Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2021 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Main\Config; use Bitrix\Main; class Option { protected const CACHE_DIR = "b_option"; protected static $options = []; protected static $loading = []; /** * Returns a value of an option. * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @param string $name The option name. * @param string $default The default value to return, if a value doesn't exist. * @param bool|string $siteId The site ID, if the option differs for sites. * @return string */ public static function get($moduleId, $name, $default = "", $siteId = false) { $value = static::getRealValue($moduleId, $name, $siteId); if ($value !== null) { return $value; } if (isset(self::$options[$moduleId]["-"][$name])) { return self::$options[$moduleId]["-"][$name]; } if ($default == "") { $moduleDefaults = static::getDefaults($moduleId); if (isset($moduleDefaults[$name])) { return $moduleDefaults[$name]; } } return $default; } /** * Returns the real value of an option as it's written in a DB. * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @param string $name The option name. * @param bool|string $siteId The site ID. * @return null|string * @throws Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function getRealValue($moduleId, $name, $siteId = false) { if ($moduleId == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("moduleId"); } if ($name == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (isset(self::$loading[$moduleId])) { trigger_error("Options are already in the process of loading for the module {$moduleId}. Default value will be used for the option {$name}.", E_USER_WARNING); } if (!isset(self::$options[$moduleId])) { static::load($moduleId); } if ($siteId === false) { $siteId = static::getDefaultSite(); } $siteKey = ($siteId == ""? "-" : $siteId); if (isset(self::$options[$moduleId][$siteKey][$name])) { return self::$options[$moduleId][$siteKey][$name]; } return null; } /** * Returns an array with default values of a module options (from a default_option.php file). * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @return array * @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException */ public static function getDefaults($moduleId) { static $defaultsCache = []; if (isset($defaultsCache[$moduleId])) { return $defaultsCache[$moduleId]; } if (preg_match("#[^a-zA-Z0-9._]#", $moduleId)) { throw new Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException("moduleId"); } $path = Main\Loader::getLocal("modules/".$moduleId."/default_option.php"); if ($path === false) { $defaultsCache[$moduleId] = []; return $defaultsCache[$moduleId]; } include($path); $varName = str_replace(".", "_", $moduleId)."_default_option"; if (isset(${$varName}) && is_array(${$varName})) { $defaultsCache[$moduleId] = ${$varName}; return $defaultsCache[$moduleId]; } $defaultsCache[$moduleId] = []; return $defaultsCache[$moduleId]; } /** * Returns an array of set options array(name => value). * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @param bool|string $siteId The site ID, if the option differs for sites. * @return array * @throws Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function getForModule($moduleId, $siteId = false) { if ($moduleId == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("moduleId"); } if (!isset(self::$options[$moduleId])) { static::load($moduleId); } if ($siteId === false) { $siteId = static::getDefaultSite(); } $result = self::$options[$moduleId]["-"]; if($siteId <> "" && !empty(self::$options[$moduleId][$siteId])) { //options for the site override general ones $result = array_replace($result, self::$options[$moduleId][$siteId]); } return $result; } protected static function load($moduleId) { $cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cacheTtl = static::getCacheTtl(); $loadFromDb = true; if ($cacheTtl !== false) { if($cache->read($cacheTtl, "b_option:{$moduleId}", self::CACHE_DIR)) { self::$options[$moduleId] = $cache->get("b_option:{$moduleId}"); $loadFromDb = false; } } if($loadFromDb) { self::$loading[$moduleId] = true; $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); // prevents recursion and cache miss self::$options[$moduleId] = ["-" => []]; $query = " SELECT NAME, VALUE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId)}' "; $res = $con->query($query); while ($ar = $res->fetch()) { self::$options[$moduleId]["-"][$ar["NAME"]] = $ar["VALUE"]; } try { //b_option_site possibly doesn't exist $query = " SELECT SITE_ID, NAME, VALUE FROM b_option_site WHERE MODULE_ID = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId)}' "; $res = $con->query($query); while ($ar = $res->fetch()) { self::$options[$moduleId][$ar["SITE_ID"]][$ar["NAME"]] = $ar["VALUE"]; } } catch(Main\DB\SqlQueryException $e){} if($cacheTtl !