($arAgent, "start"); } if ($arAgent["MODULE_ID"] <> '' && $arAgent["MODULE_ID"]!="main") { if (!CModule::IncludeModule($arAgent["MODULE_ID"])) continue; } //update the agent to the running state - if it fails it'll go to the end of the list on the next try $DB->Query("UPDATE b_agent SET RUNNING = 'Y', RETRY_COUNT = RETRY_COUNT+1 WHERE ID = ".$arAgent["ID"]); //these vars can be assigned within agent code $pPERIOD = $arAgent["AGENT_INTERVAL"]; CTimeZone::Disable(); $USER = null; try { $eval_result = ""; $e = eval("\$eval_result=".$arAgent["NAME"]); } catch (Throwable $e) { CTimeZone::Enable(); $application = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance(); $exceptionHandler = $application->getExceptionHandler(); $exceptionHandler->writeToLog($e); continue; } CTimeZone::Enable(); if ($logFunction) { $logFunction($arAgent, "finish", $eval_result, $e); } if ($e === false) { continue; } elseif ($eval_result == '') { $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_agent WHERE ID = ".$arAgent["ID"]; } else { if ($logFunction && function_exists('token_get_all')) { if (count(token_get_all("<?php ".$eval_result)) < 3) { //probably there is an error in the result $logFunction($arAgent, "not_callable", $eval_result, $e); } } $strSql = " UPDATE b_agent SET NAME = '".$DB->ForSQL($eval_result)."', LAST_EXEC = " . $helper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ", NEXT_EXEC = " . $helper->addSecondsToDateTime($pPERIOD, $arAgent["IS_PERIOD"]=="Y"? "NEXT_EXEC" : null) . ", DATE_CHECK = NULL, RUNNING = 'N', RETRY_COUNT = 0 WHERE ID = ".$arAgent["ID"]; } $DB->Query($strSql); } return null; } }