Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/webdav/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Mail; use Bitrix\Mail\Internals\UserSignatureTable; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Engine\CurrentUser; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Mail\Internal\SenderTable; use Bitrix\Main\Event; class Sender { public const MAIN_SENDER_SMTP_LIMIT_DECREASE = 'MainSenderSmtpLimitDecrease'; public static function add(array $fields) { if (empty($fields['OPTIONS']) || !is_array($fields['OPTIONS'])) { $fields['OPTIONS'] = array(); } self::checkEmail($fields, $error, $errors); if ($error || $errors) { return array('error' => $error, 'errors' => $errors); } if (empty($fields['IS_CONFIRMED'])) { $fields['OPTIONS']['confirm_code'] = \Bitrix\Main\Security\Random::getStringByCharsets(5, '0123456789abcdefghjklmnpqrstuvwxyz'); $fields['OPTIONS']['confirm_time'] = time(); } $senderId = 0; $result = Internal\SenderTable::add($fields); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $senderId = $result->getId(); } if (empty($fields['IS_CONFIRMED'])) { $mailEventFields = array( 'DEFAULT_EMAIL_FROM' => $fields['EMAIL'], 'EMAIL_TO' => $fields['EMAIL'], 'MESSAGE_SUBJECT' => getMessage('MAIN_MAIL_CONFIRM_MESSAGE_SUBJECT'), 'CONFIRM_CODE' => mb_strtoupper($fields['OPTIONS']['confirm_code']), ); if (!empty($smtpConfig)) { \Bitrix\Main\EventManager::getInstance()->addEventHandlerCompatible( 'main', 'OnBeforeEventSend', function (&$eventFields, &$message, $context) use (&$smtpConfig) { $context->setSmtp($smtpConfig); } ); } \CEvent::sendImmediate('MAIN_MAIL_CONFIRM_CODE', SITE_ID, $mailEventFields); } else { if (isset($fields['OPTIONS']['__replaces']) && $fields['OPTIONS']['__replaces'] > 0) { Internal\SenderTable::delete( (int) $fields['OPTIONS']['__replaces'] ); } } return ['senderId' => $senderId, 'confirmed' => !empty($fields['IS_CONFIRMED'])]; } /** * Check smtp connection * @param $fields * @param null $error * @param Main\ErrorCollection|null $errors */ public static function checkEmail(&$fields, &$error = null, Main\ErrorCollection &$errors = null) { if (empty($fields['IS_CONFIRMED']) && !empty($fields['OPTIONS']['smtp'])) { $smtpConfig = $fields['OPTIONS']['smtp']; $smtpConfig = new Smtp\Config(array( 'from' => $fields['EMAIL'], 'host' => $smtpConfig['server'], 'port' => $smtpConfig['port'], 'protocol' => $smtpConfig['protocol'], 'login' => $smtpConfig['login'], 'password' => $smtpConfig['password'], 'isOauth' => $smtpConfig['isOauth'] ?? false, )); if ($smtpConfig->canCheck()) { if ($smtpConfig->check($error, $errors)) { $fields['IS_CONFIRMED'] = true; } } } } public static function confirm($ids) { if (!empty($ids)) { $res = Internal\SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '@ID' => (array) $ids, ), )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { Internal\SenderTable::update( (int) $item['ID'], array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, ) ); if (isset($item['OPTIONS']['__replaces']) && $item['OPTIONS']['__replaces'] > 0) { Internal\SenderTable::delete( (int) $item['OPTIONS']['__replaces'] ); } } } } public static function delete($ids) { $userId = CurrentUser::get()->getId(); if(!is_array($ids)) { $ids = [$ids]; } if(empty($ids)) { return; } $smtpConfigs = []; $senders = SenderTable::getList([ 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'desc', ], 'filter' => [ '=USER_ID' => $userId, '@ID' => $ids, 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true] ] )->fetchAll(); $userFormattedName = CurrentUser::get()->getFormattedName(); foreach ($senders as $sender) { if (Loader::includeModule('mail') && $userId) { $senderName = sprintf( '%s <%s>', empty($sender['NAME']) ? $userFormattedName : $sender['NAME'], $sender['EMAIL'], ); $signatures = UserSignatureTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => [ '=USER_ID' => $userId, 'SENDER' => $senderName ], ])->fetchAll(); foreach ($signatures as $signature) { UserSignatureTable::delete($signature['ID']); } } if(!empty($sender['OPTIONS']['smtp']['server']) && empty($sender['OPTIONS']['smtp']['encrypted']) && !isset($smtpConfigs[$sender['EMAIL']])) { $smtpConfigs[$sender['EMAIL']] = $sender['OPTIONS']['smtp']; } } if(!empty($smtpConfigs)) { $senders = SenderTable::getList([ 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'desc', ], 'filter' => [ '@EMAIL' => array_keys($smtpConfigs), '!ID' => $ids ] ])->fetchAll(); foreach($senders as $sender) { if(isset($smtpConfigs[$sender['EMAIL']])) { $options = $sender['OPTIONS']; $options['smtp'] = $smtpConfigs[$sender['EMAIL']]; $result = SenderTable::update($sender['ID'], [ 'OPTIONS' => $options, ]); if($result->isSuccess()) { unset($smtpConfigs[$sender['EMAIL']]); static::clearCustomSmtpCache($sender['EMAIL']); } if(empty($smtpConfigs)) { break; } } } } foreach ((array) $ids as $id) { Internal\SenderTable::delete( (int) $id ); } } public static function clearCustomSmtpCache($email) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cache->clean($email, '/main/mail/smtp'); } public static function getCustomSmtp($email) { static $smtp = array(); if (!isset($smtp[$email])) { $config = false; $cache = new \CPHPCache(); if ($cache->initCache(30*24*3600, $email, '/main/mail/smtp')) { $config = $cache->getVars(); } else { $res = Internal\SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, '=EMAIL' => $email, ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC', ), )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { if (!empty($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['server']) && empty($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['encrypted'])) { $config = $item['OPTIONS']['smtp']; break; } } $cache->startDataCache(); $cache->endDataCache($config); } if ($config) { $config = new Smtp\Config(array( 'from' => $email, 'host' => $config['server'], 'port' => $config['port'], 'protocol' => $config['protocol'], 'login' => $config['login'], 'password' => $config['password'], 'isOauth' => $config['isOauth'], )); if ($config->getIsOauth() && \CModule::includeModule('mail')) { $expireGapSeconds = self::getOAuthTokenExpireGapSeconds(); $token = \Bitrix\Mail\Helper\OAuth::getTokenByMeta($config->getPassword(), $expireGapSeconds); $config->setPassword($token); } } $smtp[$email] = $config; } return $smtp[$email]; } /** * get sending limit by email, returns null if no limit. * @param $email * @return int|null * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function getEmailLimit($email): ?int { $address = new \Bitrix\Main\Mail\Address($email); if (!$address->validate()) { return null; } $email = $address->getEmail(); static $mailLimit = array(); if (!isset($mailLimit[$email])) { $cache = new \CPHPCache(); if ($cache->initCache(3600, $email, '/main/mail/limit')) { $mailLimit[$email] = $cache->getVars(); } else { $res = Internal\SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, '=EMAIL' => $email, ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC', ), )); $limit = null; while ($item = $res->fetch()) { if ($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit'] !== null) { $limit = (int)$item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit']; break; } } $mailLimit[$email] = $limit; $cache->startDataCache(); $cache->endDataCache($mailLimit[$email]); } } return $mailLimit[$email] < 0 ? 0 : $mailLimit[$email]; } /** * Set sender limit by email. Finding all senders with same email and set up limit from option * Returns true if change some email limit. * Returns false if has no changes. * @param string $email * @param int $limit * @return bool * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function setEmailLimit(string $email, int $limit, bool $quite = true): bool { $address = new \Bitrix\Main\Mail\Address($email); if (!$address->validate()) { return false; } $email = $address->getEmail(); $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cache->clean($email, '/main/mail/limit'); $res = Internal\SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, '=EMAIL' => $email, ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC', ), )); if ($limit < 0) { $limit = 0; } $hasChanges = false; while ($item = $res->fetch()) { $oldLimit = (int)($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit'] ?? 0); if ($item['OPTIONS']['smtp'] && $limit !== $oldLimit) { $item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit'] = $limit; $updateResult = Internal\SenderTable::update($item['ID'], ['OPTIONS' => $item['OPTIONS']]); $hasChanges = true; if (!$quite && ($limit < $oldLimit || $oldLimit <= 0) && $updateResult->isSuccess()) { $event = new Event('main', self::MAIN_SENDER_SMTP_LIMIT_DECREASE, ['EMAIL'=>$email]); $event->send(); } } } return $hasChanges; } /** * Remove limit from all connected senders. * @param string $email * @return bool * @throws Main\ArgumentException * @throws Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws Main\SystemException */ public static function removeEmailLimit(string $email): bool { $address = new \Bitrix\Main\Mail\Address($email); if (!