== false) { $cache->setImmediate("b_option:{$moduleId}", self::$options[$moduleId]); } unset(self::$loading[$moduleId]); } /*patchvalidationoptions4*/ } /** * Sets an option value and saves it into a DB. After saving the OnAfterSetOption event is triggered. * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @param string $name The option name. * @param string $value The option value. * @param string $siteId The site ID, if the option depends on a site. * @throws Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException */ public static function set($moduleId, $name, $value = "", $siteId = "") { if ($moduleId == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("moduleId"); } if ($name == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("name"); } if (mb_strlen($name) > 100) { trigger_error("Option name {$name} will be truncated on saving.", E_USER_WARNING); } if ($siteId === false) { $siteId = static::getDefaultSite(); } $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $updateFields = [ "VALUE" => $value, ]; if($siteId == "") { $insertFields = [ "MODULE_ID" => $moduleId, "NAME" => $name, "VALUE" => $value, ]; $keyFields = ["MODULE_ID", "NAME"]; $sql = $sqlHelper->prepareMerge("b_option", $keyFields, $insertFields, $updateFields); } else { $insertFields = [ "MODULE_ID" => $moduleId, "NAME" => $name, "SITE_ID" => $siteId, "VALUE" => $value, ]; $keyFields = ["MODULE_ID", "NAME", "SITE_ID"]; $sql = $sqlHelper->prepareMerge("b_option_site", $keyFields, $insertFields, $updateFields); } $con->queryExecute(current($sql)); static::clearCache($moduleId); static::loadTriggers($moduleId); $event = new Main\Event( "main", "OnAfterSetOption_".$name, array("value" => $value) ); $event->send(); $event = new Main\Event( "main", "OnAfterSetOption", array( "moduleId" => $moduleId, "name" => $name, "value" => $value, "siteId" => $siteId, ) ); $event->send(); } protected static function loadTriggers($moduleId) { static $triggersCache = []; if (isset($triggersCache[$moduleId])) { return; } if (preg_match("#[^a-zA-Z0-9._]#", $moduleId)) { throw new Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException("moduleId"); } $triggersCache[$moduleId] = true; $path = Main\Loader::getLocal("modules/".$moduleId."/option_triggers.php"); if ($path === false) { return; } include($path); } protected static function getCacheTtl() { static $cacheTtl = null; if($cacheTtl === null) { $cacheFlags = Configuration::getValue("cache_flags"); $cacheTtl = $cacheFlags["config_options"] ?? 3600; } return $cacheTtl; } /** * Deletes options from a DB. * * @param string $moduleId The module ID. * @param array $filter {name: string, site_id: string} The array with filter keys: * name - the name of the option; * site_id - the site ID (can be empty). * @throws Main\ArgumentNullException */ public static function delete($moduleId, array $filter = array()) { if ($moduleId == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("moduleId"); } $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $deleteForSites = true; $sqlWhere = $sqlWhereSite = ""; if (isset($filter["name"])) { if ($filter["name"] == '') { throw new Main\ArgumentNullException("filter[name]"); } $sqlWhere .= " AND NAME = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($filter["name"])}'"; } if (isset($filter["site_id"])) { if($filter["site_id"] <> "") { $sqlWhereSite = " AND SITE_ID = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($filter["site_id"], 2)}'"; } else { $deleteForSites = false; } } if($moduleId == 'main') { $sqlWhere .= " AND NAME NOT LIKE '~%' AND NAME NOT IN ('crc_code', 'admin_passwordh', 'server_uniq_id','PARAM_MAX_SITES', 'PARAM_MAX_USERS') "; } else { $sqlWhere .= " AND NAME <> '~bsm_stop_date'"; } if($sqlWhereSite == '') { $con->queryExecute(" DELETE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId)}' {$sqlWhere} "); } if($deleteForSites) { $con->queryExecute(" DELETE FROM b_option_site WHERE MODULE_ID = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId)}' {$sqlWhere} {$sqlWhereSite} "); } static::clearCache($moduleId); } protected static function clearCache($moduleId) { unset(self::$options[$moduleId]); if (static::getCacheTtl() !== false) { $cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cache->clean("b_option:{$moduleId}", self::CACHE_DIR); } } protected static function getDefaultSite() { static $defaultSite; if ($defaultSite === null) { $context = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext(); if ($context != null) { $defaultSite = $context->getSite(); } } return $defaultSite; } }