$address->validate()) { return false; } $email = $address->getEmail(); $cache = new \CPHPCache(); $cache->clean($email, '/main/mail/limit'); $res = Internal\SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, '=EMAIL' => $email, ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC', ), )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { if (isset($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit'])) { unset($item['OPTIONS']['smtp']['limit']); Internal\SenderTable::update($item['ID'], ['OPTIONS' => $item['OPTIONS']]); } } return true; } public static function applyCustomSmtp($event) { $headers = $event->getParameter('arguments')->additional_headers; $context = $event->getParameter('arguments')->context; if (empty($context) || !($context instanceof Context)) { return; } if ($context->getSmtp() && $context->getSmtp()->getHost()) { return; } if (preg_match('/X-Bitrix-Mail-SMTP-Host:/i', $headers)) { return; } $eol = Mail::getMailEol(); $eolh = preg_replace('/([a-f0-9]{2})/i', '\x\1', bin2hex($eol)); if (preg_match(sprintf('/(^|%1$s)From:(.+?)(%1$s([^\s]|$)|$)/is', $eolh), $headers, $matches)) { $address = new Address(preg_replace(sprintf('/%s\s+/', $eolh), '', $matches[2])); if ($address->validate()) { if ($customSmtp = static::getCustomSmtp($address->getEmail())) { $context->setSmtp($customSmtp); } } } } public static function prepareUserMailboxes($userId = null) { global $USER; static $mailboxes = array(); if (!($userId > 0)) { if (is_object($USER) && $USER->isAuthorized()) { $userId = $USER->getId(); } } if (!($userId > 0)) { return array(); } if (array_key_exists($userId, $mailboxes)) { return $mailboxes[$userId]; } $mailboxes[$userId] = array(); if (is_object($USER) && $USER->isAuthorized() && $USER->getId() == $userId) { $userData = array( 'ID' => $USER->getId(), 'TITLE' => $USER->getParam("TITLE"), 'NAME' => $USER->getFirstName(), 'SECOND_NAME' => $USER->getSecondName(), 'LAST_NAME' => $USER->getLastName(), 'LOGIN' => $USER->getLogin(), 'EMAIL' => $USER->getEmail(), ); $isAdmin = in_array(1, $USER->getUserGroupArray()); } else { $userData = Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'TITLE', 'NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'EMAIL'), 'filter' => array('=ID' => $userId), ))->fetch(); $isAdmin = in_array(1, \CUser::getUserGroup($userId)); } $userNameFormated = \CUser::formatName(\CSite::getNameFormat(), $userData, true, false); if (\CModule::includeModule('mail')) { foreach (\Bitrix\Mail\MailboxTable::getUserMailboxes($userId) as $mailbox) { if (!empty($mailbox['EMAIL'])) { $mailboxName = trim($mailbox['USERNAME']) ?: trim($mailbox['OPTIONS']['name']) ?: $userNameFormated; $key = hash('crc32b', mb_strtolower($mailboxName).$mailbox['EMAIL']); $mailboxes[$userId][$key] = array( 'name' => $mailboxName, 'email' => $mailbox['EMAIL'], 'showEditHint' => true, ); } } } // @TODO: query $crmAddress = new Address(Main\Config\Option::get('crm', 'mail', '')); if ($crmAddress->validate()) { $key = hash('crc32b', mb_strtolower($userNameFormated).$crmAddress->getEmail()); $mailboxes[$userId][$key] = [ 'name' => $crmAddress->getName() ?: $userNameFormated, 'email' => $crmAddress->getEmail(), ]; } $res = SenderTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'IS_CONFIRMED' => true, array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '=USER_ID' => $userId, 'IS_PUBLIC' => true, ), ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'ASC', ), )); while ($item = $res->fetch()) { $item['NAME'] = trim($item['NAME']) ?: $userNameFormated; $item['EMAIL'] = mb_strtolower($item['EMAIL']); $key = hash('crc32b', mb_strtolower($item['NAME']).$item['EMAIL']); if (!isset($mailboxes[$userId][$key])) { $mailboxes[$userId][$key] = [ 'id' => $item['ID'], 'name' => $item['NAME'], 'email' => $item['EMAIL'], 'can_delete' => $userId == $item['USER_ID'] || $item['IS_PUBLIC'] && $isAdmin, ]; } else if (!isset($mailboxes[$userId][$key]['id'])) { $mailboxes[$userId][$key]['id'] = $item['ID']; $mailboxes[$userId][$key]['can_delete'] = $userId == $item['USER_ID'] || $item['IS_PUBLIC'] && $isAdmin; } } foreach ($mailboxes[$userId] as $key => $item) { $mailboxes[$userId][$key]['formated'] = sprintf( $item['name'] ? '%s <%s>' : '%s%s', $item['name'], $item['email'] ); $mailboxes[$userId][$key]['userId'] = $userId; } $mailboxes[$userId] = array_values($mailboxes[$userId]); return $mailboxes[$userId]; } private static function getOAuthTokenExpireGapSeconds(): int { // we use 55 minutes because providers give tokens for 1 hour or more, // 5 minutes is left for not refresh token too frequent, for mass send $default = isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') ? 55 * 60 : 10; return (int)Main\Config\Option::get('main', '~oauth_token_expire_gap_seconds', $default); } }